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Assignment A - The Innovation Process

GN 5002, GN 6110, GN 6111

• For this assignment, the following steps will have to be submitted.

• Each step is to be submitted individually, on one or two PowerPoint slides in PDF format. No more than two slides for each step,
please – unless indicated otherwise.
• Finally, you can consolidate all the slides into a single pdf and submit as A12.

Step Slide Title Content on Slide(s)

A1 Problem Statement How did you identify the problem?
- Stick to a short description on how you identified the problem.
- You can add more information in the Slide Notes, if required.
A2 Information on the What is the information you gathered about the problem?
Problem - Try and filter the information to what is the essence of your learning on the slide. Keep this
to 2 slides max.
- If you wish to, you can append a separate document for giving more details, links,
references etc.
A3 Stakeholders to the Who are the stakeholders that the problem affects?
Problem - For instance, if your problem statement is solving the hospital queue, then the stake holders
could be doctors, nurses, patients, receptionist et al.
A4 Redefining the How will you redefine the problem? What are the different ways can you look at the
problem problem? How does the problem change if stakeholders change?
- Indicate the various problem redefinitions.
A5 The Problem What is the problem that you want to work on?
- From all your redefinitions in A4, select the problem you want to work with.
- This will be just one slide.
A6 Ideas on the What are the ideas that you generated?
Problem - This step can have up to 5 slides.
- On each slide, indicate which tool you used to generate ideas, followed by the ideas. For
instance, one slide can be ‘Ideas on the Problem using Random Word’.
A7 Selected Idea Which is the one idea that you want to work with?
- From all the ideas you have generated in A6, select the one idea that you want to work with.
A8 Assessing the Idea What is your assessment of the selected idea?
- Keep this step to 2 slides max.

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Step Slide Title Content on Slide(s)
- What are the problems with your idea? (Black hat); For instance - will it be too expensive,
too difficult to be accepted, too many collaborations required. State the top three problems,
concerns or risks in your idea.
- What are the positives about your idea? (Yellow hat); Where would your idea work? What
are the benefits? Indicate the top three benefits and value of your idea.
A9 Shaping the Idea How will you overcome the problems that you identified? How will you enhance the
- Keep this step to 2 slides max.
- Indicate how you will you get over the problems you found in A8. (Green hat); For example,
if it was too expensive, can you make it less expensive by building a working prototype to
attract investments.
- Indicate what are the positives that you will you will build on and how.
A10 Implementation How will you implement the idea?
Plan - Keep this step to 2 slides max.
- Show your ideas on implementing the idea.
- If there is a working prototype, use this space to show us a video of your prototype. Or a
photograph. A prototype can even be a drawing or a flowchart, or can be made with
cardboard. It should be something that is ready to be implemented.
- You can use basic materials even if you cannot access a workshop? Read up on prototyping
to do this slide to your satisfaction.
- You may even want to write to some authority about your implementation plan. For instance,
if you are solving a Grand Engineering Challenge, and if you have a solution, then what
would you write to the NAE? You can append this as a document.
A11 The Consequences What could be the consequences of implementing your idea?
of Implementation - In Systems Thinking, we learn that whenever we create something, we create unintended
consequences. For example, if you create a covered/fixed dustbin for preventing monkeys on
campus from strewing trash all over, you may create an unintended consequence of plastic
leaching into the soil (from the plastic material used for the dustbin).
- All solutions have unintended consequence. A good systems thinker keeps a note of them
and builds a solution keeping that in mind.
- This slide is to help you think about a good habit to inculcate as a systems thinker.

A12 FINAL SUBMISSION Single pdf containing all your slides from A1 through A11.

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