Sample MUET Writing Scripts

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Do role models have an impact on one’s life?

Introduction: Role models whether they are figures of high authority,

parents, siblings or even peers can have either positive or
negative impact on one’s life. There is some point in life when stand made
every child desires to live up to the standards set upon by their role
models. In the conquest to be more like one’s role model, we strive
to outline our better qualities, we acknowledge our flaws and very
try to conceal them or we may even lose parts of ourselves in philosophical
the course of trying to be someone we are not. Role models reasoning
have an impact on one’s life as it can motivate one to be a better
individual, cause one to lose one’s identity and it can have a negative
influence on one’s character.

Point 1: Role models entice a person to work towards his or her

goals. The role models here have provided people with a glimpse of
their vision and by doing so, people are able to recognize,
comprehend and relate to their role figure. Seeing their role
models successfully confronting hardships will motivate people to impact
endure difficulties and crises. In fact, role models can embed the
quote, “If I can do it, so can you” in one’s life. The life experiences of
one’s role model will teach and educate us in the lessons of life which
cannot be found anywhere else. Gandhi made a difference by
liberating India. He believed in independence and the freedom of
speech. His beliefs were not shattered despite being subjected to role model
numerous obstacles like being thrown into jail. He now serves as an
inspiration to the liberal minded who are not afraid to stand up
for their rights. impact &
result of
Conclusion: Role models can either benefit a person by serving as a impact
source of inspiration or cause detrimental effects to a person.
We can never adequately express the influence role models have on
one’s life but what must be highlighted is that role models should
always be positive ones. We need role models that remind us of positive
what being a human means those who can prepare us to take
the world by storm, in a positive way that is. clear voice

Complete in argument. Has - role model + impact + result philosophical

Does academic excellence guarantees a successful life?

Introduction 1: Nowadays academic excellence among the young is

given much importance. While it is perfectly acceptable to strive to
achieve good academic results, the notion that only academic stand made
excellence guarantees a successful life is not true. Students are disagrees
pressured into taking more subjects than they can handle and
this causes immense pressure among our young. The question
is – can this endeavour absolutely confirm a dynamic future.

Introduction 2: Within the last century or so, people have come to

place much importance on academic excellence. The same can be
said about academia in Malaysia. The government has placed priority
in educating the young generation with the increase of funding and a
more applicable standardized testing system. Even with all these
improvements, does academic excellence guarantee a successful life?
To some success is embodied in the 5c’s that includes
tangible things which is cash, car and comfort. To others
success may not be material assets but the legacy they leave defines
behind for their children and future generations. For example success
when John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do
for you but what you can do for your country”. Such inspiring stories
can be viewed as success. quote

Point 1- Agrees : With that said, if success to a person is

measured in assets, academic excellence will not hurt. For
example if a person decides to become a medical doctor, he or she point
is almost guaranteed a successful life. This is because whether the
country is at war or in an economic crisis or the country is prosperous; example
a doctor is bound to have work that can generate income to live a
comfortable life. However, if a different profession is chosen such as
business, there are too many variables for a guaranteed successful
life even with a business degree. Life might be sailing at one point but
as soon as something occurs, such as an economic recession, life
might not be successful anymore. Although admittedly, for a person
with academic excellence there is a better chance of starting over
and picking up pieces with academic excellence, it opens doors
to different countries and different job opportunities compared to
someone without. complex


Point 2 – Disagrees : Many students are now pushed into striving

for academic excellence by their parents and teachers. Thus the
hunger for learning and knowledge does not come from within.
Rather it is forced upon them and borne reluctantly. This intense
pressure could cause severe psychological and emotional
problems in the future. Therefore, instead of only pursuing
academic excellence, perhaps, children should be given a chance to
explore other fields such as sports and music? It cannot be denied
that individuals who are daring enough to stray into other point
callings have also found success in life. For instance, good
management skills and a never-say-die attitude has kept Sir Alex
Ferguson’s position, as manager to one of the most successful
football clubs in the world, secure. Therefore by cultivating different
skills and passions, individuals can still lead a successful and fulfilling point
Conclusion 1 : Based on the points above, I would like to reaffirm
my stand that academic excellence alone does not guarantee a elaboration
successful life. Indeed it has been proven that an individual with
varied interests and hobbies fares much better than one who is
constantly studying. After all, as the saying goes “All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy”.

Conclusion 2 : In conclusion, academic excellence does guarantee a

successful life but only until a certain extent. In order to live a
successful life a person may need to be educated but academic
education is not the only way although it is the most publicized way.
The individual first needs to find fulfillment and a niche in order to be
truly successful.

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