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(Formerly Don Salustiano Aquino Memorial National High School)


(Core Subject – Grade 12)
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the following directions carefully before answering the given items. Follow the indicated
instructions and AVOID ERASURES.

TEST I: IDENTIFICATION. Identify the term being described in the following statements. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.
1) It refers to a person who does not only read and write but also understand and solve problems.
2) It pertains to a specific data acquired for specific purpose.
3) A Greek term which means “systematic treatment.”
4) It is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern-day tools.
5) The meaning of the term “techne.”
6) This refers to the different means of communication.
7) It is a skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how he will be able to access,
locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
8) They are also known as filmmakers.
9) The actors who portray the characters in movies, shows, and plays.
10) It contains the information about the material you need such as the author’s name title of the book and the
section of the library.
11) This refers to the earliest form of traditional media.
12) This art involves the process of arranging or stacking together artistically the stones or big rocks for a certain
13) During the Industrial Age, this system is used for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire.
14) This era/age marked the beginning of modernization since electronic equipment are more functional and
15) This theory is associated with the cognitive development approach in psychology.
16) This word is usually associated with the things that work using electricity.
17) This is used to refer to sketches or paintings that usually depict nature.
18) This jar represents the beliefs of the early Filipinos about death.
19) It pertains to a place where several factories are located or built.
20) A word which refers to the time before the existence of written or recorded history.


A. Match the items in Column A with their corresponding meanings in Column B. Write only the letter of your choice; use
capital letters.
Column A Column B

21) Leaflet and Flyer A. Contains a wide range of articles which appear on the different
22) Journal B. It can be a small booklet, a leaflet, or a primer.
23) Magazine C. Contains informative articles and provides accurate reports on
specific topics as it targets a particular type of audience.

24) Gazette D. Refers to a digital or electronic version of a printed book, which

can be accessed with the use of a computer or a gadget.

25) Newspaper E. A printed sheet of paper which contains information about a

product for advertising purposes.
26) Brochure F. Equipped with an electronic system capable of sending images
and sounds by a wire or through space.
27) Pamphlet G. Official publication of a government organization or an institution,
which is intended for public notices.
28) Television H. Looks more attractive than a newspaper in terms of its cover,
design, layout and quality of paper.
29) Book I. A reading material that can either be fictional or nonfictional.

30) E-book J. Small book that contains pictures and information about the
products or services offered by a company.

B. Write the letter that best describes the concept in each number. Answer may be repeated.
B.1 Creators of Media and Information
31) Teresa’s life-like painting about the poverty eared A. Writer
praises from art critics.
32) Patricia moved the audience with her graceful ballet B. Editor
33) Henry earned a nomination for his brilliant historical C. Director
34) Barbara won a literary award for her first children’s D. Performer
35) Jess was chosen to play the role of a well-loved E. Visual Artist
president in their school play.

B.2 Characteristics of Good Media Practitioners

36) Before submitting the news article to the editor, A. Truthfulness
Daniel verified if the details were accurate and
37) Keith did not accept the bribe from the politician who B. Fairness and Objectivity
wants him to write a negative story about his political
38) Geraldine felt sad about the condition of the typhoon C. Responsibility and
victims she featured on her show. integrity
39) Catherine thoroughly researches for information to D. Empathy and sympathy
make sure that she is reporting an accurate news.
40) TV host Delfin did not utter any negative remarks
when a government official he did not like guessed
on his show.
TEST III. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Fill in the blanks with the correct word/s to complete the following statements. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
41) Some printed materials, like textbooks, have _________________ which protects the owner of his exclusive
legal rights for the use and distribution of an original work.
42) A researcher uses _________________ to inform the readers that certain texts or ideas on his work came
from another source.
43) Once the duration of copyright ceases, the work becomes available for _________________.
44) A researcher or writer accused of _________________ means he used someone else’s work and ideas
without proper citation.
45) While printed materials are protected by copyright, inventions, literary and artistic works, designs and
symbols, and names and images used in commerce are governed by _________________.

TEST IV. CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE. Make a simple response consisting of at least thirty (30) words. Be guided with
the rubric. (10 pts)
Question: How does the media in general influence and shape the way people think?
Scoring Rubric
The students has provided a complete understanding of the concept. Has provided responses that are accurate and
The student has an understanding of the concept has provided responses that is accurate but the required support and/or
details are not complete or clear.
The students has a partial understanding of the concept. Has provided responses that includes information that is
essentially correct but the information is too general or too simplistic.
4 The students has very limited understanding of the concept. The response is incomplete.
The students does not demonstrate an understanding of the concept. Has provided a response that is inaccurate;
insufficient amount of information.
0 The student has failed to respond to the task.

-------------------- E N D OF E X A M I N A T I O N --------------------

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher I

Checked and Verified:


Head Teacher III



School Principal IV
(Formerly Don Salustiano Aquino Memorial National High School)

(Core Subject – Grade 11)
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the following directions carefully before answering the given items. Follow the indicated
instructions and AVOID ERASURES.


A. Direction: Read the following items and choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the CAPITAL
LETTER on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following statements has a limited definition of communication?

A. Communication is a simultaneous sharing and meaning through human symbolic interaction.
B. Communication is a two-way process of transferring information.
C. Communication is delivering the message to the listener through verbal and non-verbal body faculties.
D. Communication is a process in which people share thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

2. Communication involves verbal and non-verbal faculties, and the different senses of the body including the central
nervous system (brain faculties). This means that communication is __________.
A. continuous B. complex process C. flexible D. dynamic
3. It is the transmission of the message to symbols like words, pictures, gestures, and body language.
A. encoding B. decoding C. feedbacking D. channeling
4. In the communication process, this stage refers to the actual deliverance of the message through language and
A. decoding B. speaking C. responding D. encoding

5. Which of the following is NOT part of the Shannon and Weaver Communication Model?
A. source B. destination C. transmitter D. feedback
6. Which of the following is demonstrated by this illustration? speaker listener
A. transactional B. dimensional C. flexible D. process
7. Which of the following is known as the mother of all communication models?
A. Scharamm Model (1955)
B. Wood Model (2009)
C. Shannon and Weaver Model (1949)
D. Laswell Model (1948)
8. Which of the following is identified by this illustration: speaker listener
A. transactional B. two-way process C. multi-dimensional D. one-way process
9. It views communication as a one-way in which the speaker speaks and the listener listens.
A. Linear Model B. Interactive Model C. Transactional Model D. None of the above
10. It ensures that the receiver has received the message effectively.
A. channel B. context C. feedback D. barrier
11. Which of the following terms doesn’t belong to the others?
A. decoder B. speaker C. source D. sender
12. The meanings of the messages depend on __________.
A. speaker B. listener C. channel D. all of them
13. Which of the following ensures that communication has existed?
A. feedback B. channel C. speaker D. speaker and listener

14. Which of the following terms doesn’t belong to the others?

A. encoder B. speaker C. receiver D. source
15. This refers to the factors that affect the flow of communication.
A. barrier B. message C. source D. feedback

B. Direction: Identify the terms being stated by choosing from the options below. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of
your choice before the number item.

A. Commisive
B. Assertive
C. Expressive
D. Directive
E. Declaration

16. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition.
17. This refers to an illocutionary act wherein a speaker commits himself/herself in doing something in the future.
18. This type of illocutionary act tries to make the addressee perform an action.
19. A type of illocutionary act which brings a change in the external situation.
20. A speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions.

TRUE or FALSE: Read the following statements comprehensively. Write “T” if the statement is true, and “F” if it is false.
21. As a communicator, you are able to determine where communication starts and where it ends.
22. Noise inhibits the conveyance of the message in effective communication.
23. The channel ensures that the receiver has received the message effectively.
24. In the stimulus stage, the brain evaluates the thing that activates sensory processes.
25. The receiver’s response is referred in communication as feedback.
26. In communication process, barriers are anything the interrupts the delivery and conveyance of the message.
27. Good listening stimulates not better communication between the parties involved.
28. Meanings are transferred from one to the others.
29. Messages don’t contain meanings. The meanings are from message users.
30. Language is the primary tool in communication.

IDENTIFICATION: Identify the Speech Style/Speech Context/Functions of Communication appropriate for the following

31. Reading pledge of allegiance to the flag.
32. Inquiring at a hotel.
33. Talking to a stranger
34. Delivering campaign speeches
35. Giving last minute instructions to players.
36. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences
37. Talking to the principal
38. Having a one-on-one conversation with a loved one.
39. Talking to a psychiatrist.
40. Reciting the Preamble.


41. Giving pieces of advice to your friend.
42. Joining in the debate contest.
43. Posting your reflection on facebook.
44. Feeling guilty of what you’ve done.
45. Planning some activities with your groupmates.

46. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
47. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
48. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
49. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
50. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.

ILLUSTRATIVE SKILL. Make a simple diagram on how communication works. The diagram must show the processes of
communication and the elements involved in communication. (5 pts.)

-------------------- E N D OF E X A M I N A T I O N --------------------

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher I

Checked and Verified:


Head Teacher III



School Principal IV
(Formerly Don Salustiano Aquino Memorial National High School)

(Core Subject – Grade 12)
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the following directions carefully before answering the given items. Follow the indicated
instructions and AVOID ERASURES.

MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read each item carefully and select your answer from the choices. Write only the letter of your choice on a
sheet of paper; use capital letter.
1) How did the pre-colonial Filipinos preserve their literature?
A. They inscribed their literature in clay tablets.
B. The literature was bound in scrolls and manuscripts.
C. They passed their literature orally from one generation to generation.
D. They used printing machines to preserve their literature.

2) How were the Filipino poets, who were well-versed both in Spanish and Tagalog, called?
A. Avant Garde B. Ladinos C. Revolutionists D. Propagandists

3) Who delineated the idea that the function of art is for social awareness?
A. Salvador Lopez B. Jose Garcia Villa C. Manuel Arguilla D. Jose Rizal

4) Early literary works were done orally on the stage. Filipinos enjoyed Christian and Moros interface in a literary work called
A. Melodrama B. Pasyon C. Komedya D. Zarzuela

5) “Lullaby Songs” by mothers are common literary pieces that depict some common trend towards ___________.
A. separation and reunion C. judgment and sufferings
B. endearment and child love D. right use of language

6) Which of the following literary forms deals with the origin of gods and goddesses?
A. fantastic stories C. legend
B. fables D. myths

7) What do we call this short verses which challenge the wit and gives an enigma or puzzle?
A. tanaga B. riddles C. proverbs D. ambahan

8) The first novel in English titled “Child of Sorrow” was written by ________________.
A. Paz Latorena B. Alfredo Liatico C. Zoilo M. Galang D. Jose Villa

9) He has extensively written books, essys, critiques and foreword, which usually tells best of Ancient Manila and its life. He is
Nick Joaquin better known as _____________.
A. Dimasalang B. Quijano de Manila C. Plaridel D. Mars Ravelos

10) Which of the following writers is NOT correctly matched with the literary piece written?
A. Apolinario Mabini – Decalogue C. Jose Villa – Footnote to Youth
B. Paz Latorena – Dead Stars D. Alfredo Litiatco – It Isn’t Just Horses

11) What Philippine Literary Period marks the time when Filipino writers imitated English and American models such as the
Romantic English and American writers?
A. Martial Law Period C. Apprenticeship Period
B. Emergence Period D. Contemporary Period

12) He is a Tagalog poet during the Japanese Occupation who veered away from the Balagtas tradition. He wrote “Ako ang
A. Macario Pineda C. Liwayway Arceo
B. Narciso Reyes D. Alejandro Abadilla

13) Which of the following does NOT belong to the trilogy book of Cirilo Bautista?
A. The Cave C. The Archipelago
B. Telex Moon D. The Outrage
Direction: Read the following lines. Select from the choices the one that best explains the lines in each item. Write only the
letter of your answer.
14) To be chief among the people, one must speak like their inferior.
To be foremost among the people, one must walk behind.
A. A leader always walks behind their subordinates.
B. A leader acts like their subordinates and a good follower to his subordinates.
C. A leader treats his subordinates fairly without stepping into their rights.
D. A leader commands his subordinates according to his will.
15) A plausible tongue and a fascinating expression are seldom associated with true virtue.
A. Fine words and good criticisms from others are sometimes not true.
B. True virtue is associated to fine words and good criticisms from others.
C. People should be watchful of what they tell about other people.
D. One should be overwhelmed by fine words and good criticisms.
IDENTIFICATION. Identify the terms/words being described in the following statements.
16) This refers to a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using a comic form.
17) It is a literary experience that combines three media: book, movie/video, and internet website.
18) It is defined as a website on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities, and experiences.
19) It is a Japanese word for comics.
20) It is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional art.
21) It is a digital poetry that uses links using hypertext mark-up.
22) This term is sometimes used to refer created by American artists in manga style.
23) It addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and light heartedly.
24) It is a fictional literature or fiction of extreme brevity.
25) A mobile phone poetry using short traditional form verses like tanaga which has a 777 syllable count with rhyme scheme
aabb, abab and abba.
FILL IN THE BLANKS. Recall the stories read in class. The main characters of the stories are listed in Column A, while
titles of the plays/excerpts/essays and authors of the stories and the country where the story
takes place are listed in Column B, Column C and Column D, respectively Fill in the missing
information for every column based on the given information. (2 pts each)
How My Brother Leon
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Brought Home a Wife?
_____________________ _____________________ Carlos Bulosan _____________________
Titus, the fourth _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE. Make a simple response consisting of at least thirty (30) words. Be guided with the rubric.
(10 pts)
Question: What is the importance of studying 21st Century Literature?
Scoring Rubric
The students has provided a complete understanding of the concept. Has provided responses that are accurate and
The student has an understanding of the concept has provided responses that is accurate but the required support and/or
details are not complete or clear.
The students has a partial understanding of the concept. Has provided responses that includes information that is
essentially correct but the information is too general or too simplistic.
4 The students has very limited understanding of the concept. The response is incomplete.
The students does not demonstrate an understanding of the concept. Has provided a response that is inaccurate;
insufficient amount of information.
0 The student has failed to respond to the task.

-------------------- E N D OF E X A M I N A T I O N --------------------

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher I

Checked and Verified:


Head Teacher III



School Principal IV

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