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‫أَﻧ َْوا ُع ا ْﻟ َﻛﻠِ َﻣ ِﺔ‬

‫اﺳْ ٌم ‪ ،‬ﻓِﻌْ ٌل ‪ ،‬ﺣَ رْ فٌ‬

Speech is divided into three main parts :

1) Noun, (ٌ‫ )اِﺳْ م‬in Arabic

2) Verb (ٌ‫ )ﻓِﻌْ ل‬in Arabic

3) Particle ( ٌ‫ )ﺣَ رْ ف‬in Arabic

The noun is any class or words denoting a thing, a person,
a place or a quality, such as :

Mary ‫ﻣَرْ َﯾ ٌم‬ Adam ‫آدَ ُم‬

A pen ‫َﻗ َﻠ ٌم‬ A book ٌ‫ِﻛﺗَﺎب‬

Baghdad ‫ﺑَﻐْ دَ ا ُد‬ Iraq ُ‫ا ْﻟﻌِرَ اق‬

new ‫ﺟَ ِد ْﯾ ٌد‬ beautiful ‫ﺟَ ﻣِﯾ ٌل‬

The verb is any class of words denoting an
action related to a specific time in the past,
present or future or requesting an action
(command verbs), such as :
She drank = ْ‫ﺷَرَ ﺑَت‬ He ate = ‫أَ َﻛ َل‬

She plays = ُ‫َﺗﻠْﻌَ ب‬ He writes = ُ‫َﯾ ْﻛﺗُب‬

He will go = ُ‫ﺳَ ﯾَذْ ھَب‬ I will study = ُ‫ﺳَ ﺄ َدْ رُس‬

Listen! = ْ‫اِﺳْ ﻣَﻊ‬ Say! = !ْ‫ﻗُل‬

The particle is usually a short, uninflected part of
speech that does not convey an independent
meaning in itself, but is used to show syntactical
relationships with the two other parts of speech;
such as definite article, prepositions, conjunctions
or interrogative particles:
in = ‫ﻓِﻲ‬ the = ‫ال‬

from = ْ‫ﻣِن‬ to = ‫إِﻟَﻰ‬

or = ‫أ َْو‬ and = ‫َو‬

where…? = َ‫أَﯾْن‬ how…? = َ‫َﻛﯾْف‬

Examples of full meaningful sentences containing the
three different parts of speech :

He is a dear father. ‫ھ َُو أَبٌ ﻋَ زِ ﯾ ٌز‬

The student laughed. ‫ﺿَ ﺣِكَ اﻟ ﱢﺗ ْﻠﻣِﯾ ُذ‬
Where is Baghdad? ‫أَﯾْنَ ﺑَﻐْ دَ ادُ؟‬
Baghdad is in Iraq. ُ‫ﺑَﻐْ دَ ا ُد ﻓِﻲ ا ْﻟﻌِرَ اق‬
He ate then he َ‫أَ َﻛ َل ُﺛ ﱠم ﺷَرَ ب‬
‫ﺳَ ﯾﱠﺎرَ ةُ أ ُﺧْ ﺗِﻲ‬

‫أ ُﺧْ ﺗِﻲ ﻋِ ﻧْدَ ھَﺎ ﺳَ ﯾﱠﺎرَ ةٌ ﺟَ ِﻣ ْﯾ َﻠ ٌﺔ‬

‫أ ُﺧْ ﺗِﻲ ﺗَرْ ﻛَبُ اﻟ ﱠﺳﯾﱠﺎرَ َة إِﻟَﻰ ا ْﻟ َﻣ ْﻛ َﺗ َﺑ ِﺔ‬

‫ھِﻲَ ُﺗ َﻧظﱢفُ ﺳَ ﯾﱠﺎرَ َﺗﮭَﺎ ﺟَ ﯾﱢدَ اً‬

‫ﺳَ ﯾﱠﺎرَ ُﺗﮭَﺎ ﺣَ ﻣْرَ ا ُء و َﻛ ِﺑﯾْرَ ةٌ و ﻗَوِ ﱠﯾ ٌﺔ‬

‫أَﻧَﺎ أُﺣِبﱡ ﺳَ ﯾﱠﺎرَ َة أ ُﺧْ ﺗِﻲ‬

‫أ ُﺧْ ﺗِﻲ ُﺗﺣِبﱡ ﺳَ ﯾﱠﺎرَ َﺗﮭَﺎ َﻛ ِﺛﯾْرَ اً‬ ‫‪13‬‬

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