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 It’s not what we do, it’s the

result that counts.... !

Dynamic development,
astonishing results... !
Dynamic Development T.C.Psy

Why Salespeople Often Struggle

To Sell - & What Can Be Done
About These Destructive Blocks
MR002 • WSPOSTS • April 2012

Why Salespeople Often Struggle To Sell - & What Can Be Done About These
Destructive Blocks
Copyright © Damitro 2012
All Rights are retained and reserved by the publisher Damitro Ltd.
Damitro has asserted the right to be identified as the author of this e-book (Why
Salespeople Often Struggle To Sell - & What Can Be Done About These Destructive
Blocks) in accordance with the copyrights, designs and patent acts 1988

This document takes approximately 10 minutes to read

Astonishingly 95% of all sales people will at some point fail to achieve
target, yet that does not prevent them from selling, even achieving a nominal
level of acceptability. However, imagine if that figure was the polar opposite,
and that 95% of all salespeople not only achieved, but surpassed their
targeted goals.

Rarely does a salesperson who chose their profession from personal desire
lack the necessary drivers to become ultra successful. Likewise, rarely does a
salesperson who chose their profession based on “needs or money” truly ever
become successful. It is the indifferences of fear, or desire that create the
massive gap between percentage successes and percentage failures.

If a persons core motivational drivers are founded upon fears, then a

successive chain of predictive future outcomes are already set in motion, and
it is only a matter of time before failure is upon them. Naturally, most
salespeople are genuinely unaware that fear is driving and motivating them,
yet as the figure above suggest, almost 95% are indeed on this platform.
Though to alleviate or overcome, at some point most engage, or are enrolled
into personal or professional development, motivational programs, etc. Yet no
matter the amount of positive pep talks, or motivational inspiration, if a persons
core drivers are misaligned, then from the outset, they are doomed to struggle
and ultimately fail. Yet how can we know what is driving a person? how do we
know if they are destined to become failures or successes? until now there
has been no real solution.

Well, now there is a system that can indicate if you are employing under par
staff, and if you are the salesperson, it can tell you with predictable accuracy
what your chances of failure, or future successes are. Not only that, this
system has the ability to dissolve misaligned, while simultaneously cultivating
core drivers of success. Salvaging a struggling, or potentially unsuccessful,
then super charging an individual into achieving success is now a distinct
reality. How can this be? because at the core of all humans, our thoughts and
feelings, etc are forced to choose one of only two drivers - FEAR or 1 DESIRE.
If an individuals primary system is functioning on fear, then failure is almost
imminent, likewise if their main driver is founded upon desire, then the
chances of success are also imminent. Yet prior to recently, core drivers have
not been easily identifiable, therefore and understandably the assumption was
that most salespeople were motivated either by desires, or healthy fears. This
is now understood to be a delusion which is further backed by the opening
figures that 95% of all salespeople will at some point fail their targeted goals.
Whilst the above appears negatively, it is not, and whilst the average
salesperson thinks and feels they are operating from desires, they are not. It
has now been discovered that humans possess an unconscious ability to
overlay core fears with surface desires, yet astonishingly the original core
fears remain embedded and suppressed giving the outward appearance, even
duping the individual into a hardened belief that there are no existing fears.

1 Desire being a derivative if LoVe

However, 2 (T.C.Psy, i.e. Dynamic Development) unearths, highlights, then
dissolves these destructive core fears. The individual is then free to operate
from a platform of desire, which in turn produces astonishing productive
results. However, without delving too deeply, for now just consider that this
discovery has the potential to dramatically and dynamically reshape, as well
as positively redefine a persons whole existence.

Now back to our salesperson, and from this day forward, is it unfair to
expect salespeople to continually and consistently outperform themselves?
Not if they engage in MorganRen’s “Dynamic Development”, because this is
exactly the purpose of recent discoveries, new technology and applications. It
is now coming to light that successful people are the individuals who resonate
in less fear than that of those that unconsciously harbor core fears.

Like the human heart, and finely tuned machines, without fatigue, without
failure, they perform repeated duties over, and over again.. However, humans
are more than machine, more than a beating heart, but when in perfect
balance, every human possesses the innate ability to not only achieve, but to
surpass targeted goals. When we get to our core drivers, it may surprise you
to know, that our natural state is centred around “growth and expansion”. This
growth is a driving force that is always seeking to express itself through
procreation, creativity, personal, and business development, etc. Yet what
fuels and propels this core driver is a very simple operating system of duality.
Duality forces our primal source energy to choose one of only two polar
options, i.e. fear or desire. Whether a thought, feeling, or stimuli experience is
a contracting fear or expanding desire, is an unconscious decision that
attaches then goes on to formulate and become a primary root driver. Because
of duality and polarities, until now there has been no other choice.

This is particularly prevalent for salespeople because for those that do not
surpass their targets have at some level, embedded core energies founded
upon fear. Whilst initially it might be upsetting, even unacceptable to read this,
assurance is given that at core level, suppressed and embedded energies of
fear are unconsciously at work. If this were not the case, the polar energy of
desire would be the dominating factor, which in turn would act as a pulling
force to reach and surpass desired goals. Yet when enough fear resides, it
acts as a gravitational pull in the polar opposite direction, canceling out and
nullifying any form of success. It’s a little deeper and more electromagnetically
technical. Though to keep this in layman’s terms, think of it as two pots of
paint, in constant interaction.

There is one pot of black and one pot of white, in the middle is you. Think or
feel fear and you get a shot of black, think or feel desire and you get a shot of

2 T.C.Psy is an abbreviation for the science and understanding of

transpersonal consciousness psychology. However, it must not be confused
with traditional clinical or cognitive psychology because it is not. Transpersonal
means physical, emotional, mental, and the non physical elements of being
human. Consciousness meaning “human consciousness”. Psy because it is a
science based. However, for the purpose of this and all material, T.C.Psy will
be referred to as “Dynamic Development”
white. The principles of reality state you must choose one, so it’s either a shot
of black or a shot of white. Now imagine you have been experiencing a shot of
black, or a shot of white 50,000 times per day, 365 days per year because
thats exactly what you have been doing. Albeit unconsciously, the human brain
thinks on average 50,000 thoughts per day, every day, and that’s an incredible
18+ million shots of paint per year. Now let me ask you, with each thought/
shot, which one did you choose?, was it black fear, or white desire? what is
your overall colour today? are you light grey, dark grey, etc? Exactly, you do
not know because you cannot possibly be “conscious” of these past or present
thought and associated feelings, yet regardless of your awareness, this goes
on. The unconscious aspect of self then takes over, manages, and embeds the
energy deep into the human system. This operating system is then used to
function in daily life, but again and important to note, this is going on
unconsciously. Nevertheless, just because one is not conscious does not
mean it does not exist, indeed and on the contrary. Again and without being
aware, if a thought or experience has been unconsciously perceived even as
a slight fear, then we get a shot of permanent black. Yes, it is permanent. So
no matter what, the energy remains in the system as a platform pulling in the
polar opposite direction. Desires drive us forward while fears hold us back.
Conscious or not, until now, this has been there job.

As everything in the universe is in a state of constant flux, nothing remains

the same, and that includes you. The permanence spoke of above is only
permanent if you don’t know how to erase, release, dissolve, or neutralize it.
Until such a time as NOW, there has been nothing available, however, times
have changed, humans have evolved, and now there is indeed a solution.

Nevertheless before a solution can be applied, core fears require unearthed

and identified. Yet the very nature of being human means the unconscious self
is “doing it’s job”, maintaining as much distance from core fears as possible.
This is why we can read other peoples positive and negative states, but not in
ourselves. Like all energy, fear as well as desire emanates an electromagnetic
resonance, and as mentioned earlier, even the slightest fear will impact an
individuals “overall vibrational resonance”. Often we may “feel” something from
another, yet cannot quite identify what that feeling is. Again and until recently,
this was not detectable. Though as technology develops, what is being
perceived is understood to be the other persons individual electromagnetic
resonance. If you emanate even the slightest fear, at some level, albeit subtle,
the other person will detect it.

And so it is that even when a salesperson projects themselves positivity,

lurking underneath and emanating from their core are embedded fears that
when detected and released, literally transform and propel the salesperson
towards success, and whilst most cannot imagine they are emanating core
fears, simple portable apparatus can now detect otherwise. In short, there is
no escape, no hiding, nevertheless this is not to be feared, because in
identifying and releasing allows the individual in question to continually, and
consistently Achieve.
The End

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