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School: Ricardo Flores Magón CCT: 10DPR1391P Unit: I Book’s name: Yes, we can 2
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Grade: 2 Group: “A”, “B” Evaluation Period: September 1 – October 4 Date: Sep 30th - Oct 4th
Social Practice of the Language: Use expressions of greetings, politeness Learning environment: Familiar and community
and farewell in a dialogue.
Achievements: Revise exchanges of greetings, farewell and politeness expressions in short dialogues. Assume the role of a reciever and a sender to
exchange greetings, farewells and politeness expressions.
Type of evaluation: Identify greetings, farewell and politeness expressions. Product: Illustrated cards with expresions.

Warm up: 5’ Flashcards
Review school supplies vocabulary using flashcards. Book

Development: 40’
Students sit in a circle and play “hot potatoe” passing a bag with cards of school supplies. Students take out a
card and say the name of the object on it.
Divide class into two teams, one student of each team comes to the front and draws the object the tacher
thels them to, and their tear guesses the word.
On pg. 8 ex.8, students highlighte the words on the images and read the phrases with the help of the techer,
then match
Wrap up: 5’
Students compare their answers.

Warm up: 5’ Book
Give orders to open/close book and mimic the actions as students follow.
Development: 30’
Introduce the words window and door.
Write some courtesy expressions on the board and students read them aloud with the help of the teacher.
On pg. 9 ex. 11, students look at the images, and try to guess which corutesy expression corresponds to each
image. Then, they listen to the exxpressions and number the images.
Review the pronouns I and you.

Wrap up: 15’

On pg. 9 ex. 12, students fill the blanks and decide which expressions are for asking for favors and which ones
for permission.

______________________________ ________________________________

C. Karla Victoria Flores Reta Prof. Saúl Gerardo Hernández Hernández

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