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Put in the correct Present Perfect tense of the verb in the brackets.

1. I _______ just ___________ ( borrow ) this book from the library. ________ you ( read ) it before ?

2. A watch __________ ( find ) in the school compound . ___________ anyone _______ ( claim ) it yet ?

3. I _________ ( buy ) the tickets , but I can’t go to the cinema until I ______________ ( finish ) my work.

4. Everybody else _______________ ( hear ) the news. ___________ you _________ ( hear ) it , too ?

5. The inscription on the tombstone ___________ ( wear ) away. I _________ already __________ ( ask )
someone to see to it.

6. The doctor __________ ( treat ) the wound and _____________ ( assure ) her that she will be all right.

7. The nurse ______________ ( work ) in the village hospital for many years. She __________ ( become )
very popular with the people working there.

8. My brother ____________ ( use ) this razor before but it is still very sharp.

9. Susan ____________ ( return ) from school. She _______ just ___________ ( eat ) her lunch.

10. They __________ ( feed ) the chickens, but they __________________ ( not feed ) the cat. They
______________________ ( not even prepare ) its food.

11. That is the first time that he _______________ ( fight ) with the boy next door. It is unfortunate that
he _____________ ( break ) his arm in the fight.

12. One must reap what one _________________ ( sow ).

13. The prisoner who escaped two days ago ________________________ ( catch ) and _______________
( send ) back to prison.

14. We ___________________ ( not make ) much progress so far. How much of the work _________ you
_____________ ( do ) ?

15. The bell ___________________ ( ring ), but the schoolchildren ____________ ( not come ) out yet.

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