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Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254

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Hemodynamic monitoring of the critically ill neonate: An eye on the

Timur Azhibekov a, Sadaf Soleymani a, Ben H. Lee b, Shahab Noori a, Istvan Seri b, *
Division of Neonatology and the Center for Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the LACþUSC
Medical Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar

s u m m a r y
Keywords: By continuous assessment of dynamic changes in systemic and regional perfusion during transition to
Neonate extrauterine life and beyond, comprehensive neonatal hemodynamic monitoring creates numerous
opportunities for both clinical and research applications. In particular, it has the potential of providing
Cerebral autoregulation
Oxygen delivery
additional details about physiologic interactions among the key hemodynamic factors regulating sys-
Organ perfusion temic blood flow and blood flow distribution along with the subtle changes that are frequently transient
Genetic variability in nature and would not be detected without such systems in place. The data can then be applied for
predictive mathematical modeling and validation of physiologically realistic computer models aiming to
identify patient subgroups at higher risk for adverse outcomes and/or predicting the response to a
particular perturbation or therapeutic intervention. Another emerging application that opens an entirely
new era in hemodynamic research is the use of the physiometric data obtained by the monitoring and
data acquisition systems in conjunction with genomic information.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction criteria for initiating interventions [14] using various approaches

and vasoactive medications [15e18], these and other related
Neonatology continues to evolve rapidly along with advances in questions remain mostly unanswered. Importantly, clinical trials on
other subspecialties, biomedical research and cutting edge treatment of neonatal hypotension have so far failed to demon-
biomedical technology. However, our understanding of neonatal strate improvement in clinically relevant long-term outcomes.
hemodynamics and, as importantly, when and how to intervene Some of the major underlying challenges include the hetero-
when deviations from the physiologic course occur remain quite geneity of the neonatal population due to differences in gestational
limited. In this context, the old story of six blind men and an age (GA) and postnatal age, variations in maturity for a given GA,
elephant comes to mind [1] (Fig. 1). Probably, each of us has come existing comorbidities (particularly lung disease and infection),
across this parable in one form or another and the lesson it is meant complex and multifactorial interactions between systemic and
to teach can be applied to many areas of our lives. Accordingly, it regional perfusion [19] and underlying genetic heterogeneity. In
very well describes the limitations of our understanding of addition, conventional hemodynamic parameters [heart rate (HR),
neonatal cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology, with vast arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), and blood pressure (BP)], even if
differences in opinions and ongoing debates about how to monitored continuously, have significant limitations for accurate
approach the numerous challenges that the neonatologist faces assessment of both the hemodynamic status and the response to
when providing care for neonates with hemodynamic compromise. interventions used for the treatment of the circulatory compromise.
Severe cardiovascular compromise in the neonatal period is Recognition of shock in its early, compensated phase along with
associated with increased morbidity and mortality [2e6]. Despite identification of the underlying pathophysiology is of paramount
many attempts to define neonatal hypotension [7e13] and develop importance in reversing shock before its progression to uncom-
pensated cardiovascular failure when the obvious clinical mani-
festations of shock become apparent. This requires, among others,
* Corresponding author. Address: Sidra Medical and Research Center, PO Box the use of comprehensive hemodynamic monitoring systems
26999, Doha, Qatar. Tel.: þ974 4404 1995. capable of continuous and simultaneous acquisition of multiple
E-mail address: (I. Seri).
1744-165X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Azhibekov et al. / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254 247

Fig. 1. “We have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning” ‒ Werner Heisenberg, 1958 [1].

hemodynamic parameters that reflect both systemic and regional assessment of peripheral perfusion, although such use in neonates
blood flow and oxygen delivery [20e22]. remains to be robustly validated. To evaluate regional organ blood
flow, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a useful tool for non-
2. Comprehensive hemodynamic monitoring invasive and continuous assessment of tissue oxygen saturation.
Tissue oxygenation index (TOI), with caution, can be used as a
With advances in biomedical technology and computer science, surrogate of organ blood flow [20,33]. For more in-depth overview
the ability of hemodynamic monitoring systems to collect, store, of the methods used for monitoring of the different cardiovascular
and analyze the complex physiometric data provides a foundation parameters and the corresponding references in the literature, we
for advances in diagnosis and management of neonatal cardio- encourage the reader to read previously published reviews on the
vascular compromise. However, it must be emphasized that this topic [20e22].
system also has a number of caveats concerning its accuracy, Beyond monitoring blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tis-
reliability, feasibility, and the need for validation across different sues, simultaneous assessment of functional activity of target or-
subpopulations [21,22]. The utility power of such monitoring gans is an additional important step to enhance the diagnostic
systems lies in the comprehensiveness of the hemodynamic pa- power of comprehensive hemodynamic monitoring systems.
rameters monitored beyond the conventionally obtained param- Amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) has been
eters of HR, respiratory rate (RR), SpO2, BP, and transcutaneous studied primarily in term neonates with hypoxic‒ischemic en-
CO2 measurements. For blood pressure monitoring, invasive cephalopathy [34e36]. However, studies have recently also been
continuous monitoring via umbilical arterial catheter (UAC) or published on its use in preterm neonates [37,38] along with studies
peripheral arterial line remains the preferred method [23,24]. The on the correlation of brain activity patterns with NIRS data for
macrocirculatory component of systemic perfusion can be diagnostic and prognostic purposes [39,40]. These latter findings
assessed by measurement of cardiac output (CO). Whereas func- lend support to the idea of integrating aEEG into hemodynamic
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become the “gold monitoring and data acquisition systems.
standard,” its feasibility even for research purposes remains A hemodynamic monitoring “tower”, such as that designed and
limited. Bedside functional echocardiography (fECHO) and described by the authors [21,22], allows for practical continuous
impedance electrical cardiometry (IEC) have been used at the and simultaneous bedside monitoring and acquisition of the syn-
bedside and these methods provide comparable CO measurements chronized physiologic data at high sampling rates in real time. It
[25,26]. Impedance electrical cardiometry has the additional also has the advantage of being a mobile, stand-alone unit that can
advantage of the capability of continuously assessing CO. Whereas be utilized at the patient's bedside. Collected data are subsequently
newer methods of non-invasive cardiac output monitoring are analyzed to study minute-to-minute changes and interactions be-
emerging [27,28], further validation of IEC and validation of the tween multiple hemodynamic parameters.
newer methods in the neonatal population are needed, particu- For research applications on a larger scale, the output data from
larly in extremely preterm neonates. For assessment of peripheral bedside monitors and other devices (e.g. infusion pumps, ventila-
perfusion and microcirculation, a number of methods are tors) from multiple patients can be acquired and routed to central
currently available, such as laser Doppler flowmetry, visible light servers using hospital data networks. Preprogrammed software for
technology, orthogonal polarization (OPS) and side-stream dark- hospital-wide systems is available from third-party vendors [e.g.,
field (SDF) imaging. Inclusion of perfusion index (PI) [29e32] as Bernoulli Enterprise (Cardiopulmonary Corporation, CT, USA) or
additional parameter derived by pulse oximetry into the hemo- BedMaster (Excel Medical Electronics, FL, USA)]. Of note, their
dynamic monitoring system can potentially also improve the implementation, in addition to financial cost, is a challenging and
248 T. Azhibekov et al. / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254

time-consuming process that requires close collaboration between regarding medication and dose changes to a central data server
the vendor, biomedical engineering and information technology offer potential solutions to this problem.
departments, hospital administration, and healthcare providers Collected physiologic data can be retrieved either as a data
from different disciplines (e.g. physicians, respiratory therapists, spreadsheet or as waveforms when applicable. Various software
and nurses). It also requires additional infrastructure to store and packages then can be utilized for further processing of these data to
organize an enormous amount of continuously growing data and view, score, transform, or analyze parameters of interest. The
the involvement of computer scientists and experts in bioinfor- output format also offers flexibility allowing analysis of various
matics for large data handling and analysis. Once established, combinations of parameters, such as cerebral regional tissue oxy-
however, accurately collected and appropriately stored data from gen saturation (CrSO2) and BP to assess cerebral autoregulation,
these multimodular monitoring systems comprise an invaluable rSO2 and SpO2 to estimate fractional tissue oxygen extraction
resource for multiple research ideas and hypotheses, quality (FTOE).
improvement activities that extend far beyond cardiovascular It is important to remember that, to guard the patient's rights
physiology alone. and confidentiality, stored data represent protected health infor-
One such system is undergoing the final steps of testing and mation and should be accessed for research and quality improve-
validation at one of the author's institutions at Children's Hospital ment purposes in accordance with federal, state and hospital-wide
Los Angeles, with the ability to capture data from bedside monitors, regulations, policies and procedures.
ventilators, NIRS, IEC, and other compatible devices (Fig. 2). There
are certain challenges inherent in automated collection of physio- 3. Advantages of comprehensive hemodynamic monitoring
logic datasets, not the least of which is the intermittent absence of
data and the presence of artifacts. Additionally, the crucial task of A growing number of investigators combine data from multiple
feasible, reliable and accurate documentation of therapeutic in- monitoring tools to increase the diagnostic and prognostic value of
terventions and the adjustments in the dosages of vasoactive and these tools. In addition, such approaches can provide important
other medications synchronously time-stamped with the moni- insights into the underlying pathophysiology that would not be
tored physiologic data remains a significant challenge. Newer possible from the use of a single method [41e43]. Significant lim-
infusion pumps that have the capability of transmitting data itations, however, lie in the fact that data acquisition is typically

Fig. 2. Real-time continuous recording of hemodynamic parameters during a 12 h period in a neonate weighing 825 g at 25 weeks' gestation. This 10-day-old extremely premature
neonate presented with respiratory failure, hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus, hypotension, bilateral grade 2 intraventricular hemorrhage, stage 2A necrotizing
enterocolitis, anemia, and hyperglycemia. Treatment of hypotension was initiated with dopamine infusion at 5 mg/kg/min (start of infusion not shown). At 24 h the dose was
increased to 8 mg/kg/min (bottom channel) with gradual increase in arterial blood pressure. No apparent increase in CO immediately following dose increase was observed (no effect
on HR and/or stroke volume), suggesting that an increase in SVR via alpha-receptor activation was responsible for the gradual increase in BP. RrSO2 increased toward the normal
range along with the increase in BP, while CrSO2 remained unchanged. During titration of dopamine infusion over the following hours, BP continued to remain in the same range.
However, BP fluctuations up to 20 mmHg in magnitude were observed. These episodes did not coincide with the timing of changes in the dose of dopamine. Rather, they appear to
represent spontaneous significant fluctuations in peripheral vascular resistance to the point where SV and thus CO were negatively affected. Heart rate slowly increased over the
course of the monitoring period shown along with an increase in SpO2 and CrSO2. The latter finding suggests that no significant changes occurred in cerebral blood flow (CBF).
Finally, as the swings in BP were not accompanied by similar abrupt increases in CrSO2, and CrSO2, as expected, followed the changes in SpO2 instead, autoregulation of CBF was
likely intact in this 10-day-old patient. Hemodynamic data were collected using Bernoulli system at the sampling rate of 0.2 Hz, and preliminary processing was performed with
software package “MatLab R2013a” (The MathWorks, Inc.). For visual assessment of the trends, we utilized the average value of 60 consecutive samples, which is equivalent to a
5 min interval. The exact time of the adjustments of the dose of dopamine was entered manually after data collection was complete, based on the nursing documentation. CO,
cardiac output; SV, stroke volume; HR, heart rate; BP, blood pressure; TCOM, transcutaneous pCO2 measurements; SpO2, arterial oxygen saturation; CrSO2, cerebral tissue oxygen
saturation; RSO2, renal tissue oxygen saturation; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.
T. Azhibekov et al. / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254 249

intermittent, being performed at specified time intervals. The time [45] fit the overall hypothesis that the hypoperfusion‒reperfusion
intervals are determined by the investigator and the properties of cycle is one of the major pathogenetic factors in the development of
the monitoring devices. Although efforts may be made to base P/IVH along with other factors such as the incomplete high-priority
them on the continuum of key physiologic events or their transi- vascular bed assignment of the forebrain circulation in very pre-
tional points, they may be defined simply on technical feasibility of term neonates [20]. It is likely that Verhagen et al. [44] did not
data collection. While dealing with known and frequently un- detect the period of increased cerebral perfusion due to the study
known limitations in accuracy, precision and validity of such design using intermittent data collection. Conversely, Alderliesten
monitoring tools, another layer of assumptions is added by the et al. [45] analyzed NIRS data collected over 24 h prior to diagnosis
possibility of physiologic phenomena that are missed due to their of P/IVH, thus potentially not capturing some of the hemodynamic
subtle or transient nature. This increases the risk of data misin- changes that occurred earlier during transition.
terpretation and, thus, might lead to misunderstanding or misin- Another important observation of the study [46] is that PaCO2
terpretation of the underlying physiologic mechanisms. may play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of P/IVH: affected
As an example, several studies have investigated the possible neonates had increased PaCO2 compared to the unaffected group
association between the development of peri-intraventricular prior to P/IVH being detected by cranial ultrasound. However,
hemorrhage (P/IVH) and CrSO2 in preterm neonates. CrSO2, as PaCO2 levels were not continuously monitored in our study [46],
well as FTOE, were used as surrogates of cerebral blood flow. Ver- nor were they monitored in the two other studies [44,45] that
hagen et al. [44] compared these parameters collected intermit- did not find an association between PaCO2 and development of
tently for periods of 2 h on postnatal days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 15. The P/IVH using post-hoc analysis. Meticulously verified continuous
authors found that preterm neonates with both mild and severe monitoring of PaCO2 initiated shortly after birth is likely to
forms of P/IVH had significantly lower CrSO2 and higher FTOE than provide valuable insights into the complex interactions between
controls during the first eight days. They concluded that infants the absolute values of and changes in PaCO2 with cerebral blood
with P/IVH had persistently decreased cerebral perfusion at least flow and other hemodynamic parameters. Indeed, in hemody-
for the first eight days after birth, regardless of the severity of the namically stable preterm neonates, it appears that the relation-
hemorrhage. ship between PaCO2 levels and cerebral blood flow, assessed
Conversely, Alderliesten et al. [45] reported findings of a nested by middle cerebral artery mean velocity changes, evolves and
case‒control study based on a cohort of premature neonates 32 undergoes “maturation” during the immediate postnatal transi-
weeks gestation whose physiologic data was collected continuously tional period [47].
over the first 72 postnatal hours. They compared CrSO2 and FTOE The overall hemodynamic status and the corresponding thera-
averaged over an approximately 24 h period before and after P/IVH peutic interventions are also likely to be important potential con-
was detected by cranial ultrasound. They reported significantly founding factors in these relationships. A number of studies
higher mean CrSO2 and lower mean FTOE values during the period reported evidence of pressure-passive cerebral perfusion [48] and/
before P/IVH had been diagnosed in neonates with severe P/IVH as or increase in the incidence of P/IVH [45] in hypotensive neonates
compared to controls, suggesting cerebral hyperperfusion in the that were treated with higher doses of vasopressor-inotropes.
patients before the bleeding occurred. Interestingly, the differences Lastly, the importance of using multiple physiologic parameters
in mean CrSO2 and FTOE values between the groups were no longer to identify patients at high risk for complications that may require
significant after the severe P/IVH had been diagnosed. further evaluation and intervention is supported by the observation
Recently, our group demonstrated a pattern of systemic and that hypotension alone is not predictive of adverse neuro-
cerebral hemodynamic changes in extremely preterm neonates developmental outcomes [49]. Alderliesten et al. showed that
affected by P/IVH that suggested a plausible pathophysiologic persistence of CrSO2 below 50% for more than 10% of the time
explanation to such discrepancies in the findings of the above monitored, but not the hypotension itself, was associated with
studies [46]. Preterm neonates with GA of 27 weeks were fol- lower neurodevelopmental scores at 18 months' corrected GA,
lowed for ~72 h after birth. Evaluations included continuous CrSO2 regardless of treatment for hypotension, adjustment for the
monitoring and ultrasound assessment of cardiac function, cerebral severity of P/IVH and that of respiratory status [49].
hemodynamics and absence or presence of P/IVH monitored every
12 h. Patients who later developed P/IVH had lower CO on the initial 4. Computational modeling, from research to patient care
echocardiogram at 4e6 h after birth. The lower CO coincided with
lower CrSO2 and higher cerebral FTOE indicating lower cerebral Decision-making in the neonatal intensive care unit needs to
blood flow as well. Interestingly, a subsequent increase in CO and take place quickly and requires synthesizing large amounts of pa-
CrSO2 along with a decrease in cerebral FTOE and increases in tient data. Computational models are mathematical representa-
arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and middle cerebral artery mean tions of human anatomy, physiology, and/or pathophysiology. The
velocity preceded the detection of P/IVH, indicating reperfusion of computational models aim to assist the clinician and researcher in
the formally hypoperfused forebrain before P/IVH developed. improving understanding of the interrelationship between various
Finally, very few changes in the hemodynamic factors monitored parameters or estimating unknown ones, aiding in the diagnosis,
were noted in the group of patients not developing severe P/IVH. and experimenting with potential interventions and procedures in
Thus, the above findings suggest a dynamic continuum of he- the model before introducing them to the patient [50].
modynamic events in affected preterm neonates, starting with Clear understanding of the research question by both the
initial systemic hypoperfusion that was, at least, partially related to investigator and the statistician is of critical importance for the
cardiac dysfunction and resulted in or at least contributed to ce- selection of appropriate study design, sample size calculations,
rebral hypoperfusion. As systemic perfusion improved during the biostatistical analysis methods, and subsequent interpretation of
ensuing 20e44 h of postnatal life, it was associated with increases study findings. At present, it is not uncommon for biostatistical
in cerebral perfusion as well, thus likely predisposing these patients analyses applied to longitudinal data to fail to adjust for both
to the development of P/IVH due to the hypoperfusion‒reperfusion within- and between-subject variability. Vigorous study design and
cycle. data analyses must also be more consistently driven by biological
Therefore, despite the seemingly contradictory findings, the plausibility rather than technical mathematical parameters in order
results of the studies by Verhagen et al. [44] and Alderliesten et al. for the study results to be clinically meaningful and to contribute to
250 T. Azhibekov et al. / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254

better understanding of the disease or a pathway with diagnostic Such mathematical, or parametric, models have already been
and/or therapeutic implications. developed and described in the adult literature including the
With the implementation of comprehensive hemodynamic comprehensive and physiologically realistic computer model
monitoring systems, huge amounts of continuously growing PNEUMA [61], originally developed to study cardiorespiratory
physiologic data require appropriate organization and storage that, mechanisms of breathing in adults with sleep disorders. The
in turn, utilize a substantial amount of intellectual and technical PNEUMA system incorporates three major systems: cardiovascu-
resources. These steps, along with subsequent data processing and lar, respiratory and autonomic nervous systems. One of the au-
analysis, depend on the expertise and close collaboration between thors is currently working on adapting this system to neonatal
basic science, translational and clinical researchers, scientists from physiology to model and study the effects of patent ductus arte-
various specialties, biostatisticians, biomedical engineers, and riosus (PDA) on systemic, pulmonary, and organ blood flow,
computer scientists. Only with such a multidisciplinary approach particularly with regard to its closure, medical or surgical. Fig. 3
can the development of sophisticated methods of data collection demonstrates acute hemodynamic and autonomic changes
and analysis in neonatal hemodynamic research be possible, following PDA ligation predicted by this modified model [62] with
allowing for the identification of pathognomonic trends and pat- alteration of the resistive properties of the PDA. Immediately after
terns that precede pathological changes in systemic and organ PDA closure, while total left ventricular output (LVO) rapidly de-
blood flow and thus oxygen delivery. This will lay the foundation creases as expected, effective cardiac output (eCO) increases as the
for the development of algorithms that are able to predict both entire LVO is directed to the systemic circulatory bed. This increase
impeding cardiovascular compromise and the responsiveness of a in eCO results in a sudden increase in systemic blood pressure,
given patient to a particular intervention. triggering a baroreflex cascade with ensuing vagal reduction in
As an encouraging example of such efforts, the use of the heart heart rate and sympathetic drive. With the removal of the PDA
rate characteristics monitoring system to identify neonates at risk shunt, however, pulmonary blood flow also decreases. Following
for sepsis has been validated to decrease mortality from late onset surgical closure of the PDA, although eCO increases for a very brief
neonatal sepsis [51,52] (see also B.A. Sullivan and K.D. Fairchild in period of time, it then rapidly decreases due to a decrease in the
this issue). Similar findings have been reported in pediatric and cardiac preload caused by the closure of the shunt. Although heart
adult critical care literature of continuous monitoring of dynamic rate returns to pre-ligation levels ~15 min after surgical PDA
changes in cardiovascular parameters in response to various factors closure, it does so with greater variability, associated with elevated
[53]. Clinical applications of such functional hemodynamic moni- systemic blood pressure, eCO, and cerebral blood flow (data not
toring include prediction of the patient's responsiveness to fluid shown).
administration [54e56], detection of compensated shock [57,58], Hemodynamic and respiratory changes associated with PDA
and loss of arterial tone determination [59,60]. closure have been studied in animal models by Clyman et al. [63].
Another emerging area of neonatal cardiovascular research Interestingly, even a small left-to-right PDA shunt was found to
with important clinical implications is the use of the hemody- lead to significant redistribution of regional blood flow, particu-
namic monitoring data for validation of mathematical models larly to abdominal organs, with reduction in regional blood flow
aiming at predicting cardiovascular responses to distinct stimuli. resulting from decreased perfusion pressure and/or regional

Fig. 3. Simulation results of cardiovascular and autonomic changes following PDA ligation. Computational modeling of PDA ligation using the modified PNEUMA model. HR, heart
rate; LVO, left ventricular output; RVO, right ventricular output; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; SBP, MBP and DBP, systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure, respectively; TPR, total
peripheral vascular resistance.
T. Azhibekov et al. / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254 251

vasoconstriction. The decrease in perfusion pressure and the may be accounted for, at least in part, by using detailed maternal
contribution of vasoconstriction were dependent on the degree of health history and antenatal care records. Among these environ-
the ductal shunt and the characteristics of the given organ. For mental exposures, the epigenetic effects of a hostile intrauterine
example, decreased renal blood flow was found to be primarily environment have been studied most extensively.
due to decreased perfusion pressure in the setting of a moderate An increasing number of genome-wide association studies
ductal shunt, whereas decreased flow to gastrointestinal tract was (GWAS) report identified genetic polymorphisms that are associ-
due to localized vasoconstriction, even with small left-to-right ated with certain hemodynamic parameters such as blood pressure
shunts. [66], resting heart rate [67,68], heart rate variability [69], and car-
Hemodynamic changes in premature infants following surgical diac function [70]. These findings provide new insights into un-
PDA closure have corroborated the findings in animal models. derlying biological mechanisms of inter-individual variability of the
Weisz et al. [64] studied postoperative CO changes in extremely hemodynamic parameters and their interaction with potentially
premature infants after PDA ligation using echocardiography and a important diagnostic and therapeutic implications. For example,
non-invasive CO-monitoring system based on thoracic bio- Turner et al. recently identified single nucleotide polymorphisms
reactance (NICOM) [27]. Based on high versus low LVO at 1 h after (SNPs) that are associated with the response to different classes of
ligation, the authors identified two groups of patients. After an antihypertensive medications (diuretics, angiotensin II receptor
initial decrease in CO following PDA closure, a gradual increase in blockers) [71,72]. Using both hypothesis-driven and agnostic ap-
LVO was observed. In addition, NICOM measurements were found proaches, further research in this direction may allow for the
to consistently underestimate stroke volume (SV) and LVO identification of genetic variants associated with therapeutic effi-
compared to echocardiography, with increasing disagreement in cacy of pharmacologic agents used in the treatment of neonatal
the NICOM‒echocardiography congruity over the postoperative cardiovascular compromise.
course. Lien et al. reported similar findings in postoperative he-
modynamic changes in extremely premature neonates following 6. The next step: cardiopulmonary and neurocritical care
PDA ligation [65]. Using IEC measurements during 10 distinct monitoring system
periods before and after PDA ligation, they reported an initial
decrease in CO and increase in SVR following ligation. Although The use of a multimodular monitoring system has been histor-
the observed reduction in CO was due almost entirely to a ically constrained by the limitations in output data acquisition
decrease in SV, there was only a transient decrease in HR at 1 min management systems. However, with a sufficiently stable data
after ductal closure. Whereas CO gradually improved by 24 h post acquisition system, the number of monitoring modules that can
ligation, the postoperative increase in SVR was sustained simultaneously obtain and store data can be increased in quantity
throughout the study period. Although this study performed and quality, with the latter being dependent on real-time sampling
intermittent rather than continuous hemodynamic assessments rates with clinically relevant time-intervals. This type of next-
due to the use of oscillometric blood pressure measurements, their generation cardiopulmonary and neurocritical care monitoring
observations are consistent with the findings reported by Weisz system is being developed in one of the authors' institutions at
et al. [64]. Both of these studies also highlight the importance of Sidra Medical and Research Center in Doha, Qatar. In addition to
further efforts to validate non-invasive CO monitoring systems in hemodynamic parameters (HR and its characteristics, BP, CO, SpO2,
neonates and that caution should be used when interpreting the cerebral, renal and muscle rSO2 and transcutaneous CO2 mea-
measurements obtained by the use of the novel technologies surements), this system will be capable of simultaneously incor-
alone. porating ventilator output parameters, “smart-pump” infusion
On a larger scale, hemodynamic physiologic data form an inte- dynamics, and aEEG output. By focusing on cardiorespiratory and
gral part of the so-called “complex medical dataset” that also in- neurologic physiometric data, the creation of predictive models for
cludes physiologic data representing other organ systems, outcome short-term neonatal outcomes such as intracranial hemorrhage
and healthcare economics data. Several professional networks have and long-term outcomes such as neurodevelopmental scores will
been established [virtual PICU (vPICU), National Patient Centered become feasible. Furthermore, by incorporating solitary data such
Clinical Research Network (PCORnet), various Clinical Research as neuroimages, biomarkers, and single nucleotide polymorphisms,
Networks (CRNs), etc.] to co-ordinate research efforts on the use of such multimodular monitoring systems can contribute to the cre-
the complex medical data, including machine learning and artificial ation of a new generation of real-time clinical decision support
intelligence platforms. tools to improve survival and, as importantly, quality of life for
critically ill neonates.
5. Genetic variability and phenotypic associations As mentioned earlier in the chapter, acquisition of real-time
physiometric data using comprehensive multimodular moni-
Advances in molecular genetics and genetic epidemiology pro- toring systems creates a big-data warehouse of phenotypic data,
vide increasingly simplified access to whole genome data, affording both descriptive and responsive, that will be comparable with
the opportunity to explore associations of genetic variability with voluminous big-data warehouses of genomic data. In the expo-
phenotypic presentations and opening a new era in hemodynamic nentially growing field of personalized whole genomic
research and understanding of the multilayered nature of cardio- sequencing, the potential for integrating genomic data for single
vascular physiology and pathophysiology. It certainly adds another nucleotide polymorphisms with phenotypic data from multi-
level of complexity to this, already complex, and incompletely modular monitoring systems has the potential to create significant
understood topic. Advantages of studying genomic associations in clinical analytic synergy. Furthermore, as the field of proteomics
the neonatal population include the unique fact that neonates have continues to develop, the application of biomarker research with
a largely limited and controlled exposure to the environment, per genomic and phenotypic multimodular monitoring data may un-
se, reducing the potential for confounding gene‒environment in- lock the potential that these big-data fields hold for modern
teractions on studied genomic and phenotypic associations. Addi- medical science.
tional environmental exposures, which are not under real-time The impact of integrated multimodular monitoring systems can
study control, such as intrauterine development and environment, be applied to research paradigms as well as clinical ones. With
labor and delivery process, and the immediate neonatal period, such systems, not only can algorithms for complex predictive
252 T. Azhibekov et al. / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 20 (2015) 246e254

models be generated to assist with clinical decision-making, they

can also be used to identify discrete patient subpopulations for Practice points
refinement of personalized medical care plans and clinical trial
designs. In consideration of the latter point, one of the principal  Efforts to obtain indirect (clinical signs) and direct (mea-
values of a randomized clinical trial is the attempt to inherently surements or assessments) information on the status of
equalize the effects of confounding factors that are typically un- the circulation (cardiac output, pulmonary blood flow)
measured, either by design or by nature. However, each clinical and organ blood flow distribution are essential for the
trial is still limited by the generalizability of its findings due to the, interpretation of the findings on blood pressure in
at times, significant differences between the study population and particular and the hemodynamic status in general.
the patient population they are applied to by a practitioner. This  Emerging novel technological approaches to continu-
results in persistent Type I and Type II errors at the population ously and non-invasively assess cardiac output and organ
level, typically due to differential misclassification biases in iden- blood flow distribution are promising but need further
tified confounders. By utilizing risk and outcome stratification validation.
protocols afforded by the use of real-time multimodular moni-  Correct and clinically relevant interpretation of the data
toring systems, it is possible that existing clinical trial designs can obtained by monitoring is not possible without the thor-
be refined, although the caveat of small sample sizes will continue ough understanding of the principles of developmental
to be present as long as the availability of biomedical informatics hemodynamics.
hardware remains limited. Given this caveat, it is likely that data-
driven identification of patient subpopulations within the gesta-
tional- and postnatal-age-defined cohorts stratified based on the
multimodular monitoring data will allow more appropriate se-
Research directions
lection of patients for interventional trials to optimize benefit-to-
risk ratios. The potential advantages of this approach include
 Further validation of the novel technologies used in the
decrease in the sample size required to detect clinically mean-
continuous and non-invasive monitoring of cardiac
ingful differences as well as avoidance of unnecessary exposure of
output and organ blood flow distribution by the gold
each patient to interventions targeting clinical study outcomes
standard of the measurement of the given hemodynamic
with an identified lower risk of occurrence (e.g., P/IVH) or higher
parameter such as MRI for assessment of cardiac output.
likelihood of physiologic resolution (e.g., hemodynamically insig-
 Use of predictive mathematical modeling, large data
nificant PDA).
handling and machine learning to enable us to better
predict occurrences of pathological events of clinical
7. Conclusion
significance during the next day, days, or beyond in the
course of the given patient.
Comprehensive hemodynamic monitoring of neonates at risk
 Using predictive modeling, subpopulations of patients
for perinatal complications and cardiovascular compromise based
likely to develop preventable and/or treatable conditions
on antenatal factors and delivery events is a vital step for early
can be identified and be selected for interventional trials
identification of patient subpopulations whose postnatal transition
to increase the benefit-to-risk ratio of the intervention
will take an abnormal course leading to progression of patho-
under investigation.
physiologic changes before they become clinically apparent and/or
irreversible. The prompt and accurate recognition of impeding
failure of compensatory mechanisms along with implementation of
appropriate interventions may potentially improve both short- and
long-term outcomes. Examples of interventions in appropriately Conflict of interest statement
identified patient populations include ‒ but clearly are not limited
to ‒ delayed cord clamping that increases intravascular volume in a None declared.
gradual manner and promotes stabilization of systemic and
regional perfusion in the most premature neonates immediately Funding sources
after delivery, the judicious use of vasoactive medications with
careful, stepwise titration of their doses to avoid significant blood None.
pressure swings, and selective use of indomethacin in patients at
high risk of P/IVH due to reperfusion phenomena. Further stratifi- References
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