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Visual Log

Madison Rossetti
At the beginning of the year, Marvel put out a
billboard advertising their new movie Thor
that was coming out in May. With the
statement “From the studio that brought you
“Iron Man,”” the are wanting to make more
revenue because Iron Man was a good movie
that lots of people liked, so they are
advertising that this movie is going to be just
as good. With the hammer that looks like it is
smashing into the billboard, it causes as effect
that is going to catch the drivers attention as
they drive by. Marvel does a really good job at
making their billboard very clear and also
interesting, so it stands out among all the
other billboard. .
Book Cover
R. J. Palacio came out with the book “Wonder”
in February of 2012. With his aesthetically
pleasing book cover, and a message that has
a great effect, his goal through selling this
book is not only to make money, but also to
put a message across in this world. At the top
of the book it says “You can’t blend in when
you were born to stand out.” This message is
appeals to all sorts of people by telling them
to be who they are. With his message on his
book, and the one eye on the person, he is
appealing to his audience and making them
want to read his book just by the cover of it.
Purchased Product
Apple is always coming out with new devices
that the public love. Before they launch their
new device, you see ads all over the internet
and many people talk about it. Apple products
are always the best in the business, or so they
advertise. Their product has just a very sleek
back with the apple logo, which is a huge
advertisement for them when the millions of
people are carrying around their phones.
Apple knows what they are advertising, they
try to make their phones look the coolest with
all different colors to get the best business.
They have a lot of competitors so they have to
be the best.
Vintage Advertisement
This ad which was made in 2010, is
advertising twitter in a very different but
appealing way. This ad is not something we
are going to see everyday, but it also catches
attention of the audience. You can tell that
this ad is not from our modern day by the
phone that the man is holding, by the colors
of the ad, and also the words. It uses words
like “sublime” and also “mighty”, these aren’t
words that you are going to see everyday but
they fit very well with the add. They are
advertising twitter in a very original way that
many people wouldn’t expect but the
audience will like.
Photo that Makes an Argument
On September 11th in 2001, we had a major
terrorist attack on the twin towers in New
York City. Terrorists hijacked planes and flew
them into the twin towers as well as other
places in the United States. Ever since the
attack on 9/11 people around the United
States post this picture to prove a point. This
picture is telling the audience that we will
never forget what happened on that day, and
it shows through the two light beams what
used to be there and what is there now. We
are trying to prove a point that September
11th caused physical and emotional damage.
Visual Example of Ethos
This smart water ad is trying to convince its
audience that smart water is the best water.
They are using ethos to show smart waters
credibility that they know how they made
their water and they know it is the best water.
They are comparing their water to the clouds
because it “vapor-distilled, just like the
clouds.” With the all white theme in this
advertisement I also think it calms people and
is more of an aesthetically pleasing ad. White
is more of a calm color, so having it all over
the ad makes people more relaxed and I just
goes with the theme of the clouds and the
Visual Example of Pathos
When we see this picture, we don’t know the
story behind the picture, but we feel the
emotions that the picture is portraying. We
see this little girl who is obviously very sad,
and she looks like she has been through a lot.
When we look at the picture we can’t help but
feel sad for her and what she is going
through. We don’t know exactly what is
happening to this little girl, it could be
something as little as she lost her favorite toy,
or she is being abandoned. But, by looking at
this picture it appeals to our emotions and
makes us sad, we aren’t going to look at this
picture and laugh.
Visual Example of Logos
With this pop chips add, its main focus is to
show its audience that these chips are
healthier than most. By its saying at the top
“less guilty. more pleasure.” It is saying that
these chips are healthier and you won’t have
to feel bad about eating them. You won’t have
to feel guilty about eating the chips, you CSU
just enjoy them. This ad is appealing to the
audiences logos by showing them the logic of
the ad by explaining and showing the
different between different chips. They are
using the logic to shoe how much healthier
these chips are then others.
Political Cartoon
This picture entitled “The Great Economic
Super Bowl” is showing China and The United
States ready to play in the super bowl for
economics. The author is making it look like
China has their stuff put together and that the
United States is all fighting against each other
rather than playing the football game. The
author is trying to show us that the United
States needs to get together and all be on the
same team before we play China in the
economic super bowl. This is showing that
China is winning the economic super bowl
without even playing the United States.
Winter Advertisement
This advertisement is for Brighton Ski Resort.
This is a winter advertisement, but it might no
appeal to all people. Many snowboarders are
very drawn to this advertisement. People get
very excited once there is snow on the ground
to go snowboard and ski. This ad shows a
snowboarder going down the very snowy
mountain with the ski illuminated. People
when they see this ad get very excited and it
is going to draw the business to the ski resort.
Brighton has a lot of competitors, so they
have to have the most appealing ad that is
going to attract the most audience.
University Website
This is the website of BYU, which is very easy
to navigate through. If the author's purpose
was to have a very welcoming website, they
did just the right job. At the top of their
website it says “How can we help?” which is a
very welcoming statement to help all people
that need help finding their way through, and
wanted to learn more about BYU. Their
website is blue with little colorful tabs which
works well. It is very pleasing and doesn’t stick
out and is not overwhelming at all. They also
have their contact information right at the top
so it is easy to access and all people can find
the information.
Photo in Motion
In this picture taken in May of 2016, it shows
the famous Cosmo the Cougar of BYU. Cosmo
in this picture is dunking a basketball in the
hoop, well that's what we all see is going to
happen. What we see is a picture of Cosmo in
the air getting ready to dunk the ball, because
he is up in the air, while we look at the picture
we know what is going to happen next. He is
going to dunk the ball and the crowd is going
to go crazy. People love pictures like these
because it shows an amazing person and
picture, but they also get to see a video with
the picture that they are looking at.
Photo with Balance
This photo of four boys walking toward the
sun is showing balance. Even though in the
photo, there is only three boys carrying
skateboards, the photo is balanced and the
point of focus for the picture is the sun. THey
way the photo is, on one side one kid is
carrying his skateboard up high, and one is
carrying it down low. On the other side, both
of the boys are pretty much even so that they
photo looks even. The authors focus of the
photo was probably the sun. The boys are
shadowed and they want you to look at them
but they don’t want you to overwhelmed and
not know where to look.
Photo with Details
In this photo, we see an up close fox that is
focused on something. Even though part of
the picture is blurry, we can see many details
that make the picture catch the audience's
eye. You can clearly see the details in the
animals eyes which make you focus on its
eyes. The furr on the animals face is also very
prominent, you can see the individual strands
of fur which makes the photo seem more life
like. With the background being kind of blurry
and the fox very clear, it looks like you took
the photo and the fox it real. The author of
this photo was probably making that his main
focus in the art.

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