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Observation 1: The classroom was very organized. She had tables set up with groups of four.
Each table had a caddie with supplies. There was a nice down time reading corner and a few
inspirational quotes throughout the classroom. The theme was a very calming Rustic feel to it,
the students were very comfortable in the classroom.

Observation 2: The classroom was predominantly white and boys were definitely the minority.
There was one ELL student and one ADD student who required a band at his desk and was
given privileges to stand up in his area as needed.

Observation 3: Class rules are, I am respectful, I am responsible, I am kind

Observation 4: Yes, the teacher enforced the rules and if they were broken she would have
them complete a behavior reflection sheet (attached)

Page 4
Question 1: The daily schedule is written on the white board as follows on the days I was there
8:00-8:20 Morning Work
8:20-9:30 Math
9:30-10:00 Social Studies
10:00-10:50 Special
10:50-11:00 Morning meeting
11:00- 11:35 Lunch
11:40-1:55 Reading
Question 2: Small Groups
Question 3: She explained and she showed and then she had them do examples
Question 4:
Question 5: yes, they were all eager to raise there hands and answer or share their
Question 6: No, all the students are sitting in groups.
Question 7: Yes, she has the daily schedule posted allotting specific times for each subject.
Question 8: The students seem to be conditioned and know what to do, she had the same set of
kids in 2nd grade and kept most of them in 3rd grade.
Question 9: She flickered the lights and they immediately knew they needed quiet down.
Question 10: She has an ADHD student who normally sits at the table closest to her. She is
stearn with him to a certain extent.
Question 11: non that i am aware of.

Page 6
1: The school is adjoined with another school, it is fully fenced and 3 crosswalks surrounding it.
There are two entrances the students go in from, the only parents allowed to drive through the
parking lot are those who have kindergarteners. There are banners of the school mascot with
the motto at the front of the school There is mostly grass and black top, there are a couple of
covered playground areas.
2: Once inside the school you must check in and have a reason to go past the office, they need
to buzz you in. The schools hallways are filled with classroom art and signs from the PTA and
student counsel. The school is separated in Pods. There is a garden in the middle of school and
parents who like to have lunch with the kids are able to eat there with them

1: Mission: All students will experience the opportunity for success and become
confident, self-directed learners. By building upon character and knowledge, we
will nurture a passion for lifelong learning.
Motto: Inspiring a Passion for Lifelong Learning
Mascot: Timber Wolves

2: Staff is very friendly and welcoming, they are all excellent with the kids (I’m a
student mom, this is my opinion as an observing student and parent)

3: There were no SPED students in the classroom, was not able to observe.

4: The students have been within each other for two school years, they are all
very comfortable with each other. The two days I was there it was raining and
they ate lunch in the classroom and were not able to go to recess.

5. Twitchell Elementary takes pride in their achievements, they have been a top
rated school for years . They have some of the best admins, staff and
teachers.They have quite a few extracurricular activities, performances and
assemblies which are normally open to parents.

1: I am respectful, I am responsible, I am kind.

2: Mostly all of the kids participate, the teacher uses a random selection app, if
the students does not feel comfortable they have the option to pass.

3: As mentioned before this is the 2nd school year with the students, they are
very receptive to her tones. She follows through with punishments and they know
that when she is having one on ones with other students they are not allowed to
approach her unless it’s an emergency.

The student I observed was the only new student to the classroom, she was
having behavior issues with her mom in a different state and moved to
Henderson with her eldest sister. She was a bit of a fibber but the teacher was
able to handle her very well. While observing her I noticed that she craves
attention and structure. She would raise her hand repeatedly to let the teacher
know her progress as she needed a lot of positive reinforcement. The teacher
was able to give her the attention she required when appropriate but also was
very stern when she started getting out of line. I did notice that during down time
she tended to stray from doing the assignments the entire classroom was
working on, but the teacher was able to get her in line with the tone of her voice
when asked to see her progress. All in all the teacher really tends to give each
individual student learning needs.

My experience was amazing, I was there two full school days and really made
connections with a few of the students. It felt very natural being there which
reaffirmed this is exactly what I want to do. The teacher I observed was amazing
and I will definitely be taking a few of her teaching techniques and advice she
gave me. I am so grateful that I was able to get all 10 hours in, I was there March
12 and 13 so that was the last week students attended school before they went
to virtual teaching.

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