Physics Papers Radio Wave Group: SMK - SMAK Bogor School of Year 2015 / 2016

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Physics Papers

Radio Wave Group

Name of member :

1. Julieta Mega Priyani (21)

2. Keynan Sanwan (22)
3. Lusi Seliadanuwari (23)
4. Muhammad Zunanda Aji (24)

Class : 11-7

SMK – SMAK Bogor School Of Year 2015 / 2016


In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Panyayang, we pray puja and
gratitude for the presence of Him, who has mercy, guidance, and Inayah him to
us, so that we can complete scientific papers on waste and its benefits to society.

     Scientific papers have been compiled by us with the maximum and get help
from various parties so as to facilitate the making of this paper. For that we
express many thanks to all those who have contributed in making this paper.

  Apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings in
terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, with open arms we receive
all comments and suggestions from readers so that we can improve this scientific

    Finally, we hope that physics papers about these radio waves can provide
benefits and inspiration to readers.

Bogor, 02 February 2016

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List Of Contents
Definition of Electromagnetic Waves Spectrum..........................................................................................4
Definition of Radio Waves...........................................................................................................................5
1. Frequency and Wavelength.............................................................................................................5
Classification of Radio Waves......................................................................................................................7
RADIO MODULATION SYSTEMS...................................................................................................................8
1. Amplitude Modulation....................................................................................................................8
2. Frequency Modulation....................................................................................................................8
Founder of Radio Waves.............................................................................................................................9
HOW RADAR ARE WORK?..........................................................................................................................12

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Definition of Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are waves that can propagate without requiring medium or

Electromagnetic wave spectrum is the range of all possible electromagnetic radiation. In

the spectrum of electromagnetic waves is usually expressed in Frequency(f), Wavelength(l),
and energy per photon(particle of light). This spectrum is directly related and overlap of
boundaries between the spectrum.

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Definition of Radio Waves

Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic waves, and is formed when the object is
electrically charged from wave oscillator is modulated by the audio wave from at a frequency
that is contained in the radio frequency.

Picture 1 - Simple Oscillator Circuit

1. Frequency and Wavelength

Radio wave
has the longest
wavelength and
they have the
lowest frequency
among the another

The wavelength is
10 - 10-2 meters

The frequency is 104 - 107


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Classification of Radio Waves

Low Frequency(LF) Long wave Long wave radio and long distance communication
30 kHz – 300 kHz 1.500 m

Medium Frequency(MF) Medium wave Local medium wave and long distance radio
300 kHz – 3 MHz 300 m

High Frequency(HF) Short wave Short wave radio and communication, amateur
3 MHz – 30 MHz 30 m radio

Very High Frequency(VHF) Very short wave FM radio, police, and emergency services
30 MHz – 300 MHz 3m

Ultrahigh Frequency(UHF) Ultra Short wave Television

300 MHz – 3 GHz 30 cm

Super high Frequency (SHF) Microwaves Radar, satellite communications, telephone, and TV
> 3 GHz 3 cm channels

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1. Amplitude Modulation

Amplitude Modulation is the first method used to broadcast

Changed Frequency Fixed
commercial radio. This signal can be turned into sound with simple
equipment. If the signal is strong enough, is not needed specialized
resources. But this interrupted by atmospheric disturbances. AM has
Frequency 530 kHz-1700 kHz.

2. Frequency Modulation

FM needed a wider bandwidth than AM. FM stations are much more

Changed Amplitude Fixed Frequency
popular because it allows broadcast quality stereo. This signal noise less
(better quality) and power needed smaller. But required broadcast receiver
device with a higher capacity than the AM broadcast wave. FM has Frequency
87.5 MHz - 108 MHz.

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Founder of Radio Waves

1. James Clerk Maxwell

British physicist James Maxwell, based on

the results of his research work in 1864
theorized that an electrical current can create
a magnetic field and that the electromagnetic
waves move at the speed of light.

2. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

Heinrich Hertz between 1886

until 1888 was first provide
maxwell’s theory trough
experiment. Demonstrating that
radio radiation had the entire
property waves and found that the
electromagnetic equations can be
formulated into partial derivative
equations called the waves

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3. Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi in 1895,

success to send signals radio
communication with
electromagnetic waves with a
distance of 1.5 km. In 1901,
Marconi radio signals from devices
can be across the Atlantic Ocean
from England to Newfoundland,

4. Reginald A. Fessenden

Canadian physicist Reginald A.

Fessenden was the first time transmits a
human voice via radio when in 1906, he
said via radio from Brant Rock,
Massachusetts, USA, to ships off the
coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

5. Edwin Howard Armstrong

Edward Howard Armstrong was

the inventor of radio waves and an

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American electrical engineer. Armstrong was the inventor of modern
frequency modulation (FM) radio.


AM & FM Radio Handy Talky Radar Wireless Telegraph

Telephone Television Satellite Mobile Phones

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Signal Sent

Bounced Signal


Radio waves are electromagnetic waves which one has the

longest wavelength and the lowest frequency. It’s formed when
electrically charged object of wave oscillator (carrier wave) modulated
by the audio waves with a lower frequency of the radio signal. Radio
waves are divided into 2 part, they are Amplitude Modulation (AM) and
Frequency Modulation (FM). Radio waves are usually used in

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