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Actividad de Aprendizaje 2 - AP1

AP1-AA2-Ev4 - Workshop - Nature of technology

Diana Patricia Aguirre Vargas

Yudy Nataly Garzon Rios

Paola Andrea Quintero Nuñez

Harold Telesforo Tuay Ojeda

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones Gestión de la Información

Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información


Design thinking............................................................................................................................3

Perception theof need..................................................................................................................4

Formulation of specifications.....................................................................................................4

Generation of ideas.....................................................................................................................4

Final Solution..............................................................................................................................4

Evaluation of the solution...........................................................................................................5

Design thinking

Grafique y explique el proceso de diseño usando un ejemplo de la vida real y

considerando los pasos que se indicaron en el objeto de estudio, así como el ejemplo


Perception of of Generation of
the need specifications ideas

Evaluation of
Final Solution
the solution

a. Perception of a need: Describe what is the need or situation that needs a solution.

This might be any real life situation.

b. Formulation of specifications (requirements): List all the requisites to accomplish

the objective or solve the need.

c. Generation of ideas: Write the possible solutions for the need, remember the final

solution is the only option that meets ALL requirements to solve the problem.

d. Final Solution: This is the final option you selected as a viable solution for the


e. Evaluation of the Solution: You have to check or evaluate if the option or idea

selected meets the requirements of the particular need, there is only one final

Perception theof need

The lack of understanding and resources of the Blackboard platform for the development

of activities.

Formulation of specifications

1. Implement a data collection system for all students enrolled. you can detect what are the

needs that arise in the development of activities.

2. Make a diagnosis of the Blackboard platform within its program of activities.

3. Implement an action plan to adapt the current system.

Generation of ideas

1. Set specific spaces in it can make the relevant consultations

2. Implement a system or structure existing platforms other entities.

3. Establish direct aid programs that can be accessed at any time and have an immediate


4. Create a support system focused on clear and precise for each of the activities have to

submit examples.
Final Solution

Creating a especio within the Blackboard platform that is located as a large area where they can

find all the help for solving respective activities.

Evaluation of the solution

Establishing a space within the platform where we can find everything related to the

development of activities such as clear and precise examples, schedules of attention to

questions and concerns and which can fill all the gaps that occur within guides, give a very

viable solution to the trainees.


Servicio nacional de aprendizaje SENA (2015), introduction to technical english



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