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4/17/2020 Take Test: MBPG931D-HSE for Power Industry-Apr 20-Assignment2 ...

Arjun Kumar
Question Completion Status: My Institution Courses Community Services

H My Assignments Take Test: MBPG931D-HSE for Power Industry-Apr 20-Assignment2 ?


Take Test: MBPG931D-HSE for Power Industry-Apr 20-


Test Information
Instructions Center for Continuing Education - UPES
HSE for Power Industry
Assignment 2

Total Questions: 56
Total Marks: 100

Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring
candidates to Mouse-click their correct choice of alternatives against the related question
number. The questions would carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of
the question as indicated in the table below:

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts

The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each
question, the total number of questions would be around 56.
There will not be negative marking for wrong answers.
In case candidate does not want to attempt the question he I she should not
mouse-click any option.
The students are allowed to save the responses and come back later to resume,
complete and "Save and Submit" the assignment. However, if the Due Date has
expired, then the assignment will not be accessible and will be marked as zero. In
such cases, the student can re-attempt the assignment allocated after enrolling in
the subsequent Semester.
Once submitted, that answer sheet cannot be retreieved for any editing. The
student has to initiate a new attempt (if allowed), if he has submitted the
assignment by mistake.
The students are normally allowed 3 chances to attempt and submit the
assignment. The number of attempts availed is displayed under the "Test
The Highest Grade of the 3 attempts shall be considered for grading.
The assignments are auto evaluated, and hence no chance of re-evaluation/re-
totalling is allowed to the student.

Multiple This Test allows 3 attempts. This is attempt number 1.… 1/12
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Force This Test can be saved and resumed later.

QUESTION 1 5 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

-------- is when a flammable gas or liquid escapes into the atmosphere and
mixes with air, an explosive gas or vapour cloud can form. This flammable
mixture will explode if ignited causing extensive damage to the surroundings.
Large-scale property damage can occur due to this explosion.
1. Unconfined vapour cloud explosion
2. Nuclear exploison
3. Supersonic explosion
4. Subsonic explosion
5. Solar explosion

QUESTION 2 5 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Biological agents that are capable of causing disease are known as ---------
Some of them are infectious and can multiply in the body. Persons who are
most at risk from biological hazards include those who work with animals or
plants or in health and child care. People who handle animals include those
who work in zoos, animal breeding facilities and veterinary services.
Agriculture and food industry workers handle both animal and plant products.
Others who may be affected include those who work with cutting oils or
ventilation systems or work in municipal sanitation or sewage operations.
1. Fungus
2. Viruses
3. Bacteria
4. Pathogens
5. Parasites

QUESTION 3 5 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

-------- plans are actions planned in anticipation that something unexpected
might occur. For example, a government may determine that it can handle a
disaster of a certain magnitude; it would then develop its plans accordingly.
However, on the chance a larger magnitude disaster would outstrip its
capacity to meet all the needs, a plan for outside assistance might be
1. Search and rescue
2. Disaster
3. Emergency
4. Contingency
5. Predictive

QUESTION 4 5 points Save Answer

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Select the most appropriate option
Question Completion
A ------- Status:
can occur when there is a sudden loss of containment of a pressure
vessel containing superheated liquid or liquefied gas. The primary cause is
usually an external flame impinging on the shell of a vessel above the liquid
level, weakening the container and leading to sudden rupture of the shell. This
explosion is sufficient to generate a pressure wave causing fragments of the
container to fly over large distances of few kilometres.
1. Nuclear explosion
2. Supersonic explosion
3. Unconfined vapour cloud explosion
4. Subsonic explosion
5. Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion

QUESTION 5 4 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The elements of disaster management are:
1. Risk Management
2. Loss Management
3. Control of Events
4. Equity of Assistance
5. Resource Management

QUESTION 6 4 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Sustainable development and environmental management are important
issues for the development of society. Keeping this in view, Government of
India enacted the various environmental legislations related to industrial
projects/activities. These include:
1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
2. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
3. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
4. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
5. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and the Public Liability
Insurance Rules, 1991

QUESTION 7 4 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The process of producing firework is most sensitive for safety concerns. A
slight mistake may cause devastating effect to the industry, town and locality.
There is hardly any year left which is fireless year in a firework industry.
Following steps needs to be taken in process plan:
1. Obtaining explosive registration and permit
2. Distance between different section to avoid total losses
3. Proper use of material tools and equipment
4. Use of well-trained workers
5. Safety warning and training to workers

QUESTION 8 4 points Save Answer… 3/12
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Question the rightStatus:
Completion option - The question may have more than one correct

An important function of disaster management is to review and adjust normal

development programs so that they help mitigate or prevent future disasters.
Areas of particular interest are:
1. Housing and urban development programs
2. Establishment of new settlements
3. Forestry projects
4. Agricultural development projects land reclamation
5. Rangeland management

QUESTION 9 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Insidious hazards associated with the non-application of ergonomic principles
can be dangerous as well like ------- and --------
1. Poor Work Ethic
2. Badly Designed Machinery
3. Obsolete Technology
4. Poorly Designed Work Practices

QUESTION 10 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Disaster Management should be controlled and the measures which can be
undertaken for control are:
1. Electrification
2. Anticipation
3. Mitigation
4. Sanitation

Q U E S T I O N 11 2 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Nuclear Power Plants are designed, constructed, commissioned and operated
in conformity with existing stringent -------
1. Nuclear Standards
2. Safety Standards
3. Nuclear Safety Objectives
4. Nuclear Safety Standards

QUESTION 12 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The Government enacted the following environmental legislations such as:
1. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
2. The Factories Act,1986
3. The River Boards Act,1956
4. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974… 4/12
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QUESTION 13 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Human errors include preventive measures like proper designing of the
equipment; job specifications and training. Human error may be classified into
different categories such as:
1. Design Errors
2. Flexible Errors
3. Strategy Errors
4. Operating Errors

QUESTION 14 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
A notice has to be given by the manager of mine in case of an ------- or -------
causing loss of life to the proper authority.
1. Accident
2. Audit
3. Dehydration
4. Explosion

QUESTION 15 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Every organization that responds to a disaster should develop a plan that:
1. Assess Change
2. Assess Resources
3. Organize Change
4. Organize Resources

QUESTION 16 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The Safety Assurance monitoring activities apply to a Safety Management
System whether the operations are accomplished ------- or -------
1. Externally
2. Internally
3. Insourced
4. Outsourced

QUESTION 17 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Chemical hazards can be of insidious nature arising from --------- and --------
1. Dusts
2. Fumes
3 Sulphur… 5/12
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3. Sulphur
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4. Potassium

QUESTION 18 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The range of specific tools for mitigating environmental hazards are:
1. Agricultural Knowhow
2. Economic Incentives
3. Divestment of Sites
4. Housing Education

QUESTION 19 2 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

------- is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the workplace that
negatively affect an individual's performance and/or overall well-being of his
body and mind.
1. Heart Attack
2. Diabetes
3. Job Stress
4. Forgetfullness

QUESTION 20 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
All the operating nuclear plants in India are ------- and ------- certified plants.
1. ISO 14000
2. ISO 18000
3. ISO 14001
4. ISO 18001

QUESTION 21 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The engineering and administrative solutions for reduction in the dose of
radiation are:
1. Shielding
2. Ventilation
3. Water Pumps
4. Nuclear Rods

QUESTION 22 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Injured workers may also be able to seek compensation for their injuries from
the makers of ------- or ------- industrial products.
1. Faulty
2. Functioning… 6/12
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3. Dangerous
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4. Working

QUESTION 23 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
Violations are any deliberate deviations from:
1. Rules
2. Procedures
3. Instructions
4. Regulations

QUESTION 24 2 points Save Answer

Choose the right option - The question may have more than one correct
The appearance of ------- and ------- will reassure the public and promote
1. Flexibility
2. Discipline
3. Self-Assuredness
4. Self Actualization

QUESTION 25 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Disaster management should ------- rather than follow, public action.
1. Control
2. Lead
3. Regulated
4. None of the above

QUESTION 26 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

The Public Liability Insurance Act was enacted in the year -------
1. 1990
2. 1992
3. 1995
4. 1991

QUESTION 27 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

The relationship between the audit team members and the client should be
one of ------- and discretion.
1. Professionalism
2. Confidentiality
3. Privileged
4. None of the above… 7/12
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QUESTION 28 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

Environmental has established itself as a valuable
instrument to verify and help improve environmental performance.

QUESTION 29 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Safety in the workplace is ------- to the success of every business, no matter
what size it is.
1. Critical
2. Crucial
3. Important
4. Trivial

QUESTION 30 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

The regulatory requirements are just very minimum requirements to obtain
and operate an installation.

QUESTION 31 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

"Zoning" may be defined as a of land into districts
or landuse zones.

QUESTION 32 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Rainwater ------- with large storm water ponds is a significant initiative taken
by a modern petroleum refinery in the area of environmental management.
1. Storage
2. Preservation
3. Harvesting
4. None of the above

QUESTION 33 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

------- are the factors that are most closely related to the causation of error.
1. Preconditions
2. Volatility
3. Actions
4. None of the above

QUESTION 34 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

extinguishers are used for class B and C fires… 8/12
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------- extinguishers are used for class B and C fires.
1. HydrogenStatus:
Question Completion
2. Oxygen
3. Nitrogen
4. Carbon Dioxide

QUESTION 35 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

The most important step in the process of obtaining environmental -------
under the EIA notification is for the project proponent to conduct an
environmental impact assessment of the project.
1. License
2. Change
3. Clearance
4. None of the above

QUESTION 36 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

Risk Management is a business.

QUESTION 37 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

All disaster assistance should be provided in an equitable and ------- manner.
1. Fair
2. Just
3. Safe
4. None of the above

QUESTION 38 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

------- management would develop measurable and attainable companywide
safety objectives, procedures, and processes.
1. Executive
2. Operational
3. Senior
4. None of the above

QUESTION 39 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

Plant and ambient environment as well as various effluents must be
continuously to maintain a clean and safe
environment in and around the plants.

QUESTION 40 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

The Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules was enacted in -------
1. 2002… 9/12
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2. 2004
Question Completion Status:
3. 2005

4. 2001

QUESTION 41 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

A convenient way to express an individual risk is the ------- accident rate
1. Final
2. Fateful
3. Fallacious
4. Fatal

QUESTION 42 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

------- waste cannot be dumped in the sea by any country.
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Radioactive
4. None of the above

QUESTION 43 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

India's environmental problems are exacerbated by its heavy reliance on ------
- for power generation.
1. Water
2. Wind
3. Coal
4. Sun

QUESTION 44 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

assessment can be used to estimate the relative
importance of air pollution sources with respect to their impact on human

QUESTION 45 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

The Environmental Clearance of Project Notification was cleared in -------
1. 1992
2. 1993
3. 1995
4. 1994

QUESTION 46 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option… 10/12
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t t e best opt o
workers may also be able to seek compensation for
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their injuries from the makers of faulty or dangerous industrial products.

QUESTION 47 1 points Save Answer

State whether the given statement is true or false

Repetitive Strain Injury is also known as Occupational Overuse Syndrome.
1. true
2. false

QUESTION 48 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Environmental Impact Assessment also includes ------- measures in the form
of an environmental plan (EMP) to alleviate adverse environmental impacts.
1. Registration
2. Legislation
3. Mitigation
4. None of the above

QUESTION 49 1 points Save Answer

State whether the given statement is true or false

The best framework of HSE management is to comply with the regulatory
requirements and have a highly efficient self-regulatory system in-house.
1. false
2. true

QUESTION 50 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

Establishing a management process to ------- and review the EMS is a key
principle of EMS.
1. Assess
2. Audit
3. Adhere
4. None of the above

QUESTION 51 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

According to the World Health Organisation, "------- per cent of the global
burden of disease is caused by preventable injuries and exposure to toxic
substances, noise and hazardous work patterns."
1. 5
2. 7
3. 6
4. 3

QUESTION 52 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

BS 7750 was introduced as a Standard for developing an environmental… 11/12
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BS 7750 was introduced as a ------- Standard for developing an environmental
Question system,
Completion Status:including as guidance on its implementation and

1. American
2. Indian
3. Chinese
4. British

QUESTION 53 1 points Save Answer

Fit the best option

Dry extinguishers have an advantage over CO2
extinguishers since they leave a non-flammable substance on the
extinguished material, reducing the likelihood of re-ignition.

QUESTION 54 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

"Rapid EIA" is the term used for collecting data for a ------- season.
1. Single
2. Two
3. Three
4. None of the above

QUESTION 55 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

------- transmission takes place when there is physical contact between an
infected and a non-infected person.
1. Indirect
2. Direct
3. Flexible
4. None of the above

QUESTION 56 1 points Save Answer

Select the most appropriate option

The primary focus of risk management should be to ------- disasters and/or to
mitigate those that do happen.
1. Reduce
2. Control
3. Manage
4. Prevent

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