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Taller Capítulo I, Inglés I (10)

Marcell Piraquive Gómez 80002983

24 de abril de 2013

Módulo 1

Exercise 1

Escriba en los espacios la forma apropiada del verbo ser o estar.

I am Luis. My last name is Jackson. My father is an engineer. My mother is a nurse. My brother is a

psychologist. My sister is a teacher.

Exercise 2

En los espacios, use la forma apropiada del verbo ser o estar.

We are brother and sister. They are my parents. This is my sister Pamela. She is 18 years old. This is
my brother Paul. He is 13 years old.

Exercise 3

Oredene la presentación.

The order is:

- Hi John!
- John. This is Heather.
- Nice to meet you Heather.
- Glad to meet you too, John.

Exercise 4

Complete la siguiente presentación , utilice la forma apropiada del verbo To Be.

This is Pamela. She is 14 years old. She is from Panama. She is visiting her parents. She is a nurse.

Exercise 5

Utilice el vocabulario que ya conoce para presentar a un amigo o a una amiga.

aI have a friend. She is 22 years old. Her father is an engineer. Her mother is a teacher. She is in
Puerto Rico.
Exercise 6

Elabore una tarjeta de presentación con sus datos.

My name is Marcell
My last name is Piraquive
My e-mail is
My telephone number is 321 54 76
My address is 15c south street #29

Exercise 7

Escriba oraciones afirmativas y negativas utilizando el vocabulario siguiente, de acuerdo con sus
preferencias o no preferencias. Use las formas correctas del verbo ser o estar.

a. My dog is thirsty. It’s not hungry.

b. In August the climate is warm. It’s not cold.
c. In winter my nose is cold. It’s not warm.
d. USA is a big country. It’s not a small country.
e. My apartment is expensive. It’s not cheap.
f. Quebec is Canada. It’s not USA.
g. I am afraid of snakes. I’m not afraid of horses.
h. Japan is an interesting country. It’s not a boring country.
i. IPods is not cheap. It’s expensive.

Módulo 2

Exercise 1

Listen to track 4 and fill in the blanks.

My name is John. My last name is Restrepo. I live in Jerico. I am fourteen years ols. My nick name
is Johnny. My phone number is 8633553. My father is an engineer. My mother is a nurse. I have
three brothers and one sister. I have three uncles and two aunts. I have eleven cousins.

Exercise 2

Listen to track 5 and fill in the blanks.

This is Pamela. Her last name is Pierce. She lives in Antioquia. She is fifteen years old. She is
visiting relatives. Her nick name is Pam, Her telephone number is 8519430. Her mother is a
teacher. Her father is an engineer. She has one sister and one brother. She has four uncles and
one aunt. She has thirteen cousins.

Exercise 3

Listen to track 6 and fill in the blanks.

This is Peter. His last name is Fantini. He lives in Rionegro. He is sixteen years old. He is visiting
my town. His nick name is Pete. His phone number is 5410720. His parents live in Rionegro. His
mother is an accountant. His father is a taxi driver. He has two sisters. He has one uncle. He has
two cousins.

Exercise 4

Listen to track 7 and fill in the blanks.

Their names are Peter and Johana. They live near my town. They are seventeen years old. They
are twins. They are my friends. They are visiting me. Their nick names are Peter and Joe. Their
telephone number is 3104213. Their parents are architects.

Exercise 5

Listen to track 8 and fill in the blanks.

- Hi!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- Good morning.
- Good afternoon.
- Good evening.
- I’m David. What’s your name?
- My name is John.
- Please spell your name.
- My last name is Smith.
- Could you spell it?


Exercise 6

Listen to track 9 and fill in the blanks.

a. This is my father.
b. This is my mother.
c. This is my brother Camilo.
d. This is my sister Pamela.
e. Nice to meet you!

Exercise 8

Listen to track 10 and fill in the blanks.

a. My brother is ten years old.

b. My sister is eleven years old.
c. My cousin is thirteen years old.
d. My friends are fifteen, seventeen, and nineteen years old.

Exercise 10
Listen to track 11 and fill in the blanks.

a. My mother is thirty years old.

b. My father is forty years old.
c. My grandmother is seventy years old.
d. My grandfather is ninety years old.

Módulo 3

Exercise 1

Realice los siguientes ejercicios deduciendo palabras de acuerdo con el contexto.

a. Many people are outside the theater. The event started ten minutes ago. One employee
shows up and says. “You cannot attend the event, there are not enough seats”.

1. Singers
2. Spectators
3. Seats

b. People have coffee in different occasions. Some people like coffee for breakfast; other
people drink it during coffee breaks; others like a cup of coffee after lunch and dinner.

1. Desserts and meals

2. Lunch and coffee break
3. Lunch and dinner

c. People use plants and some fruits to prepare tea. Some people use celery and apple in
their tea.

1. Carrots – beans
2. Cabbage – orange
3. Celery – apple

d. Some people use chocolate to prepare drinks; other people use it in desserts such as ice

1. Breakfast
2. Ice cream
3. Dinner

Exercise 2

Read the following passage quickly. Apply the strategies skimming, scanning, and topic and
answer the following questions.
a. Find examples of levers, screws, wedges, and pulleys.

Levers: shovels and scissors.

Screws: jacks, nut and a bolt, meat grinders, and micrometers
Wedges: a needle.
Pulleys: compressor and conveyor belt.

b. What is the topic of this reading?

The topic is today most of work is done using machines.

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