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International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 79

Volume 2, No. 5, May 2013

Effective Strategy for Organisational Development: With

Reference to Kautilya’s Arthashastra

Sathya Narayanan SR, Faculty in Business Administration, Sri Malolan College of Arts and Science, Madurantakam

ABSTRACT 5000 years is one of the oldest civilization in the world

and the contribution of India and Indians to this world
This paper explores the Arthashastra of Kautilya, an enormous in various fields of knowledge, several Indian
ancient Indian literature (4th Century B.C.); and it’s classic literatures such as the Valmiki Ramayana, The
perspectives on organizational management today. There Mahabaratha, Bagavad Gita and last but not the least our
is a need to look and re-look at the ancient literatures and Kautilya’s Arthashastra etc., offers several management
provide intelligent interpretation and re-interpretation to lessons which can be useful even in the modern context
apply effectively in the context of modern management. many of these literatures are more than 5000 years ago and
The methodology used for this purpose is called were written in the language of Sanskrit. In this paper the
hermeneutics; which is a study, understanding and Arthashastra by Kautilya, Chanakya or vishnugupta is
interpretation of ancient text. It is one of the qualitative explored in context of contemporary of organizational
research methodology used in social science. The Management.
foundations of management in organization are revealed
from the Arthashastra, which can provide guidance to STRATEGY
present managers and leaders of organizations especially
on the strategic applications in business process. Without Without a Strategy, an organization is like a ship without a
a Strategy, an organization is like a ship without a rudder, rudder, going around in circles. Its like a tramp it has no
going around in circles. It’s like a tramp it has no destiny destiny to reach. Strategic management can be defined as
to reach. the art and science of formatting implementing and
evaluating cross functional decisions that enables on
Keywords: organizations to achieve its objectives strategic
Kautilya, Arthashastra, Strategy, Modern Management, management focuses on the integrating management in
Organisational Development this text is used synonymously with the term strategic
management. Its main purpose is to exploit and create new
INTRODUCTION and different opportunities for tomorrow

Kautilya the minister, scholar and strategist, belongs to 3rd THE BROAD PURPOSE OF THIS PAPER
century BC has authored a magnificent treaty which is
known as Arthashastra. It is commanded even by modern Research works in analyzing ancient such as Kautilya’s
scholars as magnum opus of multiple disciplines such as Arthashastra in the context of modern management
economics, administration, management, strategic affairs, practices is indeed limited because it has lot of lessons to
sociology and moral sciences? It is rich treasure of offer to organizational management especially in strategy.
knowledge and wisdom. However most of the current Yet there are many managers and administrators from both
research in these areas has been general in nature and not India and Abroad are not aware of the lessons of
in depth, as there is still a great tendency to research more Kautilya’s Arthashastra and its contribution towards
on the western management philosophy and its application organizational management as the result, one of the
in ancient context. We was dominated by the theories and purpose of this [paper is to create awareness to the
concepts of modern management from west. The management readers of the existence of Kautilya’s
dominance is due to the colonization and the widespread Arthashastra and its management lessons as it provides
use of English knowledge. However, a careful analysis of intelligent interpretation and re- interpretation to apply
many of the western management theories and concepts effectively in the context of modern management.
reveals that it has been in practice in Asian countries
especially in India for centuries. These practices were not METHODOLOGY
in the context of organizational management but in the
context of state or political governance form the This paper is based on a qualitative research methodology
perspectives of author, management is culture specific. called hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is related to the name
The Indian civilization, with recorded history of more than of the Greek god Hermes in his role as the interpreter of

i-Xplore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 80
Volume 2, No. 5, May 2013

the messages of the gods. In the current context, c) Some times we may get controversial news, first news
hermeneutics can be described as the interpretation and which we received may be positive but next time we may
understanding of ancient literatures and religious texts. It get a negative one.
is also used in contemporary philosophy to denote the d) Some times the information reached to our end may be
study of theories and methods of the interpretation of all overloaded, or may contain Gossips, rumors and personal
texts and systems of meaning. The concept of “text” is view points etc.,
here extended beyond written documents to any number of
objects subject to interpretation, such as experiences. A PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT
hermeneutic is defined as a specific system or method for
interpretation, or a specific theory of interpretation. The All management theories and concepts are based on
scope of hermeneutics also includes the investigation and certain principles. These essentials are the foundations
interpretation not only of ancient texts, but of human with which we evaluate if the manager has been efficient,
behavior generally, including language and patterns of the organization productive, and the objectives achieved.
speech, social institutions, and ritual behaviors. Kautilya, has given the most refined view of management
Hermeneutics is widely applied in many field of social in a single verse, as a short as five pointers in verse 42 of
science chapter 15, of book one of Arthashastra.

Kautilya wrote his Arthashastra in Sanskrit language. Starting undertakings of Assignments/ Projects
Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in world and it has Excellence of men and Material
also influenced many other languages in Arthashastra was Find suitable place and time
written for the purpose of managing a kingdom or a
Provision against risk
country. Only five of Kautilya’s sutras or aphorisms of
Accomplishment of commitment
management of kingdom are interpreted in the context of
management of organizations in this paper. The sutra or
aphorism system of teaching with any body of language is Keep an Open Minded
unique system developed and used for many thousands of The mind is like a parachute - if works only when it is
years. The sutra needs to be commented upon, and open, some of the best business ideas come from listening
interpreted for correct understanding and use. For example to others.
in explaining the Arthashastra in the context of
management, the term rajya (state) is interpreted to the Kautilya emphasizes the importance of this point for
organization, the raja or king is the leader or the chief various leaders.
executive officer (CEO), amatya or mantri (ministers) are
the managers of various departments such as finance, “He should despise none (but) should listen to the opinion
marketing, human resources and operations of every one. A wise man should make use o the sensible
words of even a child” (1.15.22)
The followings are the keys for effective listening
Gather information from the top and the grass root
Requirement of information levels.
Kautilya in the Arthashastra says it is very important for a Never react immediately
person to be well informed, but the important question is, Make use of the ideas
why is this information required?
Managing Multiple Projects
Coming to know what is known, definite strengthening of Management guru, Peter F Drucker, in his book on the
what has become known, removal of doubt in case of two profession of Management. Is compassionate while
possible alternative, finding out the rest in matter that it is describing the role of manager. He says “The role of
partly known – this can be achieved with the help of today’s manager is very difficult is any given situation. He
ministers (1.15.20-21) has to handle projects and assignments, He is always
under pressure”
According to Kautilya there are four types of Information:
a) Some information we get which may already familiar Kautilya also advises on managing Projects and make
to us more profits for the compare
b) On other cases we may get a half – bake resources,
which would require another information source to “And (they) should bring about the commencement of
understand clearly. what is not done, thjs carrying out what is commenced, the

i-Xplore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 81
Volume 2, No. 5, May 2013

improvement of what being carried out and the excellence practicing CSR for thousand of years Even Kautilya’s
of (the execution of) orders, in the case of works” Arthashastra speaks about this

He provide guidelines that an administrator should carry “And those who are without relations have to be
out necessarily maintained”(1.12.1)

Commencement of what is not done Also Kautilya’s Arthashastra provides some tips for the
Carrying out what has been commenced Effective CSR they are,
Improvement of what is being carried out
Excellence in execution of orders Take Responsibility
Contribute to Society
Constant Training Encourage People

It is a very simple principle of the Time Management. Get Stable

Utilize your evening and Night hours to learn new things, Everyone aims for the growth of their organization,
instead of spending hem on most unproductive things like Expecting more projects, orders and increased turnover
partying , or other activities which are really meaningless. and employing more people – are always the top priorities
for business heads.
This is where Kautilya advices us:
Kautilya also advices:
“During the remaining parts of the day and the night, he
should learn new things and “The policy, following which he were to see the
familiarize himself with those already learnt, and listen achievement nor the decline of his own undertakings,
repeatedly to things not learnt” constitutes stable condition” (7.1.28)

Even in organizations, other than the peak busy business And Kautilya says that there are four types of stability
hours other times shall be used meaningfully and which an organisation should procure they are
effectively. This shall also be applied from Bottom toi top
levels of Management Financial Stability
People Stability
Learning Stability
Right Timing Vision Stability
There is a time for everything and everything has a time,
Kautilya makes us understand this golden age – old rule Working in new regions
by using a metaphor. The need for expansion and growth is universal. Like
humans, even corporations want to grow, companies want
“The time of catching (elephant) is in summer” to introduce new products, explore new markets, and grow
in their turnover, but when a company wants to expand
This rule shall be understood by all business organizations into new territory, it has to send people into the regions
, many of the business are first.
seasonal and are dependent on various factors. It is very
essential to each organization to “He should provide one making a new settlement with
understand such cycles. Then the game (Business) is easy grains, cattle, maoney and other things” (5.2.4)
to play Kautilya in his
Arthashastra provides the following tips for the same. Research of scope for expansion
a) Enter into the game Assign the expert team for field visit
b) Learn from seniors Plan the moves in phases
c) Plan every movement ( Time Management)
Commencement of operation
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Time Management
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is
We are in the world of fast now, with a dire need for
well known throughout the business world today. It not
effective time- management. But one can always learn
only speaks of contributions made towards the benefit of from Kautilya’s centuries old Arthashastra. According to
the less privileged, but also calls for making oneself
him being mindful of what we have to do is the biggest tip
accountable to society. May thinks that CSR is a new
for managing the world.
concept, however in our country, kings have been

i-Xplore International Research Journal Consortium

International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) ISSN: 2319-4421 82
Volume 2, No. 5, May 2013

Kautilya had said:

These are all the strategies provided in the Kautilya’s
“Thus, he (administrator) should be cognizant of the Arthashastra in order to get a better position and for the
number of animals”(2.29.15) sustainable growth to a business concern.

Here the cognizant means being aware of responsibilities, CONCLUSION

and being in control of them. Hence in this line Kautilya
says that, at any given point of time, the head or the Kautilya’s Arthashastra is one of the ancient Indian
administrator should know the exact timing required for literature which had provided some insights to
the accomplishment of the commitment management, although the context it was written was for
kings to govern the state. There are many Strategic
Also he laid down some guidelines for the effective time management concepts from Kautilya’s Arthashastra,
management concept which are still applicable in today’s organizational
development. A deeper study of the book will open many
Understand the determined goal new areas of management concepts, which is yet to be
Note everything (Assignments) known and practiced in the modern management.
Prioritize the commitments
Check the list regularly REFERENCES
[1] Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich (1990) Essentials
Ensuring Growth of Management, New York; McGraw – Hill
Being an expert in the field of Administration, Kautilya publishing Company.
could communicate exactly what a leader or an [2] George R. Terry (1960), Principles of Management
administrator is expected to do to ensure the growth of his (Illinious: Richard D Irwin, Inc.)
kingdom. [3] Law Narender Nath (1913), Studies in Ancient Hindu
Polity, Indian Reprint Publishing Company, Calcutta.
“There is no country without people, and no kingdom [4] Kangle R.P (1965), Kautilya Arthashastra, Part III,
without a country” (13.4.5) Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi
[5] Foyal, Henri (1908), Discourse on “General
Here the person stands for customers and clients, Country principles of Administration
for Market and finally Kingdom is for The Company. So [6] Shamasastry M. Kautilya Arthashastra, Chowkamba
Kautilya strongly advocates that giving more importance Publishers, Varanasi.
towards the Customers and clients, Market and The [7] Subramaniyan.VK, Maxims of Chanakya, Abhinav
Company will ensure the growth and stability of a Publications, New Delhi.
business organization.

i-Xplore International Research Journal Consortium

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