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What treachery comes from our darkest selves,

driven by greed and want; for I have been
deceived by the Deag. They came North with I,
the priests, as allies to our cause against the
Khan Maykr and her unscrupulous methods.
Their silvery tongues wagging, they laid a plan
for us, and sowed the seed of desire for hasty
triumph. They claimed knowledge of the Maykr's
source of power in the demon realm; a vast
foundry of souls where the innocent are put to
the fire for the Essence. In the foundry's
destruction our victory is assured, they told
us; and the fools that we were - that I am -
believed their lies.
On their word, we sent the Doom
Slayer and the Night Sentinels to
destroy the foundry, and the priests
cast a gate for their egress. As the
last veteran entered the demon's
empire, our final hope of reclaiming
our dominion, the Deag closed the
path and left them stranded. They
were trapped, lost in the eternal
void by the action of the traitors.
How could I not see their intention? Am I blinded by
grief for the loss of Taras Nabad? Of my people?
We have fled again, with barely a legion of the Night
Sentinels left to protect us. The Deag are gone,
returned to their mistress. May the Wraiths forgive
my failure.
King Novik ruled over Sentinel Prime for many
years as its warrior patriarch, ordained protector
of the sovereign Sentinel worlds. The Sentinel
people, defined by a legacy of war, deem only those
of warrior caste fit to rule, and in times of battle it
is expected that the King lead from the battlefield
rather than from the safety of the throne. As it is
written in Sentinel law, a King unfit for battle is
likewise unfit to rule.
For millennia, the Sentinel people have secured their civilization against
the threat of invasion from beast and human alike, passing on the mantle of
battle to each subsequent generation and refining the craft of war into an
art of ultimate mastery. Even in times of peace, the Night Sentinels remain
vigilant, developing new technologies of conquest, each the more capable of
securing their dominion across the sovereign worlds.
After years of prolonged war against the demonic threat invading their
world, Argent D'Nur launched an offensive strike across dimensions,
sending their greatest warriors into the heart of Hell itself. Despite their
training and their preparedness, their honor was undone by deceit.
Betrayal at the highest level of command left Argent D'Nur's bravest
warriors cut off and scattered in the Hellscape.
But of these last remaining Night Sentinels, only one remained in Hell by
choice. Betrayer of the Argenta, it was Commander Valen who relinquished
the keys to the Elemental Sepulchre in return for his son's resurrection.
Haunted by demonic visions, the image of his son's tortured existence
plagued him without relent, the whispers of demons pushing him toward
madness. In a moment of weakness, he fell prey to the demon's trickery,
sealing the fate of Argent D'Nur and dooming the kingdom to which he
swore a lifelong oath to protect. Valen chose exile in the Hellscape for
his sacrilege.
VEGA entries
The Wolf

Argenta legends speak of Sentinel beasts,

loyal creatures that lived as companions
of the hardened warriors. Often larger,
swifter and stronger than others of their
kind, these animals shared instincts with
their masters and aided them in battle. The
Night Sentinels never shared publicly the
origin of these creatures, for only they
stood worthy of them.
VEGA entries
The Lost City of Hebeth

Amidst the long and enduring history of Sentinel

civilization, there are moments in antiquity that have become
buried in time - forgotten chapters that remain concealed
to Sentinel historians, waiting to be unearthed. The fallen
city of Hebeth is one such tale, all but forgotten to the
tomes of legacies past. Once a prosperous port city - a
proud, gleaming marker of conquest for the distant tribe of
Bethian clansmen of the outer worlds - Hebeth bridged the
disparate Sentinel cities with the ingenious design of
slipgate invention. But it was not meant to last, and among
those cities lost in the crusades of Sentinel past was
Hebeth, now little more than a smoldering ruin swallowed
by the quaking surface of a once habitable Mars.
VEGA entries
Sentinel Prime

The ancient Arena is a holy place for the people of Argent

D'Nur. Constructed in the earliest days of their history,
this coliseum served as a proving ground for trial-by-
combat. Historical records indicate that the Argenta did
not jail their own kind; rather, prisoners and criminals were
granted the right to earn their chance at regaining honor
through victory in the Arena. Those who succeeded were
given a place to fight in the front lines of the Sentinel
army, to die in service to Argent D'Nur.
This traditional use of the Arena has subsided since the
assimilation with the Dark Realm. The corrupted Priests
now allow more violent exchanges, with armed captives
pitted against demons for sport.
Taras Nabad

The city of Taras Nabad was the crown jewel of Argent D'Nur. For
centuries it serve as the spiritual heart of Argent society, home to
both the royal family and the center of political power. No expense
was spared in the building of the city, with bold colonnaded
architecture and towering monuments to gods and kings resplendent
on every avenue. Rural Argenta flocked to Taras Nabad on
pilgrimage to the Maykr temples.
The city was ground zero of a massive demonic invasion attempt, and
although the invasion was thwarted the attack changed Argenta
society forever.
The Priests of the Order Deag continue to hold undisputed power on
Argent D'Nur. Spilling the blood of the Argent-ascended class will
result in the transgressor's banishment. Asylum amongst the
Argenta will be denied to any who do not adhere to the rules of
The Divinity Machine

Within the infinite conscious-matrix of the all-seeing

Maykr God-mind, there exists every potentiality -
every predictive variable of possible future timeline
- each one known to the Maykr collective with
omniscient, inextricable clarity. The God-mind surveys
these timelines, watching them form and expand
exponentially like fractal patterns in the fabric of
existence. Among these infinite possibilities, only one
constant appears among them, unchanged by the
flowing data of endless variability - that of the
prophesied Destroyer - the one who would bring
about the destruction of the Maykrs.
History of the Sentinels - Part I

Translation from the 'Ligra Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

In the days before man first spoke, an immense shard of rock and metal was
cast unto the world from the heavens. Thunder and cataclysm shook the land
as the skies were torn asunder. The Cosmic Spear cleft a hole through our
mortal lands, pole to pole, from the cold wastes of the Umbral Plains to the
fetid swamps of Ironfang. The Womb of the World opened and the Elemental
Wraiths, the Firstborn, spilled forth. They took to the skies, fierce in their
emancipation. In their exultation, they brought vitality to the land, and all
that felt their breath were awakened from eternal slumber. Fierce beasts and
an unforgiving biosphere rose in the passing of their shadow as the
Wraithcall echoed across Argent D'Nur.
First came the Ancestrals, feral creatures invigorated by the magic of the
Wraiths. They grew to enormous heights, mighty behemoths who waged war with
each other for years untold. Their battles tore the land asunder and
destroyed all creation caught in their wake. The Wraithcall continued to
spread across the land and soon the Argenta emerged from the steppes, our
souls stirred into form by the power of their breath.
History of the Sentinels - Part I

The titans towered over the wild-blooded tribes

but found them uncowed. The Secret of the Sword
was discovered, and in the darkness of sweltering
mountain-forges, we beat steel until it was strong
enough to pierce bone and sever flesh.
Thus we came to be; born of rock and fire, lowly in
birth but risen by the strength of our will. By the
blessedness of the First Ones, we forged sword
and shield and took the hammer to the Ancestrals.
We claimed dominion of creation by right of blood
and magick, and the Time of Man came to be.
History of the Sentinels - Part I

With the Ancestral beasts driven back to their bleak valleys, we rose. We
tilled the fertile land, husbanded beasts of burden, and built towering cities.
In the Hallowed Palace, on the Obsidian Throne, we crowned King Ormero
the Father, the first of the line that shall weigh in perpetuity. We built the
Cathedral of Reflection to worship the First Ones and formed the Order of
the Deag, whose priests pay tribute to the Wraiths and appease their
tempestuous hunger. Our sons and daughters chose the path of the sword
or the path of the alchemist, for each duty honors the Gods.
Though our ways were righteous, we were not without strife - storms and
great quakes cast our spires down, barbaric tribes laid siege to our fields in
search of the great gifts mother Argenta has bestowed upon our work, and
the song of the Wraithcall threatened to drive lesser men into madness. We
were not lesser men. We defended that which the First Ones gifted to us, our
lands and right to the bounty held within. We beat back the barbarian hordes
and hardened our resolve. We rose above the fire, our bodies and souls
tempered, and an unbreakable will was shaped in the forge of battle. What
emerged was the heart of our legion - the order of the Night Sentinels.
History of the Sentinels - Part II

Translation from the 'Ligra Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

In the Time of Grief, when King Etrex took the throne, a blessing came to the people of
Argenta. White porcelain beings from another world above our own brought gifts to
D'Nur. Observers to our great deeds, admirers of our convictions, they sought to
make bond with our swords and bring lasting order to our world.
These were beings unlike any we had seen before, sword and shield held no weight
against them, for the ethereal flesh of these luminous beings seemed unbound by
mortality. Able to move through time and space, they held sway over all dominions of
the known and unknown dimensions. Through their ways we grew stronger, our society
bolstered by their infinite wisdom and all-knowing power, assuring our peoples' safety
for all time - in this world and the next. Where we sharpened the blade and mastered
our magick, they bolstered the soul and spirit. Death would no longer be the end for
our people. The ones we call the Maykrs, our new allies in this brutal world, have given
us the security in death we fought so hard to achieve in life. We would find eternal
peace, and our minds would rest easy with the knowledge that those we fought alongside
in battle would join us in the lands beyond the mortal plane. The strength of our ways,
the purity of our essence, would by Maykr law grant us passage to the great city in
the clouds. There, women and children, warriors and kin alike would welcome us.
History of the Sentinels - Part II

We adopted the holy doctrine of the Maykrs,

gifted in exchange with the change to earn
eternal rest for our immortal souls in blessed
Urdak. The covenant we held now under the
embrace of our new Gods fostered a peace we
had never known, for they were unlike the First
Ones, whose presence offered no paradise
from fear and the uncertainty of existence in a
harsh and unforgiving world. The Maykr's
embrace was warm, and guided us into an era of
spiritual prosperity.
History of the Sentinels - Part III

Translation from the 'Ligra Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

With machine and enchantment of the Maykrs, the Argenta brought our
newfound clarity to the disparate realms of the Empyrean Void. We took
flight with the support of our Gods, spreading the enlightened word of
the Khan Maykr. We discovered there was not one Enemy, but many.
Worlds and peoples unknown to the Argenta were unveiled, and we saw
our own suffering reflected in their eyes. Our righteous army strode into
battle under the banner of the Night Sentinels and fought for the
freedom of all peoples from the grasp of those who would exploit and
prey upon them. Though we battled on soil not our own, the blood we shed
in foreign land safeguarded Arget D'Nur, and the sons and daughters
that defended it. Through the strange peoples we liberated, new alliances
were formed, and our beliefs became their own. Our armies swelled.
As the Argenta traversed the stars with gleaming war-fleets the Khan of
the Maykrs approached King Roan on his throne.
History of the Sentinels - Part III

He sensed his God restless by her disquiet manner. The King and Khan
spoke, and the God revealed she had foreseen a schism in the blood of
Argenta. A test would be required to identify its host among us. She spoke
of a holy rite to be performed on the strongest of our warriors; only those
that proved worthy would be tested, for the impurity could reside in only the
most resilient of our legion. The Divinity Machine, a great tribute by Maykr
Scolaris, would help us to cleanse any impurities from our flock, ensuring
our continued prosperity in this world and in the Maykr realm that awaited
in the afterlife. The Malicious One, if not exhumed from our ranks, would
jeopardize our safe passage to the heavenly realm of Urdak.
The Dark One was not amongst them yet, nor would he be for many
generations. Only the Mother God, through divination and Maykr-sight,
would determine when he stood before them. The Maykrs were truth, and only
their unclouded eyes could find the one who was marked. The prophecy of the
unholy one was written, but through the ages the warning grew faint until
only the Khan Maykr herself and the high priests of the Order Deag still
whispered of He that would one day come to threaten their way of light.
History of the Sentinels - Part IV

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

In the time of King Novik, as the Argenta secured peace and safety through
dimensions across time and space, an Outlander came to us. He was not of our
world, and spoke an ugly tongue. How he first took step upon our land was
unknown. Sentinel scouts had found the Outlander bloodied, clawed and near
death, mumbling of impending Doom and the forces of Darkness. The scent of
blood followed him, and the gore that stained his armor seemed not entirely of
his own. By Argenta law the stranger would be judged in the Coliseum, where he
would be given the chance of all who stray from the Path to fight for his
We knew not of this Stranger; his mind seemed crippled with rage. He dressed in
attire not suited for our lands and carried munition of arcane origin. We watched
as his will overcame his injuries, and in the Blood Arena he proved his worth. The
Outlander's technique was crude and brutal, but the determination in his charge
echoed that of any trueborn Sentinel. His war cry echoed through the Coliseum
as did the sound of his fury, and the guards cheered his banner, 'Rip and Tear'
they shouted as the beast pushed beyond mortal wounds and certain death.
History of the Sentinels - Part IV

He would be gifted no rank, no title. The survivors in

the Arena were provided only one reward - the right
to earn an honorable death while spreading the
blessings of the Maykrs to those in need.
The Outlander's determination was witnessed, his
ravings documented and through the word of the
Order Deag the Khan Maykr had him brought before
her. She set her minions to learning his tongue, for
with his ugly words he spoke of lands unseen,
creatures born of fire and a dark place unknown to
the Queen and her cast. Yet another opportunity to
expand the gift of the Maykrs to those in need.
History of the Sentinels - Part V

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

On the eve of the Black star the Dark Ones came from a world
beneath our own, not through ship nor ephemeral vessel but
through the fabric of dimensions. Out of swirling, fiery gates came
horned beasts from a timeless realm. First one, then many,
crashing waves of evil swelled from the obsidian forest of the
Argentian Overlands. The Alorum clans from the eastern
mountains fell first to the black hordes of devils, and the city of
Telorum was slung under the weight of their charge.
We Sentinels rose to meet the beasts with spear in hand, the might
of the holy fleet striking back at the demons, but the dark gates
from whence they came gave birth still to even greater hordes. A
line of blood was drawn with the fallen on both sides, and the
Unholy Wars began as the time of darkness came upon us.
History of the Sentinels - Part VI

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

Unlike enemies of the past we could not contain the demons
emergent from the Dark Realm. Their weaponry was not
conjured from machined steel but from the essence of their
very being. A dark magic not known to us in our many
conquests - had we grown overconfident, our victories
serving to dull our blade as we drank in the glory of our
expanding empire? Lost, we knew not of how to prevail
against this foe. The Maykr Gods stood perplexed, and our
engineers and Priests scrambled to find the advantage in
battle we so desperately needed. Unknown to the enemy we
were pushed to the brink of defeat, and our Gods stood
with us as we worked to find the answer.
History of the Sentinels - Part VI

The Order of the Deag were first to unlock the mystery

of these foul creatures. The Priests were able to capture
several of the beasts and set about to identify the source
of their power. It was then that the Essence of the Dark
Realm was discovered. Not wholly unlike our own, this
power was the life-essence that flowed through their
twisted form and powered their attacks. It could be
harnessed to power our weapons, giving the Argenta the
chance to combat the demons on even footing. The Priests
believed that with greater knowledge of the Essence we
could discover its source and cut if off from the demons
to strangle their armies from within, allowing us to regain
the advantage we required for victory on the battlefield.
History of the Sentinels - Part VI

The Khan Maykr gave blessings to our majesty and directed the Priests to delve
deeper into the mysteries of the scarlet Elixir from the demonic realm, for she
sought only to return balance to our universe. Proper assimilation was required,
as Hell stood beyond her influence.
After great effort the Priests discovered more than they had ever hoped for.
They learned of the true nature of the demonic energy, and how it could strengthen
those skilled enough to harness its power. The energy coursing through the
malformed bodies of our relentless enemy could be used to end life, or to enhance
it. The power to heal, to mend, immortality, knowledge and enlightened faculties
beyond our understanding. With the demon's life force in the skilled hands of the
Sentinel Priests, and under the righteous gaze of the Khan Maykr, our people
would not only rise to victory over the unholy horde that clawed at our walls; we
would move to a higher plateau of existence, ushering in a new era of military
science and industrial healing. No Sentinel would grow sick, no Maykr would need
suffer the Transfiguration that they so feared; all would be risen. None could
ever oppose our peaceful ways and threaten our world again. True balance over
Hell and its legions, over space and time, in this world and all others - we would
dictate the order. United with the Maykrs, we would find eternal peace.
History of the Sentinels - Part VII

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

The Khan Maykr demanded a tithe of the Essence, and driven by her desire
the Priests submitted themselves to her will. The Order of the Deag took
council with the King, speaking only of the spoiled lands sure to be found
through the cleft in creation, and the opportunity to purge the new invaders
from Argent D'Nur. We took the war to their cursed land, pressing through
the gates of wizardry.
There was one among us who seemed to know the true nature of these foul
demons. It was The Outlander, the stranger who had come to us from places
unknown, he who had survived in the front lines far longer than any
Sentinel-born prisoner had before. His passion for battle against the vile
horde was evident, his lust for their destruction matching our own, though
Argent D'Nur remained a foreign land to him. His fervor caught the attention
of Inquisitors of the Sentinel Guard, some whispering of a suspected
allegiance he held in secret with the demons. Silencing the critics, King Novik
deemed him worthy of selection. The Signifiers brought a commission to our
King, and it was decided that he be lifted from the common rabble.
History of the Sentinels - Part VII

Though no Arena-borne prisoner had ever been granted

the honor, the Night Sentinels broke tradition and
deemed the Outlander worthy of training. A number of
disciples grumbled and chafed at the barbarian present in
their ranks, but in the war with the demons all
opportunities for even the slightest advantage was to be
considered and as they witnessed the Stranger spar with
their hall-masters they found in him an undying,
unrelenting compatriot. This man was an outlander, friend
to none, and yet rose each time he was thrown to the dirt
of the circle. Battered and bruised, his brow stained with
blood, he rose with grim determination for the chance to
face his enemies in armed combat once again.
History of the Sentinels - Part VII

Time passed as the Stranger was instructed in the codified matrices of their
Order, the ancient lessons of battle and brotherhood taught to all
Sentinels. He could sense the opportunity before him - soon, all of Hell
would feel his wrath once again.
Satisfied that he would not be a detriment to their prowess, the Night
Sentinels granted him his wish as they ventured through the hellgates with
the Stranger in tow. They knew no rest, fighting in the unnatural elements
and training under the blood-moon of night. The Stranger suffered
exhaustion, wounds, and sickness, but asked for no aid and was offered
none. Three times the Night Sentinels ventured into the gate and back, and
upon every return the Stranger strode more capable than before, his gait
locked in step with the march of the Sentinels, a disciplined and now
controlled lust for demon blood ever present. The passing of years and
innumerous battles with the devils indentured the Stranger to Argenta's
mightiest warriors, and no longer did they condescend to him as a new-
blooded conscript, for to them he had become a brother-in-arms forged in
war. An ally, and a weapon.
History of the Sentinels - Part VIII

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

As we warred with the beasts the Argenta society grew, under the
watchful eye of the Maykrs and through the endless power of the
Essence. While our generals were consumed with the Unholy War our
culture was marked by the beautiful potion the enemy had provided us
- the sweet Elixir. It brought us immeasurable capacity and empowered
us to reach farther into dimensions once thought to be beyond our
grasp. Under the direction of our Maykr Gods and the engineering of
our High Priests, our weapons blazed and our war machines stormed.
The throngs of the populace drank deeply from the well of energy
unveiled by the Priests, but we of the Night Sentinels took no part in
their abundance. Some among us whispered accusations and warnings
against this manner of progress, but they were quelled, as it was not
our role to dictate the future of our people, only to defend it.
History of the Sentinels - Part IX

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

As the Black Star ascended to its zenith, King Novik sat
restless on his throne as a howling darkness began to
assemble just beyond the Mountain Rise to the East. The
Blight came upon us in droves, flooding forth from the Hell
Gate with merciless fury. They brought with them a monstrous
Titan, the Dreadnought, a beast to rival the stature and
menace of even the mightiest Ancestral. The grotesque giant
laid waste to all before him, crushing all in his path. This was a
total demonic assault, striking at the heart of Argent D'Nur
as never before. How was it that the behemoth could pass
through the demonic gate without warning? We would never
know, though the Night Sentinels believed treason was at play.
History of the Sentinels - Part IX

Caught off guard, the Sentinels scrambled late in defiance of the Titan and
his horde, and with his coming the holy city of Taras Nabad prepared for
judgement. With the onslaught of the demons massed in the sprawling
shadow of the abhorrent fiend, the city shook to its foundation. None were
spared, save those that fled north. The vile swarm ransacked our temples
and palaces, burning our towers and feasting on the souls of our clergy.
Yet the Night Sentinels rallied, and held fast against the demons, though
they were pushed back and corralled at the Blood Arena. As the dark of
night descended their swords remained potent, and shred the enemy multitude
with abandon. Amidst the unyielding ranks of the Sentinels, when all other
apprentices had fallen in battle, stood the Outlander. 'Rip and Tear' he
roared, ferocious in battle. The remaining conscripts of the Arena stood in
awe as they witnessed the beast who had once raged within their very cells,
now armored alongside the shoulders of Sentinel brethren. He had risen
where none other had before, a trueborn Sentinel fighter - the very best
among them.
History of the Sentinels - Part IX

But though the swarm fell before their assault, the Titan remained invincible, for
none could tame the behemoth alone.
In the hours before dawn, as the Night Sentinels weathered the relentless
assault, the Outlander held his ground at the foot of the great wall in the
northern bend of the castle. Seeing his unending vigor, Samur, chancellor to
the Mother God, hurried the Outlander away under veil of secrecy and, for
reason unknown, submitted him to a rite untold. This was heresy, for Samur
received no consent from the Khan Maykr nor did he receive her council. In the
Chapel of Purity the Outlander submitted himself to the Divinity Machine. There
Samur Maykr, the seraphim known to us only as the aide to the Mother God,
blessed the Outlander with fierce speed and power to match his will. It was the
method by which this transfusion took place that was most uncertain to us, for
we were of the knowledge that the Maykr device bestowed onto the Argenta so
many generations ago was to be used by the Priests only to find the impurity
among us. How could it be that the device that was meant to cull the Sentinel
breed of its contaminants could then be used to purify the Outlander's body,
and give rise to the one who would lead us into battle henceforth?
History of the Sentinels - Part IX

What rose from the holy coffin on that fateful day was not
the impure abomination the covenant warned us of; the hero
within would come to be known only as the Great Slayer, the
time walker, the warrior Khan whose fire-sword would blaze
forth a path for the just and cut through the demonic horde
with a vengeance that only a God King could summon. He rose
unbroken by the Ritual, his eyes burning with Maykr magic. He
took the Crucible in his hand, and Wraith-fire leapt forth from
the blade, as only it will when held by a true Sentinel warrior
In our darkest hour, the Slayer had been chosen. Defying
tradition, our most sacred laws and the will of the great Khan
herself, a Stranger to our lands had been blessed with
celestial might.
History of the Sentinels - Part X

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

With the coming of the Slayer, the Night Sentinels took the
campaign deeper into the heartland of the demons than ever before.
Mighty Atlans were brought forth, tearing paths through the
hordes of Hell alongside the Slayer and his army. The high priests,
under the guidance of the Mother God, had found means to gain
entry to the innermost regions of the demon world, and with the
Deag's presence new gates could be opened.
Our war machines were unstoppable, wrought with Maykr
technology, enhanced by the very Essence our enemies hurled
against us as our armies drove deeper and deeper into the blood-
drenched territory of the demons. Countless victories were assured
with the power of the Slayer, for with the Alpha-Interfector at the
fore of our pack we brought certain doom to our foes.
History of the Sentinels - Part X

And though our hearts were pure and our purpose righteous, unbeknownst
to the fighters of Argenta, in our wake and under the veil of secrecy the
Mother God had set her Priests to build vast factories upon the heathen's
land that she might gather the Essence for further development. How this
deception began we would not know, for our focus remained on the hordes
of the underworld. Why then would we stoop so low as to consider our
Mother God of betraying our covenant?
The Khan Maykr did not seem at ease with the unforeseen rise of our
Slayer, and the seraphim who had birthed the destroyer in secret soon
vanished from Urdak, perhaps exiled for his heresy.
Our legions rose unfettered under the unquenchable rage of the Doom
Slayer, and his design led the Khan Maykr to find profit in his
endorsement. It soon became known that the Slayer was the Maykr's god-
machine, a holy relic reborn, sent to bring the Maykr's word to the wicked
and to smite those who would seek to harm all who followed the path to
History of the Sentinels - Part X

With the Slayer unwittingly cleaving a path for her the Mother God
syphoned the Essence, processing it beyond our knowledge into the
fuel that would come to be known as Argent Energy.
The Slayer cared not for polity. He took no interest in the workings
of our people, but set his task only on his desire; the destruction of
the demons and their world. He no longer spoke for reasons unknown,
though it was understood that he still possessed the ability, offering
guttural hefts of anger as he inflicted pain upon his enemies. For
years he marched with the Night Sentinels through the fires of the
demon lands, and every return to our homeworld found much changed
in Argent D'Nur. Should any blame be apportioned to the Sentinels it
is this; in our fervor we were negligent of our people, and did not see
the rising tide of evil our crusade empowered. We knew only the enemy
laid before us and the wealth of Argenta at our backs, and did not
pause to seek the cost and method of this progress.
History of the Sentinels - Part XI

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

Yet as the Slayer and Night Sentinels battled the demonic host, their
failure to act outside the confines of their duty allowed the rancor of
the Essence to grip the Argenta.
It was on a mission deep within the boiling seas of the nether realm,
where the Order of the Six reside, that a company of Night Sentinels
learned of the Khan Maykr's true dealings with the callous beasts. By
Maykr design it was kept secret from the Sentinels and Argent people
alike that the essence we had grown so reliant on during this war was
comprised of the very spirit of our brothers and sisters who'd fallen
to these vile creatures. The truth had been uncovered, that all beings
who found their end by the demonic horde would become a vassal of the
Hellscape, their flesh in time twisted into the very demons we fight, their
souls extracted to create the Essence that powers their world...and
ours. The victims were the enemy, and the enemy would become us.
History of the Sentinels - Part XI

The soldiers stood in awe at the base of a factory dedicated to such

action, a place where the bodies of the slain were sorted and processed,
tortured for the mill to have their souls extracted through sinister
magick. Enormous vats of pain and suffering, ethereal energy, the haunting
sounds of lost souls awash in an eternity of servitude, transformed into
energy to power our struggle against the Dark Realm and its malice.
But worse than this grim reality was the discovery of the machinery which
was used to enact the vile process our fallen had been subjected to, for
it was not by hoof and claw that this blasphemous technology had come to
pass, but by the hand of the Argenta guided by the Mother God's desires.
We had fallen deep within the grasp of the enemy, what we had fought
against would not reveal itself to be true, as without countenance we
could hold no sway over the Argenta populace. Regardless, the honor of
the Night Sentinels would have to hold up the verity of these claims, and
the Mother God could be our divinity no more.
History of the Sentinels - Part XI

In secret corridors and clandestine

conference, the Night Sentinels would
find those amongst them who similarly
distrusted the Essence and had
foretold the swelling corruption. Once
the truth could be shared, the skeptics
became members of the Sentinel
Insurrection and the breach between
holy and unholy Argenta began to grow.
History of the Sentinels - Part XII

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

The truth could not be denied; the unholy spires raised in the Barren Lands
functioned by blessing of Maykr machinery. The Khan had betrayed Argent
D'Nur, and had made concert with the demons to harvest their Essence, in return
granting them access to all worlds under her influence. A symbiotic relationship
had formed and darkness now had been balanced by a light, for where there was
Heaven, so there would be Hell. The followers would be granted passage to
Urdak, and the sinners would fall into the fiery pits of the Dark Realm. This
word would be spread from all cultures in all worlds and in all places. We were
not without blame, for it was our people, the Priests and Sentinel engineers,
who'd laid the work in place. Argenta's slaves had built the dark factories, and
our own ancient Wraith-energy helped purify Hell's Elixir into the miracle fuel
that now powered the Maykr's world and our own. The Night Sentinels spoke of
the evil brought by the Essence, and carried their word to all who would listen.
We had helped to create this new dichotomy and so it must be for the Argenta to
stop the spread of this pestilence, this new phase of existence, the dark and the
light. If not for us, then for the innocent whose worlds have yet to fall under
the spell of the Maykr God and her unseen allies in the Hell dimension.
History of the Sentinels - Part XII

Even when the Night Sentinels returned from the demonic realm with tales of slave factories that
damned the souls of the innocent, the indoctrinated masses of Argent D'Nur took no quarrel with
the Maykrs. They were indebted to the demon Essence, the Ministers deliberating but finding no
basis for change. The messengers were cast down for daring to speak against those who have
gifted us so much, our Gods. The Maykrs, in their infinite wisdom, would see fit that the faithful
continue life anew in Urdak. They feared the wrath of the Mother god; a lifetime of servitude
would not be undone by this insurrection. This was simply another trial, a test of faith to identify
those that were truly worthy to experience life eternal in Urdak. The Argenta would not waiver in
their resolve.
The Night Sentinels prepared for war once again, though this battle meant drawing the blood of
their own brothers. Our army had seen the work of the demons firsthand and knew its evil. They
had returned to the way of the Wraiths, and though their armament was diminished without the
Essence, it remained pure and righteous. A division amongst the Argenta had occurred, one side
standing in opposition to the doctrine of the Maykrs, the other locked in belief. The Ascended
Empire was comprised of the faithful and misled, wielding the desecrated energies of Hell, the
power of the Maykrs, and Marauders who had sided with the Khan. The Night Sentinels were
bolstered by the free people of Argenta and the mightiest of all killers, the Slayer himself.
Plans and tactics were drawn. The Sentinels would close the Argent energy factories in
Nekravol, that which fed the world of Urdak directly with its supply of fresh Essence. They would
stop the flow. The slumbering Wraiths would wake from their sleep and give Argent D'Nur
History of the Sentinels - Part XIII

Translation from the 'Ligria Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

For years the Civil War raged and took its toll on the soldiers as their armor laid stained with
the blood of their brothers on a cursed battlefield. Finally, an opportunity to end the war had
been discovered by the Order Deag and the Night Sentinels. With the Slayer at the head of their
army they gathered to traverse through the gate and sunder Nekroval, the city of the dead. The
Order of the Deag, the High Priests who had pledged their allegiance long ago to the Night
Sentinels, worked in service of our mission. Those holy Priests, who had served the Argenta since
time immemorial, assured us that the way was clear. A plan was set to march into the accursed
walls of Nekroval and smite the factory, cutting off the flow of Essence to Urdak and denying
the Khan Maykr of her prize. Our forces took spear in hand and advanced, and it is there that
the venom of treachery struck.
Upon entry through the Hell Portal the Night Sentinels were scattered to the winds of
unplanned chaos. Our warriors were separated, our ranks split as the gates twisted and hurled
them across the Unholy Realm. Some of our warriors appeared near to gates they had walked
before but found that the vile Priests had barred the way back. Then the trap was sprung, and
each lone Argenta found himself set upon by bloodthirsty multitudes of demonic beasts.
Let it be known that it was not the Priests alone who failed the Northern armies, but one of the
Sentinels own. Hell found his weakness, and exploited it to the demise of Argent D'Nur. If not
for the Betrayer's stroke of madness the Wraiths power would still be our own, and the Sentinel
flag would still rise above Argent D'Nur to this day.
History of the Sentinels - Part XIV

Translation from the 'Ligra Sultagenta' (Book of Kings)

Scattered in Hell, abandoned by their clergy and reinforcements, the Sentinels proved their worth in what
would be their final war with the forces of all evil. Unrelenting power in the face of certain death, the
Sentinels crushed hundreds of demons and skewered Titans. When their Atlans held no more fuel the
Sentinels took to the ground and fought the swarms on land. All of Hell knew of the Betrayal, for it was
without question the Maykrs and the Priests who had sowed the seeds of deceit long before the brave
warriors passed through the gate. What Hell saw that day was the beating heart of the free people of Argent
D'Nur; they did not flinch in the face of their own certain death. They died as they lived, with sword and shield
in hand, Urdak too low a place to house such giants. Theirs would be the fate of warrior gods, remembered
for all time.
Lord Sash, the stalwart banner-sergeant, was found with his war standard pierced through the throat of a
great beast, his body surrounded by the corpses of enemies. Roan the Mighty, the light faded from his eyes,
had eviscerated such a multitude that their entrails clung to the black rocks like vines. Gor, relentless until
the end, had broken his blade on the backs of his foes, and by the time he fell he had slain another two-score
with his hands alone.
The Priests believed the Sentinels all slain, but we are Argenta, born to overcome. Rumors, deemed heretical
by the Order Deag, persist and claim that the Slayer himself still rages in the Unholy Realm. None who live
can know, for the future of Argent D'Nur has been bent and twisted by the perverted vision of the Essence-
drinkers. Never again will the light of the Wraiths illuminate our world. All has fallen.
If the Slayer does live, let him carry our vengeance forward. If he persists, let him wreak violence on those
who have wronged us. May the blood of his sword never dry, may his war never end until the guilty have been
punished, and may this evil never again spread its shadow over another world.
Remaining Human Populations - Part I

Nearly 60% of the planet has been consumed by the demons,

with the rate of expansion increasing each day. The majority of
the world population died in the first month of the Hell
invasion, following the catastrophic failure of virtually every
man-made system. Military response was immediate but only
marginally effective at providing safe retreat to civilians, with
many fortified locations cut-off from outside communication.
Facing overwhelming opposition, these makeshift fortresses
have gradually fallen to the growing demon presence one
after the other. Large portions of the Earth's surface have
become uninhabitable, with swarms of demons scouting the
globe and most regions suffering from an atmosphere that has
become infected and poisonous by process of some form of
alien terraformation.
Remaining Human Populations - Part II

Although several hundred thousand more were safely

evacuated out-of-orbit in the mass exodus following
the invasion, the expected odds of survival is
considered unlikely for many of these lifeboats
carrying cryogenically frozen passengers.
Religious iconography and communes are now
commonplace amongst survivors, with the collective
perception of events taking on a biblical nature.
Many seek authority from a higher power to
rationalize the sudden destruction of their world,
believing these events represent a form of divine
Formation of the ARC

Following the total collapse of international civilization, nations and

boundaries as we know them have ceased to exist. A handful of
remaining bureaucrats, government officials, and military leaders have
managed to survive by use of protective bunkers kept secret to the
greater population. Convening under the flag of the Allied Nations,
this governing body represents all that remains of the rule of law,
forming what would essentially become a single world government.
Military bases in communication with the AN have made efforts to
regroup and centralize their areas of command - establishing
fortified safe-havens for survivors, stockpiling food and scavenging
for supplies. Only proprietary military-use communications remain
functional, enabling military entities under command of the Allied
Nations to coordinate in humanitarian aid and defense operations.
By 2151, the formation of the ARC has taken highest priority and is
considered to be, in all practical terms, the last hope for humanity.
Cultist Base

Led by the elusive Hell Priest Deag Ranak, the Cultists operate from a remote
facility located in the Arctic tundra. As overseer, Ranak exerts absolute control
over the facility and its legions of possessed acolytes. Instrumental in sowing the
seeds of the Cultist uprising, Ranak worked briefly with Olivia Pierce at the Mars
facility before departing to Earth with orders to prepare the groundwork for the
imminent Hell invasion.
A recently declassified UAC biography for Ranak indicates that he is a surviving
member of the original Order of the Deag, the ancient Argenta clerics. He now
serves the forces of Hell and is rumored to have personal knowledge of the Doom
Slayer, suggesting a shared history between the two. Wielding total power over the
Cultists under his supervision, he uses his growing influence to advance the
consumption and corruption of Earth.
Built over the ruins of an ancient Argenta settlement, the Cultist facility has been
designed as both a gothic monument to the ancient architecture and a state-of-the
art science facility. Tablets and memory banks found at the settlement indicate that
the Order of the Deag discovered Earth millennia ago and found it to be populated
with powerful, primeval beasts. They named these creatures 'Agaddons', due to their
similarity to the mythic cyclopean giant from Argent D'Nur's past, the Aggaddian.
Doom Hunter Base

The UAC's polar cultist facility is built around the ruins of an ancient Argenta settlement
constructed over 60 million years ago, during Argent D'Nur's extraterrestrial expansion. Frozen
carcasses of the Agaddon Hunters have been located in the glacial wastes surrounding the
complex, and though their DNA structure reveals them to be indigenous to Earth there is no
fossilized record of these creatures beyond the frozen territories of the Argenta settlement.
Carbon dating of the remarkably well-preserved beasts suggests they are nearly 80 million years
old, pre-dating all other known forms of complex Earth-based life.
Continuing the cyber-demonic experimentation that began on Mars, the Cultists study the
Agaddon's potential for resurrection and cyber-augmentation. A similar program occurred at this
location millennia ago, when Deag Priests (often cited as Hell Priests) bred the creatures and
genetically modified them to function as 'Doom Hunters' - fearsome mutants designed to battle the
Doom Slayer and his Night Sentinels during the Unholy Crusades on Argent D'Nur. Sentinel
records corroborate this through their military texts, with many reports of these creatures among
the ranks of the demonic forces assaulting the armies of the North during the Argenta civil war.
Once the UAC Cultist movement publicly announced its intentions for Earth, the cyber-demonic
program was revealed to be focused on updating the Doom Hunter schematics, upgrading their
combat prowess. A new assembly center was constructed near the Cultist facility, and a powerful
grav-tram allowed UAC workers to safely transport the biological and mechanical components
needed for the process. The resurrection of an Agaddon Hunter requires cutting-edge technology
be used in conjunction with occult rituals conducted by the UAC's necro-surgeons, an unholy
fusion of science and sorcery.
The Hellgrowth - Part I

The Hellgrowth formations on Earth have undergone

great scrutiny by experts at the Allied Nations. These
cancer-like growths exhibit alarming cellular
reproduction rates, outpacing any biological lifeform
previously known.
Their structural pattern is chaotic, almost random, with
only one identifiable constant - the emergence of totem-
like nests, which at full maturity, resonate with powerful
electromagnetic frequencies capable of producing a form
of inverse quantum field. These fields, once activated,
result in the fabrication of Hell portals; tears in space-
time which serve as gateways between dimensions.
The Hellgrowth - Part II

The growth exhibits certain pre-determined qualities. In the

consumption of our ecosystem, it creates environmental
conditions more conducive for its own continued formation; in
effect, employing an organic method of terraformation. The
resulting environment is hostile to terrestrial life, producing
atmospheric toxins and a multitude of environmental hazards.
Although it is understood that the growth accelerates the
arrival of demon life on Earth, it is not clear how the
growths themselves originated, or whether there was some
sort of catalyst that created the conditions necessary for
their existence. It is believed that if the source of the growth
can be identified, there may be a means of uprooting the
entire formation.
Super Gore Nest

Report File: #ARC

-AAR-CO37// COMMSEC: Red//
Analyst: TWashington-043
//report starts
Operation Locke AAR follows:
Following reports of UAC Cultist presence at the Locke reactor (#ARC -AAR0-A291), recon
teams Infil-Gamma and Infil-Hector attempted to gain entry to Locke and assess the situation.
Their final transmission indicated a massive demonic presence entering the reactor facility
through Continuum Gates (sic: Hell portals).
An emergency Global Council meeting approved an immediate ARC response to the situation at
the Locke reactor. The Assembled Coalition Strike Force included 4 US Battle Mech divisions,
the Con-EUR Long Range Naval Artillery Barrage Fleet, 27 US Night Bird Apaches, 3 NATO
Shock Troop battalions, 2 CON-EUR Rapid Response Levi-Tank divisions, and 18 thousand
coalition Special Forces units,
The initial bombardment from the LRN0AB was met with immediate response from invasion
forces. An estimated 8 thousand DP-013G units (sic: Gargoyles) attacked the fleet, sinking 32
vessels and disabling a further 78% of the fleet. The remaining ships retreated to a position
approximately 32 miles off shore, beyond the reach of the Gargoyles, but also out of
artillery range.
Super Gore Nest

With the Fleet out of action, the Battle Mechs and Apaches initiated a
Danger Close salvo against the reactor, as Shock Troops and Special
Forces attempted to rearward infiltration. Several platoons made it
inside the reactor, where the demons had already established a
DP-136Nest (sic: Super Gore Nest). Although gore nests have been
reported at various invasion sites, this was the largest so far observed.
The nest has been built around the reactor core itself. Several thousand
IFF beacons are amassed at the nest location, suggesting the Demons
are using our fallen forces as part of their bio-organic Continuum Gate.
At the time of writing, the DP-136Nest is considered to be ground zero
of the invading force. Unless the continuum gate is destroyed, this
analyst sees no way to stem the influx of aggressors.
Recommended response: TNA (Total Nuclear Annihilation).
//report ends
The Return of Dr. Samuel Hayden - Part I

The destruction of the Argent wellspring on Mars meant

chaos for planet Earth. Following the loss of communication
between Earth and Mars-based facilities, the collapse of the
Argent-dependent energy grid consumed the planet in crisis.
It was during this time that UAC director Dr. Samuel Hayden
suddenly resurfaced on Earth before the AN Council, wielding
that which might offer salvation to mankind - the Crucible
After recounting the events that had transpired on the red
planet, Hayden agreed to cooperate with the AN, providing
access to the various UAC facilities on Earth and by
extension the full range of technologies at his disposal.
Paramount among these was the Crucible, the last remaining
source of Argent energy in existence.
The Return of Dr. Samuel Hayden - Part II

Believing it possible to solve the energy crisis which now devastated

the planet, Dr. Hayden sought to invent a method of Argent-Synthesis,
a synthetic replication that could recreate the high-yield capability of
Argent energy. With the destruction of the Argent energy across the
solar system, all that remained of Argent existed now within the
Crucible, the fabled Hell artifact which Dr. Hayden had acquired on
Mars. Knowing full well the Crucible's hidden power, Samuel devised a
method to utilize the artifact as an Argent conductor, a process that
would in time produce the miracle of synthetic, man-made Argent energy,
restoring the production of Argent energy to Earth.
Hayden became a mythical figure among Earth's survivors - in no small
part due to his abnormal physical condition. Having returned to Earth
when most sought a means to escape, bringing with him the Crucible that
would grant the people a second chance at survival - for the common
person he had become the stuff of legends.
The ARC - Part I

A global military crisis-relief initiative established by the

Allied Nations in 2151. The Armored Response Coalition is
designed with the sole purpose to combat and contain the
Hell invasion, to succeed where modern militaries are
ineffective, utilizing cutting-edge Argent-powered
Hayden, overseeing all aspects of ARC weapon and tech
development, set about repurposing the UAC facilities on
Earth, many of which were unaffected by the invasion due
to their remote locations and high levels of automated
security. These facilities, operated by powerful AI, are
already designed for weapon development and mass
production, meaning they could be repurposed overnight.
The ARC - Part II

By 2151 the ARC began running operations from the Mobile

Command Carrier, a seaborne command center designed for
long-range strike operations which would serve as ARC HQ.
Their primary objective - to locate the source of the
Hellgrowth infestation, and in doing so, shutting down the
emergence of Hell portals and closing the gate between
At the heart of the Armored Response Coalition is an
aggressive research and development program in pursuit of
new technologies. As part of Dr. Hayden's commitment, UAC
resources under his direction, including some of the most
powerful AI ever created, have been deployed in service of
weapon development designed to face the Hell threat head-on.
Samuel Hayden

In 2150, following the loss of communication between Earth and

Mars-based facilities, UAC director Dr. Samuel Hayden suddenly
resurfaced on Earth before the AN Council. The demonic
invasion of Earth had already begun, and Dr. Hayden had
arrived just in time to provide aid. He supplied the resistance
armies with Argent technology and advanced armaments, taking
helm of the newly-formed ARC as Lead Director.
Dr. Hayden's tactical and scientific acumen were invaluable to
the war effort, and he was soon given full command over all
resistance efforts by the Global Council. The ARC engaged the
demons with bleeding-edge tech, exosuits and Heavy Frame
battle-mechs, but found themselves fighting a losing battle.
Operation Hellbreaker was Samuel's final plan, a powerful
counterattack that ultimately ended in failure.

Originally established as a mining and communication relay,

the UAC outpost on Phobos began immediate expansion
following the destruction of the Argent facility on Mars.
The UAC Board of Directors, intent on retaining their
monopoly of the red planet and its surrounding airspace,
issued the construction of an expansive defensive
platform. Using technology derived from the BFG-9000,
the design plan called for a massive particle cannon to be
built on the orbiting moon. The BFG-10000, the largest
man-made weapon platform ever conceived, wields enough
firepower to defend against even the most sophisticated of
capital-grade FTL cruisers in existence - or against the
eventual potentiality of a space-bound demonic threat.
Final Sin

The Icon's presence warps reality, damaging the intricate order of

our dimension merely by existing within it. If the Icon is allowed to
remain unchecked it would lead to the total devastation of Earth,
followed by a breakdown of spacetime around the planet. The
resulting black hole will eventually drag our entire universe down,
casting it into the mouth of Hell as a conquest to be absorbed by
the Dark Realm.
The Khan Maykr had taken measures to augment the titan, installing
Maykr technology throughout its structure to ensure it could be
controlled. With the ritual interrupted the Icon is now fully
unleashed, raging across Earth until Hell consumes all. No longer
bound by the Heart of the Betrayer's Son, the Icon of Sin is free
from any measure of control that the Maykrs might have conceived.
Only the Slayer, prophesied in Argenta legend to stand against the
Icon, can stop this apocalypse.
ARC Broadcast Log I

There are reports coming out of the quarantined

Hellified zone near the San Andreas chasm. Satellite
imagery show what ARC personnel believe to be the
legendary Doom Slayer himself fighting the mortally
challenged. The Doom Slayer, or 'Doomguy' as he is
sometimes referred to, was thought to be a myth of the
resistance - a sort of avenging angel. He was last
reported to be seen on Mars and is allegedly
responsible for the destruction of the Argent Tower
there. He disappeared soon afterwards. The UAC
continues to deny all reports of his existence. We will
continue to broadcast new information as we receive it.
ARC Broadcast Log II

This an ARC Broadcast: To any ARC

Personnel or survivors operating inside the
hellified zones - please be advised. More Doom
Slayer sightings have been coming in. ARC
Leadership do not recommend any attempts to
communicate with the Slayer directly - please
avoid all contact with Doomguy at this time.
While it is clear that the Slayer is an enemy of
the challenged, it is unclear if he could also be
a threat to civilians.
ARC Broadcast Log III

This is the Resistance Network. In an unbelievable turn of events the

Super Gore Nest has been destroyed. Reports from ARC personnel
in the field say that they have seen a significant decrease in demonic
activity across the globe. Many believe this is proof that the Doom
Slayer himself has in fact joined the resistance effort and has
successfully eliminated key figures within the ranks of the challenged.
Operatives working inside the UAC Cultist Organization claim that
the leader of that division, Priest Deag Ranak, was in fact removed
from his office recently by the Slayer himself. As key leadership within
the mortally challenged continue to fall on all fronts. This has given
the resistance a key advantage in the war for Earth. The UAC
continues to deny any knowledge of his existence. As surviving
members of the ARC Network, it is the belief of this station that
these reports are in fact...true. We believe the Slayer has joined us
in the battle against the demons. To anyone still listening to this
broadcast - know that there is hope...and he is out there.
ARC Broadcast Log IV

This is an ARC Broadcast. ARC

personnel have reported that the
Slayer made his way to Dr. Hayden's
tower and has retrieved his remains.
We do not know why. Unnamed sources
inside the organization claim that Dr.
Hayden anticipated the Slayer's arrival
- we can only hope that this is true,
and that the resistance can continue.
ARC Broadcast Log V

This is the Resistance Network, broadcasting live

from inside the Arctic Safe Zone. There was a
Slayer sighting on Phobos. Eyewitness reports say
that he was spotted inside a command center and
then proceeded to fight his way through the mortally
challenged and onto the deck of the BFG 10K. This
can't be confirmed, but many believe it was the
Slayer himself who destroyed Mars in an attempt to
stop the challenged from further advancing their
position on Earth. We will post more information as
it comes in. This is an ARC broadcast.
ARC Broadcast Log VI

Attention! This is an emergency broadcast

from the ARC Resistance. Numerous reports
from survivor cells across the globe are
confirming that at some time within the last 24
hours the demonic invaders have begun
amassing in swarms near gore nests. ARC
scientists have theorized that this behavior is
indicative of the arrival of a super-predator,
a World Eater. ARC personnel advise all
survivors remain in the safezones.
Dr. Elena Richardson Log I

This is Dr. Elena Richardson, log entry 002 - subject analysis of

Doom Slayer. January 24th, 2163. There is no chance that the
subject is a demon - we have blood samples pulled from Mars
base event that show his blood type is AB positive. He is male
with a genome that makes him very much a member of the human
race, but the enhanced strength, speed and athleticism would
indicate otherwise. But we can see from the blood samples that
there are foreign bodies present of unknown origin. I cannot as
a contributing member of the scientific community agree with the
assumption by some of my colleagues that he is, for lack of a
better word...a God. An avenging angel - the right hand of Doom
here to save humanity from its sins. But... I cannot ignore that
the timing of his arrival - the identity of his enemies - the fire and
brimstone element to this catastrophe we currently find
ourselves in has definitely shaken my scientific resolve.
Dr. Elena Richardson Log II

This is Dr. Elena Richardson, log entry 005 -

subject analysis of Doom Slayer. February 2nd,
2163. Maybe he is a God. Maybe he represents
human kind's rage - their will to persevere, to
overcome that which would threaten our
survival. He is uncompromising, a relentless
being of violence that knows no mention of the
hesitation shown by our many leaders and
politicians during our time of judgement. Can he
overcome them? Alone? If he can't - we, as a
species, ALL species, will not survive.
Dr. Elena Richardson Log III

This is Dr. Elena Richardson, log entry 006. February

9th, 2163. The only thing they fear - is him. We watched
as the horde overwhelmed the very best and most
advanced machinery and weapons technology that we
could muster against the opposition. It was useless, they
moved too quickly, they cared not for themselves, only
sought out the blood of humanity. They were willing to
sacrifice their own to get to the heart of our world. We
slaughtered thousands and millions more followed, but
then he came - he cut through them like a sickle through
a field - his fury surpassing their own. He is faster -
more relentless. I believe him now to be more than just a
man - he is...DOOM.
Dr. Elena Richardson Log IV

This is Dr. Elena Richardson, log entry 007. March 3rd,

2163. And with him lies our salvation. For as he gains in
strength so do they fall in numbers. The Priests
command the armies to the North and South, but he
controls the fight. The inner circle of death is where he
resides - hunting them at the far reaches of the earth
and beyond. I am a believer now - I feel it is in DOOM
that I have faith. The Slayer is the spear that stabs at
the heart of our attackers, and those that would seek
to harm us should feel warned - for there is only one
dominant life form in this universe and it carries a steel
barrelled sword of vengeance. All hail the coming of the
Destroyer - the Slayer's time is now.
Hell Barges

Atop mighty Thralls, the Hell Priests oversaw the invasion

of the mortal world. The Thrall, slave titan of the
underworld, carried the Priest Temples into the wake of
battle, providing the Priests with vigil of Hell's advance from
a strategically impervious emplacement. From their Temples
perch the Priests would emanate a powerful psionic
influence, imposing greater coordination among the chaotic
forces of Hell and increasing their battle effectiveness. The
Thrall, possessing superior resilience, proved indestructible
by conventional weapons, thwarting all attempts by ARC
defensive forces. Only by severing the Priest's
psychokinetic tether could the Titan be neutralized - an act
that could only be accomplished by an infiltration of the
Temple itself.
Hell Priests

Powerful practitioners of arcane magics, the

Priests have warped their powers to suit their
insidious purpose, harnessing the dark forces of
Hellish psychomancy to prepare Earth for the
final Blood Ritual. By blood were the Hell
Priests bound to the dark ritual which now
consumes Earth, and so long as even one of them
lives, the consumption of Earth will continue,
allowing Hell unfettered rule over the mortal
world. Only by destroying the priests can the
Blood Ritual be stopped and the Earth saved.
Deag Nilox

One of the three Hell Priests, Deag Nilox is

charged with ensuring that Hell's invasion of
Earth succeeds. He prefers to operate on the
planet's surface, working in his unholy barge
carried on the back of a demonic titan. This
provides him an elevated, mobile position from
which to oversee the campaign against humanity.
Spiteful and cruel, Nilox frequently captures
civilians alive so that their still-living blood
can be harvested for his occult rituals.
Deag Ranak

Dark viceroy to the Chaos Throne, Ranak has long served one of Hell's
emissaries on Earth, laying the foundation for the planet's inevitable invasion.
In secrecy Ranak has prepared the Hellgate, awaiting the omen of the sixth
seal, that which signals the Age of Rapture, which will cleanse Earth as
foretold by the Maykr Prophets.
Ranak worked closely with Olivia Pierce during the development of the
original Mars project, and since her death has taken control of the UAC. His
promises of wealth, power and everlasting life have corrupted the
organization from within, absolving its employees of their moral conscience,
accelerating the sacrifice of Earth in exchange for the lure of Argent
Energy and the promise of undying union with Hell.
Deag Ranak previously served the King of Argent D'Nur as a Sentinel
Priest, guiding the Argenta's spiritual growth as a hallowed figure. After the
Betrayal he abandoned his homeworld, working on behalf of Khan Maykr and
personally overseeing the transformation of viable planets. Ranak has
constructed a vertiable fortress in the polar caps to protect him during his
dark work.
Deag Grav

Deag Grav remains the most powerful of the Hell Priests amongst
the people of Argent D'Nur, frequently visiting his ancient
homeworld to lord over the populace. Arrogant and pompous,
Grav calls for blood-sport in the Arena to entertain the fallen
citizens of Sentinel Prime. Since the demonic invasion of Earth
began he has operated on the planet's surface along with his fellow
Hell Priests to direct Hell's forces, but after the deaths of Deag
Ranak and Nilox he has fled to the safety of the Arena.
It was Deag Grav who facilitated the torment and eventual betrayal
of Sentinel Commander Valen, taking the keys to the Sepulchre of
Elements and opening the vault of the sleeping Wraiths. The ancient
creatures were abducted, transported to Hell and tortured to
siphon away their power. He used the heart of Valen's son to
animate the Icon of Sin, titan still spoken of in legend throughout
Argent D'Nur.

As civil war consumed Argent D'Nur, the Night Sentinels Guard

was quartered by their faith. Torn between serving the Khan
Maykr or revolting against that which they swore to protect.
Those most disillusioned forswore their oath to the Sentinel
royalty, abandoning their pact of allegiance made to the throne.
These hardened warriors joined the separatist group led by the
exalted Priest class, allying themselves with the Maykrs and
their devout acolytes in an attempted coup against the Sentinel
royal house. Those Sentinel warriors who fell in battle, having
sided with the Maykrs, were ultimately denied finality in death.
Resurrected by the Divinity Machine of Maykr design, these
fallen Sentinels were returned from the dead, transformed by
Hell's power and recreated with a singular purpose: to hunt the
Slayer, now reborn as Knights in Hell's army.

In the years following the end of the Golden Age

competing factions of Argent D'Nur turned against one
another. An insidious influence has set itself upon the
Sentinel people, corrupting its once sacred traditions. The
coliseum, once a place of honorable combat where
prisoners of the Argenta were tested for the right to fight
in the front lines of their army, has since become a place of
blood-sport. In violation of Sentinel law, the Priests have
encaged a demon there, a merciless executioner used to
enact judgement of their own decree. The Gladiator,
wielding an accursed shield which entombs the tormented
soul of his undying master, remains undefeated in battle,
infamous for the many lives it has claimed.
Nekravol - Part I

The city of Nekravol was built in Hell by the combined efforts of the
Maykrs and Sentinel Engineers, designed to produce a continuous flow
of Argent Energy. Constructed of stone and fell-steel on a foundation
of uncounted corpses, the sprawling fortress funnels a constant
stream of victims towards Kalibas, the Sightless Judge. This ancient
demon is a rare breed, unable to communicate or move without great
difficulty. It exists as an overseer of sorts, awaiting as cages packed
with the recently-slain are brought before it, determining which souls
are candidates for the Argent process.
Operating not unlike a large-scale slaughterhouse, Nekravol is divided
into many sections. The most immediately accessible portions contain the
Abaddon Pit, an enormous chasm where victims are herded. Beyond
Kalibas the Argent-worthy souls are directed deeper into the black
fortress; those who he renders unfit are discarded as waste, their
tortured souls thrown into the burning sludge of the Blood Swamps.
Nekravol - Part II

This is one of the Soul Spires identified in the Argenta

texts, built into the central columns of Nekravol. Although
most Soul Spires were linked directly to Argent D'Nur
through a Hell Priest created Continuum Gate, this
particular one is linked to Urdak, the home of the Maykrs.
There is no Continuum Gate here, presumably due to the
Khan Maykr's natural distrust of those under her charge.
The Soul Spires were designed by the Maykrs to accelerate
the processing of mortal victims into Argent Energy, and
build in secret by Sentinel slaves under the direction of the
Order Deag. This forced labor was a crucial step in
fulfilling the Khan Maykr's desire for Argent, as beings
from Urdak are unable to cross over to Hell's dimension.
Doom Hunter

Once a race of beast-like hunters, the Doom Hunter creature

was known to Sentinel warriors in ages past as lethal stalkers
of the Metal Age. Extracted from the frozen depths of the polar
tundra, the Doom Hunter belongs to an ancient race uncovered
during Cultist excavation in the remote arctic. Preserved below
the frozen ice for millions of years, the unearthed remains of
this creature were deemed suitable for reconstruction, becoming
the subject of Cultist necro-regenerative bio-experimentation.
Within the remote Cultist citadel, a high-tech ritual altar which
towers over the Golgothan ruins, the Doom Hunter was
ceremoniously and systematically resurrected and rebuilt. While
the majority of its components are now cybernetic it retains a
high degree of mental faculty - a sentient, brutal hunting instinct
augmented with the armaments of a tank division.
Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part I

Translation from the Corrax Tablets

The transformation of mortal creature into demon is a laggard and
gradual process, one that can take eons to transpire without the catalyst
of Argenta intervention. The victim is left to maunder in the shadow land
for years uncounted, where over ageless time they transform into demon.
During their nightmarish journey the ethereal soul slowly drains from the
body, and in that dark realm the substance of mortal life is manifest as
matter. It gathers in pools of volatile aura found all over Hell. Demon-
kind call these pools The Well, and use them to invigorate themselves for
It is from this aura that the Essence is formed. By melding it with Wraith
energy, that which lights the darkened hall and sets the Sentinel sword
ablaze, the Essence is founded. The combining of these primal energies
creates Argent Energy; a power source so potent, so incalculably
formidable, that it has consumed the Argenta and driven us on to greater
influence than was ever possible with Wraith power alone.
Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part II

Translation from the Corrax Tablets

The Maykrs' need for the Essence is prime. Without it they must suffer
the monstrous fate of Transfiguration, and see their wisdom and
faculties slither from their twisted forms. By bidding of the Khan
Maykr herself, the Order of the Deag has devised a method to improve
and accelerate the production of the Hell aura. What once took eons
for the savage beasts to attain can now be accomplished in short order
by the Argenta intellect, and with greater efficiency and consistency.
We constructed the Soul Spires, vast halls erected in the savage lands
by our slaves and under direction of the Order. Even though we raised
a monument on their ground, demon-kind does not harry us during
assembly of the Soul Spires; for the Khan Maykr herself bartered a
deal with the Dark Lord that rules over the shadow walkers. A bargain
was struck; the corrupting domain of Hell, and the Maykrs would be
granted access to the flow of Argent.
Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part II

Translation from the Corrax Tablets

The procedure inside the Soul Spires is thus; the
captives are tortured until no semblance of humanity
remains within them. Bereft of hope, the mortal soul is
vulnerable and can be easily extracted. This we
achieve with a machine from the enlightened mind of the
Khan Maykr herself: the Evulsor.
Once the Evulsor has done its deed and the soul has
been extracted, the victim's body is ejected into the
wasteland where, as before our cunning meddling, it
becomes demon over time.
Fuel the Eternal Flame - Part III

Translation from the Corrax Tablets

We gather the volatile aura, and store it in vast reservoirs.
There it is coalesced with Wraith energy, and subjected to the
infernal fires of Hell itself. In the heat of the primal fire, the
Essence is loosed and captured for our gain.
The final stage of the process is the dividend of the gains. Vast
quantities of the Essence are fed directly to Argent D'Nur, to
power our machine and drive our engine. The rest is reserved for
the Khan Maykr. Though she may never set foot in the dark
realm, she has devised means to teleport Essence to the Holy
Land, that which she calls Urdak, the Domain of Angels. Her use
of the Essence is unchallenged, for it was she and her court that
gave us design to capture the Essence, and her payment is just.
Icon of Sin

As it is written in the prophecies of ancient Sentinel scripture, the

Titans - towering elder demons of the infernal age - would return,
unearthed from their immortal slumber. The Titans are believed to be
harbingers of the end-times, primordial forces of chaos and
Born from the tortured spirit of the Betrayer's son, it was by Hell's
unholy design that the Icon of Sin was given flesh. The fearsome Titan,
forged from the essence of mortal suffering, once bore a human soul -
a soul now transmogrified and entombed within the still beating heart of
its former self. The Betrayer, seeking to free his son from eternal
torment within the depths of Hell, made an agreement - a pact sealed by
the black fates of darkness - that promised to grant his son the
chance to return from death. The son would live again, but not as a
human - in Hell's endless cruelty, the son was damned to become the
Icon, an inhuman existence bound only to its former humanity by the
now disembodied, undying mortal heart.

This is Urdak, the home world of the Maykrs. A brief age

analysis of the structures and architecture here indicates
that this world is older than any other in our database.
Similarities can also be drawn to multiple pan-galactic
religions, indicating that the Maykr's influence was not limited
to Argent D'Nur, and that over eons their influence has
spread across the galaxy, and potentially the universe. Some
imagery is akin to religious icons in the Orion-Cygnus arm of
the Milky Way, an area which includes Earth. The name Urdak
is common tongue in the Maykr language, but can be
approximately translated to the word for Paradise or
Heaven in hundreds of different languages, further
cementing the theory that the Maykrs have had a religious
impact on mortal beings for millions of years.

Despite their seeming Godliness, the Maykrs have a past. At

some point in their ageless history there is mention of 'The
Father'; a logical, alien entity that endowed the Maykrs with
their vast knowledge and technical ability. Analysis of Maykr
artifacts and scripture indicate that The Father may have been
a singular being that 'split' to form the Maykr race, or instead
transferred his incalculable power into the vast structure
known as Urdak which then birthed the Maykrs in perpetuity.
It seems that the Maykrs, though exceptionally long-lived,
eventually suffer some form of biological and mental
degradation, at which point they undergo a process known as
'the Transfiguration' wherin they allow a voluntary death and
resurrection somehow tied to The Father. This process may
have been complicated or damaged in the recent past.

There are no records of how The Father came to the Maykrs, when it was
first discovered, or if it had any physical form before the Maykrs. The
first mention of The Father is in regard to a building named the Luminarium.
It was a temple of sorts, where Maykrs would go to seek answers.
The essence of The Father was stolen by one of their own, by a Maykr
referred to as the Seraphim. Who the Seraphim is, or what he did with The
Father's consciousness, is unknown. Records show that one day the
Luminarium simply ceased to communicate, and that a deep scan of its data
banks revealed no remaining trace of the entity.
Urdak itself exists in an anchor state, utilizing highly advanced
dimensional shift technology to allow a static position at a sub-quantum
level. This essentially inverts their position in relation to Hell; both
planes of existence are fixed outside the bounds of the known universe, a
'lower' and 'higher' reality. The Khan Maykr oversees all within Urdak,
and now utilizes Argent Energy to prevent the Transfiguration.
Khan Maykr

Every 10,000 years, the collective Maykr consciousness,

known as the 'Singularity', births a Khan Maykr, a supreme
being destiny-bound to lead all of Urdak until the next Khan
is born. The Singularity, which contains the conscious soul-data
of every major Maykr that has ever lived and died, processes
and refines this data as a means of selective evolution. As
hierarch of the conscious neural-matrix to which each Maykr is
interconnected, it is physically impossible for a Maykr to
refuse the collective order of shared consciousness and
disobey a Khan. This system has functioned without error since
the creation of Urdak, until now. With the disappearance of the
Father, the Maykrs are incapable of creating a successor to
the Khan lineage, allowing the existing Khan to hold her claim
to the throne indefinitely.
Maykr Angels

These revered figures serve as speakers for

the Khan Maykr, earning positions of
leadership and high esteem within their species.
Angels of Urdak are gifted with Orator Rings,
golden halos fused to their armor as a symbol
of their status and rank. These divine beings
occasionally gathered in Conclaves or at the
summons of the Khan Maykr, but typically do
not work together, instead being assigned as
independent advisors and overseers amongst
Maykr-controlled worlds.

Possessed by the influence
of Hell, these once-human
underlings that follow in
Hell's ranks are those that
have been corrupted and
deceived by its power,
forsaking their own
humanity. Those who have
fully succumbed to Hell's
control cannot be saved,
becoming mindless,
grotesque contortions of
their former selves.

Scavengers of the underworld, Imps are
among the most common of beasts found
on the scorched surface of the
Hellscape. Lesser demons of Hell, the Imp
possesses limited intelligence, driven only
by a hunter's impulse to seek out prey - a
task for which the Imp is naturally suited
due to its innate capacity for violence.
As a result of these attributes, the Imp
makes for an ideal footsoldier and is oft
deployed in the warring legions of Hell,
easily manipulated and controlled by
commanding highborne demons at the
behest of the sovereign chapters. It is
common for the Imp to appear at the
frontline of an offensive attack, an
expendable resource unleashed in great
numbers to overcome and break through
the enemy front.

Once frontline
infantry fighting to
protect Earth from
the demon invasion,
the Hell Soldiers
have been claimed by
darkness, turning
them against their
fellow soldiers in the
midst of battle.

Like their Imp brethren, the
Gargoyle is an agile, relentless
pack hunter. Native to the
Sentinel world, this beast has
plagued the Sentinel Guard for
centuries. As one of the few demon
breeds that could bypass the
walled defences of Sentinel Prime,
the Gargoyle could appear without
warning and claim hapless
townspeople before disappearing
into the wasteland. Only the most
skilled marksman of the Night
Sentinels could intercept this
aerial threat, a peril which
demanded an ever vigilant watch
over the city's perimeter.

Lost Soul
The Lost Soul has its origins among the
Damned - former humans who have fallen
from the mortal world, doomed to an unliving
eternity as sin-branded slaves of Hell. The
Damned are seemingly endless in number, their
populations growing by the thousands with
each rise of the black sun. For many, the
tortuous existence of crushing slave labor
is all that awaits. The bodies of the Damned
are brittle, and those who become broken in
labor - their bodies ruined, dismembered, or
otherwise incapable of servitude - are
transported to the pits where their souls
must be extracted for further use. Those
fortunate enough to escape this process are
what inevitably become Lost Souls; their
spirits transmogrified into physical form. The
Lost Soul knows only madness, its memory a
haunted image of its former mortal life. These
creatures live a fleeting existence, roaming
mindlessly, seeking only that which can grant
them a final death.

Maykr Drones
Urdak's population is mainly
comprised of Drones, beings
that exist as extensions of
the Khan Maykr's will. Though
each is endowed with their own
unique identity they remain
biologically unable to resist a
command from their Khan, and
so function in a perfectly
synchronized colony system.
Drones never leave Urdak,
their bodies not yet mature
enough to avoid harm while
crossing dimensions.

Arachnotrons are built with genetic
material recovered from the remains of
the original Spider Mastermind, bio-
engineered for cyber-augmentation. While
its actual body exhibits only limited
mobility, the oddly cerebral qualities of
the Arachnotron make it a prime
candidate for the impulse-controlled
prosthetic frame that it now permanently
inhabits. The UAC facility responsible
for the Arachnotron's creation,
intending to engineer and weaponize
demons of their own design, was overrun
after an outbreak occurred inside of its
assembly plant, killing everyone inside.
The facility, still operating under the
directive of the administrative AI,
continues to manufacture Arachnotrons

Hunters of the Sloughlands, the
Cacodemon lurks in the bottomless
and murky depths of Hell in search
of easy prey. An aimless wanderer,
the Cacodemon is mostly devoid of
cognitive ability, sensory awareness,
and otherwise commonly occurring
impulses. Driven only by a singular
desire to feed, the Cacodemon is
likely to appear wherever there is
flesh to be consumed, bringing with it
an insatiable propensity for hunger.
It is said that the Cacodemon bears
some resemblance to the cycloptic
titans of ancient Hell lore, leading
Sentinel scholars to believe that the
forgotten titans may yet live on in
some disembodied form.

The product of inhuman bio-
mechanical engineering, the
Carcass was created in the
remote labs of the Cultist
enclave. Neither truly living nor
dead, it exists in a state of
partial re-animation - its
cybernetic armature simulating a
living impulse within a decaying
organic host. Devised as a means
of extending the soldier's
usefulness in combat after death,
the unliving host can only be
destroyed by severing the body
from its cybernetic implants.

Cyber Mancubus
Mechanized and heavily augmented, the
Cyber Mancubus is equipped for
frontline warfare. Equipped with dual-
barrel arm-mounted mortar cannons,
the Mancubus's integrated weapon
system utilizes the body's naturally
occurring biotoxins, refining this
corrosive, viscous membrane into a
toxo-plasmid ammunition feed. Syphoned
from the spinal gland and funnelled
intravenously to the weapon conversion
system, the corrosive secretion is
discharged by an alternating firing
mechanisms, which dispenses the toxo-
plasmid as either heated projectile or
ignited fluid, the latter resulting in a
flamethrower-like incendiary spray
capable of burning through armored

Dread Knight
A variation of the Hell Knight breed,
the Dread Knight has been modified and
hardwired for aggression. Armed with an
exo-prosthesis powering energy blade
augments, the Dread Knight is the lethal
result of UAC Cultist engineering.
Epinephrine regulations modulate the
Dread Knight with an unbroken flow of
rage-addled adrenaline, while its
endorphin receptors have been
synchronized to respond with the use of
its arm-mounted blades. With each kill,
the Dread Knight is injected with a flood
of artificial dopamine. As a result of its
augmentation, the Dread Knight is driven
by a biochemically engineered state of
pure, unbroken rage - a suffering for
which respite can only be found in the
act of the kill.

Hell Knight
The Hell Knight, warrior beast among
demons, has earned its place over the
millennia in service of the eternal
Archdemons. As imposed by the
sovereign houses, Hell Knights have
long served as barbaric enforcers of
the netherworld, impelling lesser
demons by way of brutality. Rare
among demon-kind for its innate
regard for primal orders of hierarchy,
the Hell Knight exhibits adherence to
the prevailing rule of its demonlord
masters. Requiring little compulsion
on behalf of its highborne masters,
Hell Knights readily serve the Elder
Hell-gods for the extent of their
lifespans, reaping great satisfaction
in the way of war and desecration.

The Mancubus, hulking behemoth of
the demon world, bears notable
difference from those of its kind
first encountered by the UAC
expedition team on Mars. Unlike its
brethren which wore a naturally
occurring armored carapace, this
variation shows clear signs of pre-
existing man-made modifications.
Armor-plating augmentation to its
exterior and a sophisticated arm-
mounted weapon system indicate a
clear intent to upgrade and
weaponize the fighting capacity of
the Mancubus, whose heavy stature
and resilience make it a formidable
threat in battle.

Pain Elemental
An abhorrent creation of the Umbral
Plains, the Pain Elemental is
descended from the primal, abominable
depths of the demon world. Knowing
only its own torment, the Elemental is
cursed to forge Lost Souls within
the fiery pit of its gut - a process
that is excruciating and without end
for the duration of the creature's
miserable lifespan. The Elemental's
only reprieve from its own agonizing
and tortuous existence is the
projection of suffering into the
world. For this reason, the Pain
Elemental reaps great satisfaction
from indiscriminate killing and the
infliction of misery upon those weaker
than itself.

As Hell emerged on Earth, the Pinky
began to appear on terrestrial soil in
great number, rapidly becoming the bane of
existence to ARC military fortifications.
Utilizing it's armored frontal carapace,
the Pinky is able to penetrate defensive
encampments, breaking through walled
defences and using its ramming ability to
upturn and immobilize armored vehicles.
ARC deployments, dependent on their
ability to hold the line against
encroaching forces of Hell, could be
disrupted and even overtaken by a single
Pinky, were it able to penetrate and break
through their defensive matrix, allowing a
greater demon influx to pour in after it.
The ARC rapidly prioritized the target
status of the Pinky, issuing high-range
bombardment to prevent the Pinky from
gaining proximity.

A creature of darkness, the
Prowler hunts from the shadows,
preferring stealth and concealment
to open conflict. Imbued with
parietal infravision, the Prowler is
able to see that which is unseen to
the naked eye. Known among the
Sentinels as 'the Nightstalker', the
Prowler's preternatural sense of
sight makes it a lethal hunter,
capable of tracking it's prey even in
the pitchest black of dark. Believed
to be peripherally descendant to
the lesser Imp broodling, the
Prowler is rarely seen in groups,
forsaking pack-hunting for the
precision of the solitary pursuit.

The Revenant program, a bio-weapon
experiment utilizing re-animated necrotic
human tissue, was believed to have been
destroyed with the collapse of the UAC
facility on Mars. However, the emergence
of the Cultist enclaves on Earth - former
UAC deviations now under Hell's direct
control - have begun work on a second
wave of production of the Revenant
program. While much of the platform's
existing weapon payload is preserved as
originally designed, the cyber-neural
programming has undergone modification.
Patterned signals are wired to the host's
frontal cortex, which in turn simulate a
state of frenzied, unrestrained bloodlust.
While these signals are active, the host is
incapable of thinking or feeling anything
but a singular compulsion to inflict death
and violence on the living.

Born from an ancient screed of
forbidden psychomancy, it was by the
tomeic inscriptions of the occultic Six
Sealed Eyes that the Spectre was made
manifest. Divined in desecrated ruins
untouched by light for an eternity,
warlocks of an abandoned sovereign
house unearthed the verboten scripture,
seeking rebellion by means of black
magick against the rule of the infernal
Archdemons. By way of sorcery were
numerous abominations brought forth
into the Hellscape - among them, the
Spectre; ethereal amalgam of the Pinky.
For their role in these miscreations, the
Archdemons would enact as retribution
against its insurgents an unspeakable
punishment, a decree of suffering that
would be without end.

A scavenger of the Hellscape, the
Whiplash creature was first discovered
by UAC expedition teams in the black
desert of the Sanctum Wastelands.
These elusive, serpentine demons move
with great speed and agility. They are
capable of striking from a great
distance with retractable bladed whips
concealed from within their forearms.
This particular demon breed became an
object of great interest to the UAC
engineers on Earth, while attempts to
capture live specimens of this nimble and
unpredictable creature proved to be
exceptionally dangerous. After
successfully acquiring living specimens,
researchers implemented cybernetic
augmentations designed to enhance the
Whiplash's innate strength and lethality.
Super Heavy

Forged from Hellfire, the
Archvile is feared among lesser
demons for its innate ability to
channel and manipulate the unholy
powers of Hell magic. Descended
from the eldest race of demons,
the Archvile has long held a
place within the ruling caste of
highborn demon-kind. Possessing
superior intellect among the
demon ranks, the Archvile's
psychomancy powers make it a
natural born ruler of the savage
and primitive beasts of Hell,
capable of bending weak-minded
underlings to serve its will.
Super Heavy

Baron of Hell
The Fireborne Barons have evolved,
descendant clan of the Baron
hellbreed, and are indigenous to the
caustic, scorched hellscapes bordering
the Burning Abyss. A landscape of
cragged spires forged from
unbreakable blackstone, tempered by
the crashing waves of magmatic tide,
these sulphuric planes of Hell have
long served as banishing grounds - a
place of exodus to which the damned
are sentenced as their final
destination. The Fireborne Barons have
evolved in this environment, sustaining
themselves on the remnants of the
damned, growing obsidian carapaces and
in time becoming infused with the very
incendiary matter of Hell itself.
Super Heavy

Doom Hunter
Once a race of beast-like hunters, the Doom
Hunter creature was known to Sentinel
warriors in ages past as lethal stalkers of
the Metal Age. Extracted from the frozen
depths of the polar tundra, the Doom
Hunter belongs to an ancient race
uncovered during Cultist excavation in the
remote arctic. Preserved below the frozen
ice for millions of years, the unearthed
remains of this creature were deemed
suitable for reconstruction, becoming the
subject of Cultist necro-regenerative bio-
experimentation. Within the remote Cultist
citadel, a high-tech ritual altar which towers
over the Golgothan ruins, the Doom Hunter
was ceremoniously and systematically
resurrected and rebuilt. While the majority
of its components are now cybernetic it
retains a high degree of mental faculty - a
sentient, brutal hunting instinct augmented
with the armaments of a tank division.
Super Heavy

As civil war consumed Argent D'Nur, the
Night Sentinels Guard was quartered by
their faith. Torn between serving the Khan
Maykr or revolting against that which they
swore to protect. Those most disillusioned
forswore their oath to the Sentinel royalty,
abandoning their pact of allegiance made to
the throne. These hardened warriors joined
the separatist group led by the exalted
Priest class, allying themselves with the
Maykrs and their devout acolytes in an
attempted coup against the Sentinel royal
house. Those Sentinel warriors who fell in
battle, having sided with the Makyrs, were
ultimately denied finality in death.
Resurrected by the Divinity Machine of
Makyr design, these fallen Sentinels were
returned from the dead, transformed by
Hell's power and recreated with a singular
purpose: to hunt the Slayer, now reborn as
Knights in Hell's army.
Super Heavy

Demon Lords to the black soul
pits of Babel, the Tyrants have
long served as wardens and
slavers of the infernal pits.
Weaponized and cybernetically
altered by the UAC, the Tyrants
are tasked with overseeing the
collection and extraction of
sin-branded human souls from
the human world, their role in
Hell ordained by the unholy
sigil of the Elder Hell-gods. A
sadistic master of lesser
demons, the Tyrants are feared
for their cruelty and malice.

Buff Totem
Incarnal manifestations of human suffering,
these totems are formed from the tortured
resonance of the once living, made flesh by
the black arts of demonic psychomancy. A
beacon of necroplasmic dark-wave energy,
the Buff Totem, once fully formed, radiates
the surrounding environment with a dark
cloud of Hell magic. This energy possesses
influence of great power for anything living
caught in it's wake: Demons, while in it's
presence, become adrenalized; their
aggressiveness and bloodlust amplified.
Inversely, these totems have become symbols
of fear for humans who have encountered
them, it's presence tainting the mind with
nightmarish terror. The propagation of these
totems would ultimately necessitate the
development of the ARC mind-shield, a
cyber-neural implant which could immunize
it's soldiers from the psionic properties of
the Buff Totem.

Former UAC
Engineers, these
malformed zombies
were rendered inept
during the war for
Earth. Their bodies
are now a disturbing
fusion of body, bone
and barrel.

The subject of great scrutiny for ARC
scientists on Earth, these Hellgrowth
formations have appeared all over the
planet, taking hold wherever Hell has made
its presence known. Forming chaotic,
seemingly random structural patterns, the
propagation of hellgrowth has taken root
at an alarming rate, exhibiting a cellular
reproduction cycle that ARC scientists
fear may be impossible to contain. The
resultant environmental effect is extremely
hostile to terrestrial life, producing
atmospheric bio-contagens and a multitude
of organic hazards. Wherever these nest-
like formations emerge, they are protected
by swathes of defensive tendrils - long-
thorned tentacles that demonstrate keen
awareness of their surroundings, fully
capable of disembowling anything that it
deems to be a potential threat to the nest.

A modification to the
Praetor Suit, the arm-
mounted Doomblade is
designed to increase the
Slayer's short-range
striking power. Strong
enough to sever demonic
flesh and bone, the blade's
serrated edge allows the
Slayer to break through
enemy defenses and attack
where conventional
weaponry is ineffective.

The weapon of choice for

Sentinel marksmen. It is
said in Sentinel battle
lore that a single
battalion of archers
defended the walled city of
Illkana for ten days and
ten nights, armed only with
their Ballistas. A precise
weapon, the Ballista fires
a twin beam of superheated
Argent, vaporizing it's
target on impact.

The BFG-9000 remains

the most powerful
weapon ever designed by
the UAC, releasing a
projectile of pure boiling
Argent Plasma. The
sphere of superheated
energy undulates as
Argent tendrils lash out,
drawn to nearby organic
material an immediately
producing a fatal
explosion from within.

Dr. Samuel Hayden recently

deployed the weapon to Phobos,
where it served as the
inspirational linchpin for the
development of the BFG-10000
defense station. When mounted
inside the station's magnifying
array, the BFG can be fired into
a series of reactive lensing
rings; these rings pump a
constant stream of gaseous
Argent through the barrel, which
ignites in reaction to the
electrified plasma, producing a
tremendous energy wave
powerful enough to crack the
surface of a planet.

The M220 Chaingun is a

7.62x51 mm AE six-barrel
autocannon built for infantry
deployment. Weighing over 80
lbs, the M220 was conceived
as a standard issue weapon
for ARC mech-soldiers fitted
with exo-armor - mechanized
suits capable of supporting a
heavier payload. The AE
cartridge uses a special
electromagnetic casing
designed specifically for the
M220's rail system, which
increases projectile velocity
and reduces overheating.

As the renowned
weaponmasters of the
Night Sentinels professed,
it is the warrior that makes
the weapon great. Albeit
an unconventional choice,
the chainsaw has become a
staple of the Doom
Slayer's personal
arsenal. For the kind of
work that requires enemy
dismemberment the
chainsaw is the right tool
for the job.
Combat Shotgun

Despite a wealth of armament

options for the modern combat
specialist, this trusty workhorse
remains a firm favorite among
operatives. When matched against
super-heated plasmoids or gauss
driven projectiles, the ballistic
impact of the Combat Shotgun
holds it's own. The simplicity of the
design ensures the weapon is
extremely quick and reliable, yet
the vast array of ammunition
types make it versatile and
flexible. Colloquially known as
the "Crowd Appeaser", a locked
and loaded Combat Shotgun will
pacify even the most riotous of

A sacred relic of the Sentinel

People, the Crucible remains one of
the most mysterious artifacts known
to man. Texts from Argent D'Nur
reference the weapon in a revered,
righteous manner; while Night
Sentinels were known to employ
similar energy-based blades in their
armaments, the Crucible remains the
only one powerful enough to
reportedly slay titan-class demons.

Only the Slayer holds knowledge of

this venerated sword, for only he
has been known to wild it. The blade
burns with ethereal heat, immediately
cauterizing flesh as it slices
Equipment Launcher

Custom-built to fit the Doom Slayer's

Praetor Suit, this shoulder-mounted
ordnance system is modified to serve a
variety of combat roles. Designed as a
universal munitions platform, the
Equipment Launcher is capable of
altering it's armament configuration with
the press of a switch, activated by a
reflex sensor located on the interior of
the Praetor Suit's gauntlet. In it's Flame
Belch configuration, the launcher spits
out a gout of fire exceeding 1000C,
setting even the sturdiest demons
aflame. While in its Grenade Launcher
configuration, the Launcher fires a
traditional UAC -model frag explosive, a
projectile-based payload not dissimilar
to that of the Ice Bomb, wherein the
Launcher fires an EYE-C40 gas
canister to flash-freeze nearby
Heavy Cannon

A common complaint among users

of this punch-packing
conventional weapon is the weight,
as most of the component parts
are forged in Tungstronium, a
properietary alloy developed to
withstand the enormous stresses
imparted by the optional exploding
dart ammunition. However, the
additional weight makes the Heavy
Cannon an ideal sniper rifle, as
swaying and tremors are mitigated
by the massive bulk. Trigger
management is of the highest
priority when using this weapon, as
self-inflicted gunshot wounds are
common thanks to it's no-pull
reflex trigger system.
Plasma Rifle

Designed by the UAC's

military-tech division, the
Plasma Rifle is the
standard in energy-
based weaponry. Firing a
superheated plasma in
rapid-short burst
intervals, the Plasma
Rifle is capable of
overloading energy-
based shielding and
liquefying enemy
Rocket Launcher

Forged from the metal smelting pits of

the Golgothan enclave, the Paingiver
is a weapon of pure malice devised for
a singular purpose - to enact
suffering upon the weak. A tool of
insidious intent, it was not by mortal
design that the Paingiver was
concieved. The Cultist engineers of
Golgotha, as acolytes of the unholy
and all-powerful will of the Hell
Priest Ranak, were bestowed its
vision, scribes to Ranak's dark
premonition. With great clarity did the
Paingiver reveal itself to the shared
consciousness of the Golgothan
acolytes, and with fervor and religious
zealotry did they set themselves
towards it's manifestation, toiling
without rest until the Paingiver was
Super Shotgun

A weapon from the Slayer's past, this double-

barreled shotgun displays ornate, undeciphered
diligree carvings. It also includes a modification, a
twin-pronged hook anchored with a retractable
chain designed for under-barrel usage. Though
the firearm appears to be of Earthly design, the
"meathook" attachment is comprised of non-terra
metals, suggesting some level of prior history
offworld. It's place in the Slayer's arsenal in
Hell has already been recorded, as noted in the
following translation of the Ungmar Codex:

"The sting of the Slayer's abominable arsenal

casts fear into the lowest of our kin. It's blazing
barrels of brimstone spew his vitriol and
loathing upon us, and cast our brethren to the
dirt. Mark the venom of his chosen apparatus of
agony, the Diabolical Musket, Lucifer's Bane; it's
claw of pig iron gouging the flesh of the martyr
and hurrying him upon us. Curse the name of his
beloved treasure. Curse the Hell Walker's device
of torment. We shall cast it until the smelter and
gild his entrails with the slurry."

A uniquely powerful weapon, the

Unmaykr is kept under lock and
key inside the Fortress of Doom.
Inspired by Sentinel weapon
technology, this celestial firearm
was created in Urdak by the
ingenious invention of the
Maykrs themselves.
Upon activation of the weapon,
shutter-ports slide open, and
the Unmaykr immediately begins
launching rapid-fire volleys of
condensed tri-directional Argent
bolts. The destructive potential
of this alien superweapon is
rivalled only by the BFG.

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