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Hezekiah Tiamiyu
“You are about to launch into a quick
journey that touches many shores of
your life. I encourage you to prayerfully
study the words shared with you in this
book and apply them in order that they
may work in you.
Do not just read but study and apply!
Put the word to work! ”
-Hezekiah Tiamiyu
Teachable Spirit
Building Character
More Than A Woman
Salt or Sugar?
The Sower
Dust Off the Past
Dream Huge

Proverbs 13:18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that
refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof
shall be honoured.
ne secret to Christian growth is the
ability to be teachable. You cannot
claim to be continuously "filled" with
the Holy Spirit without being teachable. The
Holy Spirit is a teaching Spirit, He is a
teacher, so if you're not teachable, you
cannot claim to be full of Him.

To be teachable means you have the mind-

set of a lifelong learner. You're consistently
open to learning from anyone at any time on
any topic. Being teachable is foundational to
spiritual growth and character development
in all areas of our walk with the Lord.
You see, have you noticed that it is even
easier to see young unteachable believers
than older ones? Young people don't want to
be young in knowledge! They all want to be
high and mighty! It's good to desire such
height, but you must possess and maintain
teachability, Regardless of the height you've
got to or your age.

“If you make yourself appear so high and mighty and

unteachable, you'd miss out on so many positive

Prov 13:10 ESV “By insolence comes nothing but strife,

but with those who take advice is wisdom.”

You must be opened to advise! You know,

one thing I've tried to do as a leader is to
make sure people can talk to me, I try to
make sure they don't have a perception
about me that they can't speak to me. Allow
counsel, take instructions, have a teachable
spirit, don't hide yourself pretending you
know so much when you really could learn
from people around!

Every leader wants to work with teachable

followers! Every follower wants to walk with
a leader that hears them. When I'm thinking
of investing in a potential leader, the first
quality I look for is whether or not he has a
teachable spirit. If a leader isn't teachable,
he will be resistant to hearing instruction
both from God and from others and will
likely make little progress when it comes to
personal growth and spiritual maturity. If the
leader is truly teachable, he will freely grant
other people permission and freedom to
speak to him. You see he doesn't have to
'always' accept what they say, but he's got to
listen to them!

As a believer, don't shut your mind when

you're in the church and a minister is
preaching something you've previously
known or you don't understand. Instead,
listen! Then, go back to the word and ask the
Holy Spirit to tell you what exactly is true as
you study God's word

Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own

conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.

1 Peter 5:5 In the same way you younger people must

submit yourselves to your elders. And all of you must
put on the apron of humility, to serve one another; for
the scripture says, “God resists the proud, but shows
favor to the humble.”

This scripture talks about submitting to

elders, i.e those who are ahead of you. I
hope you know it's not only by age that a
person can be ahead of you? Now,
something noteworthy about this scripture is
it doesn't only refer to elders (those who
have gone ahead of you). It also refers to
those who are just like you. It says "serve one
another." The word serve here is the Greek
Word 'hupotassō' which one of its meaning
is 'to yield to one's admonition or advice.’

So, "Humility isn't only to those ahead of

you, but to everyone!" Say with me, I have a
teachable Spirit, I listen to counsel!
Finally, how do you identify an unteachable
and a teachable spirit?

 People with an unteachable spirit don't take

notes nor read books except it's compulsory,
like you really have to force them to do so.
 They don't ask questions or attempt anything
that might reveal their ignorance.
 ·They don't seek or accept one-to-one personal
guidance or mentoring.
 ·They don't take criticism or correction without
resentment or retaliation.
 They don't read, listen to, or learn anything
that challenges their existing believes,
presuppositions, practices, and prejudices.
They'd rather just remain with the "unchecked
truth" they have.
 ·Many of them also do little listening and
more talking especially when they are with
someone they could actually learn from.

So, check yourself, be humble enough to

check yourself and correct your wrongs.

What are the characteristics of a teachable


 They always take down notes; either you're

teaching what they know or don't know.
 They are aware of the limitations of their own
knowledge and abilities.
 They admit limitation, inability, and ignorance
to others who can teach and help.
 They'd regularly ask for help, instruction,
guidance, and advice (before the event, not
after disaster strikes and when they fail to,
they still seek for advice of their mistakes).
 ·They listen to others carefully and patiently
with a desire to learn from everyone although
carefully sieving what they hear around by the
Word of God!
 ·They don't give up when they fail at
something, but seek help, and try again and
again until they get it right.
 ·They're willing to change their views and
practices when convincing evidence is
presented to them, even if it means admitting
they were wrong

Proverbs 29:1 If you get more stubborn every time you

are corrected, one day you will be crushed and never

Proverbs 9:9 Anything you say to the wise will make

them wiser. Whatever you tell the righteous will add
to their knowledge.

Can you pray?

Thank you Father for these words, I declare
that you help me be teachable, that you help
me take corrections and advise, you help me
take instructions and walk in love In the
name of Jesus.
hat Do You Think Character Is?
What is your personal thought on

Character is the features that make up a

picture! The picture you see of yourself or
that others see of you have certain features
and that is Character! The features are either
physical attributions, reactions, words or
lifestyle. Character is the feature that makes
up a picture!

Character comes from the Greek word,

“kharakter” which means basically to
“engrave with a stick.” Like an engraving on
the wall, so is character to a man!

You see, Character has a nature of shooting

itself out. You can't hide character for too
long, its nature is to show, it'll show! If you
have a bad Character and you're working on
it, while working on it, it'd still show –but
keep improving on it till the new is formed
as an engraving, then will it show! Character
cannot but show! Character is like the fruit of
the tree.

Listen to this, this is thought-provoking now;

If character is your fruit, then it means that
whatsoever seed you've planted in
yourself is the fruit that occurs as your
character. It'd mean that Character is
intentional as seed planting is intentional!

So first, before discussing anything further, I

want you to believe that the character you
exhibit now is improvable! And it is
changeable if it isn't right! There's nothing
like “that's how I was created to be” No! You
were actually created to dominate, so your
character is under your domain, YOU CAN FIX
IT!!! Don't let any thoughts put you down to
what you are.

You can become whatsoever character you

wish to be the feature of you! I don't like it
when I hear people say, “that's just who I
am!” No, you can't be just that, you're
greater! C'mon say where you are; “I AM
MORE THAN JUST THAT!!! My Character Is
Under My Domain!!!” Oh glory! Listen, get a
list of the characters you exhibit, write it
down and write under it, 'My Character Is
under my domain!' Soon, you'd see you
change the features that make up your

Hear me, you may be spiritual but without

character your success may be stunted! You
must learn to position yourself for great
height with character! Remember, there's
nothing like “that's who I am”, you're greater
than that!

Ephesians 4:13 And so we shall all come together to

that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the
Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching
to the very height of Christ's full stature. (Good News

God expects us to grow our character! We

have a growing process to undergo, we are
to become “mature people.”

Our character is to be built to the Christ-like

stature! Character is never built in a
classroom. Character is built in the
circumstances of life. That's worth a thought!
God builds character in our lives by allowing
us to experience situations where we are
lured to do the exact opposite of the
character quality! You say you have learnt
patience and have built your character to be
patient…that's great! Theoretically great!
However, it is at the point where your resolve
is tested that your character is built! When
life presses you, when situations challenge
you, what do you express? “Theories help
you know how character is expected of you,
circumstances helps you engrave the
character on you!” Circumstances will come
where you have to get angry and make rash
decision but character building is that you
step on the brakes and refuse to get angry.

It is not in your saying that you have

conquered anger that you conquer anger, It
is not in your saying that you have
conquered bitterness that you conquer
bitterness, you must stay true to what you
confess when circumstances arises! When
you overcome that character, over and over
in circumstances of life, then you can truly
say you've gone passed that.

Hear me, character is predictable! Your

character shouldn't fluctuate by every wind
that blows. Character isn't unpredictable!
You don't get into character swings, are you
a swing? Character is predictable, I can tell
what a person's reaction to a word or
statement will be based on the character I've
known of him and because of the character I
know of a person, I should know that person.

For example, if I know a man to be hard to

anger, or “unmoody”, I'd need to be double
sure if he's angry or moody whenever he
responds in that light. Same as if I know him
to be easily angry, easily moody, I wouldn't
need to check, I'd just know he's angry or
moody, whereas, when a man's character is
unpredictable, one will never be able to tell.
Character I say again, is predictable!

Yes, there are times when you're going

through your changing phase! I taught earlier
that character can be changed, it can be
fixed! The period before it is fixed, is a
Changing Phase! During this time, people
will still know and judge you by the last you
they can predict but when you're done with
this phase, the new character you've built
becomes predictable!

When building character, public statements

and sentiments don't really matter, they
change after the process! Those public
statements are based on what those people
have known of you before. So don't get
weary when people haven't seen the new
you, just keep building! Keep advancing!!
Keep tearing down every character that
doesn't lift you; ”The dark past soon dies
when a bright present appears.”

One of the greatest character of all is

humility! Humility keeps you learning. To
attain high heights, you must build right,
good and Godly character.

Go for gold! Improve your character! Improve

your love life, improve your communication
skill. Put a halt to quick temper! Put a halt to
shyness! Yes! Shyness!! Some people won't
surge ahead because they're always shy, and
nobody puts a shy person on the spotlight
for the shy person is actually shy of being
there too. So shyness is an attribute you must
improve on! Build yourself constantly! Don't
stay where you are! YOU'RE NOT IN THE
BEST FIX YET!! When you think you're
humble, wait till you meet people more
humble than you are, you've not got to the
peak of your character, you can build more,

I encourage you to intentionally take

Character building seriously! Be intentional
about it! When you fail, you try again! Till we
become the height of the fullness of the
stature of Christ! Look within yourself, be
true to yourself, whatever you see you don't
like, whatever you see isn't for “the top”,

Take Action;
 ·Are there any characters you know of yourself
that isn't the best? Write them out!
 ·How exactly can you work on them?
 ·When exactly do you begin work on them?
(Special sermon at the Lovely Jewels Seminar. I have
included this sermon in this book because I believe
every woman deserves to have this knowledge and
what more, -every man too.)

ne of the things I'd strongly mention
first is that “A Confident Woman Is
A Solution woman”. She is a
solution and not a problem, she may not
always have the right answers, but a
confident woman has trained herself in
problem solving and creative thinking. One
of the trainings you'd give yourself from now
is in Critical thinking. Don't be quick in 'not
having an opinion'!

Allow me let you in on a little secret, men

don't like “I don't know” women, don't be
quick to 'not know'. When you get married,
your husband and children will need a lot of
your opinion and counsel and you'd lose
value when you always “don't know”. In fact,
silence isn't always a virtue. Train yourself to
always think out solutions, to always have
opinions, valuable ones.

A Confident woman is a Tarrying woman!

She is a praying woman!! She prays and she
prays long! Prayer is a part of a woman who
is unashamed, she is actively in it! Some of
the greatest recorded intercessors we know
of have been women. A confident woman is
a committed intercessor! She is a praying
woman, she stays faithful at the altar of
prayer. Ladies today have become lazy about
prayer. They find it very quick to sleep and
complain of stomach ache when prayer is on.
Many have made prayer a 911, A call of
trouble times when it ought to be just 1; the
first call of all times! “Another name for a
woman is 'room-man'; she controls things
there on her knees”

I'd like to introduce you to some women,

women who have changed the world at the
altar of prayer! The first person is quite
unpopular, Her name is Jochebed, meaning
Honour Of God. Jochebed was more than
just a woman, she was a confident woman.
She was a “room-man” whose faithfulness to
God in the room brought about Israel's

Exodus 2:1-3 A man from the family of Levi married a

Levite woman. The woman became pregnant and had
a son. She saw there was something special about him
and hid him. She hid him for three months. When she
couldn't hide him any longer she got a little basket-
boat made of papyrus, waterproofed it with tar and
pitch, and placed the child in it. Then she set it afloat
in the reeds at the edge of the Nile. (MSG)

Jochebed was a praying woman, she had a

strong connection with God, the Bible
doesn't say much about her, but when you
read Exodus 2:1-3 again and again you could
see the words unwritten in that verse. How
did Jochebed know the kind of son Moses
was? The Bible says “she saw something
about him”, in other words, she saw his
future! Let me ask you, have you seen your
own future? A woman who is yet to see her
own future, how does she see the glory of
her children?

Hear this; refuse to be a Christian who is just

there!! Confident women are not “just there”
women!! Jochebed was such a prayerful
woman that she trusted God enough to keep
Moses in the river, and she didn't just keep
him in the river, she prepared him as one
who knew God was not going to make him
die! What a Faith! What a woman!

Another confident woman is Hannah. You

want to be like Hannah? Hannah is a woman
who tarried! Hear me, “WHEN A WOMAN
DELIVERER!” Sussanah Wesley was such a
woman!! Susannah Wesley had issues with
her husband, political and religious, she had
19 children and 10 died. In poverty, she raised
up 9 children many times without her
husband. There was something about this
woman, she was a praying woman! She'd
use her apron to cover her face when
children are around disturbing and she'd
pray. It is said that she prayed 2hours
everyday just for her children!! You know
John Wesley and Charles Wesley?? Those are
her children!!

There was a woman praying for Jesus!! She

had prayed all her life and she had seen
Jesus' life before he was even born! Her
name is Anna.

Luke 2:36-38 Anna the prophetess was also there, a

daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher. She was
by now a very old woman. She had been married
seven years and a widow for eighty-four. She never left
the Temple area, worshiping night and day with her
fastings and prayers. At the very time Simeon was
praying, she showed up, broke into an anthem of
praise to God, and talked about the child to all who
were waiting expectantly for the freeing of Jerusalem.

Read this verse again and again and again!

84years after her husband died, she
remained Tarrying! No wonder she knew so
much of the little Jesus.

I must say this as the Lord laid in my heart; ”A

man is a spiritual head of the home; a woman
is a spiritual influence!” The future of your
future children is in your hands, start tarrying
today! You're the influence your home needs!
C'mon say, I am a Tarrying woman! Make a
decision to be such!

Let's quickly turn on to Luke 23:55 and also

Acts 1:14
Luke 23:55 And the women also, which
came with him from Galilee, followed after,
and beheld the sepulchre, and how his

Act 1:14 These all continued with one accord

in prayer and supplication, with the women,
and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his

Who are THE women? What significance did

this "the women" have? Back in Ancient
Israel before Jesus came (and even in his
days) there was a myopic view of women.
The Jews had a dim view of women, Jewish
women were not allowed to receive an
education and their only training was in
house keep and keep children raising. They
were also excluded from worshipping God.
You see, like you see the demarcation in
mosques today is same as it was back then;
In Herod's temple, there was a special court
that stood on the very outside.
It was called the court of the Gentiles. The
Gentiles could go into that court, but they
were limited to that area alone. Five steps
above the Gentiles court was the women's
court. The women were limited to that one
area. Fifteen steps above that was the Jewish
men's court. Thus men were given far more
privileges to worship God than were women.

Today, you still see this culture and belief in

the mosques where women can't pray in
front of a man and in most cases, in the
same court, oh what a myopic view!

In those days, women didn't even have a say

in marriage, she can't decide who to marry
nor can she initiate a divorce. In fact, it was a
shame in ancient Israel for a man to talk to a
woman in public. So a woman wasn't
permitted to stay so much in the public;
you, this view about women still hasn't
changed so much in recent centuries.

The only difference now is that the "Limit is

not forced on a woman, any woman who
breaks the WO will shake her WOrld!." Since
the fall of humanity, women have been
regarded as second-class citizens—inferior
to men.

But something happened that changed all

that.............. JESUS CAME! Glory!!!

In Jesus Christ, we find God's view of a

woman not man's view, not the American
view, not the European view, not the Asian
view, not the African view, not the South
American view, not even the Pastor's view.
But God's view! Many occurrences since
Jesus came proves that God views woman as

The life of God was first placed in the womb

of a woman before it got to you and to me,
God made flesh first dwelt in a
woman!......and beloved, God was not
ashamed to do so! But don't forget that God-
made-flesh(Jesus) could only have been
raised by a man (Joseph), little wonder God
didn't allow Joseph leave, not to say a
woman can't raise a child but God in His
wisdom shows us that both a man and a
woman are equally created to do great
things. So I'm not teaching you to look down
on men, I'm teaching you to look up at
yourself! I don't support feminism because I
don't even see what it's about.

Hear me, don't join those shouting for equal

rights with men. The man is the leader, as it
was ordained in the beginning, because if
there's no leadership there's no forwardship.
But you and I know that because someone is
the leader doesn't mean they are better than
you, right? However, because that person
has been placed in that position, you must
respect and honor the person! It isn't same
as being inferior, it is being wise! That's by
the way anyways, a small digression.

In those days, it was a shame for a man to

talk to a woman in public but Jesus in John 4
showed how that was a lie when he spoke to
a woman in public.

John 4:27 And upon this came his disciples, and

marvelled that he talked with the woman: yet no man
said, What seekest thou? or, Why talkest thou with

When Dr. Luke writes his Gospel, he refers to

the twelve disciples with the shorthand
phrase "the Twelve". The Twelve lived with
the Lord for three-and-a-half years. And they
followed Him everywhere but Jesus also had
a group of female disciples. Dr. Luke also
used a shorthand phrase to refer to them. He
simply called them "the Women" (check our
opening scriptures). Amazing!

So Jesus didn't just have The Twelve, he had

"The Women" too Oh amazing! Ladies,
there's something so strong about being a
woman that you need to understand! "The
world saw these female beings as 'just
women', someone out of a man but Jesus
saw the female being as 'just god',
someone out of a God!”

A woman is not a product of a man's

physique. You do not look like man because
you were taken from man's rib, but because
you were brought from God's hands –the
same source where man was made from!
Your origin is God! Your root is God! You are
more than a woman; you're a God-man!
Jesus told you, that ye are gods! He didn't
say men are gods, he said YOU lady, are god!
And because you're a God-man, you must
understand that everything God can do is
what you can do!

You're not weak because you're a woman,

there are weak men too! You're not fragile
because you're a woman, there are fragile
men too! "Womanhood isn't the definition
of you! Godhood defines you!”

If you think of you based on your

womanhood, you'll see too many limits. In
womanhood, you'll have to go through so
much pain in labour, and then stress in
breastfeeding, but in Godhood, THIS
DOESN'T HAPPEN! Glooory!!!!

To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply

your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall
bring forth children. Your desire shall be for
your husband, and he shall rule over you.”
Gen 3:16.
This is Womanhood, when the woman lost
The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the
Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian
women, for they are vigorous and give birth
before the midwife comes to them.” Exodus

This is Godhood differentiated from

Womanhood!!! Oh how amazing!
Begin to view yourself from the perspective,
from the lenses of Godhood. God doesn't
have weaknesses, don't live in the realm of
weaknesses. They say a woman has
emotional weakness, well, that's a woman,
you're a Godman! They say a woman has
financial weakness, well, that's a woman,
you're a Godman! They say what a man can
do a woman can't do, well that's a woman,
you're a Godman!

C'mon say, I (your name) am more than a

woman, I'm a Godman!
Make a decision today to be a solution
woman, a tarrying woman and a God kind of
Matthew 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt
have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is
thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and

to be trodden under foot of men.
hen Jesus said we're the salt of
the earth, he meant we're the
change agents of the earth for
God! We have a responsibility to change the
world! We have a responsibility to change
the taste of the world. We have a
responsibility to add sweetness to the world
C'mon say "I have a responsibility to add
sweetness to the world!”
Listen, we could either add sweetness to the
world by being a salt or a sugar. Sugar is
more attractive than salt you know. In fact, it
tastes sweeter than it. Salt isn't so attractive,
yet highly needed! I don't know so much
about cooking, but I know you can hardly
call a food you cook without salt.....hardly.

A sugar Christian is attractive. He attracts the

people of the world to himself because he is
ready to conform to THEIR STANDARDS. A
sugar Christian is ready to conform to the
ways of life of the world. In fact, all his role
models are from that side of the world. A
sugar Christian is practically
indistinguishable from the surrounding
culture. If this is who you are right now,
begin to make up your mind for a change.
The secular world has a bigger effect on him
than the church. He sees nothing wrong with
nightclubs. "It's just fun" he says. Hear me
strong, if you have no issue with secular
music as called, YOU ARE A SUGAR

I've seen Choir members, music ministers

listen to Michael Jackson, Beyonce? And they
say "we're just using it for practice." No!
That's an insult to saltiness! Salt doesn't
look up to sugar to be the best! Conformity
with the world is conformity with the world!
Period! Oh I just want to follow her pitch, I
want to scream like she did in that song....
DARKNESS!!!! A little here, a little there,
you're taking in some sugar into your body!!!
The only thing that comes into this salt man
is the gospel! You may not like it but it's the

So a sugar Christian lives by the justification

of his lust than the essence of His Christ. I
repeat, "A sugar Christian lives by the
justification of his lust than the essence of
His Christ." He has a justification for his
UnChristly actions. When she appears nude,
she says "there is liberty in Christ." Don't
justify scripture for your world standard.
Evangelism is not in the agenda of a Sugar
Christian. He is that Christian that says,
"A little good, a little bad makes our lives
complete." Hear me, write this, tell
everyone; "Christians who seek to balance
the Spirit with the flesh becomes spilesh
–tasteless, spilled out!”

Be careful about sugar Christians, they're

sometimes serious activity-christians but
carnally minded. If you hang on around them,
you'll soon lose touch of God's word! They've
got a lot of good moral & motivational talk
but you know, "The word of God isn't a
motivational speech, it's life!" Let me say this
finally about this people, they are attractive,
but soon wither! Try putting sugar on the
table and watch what happens when you
return to it!

Finally, I'd tell you 4 things you are/do as a


 The salty believer INFLUENCES the taste

of the world!

You influence the taste of your friends, by

your lifestyle and impact, you can change the
things that are tasty to your friends. You can
influence the cloth, music, character, ideas
etc that they have.
father, Pst. Mavis Orji once said, "You have
the capacity by your Christian nature to
influence the taste of the world around

 The Salty Christian REVEALS the hidden

taste in the lives of the people you meet!

The salty Christian believes in people, sees

the best in people and helps reveal to them
that salt in their lives too!
 The Salty Christian ADDS taste to
people's lives

He creates a thirst for more in people's lives!!

He just makes them want to have & be more!
He creates hunger for deeper!!

This is who we ought to be as believers; the

Salt of the earth! We must intentionally
choose to Create thirst, Reveal taste,
Influence taste, Add taste!

If you can, just say out loud;

I CREATE thirst for more!
I REVEAL hidden tastes!
I ADD taste!

Let's Pray;
Father thank you for making us salt to this
world, I receive Insight on how to live as salt
to the world In Jesus name.
od's word is the best sweetener in
the life of a believer. When you mix
it with anything; prayer, relationship,
business etc, it produces extraordinary
taste. As the word comes, don't just receive
it, mix it into every area of your life, apply it
to different areas as it applies to you.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have breaking

news for you! Today we live in the most
distracted generations of all time! That's
breaking news!
Gadgets are increasingly on the rise and
almost everything is on the internet now!
We are now in danger! The believer is in
danger of running to Google for help rather
than to God and that's doom! Beloved,
welcome to the most distracted generations
ever! Do you find it hard to focus? You can't
focus on one thing and because of this you
end up accumulating nothing? So I searched
and found that a whole lot of the most
successful people on earth are successful
because they have learned to be hyper-
focused! —including Jesus! Even on the road
to the cross, Jesus remained focused! No
wonder the spitting didn't get to him! Those
who he healed and helped may have been in
that crowd, but he didn't lose his focus
through hatred or hurt....he remained

Let's take a sneak peek into Jesus' illustration

in the famous parable of the Sower in
Matthew 13.

In this parable, Jesus mentioned 4 types of

soils! Note: we can be any of those types of
soils at any time. It's not a permanent
position. Hence, we must ensure to stay in
the best shape always!
Let's look at the first
Matthew 13:3-4 And he spake many things
unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a
sower went forth to sow; And when he
sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and
the fowls came and devoured them up:

The wayside soil

This is the soil that is so packed down from
people walking all over it that it can't really
start growing because the “Birds come and
Snatch it away.” The birds represent those
distractions that just kind of pop up! Those
little annoying birds that just tweet, and
another tweet, and another gram, okay now
it's a WhatsApp and notification after
notification. Those annoying little birds! They
just come and snatch up the seed and they're
gone. You might be getting on your
computer to look up something for a
research paper and a cat video pops you spend the next hour
watching videos on YouTube instead of
doing what you're meant to do.

Yes you know what I'm talking about saint!

You heard a lesson at church that really
connected with you, but before you left the
building someone gave you a dirty look or
didn't talk to you and then you forget all
about that lesson that you wanted to make
sure it took root. Someone comes and
snatch the seed away! Those annoying little
birds! Maybe you want to study your bible,
then a friend walks in and starts up a funny
conversation .......and the distractions just
keep coming.

Those annoying little birds! These are those

completely unexpected distractions...the
ones that you can't see coming. You see,
the problem is NOT the seed, it's always
the soil! Someone can hear the same
message (seed) and receive it while for you it
might not have taken root. The problem then
must be the soil, not the seed. You are letting
them off! Pastor gives a prophecy for the
year, for the month, but you don't see them
in your life. No, it's not the seed! Those
annoying little birds may just have gotten
them off your soil! You allowed the
heartbreak, the setback, the lack, the hurt get
you off track! You never remembered the
prophecy! Those annoying little birds!

Beloved, as we go into the new year, find out,

in the past year,

 What distractions were coming in

snatching away your seeds before they
ever have the chance to produce a
 What are "those annoying little birds" for
Hurt? Anger? Pain? Finance? Relationship?
Lust? Break up? Envy? Depression? Your
Phone? Your Lack? Say NO to those annoying
little birds! C'mon say; “I'm not letting those
annoying little birds anymore!” Saints, we
must learn to keep our gaze at Jesus!

Hebrews 3:1 So, my dear Christian friends, companions

in following this call to the heights, take a good hard
look at Jesus. He's the centerpiece of everything we

It says we should fix our thoughts hardly on


Hebrews 12:2 Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began

and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it.
Because he never lost sight of where he was headed -
that exhilarating finish in and with God - he could put
up with anything along the way: cross, shame,
whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor,
right alongside God. (MSG)

Keep your eyes on Jesus not on the problem!

Keep your eyes on Jesus not on the hurt, not
on the chat, not on the pain, not on those
annoying little birds

Hebrews 12:2 Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began

and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it.
Because he never lost sight of where he was headed -
that exhilarating finish in and with God - he could put up
with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And
now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.

You probably have lost sight of the things

that God has told you! You probably have
lost sight of the prophecies from this
ministry! You probably have lost sight of the
visions you've seen of your future! Some
have lost sight of what they need to do daily
or weekly or monthly. SOME HAVE LOST
SIGHT! I tell you, you have got to get those
annoying little birds out of the way!

Hear this, "anytime you don't fix your eyes on

Jesus, you face the storms that Jesus has
fixed!" What are some of the small things
that typically distract you from your
decisions? Get the annoying little birds out
of the way! Get the annoying little birds out
of the way!

So I started to say that in the parable of the
sower, Jesus mentioned 4 kinds of soils and
we looked at the first one already! I
encourage you to ponder on those words
before moving further!

Every prophecy, every word, every vision you

have received or seen is 100% available and
true; the seed isn't the issue! It's the soil!
What you plant them in! The first soil is the
one where it is exposed to those annoying
little birds!

Matthew 13:3,5-6 And he spake many things unto them

in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;
Some fell upon stony places, where they had not
much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because
they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was
up, they were scorched; and because they had no root,
they withered away.

Today's soil talks about the rocky ground

The one filled with so much stones and
debris. Verses 20 and 21 explain that this
type of soil is like someone who hears the
word but there is no ROOT or depth because
when the sun comes up, when trouble arises,
they bow out...they give up! The seed was
unable to take root because of all the rocks
in the ground. Too many things were going
on around the seed, too many stones, too
many debris! So when the plant tried to take
root, it could only tap its root into the soil a
little and when pressure plucks

Too many things going on! Too many stones,

too many debris! All of different kinds of
rocks! Just like the soil had too many rocks,
too many obstacles in the way...sometimes
we just have too much going on!!

Many times we get so stressed, so distracted

because we are just way to busy and you
know, this comes to affect our prayer lives,
this comes to affect our study life! You can't
even remember the prophecy spoken to you
because just as about when service ended,
just at about when we finished are off already with another
business. From there, those annoying little
birds pop up again!

Too busy that you never went back to that

prophecy, that word, that insight, that vision!
You've got too many stones, too many
debris, all of different kinds! At times we get
so busy that we completely lose sight of
what our goal is. Yeah? You've ran off doing
so many things and then you come back to
ask, 'what was the reason I started this thing
in the first place?' This can be applied to both
everyday life and your spiritual life. Maybe
the reason why you do not hear God is
because you're too busy. You're too busy with
so much —important and unimportant —
that the most time you've given to God is to
say God no time again or you're too BUSY
MAKING REQUESTS when you pray and so
you can't hear him! You know God gives us a
solution for this

1 Kings 19:11-13 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon

the mount before the Lord . And, behold, the Lord
passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the
mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the
Lord ; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the
wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the
earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the
Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small
voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he
wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and
stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there
came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou
here, Elijah?
Elijah was looking for God in the busy, He was
looking for God amongst the distractions. The
rocks broke in pieces, there were too many
rocks, too many activities, but the Lord wasn't
there! He searched the tornado, the
earthquake, and then in a raging fire...yet
where did he find God? IN THE QUIET.........IN

God tells us to “BE STILL” and recognize that

He is God. Why do you think that God says
that we should be still? Because it is in the
moments of rest that we can focus! It is in
those moments that we can really see and
connect with God. It is in those moments of
rest that we can actually concentrate and
focus on what needs to get done. And rest
doesn't always mean taking a nap, it doesn't
always mean sitting still, it doesn't always
mean being alone...REST CAN BE FOUND
ANYWHERE! You may find rest by just simply
eliminating a distraction.
Meaningful rest is found when you truly take
that time to refocus. Don't stress over all the
things that you have going on. Don't think
about all the other things that you could be
doing during your few minutes of rest. Don't
think about what you are going to eat for
lunch or supper. Just spend 5 minutes
focusing. Yes! 5 mins of unbothered

See, I could have so much going on with me

—although they're not completely different
kinds of rocks but I never have been too busy
to lose focus on any! I use the rest principle!
I'm usually mysteriously unbothered! I just
take time off, maybe not to sleep but to
rethink, remold, revisit one at a time. I often
tell a mentee, when I say I'm busy, many
times I'm actually meditating. I give more
time to it than the activities –not worrying,
but seeing! Sometimes you burnt out
because you were trying to think everything
at a time! That's too much busy-ness! I have
each thing planned out; the what, the when,
the why!

This is what I do to keep off the many rocks! I

stay still, and focus on just one thing per
time. This morning I was all about Worship
beyond words. I didn't add up any rock to it
till I was done.

Stop getting too busy —even in your head! If

you will learn to focus on one task at a time
rather than looking at EVERYTHING and
getting so overwhelmed by it all that you
can't focus on what is most important, I think
you will find that you have less stress, more
time, and more joy. Being busy isn't a
business requirement for being blessed,
being diligent is! Beloved be busy-less! Rest!
So far we have established that the problem
isn't actually the SEED but the SOIL.

Matthew 13:7 KJV And some fell among thorns; and the
thorns sprung up, and choked them:

Verse 22 explains that in verse 7; "He also that

received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the
word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness
of riches, choke the word, and he becometh
unfruitful." (Matt 13:22)

The first soil pointed us to Distractions; those

annoying little birds. Next one pointed us to
Busy-ness without Rest! Today's soil points
us to WORRY! The distraction of worry or the
worries/ cares of the world.
Worry takes a huge toll on us spiritually,
mentally and even physically! We worry
about all kinds of things! We worry about the
past, we worry about the present, and we
worry about the future! Worry! Worry!
Worry! And the funny thing is most of these
worries are rooted in 2 little words...WHAT
and IF.......WHAT IF........
What if it doesn't work? What if I don't pass
the test?
What if my dad doesn't send money? What if
I don't sing well?
What if I am blamed? What if my future
doesn't come as planned?
What if no one accepts me? What if, what if,
what if!

But can't you see that most of your worries

are things that haven't even happened yet?
In fact most of the things we worry about
will probably never happen! But we worry
about the “what if's”...and we let them
distract us, so we sit still and don't move!
Worry becomes a fear which builds up
failure! "Worry becomes a fear which
builds up failure!”
We find ourselves getting distracted with all
the worries of life and the seed is choked out
and rather than grow fruit we exhume sighs,
anger, pain, depression! But Paul shows us a
way out of all these worries

Phil 4:7 “And the peace of God which surpassing all

understanding will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ.”

PEACE.......of GOD! That's the way out and it's

not abstract! It's obtainable! How do we
obtain that peace from God? Well we have to
look at the verses that surround this “peace
of God.” Verse 4 of the same scripture;

Philippians 4:4 Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it

again, rejoice! (TLB)

 The first way is to Celebrate!

I love the LB translation, it says Always be

full of joy! You know joy is more than a
feeling! It's a state of being where happiness,
dancing, singing comes from.

Philippians 4:4 Celebrate God all day, every day. I

mean, revel in him! (MSG)

All day, every day! Wow! You remain joyous,

even when all things seem muddled up, you
just keep Celebrating God! You sing, you
dance, you laugh!

That's the first key out of a worry free life! To

remain in a Joyous state, one of your strong
weapons is SONGS! Don't let them be too far
away from you, and this is our month of
Don't stay silent! Plug in some songs that
celebrates Christ and sing along!

 ·Next one......ASK God for help!

Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything;instead,
pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't
forget to thank him for his answers. (TLB)

Why worry when God WILL fix it? Why worry

when God WILL fix it? Jesus said WHATEVER
you ask in my name, you will receive! Again, I
say WHATEVER! Why worry when God WILL
fix it? Just ASK!

 ·Next thing is LEAVE your concern!

I love this. After you have prayed, LEAVE it!

Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead,

pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't
forget to thank him for his answers. (TLB)

This is so assuring! It says pray about it and

when you're done praying, don't forget to
thank him for his answers -because he has
How come you're still worried about what
you've prayed about? If you believe God is
able then believe likewise that you are
settled! Leaving our concerns with God is
rooted in learning to be thankful. Leave it
and thank Him!

 ·Finally, MEDITATE on good things!

Philippians 4:8 Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll

do best by filling your minds and meditating on things
true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious
- the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly;
things to praise, not things to curse.

Think about all the good that God has done.

Think about positive thoughts. Fill your mind
with these things and it leaves little room for
worry. Choose to think of the beautiful and
not the ugly!
C'mon say; I, henceforth Choose to think of
the beautiful and not the ugly, the best and
not the worst!
Hear me, Philippians 4:8 is more than just a
verse, it's a CHOICE! So Paul says if you want
the PEACE OF GOD that surpasses all must make a Choice to;

Ask God for Help.
Leave your concerns.
Meditate on good things

Stay CALM! C.A.L.M. leads to experiencing

the Peace of God in your life! If we can
eliminate some of the distraction of worry, I
believe yet again that you will find yourself
becoming less stressed, less distracted and
more focused on the things of life that really
matter. In this New Year, you must choose to
be that good soil which bears good fruits!
By getting those Annoying Little birds out of
the way, not being too busy even in your
head and eliminating worry
The New Year has so much in store for you,
but you have to be the best soil so the seeds
can grow!

Refuse to be distracted, rest, eliminate

worry....... FOCUS!!!!

Trust you were enlightened!

Special featured sermon taught by Erinfolami Olajumoke
Miss Jumoke Erinfolami is the CEO Kristieope Foundation, a
nongovernmental organisation that deals with women,
children and sexual abuse! She shares with the ladies at the
Jewels Conference an insightful teaching. Enjoy!

Arise, Dust Off The Past!

'Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you'’

You can only let go of your past if you are

determined to, sometimes events from the
past have a mind of their own. Memories
keep reoccurring when all you want is for
them to disappear. You are more emotionally
reactive than you know and you are limited
by the stunted view of what is possible for
How do I know how you feel about your
past? From firsthand experience I once had
a troubled relationship. It was filled with
anger and resentment my mind screamed
about the should haves and the ought to be.
I kept on talking about what I deserved but
missed out on. I kept on thinking of why I
was abused sexually by a man I love. I kept a
long a long list of how my parents didn't
notice a thing about it. I was mad a t the
world and what it has turned me to I cried
helplessly. Though I had my loved one
around me they were so close but yet far
away. Little did I know that I was to make
something out of what the world has done to

In a moment of insight I took responsibility

for my own happiness. I noticed that my
anger was preventing me from experiencing
the ease and peace I desperately wanted, so
I stopped feeding it. No more blaming or
waiting for solution, and immediately my
identity as a wounded girl disappeared. My
past didn't change neither did the story, but
what I gave power to changed. I stopped
dwelling on the past, I stopped justifying the
anger and now years after I don't even
remember the details of the event that use to
agitate me to no end, now I am drawn to

Life Changing Facts

 (1) The past isn't really about the past

When you look with great clarity, you will

notice that there is actually nothing called
the past, everything that happened happens
in the present. Memories of events are
thoughts occurring in the present. Anger or
hurt about the past is happening now. Your
present moment experienced in the now is
what keeps the past alive. The amazing thing
about this understanding is that it shows you
that the way out of your suffering is always in
the present. If you want to heal from the past,
put your attention on your present moment
 (2) Memories are not the problem

A memory is a thought, and a thought has no

power or meaning whatsoever, unless you
give it power or meaning. You have many
thoughts about things that happened long
ago, and these thoughts cause no problems
but some thoughts are sticky. You have an
emotional reaction to them and you think
them over and over. You may even have
beliefs related to them, for example, “I am
justified in thinking this” or “I need an
apology so I can move on.” This keeps them
very much alive, affecting your ongoing
If you want to be free of the past, lose
interest in these sticky thoughts. Know that it
doesn't serve you to repeat them and that
thinking they are justified only delays your
freedom. Be prepared to take a look at the
pure experience of your feelings without the
layer of thinking that solidifies them
 (3) “Healing” means letting go so the
thoughts and feelings don't impact

Your goal is to neutralize the story from the

past so it loses its power over you. It
becomes transparent, with no meaning and
no effect. You change your relationship to
your thoughts so they don't sit like a dark
cloud over you. Your goal is not to:

 Make yourself forget about the past

 ·Stuff or ignore your feelings (creates
other problems – addiction, anyone?)
 ·Wait for an apology or acknowledgment
(postpones happiness)
 ·Wait for time to heal all wounds
 (you may need more than time)
 ·Wallow endlessly in your emotions
 (oh, so painful)
 ·Redo the past (you can't change what
happened but you absolutely can
change your reaction to what
 ·Keep holding as possible freedom,
peace, sanity, freshness in the moment
(fully alive now.)

 (4) The path to healing opens up once

you are fed up by how the stories
about the past impact you.

As I'm happy to say as often as necessary,

what you focus on is what will grow. If you
cultivate sadness, regret, and revenge, then
they will become your reality. As an
alternative, be very willing to see through
these stories as much as is needed. Be open
to energy moving through your body rather
than staying stuck. Prepare yourself to feel
Contemplate not defining yourself by
thoughts about the past. “To heal a wound
you need to stop touching it.” –Steve

 5) You get a jump-start on releasing the

past when you take full responsibility.

Once you see that the ball is totally in your

court, you have set the stage for deep letting
go. Your happiness is your responsibility
alone, not anyone else's. You might be very
familiar with feeling like a victim but this is a
passive, underpowered position, leaving you
waiting for words or actions from someone
else, something you cannot control.

Taking responsibility means being open to

recognizing how your own internal
landscape is feeding your suffering. What
thoughts make you unhappy? What feelings
are stuck in your body and heart?
How do you make yourself suffer by recycling
negative memories through your mind? Being
stuck in the past means that a part of your
heart is closed. Take responsibility for going
right into those bruised and tender places.

 6) The middle path is the intelligent


Dwelling on what happened and leaking your

feelings all over the place will keep you
suffering. Hiding, indulging, or stuffing your
feelings doesn't work in the long-term.
Instead, bring intelligence and clarity to your
direct experience. Cultivate a fire for peace
and ease that serves you well finding out
who you are is the ultimate freedom. If you
define yourself by your past, you will be living
as a fraction of what is possible for you. Say
you think of yourself as wronged or abused
or victimized. Or you see yourself as having
gotten the short end of the stick.
Defining yourself by what happened doesn't
help you now. It's like wearing clothes that
never fit. It is time to take them off. It's easy
to believe in a mistaken identity. It feels so
true to think we are the result of what
happened or the sum total of our thoughts
and feelings. But the truest thing about you
is that you are aware. Life presents a passing
array of experiences thoughts, emotions,
events, and people. These all arise in you but
are not you.
Conclusively, live as the awareness that you
are fully alive, here, not in conflict with
anything. Know who you are, and the pain of
the past will barely be a ripple…on the
surface…of the immeasurable vastness of
you. What have you learned about healing
the pain from the past that has helped you?
''You are not your past, do not give power to negative thoughts
it consumes faster than positive thoughts''

You can reach Miss Jumoke Erinfolami's foundation

via IG @kristieope
Psalm 34:18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken

heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
ave you ever felt broken, shattered,
tossed aside or thrown away? Have
you ever felt like that cup that fell
and broke and can never be fixed again?
Often, it takes too much work to fix what is
broken. "It's easier to just buy a new one."
—that's what we'd usually say.

Even now, you're going through toughskin

times, you're broken and it seems the world
is saying, "it's easier to give up, it's easier to
stop pushing, it's easier to kill yourself." That
point when YOU SEEM ALONE. Broken
Trust! Broken families, broken marriages.
broken relationships, broken dreams, broken
lives and it seems even if you pick the pieces
of this broken heart, broken trust, broken
love it just can never be the same again.
Yes I know I'm talking to you. Hear me, you
truly cannot be the same again! Not when
God's done with you a Kintsugi!

In Japan, they've made an art out of restoring

broken things. It's an ancient practice called
Kintsugi, meaning “to patch with gold." It's
an age-old custom of repairing cracked
pottery with real gold, not only fixing the
break, but greatly increasing the value of the
piece. Hear, God is working on you a
Kintsugi! In Kintsugi, the artists go through
the processes of turning what is broken into
beautiful, cherished pieces, by sealing the
cracks and crevices with lines of fine gold.

When a piece is broken, instead of hiding the

flaws, Kintsugi artists highlight them,
creating a whole new design and bringing
unique beauty to the original piece. Are you
there trying to hide under the stigma and
pain of the brokenness you've gone through?
Today, why not release yourself and let God
create a whole new design through the
cracks of your hurt, past, broken trust, etc.

Why not let Him do you a Kintsugi! The art of

Kintsugi makes broken things better than

There are lies out there that swirl around

and whisper to your deepest soul in weak
moments, when you've lost your grip, and
things come crashing down. You feel the
need to hide the scars. You become a
pretender —under the guise of "I don't like
to share my feelings.”

You feel like the brokenness has rendered

you useless in life. You feel beyond repair
this time. You feel tossed aside. Forgotten!
Shamed! Rejected! Yet God breaks through
all that mess! I know, because I've been here
too and I tell you,
You are NEVER beyond healing!

You are never too broken for restoration. You

are never too shattered for repair! Don't be
ashamed of your scars or the broken places
of your life. They have an amazing story to
tell. Just because we've been broken doesn't
mean that we are thrown away!
Just because we've been broken doesn't
mean that we are un-usable, shut up in the
cupboard! Just because we've been broken
doesn't mean that we are forgotten!

Hear me, your mistakes, past, didn't

terminate your prophecy! Brokenness has
the power, unlike anything else, to bring
forth new beauty, strength, and inspiration
to others because it's often in those
moments that we've tasted deep suffering,
that we noticed, we were made for more.
There's more. There's purpose.
The scars of life, the healed wounds, the
deep lines, they all have stories to tell.

Yet often we try to hide them away,

preferring instead to present to the world, a
safe façade of who we are, a more “perfect”

But we have a Healer. One who repairs. Who

can fit the broken pieces that no longer
seem to fit right into a perfect design! He
works, often behind the scenes, mending,
fitting together, creating a better work of art,
more than we ever dreamt possible. He
makes all things beautiful.....especially in the
You are not just simply patched back
together by some guess work Super glue but
beautifully lined with shining grace through
every scar and broken space!....and then you
are now stronger, better, more beautiful than
Don't stay down, don't stay hiding! God is
doing a Kintsugi on you! You're going to
come out stronger, better, more beautiful
than before!

Ps. 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up

their wounds.”

In a gentle whisper of sincere request, tell

him, Lord I allow myself to be worked on, I
come out of my broken state, do Kintsugi on
me! Perfect me! Amen!

So previously, I told us of how God does a
Kintsugi on us. We looked at our response to
breaking situations.

BROKENNESS!!!! The Brokenness we talk

about now is not an emotional experience! I
know you've been hearing about brokenness
from different persons and churches but
maybe you never understood it.
Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a
broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not

Yes you've heard Psalm 51:17 over and over

again and you may just have been asking
“what's this brokenness”?

What does it mean to be Broken!? To be

Broken is to say yes to what God wants over
what you want! To be Broken is to say yes to
what God wants over what you want! It is
surrendering your will to God's will! It is
killing the word I! Brokenness is killing the
word I!

Brokenness is a decision to HUMBLE

for help!

A decision to HUMBLE YOURSELF and

ACKNOWLEDGE your need for help!
You see, it's quite easy when you just accept
Christ to ACKNOWLEDGE your “babyness”,
your weakness, your inability. But as we
mature, we become stiff, rigid, no longer
willing to ACKNOWLEDGE our frailty and we
(even pastors and leaders) begin to present
ourselves more like a superman

But Christ said in Matthew 18:3, except you be like

little children, you cannot enter the kingdom.
It means except you come to be that person
who ACKNOWLEDGES his need for help,
except you be BROKEN! So it has to take
God to break our rigidity and self-sufficiency
for us to become fit again.

"Brokenness is God striping you of your self-

sufficiency and getting rid of your pride so the
life of God can be made manifest!" —Pst. Tony
Evans. God wants to get you off your self-
sufficiency so that he can get your attention.

Brokenness is a spiritual condition that

attracts the attention of God! So while you're
seeking for God to use you, He first wants
you broken so He can use you every piece by
piece. He doesn't want to use your hands
while your mouth isn't cooperating. He
wants your feet to run and your shoulder

So God breaks you into pieces and then

through every piece of your brokenness,
remodels you to bring peace to the world!
That is what contrite means! You're grinded
to powder so you can become whatever God
needs of you!


GOD CAN'T BREAK YOU!" God will not give
a breakthrough to unbroken people! If you
do not want God to order you around, then
you don't want your life in order! Brokenness
is killing the word 'I'. When you say "I will run
my own life", you're saying I am Unbroken!
"I cannot kill myself", "Am I the owner of the
church", "I don't need to.....", "I will....." and on
and on and on, every single time, it's about I!
When you do this, it means, we're actually
saying "I'm just gonna run the errands I think
I can do.” That beloved is not brokenness!

God will not use a man whose "I" can get in

the way! You're all considered about you!
That's why you don't want to join the choir!
You say to yourself, "what if I don't sing
right?" That's why you don't go for
evangelism! You say, "what if I say
nonsense?" That's why you are not obeying
God's instructions! You are all focused on the

Get the 'I' out of the way child! When you go

through tough times, you quit because you're
thinking of the 'I.' When God is breaking you,
He's going to put you through the hammer,
can you hear me?
When God is breaking you, He's going to
walk you through the valley of the shadow of
death! You're gonna feel like giving up! You're
gonna wanna quit! You're gonna be hurt,
misinterpreted, unloved, alone, blamed,
undervalued! You're gonna be like that glass
cup that fell and broke and seems useless!
But hey hold on! You're not done with yet!
Because that time, just that time, God is
working a Kintsugi on you!

You're preparing for a breakthrough because

God is deep down breaking you! You are in
an amazing state!

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are troubled on every side, yet

not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; [9]
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not

2 Corinthians 4:11 For we which live are always

delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also
of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
Most of us run away from being broken! But
even Jesus went through this school of
brokenness. Otherwise, he wouldn't have
been able to say "Nevertheless, not my will."
Jesus took his 'I' out of the way!

Many of us are way too "self-sufficient!" Way

too relying on ourselves! Oh Paul understood
that his afflictions couldn't be broken except
he stopped seeking to be self-sufficient

2 Corinthians 12:8-10 For this thing I besought the Lord

thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto
me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is
made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I
rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ
may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in
infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in
persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I
am weak, then am I strong.

Self-sufficiency is pride! Self-sufficiency is

holding on to crutches so you can walk by
yourself! But God's desire is to remove all the
crutches you're relying on so you can focus
on Him! C'mon say, I'm letting go of every
crutches that isn't God!

If you read through 1st Samuel from chapter

15 till about 20, 21, you'd capture an amazing
story of Brokenness! David gets anointed
and oiled for Kingship (same way as you are
prophecied for great exploit)! I am letting go
through his journey, even though he was
made for more, David didn't become king
until he was BROKEN1 I'm letting go of every
crutch that isn't God!

1 Samuel 15:28 And Samuel said unto him (Saul), The

Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this
day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is
better than thou.

Saul lost the throne "this day" i.e that day.

David should have just been king
immediately but there was a school he
needed to go through, it's the school where
men are made WHOLE by being BROKEN!

Can you pray? Lord, I submit to your school

where men are made WHOLE by being
BROKEN! So after David was anointed, he
got enrolled in this school. The same man
who loved him (1 Sam 16:21) became his
ordeal in the school of brokenness. Are you
persecuted by someone you love or loved
you? This should sound familiar then!

A.W Tozer said, "It's doubtful that God can

use any man greatly except he has hurt him
deeply." So Saul sought after David, Saul
became David's civil war! He threw spears at
David! And David ran and began to live in
caves and dens! He even acted like a mad
man, he had gotten to that low! It was in this
school, that David could write many of his
psalms including Psalms 57:17.
If God's plan is to use you significantly,
there'll be Sauls, Spears, Caves, and from
these there'd be Psalms too! Until our pride
is shattered, our self-sufficiency is killed, our
'I'-ness is silenced, we cannot come into the
deep place of God! Take your eyes off what
you're going through and channel your gaze
to His purpose in bringing you

Brokenness brings you to a place of

blessings! Would you go through this school?
Or will you keep running and dodging and
focusing on 'I.'”

When God wants to do an impossible task, he

takes an impossible person and crushes
him!"—Alan Redpath, 1959

This night, don't just close this page, talk to God,

no not in tongues, in your understanding, talk with
him and enrol in the school of brokenness!
Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the
Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in

"Total obedience to the word of God is your tool

for brokenness!" —PHT


So, last time, we said so much but very resoundly,
we said God is working a Kintsugi on us! And that
was strong! We said remarkably that God wants
us to get rid of our self-sufficiency so we can rely
on him.

You know, if God is going to use you, He's going to

have to shed off all your kind of weight! He's going
to take you through the gym of life, you'd wear out
but when you're done, when you're out, you're
going to be STRONG! If God's going to use you,
He's going to take so many things away from you,
sometimes everything!

God's going to get you bankrupt emotionally,

financially, whatever-ally. He'd leave you empty-
handed but you have to understand this truth; God
will NOT pour his riches into hands already full! So
God's taking some things out so he can bring
everything in! These words may not excite you; I'm
not saying bad times are good, I'm saying that
God is good —all the time!
You must stay focused on the good of this God
even during bad times. For through the valley of
the shadow of death, He is bringing you out

Hear me, when God's taking you through this

school of BROKENNESS, you will experience
HURT! People will hurt you! Systems will hurt you!
You won't graduate from this school of Brokenness
until you break out from a hurting life! So you are
hurt! You have hurts that you've refused to let go.
Hidden hurts are dangerous beloved! Hidden
wounds are memories that cause pain, thoughts
that you keep secret because they hurt, wounds of
rejection, desertion, abandonment, or
It could be hurt from parents, siblings,
friends, or worse, partners, even leaders or
followers but hear me, there's NO HURT
THAT JESUS CAN'T HEAL! Jesus can heal you
everywhere you hurt! You have to learn to
deal with hurts to be BROKEN!

The process of BROKENNESS brings you

hurts, and you get past this process by
dealing with hurts! See, God isn't going to
use a person who's filled with hurts and
bitterness and strife, no, he'd need to shed
off those weights so that person doesn't hurt
people. Because, “Hurting people hurt
people!” —Joyce Meyer.

So Brokenness means you've let the 'I' out of

the way and you've let the hurts out! God is
not going to use Hurting people till he gets
them to learn how to deal with hurts! I know,
I've been there!
So quickly, let's look at two ways to deal
with hurts in the school of Brokenness

I Peter 4:1 Since Christ suffered while He was in His

body, strengthen yourselves with the same way of
thinking Christ had.” (NCV)

Brokenness is your will surrendering to his

will, your 'I' getting out of the way! Now, this
scripture says, when you go through hurts,
sufferings, bitterness, anger, resentment etc,
strengthen yourselves with the same way
of thinking Christ had!

Jesus like you too carried wounds of

betrayal, rejection, mistreatment, and being
hated by many to the cross. He's been there!
Peter tells us that we should have the same
attitude, the same way of thinking Jesus had
during this time.


You see forgiveness is not in the façade of
words. I've seen people forgive in words but
deep down they are still yet to be broken. "If
God's going to use you to impact the world,
He's going to have to break your unforgiving

True forgiveness isn't easy, but you have to

be totally forgiving because many people are
going to hurt you and if you haven't been
broken to forgiveness you'd quit on them,
quit on the work and maybe even quit on
God. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it's a
decision you make on how you're going to
treat people and how you're going to talk
about them and pray for them!
Even at the Cross, see how Jesus spoke about
us and prayed for us;

Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for

they know not what they do.”
You must forgive if you will ever heal and
forgiveness is 100%! Forgiveness isn't
complete if you still have the thought of
putting people in their distance because they
hurt you. Forgiveness is totally blotting out of
offense! To totally wipe out! There is NO
difference between Forgiveness and
Forgetting. When you separate them then
you ain't forgiven yet!
God says He'd wipe out our sins (forgive) and
remember them no more (forget). So you can
deal with that hurt by truly forgiving! "You are
never going to be broken until you stop
hurting; you are never going to stop hurting
until you learn to totally forgive!”

The only way to release hurt is to forgive

hurt, for your own sake, not only theirs.

Hebrews 12:15 “Looking diligently lest any man fail of

the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing
up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.”
Hurt, bitterness, resentment, AFFECTS YOU
not the one who hurt you! Sometimes we
think hating people puts them in a bad
position so we keep on hating people that
hurts us because we want to hurt them but
"You're not hurting people by hating them!”

Resentment always hurts you more than the

other person! You're not going to break
through the school of Brokenness till you
break out unforgiveness! God needs you
quick to forgive to use you! God doesn't wait
to think about forgiving you when you offend
or hurt him, He just forgives you! And God
wants you to strengthen yourselves with
the same way of thinking Christ had

Never allow those who have hurt you in the

past to continue hurting you today. No not
by keeping them at their distance for Jesus
never did that to Judas or Peter but by you
refusing to hold onto a grudge that should
have been buried long ago.

"God's not gonna use you mightily until you

are BROKEN to forgive like he does!"
Forgiveness is an 100% blotting out of
wrong! Forgiveness is love even when you're
hurt! Pastor it's not easy, yes it's not! I never
said Brokenness was easy! But you're going
to get the best deal from the transaction of

When you stay hurt, you're still focused on

the 'I.' People who stay hurt are people who
are yet to kick the 'I' out of the way!
Brokenness again is you kicking the 'I' out of
the way. When people hurt you, are you
concerned about YOU or about.........them?

Jesus was so damn hurt yet he was

concerned about THEM.....US! THIS IS THE
quick to forgive spirit!
Can you pray?
Lord, break me to become quick to forgive!

2 Corinthians 2:7-8 Now is the time to forgive this man

and help him back on his feet. If all you do is pour on
the guilt, you could very well drown him in it. My
counsel now is to pour on the love. Selah.
re you ready for this year? How big is
your dream for the year? How big are
your plans? Are they easily
achievable? Or will they set you running on a
great chase?

It's one thing to dream and another to

dream well! I have a Beautiful scripture I'd
love you to read; Isaiah 54!

Isaiah 54:1 "Sing, barren woman, who has never had a

baby. Fill the air with song, you who've never
experienced childbirth! You're ending up with far more
children than all those childbearing women."
Isaiah 54:2 Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make
your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of
rope, drive the tent pegs deep.

I love this! Clear lots of ground for your

tents! Dream Big! Prepare for so much. Don't
just make plans for the year,
make the plans so huge! That scripture says
make your tents large! Meaning increase
your capacity for what's coming. If you've got
1 bank account, open 1 more. If you've got
one or no stream of income, get 1 or 2 and
more. It says make your tent, where you
bring in things, make it large!
So when you dream, dream of an enlarged
tent that can take in so much! Dream of so
much capacity to bring in!

Then it says........ Spread out! So you dream

of yourself spreading out! Can you see you
taking action, going into different companies
with your graphics work? Can you see you
taking action, spreading into different homes
with your product? Spread out!!!

But what if it doesn't happen? What if the

dream is too big and I can't achieve it? What
if it's just way too big for the money I've got
right now?
Well beloved, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!

It doesn't matter if it seems impossible! Just

go on and DREAM IT! You know why?
Because the HIGHEST of your dreams is the
LOWEST of God's ability!!!

Then the next thing is, Think BIG! Now you

see, the scripture is telling you to think big!
So this is not a motivational talk, it's the
instruction of God! God is instructing you to
THINK BIG over your plans, over your

Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.

Why would you need plenty of rope, why
would you need the tent dug deep? Because
it's huge!!!

Isaiah 54:3 You're going to need lots of elbow room for

your growing family. You're going to take over whole
nations; you're going to resettle abandoned cities.
My, oh my! Go back to those dreams, those
plans, vision that you reduced because you
thought it was too big!

Isaiah 54:4 Don't be afraid - you're not going to be

embarrassed. Don't hold back - you're not going to
come up short. You'll forget all about the humiliations
of your youth, and the indignities of being a widow
will fade from memory.

Dream HUGE!!! DON'T BE AFRAID - you're

not going to be embarrassed! Dream WELL!
DON'T HOLD BACK - you're not going to
come up short!

"No" is a word on your path to "Yes." But you

mustn't give in to it! Don't give up too soon.
Not even if well-meaning parents, relatives,
friends, and colleagues tell you to get "a real
job." “Your dreams are your real job.” —Joyce
I charge you to go for the seemingly
impossible tasks! Often, hard things make us
better! Do the seemingly impossible!
Remember, the HIGHEST of your dreams is
the LOWEST of God's ability!!!
Has this book blessed you?
I'd love to hear your impact story! Feel free to
share with me how this book impacted you
and your journey while reading through it! I
look forward to hearing from you!

Do send me a mail and I'd certainly respond;

Hezekiah Tiamiyu (PHT) is a young lover of

God. He is the Lead Pastor, Living The Word
Ministry with a vision to build a family of love
people who are free from condemnation and
have full knowledge of the magnitude of love
God has for and in them –demonstrating the
power of God!

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