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Seekret Place

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This book is a compilation of the teachings of Pst.

Hezekiah Tiamiyu (PHT) and Min. Rejoice Azuka at
the Growth Pills 3.0 conference organized by the
Living The Word Ministry.

Compiled and edited by:

Adebimpe Hamzat
(Admin. Head, Living The Word Ministries)

Living The Word Ministries
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Hello sir/ma I celebrate you.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, we celebrate and honor You.

We give you praise for today. I yield afresh to You.
Touch someone, heal someone, deliver someone, and
give someone an encounter. Let no one remain the
same. In Jesus name

Glory to God. Heaven is ready today and so are we.

Heaven is going to kiss earth today. We are going back
to the foundation of what really matters. I have to
thank PHT for this privilege to learn alongside with you.
This month is loaded with so much of God to be seen
and to be released to all. However, all of God is found
in relationship with Him.

God is not a supermarket where we shop for what we

desire or need at the moment and walk away or an
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herbalist where you go and meet him only when you

are in need. God desires relationship with us. He is
more interested in your walk with Him than in your
work for Him. From all indications in the scriptures
from Genesis to Revelation, God desires relationship
with us above all else. He is relentless in His pursuit of
us that He’s not willing to leave us.

From my preamble above, we can agree that more

than we want Him, God wants us in a relationship with
Him with absolutely no strings attached. It is quite
funny that we are the one who really need God then
we come up with all our terms and conditions as to
what our relationship with Him should look like. But he
looks away from all of it and shows us love.

Jeremiah 31:3 is one of my favorite verses of God’s

Love to us. Let’s look at The Living Bible Translation,

“For long ago the Lord had said to Israel: I have loved
you, O my people, with an everlasting love; with loving-
kindness I have drawn you to me.”
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So, I look at my life and acknowledge the Love of God

for me.

The Bible tells us that while we were yet sinners that

He loved us. I look at myself and I declare I am loved
by God. We can see that
He loves us regardless of
anything and his love for us “God is more
is never ending with no interested in your
strings attached. God is walk with Him than
pleased with you and
in your work for
adores you. Maybe you
should read the previous
Rejoice Azuka
line again. He is in love
with you, yes you reading
this not for what you’ve done or what you will do but
because He just loves you. I know it sounds ridiculous
especially when we are in days where motives are
suspected on every turn. Can you look at yourself and
reaffirm that God loves you and adored you with no
strings attached? Take your time and say it to yourself
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till you believe it. It doesn’t matter how far away you
feel from God right now, His love has the capacity to
draw you in. You just have to let Him.

You know it is one thing for you to hear that God loves
you, it is another to believe it. Can you take the next 3
minutes, stand in front of the mirror if you will and tell
yourself God is in Love with me, He adores me. God is
pleased with me, no strings attached

Matthew 7:7-8 (ESV) says

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who
asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the
one who knocks it will be opened.”

We can see from the above verse that God wants us to

find Him in our seeking Him more than we desire for
Him to find us. Now hold the thought let’s look at the
other side of the coin before we tie it together.
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The Bible in Matthew 6:6 (NET) tells us this, “But

whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door,
and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father,
who sees in secret, will reward you.” The truth is that
to some extent, it’s been understood that our physical
location matters greatly in the place of praying and
growing intimacy with the Lord. This leaves us with a
mental picture of what seeking God looks like; in one
specific corner of your room. While this is great, our
Christian experience should not be limited to a specific
place at a specific time, God is much more than that. If
the secret place is not a corner in your room, what
then is it?

Seekret place simply refers to relationship. Before

you throw stones at me because it sounded more
complicated in your head, let’s take some minutes to
unpack and tie things up today. Just run with my flow
of thoughts. We will get today’s topic towards the end
and tie it up nicely.
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The issue we have with our picture of the secret place

is not fully with our understanding of relationship but
our perception of relationship. So we see God through
the tainted lens of our circumstances, societal
ideologies, personal experiences, teachings and
traditions received over the years.

Some of us see God as an angry God who has a big

cane ready to whip us into shape the first moment we
disobey. So instead of being free and at liberty with
Him, we have this underlying fear waiting for the cane
to come. That's why I started by a reminder of His Love
for you. Others see God as some of our parents as kids
who promised to take us out but left us behind by
asking us to go and wear slippers. So lowkey we have
this distrust of God waiting for Him to fail us so we can
have evidence to back our beliefs

But we would never admit this publicly. God forbid!

What will people think of our distrust of God if they
hear? But then thinking about people is too far, we
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would never admit to ourselves that our view of God is

kinda sorta distorted. But if we pay close attention to
your subconscious words on occasion, we can see your
mistrust. When we watch your reaction to when things
don’t go your way, we become aware that just maybe
you don’t know God.

Daniel 11:32b talks about

those who know their God.
God is in Love with
Not those who know of
God, not those who have me, He adores me.
heard about God, not God is pleased
those who have talked with me, no
about God. Those who strings attached.
have an undeniable
experience of God not tainted by anything but a
knowledge from discovery. This misconception makes
our walk with God a chore instead of an exciting
experience. It becomes a task that must be done
instead of an experience that should be looked
forward to.
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At this point let’s tie thing up. Could it be that the

relationship that God wants with us is obscured by our
theologies, ideologies, doctrines and experiences?
Could it be that viewing God as God has made Him
subconsciously be so far from us that it becomes labor
to access Him at every point? Could it be that we have
Daddy issues that we are yet to admit?

As I prayed and prepared towards today’s meeting, the

Lord told me, the seekret place will remain a mental
idea except you deal with Daddy issues. I know that
you are very spiritual and your work for God is
topnotch, but could it be that all you are experiencing
and seeing are merely shadows because you refuse to
deal with the crux of the matter.

Daddy issues is an informal phrase for the

psychological challenges resulting from an absent or
abnormal relationship with one's father, often
manifesting in a distrust of, or sexual desire for, men
who act as father figures. Forgive my carnality for
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daring to mention sex in this spiritual atmosphere. It is

the dictionary definition so ignore the sex and focus on
God. We begin to see God from the lens of our
perceived failures of our parents. We are quick to lift
up our hands and call Him Father but we do not feel
any connection to the name. It is merely what worship
leaders say to excite us rather than a reality we live.

A seekret place would not sound so far away if you

were going to meet Your Father. Trust would come
just as easily as it is to take the next breath if we knew
God as Abba. Obedience to Divine Instruction would
be so easy because we know our father loves us and
has our best interest at heart. Your work for God
would stream out of your walk with God if He was
Abba to You.

Some signs that you may have daddy issues

• Difficulty trusting Gods word to You

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• Emotionally disconnected from your walk with

God. God wants us to serve Him with all not to
compartmentalize things in ways that best suit

• Approval syndrome. At every turn seeking

approval from people for the things we do
instead of service from a place of rest. So we
do for God to be pleased with us instead of a
genuine desire to know Him.

• You do not like to follow rules completely, so

you find it easy to disobey God because you
don’t like being told what to do.

• Unhealthy attachment. We can become

attached to the people God sends to us and
not the God who sent them.

• An ownership mentality. We believe that we

protect things best by being tight handed
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about them forgetting that Jesus is Lord

(owner) and we are stewards.

• Abandonment issues. This many times come

when we lose our fathers at critical times in
our lives or for those who never knew their

This is not about pointing fingers or condemning

anyone, this is a pure desire that we release all and
come to a place of surrender where we cry Abba not
because we have bills to pay but because we are
excited to be in our seekret place with Him always.

Can you go ahead and pray in the Spirit, I see that God
wants to do something today.

There is so much to be said about daddy issues but

today He sent me to remind you that there is still balm
in Gilead. I’m also here to tell you that God is willing
and able to change the narrative but your cooperation
is necessary. Can you let go right now? Just release
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yourself for a change. Lay aside the weights and

achievements for a change and just focus on God? If
you can just begin to whisper Father… Just keep calling
Him Father today… It’s okay to cry. It’s alright to have
the words stuck in your throat without knowing how
to release them.

But don’t stop… doesn’t matter if you’ve got to go off

and keep calling Him for hours… Take your time, not
asking you to pray in tongues just call Him Father. He is
dealing with insecurities. He’s healing broken hearts.
Know Him as Father… Experience Him as Father... That
is the foundation of relationship. That is the crux of the
secret place.

Just call Him Father... whisper it to Him... You are safe

with Him. It is okay to be vulnerable. Just cry Abba.
Take your time... You can fall asleep calling Him
Father... He says He is recreating memories and
rebuilding relationships. Your seekret place is not one
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without relationship. Let go and Let him in. There is

still balm in Gilead and He's coming through for You.

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Hello saint.

Today we'll be looking at a very familiar matter. You

most likely have heard of it, you perhaps do it but we
can never talk about it too much.

There are realms in the Spirit for the believer to press

into. The Spirit world is similar to a workplace. There
are offices, positions and hierarchy. It's true that we
are all spirits but even in our ‘spiritism’ there are
realms. Beloveth, we must understand that there are
levels and there are dimensions.

So you love God and you go to church, you serve Him

and He even talks to you. You're doing good for
yourself as a believer but beloveth the question will be
what is your position in the Spirit realm?
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It's okay to have an outer Spiritual strength but what

really is the inner unseen spiritual strength?

Oh how pathetic it is that we have a lot of tongues-

blasting believer who have eyes but can't SEE!
Believers who engage in Spiritual activities yet no
spiritual insight. I jokingly tell my people at our
monthly meetings that if we pray and you fall and fall
you must stand up and tell me what happened to you.
Even though it's a joke, it's quite important too
because these days we have MANY fallings but MINOR

THAT SAME WAY, we have MANY tonguing but

MINOR turning.

Today Speaking in “The difference between

tongues has become a two tongues isn't the
"norm," so many language but the
persons speaking in consciousness of the
tongues and although effect.”
that's beautiful, the Hezekiah Tiamiyu
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problem is only that many do not KNOW what

happens when they speak in tongues.



This revelation today will give you (if you hold onto it)
a skyrocketed growth in the Spirit realm.

The difference between two tongues isn't the

language but the consciousness of the effect.

Therefore, if there has been someone here praying in

tongues but nothing has been happening to your
spiritual strength then it could just be because you lack
a consciousness of what happens every time you pray
in tongues.

If you don't pray in tongues yet I invite you to receive

the freely given gift today. Praying in tongues is a very
important tool for every believer. Important enough
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that one day Paul boldly declared, "I pray in tongues

more than you all"

You want to know why Paul had such an incredible

ministry? Then check his words; “I pray in tongues
more than you all”

He was so confident that put everyone together, I still

pray in tongues more than everyone together. I
believe that Paul must have learnt this secret from

One day, Jesus looked at his disciples and said "pray

without ceasing." Jesus would of course not ask us to
do what he knows we can't. It must mean that Jesus
knew that it was possible to PRAY ALWAYS.

I can imagine a Brother Paul, a man of revelation, after

he learnt what Jesus said, he must have gotten that
revelation that the way to pray without ceasing is to
pray through the Ceaseless One!
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And so, when Brother Paul is passing. He's busy

tonguing When they arrested him, compared to some
other persons, he wasn't sleeping or regretting, he was
tonguing and singing in the Holy Ghost.

No wonder He was the one who wrote the most

chapters and took the gospel to the Gentile. No
wonder, He was the one who spoke about tongues the

So, beloved, one of the days that this man Paul was
going to speak about speaking in tongues he had to
give the clearest explanation of what happens when a
believer speaks in tongues.

Paul must have lived a “The way to pray

Tonguened life, that is a life without ceasing is to
where Tonguing becomes pray through the
what you do always and not Ceaseless One!”
just for 12hours in tongues Hezekiah Tiamiyu
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“He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself;

but he that prophesies edifies the church.” 1
Corinthians 14:4 KJV

“A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened

personally in the Lord, but one who speaks a word of
prophecy strengthens the entire church.” 1 Corinthians
14:4 NLT

Paul one day looked and said; “He that speaks in

tongues EDIFIES HIMSELF.” This is a scripture we quote
a lot. In fact, you most likely know it by heart. If only
we understand what exactly Paul was saying. Today,
may this revelation cause an uproar that stirs you to
pray into Growth in Jesus name. Amen.

According to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, the word edifies

is translated from the Greek word "oikodomeo"

That word in its actual sense means; "To construct"

It also means "to build or erect a building," it also
means to "rebuild". And it also means "to repair."
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This is what happens when you pray in tongues;

Before a house is built, the first thing that needs to be

done is to "construct." To structure out HOW the
house will be like. The architect comes in and
construct everything about the house, the inches the
length the calculation, what wood joins into the other
and all. When you pray in tongues, YOU ARE
CONSTRUCTING YOUR LIFE. The inches, the length, the
calculation, what person joins to what person, how it'd
look like and every single detail.

The most interesting part of this gospel is that the

architect constructs only what the owner of the
building wants and beloved, you are not your owner,
for you are the BUILDING of God, since He is your
owner, the architect (The Spirit of God who is Himself
God) constructs your life into what the owner (God
who is Himself the Spirit) wants.

No wonder this same man Paul said, "we don't know

what to pray for as we ought (we don't know the best
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way to construct our lives), but the architect, the Spirit,

constructs it for us when we pray in the Holy Ghost!"
(Translation mine)

So, every time you pray in tongues, there's a

construction work going on! This is why you must pray
always! Keep on constructing!

When you pray in tongues, pray WITH A

CONSCIOUSNESS that as you pray in tongues, YOU ARE

The word “oikodomeo” also means to erect a building.

Every time you pray in an unknown tongue, you are
ERECTING a building.

What building? The building you constructed through

praying in Tongues. Remember we said to edify means
to construct. Just as a person who wants to build a
house gives it to an Architect and say construct this
kind of house and then he takes the construction, the
drawing of the architect, well-detailed and labelled
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and gives it to builders. That same way when you pray

in tongues, you take your life, your career, your family,
your children and you give it to the Architect and He
constructs your life to the very detail. When you pray
in tongues some more, the architect who is the Holy
Ghost, turns it over to the builder and you ERECT those
things you constructed.

This means that every time you pray in tongues, you

are constructing things, constructing lives and as you
keep on praying, you are ERECTING.

A house that is only constructed in the architect's book

is not yet a house. Many people prayed and they gave
up. If only they knew what exactly they were

Some persons will never get to the point of erecting

because they pray in tongues once in a while and so
their construction work is once in a while. See ideas
you ought to be constructing, see lives you ought to be
erecting, see companies you ought to be erecting, see
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families you ought to be erecting, see children you

ought to be erecting.

You have left everything at the construction stage

because you pray once in a while. See uncompleted
buildings because of your prayer life, see uncompleted
manifestations, uncompleted destinies, uncompleted
children, uncompleted future. This was the secret of
Apostle Paul that made him complete from
construction to building.

Paul said I pray in tongues more than you all.

Continuously engaging in the prayer of the Spirit. No
wonder, one day he looked at his buildings and could
boldly say “I have finished the fight.”

What happens every single time you pray in the Spirit?

You are constructing and building destinies, your
future, your nation, your purpose, your children, your
career. Every time you pray in tongues this is what
happens and you must walk in this consciousness.
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So, you keep on praying in the Holy Ghost, even when

you're in the toilet or doing chores, because you know
that every time you pray in tongues, regardless of the
prayer point, you are actually constructing and
erecting. This is the consciousness that you must have.
None of your praying in tongues is a waste. Even when
you’re just muttering it quietly while walking, it's never
a waste, because you have the consciousness...

I may not know all that I'm constructing and building

but I know that God is both the architect and builder,
so I don’t need to worry about anything. I'd just keep
on praying in tongues. I'd just keep on building and

It doesn't matter if I prayed 6

“None of your
hours in tongues and it
seems God didn't answer my praying in tongues
prayers, it wasn't a waste, I is a waste.”
was busy constructing and Hezekiah Tiamiyu
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Answered prayers or not, I know my prayers in the

Spirit have never been a waste, I've actually been busy
constructing and erecting! What a Truth!

So, 1st Corinthians 14:4 means that he that prays in an

unknown Tongues edifies himself (constructs and
erects for himself)

What if I tell you this is not all that happens?

According to the Thayer Greek Lexicon, “Oikodomeo”

means to construct, to build or erect a building... also means to REBUILD AND REPAIR

To rebuild simply means to build again. To repair

means to restore to working conditions, to fix. They
are two different things but this is what happens

You build again! When a building has totally collapsed,

you don't repair it, you build again!
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When things are totally scattered, life is in shambles,

you have made mistakes that has collapsed the
building, the, destinies, the opportunities, don't fret,
don't be bothered, just BUILD AGAIN! how? Praying in

For some maybe it was just a little mistake, things

didn't really collapse completely, you can REPAIR.

Perhaps you've made mistakes, you've fallen, you've

missed out on so much, you’ve been hurt, raped,
duped or you have hurt others, raped others,
whatever the case, I came to tell you that your past
didn't cancel your prophesy.

You can build again! You can repair! You just get on
about, praying more and more in the Spirit! As you
pray alignment comes, instructions come, you are
getting better.

As you pray, you are REBUILDING, you are REPAIRING!

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This is why Praying in tongues can change a person,

because one thing that happens when you pray in
tongues more and more is that YOU are being repaired
more and more.

Prayer doesn't just fix things; it also fixes you! So you

see Paul's secret? A man against the church, a man
condemning others but after he came into Christ, he
engaged the efficacy of praying in tongues and you can
see the CONSTRUCTION of his life, the ERECTED
BUILDING of his life which we now emulate, the
REBUILD from who he was to who he ended up to be,
the REPAIR of all the wrongs he did.

Beloved, pray often in the Spirit and pray with this


Perhaps you are saved but do not pray in tongues yet,

would you like to pray in tongues? Bible says God is
willing to freely give us of all good things. If you desire
to pray in tongues then I’d love you to follow the
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prayer guide here. As I typed this guide, I prayed that

for everyone who follows with a desiring heart that
they become baptized in the Holy Ghost and I am so
sure that you will. Kindly find a spot where you won’t
be disturbed or distracted wherever you are and
whisper unto God;

“Dear Father, I thank you for the gift of The Holy Spirit
and His working power in and through me. Lord I ask
that you baptize me with the Holy Spirit and give me
the gift of speaking in tongues. I receive it and I have it
in Jesus name. Glory to God!”

As you say that heartfelt prayer, stay there, open your

mouth and begin to speak. Although it may seem like
jargons and the devil will try to make you feel you are
doing the wrong thing, you just go on and keep on
tonguing! Shalom!

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Thank you Jesus for all that you are doing. Thank you
for the platform that you have created to draw us
closer to yourself. Not as a tradition but I ask that you
touch someone, heal someone, give someone an
encounter, transform someone and let no one remain
the same in Jesus name

Previously, the Lord spoke to us about Daddy Issues

and today, the Lord asked me to talk about

I had a guy around me, we were not friends and we

were not dating. We kept skirting around the issue for
a while then one night as I prayed, I heard the Lord tell
me to deal with my situationship. My first reaction was
what are you talking about? I checked my phone for
the definition and I will share with you.

A situationship is essentially a relationship that hasn't

been defined. So basically, the Lord was asking me to
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define that relationship because it was a disaster

heading for something to happen. I was equally
amazed that even relationship slangs have changed in
the last few years from “it’s complicated” to

As I meditated on what the Lord will have me teach on,

He said I desire a relationship, refuse to settle for
situationship. This is conflicting because we are taught
that when Jesus becomes our Lord, we begin a
relationship. So, when did our relationship change into
a situationship? Before you get offended at me, can
you just go along
with me on a journey?
“God wants a marriage
with us and not an
Rejoice Azuka
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Signs of a Situationship

1. Short term or last-minute focus

Many of us don’t have long term goals in our walk with

God. We just think of here and now without knowing
that God wants more. You know God wants a marriage
with us and not an affair. An affair can end but a
Kingdom marriage is till death separates. Our seekret
place is where we now come to complain and whine
instead of strengthening our relationship with God. In
fact, many times, we only come when we are in
trouble but as long as things are under control, we stay

2. Lack of consistency

Many of us have seekret places full of cobwebs. We

come today and stay away for 2 weeks. We visit the
seekret place instead of living there.
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Psalms 91:1 talks about one who dwells not a visitor.

God is not looking for visitors but dwellers. PHT talked
about how Paul spoke in tongues more than the
Corinthian church put together. That did not happen
by praying once a week but a constant consistent
relationship. 1 Cor. 14:2 MSG talks about tongues as a
language of intimacy. So every time he prayed in
tongues, he drew closer, no wonder the depths of
revelation that burst out from Him.

3. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

The truth is that we all have a reason not to stay in the

seekret place. We always have a reason and the truth
is that we will always get busier. This myth of when I
become less busy is a lie. Something will always come
up, something will demand your attention. It is
therefore up to you to prioritize your secret place.
There will always be a reason not to. You have to find
the reason to.

4. Feeling anxious?
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The truth is that if anxiety is your first response to

trouble then you are in a situationship. Imagine if I had
a husband and something goes wrong in my life and I
call my gate man. What sort of marriage is that? The
truth is that’s what we do with God, He's the last
person we turn to instead of the first person we call.
We are more likely to turn to anxiety instead of God in
the face of problem.

5. Compensators

These ones have to do things to compensate for their

absence and neglect. In this category, they go the
extra mile to service God to compensate for the
neglect of the secret place. Please note that God
enjoys your walk with Him even more than your work
for Him. Jesus called the disciples that they may first
be with Him and He might send them. His sending
them (service) was secondary to their staying with Him
in the seekret place.

6. Commitment issues
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I know I know... Before you begin to point fingers on

the brothers who aren't ready to settle down and get
married. Let’s pause for a minute and look a little
closer. Have you ever seen a lady who gets married
and then changes all of a sudden? That is what we do
with God. We keep coming until He meets our need
then we decide to take a break.

Imagine if God takes a

break at intervals with “There will always be
us. What would our lives a reason not to stay in
really look like? So we
the seekret place. You
struggle to commit
have to find the
wholly to God because
reason to.”
we are afraid of Him
failing us like everyone Rejoice Azuka
else in our lives.

So let's reflect. If we say the seekret place is all about

relationship. Could it be that we have a situationship
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and not a relationship, hence our seekret place status

is complicated?

The last two weeks, in preparation for this, the Lord

has taken time to show us all what the seekret place is
not. Because somehow, we share deep rhema yet we
live in shallow waters. We have made walking with
God more complicated than further maths.

Can we reaffirm our relationship with the Lord? Can

we intentionally strengthen ties again? Not because I
am asking you to but only if you desire to define your
relationship with Him.

If you are starting a relationship, remember you will

not start today and go on break by tomorrow. He
wants you, all of you not some of you. If you will give
him time consistently with no distractions, that's a
great place to start today.

So, can you take time and begin to reaffirm this

relationship. Frank talk time not speaking in tongues
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just yet. He wants to hear you. You can cry if you want.
You can shout if you want but tonight you have to
define the relationship.

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Hello beloved.

Today we'll consider a very powerful prayer weapon.

With this knowledge tonight we will be able to
experience more effectiveness in our prayer lives.

And I say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon
this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell
shall not prevail against it.
And I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of
heaven: and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on
earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no
man that he was Jesus the Christ. Matthew 16:18-20
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Something very striking happened here in Matthew

16:19. The words of Jesus represented what heaven
expects of the believer. “Whatsoever you shall bind...”
That's highly instructing

From here we understand that the believer, in order to

make things happen is to MAKE DECREES. The kind of
prayer that brings about a change is a prayer declared!
Not a prayer suggested or begged. Many believers
suggest more than they pray, many believers beg more
than they decree.

Another striking thing about what Jesus said is that he

showed us that it is now up to us. He said whatsoever
YOU bind. Not whatsoever you ask me to bind.
Something like this happened again and again in
scriptures. Starting from Adam, The Bible says and
whatever Adam named them, they were.

When it got to Moses turn, the great leader is now

before the red sea. And he says oh God what to do?
We'll be doomed! God didn't say, “okay red sea split
P a g e | 41

into two and let my people pass.” Oh I love what God

said here.

God said to Moses:

"Why cry out to me? Speak to the Israelites. Order

them to get moving. Hold your staff high and stretch
your hand out over the sea: Split the sea! The Israelites
will walk through the sea on dry ground.” Exodus

God said don't call me, don't beg me, declare it! You
split the sea.

Perhaps you have been

standing in front of a “The kind of prayer
red Sea for a long time. that brings about a
It seems nothing is change is a prayer
happening, it seems declared!”
you're making no
Hezekiah Tiamiyu
P a g e | 42

You've been in front of that red Sea for too long.

You've cried, you've begged but the red sea is still
there. You've been waiting on God to do something
but God is saying to you SPLIT THE SEA! Make the

Joshua was fighting and he needed more time. He

didn't go back saying, oh God I need some more time,
do something.

No! He heard when God told Moses SPLIT THE SEA.

Another day he heard when God told Moses HIT THE
ROCK and from here, he understood the power of

So when it got to his turn, He just looked to the sun

and moon and he declared what he wanted to see.
Listen, the devil doesn't respect suggestions, he
respects authority. Situations don't bow to please,
they bow to decrees.
P a g e | 43

When you want to change things, when you want to

effect a change, you don't go begging God! Oh Lord
please, Oh Lord can you? No!

He already told you, WHATSOEVER YOU BIND ON

EARTH, I will authorize it in heaven. When you make
declarations about situations, when you bind or loose
things, when you decree, the heaven AUTHORIZES IT.

In other words in Matthew 16:19, Jesus was saying,

when you declare it here on Earth, it shall then be
approved and authorized in heaven.

Therefore, if you pray and pray and pray, begging and

suggesting and asking questions, nothing is being
authorized in heaven but
when you enforce it on
Earth by asserting it with “Situations don't
your words, the heavens bow to please, they
respond and authorizes! bow to decrees.”
Hezekiah Tiamiyu
P a g e | 44

Beloved, take God's word on a challenge today. That

red sea that had been in front of you for too long, take
time out today, remember we shared about the power
of Tongues, pray in the Holy Ghost and then make
decrees. I'm not saying confessions, I'm saying make



I await your testimony!

P a g e | 45


Glory to Jesus. Glory to God. Thank you, Precious Holy

About 5 or 6 years ago, the term Netflix and Chill was a

popular term all around the world. It meant casual sex.
The Netflix there was put to pretend like there was a
relationship headed somewhere.

Today as I prayed the Holy Spirit reminded me of my

first year. I was a very naive girl. Don't blame me, my
head was buried in books but I was socially awkward.
One guy walked up to me and met me asking me if I
was interested in Netflix and Chill and I said yes.

In my head it meant we were hanging out and

watching a movie like a date. Thankfully my roommate
was nothing like me so she understood social etiquette.
I came home and asked her “what do you wear to
Netflix and Chill?”
P a g e | 46

You can all agree with me that I didn't end up going for
the “appointment.” While the Lord reminded me and I
laughed all afternoon. He said I want an exclusive
relationship but many offer me Netflix and Chill

Please follow me today because we are entering into

the Seekret Place.

You see with Netflix and Chill there is no commitment.

It's just casual and convenient. When I want to. If you
aren't available, I am open to seek other options not
willing to wait. I am using you for my personal
gratification. Not caring how you feel or how my
actions affect you. I can end the relationship whenever
I want once it becomes burdensome on me

So we come to God after a deep service and say today

was amazing. I had fun with you. Let me spend some
time with you so I can maintain how good I feel. Then
when the novelty of the moment wears off, I run off
looking for another high till another deep service
P a g e | 47

Then you hear a message like Daddy issues or

Situationships and you feel terrible then you go back
to check on Him and walk away once your guilt is

Brethren can we be real with God for a change. I know

the picture of a relationship with God can look difficult
because well He's good and our schedule as humans
can be hectic but He's not asking us to be perfect. He
just wants you to say yes, and follow Him despite all.

This is not for guilt and condemnation. I’m not trying

to get you to feel bad. I’m just trying to tell you that
there's more. No relationship comes effortlessly, work
is required to sustain it to achieve the required aim of
the Lord for it but you've got to let go and trust.

You see, the Seekret place is a place where you are

bare and there are no secrets. No part of you is hidden
from God. The good, the bad, the ugly. Everything is
out in the open with Him. But our experience with
P a g e | 48

vulnerability with humans has clouded our judgement

of the nature of God.

So we feel like he'll judge us or use our weaknesses

against us in the future. But that's against his nature. If
you make an effort into
beginning a relationship
with God, you'll learn his “No part of you is
nature. hidden from God.
He is Love. In love there The good, the bad,
is no condemnation. In the ugly. Everything
love there's no fear, for is out in the open
perfect love cast out all with Him.”
fear. In love is a Rejoice Azuka
certainty that He'll never
use your past against
you. In love is a guarantee that yes there may be
storms and turbulent times but he'll never leave you
nor forsake you.
P a g e | 49

But you see as long as Netflix and Chill is all you want,
your picture of him is thwarted. You see Him based on
the latest societal trends instead of His true nature.

The Seekret Place is a place of discovery. You discover

Him and his love unveils You, the real You to you.

Recall the first time you were in love. The thrill of the
pursuit. The excitement. The blushing. The early
morning texts. The intermittent calls. Remember your
first fight or misunderstanding.

Can you remember all that? God wants all that with
you. All this while he's been pursuing you. He wants all
of you. Not some of you. He doesn't want you at your
convenience he wants you all the time. He wants to be
your confidant. He wants to be the first person you run
to with your issues. He wants to hear all about your
bad day. He wants to hear about your struggles. He
wants it all.
P a g e | 50

He doesn't want halves. He wants everything. I

remember telling someone God can handle anything I
throw at him. He's capable.

Can you dare to give him what he wants and not run
out at the first sign of trouble? Can you dare to be bare
before him as you get to know him in your Seekret
place? Can you afford to be vulnerable despite your
fears? I know Netflix and Chill is convenient and easy
and the perceived stress of a relationship is seemingly
weighty but can you let go and let God.

Today He's drawing you. Can you respond to him and

start your pathway to relationship with Him? When I
made my decision for Him, I told him I said can we
start afresh? Let me pretend I know nothing about you,
let's start all over. And that's what I did. I put aside
grammar and doctrines and went after the one my
heart longed for.

Can you do the same tonight? He's saying to you,

come up hither. It’s not about your pastor or your
P a g e | 51

leader. This is about you and your getting to know him

for yourself. Not a second-hand knowledge.

I told you he's a good Father, can you come out of your
previous experiences enough for him to reintroduce
himself as a good Father to you. I know no one acted
like you expected when
you lost your folks but “The Seekret Place is
can you put aside the
a place of discovery.
experience and permit
You discover Him and
him to be the comforter?
his love unveils You,
Even when he doesn't the real You to you.”
do things the way you Rejoice Azuka
expect and you get
angry, can you be
willing to let go of your prescription on how He should
react and trust him? Obedience is hard because you
don't trust Him. Trust is built on the basis of
relationship. You can't build trust from Netflix and Chill.
It won't stand the fire.
P a g e | 52

That's why the hymn writer said “when we walk with

the Lord” implying relationship. You get to know him
through fellowship with His Word and His Spirit. That's
when you can trust and obey. If a stranger walked up
to you now and said do you trust me? Your response
would be straight up no. In fact. If they asked to loan
them 10million, you'll probably take a stick to beat
them. Why?? There's no relationship.

I know you are a mama or papa. I know that you are an

Apostolic Prophet with heavy teaching grace with a
touch of the pastoral and evangelistic but can you lay
all that aside and start a relationship with the Lord?

I’m not asking you to give your life to Christ. I’m asking
you to invest time, energy and effort to build
relationship with Him despite distractions and
contentions. I’m asking you to stand with Him and for
Him through it all.
P a g e | 53

So tonight. No make-up. No leaving after the fun time.

Stay through it all and be real with God. It's time for
you and him to begin afresh. Time for a clean slate.

P a g e | 54

Hello Saint.

Last time out, I shared with you how that the believer
is an authority and so must pray with authority not
suggestions. How that in order to change things we
must make decrees and not please.

Today, I'll be sharing with you a kind of prayer that we

scarcely pay attention to. Let’s begin from Matthew

Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on

earth as concerning anything that they shall ask, it
shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Mt 18:19 KJV

So Jesus says, “Again I say to you.” Again? Has he said

something before? Jesus had just said something very
strong. In fact, what he said according to Matthew
P a g e | 55

16:19 which we looked at last time is a KEY. And now

Jesus says it again in Matthew 18:18;

Verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on

earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye
shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Mt 18:18

And I will give unto thee the KEYS of the kingdom of

heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose
on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Mt 16:19

What Jesus was saying in Matthew 18:18 was so

important a matter. It wasn't the first time he said it.
In fact, if it was the first time, it was still powerful. Let
alone when he says it again. But now this time, after
Jesus has made this powerful statement, He said,
"again I tell you."

In another words, He is saying “I am laying emphasis

on what I just said. I am still preaching the same
message. It is as serious as what I have just said now.”
P a g e | 56

So Jesus was saying, “Listen, again I tell you! First, I tell

you that when you make decrees, they're authorized
by heaven. Again I tell you, when you agree together,
it is authorized by heaven. If two of you shall agree on
anything, it will be done by my Father.”

So Jesus was preaching the same message of Matthew

16:19, the same message of Matthew 18:18, he was
saying that the Prayer of Agreement is a key to
accessing heaven's authorization.

The prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful

prayer strategies. God respects agreement. Nature
respects agreement.
Agreeing people are
powerful people. “The Prayer of
Agreement is a key
Little wonder something to accessing
remarkable happened in
the book of Genesis.
Where God himself
Hezekiah Tiamiyu
acknowledged that
P a g e | 57

agreeing people are unstoppable people.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they
have all one language; and this they begin to do: and
now nothing will be restrained from them, which they
have imagined to do. Genesis 11:20

So a together people are unstoppable! An agreeing

people are unstoppable. And now Jesus has said if you
people come in AGREEMENT (in another word ONE
VOICE, UNITY) there's nothing you cannot get.

So the prayer of agreement is such a powerful prayer

strategy. Now there are some important things to
know about the prayer of agreement;


...concerning ANYTHING... Mt 18:19

This means you can agree in prayer about ANYTHING!

Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree
(harmonize together, make a symphony together)
P a g e | 58

about whatever [anything and everything] they may

ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My
Father in heaven. - Matthew 18:19 AMPC

Anything and everything can be prayed about in the

prayer of agreement.


Jesus said, “…if TWO of you...” In verse 20, still on the

same message, he said if TWO or THREE of you. Read
together, we have an understanding that this prayer
isn't restricted to TWO persons. The important thing is
that 1 person cannot make the prayer of agreement.
There has to be someone you are agreeing with.



“…you shall agree ON EARTH”

P a g e | 59

So the prayer of agreement cannot be done with

angels or dead beings. Neither Mary mother of Jesus
nor Apostle Paul can agree with you nor Angel Gabriel.

You have to both or all be alive. Though not necessary

in the same place.


There must be an agreement. So next time you are

going to pray the prayer of agreement, don't just call
out the problem to your partner. Spell out what you
want also and your partner(s) must agree with you
that what you want is what you'll get.

So before praying, hold an open discussion, open up

clearly and truthfully. Then let the person talk too. Let
him, her or them agree with you.


...concerning anything you ASK...

P a g e | 60

The request must be made! Note that the word is ASK

and not beg or cry. Now, consider this; Do you know
that many of us don't ask for anything in prayer? How
do you ask for something?

Statement A: I want a phone (Information)

Statement B: I need your phone (Information)

Statement C: Give me your phone (Asking)

So which of the three statements is more authoritative?

Definitely the third statement, it is a request and
authoritative. Now remember last time we talked on
the power of decrees? Remember Matthew 18:18?

Now that is the language of the prayer of agreement.

It's an authoritative prayer!


P a g e | 61

I'll share a remarkable prayer of agreement experience

with you from scriptures. Acts 12:1-3

Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his
hands to vex certain of the church.
And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.
And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded
further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of
unleavened bread.) Acts 12:1-3

Herod took of James and killed him. Just like that! And
now he has gotten Peter the head of the church. The
church folks have got to do something! They didn't do
anything when it was James and that caused them one
Apostle. Now they've got to use their weapon.

Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was

made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.
And when Herod would have brought him forth, the
same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers,
bound with two chains: and the keepers before the
door kept the prison. Acts 12:5-6
P a g e | 62

The church came together to pray for Peter’s release.

They interceded in AGREEMENT. Now look at this;

And when he had considered the thing, he came to the

house of Mary the mother of John, whose surname
was Mark; where many were gathered together
And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel
came to hearken, named Rhoda.
And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the
gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood
before the gate.
And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she
constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they,
It is his angel.
But Peter continued knocking: and when they had
opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished.
Acts 12:12-16

In this same encounter we see this young girl who was

part of the prayer of agreement being made.
P a g e | 63

They've been praying, agreeing for Peter's release and

now he's out. This young girl was excited about it. “Oh
our prayers have been answered” she must have said.
But then there were others who said oh it's impossible,
you are seeing a ghost. Even though they had agreed
to come together to pray, even though they were
praying in agreement, they got to a point where they
began to doubt, where they lost hope. They had been
praying for days mind you, and they just seem to have
given up.

Yet their prayer of agreement wasn't cancelled

because of their doubt because in this prayer, the
doubt of one person doesn't nullify the prayer as long
as it started in agreement.

If we came together in
“Agreeing people
agreement to make the
are powerful and
prayer, then we'll have to
come together again in
agreement to cancel it.
Hezekiah Tiamiyu
P a g e | 64

What a prayer strategy the prayer of agreement is!

Use it often! The problem is that many believers are
loners! They don't have prayer cliques, they pray only
on their own. While many other believers are nomads.
They just pray with different people, anybody. Both
aren't bad and are important as well.

However, get yourself a clique. People who share the

same knowledge with you, people who will answer
when you call, people who will easily be in agreement
with you. Take your time and carefully select 2,3,4
persons who can always pray with you about
ANYTHING in agreement and who you can pray with

If possible, as a team, keep track of your testimonies

from the prayers, it'd strengthen your clique and faith.
Wield this weapon of agreement at all times! I trust
you have been blessed.

P a g e | 65


Good evening.

Can you go ahead and pray in the Spirit? There are

weightier depths the Lord wants to unlock for us. Can
you press that the deep of God will draw us tonight?

Thank you, sweet Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus. Thank

you Abba. We have come again not as a routine but in
anticipation of a word from you. Touch someone. Heal
someone. Deliver someone. Transform someone. Let
no one remain the same in Jesus name.

So far in my sessions with you, we must have learnt

that God values our souls more than ministry. He
wants the walk before the work. That we shouldn't
have a situationship with God but rather a relationship
and no Netflix chilling. We must have learnt that the
Holy Spirit is very interested in our fellowship with Him,
not just when we are in our rooms but everywhere
and we are always loved by God.
P a g e | 66

Today, I’d be sharing with you on HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

I dislike romance movies. I would take a good action

movie over seating down to watch romance. Till one
day the Holy Spirit made me watch Cinderella like 7
different versions. At the end I thought I would pull
out my hair in anger and frustration.

Instead at the end I had a book full of lessons learnt

from the movie. Seriously I really didn't want to hear
the Holy Spirit after that day. Like really, did I offend

One major thing stood out despite the drama that

brought us to the destination; they lived happily ever
after. When I tried to unpack that word, I realized that
it is very personal to the individual involved. You see
your happily ever after and mine can have very
different connotations.

For instance, I can be mischievous and like to pick a

fight for fun. Please don't judge me I have to amuse
P a g e | 67

myself somehow. Once in a while, controlled quarrel is

needed to make things exciting. So if you are not me
and you like peace and quiet, when I engineer one
drama to spice things up you'll be irritated. I promise
my salvation is still intact.

Saying we lived happily ever after doesn't mean that

we were smelling flowers till the end of the age. It just
means that despite the turmoil and the ups and downs,
I choose you.

The world calls it ride or die. Me and you against the

world. Contrary to what the last few weeks may prove,
I actually read my Bible. Believe me, I have learnt
something with God, He wants you. Baggage, drama,
quirks and all. He loves you like that. He wants you like
that. He doesn't want the English grammar blowing
you when your pidgin is your comfort zone. He doesn't
want you to fake it. He wants you to be yourself.

He wants to be your ride or die. Your day 1 Person.

The secret place isn't about just asking and when you
P a g e | 68

need things. The secret place is about Him too. God is

omniscient but God can also be predictable especially
when you have entered Him well. I don't mean
familiarity but there's a level of friendship where you
can predict Him and what He can do.

He wants to be the first person you hear his voice in

the morning and the last person you hear at night. He
wants to spend lazy Saturdays with you and crazy
Mondays too. He wants to see you without make up
(sisters say Amen) and you dressed up and ready to
take the day.

He wants to see your reaction to disappointments and

not the packaged one. The one where you yell and cry.
He wants to hear you talk about your crush and your
facial expression to that finnnnnnneeeee individual
that makes your heart skip a beat (if you are on this
table, gather around and take a selfie).

He doesn't just want your strength, he actually wants

your weaknesses too. I know we've edited the marital
P a g e | 69

vows to for better for better but no matter how bad it

gets, He wants to be there and not tossed aside.

We had a 24-hour prayer stretch in Abuja and before

the meeting I was so tense and nervous. Couldn't
explain it. Normally I would shut down and keep to
myself but I remember that morning telling him how I
felt and how he calmed
my fears. At the end of
the meeting I was so “Tongues is a
excited that in my prayer language of
time I was talking a mile intimacy.”
per minute trying to tell Rejoice Azuka
him everything despite
the fact He was there.
That's a day in my happily ever after.

Why fake when the original is much sweeter? He's

shameless and relentless in his pursuit of you. Why
can't you be reckless and wild in your response to Him?
P a g e | 70

I remember telling him I want it all. The explosive

combustion of your magnificent presence, the silence
of when you want to teach me your ways, the calm
intensity of your beauty. Whatever is in you bring it on.
I want it all.

The silence part can be hard yes but I learnt his ways in
his silence. Your craziness doesn't scare God so stop
trying to package your crazy.

I love God's presence, I can show myself and blame it

on Him. I mean having someone so amazing in love
with You can make you lose your cool.

When you are in love and you understand this whole

happily ever after. You just want to be with Him always.
Even when you are asleep, you lean over and make
sure he's still in bed with You. Oh draw us dear Lord
we've come to chase after you.

David said early will I seek Him. He always spent time

with Him that God acknowledged him as His friend.
P a g e | 71

Paul said I pray in tongues more than you all. Tongues

is a language of intimacy. Imagine how intimate He
was with God. We can see the result with the depth of
revelation birthed out of Him. Oh Jesus. Can I be so
intimate with you too? He's not reserving such
relationship for a select few, if you want it. You know
what you've got to do. Give Him time, build

I love romancing God. I love the times I can come and

toast Him afresh. I love the times I come just to tease
Him with my words and inflate his ego in my own little
way. I refuse to box my walk with God to morning
devotion and family night prayers where we know the
sequence of songs and the topic of devotion. I love the
spontaneous relationship we have.

If you follow my media updates and watch the random

teachings I do, that's how I am with Him. I know I can't
surprise him but I like to pretend that I can.
P a g e | 72

What is your picture of your happily ever after with

God? I know you have been taught quiet time in
discipleship class. I know last Sunday or sometime last
year you learnt what to do during devotional time.

Can you toss it aside and create your traditions with

Him? Can you write your own love story with God with
Him and You being the star characters? Can you hold
on with the order of service for your devotions and be

Can your Bible study time become a time of colors and

lessons of the supernatural and not what you have
been forced to do daily for spiritual growth? Can you
see Jesus in every verse of the scripture you read?
Break free of religion and traditions and ride on the
wings of relationship into the very heart of God. Oh
how I feel His presence in my room right now.

He doesn't just want this to be a teaching that you'll

become excited about and toss aside in the next 6
P a g e | 73

hours but can it become your reality. Can this become

your life?

I don't promise that life won't happen but I can

guarantee that you'll never be alone. Even when you
don't feel like He is. He doesn't want to be there just
when you are broke. He
wants to be there when
you have Billions too and “God desires a
be sure that money
relationship with you
means nothing without
and you can have it
all with God.”
He wants to go shopping Rejoice Azuka
with you. He wants to
get a new haircut and
hairdo with you. He's interested in your diet. He wants
to know who you are catching feelings for. What a joy
to be at the epicenter of His will through relationship.
He wants to know what you think about everything. He
P a g e | 74

wants you to know what He thinks about what He

thinks. He wants it all. No halves. He wants it all.

That's why He dealt with Daddy issues, situationships,

then Netflix and Chill and today he's saying you can
have it all. Your happily ever after. Don't want it right
now but desire it as a life. Become His favorite. The
best part is that we can all be His favorites so no need
to be jealous of each other. What a love! What an
overwhelming desire!

We can start with baby steps but intentionally desire

to grow. Don't settle or get too comfortable. Desire
more. want Him more.

I want all of Him and I’m not ashamed of it. I don't just
want to stay in the secret place. I don't just want to
live in the secret place. I want to become a portal of
the secret place where others desire Him from hanging
around me. If you don't get anything from this month-
long teaching get this, He wants you more than you
P a g e | 75

want Him. He desires a relationship with You and you

can have it all with God.

Give Him time. Your unreserved and extremely

focused time. You can start with 30 mins. Don't think
of the list of things you'll do just go. Don't be
intimidated by the stories of those who have been
doing this for a little longer than you. Let their stories
build a desire in you for more.

Be consistent and persistent in your pursuit of Him.

Remember more than you want Him, He wants You.
Remember it's your story with Him.

Thank you Jesus for today and this journey you've

brought us through. The truth is this, we want you! All
of you Lord. Guide us into your seekret place. Teach us,
lead us, guide us. Help us. Let there be a deluge of
encounters today in Jesus name. Amen

P a g e | 76


Hello beloved of the Father.

Today we will be looking into the “how” to have a

meaningful quiet time. Having a quiet time is so
important to the spiritual life of a believer. It is
beautiful to pray all the time from morning to night,
praying without ceasing as I shared during my first
session with you.

However, nothing can replace the importance of a

quiet time. A quiet time is a solitude time with God. A
time of fellowship with God devoid of distractions. This
means that a quiet time cannot be done during the
busy hours of the day. A quiet time cannot be done
while washing the plates or sweeping the floor. Yes,
you can have a beautiful fellowship with God while
doing many chores, it's beautiful but it's not “quiet.”
P a g e | 77

Now the problem for many believers isn't that they

don't know what quiet time is, it's that they are not
sure how it is.

First let me disappoint you; there is no one generally

accepted way to have a quiet time. Everyone can do
quiet time differently. There are just certain important
things that will help you have a meaningful quiet time.
No matter how different your quiet time style is, it
should have these things;


Your quiet time should have a conversation. You can

start by talking to God about the quiet time you want
to have or just random discussions, gist God. Talk in
some Yoruba, English or a language you understand.
After all, conversations are held in understandable

I personally prefer to start my quiet time in a silent

conversation. Perhaps because I'm naturally a quiet
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person. I stand up, keep quiet a while (sometimes with

music) and I just talk to God from my heart and then
flows from there to my mouth. Whichever away, your
quiet time should have a conversation, however short
or lengthy.


Having a meaning quiet time requires specificity with

time. Picking a time is divided into two. One, a specific
time. Two, a calculated time.

For a specific time, you should have a time you do your

quiet time daily. You don't do 11pm today and then
6a.m tomorrow. Pick a time and stick to it. If it's 6am,
let it be 6a.m daily and please when picking a time,

Yes, I know there are many sermons out there about

not serving God at your own convenience, it's true but
God will rather have a consistent convenient time with
you than an inconsistent inconvenient time with you.
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So please choose a convenient time that you can be

consistent with and also without distractions, EXCEPT
God specifically gives you a time (this happens).

The other part of time is having a calculated time. How

long is your quiet time? 1 hour? 30mins? 5hours? Be
clear about it. One of the reasons for this is to build
your discipline in the seekret place.

Sometimes you say your quiet time is 30mins but at

20mins you are perhaps tired already, however,
because you have made it clear that it is 30 minutes,
you must stay there. Even if it means singing the time
“God will rather have a
Also, this will help
you deal with consistent convenient
hurrying off. So, start time with you than an
deciding now, what inconsistent
is the specific time inconvenient time.”
and calculated time Hezekiah Tiamiyu
for your quiet time?
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Note that there is no rushing, grow at your own pace,

don't say 3 hours when you'll only be able to go 15
minutes. You can always increase your time after a
period of consistency as you grow.


How many times have you woken up in the morning

and just felt like reading Psalms because it is where
your Bible opened? Well, I did so a lot of time and I tell
you, it’s a good start.

But to have a meaning quiet time you need to have a

bible reading/study plan. If you don't have this, you'll
end up wasting time looking for what to read when
you should be reading already.

What are the study plans you can have?

• Chronological bible in a year or two years. That

is the historical way things happened in the
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• Bible in a year or two years plan

• Topical study plan. (Study based on topics e.g

angels, fear, holy spirit etc.)

• Character study plan. (Study on David, Moses,

Jochebed etc.)

• Book plan too. (Study on Romans, Galatians


You can get any of these plans structured already on

google. Whatever you do, just have a planned plan
that you use. Weekly plan or monthly plan or yearly


Don't read with just KJV... Get a TPT, MSG, NLT or

something. Don’t read with just MSG translation too,
get at least two. Bible applications come with several
translations now, equip yourself.
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Tools are those resources you need to enjoy your bible

study. Concordance, Bible dictionary, Commentaries.
You can get these apps and have them on your phone


Even when there is no prayer point. You don’t always

need to have something to pray about. Praying in
tongues is an important gift of the believer that should
be engaged at every opportunity.



Most importantly, LISTEN!

Either you hear or do not

hear anything. Spend a “Gist God.”
little while to LISTEN and be Hezekiah Tiamiyu
QUIET before you run out.
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Likewise, even as you go on with the day’s tasks, be

sensitive to know that your lover can speak to you at
any time. Listen.

I'd love to hear feedback from you on how you have

been able to start enjoying your quiet time. Have a
beautiful seekret place experience.

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Dearly beloved,

Perhaps you have just read all these beautiful things

that we have shared in this book but you do not have a
personal relationship with Jesus. Then, the first step
for you is to agree to have a relationship with Him. To
become born again, to become saved, to become His
child. For it is only children that can access the beauty
of the seekret place.

Would you love to start a relationship with Jesus today?

Glad you said yes! Now please wholeheartedly make
this prayer;

Lord Jesus, I come to you today and confess that I have

sinned and walked in darkness but today I
acknowledge your love for me and I confess that you
are my Lord and Savior. Forgive me oh Jesus and give
me a heart that desires to know you more. Thank you
for your forgiveness and love. Now I am born again. In
Jesus name. Amen.

Congratulations! Now you are born again!

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Has this book been a blessing to you? Do you

have testimonies from the impact of this book
that you’d love to share? Or do you have
questions, inquiries etc.?
Then connect with us at
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