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Half yearly 2019-20 class 11th subject Chemistry multiple choice questions 1 into 5 what is the mass

percent of carbon in carbon dioxide a 0.03 4% be 227. 27% C 3.4% b20 8.7% the pair of Ions having
same electronic configuration is 3 + 3 + b 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + considering the elements f b n and Y
is the correct order of their non metallic character is among the following elements whose electronic
configuration are given below the one having the highest ionization enthalpy is a any three years 23
P1 be any three ace2three P3 see any three ace2three P2 d a r 3D 10 4S to 443 as the temperature
increases average kinetic energy of molecules increases what would be the effect of increase of
temperature on pressure provided the volume is constant a increases be decreases she remains
same the becomes half Q to match the column 1 into 5 column 1 Q3 true or false 1 into 5 the
empirical formula represent the simplest whole number ratio of various atom present in a
compound second it is possible to determine the exact position and exact momentum of an electron
fan utane asli third Boron has a smaller first ionization enthalpy than that of allium fourth B2
molecule is paramagnetic V gases do not liquid above the critical temperature even on applying high
pressure q4 fill in the blanks one in 25 first one mole of Oxygen gas at STP is equal to atom of Oxygen
second the number of radial nodesorbital is the third the gender outer shell electronic configuration
of d block element is 4th the shape of the molecule containing three bond pairs and 19 pair around
the central atom is v for red gases when the walls equation is written as short answer type questions
to in 27 if the density of methanol is 0.793 kg l -1 what is its volume needed for making 2.5 litre of its
0.25 m solution question 22 a list the quantum numbers mnl of electrons for 3D orbit be explain by
model for hydrogen atom q23 the mass of an electron is 9.1 into 10 raise to the power minus 31 kg it
is kinetic energy is 3.0 into 10 raise to the power minus 22 June calculate its wavelength or calculate
the wavelength for the longest wavelength transition in the balmer series of atomic hydrogen q24
explain by first he has higher ionization enthalpy than b to has lower ionization enthalpy than and p
25 first buy second electron gain in enthalpy of zero is possible second in terms of period and group
where would you locate the element with z is equal to 114 u0026 what is meant by hybridization
explain SP2 hybridization with one example for what is the shape of the following molecules using
the BSE rpr model first H2S second as ICL 427 1 st write the postulate of kinetic molecular theory II
explain kills law practically short answer type questions q 28 first write a postulate of Dalton’s
atomic theory II differentiate between molarity and molality third in the combustion of methane
what are the limiting reagent and y for first explain how r u shaped law of gaseous volume
withsecond what do you understand by significant figures what are the rules for determining the
number of significant figures explain with examples hue 29 first give the electronic configuration of
chromium a l number 24 and silver a l number 47 second show that the circumference of the Bohr
orbit for the hydrogen atom is an integral multiple of the de Broglie wavelength is associated with
the electron revolving around the orbit calculate the wavelength frequency and wavenumber of a
light wave whose period is 2.0 into 10 – 10 s 31 first the increasing order of reactivity among group 1
elements is l i n a k r BCS where that among group 17 elements is f CL BR I explain what is the basic
difference in approach between the the Mendeleev periodic law and modern periodic law.kyon 32
which out of NH3 and nf3 has higher diplomate and why to that structure of no3 – 3 rd write the
resonance structure of c o 32 – 33 first distinguish between sigma and pi bond second define
hydrogen bond and what are its type give the examples 3 rd define octet rule q34 at zero degree
celsius the density of a certain oxide of a gas at 2 bar is same as that of dinitrogen at 5:00 what is the
molecular mass of the oxide or what will be the pressure exerted by a mixture of 3.2 gram of
methaneand 4.4 gram of carbon dioxide contained in a 93 flask at 27 degree Celsius long answer
type questions 3 in 25 to 35 a 1 what is the maximum number of emission lines when the excited
electron of a h atom in n is equals to 6 drops to the ground state second explain homes rule of
maximum multiplicity third which atoms are indicated by the following configuration de calculate
the wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity of 2.05 into 10 7 metre per second for how
many electrons in an atom may have the following quantum numbers n is equals to 4 m s is equals
to minus 1 upon 2 b n is equals to 3 l is equals to zero second explain principal third why the half of
fully filled orbitals are stable bi nitrogen laserproducers irradiation at a wavelength of 330 7.1 and if
the number of protons emitted is 5.6 into 10 24 calculate the power of this laser q36 1 what is
meant by the term bond order calculate the bond order of N2 O2 O2 plus and O2 minus second for
the geometry of NH3 and H2O molecules are distorted tetrahedral bond angel in water is less than
that of ammonia by third use molecular orbital theory to explain why the be2 molecule does not
exist or first compare the relative stability of the following species and indicate their magnetic
properties O2 O2 + O2 – superoxide O2 – 2 – 3 oxide describe the hybridisation in case of PC and 35
by are the oxidal bond longer as compared to equatorial bonds third write the favourable factors for
the formation of ionic bond kyo 37 first explain Boyle’s law graphically second what are critical
constant define3 on a ship sailing in Pacific Ocean where temperature is 23.8 4 degree Celsius a
balloon is filled with 2 litre hair what will be the volume of the balloon when the ship reaches Indian
ocean why temperature is 220 6.1 degree Celsius or first explainsurface tension give its SI unit II
explain the physical significance of Banda was parameters 3 calculate the total pressure in a mixture
of 8 gram of dioxygen and 4 gram of dihydrogen confined in a vessel of 1 dm3 at 27 degree celsius is
equal to 0.083 m 3 k – 1 mole -1

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