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Indications for weaning

1. Stable oxygenation
(PaO2/FiO2 >200); (PEEP
≤5cm H20)
2. Intact cough and airway
3. No vasopressor agents
being administered
minutes Clas Clinical Presentation Expect
2. O2 sat <90% s ed
3. HR >140 BPM; 20% I No signs of pulmonary or 0-5%
increase/decrease from venous congestion
baseline II Moderate heart failure or 10-20%
4. Systolic BP <90/ >180 (+) of bibasal rales, S3
mm Hg gallop, tachypnea or sings
5. Increase anxiety of R heart failure inc.
diaphoresis venous and hepatic
SUCCESSFUL congestion
1. Breathing ratio of RR to III Severe heart failure, rales 35-45%
TV in L <105 >50% of the lung fields or
pulmonary edema
Criteria for Admission for CAP IV Shock with systolic pressure 85-95%
1. RR > 28 BPM of <90mm Hg and evidence
2. BP <90 mm Hg or 30 of peripheral
mm HG below baseline vasoconstriction, peripheral
3. New onset confusion or cyanosis, mental confusion
altered consciousness and oliguria
4. Hypoxemia: PO2 <60
while breathing Room Air
or o2 sat <90%
Leads Corresponding
5. Unstable comorbid
6. Multilobular II, III, AVF Inferior wall
7. Pleural effusion I, AVF High Lateral
V1, V2 Septal
Glascow Coma Scale V3,V4 Anterior
Eyes V5, V6 Lateral
1. No response V1-V3 Anteroseptal
2. To pain V3-V6, I, Anterolateral
3. To command AVL
4. Spontaneously Mirror Posterior
Verbal Response image of V1
1. No response and V2
2. Incomprehensible All Diffuse/ global
words V3R, V4R RV wall
3. Inappropriate
4. Disoriented and Pericardial effusion
converses Small: 10mL
5. Oriented Moderate: 10-20mL
Motor Response Large: >20mL
1. No response
2. Decerebrate
3. Decorticate
4. Withdraws to pain
5. Localizes pain
6. Obeys to verbal
command Characteris Transuda Exudativ
tics te e
Spc gravity <1.016 >1.016
PF/S CHON <3g or 0.5 >3g or
Fibrinogen Negative Positive
RBC <10,000 >10,000
WBC <1,000 >1,000
S. LDH <0.6 >0.6 SBP
PF/S LDH <200 IU >200 IU <150 -2
pH >7.3 <7.3 151-169 -1
Glucose Plasma 170-180 1
dec 181-199 2
Amylase >500 Scoring
u/mL ≥7 = 90% probable
Diff CT >50% >50% PMS
<7 = probable infarct

Bottle 1 cell, ct different, total
De Bakey CHON, ldh
Type Ascending Aorta and Bottle 2 AFB, G/S, C/S
1 beyond Bottle 3 cytology and cell block
Type Ascending Aorta only
Type Aorta distal to the Indications for Mechanical
3 subclavian A. Ventilation
1. RR >35 BPM
Stanford 2. Inspiratory force <25
Type Ascending cmH20
A 3. Vital Capacity < 10-15
Type Descending cc/kg
B 4. PaO2 <60 mm Hg with
FiO2 >60%
5. PaCO2 >50mm Hg with pH
6. Absent gag reflex
VR Set up
I So faint
II Quiet but can be heard by BUR -16
stethoscope FiO2 100
III Loud PF -50
IV Moderately loud with thrill AC mode
V Very loud, audible with stet partly
off the chest
VI Very loud, audible with stet LIGHT’S CRITERIA
removed from the chest (exudative if any one of the ff)
1. Pleural CHON/ Serum CHON
2. Pleural LDH/Serum LDH >0.6
3. Pleural LDH >2/3 upper limit
Character Grade
Vomiting 4 Motor Neuron Lesions
Level of Character UMN LMN
consciousness 4 Tone Hypertonic Hypotoni
Unarousable 2 clonus c
Drowsy 0 Fasciculati Neg Pos
Awake ons
Fever 3 Wasting Neg Pos
Respiratory pattern Reflexes Exagerated Neg
Ataxic/apneustic 3
Hyperventilation 2 Hepatic encephalopathy
Cheynes-strokes 1
Sta Mental Status Asterix EEG
Regular/Normal 0
ge ia
Upper GI bleed 3
I Euphoria or depression, Either N
Neuro deficit (max at 2 mild confusion, blurred
onset) speech, disorientation,
Headache 2 asleep
Nuchal rigidity 2 II Lethargy, moderate Pos AbN
DBP confusion
<90 -2 III Marked confusion, Pos AbN
91-99 0 incoherent speech,
>100 2 sleeping, arousable
IV Coma, initially Neg AbN 4. Inc WBC >12, 000
responsive to noxious 5. Dec WBC <4,000
stimuli; later 6. CBC >10%
unresponsive Bands

Indications for Thrombolytic

1. Chest pain consistent with AMI
2. ECG changes Prerena Renal Post
a. ST segment elevation l renal
>/= 1 mm in atleast 2 Urine >500 <350 <350
contiguous leads Osmolality
b. ST segment elevation Spc >1.018 <1.015
>/= 2mm in atleast 2 Gravity
contiguous chest U/P >40 <20
leads or creatinine
c. New LBBB ratio
3. Time from chest pain to
Urine Na <20 >40 >40
thrombolytic treatment
a. <6h most beneficial BUN/ >20 <15 >15
b. 6-12h lesser but still Creatinine
important benefits FE Na (%) <1 >1 >4
c. 12-24h diminishing Renal <1 >1
benefits but may still failure
be useful in selected index
patients Sediment Acellular, Muddy Hyaline
Absolute Contraindication for transpar brown casts
Thrombolysis ent granular
1. Active internal bleeding hyaline cast
(except menses) cast
2. Recent (within 2 weeks) Causes Hypovole GN Calculi,
invasive or surgical procedure mia; dec vasculat CA,
3. Suspected aortic dissection CO, inc is, fibrosis
4. Previous hx of hemorrhagic resistanc ATN,
CVA or SAH e nephriti
5. Recent head trauma or known s
intracranial neoplasm
6. Persistent BP >200/120
Relative contraindication for
1. Known bleeding diathesis
2. Prev streptokinase treatment
for the past 6-9 months
3. BP >/=180/100 on at least 2
4. Active PUD
5. Hx of thrombotic CVA
6. Prolonged CPR >/= 10m or
traumatic CPR
7. Diabetic hemorrhagic
retinopathy or other
hemorrhagic ophthalmic
8. Pregnancy

5 Dressler’s Sign of Post-MI

1. Pericarditis
2. Pneumonitis
3. Pleuritis
4. Pyrexia
5. Pain

SEPSIS (>2 or more)

1. Fever >38 or
2. Tachypnea >24/min
3. Tachycardia >90/min
Stage Description GF Action
Glucose,a 13.9–33.3 (250– 33.3–66.6 (600– R
mmol/L 600) 1200) I Injury not >9 Diagnose and
(mg/dL) (asym acute with 0 treat
Sodium, 125–135 135–145 p) preserved progression,
meq/L GFR comorbid
Potassium Normal to Inc Normal conditions; dec
CV risk
II Mild kidney 60- Estimate rate of
Magnesiu Normal Normal (asym disease 89 progression
m p)
Chloride Normal Normal III Moderate 30- Treat
59 complications;
Phosphate Normal
ESRD, education
Creatinine Slightly inc. Moderately inc.
IV Severe 15- Prepare for ESRD
Osmolality 300-320 330-380 (symp 29 treatment
(mOsm/L) )
Plasma ++++ +/- V Kidney <1 Initiate ESRD
ketones (symp failure 5 treatment
Sodium <15 meq/L Normal to slightly )
bicarb dec
Arterial 6.8-7.3 >7.3
Arterial 20-30 Normal
Pco2 mm
Anion gap Inc Normal to slightly
[Na-cl + inc

NYA Classification of CHF

IDyspnea occurs with greater
than ordinary physical activity
(climbs ≥2 flights of stairs with
II Dyspnea occurs with ordinary
physical activity (climbs > 2
flights of stairs but with
III Dyspnea occurs with less than
ordinary physical activity
Neurologic Localizations
(climbs ≤2 flights of stairs)
IV Dyspnea may be present even Cerebell Limb/truncal ataxia
at rest um Intent tremors
Dysmetria and
Brainste Prominent cranial nerve
m deficit (CN III-XII)
Therapeutic Classification of
Ipsilateral CN deficits with
contralateral limb
A No restrictions motor/sensory deficits
B Severe effort restricted Ipsilateral CN deficits and
C Ordinary effort moderately cerebellar signs
restricted Cerebru Distured higher, intellectual
D Ordinary effort markedly m functions
restricted Emotional and behavioral
E Confined to bed/chair disturbances
Speech disturbances and
Basal Involuntary movement
ganglia Rigidity
Spinal Motor disturbances
Classification of CKD Cord (UMN/LMN)
Sensory disturbances MVP Systolic murmur with
Autonomic disturbances mid systolic click seen
Peripher Motor disturbances (LMN, in young women
al distal and symmetrical) PDA` Continuous machinery
nerves Sensory disturbances like murmur
Autonomic disturbances
Myoneur Fatigability of muscles
al Proximal weakness of
Junction muscles Acute Respiratory Failure
(-) sensory or autonomic Type I Hypoxemia
disturbances (e.g. Pulmonary edema, pneumonia,
Muscles Motor disturbances etc)
(proximal and symmetrical) Type II Hypercarbia
(-) sensory or autonomic (e.g. Pneumothorax, Pleural effusion,
disturbances Atelectasis) with or with out
Type Post-surgery patients
Dopamine Drips Type Shock
2-5 Vasodilator effect in the IV
µg/kg/min renal vasculature
5-16 Modest increase in
µg/kg/min myocardial contractility
and rate
>15 Vasoconstrictive agent

Approach to patient in COMA

1. Level of Consciousness
CSF u a. Cortical – Content
Normal Bac Viral TB b. ARAS and
Color Colorles Turbid; Clear Xanto- Brainstem –
s Greeni Cloudy chromm Arousal/wakefulne
sh ic ss
CHON 15- Inc Mild Inc Mild Inc c. Medullary – N
45mg/dl waking and
Pressu 30- Inc Normal Normal
re 180mm 200- Mild Inc Mild Inc 2. Respiratory Pattern
H20 500 a. Chyne stroke –
Glucos 45- Dec Normal Dec
diffuse cervical
e 70mg/d
b. Hyperventilation –
Cells <6 Inc Lymph Lymph
c. Apneustic – PONS
lymph PMNs AFB
d. Ataxic cluster –
1000- stain
3. Pupillary Size and
a. Small reactive –
COMMON MURMURS b. Midpoint, fixed –
Aortic Crescendo-descrendo Midbrain
Stenosis systolic murmur c. Pinpoint – pons
Aortic High pitched blowing d. Larged fixed –
Regurgitatio murmur tectal
n 4. Diencephalic Reflexes –
Mitral Rumbling late diastolic brainstem
Stenosis murmur following a 5. Motor Responses
snap a. Decerebrate –
VSD/Mitral Holosystolic blowing Brainstem
Tricuspid murmur b. Decorticate –
Incompeten above internal
ce capsule
WHO guidelines for PTB 3
Ca Initial Cont
1 New smear positive 2 HRZE 4HRE
TB with extensive
involvement; new
case of severe form
of extrapulmo TB
II Sputum smear 2 5 HRE
Anatomic Localizations in Stroke
positive relapse; txt HRZES
failure; txt +1 Cerebral Hemisphere, Lateral Aspect
interruption HRZE (MCA)
III New smear neg PTB; 2 HRZ 4HRE  Hemiparesis
new less severe  Hemisensory deficit
form of  Motor aphasia (Broca’s)
extrapulmonary TB  Central aphasia (Wernicke’s)
 Unilateral neglect, apraxias
H-Isoniazid; R-Rifmapicin; Z-
 Homonnymous hemianopia or
Pyrazinamide; E-ethambutol; S-
 Gaze preference contralateral
to the lesion
Cerebral Hemispheres, Medial Aspect
First line Drugs in TB
 Paralysis of foot and leg with
Dru Action Dosage Metab S.E. or without paresis of arm
g  Cortical sensory loss over leg
H Cidal; 5mg/kg/d Liver Hepatitis;  Grasp or sucking reflexes
Both ay safest in  Urinary incontinence
pregnancy  Gait apraxia
R Cidal; 10-20 Liver Hepatitis; Cerebral Hemisphere, Posterior
Both mg/kg/da hemolysis; Aspect (PCA)
y thrombo-  Homonymous hemianopia
cytopenia  Cortical blindness
Z Cidal; 20-30 Liver Most  Memory deficit
intracel mg/kg/da hepato-  Dense sensory loss,
l- lular y toxic spontaneous pain,
ONLY dysesthesias, choreoathetosis
E Static; 15-20 Kidne Optic Brainstem, Midbrain (PCA)
Both mg/kg/da ys neuritis  Third nerve palsy and
y contralateral hemiplegia
S Static; 10-18 Kidne 8th nerve  Paralysis/paresis of vertical
Extrace mg/kg/da ys palsy eye movement
ll y  Convergence nystagmus,
Brainstem, Pontomedullary Junction
 Facial paralysis
PTB Classification (ATS)  Paresis of abduction of eye
 Paresis of conjugate gaze
Cla Exposur Infecti CXR Active
 Hemifacial sensory deficit
ss e on infiltrates Diseas
 Horner’s syndrome
 Diminished pain and thermal
0 (-) (-) (-) (-)
sense over half body (with or
1 (+) (-) (-) (-) without face)
2 (+) (+) (-) (-)  Ataxia
3 (+) (+) (+) (+) Brainstem, Lateral Medulla (Vertebral
4 (+) (+) (+) (-) A.)
5 (+) (+) (+) (+/-)  Vertigo, nystagmus
 Horner’s syndrome (miosis,
ptosis, dec sweating)
 Ataxia, falling toward side of
the lesion
 Impaired pain and thermal
sense over half body with or
without face
of the same joint areas on
Ranson’s Criteria for Acute both sides of the body
Pancreatitis 5. Rheumatoid nodules –
At admission or diagnosis subcutaneous nodules over
 Age >55 yo bony prominences,
 Leukocytosis >16,000 per extensor surfaces or
cubic millimeter juxtaarticular regions
 Hyperglycemia >11mmol/L observed by MD
(>200 mg/dL) 6. Serum rheumatoid factor –
 Serum LDH >400 IU/L demonstration of abnormal
 Serum AST >250 IU/L amounts of serum
During initial 48 hours rheumatoid by any method
 Fall in hematocrit by >10% for which the result has
 Fluid deficit >4000mL been positive in less than 5
 Hypocalemia <1.9mmol/L percent of the normal
(<8.0 mg/dL) control subjects
 Hypoxemia (PO2 <60 mmHg) 7. Radiographic changes –
 BUN rise >1.8 mmol/L typical changes of RA on
(>5mg/dL) after IV fluids posteroanterior hand and
 Hypoalbuminemia <32g/L wrist radiographs which
(<3.2 g/dL) must include erosions or
Note: ≥3 factors at the time of unequivocal bony
admission (1) during initial 48 hours decalcification localized in
(2) indicates an increased mortality or most marked adjacent
rate. Patients need close monitoring to the involved joints
at the ICU Criteria 1-4 must be present for at
least 6 weeks
Blood Transfusion Order Criteria 2-5 must be observed by
 Transfuse _____ of _______ of MD
patient’s blood type after proper
 Baseline CP status and VS prior
to BT
 Mainline to PNSS at KVO
 Start initially at 5-10 µgtts/min
then increase to 20-25 µgtts
after an hour if without BT
 Monitor VS q15mins for the first
30 minutes while on BT, then
q30mins the following minutes
 Refer for dyspnea, fever,
 Thank you

Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis

(1987 American College of
Rheumatology) 1982 Criteria for Classification of
(Four out of the seven) Systemic Lupus Erythomatosus
1. Morning stiffness – in and (SLE)
around the joints lasting 1. Malar rash – fixed
one hour before maximal erythema, flat or raised
improvement over the malar eminences
2. Arthritis of three or more 2. Discoid rash –
joint areas – at least 3 joint erythematous raised
areas, observed by a patches with adherent
physician simultaneously, keratotic scaling and
have soft tissue swelling or follicular plugging
joint effusion, not just bony 3. Serositis – pleuritis or
overgrowth pericarditis documented
3. Arthritis of hand joints – on ECG, or rub or evidence
arthritis of wrist, or pericardial effusion
metocarpophangeal joint, 4. Oral ulcers – oral and
proximal interphangeal nasopharyngeal ulcers
joint 5. Arthritis – nonerosive
4. Symmetric arthritis – arthritis involving two or
simultaneous involvement more peripheral joints
characterized by
tenderness, swelling or
6. Photosensitivity
7. Hematologic disorder –
hematolytic anemia or
leukopenia (<4000/uL) or
lymphopenia (<1500/uL)
or thmbocytopenia
8. Renal disorder –
proteinuria > 0.5 gm/day
or > than +3, or cellular
9. Antinuclear antibody –
abnormal titer of ANAs by
immunofluorescense or an
equivalent assay at any
point in time in the
absence of drugs
10. Immunologic disorder –
Positive LE cell
preparation or anti-ds
DNA or anti-Sm antibodies
11. Neurologic disorder –
seizure without other
cause or psychosis
without other cause
 If FOUR of these criteria
are present any time
during the course of the
disease, a diagnosis of
SLE is made
 Some patients present
with only one or two
criteria but may have SLE
 Rule out drug induced
SLE: hydralazine, INH,
chlorpromazine and other

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