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Introduction Course to Mobile Data 08th and 11th of May 2020

Collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Introduction Course to Mobile Data Collection

using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Faculty of Medicine | Universitas Nusa Cendana

Wem Turupadang | Faculty of Marine and Fisheries

Universitas Nusa Cendana a global oriented university

Lesson 1: Introduction to ODK

Lesson 2: Creating Survey Forms

Workshop Lesson 3: Hosting ODK Forms and Data

Outline Lesson 4: Data Collection

Lesson 5: View and Analyse Collected Data


Universitas Nusa Cendana a global oriented university

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Introduction Course to Mobile Data 08th and 11th of May 2020
Collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Create a free account at

Must have an android phone

Keeping Download ODK Collect or Kobo Collect

Make sure your laptop has a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel)

Download to your laptop spreadsheets and relevant documents


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Collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Intro to ODK
o Mobile data collection is the use of mobile device, such as
a smart phone or tablet
o Paired with surveys and forms to collect data such as
photographs, information from a picklist, GPS coordinates,
and more
o An ideal and easy platform to collect large amounts of
data quickly, easily, and at a low cost by eliminating data
entry of paper forms to a computer
o ODK began its journey started in April of 2008 by an UW’
sabbatical research at Google's Seattle offices

ODK Collect Mobile Apps Display


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ODK Workflow
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
Build Forms & Collect Data Aggregate, Analyze &
(Lesson 5)
Data Store Visualize Data

(Lesson 2,3)
 Download ODK
Collect and forms to  Store and manage
 Build structured their Android device forms and form
survey forms  Collect data in the data
 Store/manage field using their  Analyze collected (Lesson 4)
forms and data device data
 Send collected data to
data store

Who: Who: Who:

Administrators Data Collectors Administrators

Modified from: Modified from:

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Lesson 2
Creating Survey Forms

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Options for Building ODK Survey Forms

o ODK Build. ODK Build is a web
application for creating survey forms,
built by the ODK team
o XLSForm. You can create a form using
Excel or other spreadsheet  standards
found at
o XML. You can create the form in directly
in a text editing software, using the XML
programming language  the coding
skills needed
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Type of Questions (and also Answers)

Question type When to use Example question Example answer

integer Integer (i.e., whole number) input Berapa usia Saudara? (tahun) 23

text Free text response Sebutkan nama Lengkap Anda? Maleakhi Nuban

select_one [options] Multiple choice question; only one answer Apa sarapan favorit Anda? Nasi
can be selected Roti 
Kopi dan kue
select_multiple Multiple choice question; multiple answers Sebutkan tiga sarapan favorit Anda? Nasi 
[options] can be selected Roti
Bubur 
Kopi dan kue 
geopoint Collect a single GPS coordinates Dimanakah lokasi Fakultas Kedokteran 10°09'10.0"S 123°39'51.7"E
Undana? -10.152788, 123.664371

date Date input Kapankah Undana mulai berdiri? 01/09/1962

time Time input Jam berapakah Anda tiba di kampus 07:23:45 AM

dateTime Accepts a date and a time input Jam dan tanggal berapa Listrik PLN stop 01/09/2020, 07:23:45 AM
beroperasi di Kelurahan Naiau?
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Type of Questions
Question type When to use Actions
geotrace Record a line of two or more GPS Use your mobile device to walk the distance between point A and point B
geoshape Record a polygon of multiple GPS Use your mobile device to walk the border of a protected forest area
coordinates; the last point is the same as
the first point
image Take a picture Take an image of the illegally logged tree
audio Take an audio recording Record the sounds of the forest where the tree was logged
video Take a video recording Record a video of the area where the tree was logged
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XLSForms: The Basics

 You can use any spreadsheet to the create
the XLSForm and we’ll use Excel
 Each Excel workbook usually has two
worksheets: survey and choices
 The survey worksheet It contains the full
list of questions and information about
how they should appear in the form
 The choices worksheet is used to specify
the answer options for multiple choice
 A third optional worksheet called settings
can add additional specifications to your Source:


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ODK-101 Workshop Exercise 2_A

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Survey sheet: Question from Questionnaires

integer age 2. How old are you?

decimal land 3. How much land do you own (hectares)?

describes the variable name the actual

the question as it will be stored question
type in the database goes here

Each row in an XLS spreadsheet corresponds to a question or note in

the survey

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Choices sheet: options to multiple choice questions

sex sex1 Laki-laki

sex sex2 Perempuan
select_one sex sex Jenis Kelamin Responden?
status 1 Kepala rumah tangga
select_one status status Apa status dalam keluarga? status 2 Ibu rumah tangga
select_multiple Dari mana sumber bibit status 3 Anak
benih benih jagung yang Anda tanam?
benih 1 Membeli
benih 2 Benih milik sendiri
benih 3 Bantuan dari Pemerintah
benih 4 Bantuan dari LSM
benih 5 Lainnya

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Settings sheets

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Default metadata
 Type and let these values as
default on the top of the
survey sheet
 These metadata are hidden
information that
automatically recorded by the
SourceL :

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ODK-101 Workshop Exercise 2_B

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Relevant column

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Relevant column
type name label relevant

Berapa umur
integer umur anak Anda?

note balita A. Balita ${umur} <=4

Ukur lingkar
decimal lengan ${umur} <=4
lengan atas

Ukur lingkar
decimal perut ${umur} <=4

note nonbalita B. Bukan Balita ${umur} >4

Ukur tinggi
decimal tinggi ${umur} >4

decimal berat Ukur berat badan ${umur} >4

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Required, hint, and appearance columns

type Name label relevant required required_message hint appearance
Apakah Anda
kuliah di Maaf,
kuliah Universitas yes pertanyaan ini
Nusa harus dijawab
Mohon minta
Apa nama menyebutkan
text fakultas ${kuliah} =‘1'
Fakultas Anda? nama lengkap
Bisa sebutkan
text nim ${kuliah} =‘1' true memperlihatkan
NIM Anda?
kartu Mahasiswa
Kapan Anda
Cukup tahun
date masuk Universitas ${kuliah} =‘1' year
masuk saja

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ODK-101 Workshop Exercise 2_C

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Constraints column
type name label constraint constraint_message required hint
Anda harus masuk
Tahun berapa
Undana tahun 2018
Anda masuk . <= Misalnya:
integer masuk15 atau sebelumnya quick true
Universitas Nusa 2018 untuk dapat kami
Apa nama Marga
text marga table-list
Wawancara mesti
Tanggal dilakukan hari ini
. <=
date wawancara Wawancara hari atau hari yang sudah table-list yes
ini? today() berlalu, tidak bisa
besok dst
Select_ Apa sudah pernah
one manca berpergian ke quick
yes_no mancanegara?
. >= 18
Umur Anda Umur Anda mesti
Integer umur and . <= quick yes
berapa tahun? antara 18-25 tahun
Sebutkan nama
text suku table-list
suku saudara?

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ODK-101 Workshop Exercise 2_D

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Constraints column
type name label hint relevant constraint
Apakah responden menderita
select_multiple Pilih semua
isu_medis penyakit-penyakit seperti di bawah
isu_medis yang sesuai
select_multiple Apa Jenis Cancer yang responden Pilih semua selected(${isu_medis
tipe_cancer alami? yang sesuai }, ’cancer’)
select_multiple Apa Jenis Diabetes yang responden Pilih semua selected(${isu_medis
tipe_diabetes alami? yang sesuai }, ’diabetes’)
selected(${isu_medis . > 40 and .
integer sistolik_bp Sistolik
}, ’hypertension’) < 300
selected(${isu_medis . >= 40 and
integer diastolik_bp Diastolik
}, ’hypertension’) . <= 200
Jika memilih other (lain), catat
lain keluhan yang dirasakan oleh
}, ’other’)
text responden?

note catat Ada hal lain yang ingin disampaikan

oleh responden?

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ODK-101 Workshop Exercise 2_E

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Repeat_count column
Type name label repeat_count
integer anak_jumlah Berapa jumlah anak responden?

begin_repeat tanya_anak Pertanyaan identitas anak: ${anak_jumlah}

text nama_anak Siapa nama anak Anda:

integer umur_anak Berapa umur anak Anda ini:

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Calculation column, position()

type name label repeat_count calculation

note angt_keluarga Minta Responden untuk menyebutkan seluruh

nama orang yang tinggal di rumahnya?
begin_repeat orang Nama-nama anggota rumah tangga
text nama Nama Lengkap:
begin_repeat identitas Identitas yang lebih detail count(${orang})
calculate nama_gilir indexed-
${orang}, position(..))
date lahir Tanggal lahir dari ${nama_gilir}

text hubungan Apa hubungan ${nama_gilir} dengan Kepala


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ODK-101 Workshop Exercise 2_G

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Record audio/video, Taking picture

1. May I record this

audio audio-rec interview?
3. May I take your
image Image picture?
8. May I record you
video video-rec surfing the internet?

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Read more:
How to use different calculate functions in XLSForm authoring:

How to use OpenStreetMaps in OpenMapKit

How to use Repeat Groups

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Lesson 3
Hosting ODK Forms And Data

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Logging in and Create Project

• Go to • From the Home page, click on the New

Project orange button, located on the right side
of your projects page
• The project contains ll of the forms and data
related to the project such as project
description, category and location

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Create Project

Enter the name of the project, in the Project

Name text box

Select a category from the project category

dropdown e.g. Health
Click on the Create New Project button

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Share and Collaborate

• Public Project is accessible to anyone on the • Select Private, to make the project private. A
internet with the project link Private project can only be viewed or
• Private Project is only accessible to Ona users contributed by you (the owner) and
to whom the project has been shared with collaborators with access
• Select the permission level from the
permissions dropdown

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The permission levels

Can view and
Can view Can submit Can edit Is admin
Can view data in a map x x x x x
Can view data as summary charts x x x x x
Can view data in a table x x x x
Can preview forms x x x
Can download forms x x x x
Can download data x x x x
Can submit data x x x
Can edit data x x
Can change the project share settings x
Can add, delete, replace or make forms
Can edit project metadata x
Can delete the project x
Can transfer project ownership to another
user or to an organization

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Read more

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Upload a XLSForm

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Replace forms without submissions

Click on the dropdown menu next to the form

and select Replace form
Choose the updated form you want to upload
and click on the Upload selected file button

If the upload is successful, you’ll see the

message as above
Finally, click on the Done button
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Collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Lesson 4
Data Collection

WebForm (IOS, Android)

AppsForm (Android)

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Enketo: how to open

From the list of Forms in your
Project, select the Webform
icon next to the name of the
form you wish to open.

You can also open the

webform at any time from the
form data page.

Make sure your project

is Public (Not Private)

Remember to
bookmark the page

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Collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Enketo: share with public

Go to Overview tab

On the bottom right hand

side, you can see the Using
Webforms under Submit data

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Enketo: drafts
Click on the Save as Draft checkbox Then click on Save Draft button to save Type the record name then click on
above the Submit button the record the Save & Close button


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Enketo: load drafts

Click on the Records Queued icon Continue filling out the form, then uncheck Then, finally click on the Submit button to
(on the left of page) the Save as Draft checkbox when you are done upload the record to the server


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Enketo: end the survey

It is highly recommended, however, that

you do submit or export your saved form
records as soon as they are finalized


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ODK Collect: installing


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Configuring ODK Collect (Ona account)


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Collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

Tips on configuring ODK Collect

Auto-sending of finalized forms Navigation settings


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Download and Fill the Blank Forms


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Review Response and Edit Saved Forms

Forms that are

not marked as
finalized are
saved as drafts in
the Edit Saved
Form menu in
ODK Collect

Once you have completed your survey, you can review and edit
fields of your form to check for errors before saving

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Send and View Finalized Forms

forms marked as Finalized Form can still

be edited from the Edit Saved Form menu
up until they are successfully submitted to
the server


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Delete Forms

Sent on… is OK to delete

Be cautious when deleting saved

form drafts, as this cannot be undone
(Saved on… vs. Sent on…)

Once you delete a form, it will no

longer be on your phone, you will
lose it forever!


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Configuring of other Devices


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Configuring of other Devices

The barcode contains both Admin and server

passwords. If you need to share settings in a
public way, you can excluding the passwords


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Lesson 5
View and Analyse Collected Data

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Analysing Data
Visualize and share
your data as it’s
collected via online-
maps, photo galleries,
or export in different
formats for more
advanced analysis.
Easily switch between
data exports, map,
table, photos and chart

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Map view
If your form contains, a GPS point the data You can also filter points on a map based on specific
will automatically show up in the map view as answers by selecting the questions from the View by
points. Click on any point to see all the data dropdown on the top left corner of the map
(including photos) associated with that point

Easily view the distribution of

responses by question type
filtered with different color dots

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Table view
View submitted data
directly in your browser

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Viewing media files captured during data collection

You can view images on
the Photos tab. The
Photos tab lets you view all
the images from your form
in a slideshow format


Navigate to Table tab,

scroll from left to right on
the data table to locate the
media file on each question


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Summary charts
Easily view and create
summary bar charts.


You can create a subset of your data with certain conditions and share the filtered dataset with users.
Read more here:

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Data Exports
You can export data under
the Data Exports section of
the form’s Overview page

Click Prepare Data

Export for a new data

Previous exports are saved

on the Data Exports panel

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Data Exports
CSV(comma separated values)
You can export data in different formats in the Export All data is exported in one worksheet with each column following the
Data section. Each format is explained in details under the order of the questionnaire

export formats section CSV (Windows Compatible)

It supports encoding of CSV exports on Windows

Excel(formatted spreadsheet)
Allows you to export data in xlsx format

With this format, you can export your data in a zipped folder

Google Sheet
Google Sheets integration allows you to sync your data directly from
your form in Ona to a spreadsheet in Google Sheets

The JSON file should be opened in a text editor e.g Brackets to view the
downloaded data

SAV exports are compatible with the SPSS packages

This format allows you to export all the GPS points collected in one file

Zip folder of media attachments
Media files in your data can be downloaded in bulk as a zipped folder
using this format

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Read more
Guide: Troubleshooting common error messages (Error when
uploading XLSForms; Enketo error messages; Server error messages;
ODK Briefcase error messages; ODK Collect error messages; Platform

Advanced export options; Caveat on exporting data for a form that

was replaced; XLS Reports; Managing Data; Importing data from
external sources to Ona

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Please work on your own questionnaires otherwise

use the survey supplied:
Practice XLSform ODK-101 Workshop.xlsx

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Terima kasih
Wem Turupadang
+6421 12 55447 (WhatsApp only)


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