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Submitted to : Dr.

Sherine El-Bradie
ENG: Sara Ehab

Submitted by : fahmy diaa 1720024

Samer Mamdouh 1610528
Mohamed mostafa 1610256

Date : 15/4/2020
This report discusses about the characteristics of flow over a rectangular notch and a V-notch
,determining the relationship between the discharge coefficient and height and determining the
relationship between the discharge coefficient and the discharge and discussing the
observations (Nappe shape), furthermore we will discuss the types of hydraulic jump, and our
observations from Hydraulic Jump Video
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
Types of Hydraulic Jumps – Based on Froude’s Number: ........................................................ 6
1. Undular Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (1 to 3): ..................................................... 6
2. Weak Jump – Froude Number (3 to 6) ........................................................................... 6
3. Oscillating Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (6-20).................................................... 6
4. Steady Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (20 to 80) .................................................... 6
5. Strong Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (greater than 80) .......................................... 7
Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 8
Theory ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Procedures and description of the machine: ............................................................................ 11
Experimental Precautions ........................................................................................................ 12
Procedure for hydraulic jump experiment ............................................................................... 12
Results & calculations.............................................................................................................. 14
Conclusion & Recommendations ............................................................................................ 20
References ................................................................................................................................ 21

Cd Coefficient of discharge

b Width of notch

H Head above bottom of notch

g Gravitational acceleration
Q Flow rate

𝜃 Half the enclosed angle of V


T time

vol Volume

Y1 Flow depth at supercritical flow

Y2 Flow depth at subcritical flow

HL head loss in the hydraulic jump
Fr Froude number
D Hydraulic depth

We can see a structure that used to dam a river or stream over which the water stream is known as
the weir and can also be used. A weir is a river-wide barrier to modify its flow features. For most
cases weirs are smaller than traditional walls, pooling water behind them and allowing them to
continuously spill over their tops. Weirs are typically used to change the streams of flows in order to
avoid flooding, assess discharges and support waterflows. Sometimes, wear may also be called the
crest of a flood spill on a major dam. Additionally, because the former is a little structure and has
sharp edges, the notch and wear almost the same. Essentially, the flux is determined with a weir and
notch. In this experiment, the rectangular weirs and (V) notch weirs are been used. They consist of a
sharp edge with a rectangular, (V) notch profile for the water flow. Broad-crested weirs can be
observed in dam spillways where the broad edges are beneath the water surface across the entire
stream. Flow measurement installation with broad- crested weirs will meet accuracy requirements
only if they are calibrated, furthermore the hydraulic jump is the phenomenon that occurs when an
abrupt shift of flow velocity from high (supercritical) to low (subcritical) exists. Hydraulic jumps are
mainly used to dissipate energy in water flowing over dams, weirs, and other hydraulic structures to
prevent scouring downstream from the structure as illustrated earlier.
Types of Hydraulic Jumps – Based on Froude’s Number:
In several forms, generally, a hydraulic jump occurs depending on topographical features and
roughness of the bed surface and many other natural interface connections. These forms of
hydraulic jumps will probably be represented using Froude's number

1. Undular Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (1 to 3):

Undular Jump is irregular, not properly shaped, and the water particles contain other

2. Weak Jump – Froude Number (3 to 6)

Weak jumping occurs when the water velocity is very small and the water particles can not be
stable and moves in different ways.

3. Oscillating Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (6-20)

Oscillating jump occurs as an oscillating jet reaches a super-critical state and there the
number of particles starts to oscillate in the direction of the clock or in the direction of the
antilock, creating slighter tides or waves to the top level. Also, the flow is dependent on
heavy blow of air in one direction.

4. Steady Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (20 to 80)

In steady jump, the surface of the bed is very rough so that the particles begin to drift in one
direction with strong velocity and turbulence, in this form of jump frictional losses are higher.
5. Strong Hydraulic Jump – Froude Number (greater than 80)
Strong jump is a perfect jump created as there are more frictional losses, division of the air
pressure is equal, and the velocity of losses is very high. The water changes its state in very
shorter duration from super critical to subcritical compared to all other forms of hydraulic
jumps, so this jump is highly favoured in dam structures.

The main objective of this experiment is to control the analysis of flow characteristics over a
rectangular notch and a (V) notch. Therefore, the release of coefficients was also calculated.So, it is
other objectives to teach the students to compare graphs Q2/3 to H, Log Q to log H and Cd to H for
rectangular notch, while graphs Q2/3 to H are to be compared to (V) notch. So, the average cd value
for the test set is to be calculated. Finally, the cd values should be measured between rectangular
notch and v notch

Waters of fluid are available for regular or notches. There are two types of wafers widely used
which are a rectangular form with opening and V notches. Stilling blanket is used to reduce water
turbulences. Stilling blanket use typically changes the fluid features and generally creates a change to
the vertical high of the river level furthermore A water jump bounce is a marvel in the study of
power through pressure which is every now and again saw in open channel stream, for example,
waterways and spillways. At the point when fluid at high speed releases into a zone of lower speed, a
fairly unexpected ascent happens in the fluid surface. The quickly streaming fluid is suddenly eased
back and increments in tallness, changing over a portion of the stream's underlying dynamic vitality
into an expansion in potential vitality, with some vitality irreversibly lost through disturbance to
warm. In an open channel stream, this shows as the quick stream quickly easing back and
accumulating on itself like how a shockwave structures.


Rectangular Shape Opening

It is a standard shape of weir.The top edge of weir may be sharp crested or narrow crested.
Rectangular shape opening generally suitable for larger flowing channels.
𝐵 = 0.033 𝑀


2 3
Q = Cd 𝐵 √2𝑔 𝐻
3 2

Cd = Coefficient of discharge
B = Width of notch
H = Head above bottom of notch
g= Gravitational acceleration
Q =Flow rate
V-Notch or also known as triangular weir is a notch with a V shape opening.This type
of weir is usually used to measure discharge over small flows with a greater accuracy.Typical
Cd values for V-notch are in the range of 0.58 to 0.62.

8 𝜃 5
𝑄 = 𝐶𝑑 15 √2 𝑔 tan 2 𝐻 2

Cd= Coefficient of discharge
=Half the enclosed angle of V

H= Head above bottom of notch

g=Gravitational acceleration
Q =Flow rate
Procedures and description of the machine:

this equipment used to determine the flow of the open channel flow over a rectangular and
triangle notch weir’s and to determine the values of discharge coefficient for both notches.
The weir flap Aratus has several elements including a steeling baffle an inland nozzle
combines to promote smooth flow conditions in the channel of the near hook and point gage
all mounted on an instrument carrier these instruments measure the depth of flow above the
base of the notch .the wire notches are mounted in the carrier at the outlet end of the flow
channel .to connect the delivery nozzle .it needs to quick release connector is unscrewed from
the bed of the channel and nozzles screwed in the place .the stilling baffles into slides into the
slots in the wall of the channel these slots are polarized to ensure correct orientation of the
baffle the instrument carrier is located on the side channel of the melded top the carrier may
be moved along the channel to the required measurement position the gauge is provided with
the coarse adjustment locking screw and gauge adjustment nut .the veneer is located to the
mast by the screw and is used in conjunction with a scale the lock and pointing are clamped
to the base of the mass by means of thumb crewman the rear plate into the flow channel
.while is plumb is turned on and slightly adjust the flow control to fill the channel up
upstream of the weir with water . it should be wait for five minutes so the water can settle in
order to measure the datum height gauge of the notch. adjust the point gauge to read five mm
later the previous reading record the reading as turn on the pump and slightly adjust the flow
control unit and the water level coincides with the point gauge check that the level has
stabilized before taking readings measure the flow using the volumetric tank observed the of
the nap and take a picture of it increase the flow by opening the bench regulating valve to up
heads above the datum level and steps of 5 mm until until the bench regulating valve is fully
open at each condition measure the flow rate and observe the shape of the map to obtain a
sufficiently accurate result collect around 25 litres of water each time or collect for at least
120 seconds after the last measurement close the regulating the valve stop .repeat the
procedure steps using a rectangular knot plate but increase the point gauge by 10 mm
Experimental Precautions

• While collecting water in the trough care should be taken to minimize the loss of water.

• The trough should be cleaned dry before each experiment otherwise any residual fluid would
change the value for the actual volume collected.

• A larger trough should be used as the speed of the pump is increased to avoid overflowing of
water in the trough.

• Splashing of water should be avoided while collecting water in trough to prevent loss of

Procedure for hydraulic jump experiment

1. Width of channel (flume) is measured.

2. Water storage tank of hydraulic bench is then filled up with clean and fresh water up to
¾ of tank capacity.
3. By pass valve then opened to 50% position.
4. Reservoir outlets are closed.
5. Pump is switched on.
6. The flow is slowly released into the reservoir until the water level is stable.
7. A stationary hydraulic jump is created in the flume by adjusting the sluice gate and
downstream control gate.
8. Depth of flow Y1, Y2 and the length of jump, L is measure accordingly.
9. Steps 6 to 9 is repeated for another four different flow rates.

Materials and Apparatus:

1. Material
• Water
2. Apparatus

• F1-13 Stilling baffle

• Rectangular notch
• V- notch
• Stopwatch
• Spirit level
• F1-10 Hydraulics Bench
Results & calculations
Rectangular notch

Trial Volume Height Flow Rate, Experimental

Time (s)
(L) (m) Q (m3/s) Cd
1 3 0.105 37 0.081 0.24
2 3 0.0197 17 0.176 0.61
3 3 0.0325 12 0.25 0.43

4 3 0.0434 6 0.5 0.56

Graph for Rectangular.


V-Notch graphs

Trial Volume Height Flow Rate, Experimental

Time (s)
(L) (m) Q (m3/s) Cd
1 3 0.105 45 0.015 0.023
2 3 0.0197 18 6x10^-3 0.011
3 3 0.0325 14 4.67x10^-3 0.014

4 3 0.0434 8 2.67x10^-3 0.013

Discharge cofficient and height of the flow over
1 of the weir




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
y2 1y 1 8F2 1
Downstream conjugate 1 1
F1 v1 , v1 Q
Froude number of super- g y1 b y1
critical flow
q2 Q
yc 3
Critical depth g ,q b
y2 y1 3
E E1 E2 4 y y
Energy dissipated in jump 2 1
Q2 Q2
Momentum and energy SF w A yc w A , SE y
principles g A2

Ru d (m) Q Y1 Y2 H (m) F1 F2
n (l/min (m) (m)
0.01 0.03
@ @
1 20 4.05m 0.14 1.1 0.2
0.005 4.00m
@ 0.01 0.03
4.19m @ @
2 30 3.70m 0.19 1.5 0.3
3 0.007 20 ND* 0.03 0.09 submerged
@ gate
4.19m 0.01 0.03
4 30 @ @ 0.17 1.5 0.3
3.65m 3.70m
5 30 ND* 0.03 0.12 submerged
0.01 0.013 0.045
6 40 @ @ 0.22 1.4 0.2
@ 2.50m 2.37m
3.00m 0.015 0.05
7 50 @ @ 0.21 1.4 0.2
2.35m 2.25m
0.01 0.06
8 50 @ @ 0.21 2.6 0.2
3.00m 2.75m
Hydraulic jump discussion
Froude number is related with the difference in water profundity and release in open
channels. Figure 2 shows the reproduction consequences of downstream conjugate profundity
(Y2) by changing upstream conjugate profundity (Y1) and streaming release (Q) in the
conjugate profundity condition referenced in table 1. Figure 2a, delineates that the upstream
conjugate profundity diminishes as the downstream conjugate profundity increments at
steady release, while an addition in the downstream profundity is acquired as release
increments at consistent upstream profundity. Figure 2a additionally shows that Y2 comes to
about 0.1m at Y1 of 0.01m and explicit release (q) of 0.01m3/sec/m. Likewise, figure 2b
shows that the Froude number at the upstream profundity helps as upstream profundity
decays that can be credited to the expansion in stream speed. Then again, an improvement in
the upstream Froude number is accomplished by expanding the stream release at consistent
upstream profundity as appeared in figure 2b. Besides, a huge increment in Froude number is
perceived because of a minor decrement in the upstream profundity contrasted with the
adjustment in stream release that can prompt bed scouring.

For the rectangular notch, the Cd value is not constant. This is because in each experiment
the value for both rectangular and V grades for the flow rate, Q and the Head above the
bottom of the grade are different. The rectangular notch values of Cd, however, are less than
the V-notch value of Cd. As seen below, it can be proved:
Volume (L) Rectangular notch (Cd) V-notch (Cd)

3 0.24 0.23

3 0.61 0.11

3 0.43 0.14

3 0.56 0.13

The average value of Cd for rectangular notch for the range do the test:
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒
Average Cd = 𝑛

Based on the calculation above, we can conclude that Cd values depend on the value of flow
rate, Q and the value of the above the notch, H. To prove whether Q and H relationship
described by an empirical formula Q=kH^n
Conclusion & Recommendations

A water powered jump try was practiced in a rectangular open channel volume under the
influence of different flow structures. A few trial runs were achieved to get Y2 by estimating
Y1 and Q utilizing diverse flow structures and different door openings. The deliberate
estimations of Y2 can't help contradicting the reproduced outcomes of previous conditions.
Additionally, the deliberate Y2 changes by differing the flow structure for the equivalent Y1
and Q that uncovers that the previous conditions of water driven hop ought to be modified to
show the effect of shear power because of grating between water powered hop furthermore,
bed of water waterways. The change in downstream profundity is applicable to the presence
of shear power opposition acquired by the flow structure in water channels that can lead to
bed scouring. Concerning channel volume, the effect of shear power may owe to the erosion
between water powered hop flow and divider sides. Likewise, the exploratory runs uncovered
that upstream Froude number increments expanding downstream profundity at consistent
release and door opening where the bounce returns to the door attributable to the decrease in
specific power vena withdrawal.

1. Les Hamil, Understanding of hydraulics 2011, third edition, (Pages 263-270)



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