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“A mans dreams are an

index to his greatness....
(Zadok Rabinwitz)

Dynamic Development,
taps into that reservoir of
Dynamic Development T.C.Psy greatness ....

When Your
Dreams Get Scuppered
MR005 • WYDGS • April 2012

When Your Dreams Get Scuppered!

Copyright © Damitro 2012
All Rights are retained and reserved by the publisher Damitro Ltd.
Damitro has asserted the right to be identified as the author of this e-book (When
Your Dreams Get Scuppered) in accordance with the copyrights, designs and patent
acts 1988

This document takes approximately 25 minutes to read

1 - When Your Dreams Get Scuppered

When it comes to your inner dreams, as in day dreaming what you really want from
your entire life, do you ever find that once shared, your dreams begin to dissolve, and
does it appear that those who are closest to you seem to be the ones directly
responsible for “instantly crushing” your future potentials. Yet at the same time, have
you ever noticed that for a small minority, they appear to effortlessly breathe life into,
and live out their wildest dreams?
For a moment, and just for some fun, let’s look at the reality of reality. The average
brain is hardwired with over 100 billion physical neurons, which have over 500 trillion
synaptic permutations that consciously and unconsciously compute trillions upon
trillions of varied and optional outcomes for every decision, direction, and outcome
you do, etc. With this kind of potential, it is easier to conceive that when two brains
are compared to each other, that they have perceived and consequently believed
themselves to be “individual” and “unique” from each other.

Yet imagine one giant mind filtering through 7 billion perceived individuals, with each
of those 7 billion minds equipped with a further 500 trillion ways/options of potential
outcomes - Just to recap, that’s one mind with 3500 sextillion potentially different
ways/outcomes of thinking, feeling, and ultimately doing things...... 3500 sextillion
options is both unimaginable and intangible to the individual human mind. Yet before
getting bogged down with these daunting statistics, know that when birthed, the
average human arrives fully equipped with a system to penetrate straight through the
perceived individual mind and pull from the pool of 3500 sextillion other potential
permutations. The pool of 3500 sextillion potentials might be referred to as “the
overall collective consciousness”, that’s an incredible
3500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 existing permutations, and that’s not to mention
the potentials that have already existed before you.

Highlighting the above, is to equip you with a brief outline of “the perceived
individual”, and that perceived individual is YOU!...... You perceive yourself as
individual because you were born unto this world, or at least that is what you
perceive. As belief itself is a non physical perception, belief has convinced you into
believing, but more importantly, repetitively “thinking”, which in turn automatically
strengthens the belief that you are indeed, YOU!...... However, you have not been
fooled. Your perception has done a great job because that has been the job of the
perception, yet as you grow and evolve so too does your perception. Inside you may
have been aware, or at least suspicious that you are more than what you thought you
were, yet up to present, you may not have known what this more was, so let’s get
back to those dreams you dream.

When you dream, do you feel confusion about how you are going to bring to life these
dreams, do you feel they are separate from you, or perhaps you wish for but put your
dreams aside because of insurmountable obstacles, and challenges. Do you know
where your dreams are emanating from, and do you know the owner, and generator
of your dreams are?

The above are not questions to trick or play with your mind, though for all desired
dreams to stand any chance of becoming a reality, the subject, that is YOU! must
align yourself and tune into your own inner director, which paradoxically is also YOU!
(all will make sense as we go along).

Dependent upon one’s current state of “being” will depend upon the level of
connection and connectedness - please allow an explanation; As an example Daniel,
a male from middle class western society was birthed, and raised in what he
describes as a very normal life. During his years of childhood, and well into adulthood
Daniel’s experience and perception of life was in his own words, “just normal”.
Though after chasing and living a few minor dreams, the majority of his inner and
highly subjective desired dreams remained elusively distant, and far from his reality.

Daniel was totally unaware that he was indeed more than his physical self. He had no
relationship to his source of existence, and possessed no awareness of his source of
energy. He was also unaware that his totality of existence all come down to an
“Electromagnetic Vibration”. Though we will avoid deep science, know that every
single physical and non physical element of existence (and that includes YOU!)
carries an electromagnetic vibration known as hertz. Again, avoiding the complexities,
know that perception influences, then converts this hertz into a perceived solid form
and hey presto - along with everything else, you appear real life, in a real reality. The
relevance of this information is such that as in the case of Daniel, you too are
composed of, and are a spinning jungle of “Electromagnetic's”, and all and everything
that comes your way influences your state of being. In the case of Daniel, and in
particular when he was young, his state of “being”, was unintentionally carved by the
attitudes, beliefs and character pass downs from his parents. In other words, through
no fault of his own, nor direct intent from his parents, Daniel had inadvertently but
quite naturally inherited his parents core fears, insecurities, and any other negative
dream crushing attributes. However, there is little to be gained in blaming Daniels
parents as it must be emphasised, what was passed down, was done so,
unintentionally, and away from the awareness of Daniels parents. Nothing can be
gained and no personal growth can stem from holding the parents or those close to
Daniel responsible for his unclaimed dreams - Yet the good news is that even un-lived
crushed dreams remain suppressed, but not erased, and they await there patiently
until you are ready to bring them to life. Yes, as will be discussed in greater detail
another time, the dream remains sort of speak “flat-packed”, and it’s original state
recordable in hertz remains embedded in your system, until that experience, or dream
is brought to life and realised.

So what stops these dreams coming to life?

Observations, and in particular with Daniel, the suggestion is that core energy is all
that there is. Though what covers and distorts energy which is commonly referred to
as human consciousness, are the filters that it must pass through in order to arrive in
this perceived reality. In other words, as energy arrives in Daniels as well as your
reality, it first passes through and picks up a corresponding electromagnetic vibration
from several layers of non physical energy fields. For example, you know that you
own an emotional state of being, a mental state of being, and other finer states such
as character, and personality, etc. You also know that these are not physical and
cannot be physically located. There are many more, yet for simplicity, awareness of
the others through identification of the initial fields will bring the others forward
(though do not worry about this jargon right now, as it will make sense at a later date).
Though back to the arriving energy - As it arrives, every stored emotional attachment,
conditioned belief, experienced event, mental thought and attitude, every character
and personality trait that has ever been experienced, contribute to the final expression
of a human being, i.e. that is Daniel, and of course YOU!

The final expression of all energy is YOU!

So what does that have to do with dreams?

Well, as in the case of Daniel, his major dreams are not manifesting into physical
reality for the following major reasons

2- Intuitiveness - Electromagnetic's
He has unconsciously and unintentionally identified and attached to his emotional and
mental energy, thus inadvertently creating a “lower vibrational” corresponding
electromagnetic hertz that not only distances him in the physical, but ensures he
cannot tune into, and is unlikely to ever reach his dreams, (that is, unless the
embedded energy and polarity is dissolved and allowed to change its vibration). In a
human sense, this translates into his core fears, as well as his core insecurities which
rule where his energy goes, and because he does not know his source of energy, he
feels disconnected, therefore he identifies only with his egoic self. The egoic self is
also a non physical yet necessary part of being human, however, it is the negative
aspect of the ego that is not required and is distorting then distancing Daniel by
creating and operating at a lower electromagnetic field, thus preventing Daniel and
others similar from living out their dreams. Though as technology is fast evolving, the
really good news is that these electromagnetic fields known as hertz can now be
detected, influenced, and dissolved. In doing so, this allows Daniel and others to raise
their electromagnetic self and tap into their intuitiveness, which in turn are where his
dreams and desires are emanating from, and because the line of energy supply is no
longer distorted, energy can flow without core fears or insecurities. Though the reality
is such that you do not require a hertz detector to dissolve detracting human energy,
though for the truly skeptical individual, it helps. The outcome being that when free of
all emotional, mental, group, cultural, and all other conditioned beliefs, attachments,
perceptions, etc - the individual is then free from the core outwards, and can
effortlessly begin to manifest and bring their dreams into their subjective reality.
Though make no mistake, one must be free from all inner core fears, and core fears
mean all known and unknown, all conscious and unconscious insecurities.

3 - The Bud and the Rose - Implicate & Explicate

Again, and avoiding too much technical jargon, the word implicate refers to reality that
has not yet happened, and has not yet been expressed in the physical. This is easier
understood as your “subjective dreams and desires” still awaiting a reality. They are
implicate because until now, they have not yet been spoken outwardly to any other
person. Implicate refers to “enfolding inwardly”, therefore as incoming energy is
converted into an intuitive feeling, or imaginable thought form, it remains largely
enfolded potential at the highest possible electromagnetic vibration perceivable by
human beings. Implicate reality, or in other words, dreams and desires that flow
through you are your ultimate source of energy desiring to express through your
physical reality. Some refer to this as a programmed source of expression,
nevertheless, all your dreams and desires, whether thought, imagined, or felt, are
seeking a final expression, through you into your physical reality. Whereas, as this
reality is a duality reality, there is a polar opposite for everything and that includes
“explicate”. Explicate is the opposite of implicate. In brief, once you share your
dreams and desires with others in your reality, these are then referred to as explicate.
Being explicate the energy is converted from a higher vibrational hertz of thought to a
denser, lower vibration of speech. Once spoken, then implicate becomes explicate,
which in turn becomes almost “absolute”. Unlike implicate which is enfolded, and
awaiting an expression. This could be imagined as a lush, tightly shrouded budding
Rose pod, unopened and still awaiting it’s final stage of evolution. All that can be seen
by the outside world is the explicate outer green shell that shrouds the bud, yet
because the roses interior is still implicate, it has not yet unfolded, and for the unseen
unopened, it still holds many varying potentials for it’s final expression. Because it is
still in implicate order, the bud could blossom to be any colour, any type, a fine rose, a
withered rose, and it might not even open to be a Rose - The word implicate here
means the potential of what it could or will be is “infinite”. It is infinite because it has
not yet become it’s final expression. In relation to dreams and desires, this is
important because when a dream or desire is implicate, like the rose bud, it has not
yet become. Like a dream, the Rose bud interior has not yet happened, yet it holds all
the potentials of becoming (remember the 3500 sextillion potentials?).

Whereas explicate is unfolded reality, which can be thought of as the Rose bud now
open and in full blossom. Once the bud is open and in its final expression, it has now
“unfolded” it’s own reality, that is, it has now become explicate and explicate is final
and almost absolute. It is almost absolute because once the physical properties are
formed in reality, seldomly can they be changed, yet before the Rose bud became a
Rose, literally speaking it could of turned out many ways because just like a dream,
it’s form was non physical and it’s outcome not yet cast as a principle in reality.

For example when Daniel spoke to others about his dreams and desires, they
appeared to come up against resistance. Others would often put his dreams and
desires down as unrealistic and unattainable. Through spoken words, (which is also a
physical electromagnetic vibration recordable in hertz), Daniel had now changed the
order of his dreams polarity from implicate to explicate. In doing this, Daniels dreams
are no longer subjective infinite elements of unlimited potentials, they are now shared
expressions of physically spoken words. Though not to there full potential, yet in a
sense Daniels spoken dream or desire has been expressed. In short, they have now
been scuppered. Unconsciously and perhaps unintentionally Daniels egoic self
prematurely projected his inner subjective dreams and desires into physical reality
which in turn changes the order from implicate to explicate, the consequences of
which are diluting and at worst nullifying the dream or desire.

Another yet differing example is from the Latin pop singer Enrique Iglesias. During an
interview the singer was asked how he had managed to bring to life all his wildest
dreams, he replied with - “I never speak them to anyone, truly, I never speak them to
anyone out-loud”. He went onto say that on the few occasions he had shared or
spoken his dreams, they somehow became distant and further away. Also, successful
business entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson speaks of a similar system, that is, he
takes his wildest dreams and subjectively works on them until they happen, yet until
they manifest into reality, he speaks not of them.

4 - Identifying, Owning Dreams & Desires

Dreams and desires are extremely personal, in-fact when flowing through an
individual, they are so subjective that their end result can become very confusing.
Often questions like, who’s dreams are these, and where do they emanate from? Are
they really mine? These are all natural questions that may arise.

When a very poor homemaker was asked what dreams and desires she had, her
reply was “I have no dreams, and I only ever desire a simple life”. A few weeks later,
she was asked the same question again. With the passage of time her answer was
different, now she replied with “because I am fated to be who I am, there is no point to
dream”. Through suppression, this was a classic case of dream/desire disowner-ship.
Though this is only a brief outline of the homemaker lady, she clearly did possess , as
well as own her own dreams/desires, yet most likely through unconscious activity, she
had pushed them deep to the bottom of her being. Yet it does not end there because
like Daniel, her dreams and desires are hers, and hers alone, and will remain awaiting
a route to expression. When the homemaker lady, Daniel, and anyone else who do
not take ownership of their dreams, often they find themselves living out their own
desires through the eyes of someone else. This is why some people might follow a
celebrity, or reality TV program. Yet at worst, if an individual does not identify, take
ownership and live their own dreams, they might find themselves being a slave to
someone else's. As brutal as this sounds, because energy must go one way or
another, the duality in reality makes no preferences. In other words, if the energy
required to make your dreams is not recognised and utilised, like all energy, it will
always seek to find an expression. When a dream is seen being lived through
someone other than yourself, consider that for whatever the reason, fear, pain, guilt,
or otherwise, yet when another individual is seen living out a dream, consider without
berating, yet ask yourself the question, have you allowed yourself to disown your own

Dreams and desires are not meant to torture, or frustrate, and they are not there to be
challenged, ignored or suppressed - yet if like Daniel and the homemaker, if they do
not naturally effortlessly flow into reality, then there is a core issue that requires
attention. Often major core issues are “ownership”, for if the dream/desire is to be
realised, it first must be owned.

Though before owning a dream/desire, it is always wise to ask yourself why the
dream you dream of is so desired. Crucial to the outcome is to know the actual
source of the dream/desire, as in the case of Daniel and to his surprise, he found that
after consulting with his egoic self, his life-long dream to become a successful
businessman was not rooted in a desire, but was in-fact an overlaid core fear. Deeply
embedded away from his conscious mind was an energy of insecurity, and it was this
that was propelling and driving him to continually prove himself. After consulting with
his own inner self, Daniel identified and uncovered that from birth, he had always felt
unrecognised by his father, which unconsciously drove him to seek and hunger for
recognition. This association experience would have formed consciously, and that
consciousness formed an embedded energy, (yes it’s a hertz :-). Yet during the
process of that early decision making, it is likely Daniel was so young, and simply did
not possess the mental processing ability to rationalise. Because of this, Daniels
system naturally overlays the original negative perception with a desired outcome - It
does this because Daniels system knows it is not wise to live in a perpetual state of
negativity and so neatly overlays the original core fear of insecurity of being
unrecognised into a desired dream of success through recognition. The human
system does this automatically, yet it is vitally important to know the original source of
the dream because as stated earlier, the core fear is overlaid and it is this that is
maintaining distance from the dream/desires. It is not human energy transformed, it is
overlaid on top of the original experience, and will remain there until identified and
dissolved. To others and on the surface, Daniel came over as a highly motivated and
a self determined individual, yet at his core, the original fear resides. It is this fear that
carries the seed of the “electromagnetic vibration” which will now be serving to distort
the desired dream. Though this is a brief outline of originating energies, please refer
to the document (MR007), which covers this subject in greater detail.

5 - Projecting and Reflecting Reality

Have you ever noticed that when you go to sleep at night, some dreams you dream
are as real as life itself, and that within those dreams you can make the same
informed decisions that you do in this awakened state of reality?

Have you ever noticed that when in that dream, all feelings and emotions feel real?
When in your dream, does it feel real and as real and as authentic as it does when
your awake? Yet in a logical world, how could this be, how could this be possible?
Surely this is messing with your mind because this is not logically possible, it doesn't
make sense, or does it?

Of course it makes sense, because no matter what goes on with the outside world,
that is ‘explicate reality”, YOU know that whatever is experienced on the inner (which
is “implicate reality”) is not only a part of you - It is the totality of what, and who YOU
are. The word totality meaning that whilst the outside appears ambiguously separate
at the same time being connected to it, the inner world is all that you are - and it is the
totality of that no other can perceive.
Now for a moment ask yourself where do your own subjective dreams emanate from,
not sleeping dreams, but deeply rooted life’s desires that lie embedded within you?
Where are they, can you feel and find there location? Ask yourself, do you feel your
dreams, or do you see your dreams? Some might point to their brain, while others
point to the heart, or stomach, yet ask yourself where are yours.

Whether one is dreaming a sleeping dream, or perceiving a desired dream in a

wakened state, they are both bi products of “Electromagnetic's”, which are electrical
signals converting energy into pictures or feelings. Yet when one is sleeping, the eyes
are closed, so how can the eyes be sending signals to the brain for conversion? and if
one is thinking or daydreaming of a desired dream in everyday awakened life, the
pictures are imagined while the eyes are engaged with viewing other things. Yet this
is not logical, so how can this be? To overcome this illogical state of being, science
refers to this as “imagination”. However, as this is not a discussion about imagination,
this is mentioned merely to highlight the process other than sight, sound, taste, touch
and smell. In other words, what is being stated here is that there is more to you than
being physical and the 5 sensory 3 Dimensional world. In fact there is much more,
and when this curiosity is developed, then a whole new potential opens up.

One of these potentials is the theoretical postulation that reality is likened to a giant
3D game, and that the eyes see nothing, but they do in fact project everything. You
are not an actor in a movie, but you are also the Director who manufacturers and
creates the movie. You are not a footballer on a pitch, but you are also the manager
who puts the game together. Though we are not about to get lost in theoretical
theories, because the benefits of moving to the projection are covered in there own
document (MR008) yet know that the positive value for personal and professional
advancement, and living out personal dreams and desires gained from opening up to
and exploring such a possibility, is overwhelmingly supportive.

When one moves from the perception of “the dream experiencer” to “the dream
creator” then a personal transformational shift gets underway. This is where the
individual does not separate themselves from their inner and outer world. They begin
to understand synchronistic events to be sign posts, and clues to whats going on
inside of themselves. It is also the place where the individual opens to the possibility
that everything on the outside may indeed be a reflection emanating from the inside,
and that when addressing their inside, this has a direct impact on their outside -
ultimately through application and experience, this individual comes to the
understanding that perhaps and indeed, nothing is separate. Yet this does not happen
in an instant, it takes time. However, this is the great illogical positive paradoxical
enigma of the universe, and although non physical theories cannot be scientifically
proven, somehow and beyond all reasonable explanation, it works!

6 - To Summarize
Know that for every situation, or circumstance in life, your mind is capable of plugging
into and pulling from a potential outcome of beyond 3500 sextillion different
permutation, variations. To put this into perspective, the average mind processes
around 50-60 thousand thoughts per day. During an average lifetime, that's a total of
around 1.6 billion.
60 Thousand = 60,000 Which is a lot of thoughts/potentials, etc
1.6 Billion = 1,600,000,000 Is an extreme amount of thoughts/potentials, etc
3500 Sextillion = 3500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Is unimaginable to the human
Consider that which distorts and deters the final outcome of all that you are destined
to be and achieve is not fate, but it is your overall “electromagnetic vibration”, and
perhaps a result of all your core fears. These are now recordable as hertz which are
electrical pulses “translating” from your, emotional, mental, and other non physical
states of who you are, what you think, feel, react to, and so forth. When there is a
change in your vibration, you change the outcome in your reality, this aspect has been

Consider that when you do not live out your dreams, you maybe living someone

Consider that you project reality from within, and that when the inner is addressed,
the outer reflects this.

Consider that YOU are the creator of your dreams, desires and that in mastering
thyself, is the route to uncovering and realising your most wildest dreams.

Consider that as potty as this may sound, this whole reality is nothing but a “dream”,
your dream!

7 - Closing
A dream shared is not the dreamers dream anymore. The mere fact of sharing is
separation from source and ultimately disowner-ship of the subjectiveness from
where the dream emanated. Once shared, it is subject to the influence and rules of
explicate/objective reality. It then becomes distorted, diluted, and at worst nullified. A
dream dreamed is a dream to be realised. Though the real challenge is not placing
effort and mind power in trying to work out how to realise and make the dream come
true in reality, the challenge is in maintaining absolute subjective oneness with that
dream until it is realised. The real challenge is “keeping it to self” and working on your
core fears where everything is still in implicate form, and where it can shaped from
this to that in only one mind - YOUR mind!

Try it, try keeping one small tiny future dream between YOU and YOURSELF, or if
you prefer a slightly different terminology, keep it between you and your inner
subjective self, you and God, you and source, you and your creator, whomever you
feel most comfortable with. As potty as this may sound, no matter what, just keep it to
yourself. Make that pact between you and you, and you will find this is the paradoxical
magic spoke of earlier. This is the stuff that makes the dreams of others appear

The End

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