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Section- d

35. (a)Explain law of chemical equilibrium?

(b) At equilibrium,the concentration of N2 = 3.0 x 10 M , O2= 4.2 x 10M and 2.8 x 10 in a sealed vessel at
800 k . What will be kc for the reaction:

N+O 2NO(g)

(c) explain common Ion effect or a explain le chatelier's principle b on the equilibrium of the reaction H2
ch3oh h describe the effect of first edition of H2 removal of CS3 increasing the pressure using a catalyst
assuming complete dissociation calculate the pH of 0.003 e m HCL 236 give the IUPAC names of the
following compounds I cl2 Ch ch2 o h c h c o c h c h c h c o o h b explain functional group ISO marriage
with an example see in carius method of estimation of halogen 0.15 g of an organic compound gave 0.12
gram of agbr find out the percentage of bromine in the compound or draw the structure of following
compounds I and II salt three nitro cyclohexene explain resonance effect with an example c in sulphur
estimation0.157 gram of an organic compound gave 0.48 13 gram of barium sulphate what is the
percentage of sulphur in the compound 37 a draw the Newman projection formula of ethane b explain
markovnikov rule with an example write the chemical reaction of alkene with Ozone water draw sis and
trans isomers of butane to in aur draw sawhorse projection formula of ethane bi explain anti
markovnikov rule with example C explain acidic character of alkaline with one suitable chemical
equation write the chemical reaction of benzene with halogen concentrated hn o3

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