(I) Ground As Long As Yard (Ii) A Joyful Song (Iii) A Red Cherry (Iv) The Heavy Lead (V) The Fourscore of Eighty (Vi) The Wooden Door

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Class 4 English
NCERT Solutions
Chapter – 10

1. From where did the naughty boy come?

Ans. The naughty boy came from England.

2. Where did the naughty boy go?

Ans. The naughty boy went go Scotland.

3. Why did he go there?

Ans. He wanted to know about the people, places, things and fruits of Scotland.

4. What did the boy wonder about?

Ans. The boy wondered about many things of Scotland such as:

(i) ground as long as yard

(ii) a joyful song

(iii) a red cherry

(iv) the heavy lead

(v) the fourscore of eighty

(vi) the wooden door

5. Now write these words.

(a) The peacock is a ____ bird.

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Ans. beautiful.

(b) Pinocchio is a ____ puppet.

Ans. Naughty.

(c) I saw an _____ quarrel.

Ans. Ugly.

(d) Morning exercises make you _____.

Ans. Healthy.

(e) A glass of milk makes your teeth _____.

Ans. Strong.

(f) Rita’s ___ behaviour annoyed me.

Ans. Rude.

(g) Rahul does not eat green vegetable therefore his eyesight is ____-.

Ans. Weak.

6. Can you write six things that are made of wood?

Ans. Toys, table, chair, pencil, door, furniture.

7. Look at the words given below and put them under the things that they are made of:
balloon, chair, table, eraser, shirt, pencil, toys, car, trousers knife, scissors, cap.


Metal Wood Rubber Cloth

Car Chair Balloon Shirt

Knife Table Eraser Toys

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Scissors Pencil Toys Trousers

8. Which country does your clown belong to? Now complete the table below.


Nation Nationality

India Indian

Scotland Scottish

Australia Australian

France French

Japan Japanese

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