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NAMA : Mansye Latumahina

KELAS : a2 siang (kairatu)

NPM : 1420117387

SEMESTER : VI (enam)

Patient : Good morning nurse

Nurse : Good morning miss. Introduce my nameis nurse yeniel. If I may know this with whose miss?
Who are you happy to call miss?

Patient : My name is mirel I like being called mirel nurse

Nurse : Okay miss mirel how old you now where you live?

Patient : I am 25 years old now and I live in Halong nurse

Nurse : Okay miss. What complaints do you feel now?

Patient : My head nurse feels so sick

Nurse : Can you show me the location of your head that hurts?

Pasient : In this section nurse.

Nurse : Good miss. What kind of pain do you fell in your head?

Pasient : It hurts so much like being stabbed, nurse.

Nurse : Good miss. I will ask the doctor to re-examine the situation of the woman in accordance with
the complaint that you fell.

Patient : Yes nurse. Will I be treated by a nurse?

Nurse : Not miss, because your head is only mild pain. So after being examined by a doctor, you will
be given a prescription drug and you can buy medicine at the pharmacy and then you can return

Pasient : oh like that, nurse.

Nurse : Yes miss. But after the lady took the medicine and in the time specified by the doctor, the
pain did not heal. Then miss must come back for further examination

Patient : Yes nurse

Nurse : Okay fine miss. Let me take you the doctor’s office.

Patient : Yes nurse. Thank you

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