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❖ Punctuation
‫ ؃‬Capital letters and Full stops
‫ ؃‬Question marks and Exclamation mark
‫ ؃‬Apostrophe and Comma
‫ ؃‬Semi – colon, Colon, Quotation marks and Hyphen
 JR: Abbreviations and Contractions
❖ Nouns
‫ ؃‬Proper nouns
‫ ؃‬Collective nouns
‫ ؃‬Abstract nouns
‫ ؃‬Common nouns
 Application of Articles
 Gender
 Proverbs
 Similes
❖ Pronouns
‫ ؃‬Subjective pronouns
‫ ؃‬Objective pronouns
‫ ؃‬Adjective pronouns
‫ ؃‬Possessive pronouns
‫ ؃‬Emphatic pronouns
‫ ؃‬Reflexive pronouns
‫ ؃‬Demonstrative pronouns
‫ ؃‬Relative pronouns
❖ Verbs and Tenses
‫ ؃‬Formation of Tenses
‫ ؃‬Present Aspect of Time
‫ ؃‬Past Aspect of Time
‫ ؃‬Future Aspect of Time
‫ ؃‬Some and Any, Much and Many, Far and Long
‫ ؃‬When, while and As
‫ ؃‬By the time
‫ ؃‬Participles
 Prepositions
‫ ؃‬Conditions
‫ ؃‬Opposites (Antonyms)
‫ ؃‬Occupations
‫ ؃‬Alphabetical order
❖ Adjectives
‫ ؃‬Formation of adjectives
‫ ؃‬Formation of proper adjectives
‫ ؃‬Comparison of adjectives
 Homonyms
❖ Adverbs
‫ ؃‬Adverbs of manner
‫ ؃‬Adverbs of place
‫ ؃‬Adverbs of frequency
‫ ؃‬Formation of adverbs
‫ ؃‬Comparison of adverbs
‫ ؃‬Position (order) of adverbs
❖ Conjunctions
❖ Adjectival qualifiers of Results
‫ ؃‬The use of; too…
enough to
such a/ an………that…

1 English Grammer
❖ Adjectival qualifiers
‫ ؃‬The use of; because/since/so/as
‫ ؃‬The use of; so that /such that/so as/in order
❖ Correlative Conjunctions
‫ ؃‬The use of; either/ neither
❖ Speeches
‫ ؃‬Direct reporting(speech)
‫ ؃‬Indirect reporting (speech)
❖ Necessity Obligation and Duty
‫ ؃‬The use of must
‫ ؃‬The use of need and needn’t
‫ ؃‬The use of ought to
❖ Clauses of Time
‫ ؃‬The use of before after and when
‫ ؃‬The use of the moment/ immediately/just as/as soon as
‫ ؃‬The use of no sooner/scarcely/hardly/ barely/ shortly as adverbs.
‫ ؃‬The use of no sooner/scarcely/hardly/ barely/ shortly as adjectives.
‫ ؃‬The use of inversion and inversion reverses
‫ ؃‬The use of since and for to express time
❖ Clauses of Correction
‫ ؃‬The use of Not only
❖ Clauses of Contrast
‫ ؃‬Use of but and although
‫ ؃‬Use of in spite of and despite
‫ ؃‬Use of Never the less
‫ ؃‬Use of on the other hand
Brain capsule

2 English Grammer

Capital Letters and full stops

(i) Usage of capital letters
(a) Used at the beginning of sentences, e.g. Mukasa is riding a bicycle.
(b) Use for proper nouns and proper adjectives e.g. Uganda – Ugandan
Proper nouns e.g.

- Names of the months of the year

- Names of people
- Names of streets
- Names of buildings
- Names of avenues

(c) Used for all titles applied to one particular person, e.g. Our president met the Egyptian President. The
Famous Five
(d) To begin direct speech, e.g. “I have hurt my finger,” said Tom
(e) To write pronoun I, e.g. While I was playing netball, Jane was peeling matooke.
(f) To begin words of exclamation, e.g. “Oh!” shouted the boy
(g) To begin words He, Him, His, Himself, if they refer to God of Jesus Christ.

(ii) Usage of full stops (.)

(a) Used at the end of either an affirmative or negative sentence, e.g.
- We are learning English
- We are not learning English
Write these abbreviations in full
WSPA, USPA, UWEC, UWA, WCU, ABS, ADI, AVAR, ASAB, CAPS, PP, cc, Re, Mr, MRs, Br, Mt, Hon, Rev, Prof. e-mail
(b) Used in abbreviations, e.g.
i.e. - that is
C.I.I.D - Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Directorate
Capt. - Captain
P.S. V - Public Service Vehicle
PMO - Private Motor Omnibus
1. Rewrite and punctuate the sentences below
(a) he saw a big snake on tuesday
(b) robert has left for london
(c) i said i shall come tomorrow
(d) tom wants to work in italy, so he is learning italian
(e) god said i am who i am
(f) what an honest man dan is
(g) god was happy with his creation
2. Write the short forms of the following
(h) Mistress
(i) Doctor
(j) Namely
(k) For example

(a) Question mark and Exclamation

Usage of a question mark (?)
- Used at the end of a direct question, e.g. Where is Tom?
- Used at the end of tag questions, e.g. She is my wife , isn’t she?
Note: Indirect or reported questions do not take a question mark e.g. He asked me if I had been to America

Usage of an exclamation mark (!)

3 English Grammer
- The exclamation mark is used at the end of a statement or expression which shows or expresses strong
or sudden feelings of joy, sorrow, fear, shock, surprise, admiration or emotion.
Surprise Oh! indeed! what! ha! ah me! alas! woo! ah! look out! my God!
Pain Ouch! Alas!
Doubt Really!
Disagreement Nonsense! Rubbish!
Anger Shucks! Oh! Stop it! I will beat you!
Approval Bravo! Good! Good Lord! Hurrah! Good gracious! Wonderful!
Disappointment Oh! Sorry! Alas! Shame!
Contempt Ha! Tub! Oh!

• What a clever boy you are!

• Come here at once!
Punctuate the following sentences correctly
(a) What did you see at the park
(b) Where did you go after supper
(c) What aggregate are you likely to get
(d) What time is it asked the traveller
(e) How beautiful you sister is
(f) What a clever boy you are
(g) What a deadly snake a cobra is
(h) The child suddenly shouted look
(i) What is the capital city of China

(a) Apostrophe and Comma

Usage of an apostrophe (‘)
(i) To show contractions (to show that a letter or letters are missing) e.g.
isn’t - is not
can’ - cannot
O’clock - of the clock
o'er - over
(ii) To show possession / ownership
• Singular form
The girl’s dress, the student’s book
The lady’s bag
However, it may be shown by the apostrophe only if the noun ends in s. e.g.
Jesus’ words
Moses’ wife
• Plural form
(a) By the apostrophe only if the plural ends in s
Boys’ books
Ladies’ shoes
(b) By the apostrophe and s (‘s) when the plural does not end in s, e.g. children’s toys.
Men’s hats


a teacher’s chair teachers’ chairs
a child’s cup children’s cups
the woman’s dress the women’s dresses
a lady’s bag ladies’ bag
the baby’s tooth the babies’ teeth
the fly’s wing the flies’ wings

An apostrophe can also be used to show the plural of letters of figures.

4 English Grammer
- You should cross your t’s and dot your i’s
- I was born in the 1990’s
N.B: Certain words are contracted without an apostrophe
Bus - omnibus
Piano - pianoforte
Auto - automobile
Exam - examination
Photo - photograph
Plane - aeroplane
Specs - spectacles
Correct the following sentences by putting in the apostrophe
1. The boys pencil lay on the floor.
2. The ladies coats were hung on a dirty wall.
3. My nephews hand was badly hurt.
4. The mens boots were covered with mud.
5. The child’s toy fell in the pond.
6. He looked very smart in page boys uniform.
Write the following in short
7. of the clock
8. shall not
9. had not
10. attention

Usage of commas (,)

(i) used to separate words in a list, phrases or clauses
He plays football, tennis, volleyball and hockey
A tall ugly man entered the room
He entered the library, walked to the history section, picked a book and started reading.
(ii) Used after participle phrases
Chained to the post, the dog was unable to attack the thieves
Having said her prayers, the old woman lay down.
(iii) Used after an adverbial clause in a main clause follows;
Although he worked for the company for many years, he was not promoted.
(iv) Used to set off words which come after a proper noun and explain or describe it
George Kakoma, who composed the National Anthem, visited our school.
(v) Used after Yes, No or well, if other words are to follow in a sentence
Yes, he does smoke a lot
No, I don’t think so
Well, I will see what I can do for her.
(vi) Used with words used to address a person
Mr Mukasa, you can have a seat
Good morning, Mr. Mukasa
Come here, Jane, and I tell you
(vii) Used to separate items of the date
Saturday, 14th May, 2012
(viii) Used to separate lines within an address
Sir Apollo Kaggwa Primary School,
P. O. Box 28589,
(ix) To separate a question tag from the rest of the sentence e.g.
5 English Grammer
It is quite expensive, isn’t it?
(x) Used with direct speech to mark off actual words from the reporting verb.
‘I am nine years old,” said Julius
Insert commas and use capital letters where necessary in the following sentences
1. Although he worked hard he did not get any promotion.
2. Unless you give me my money I will not forgive you.
3. Thursday 14th January 2012
4. Mr. Museveni the president of Uganda is a very wise man.
5. In spite of the sickness he played football.

Semi colon; colon: Quotation marks (“ ”) Hyphen –

Usage of a semi colon (;)
- Used between two closely related main c
- lauses
There was not a cloud in the sky; it was so hot.
N.B: certain words like nevertheless, therefore, moreover
Show a close connection between two clauses and are preceded by a semi colon

Usage of a colon (:)

(a) Used to introduce a quotation which may be indented e.g.
Churchill said: “Uganda is the Pearl of Africa.”
(b) Used to introduce a list of items or things, e.g.
We study four subjects at school: English, Science, Social studies and Mathematics.

Usage of quotation marks (“ “)

(a) Used before and after words of direct speech
“Don’t forget to bring your own pen,” our teacher said.
“The dead man,” said John, “is my father”
(b) Used to mark a quotation
Politicians should never forget that “a week is a long time in politics”
(c) Used to quote titles of books, articles, poems, and plays
I was reading “Oliver Twist”
(d) Used to quote words not accepted as normal English.
The Baganda women wear “gomesi”

Usage of a hyphen
(a) To form compound words (composite words) e.g.
Hard – hearted, mother – to – be, fork – lift truck
(b) Writing compound numbers between 21 and 99 in words e.g.
Twenty – one , ninety – nine etc
(c) To form a compound from a prefix e.g.
Pro – European, pre – PLE, pre – mock etc
(d) To separate a prefix ending in a vowel from a word beginning with the same vowel e.g.
Co – operate, pre –eminent
a) Writing figures 21 – 99 in words
b) Identifying compound words in sentences by inserting hyphens e.g.
(i) Moses is a hard hearted boy in primary seven
(ii) Anita bought twenty nine eggs from the supermarket
Punctuate the following sentences correctly
1. Annette is very clever no wonder she passed with flying colours.

6 English Grammer
2. Her parents are very poor nevertheless they have managed to educate her.
3. She went to the market and bought the following onions sugar meat and rice.
4. I can run faster than any other boy in the school boasted Michael.
5. Susans apple is bigger than mine grumbled jack
6. John go and have lunch



AD In the year of the lord

AQ Acting
A.m. Before noon
Ave Avenue
BC Before Christian
Co Company
COD Cash on Delivery
Cr. Credit
G.P. O General post office
I.O. U I owe you
Ltd. Limited
Mr. Mister
Mrs. Mistress
N.B Note carefully
NO Number
PP On behalf of
P. O Post office
P. S Post script (written after)
R.I. P Rest in peace
R.S.V. P Reply if you
R. D Road
S. T Street / Saint
Ref Reference
W.E. F With effect from
W. P Whether permitting
VIZ Namely
Via By way of (through)
A/c Account
AC Air conditioner

General Abbreviation
Abbr Abbreviation
Assn Association
B.S.C Bachelor of science
B. A Bachelor of Arts
C Centigrade
CF Compare
CO The same
Deg Degree
Dept Department
DV God willing
Ea. / @ Each
E.g. For example
Etc. And so on (et -cetera)
GIF Figure
FIFA Federation for international football
GHM Greenwich Mean Time
HON Honourable
I.E That is to say
JR. Junior

7 English Grammer
Lab Laboratory
MP Member of parliament
Mt Mountain
Neg Negative
OK Okay (all right)
OB Old boy
PSV Public service vehicle
QR Quarter
Rev Reverend
Sec Second
Sq. Square
Vs Versus
X Mas
Yr. Year
P.A.Y. E Pay as you earn
V.A. T Value added tax
EU European Union
O.A. U Organisation for African Union
COMESA Common Market of East and Southern
TIN Tax Identification Number
1st Class First Class
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SMS Short Message Service

Millitary Abbreviations
ADC Aide de camp
Capt. Captain
Col Colonel
CAA CIVIAL Aviation Authority
AFC Armed personnel carrier
GPM General Purpose Machine gun
CPL Corporal
LM Light machine gun
Lt. Lieutenant
Mg Major
PTE Private
RPG Rocket propelled grenade
Sgt Sergeant
Smg Sub machine gun

Local Abbreviations
C.D.A Coffee development Authority
C.B.S Central Broadcasting services
C.P Conservation party
ATM Automated Teller Machine
IGG Inspector General of police
NARO Nation Agricultural Research
UHRC Uganda human rights commission
NCC National council of children
TASO The Aids support organization
RDC Resident District commissioner
UWESO Uganda Women’s Effort to save Orphans
U.P.E Universal Primary Education
NEMA National Environmental Management
NRM National Resistance Movement
PLE Primary Leaving Examinations
URA Uganda Revenue Authority
UNRA Uganda National Road Authority
UNRA Uganda National Road Authority

8 English Grammer
P.S Permanent Secretary
UNEB Uganda National Examination Board

Metric Abbreviations
CC Cubic Centimetre / carbon copy
CM Centimeter
G Gram
KG Kilogram
L Litres
M Milimetres

Days Of The Week

Mon Monday
Tue Tuesday
Wed Wednesday
Thurs Thursday
Fri Friday
Sat Saturday
Sun Sunday

Months Of The Year

Jan January
Feb February
Mar March
Apr April
Ma May
Jun June
Jul July
Aug August
Sept September
Oct October
Dec December

Isn’t Is not
Can’t Can not
Won’t Will not
Hasn’t Has not
Shan’t Shall not
Couldn’t Could not
Doesn’t Does not
Haven’t Have not
Wouldn’t Would not
Mustn’t Must not
I’d I had / would
He’d He had / he would
I’ ve I have
You’ve You have
I ‘ll I will
You’ll You will
They ‘ll They will
It’s It is
He’s He is
Let’s Let us
You’re You are
I ‘m I am
Ne’e Never
9 English Grammer
O’clock Of the clock
O’er Over

Ref. Junior English Revised pg. 132 – 135

The students’ Comparison pg. 95 – 100
The New First Aid in English pg. 50 – 52

A noun is a naming word or a name given to an object, an action, quality, an idea.

Types of Nouns
 Proper Nouns
 Collective Nouns
 Abstract Nouns
 Common Nouns

Proper Nouns
A proper Noun is a particular name unique to a person, place or thing distinguishing it from others of its kinds.
Examples of proper noun
 Name of people
• Jane
• Jamirah
• Kyambadedde
• Okello
• Rose
• Bagenda
• Tom etc.
 Places
• Towns
- Jinja
- Mukono
- Masaka
- Mbale
- Ibanda etc.
• Cities
- Kampala
- Dodoma
- Nairobi
- Landon
- New York
- Kinshasa etc.
• Countries
- Uganda
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Rwanda
- Burundi
• Continents
- Africa
- Asia
- Europe
- Australia
- North America
- South America
- Atlantic
• Buildings
- Shelton Hotel
- Crested tower
- Amber House

10 English Grammer
- Trinity family school
- Mabiriizi complex
- Uganda commercial Bank etc.
 Features: Lakes, Rivers, Mountains. Etc.
• Lakes
- Lake Victoria
- Lake Kyoga
- Lake Albert etc.
- Mountains
- Mt. Rwenzori
- Mt. Elgon
- Mt. Kenya etc.
• Rivers
- River Nile
- River Katonga
- River Rufiji etc.
 Days of the week and months of the year
• Monday
• Sunday
• January
• February
• December
• Wednesday
• Thursday
 Names of books
• M.K. English Book 1
• Junior English Book 3
• Things Fall Apart
• The Snow Man etc.
 Names of companies and organizations
• Mukono Group of Companies
• East African Community
• National Environmental Management Authority
• Victorious Kindergarten
• Trinity Family Nursery and Primary School
• Bukedde TV
• Spark T.V etc.
 Names of movies, songs and showers
• Amazing Spider Man
• Madubara
• Uncut etc.
 Name of subjects and languages spoken
• Mathematics
• Chemistry
• English
• Political Education
• Science
• Social Studies etc.

Among other names you can tell including those we give to pets and animals we keep at home like dogs, cat, cows
among others.
Since proper nouns donate particular names of the things mentioned above, they should always take a capital letter
irrespective of the positions in sentences.
Take this for example
1. The death of musician Mose Radio was announced on “Agataliko Nfuufu” on Bukedde T.V on Thursday night.
2. Tomorrow Nsubuga will go to Ked Clinic to have his dog called Police treated.
3. The Uganda police Defence Force were on Luwumu Street in Kampala to stop a riot.

Identify the proper nouns in the following sentences and punctuate them correctly

11 English Grammer
1. Last year, science and social studies were the best-done subjects.
2. In east afica, mabira forest is one of the biggest natural forest.
3. I was born in Tanzania and Jackson was born in Nairobi Kenya.
4. The president of Kenya mr.mwaikibaki will visit Uganda in December.
5. River nile is the longest river in afirica and its source is lake victoria in Uganda.
6. The new east African community is made up of six countries, kenya, tanzania, uganda, burundi, south sudan
and rwanda.
7. I was born in mach 1995.
8. We watched a nigerian movies called baby police.
9. Africa’s bestselling book,” things fall part” was written by a Nigerian writer called kinuwa achebe.
10. As a car was approaching ndeeba on Saturday, it knocked down namuli.
11. The minister prays from namirembe cathedral.
12. George and juko are found in kabala district.

Collective Nouns
A collective Noun, is a singular name given to a group of people, places or things.
Below are some of the common.
Flock A group of sheep
Swarm A group of bees
Herd A group of cattle
Congregation A group of people praying
Choir A group of singers
Gang A group of thieves
Army, troop, battalion, regiment A group of soldiers
Spectators A group of people watching a game
Pedestrians A group of people walking on foot
Bundle A group of sticks
Audience A group of people listening to a speech
Bench A group of bishops
Mob A group of people moving freely together
Band A group of musicians
Company A group of actors
Constellation A group of stars
Board A group of directors
School A group of whales
Drove A group of horse driven together
Flight A group of birds / bees / insect moving together
Muster A group of peacocks
Pack A group of wolves/ dogs
Leap A group of leopards
Gaggle A group of geese
Hive A group of bees living together in the same place
Pride A group of lions
Kindle A group of kittens
Zoo A collection of wild animals
Crockery A collection of cups, saucers, plates, bowls
Stationery A collection of books, papers, pens, pencil, ruler, files
Poultry A collection of fowls, ducks
Hasts A collection of angles
Anthology A collection of poems
Library A collection of books
Set A collection of tools
Staff A group of servants
Cartage A group of people at a funeral
Bevy A group of beautiful ladies
Bouquet A group of flowers
Dutch A group of eggs
Suit A group furniture or rooms
Clump A small number of trees
Forest A big number of trees
Brood A number of chicken hatch in the same time
Catch A group of fish caught in a net
12 English Grammer
Parliament A group of owls

Give a single word for the group of words

1. First day of the week______________________________________________________________
2. Place were animals are slaughtered__________________________________________________
3. Books, pens, pencils, ream of papers _________________________________________________
4. Group of singers _________________________________________________________________
5. Person in charge of a library_______________________________________________________
6. Period of two weeks______________________________________________________________
7. Man in charge of a netball match____________________________________________________
8. Meat of pig______________________________________________________________________
9. Man in charge of football match_____________________________________________________
10. A good-looking boy ________________________________________________________________
11. Sister’s son _______________________________________________________________________
12. Man who deals in medical herbs_______________________________________________________
13. King’s son _________________________________________________________________________
14. The place where food is served _______________________________________________________
15. Mangoes, apples and oranges_________________________________________________________
16. Tables, desks, cup boards, and chairs____________________________________________________
17. Mother and father__________________________________________________________________
18. Sick people ________________________________________________________________________
19. Person involved in an accident_________________________________________________________
20. Man who repairs shoes_______________________________________________________________
21. Place were things of long age are kept_________________________________________________________
22. An early morning meal __________________________________________________________________
23. With out mercy_________________________________________________________________________
24. Cannot read or write____________________________________________________________________
25. With out care__________________________________________________________________________
26. Doctor who treats people’s eyes__________________________________________________________
27. Where money is kept ____________________________________________________________________
28. Person who mends pots and pans__________________________________________________________
29. Men, women and children praying in church_________________________________________________
30. People who sell goods on streets___________________________________________________________
31. Buses, lorries and motorcycles____________________________________________________________
32. Place were cows sleep at night____________________________________________________________
33. Uncle’s wife____________________________________________________________________________
34. Instrument for measuring temperature______________________________________________________
35. Place where we keep books_______________________________________________________________
36. A man who write poems_________________________________________________________________
37. A person heads a school_________________________________________________________________
38. Say it again___________________________________________________________________________
39. People walking on the pavements__________________________________________________________
40. Long looting____________________________________________________________________________
41. Shed tears_____________________________________________________________________________
42. Health getting better and better __________________________________________________________
43. Badly behaved_________________________________________________________________________
44. People attending the brail________________________________________________________________
45. A person who controls a ship_____________________________________________________________
46. Give a place__________________________________________________________________________
47. Don’t obey__________________________________________________________________________
48. As soon as___________________________________________________________________________
49. Sister, brother uncles and nephews_________________________________________________________
50. With a lot of pain________________________________________________________________________
51. Move body through water_________________________________________________________________
52. Young goats_____________________________________________________________________________
53. Moves on its belly ________________________________________________________________________
54. Head of states ____________________________________________________________________________
55. Un lock the door__________________________________________________________________________
56. Doesn’t like ______________________________________________________________________________

13 English Grammer
57. Group of angles__________________________________________________________________________
58. Woman who repairs shoes__________________________________________________________________
59. Period of 100 years________________________________________________________________________
60. With mercy_______________________________________________________________________________
61. Book maintain words and their meanings______________________________________________________
62. Room where dead bodies are kept____________________________________________________________
63. Young one of a horse_______________________________________________________________________
64. Mattress, suitcases and bags_________________________________________________________________
65. Unable to hear____________________________________________________________________________
66. Unable to talk_____________________________________________________________________________
67. Taken to a higher class____________________________________________________________________
68. List of dishes served in a restaurant___________________________________________________________

Abstract Nouns
An Abstract noun is name that refers to an idea, feeling, emotion or a general quality. These nouns are not physical or
They can be got from adjective, verb or other nouns and are mostly formed by putting suffixes on these words.
Formation of Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns formed by adding ‘’-ness’’

Word Abstract Noun
Eager Eagerness
Clever Cleverness
Dull Dullness
Bad Badness
Tall Tallness
Lazy Laziness
Big Bigness
Short Shortness
Kind Kindness
Thin Thinness
Fat Fatness
New Newness
Cold Coldness
Hot Hotness
Ugly Ugliness
Slow Slowness
Mad Madness
Bright Brightness
Strong Strongness
Happy Happiness
Quick Quickness
Rich Richness
Good Goodness
Smart Smartness
Rough Roughness
Smooth Smoothness
Dry Dryness
Busy Business
Handsome Handsomeness
Selfish Selfishness
Heavy Heaviness
Stubborn Stubbornness
Foolish Foolishness
Clean Cleanness
Weak Weakness
Rude Rudeness
Quiet Quietness
Ill Illness
Holy Holiness
Bitter Bitterness
Bold Boldness

14 English Grammer
Abstract Noun formed by adding “-ty”
Word Abstract Nouns
Poor Poverty
Safe Safety
Punctual Punctuality
Able Ability
Capable Capability
Anxious Anxiety
Generous Generosity
Original Originality
Curious Curiosity
Timid Timidity
Rigid Rigidity
Humble Humility
Uniform Uniformity
Cruel Cruelty
Enemy Enmity
Special Specialty
Probable Probability
Responsible Responsibility
Prosper Prosperity
Inferior Inferiority
Reliable Reliability
Real Reality
Similar Similarity
Active Activity

Abstract Nouns formed by Adding ‘’- tion’’

Word Abstract Noun
Reduce Reduction
Educate Education
Instruct Instruction
Construct Construction
Introduce Introduction
Cancel Cancelation
Produce Production
Pronounce Pronunciation
Explain Explanation
Classify Classification
Repeat Repetition
Accommodate Accommodation
Appose Opposition
Complete Completion
Corrupt Corruption
Interpret Interpretation
Continue Continuation
Co-ordinate Co-ordination
Dictate Dictation
Imitate Imitation
Locate Location
Qualify Qualification
Elect Election
Associate Association
Compose Composition
Rotate Rotation
Describe Description
Irritate Irritation
Subscribe Subscription
Co-operate Co-operation
Solve Salvation
Resolve Resolution
React Reaction

15 English Grammer
Abstract Nouns formed by adding ‘’sion’’
Word Abstract Noun
Convert Conversion
Divide Division
Omit Omission
Permit Permission
Submit Submission
Admit Admission
Confuse Confusion
Express Expression
Conclude Conclusion
Discuss Discussion
Impress Impression
Circumcise Circumcision
Provide Provision
Decide Decision
Ascend Ascension
Profess Profession
Diffuse Diffusion
Confess Confession

Abstract Noun formed by adding ‘’- ment’’

Word Abstract Noun
Develop Development
Govern Government
Pay Payment
Punish Punishment
Excite Excitement
Require Requirement
Advertise Advertisement
Entertain Entertainment
State Statement
Achieve Achievement
Disappoint Disappointment
Measure Measurement
Embarrass Embarrassment
Enjoy Enjoyment
Assign Assignment
Commit Commitment
Encourage Encouragement
Amuse Amusement
Replace Replacement
Employ Employment
Enlighten Enlightenment
Refresh Refreshment

Abstract Nouns that don’t change at all

Word Abstract Noun
Process Process
Produce Produce
Record Record
Progress Progress
Water Water
Soil Soil
Conduct Conduct
Repair Repair
Dance Dance
Demand Demand
Work Work
Rule Rule
Date Date
Fish Fish
Share Share
Pull Pull

16 English Grammer
Sake Sake
Rest Rest
Talk Talk
Sleep Sleep
Ride Ride
Drive Drive
Drink Drink
Knock Knock
Dream Dream
Love Love
Duplicate Duplicate
Flight Flight
Play Play
Out Out
Push Push
Race Race
Retreat Retreat

Abstract Nouns formed by adding ‘’-ture’’

Word Abstract Noun
Mix Mixture
Depart Departure

Abstract Noun formed by adding ‘’-nce’’

Word Abstract Noun
Ignorant Ignorance
Intelligent Intelligence
Silent Silence
Distant Distance
Perform Performance
Present Presence
Absent Absence
Maintain Maintenance
Important Importance
Patient Patience
Different Difference
Prefer Preference
Refer Reference
Depend Dependence
Excellent Excellence
Rely Reliance
Defend Defense
Tolerate Tolerance
Offend Offence
Assist Assistance
Resist Resistance
Occur Occurrence
Violent Violence
Lenience Lenience
Abundant Abundance
Obedient Obedience
Pretend Pretense
Annoy Annoyance

Abstract Noun formed from other nouns

Word Abstract Noun
Neighbour Neighbourhood
Hill Hillock
King Kingdom
Child Children
Adult Adulthood
Man Manhood
Brother Brother hood
Poet Poetry

17 English Grammer
Friend Friendship
Relation Relationship
Slave Slavery
War Warrior
Martyr Martyrdom
Pot Pottery
Baker Bakery
Butcher Butchery
Grocer Grocery

Abstract Nouns formed by adding ‘’-th’’

Word Abstract Noun
True Truth
Dead Death
Warm Warmth
Bread Breadth
Long Length
Wide Width
Deep Depth

Abstract Noun formed when adjustives lose letters

Word Abstract Noun
Powerful Power
Truthful Truth
Harmful Harm
Painful Pain
Faithful Faith
Merciful Mercy
Old Age
Greedy Greed
Envious Envy
Angry Anger
Hungry Hunger
Proud Pride
Dangerous Danger
Poisonous Poison
Venomous Venom
Victorious Victory

Abstract Nouns formed irregularly

Word Abstract Noun
Lend Loan
Sell Sale
Tell Tale
Practice Practice
Assemble Assembly
Advise Advice
Arrive Arrival
Refuse Refusal
Deny Denial
Succeed Success
Sit Seat
Fail Failure
Lose Loss
Choose Choice
Serve Service
Agent Agency
Efficient Efficiency
Intimate Intimacy
Constitute Constituency
Expectant Expectancy
Urgent Urgency
Accurate Accountancy
Pregnant Pregnancy

18 English Grammer
Vacant Vacancy
President Presidency
Excellent Excellency

Note: from wise Abstract noun wisdom is formed but wise is an adjective not a noun like the above.

Fill in the blank space with a suitable form of the words in brackets
1. The ____________________to the market was crowded with people. (enter)
2. The room was filled with _________________of children when John fall off a desk. (laugh)
3. My uncle’s ______________________is very peaceful. (marry)
4. The northern ____________________was led by Joseph Kony. (rebel)
5. The _____________________of the new moon marked the end of Ramathan. (to appear)
6. I misplaced my ________________________form. (apply)
7. Her ________________in senior one will depend on performance in P.L.E. (admit)
8. The teacher on duty gave the late cameras heavy___________________. (punish)
9. That question you have failed needs __________________. (to correct)
10. Our _______________in whatever we do needs a lot of determination. (succeed)
11. The bank ______________took place at midnight. (robbing)
12. Our ________________to USA was delayed. (fly)
13. The bomb _______________in the city left many dead and others injured. (explode)
14. Poor farming methods lead to soil ______________. (exhausted)
15. Do you know the correct _________________of this word? (pronounce)
16. It is my ______________to pass P.L.E well. (please)
17. Parents’ ________________is to see their child prosper. (proud)
18. Few ________________turned up for the interview. (apply)
19. The waiter gave the customer a warm___________________. (receive)
20. ________________________is a common habit for school pupils. (absent)
21. The ____________________which my father got from the bank was spent on clothing. (lend)
22. Our teacher got no ______________from the pupils. (respond)
23. The answer Nanziri gave was just a ________________what the teacher gave. (to repeat)
24. I shall take the _______________given to me by the head teacher. (advise)
25. Naluze’s _____________________ to dodge class was wrong. (to choose)
26. The teacher showed a lot of ______________to the pupils. (lenient)
27. Mr. Mather made a _______________in his business today. (lose)
28. Due to the ________________at the party, I took off very fast and bought a soda. (disappoint)
29. The stubborn boy was given a front ___________in class. (to sit)
30. Because of his ___________________he was entrusted with money. (honest)
31. She was very dirty because of_________________. (poor)
32. ________________________is next to Godliness. (clean)
33. The _____________________teacher gave was not enough to help us understand. (explain)
34. The _____________________of the car depends on its engine. (to be strong)
35. My step mother’s ____________________forced me out of home. (cruel)
36. He was not elected because of his __________________in work. (shabby)
37. Most people like the president because of his______________. (generous)
38. Road ___________________is important for all of us. (to be safe)
39. The porter is seeking another ____________________because the farmer is leaking. (accommodate)
40. When I saw food on a dirty plate, I got a bad _________________to. (impress)
41. The chairperson requested for _________________to build the old man’s hut. (voluntary)
42. His _______________________to escape from school was un –wise. (decide)
43. All the __________________were given to the widows. (to donate)
44. There is a lot of __________________in the conference room. (dirty)
45. The matron has caused a lot of __________________among the girls. (enemy)
46. In our __________________we used to play hide and seek. (child)
47. The bride and the groom dance merrily at the_______________(receive)
48. Peter has poor ____________________of words in English (to pronounce)
49. _______________________lets that boy to steal my money. (poor)
50. Akello has misplaced her ________________letter to king’s College Buddo. (admit)
51. Sarah does not have ______________to fight you. (to be strong)

19 English Grammer
52. Teacher of Trinity Family School talk with ____________about their school. (proud)
53. Helping the needy in our community is_____________________(volunteer)
54. Majority of the mourners were late far the _____________of the village chief. (to bury)
55. Our S.S.T teacher is very __________________________gentleman (knowledge)
56. Toma’s ________________________took place in his home village. (to marry)
57. Our class monitor looked at Vivian because of her________________________. (beautiful)
58. My grandmother was a woman of great________________(wise)
59. The LCII Chairman’s __________________is very complicated (sign)
60. The funny boy brought a lot of ___________________when he walked in (laugh)
61. The _________________took place at Kasubi Market. (to rob)
62. The sun is a _________________source of light. (nature)
63. His wife ran away because of his______________(cruel)
64. _______________women is very hard to bare. (quarrel)
65. In 1880, the explorers went to _________________places.(distance)
66. The new teacher’s __________________was that Sharon was never punctual at school. (to complain)
67. Sserwanga received the news about P.L.E with _____________(please)
68. The nation was saddened by the ________________of Mose Radio. (to die)
69. He felt a lot of _______________ for having raped a child (guilty)
70. Teaching _____________________ on the road is very importance for children (to be safe)
71. The two girls have kept their ___________________ a longtime. (friend)
72. We needed more _________________ on the use of abstract nouns. (clear)
73. Nobody likes Ssenfuka because he does not tell the__________. (true)
74. All the holiday ____________________ were made in advance. (prepare)
75. Examinations test whether you can produce to higher__________________(institute)
76. Women and children need their __________________ to exercise their rights. (free)
77. The chief guest made very interesting ___________________remarks. (introduce)
78. He was not promoted to p.7 because of his_________________(in-able)
79. Teachers put a lot of _____________________ on candidates to pass. (to press)
80. During his_____________, he asked for a drink of water. (to speak)
81. The plumber was brought to crosscheck the _______________ of the pit. (deep)
82. The revision offered the pupil’s a lot of ________________ in exams. (to assist)
83. The ___________________ from the snake killed him in minutes. (to be poisonous)
84. Due to his_____________________, he was appointed H.M. (committed)
85. Jerry was the _______________________ in the queue. (forty)
86. Amina raised a point of _______________ in the debate. (to inquire)
87. Before his________________, he gave a wonderful speech. (to depart)
88. Several ________________have taken place here. (steal)
89. ____________________is a bad practice. (deceive)
90. Simon passed in _______________one. (divide)
91. His _______________landed him into trouble. (polite)
92. A lot of __________________is need during construction (accurate)
93. Non-government _______________________are helpful. (to organize)
94. Womo made the best _________________in the National Painting Competitions. (paint)
95. The police said that crime was still under______________. (investigates)
96. Mike’s _____________gave him a lot of pride. (famous)
97. Standing in the sun for long brings___________. (thirsty)
98. The manager asked all the _______________to be on time. (serve)
99. Please, excuse my_________________(disturb)
100. That is a very ______________person. (deceive)
101. AIDS is very ________________disease. (infect)
102. __________________is the most important part of marriage. (faithful)
103. __________________Juice helps in the digestion of food. (pancreas)
104. Most _________________in Kampala are lame. (to beg)
105. He had no ________________about the accident. (prove)
106. Linda’s first ____________will be Gayaza High. (choose)
107. Did he get ____________________to go out? (permit)
108. The two ______________ladies came back happy. (victory)
109. At the_______________, the pupils looked smart. (assemble)
110. Tom was very happy at his father’s______________(arrive)

20 English Grammer
111. Tip top is my _______________bread (favour)
112. Everybody participated in the _______________of the speech day. (to prepare)
113. After the judge convicted him ______________showed in his face. (guilty)
114. _________________filled the room after the death of the main actor. (sad)
115. We were advised to show _______________in all we do. (to clear)
116. The bar did not get its ________________in time. (license)
117. We got very good ________________from the tutor. (advise)
118. The patient was in a lot of ____________at the hospital. (painful)
119. Sarah wanted to know the __________of the wall. (deep)
120. We did not understand the teacher’s _______________________well. (explain)
121. The school children had strong ______________in their teachers. (believe)
122. The terrorists caused a lot of _______________in America. (destroy)
123. His ____________ lead to his fall. (proud)
124. Sandra’s _____________was neat (to compose)
125. Jesus’ ______________led to his death(love)
126. Mountains are some of the tourist_______________ in Uganda (to attract)
127. The ________________table was not easy to learn. (multiply)
128. What is your father’s ___________________? (occupy)
129. ____________________plants add fertility to the soil. (legume)
130. Her __________________was not accepted by the president. (resign)
131. Thomas was an _____________boy. (adventure)
132. We have a blood ________________between us. (brother)
133. He failed to get a job because of his____________. (tall)
134. She is the new _______________of Bukedde T.V. (edit)
135. We shall do our first ____________exam in November this year. (nation)
136. Our class monitor brought a good______________(suggest)
137. There was a very bitter _______________between the police and the member of parliament. (argue)
138. The front ________________were reserved for the invited guests only. (sit)
139. He joined the army because of his _______________________ for his country. (to be lovely)
140. They all failed to get the right _______________________________ of the word. (pronounce)

Common Nouns
A common noun is a name given to things of kind.
Common nouns are in states of countable and uncountable nouns.
Countable nouns are names of things that can be counted and tell how many they are in number. In that case they can
be seen as one (singular) or as many (plural).
Uncountable nouns are names of things can’t be counted one piece at home usually because they are very small in size.
So, we use capacities and weight as ways of counting them.

Example of common nouns

Countable Uncountable
Book Sugar
Pen Oil
Cow Soil
House Flour
Bag Dust
Boy Powder
Country Water
Girl Gas
Key Paraffin
Glass Ink
Chair Electricity
Pencil etc. Rice

Formation of plural countable nouns.

Most common nouns from plurals by adding’’-s’’

Singular Plural
Cow Cows

21 English Grammer
Pig Pigs
Boy Boys
Girl Girls
Stone Stones
Teacher Teachers
Tree Trees
Chair Chairs
Pen Pens
Goat Goats
Animal Animals
Kitten Kittens
District Districts
Tope Tapes
Candle Candles
Bundle Bundles
Date Dates
Structure Structures
Bag Bags
Lake Lakes
Shoe Shoes
Pencil Pencils
Plate Plates
Bible Bibles
Tribe Tribes
Chain Chains

Most common nouns ending in ‘’-s’’, ‘’-ch’’, “sh’’, “-x’’ ‘-z’ form plurals by adding ‘-es’

Common Nouns ending in ‘-s’’

Singular Plural
Bus Buses
Dress Dress
Glass Glasses
Class Classes
Compass Compasses
Kiss Kisses
Bonus Bonuses
Address Addresses
Countess Countesses
Anus Anuses
Cross Crosses
Atlas Atlases
Gas Gases
Virus Viruses
Chorus Choruses
Octopus Octopuses
Mayoress Mayoresses

Common nouns ending in ‘’-ch’’

Singular Plural
Church Churches
Bench Benches
Torch Torches
Watch Watches
Cockroach Cockroaches
Ostrich Ostriches
Bitch Bitches
Match Matches
Hatch Hatches
Branch Branches

22 English Grammer
Punch Punches
Inch Inches
Bunch Bunches
Speech Speeches
Witch Witches
Porch Porches
Coach Coaches
Pitch Pitches

Common nouns ending in ‘’-sh’’

Singular Plural
Ash Ashes
Rush Rushes
Brush Brushes
Dish Dishes
Wish Wishes
Parish Parishes
Eye-lash Eye-lashes
Flash Flashes
Marsh Marshes
Calabash Calabashes
Bush Bushes

Common Nouns ending in ‘-x’

Box Boxes
Fox Foxes
Fax Faxes

Most common Nouns ending “-f” or “-fe” from plural by changing “-f” or “-fe” to “-ves”
Singular Plural
Leaf Leaves
Knife Knives
Wolf Wolves
Shelf Shelves
Loaf Loaves
Thief Thieves
Life Live
Calf Calves
Half Halves

The following are compositional i.e they take only ‘’-s’’

Singular Plural
Roof Roofs
Gulf Gulfs
Golf Golfs
Staff Staff
Proof Proofs
Handkerchief Handkerchiefs
Chief Chiefs
Stuff Stuffs
Belief Beliefs
Cliff Cliffs

The following with no specific rule take ‘’-s’’ or ‘’-es’’

Singular Plural

23 English Grammer
Dwarf Dwarves
Scarf Scarves
Wharf Wharves
Hoof Hooves

Most common Nouns that end in ‘’o’’ take ‘’-es’’ to form plurals if ‘’o’’ is preceded by a consonant
Singular Plural
Echo Echoes
Negro Negroes
Volcano Volcanoes
Flamingo Flamingoes
Mango Mangoes
Buffalo Buffaloes
Cargo Cargoes
Hero Heroes
Mosquito Mosquitoes
Potato Potatoes

The following are exceptions i.e. They end in ‘’o’’ it is preceded by a consonant but form their plural by adding ‘’-s’’
Singular Plural
Disco Discos
Piano Pianos
Eskimo Eskimos
Albino Albinos
Dynamo Dynamos
Avocado Avocados
Photo Photos
Biro Bros
Solo Solos
Casino Casinos
Logo Logos
Kilo Kilos

Most common Noun ending in ‘’-o’’ preceded by a vowel form plural by adding on ‘’-s’’
Singular Plural
Radio Radios
Studio Studios
Video Videos
Tattoo Tattoos
Bamboo Bamboo
Taboo Taboos
Zoo Zoos
Igloo Igloos

Most common Nouns ending in ‘’-y’’ preceded by a consonant form their plural by changing ‘’-y’’ to ‘’-ies’’
Singular Plural
City Cities
Lady Ladies
Copy Copies
Fly Flies
Factory Factories
Boundary Boundaries
Ministry Ministries
Treaty Treaties
Battery Batteries
Party Parties
Capacity Capacities
Enemy Enemies
Story Stories
Salary Salaries
Berry Berries
Lorry Lorries
Body Bodies

24 English Grammer
Industry Industries
Puppy Puppies
Penny Pennies
Community Communities
Company Companies
Baby Babies
Dictionary Dictionaries
Country Countries
Missionary Missionaries
Society Societies
Ability Abilities
Family Families

Words ending in ‘’-y’’ preceded by a vowel form their plurals by adding ‘’-s’’
Singular Plural
Boy Boys
Donkey Donkey
Toy Toys
Valley Valleys
Turkey Turkeys
Spray Prays
Day Days
Key Keys
Monkey Monkeys
Ray Rays
Play Plays
Tray Trays
Holiday Holidays
Gay Gays
Jockey Jockeys
Chimney Chimneys
Alley Alleys
Way Ways
Trolley Trolleys
Kidney Kidneys
Some common Nouns form their plurals by changing letters that make them
Singular Plural
Man Men
Tooth Teeth
Goose Geese
Gentleman Gentleman
Foot Feet
Mouse Mice
Louse Lice
Policeman Policemen
Woman Women

Words ‘’-ox’’ and ‘’child’’ form their plurals by adding ‘’-en’’

Singular Plural
Ox Oxen
Child Children

Some common Nouns remain the same in plural as they are in singular
Singular Plural
Sheep Sheep
Advice Advice
Deer Deer
Cannon Cannon

Some common nouns don’t have plurals

Information Furniture
Money Wood
Security Dozen

25 English Grammer
Luggage Baggage
Fish Salt
Grass Wool
Hair Timber
Rubbish Paper
Garbage Coffee
Trade Chalk
Equipment Wood

Some common nouns look plural yet singular. All the following cannot change to plural
Measles News
AIDS Mumps
Politics Athletics
Mathematics Physics
Tetanus Tuberculosis
Barracks Rickets
Gallows Civics
Economics Sports

Some nouns change to plural by changing’’-is’’ to’’-es’’

Singular Plural
Oasis Oases
Crisis Crises
Basis Bases
Analysis Analyses
Axis Axes
Some nouns change to plural by changing ‘’-us’’ to ‘’-I’’
Singular Plural
Radius Radii
Syllabus Syllabi
Stimulus Stimuli
Nucleus Nuclei
Focus Foci
Uterus Uteri
Villus Villi
Esophagus Esophagi
Locus Loci
Bronchus Bronchi
Papyrus Papyri
Fungus Fungi

Singular nouns ‘’-um’’ change it to ‘’-a’’ to from their plurals

Aquarium Aquaria
Bacterium Bacteria
Minimum Minima
Medium Media
Maximum Maxima
Stadium Stadia
Forum Fora
Curriculum Curricula
Memorandum Memoranda
Millennium Millennia
Ovum Ova
Symposium Symposia
Agendum Agenda
Podium Podia
Referendum Referenda

Some nouns have irregular plurals

26 English Grammer
Die Die
Index Indices
Formula Formulae
Pupa Pupae
Larva Larvae

Common nouns in pairs

Singular Plural
A pair of shoes Pairs of shoes
A pair of pliers Pairs of pliers
A pair of shorts Pairs of shorts
A pair of spectacles Pairs of spectacles
A pair of knickers Pairs of knickers
A pair of pants Pairs of pants
A pair of trousers Pairs of trousers
A pair of binoculars Pairs of binoculars
A pair of scissors Pairs of scissors
A pair of compasses Pairs of compasses

Formation of plural of common compound Nouns

Two –word compound Nouns
Most common two-word compound nouns form plurals by affecting the last word
Compound Nouns without hyphen
Singular Plural
Blackboard Blackboards
Armchair Armchairs
Spoonful Spoonfuls
Handful Handfuls
Cupful Cupfuls
Mouthful Mouthfuls
Mugful Mugfuls
Handkerchief Handkerchiefs
Homework Homeworks

Compound Nouns with a hyphen

Singular Plural
Step-son Step-sons
Step-mother Step-mothers
Co-worker Co-workers
Game-winner Game-winners
Sport-office Sport-offices
Mouse-trap Mouse-traps
Head-phone Head-phones
Chess-board Chess-boards
Step-daughter Step-daughters
Arm-chair Arm-chairs
Tooth-brush Tooth-brushes
Goal-post Goal-posts
Check-up Check-ups
He-goat He-goats
Tape-measure Tape-measures
Cab-web Cab-webs
Egg-plant Egg-plants

Two-word compound noun but affects the first word
Singular Plural
Passer-by Passers-by
Runner-up Runners-up
Believer-of Believers-of

The following are two-word compound nouns but their plurals by affecting both words
27 English Grammer
Singular Plural
Man-servant Men-servants
Man-teacher Men-teachers
Woman-teacher Women-teachers
Woman-councilor Women-councilors
Man-friend Men-friends

Three- word compound Noun form plurals by affecting the first word

Singular Plural
Sister-in law Sisters-in law
Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
Head –of –state Head s–of –state
Head-of-department Heads-of-department
Master –on-duty Masters –on-duty
Maid-of-honor Maids-of-honor
Master-of-ceremony Masters-of-ceremony
Tag-of-war Tags-of-war
Officer-in- charge Officers-in- charge
Member-of –staff Members-of –staff
Commander-in-chief Commanders-in-chief
Guest-of-honour Guest-of-honour

Singulars and plurals on Nouns and sentences
Give plurals for the underlined words
1. News is led every morning
2. The rebels are fought by the command –in-chief
3. A tooth-brush was sold yesterday
4. They used knife to cut cake
5. The baby was given a spoonful of medicine
6. Measles is deadly disease
7. The passer-by has escaped from prison
8. A tag-of-war is an interesting game
9. Politics was introduced in Uganda after independence
10. Journalists used his pair of binoculars to see at a distance
11. We were going to use wood for my furniture
12. We keep a goose and a turkey for meat
13. The head prefect read his speech
14. A photo has already been taken.


• “a” “an”, “some” and “the” are articles put before common nouns. Articles: “an” and “a” are used with singular
nouns to refer to one thing.
• When we say, ‘A boy is climbing a tree.’, this means any boy, any tree totally unknown to the speaker nor the
listener or never spoken of or heard of by the speaker or the listener.
• Article ‘’a’’ goes before singular nouns with a consonant sound.
e.g. a bag
a boy
a map
before words or abbreviations that begin with ‘U’ pronounced as “you”
e.g. a university
a unique opportunity
a UN member
• Article ‘’an’’ goes before singular nouns with a vowel sound
e.g. an elephant
an umbrella
an obvious mistake
28 English Grammer
before words with a silent ‘h’
e.g. an hour
an honest man
before abbreviations that are pronounced with a vowel sound at the beginning
e.g. an SOS call
an MP
an FM radio
an X- ray

More About The Usage Of The Indefinite Articles

They are use to mean one. E.g. a dozen eggs
I will give you an hour not two.
A thousand shillings.
Used to mean each. E.g. he pays rent twice a month
He write two letters to me a day.

A boy An egg
A pencil An umbrella
A university An heir
A police man An honest man
A union An honourable
A uni-body An owl
A desk An apple
A house An ear
A Ugandan An Alcon etc.
An x-ray

The Use Of The Definite Article ‘’The’’

• It is used before both singular and plural common nouns to refer to particular person, place of thing.
• A noun that takes the definite article ‘the’ must be a familiar-subject to both the person speaking and the one
listening or the sentence must contain words that describe this noun e.g. ‘A boy was caught stealing. The boy
was arrested.’, in the example above, article ‘the’ was used in the second sentence because the first one spoke
of this boy making him well known in the second clause. ‘The strong boys broke the school desk’, in the example
above, article ‘’the’’ was used because there is ‘strong’ which describes the boys leaving them well known to
both the speaker and the listener.
• It is used before proper nouns e.g. The Nile, the Bible, the Red, The Uganda flag etc.
• It is used before words donating classes of things or people e.g. The rich should help the poor.
The blind need support.
The strong should not flight everyone.
The lazy should not be assisted.

The Use Of Article ‘Some’

This is used before plural countable and uncountable nouns. It is used when there is no specific noun being spoken of,
know to neither the listeners nor the speaker e.g. ‘Some boys came here.’ This means that these boys were unknown to
the speaker and listener. ‘Some sugar was poured in the class.’ This means that we are speaking of any unspecific sugar.
Apply article ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘some’, or ‘the’
An albino
Some tea
The p.6 black board
A universal group
A bag
Some water
A boy
An exit
The handsome boy
Some boys ate the food
The girls who steals our sugar

29 English Grammer
The late comers
The big tree near the toilet
The Uganda police
The biggest plane in the world
Some books
Some soil

Fill in with a correct article to complete the sentences below.

1. He eats ________________ every morning.
2. She was bullied by ____________ boys yesterday.
3. _________________ chair he is sitting on is made of wood.
4. Nkoba-zambogo is __________ union of students in high institutions of learning.
5. She brought me _______________ food because I was hungry.
6. ______________ Nile is the longest river in Africa.
7. She came _____________ hour late.
8. Makerere is __________ oldest university in Africa.
9. ______________ English teacher was not able to mark _________ books because he was tired.
10. It was __________ un-wise decision to sit on a broken chair.
11. Dodoma is ______________ capital city of Tanzania.
12. There are _____________ girls in class.
13. Seven is not ______________ even number.
14. ________________ water she drunk was un-boiled.
15. ________ blind need support from us.
16. It is ___________ character of ___________ rich to spend a lot.
17. Mr. Kabushenga is __________ head of _________ New Vision Company.
18. She took me to __________ source of _________ Nile river.

Gender is the fact of being male or female.
Gender are nouns given to people, animals, or things depending on their sex.

Types Of Gender
There are four types of gender in which nouns are classified, i.e.

These nouns /pronouns refer neither to male e.g. Man, actor, boy, him etc.

These nouns /pronouns refer to female e.g. Woman, girls, actress, her etc.

Common Gender
These nouns refer to neither male or female e.g. Baby, child, owner, teacher, driver, doctor, cousin, professor, pastor

Nectar Gender
These nouns refer neither to male or female. They talk about things which are not people, birds or animals. They about
things like trees, houses, boxes, cars etc.

More examples of gender under masculine (male)and (female)

Masculine Feminine
Actor Actress
Bachelor Spinster
Bride groom Bride
Brother Sister
Conductor Conductress

30 English Grammer
Emperor Empress
Father Mother
Gentlemen Lady
God Goddess
Governor Governess
He She
Headmaster Headmistress
Heir Heiress
Hero Heroine
Him Her
Host Hostess
Hunter Huntress
Husband Wife
Instructor Instructorless
King Queen
Lad Lass
Landlord Landlady
Lord Lady
Male Female
Man Woman
Manager Manageress
Man servant Woman servant
Master Mistress
Mayor Mayoress
Mr. Mi s
Nephew Niece
Prince Princess
Shepherd Shepherdess
Sir Madam
Son Daughter
Steward Stewardess
Tailor Tailoress
Seamaster Seamstress
Uncle Aunt
Waiter Waitress
Widower Widow
Wizard Witch
Duke Ductless
Poet Poetess
Prophet Prophetess
Negro Regress
Drone Worker
Billy(goat) Nanny
Boar(pig) Sow
Buck(rabbit) Doe
Bull Cow
Bullock Heifer
Cob Pen
Cock Hen
Dog Bitch
Drake Duck
Drone Bee
Fox Vixen
Gander Goose
Lion Lioness
Ram(sheep) Ewe
Stallion(horse) Mare
Tiger Tigress
Tom(cat) Tabby(cat)
Patron Patroness
Priest Priestess

31 English Grammer
Common Creatures
Old Young Home Sound Meat Movement
Ass Foal Stable Brays
Bear Cub Den Growl
Bird Nestling Nest Whistles
Bull Bullock Kraal Bellows Beef
Cat Kitten Cattery News/puns
Cock Cockerel Coop
Cow Calf/heifer Cowshed Lows/mows
Beer Fawn Bells Venison
Dog Puppy Kennel Barks/howls
Duck Duckling Quacks
Eagle Eaglet Eerie Screams
Elephant Calf Trumpets
Fish Fry Aquariums
Fowl Chicken Coop Clucks
Fox Cub Croaks
Frog Tadpole Beats-
Goat Kid Bleats
Goose Gosling Cackles
Hare Leveret Form
Hen Pullet Coop Cackles Chicken
Horse Foal Stable Neighs/whinny Gallops
Hyena Laughs/screams Prowls
Lion Cub Den Roars
Mare Filly/foal Stable Neighs
Monkey Baby-monkey Chatters Swings
Owl Owlet Nest Hoots Flits
Parrot Cage Screeches
Pig Piglet/pork ling Sty Grunts Pork/bacon Trots
Rabbit Kit Hutch/burrow Squeals Leaps
Rat/mouse Squeaks Scampers
Sheep Lamb Pen Breasts Mutton
Snake Snake let Hisses Glides
Stallion Colt/foal Stable Neighs
Turkey Gobbles Turkey Gobbles
Whale Calf
Wolf Cub Den Howls
Leopard Cub
Person/baby Baby House Talks Walks
Bee Crab Hive Buzz/hum Toddies
Agape Grub Buzzes Flits
Kangaroo Gibbers Swings
Battle Joey
Donkey Drones Crawls
Abound Brays Trots
Cow Brays Bounds
Lark Caws Flaps
Pigeon Squab Sings Soars
A sparrow Coos Flutters
A wren Chirps Flits
Lamp Warbles Hops
Robin Bleats
Swallow Chirps
Tiger Cub Twitters
Buffalo Calf
Buttery Caterpillar
Seal Calf
Hawk Bowel
Trout Fry
Eel Elver
Salmon Parr
Wasp Grub
Moth Caterpillar Croak

32 English Grammer
Crickets Chirps
Bitterns Booms
Serpents Hiss
Oxen Lows
Grasshoppers Chirr
Doves Coo


1. A bad beginning makes a good ending
2. A bad excuse is better than none at all
3. A beggar can never be bankrupt
4. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
5. A burnt child dreads fire
6. A drawing man will catch a lot of a straw
7. A drunkard’s purse is his bottle
8. A food and his money are soon parted
9. A fool may give a wise man counsel
10. A friend in need is a friend indeed
11. A full purse makes the mouth to speak
12. A friend is easier lost than found
13. A good dog deserves a good bone
14. A great name is better than riches
15. A hungry man is an angry man
16. A man’s house is his castle
17. A penny saved is a penny gained
18. A stich in time saves nine
19. A wise man changes his mind sometimes, a fool never
20. A word to a wise, is enough
21. Actions speak louder than words
22. All work and no play makes Jack a mere boy
23. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
24. All that glitters / glisters is not gold
25. All is fair in love and war
26. All is fish that comes to his net
27. Among the blind, the one eyed is a king
28. All is well that ends well
29. An apple a day keeps the doctor a way
30. An idle brain the devils’ workshop
31. An empty bag will not stand upright
32. Kill not the goose that that lays golden eggs
33. Kill two birds with one stone
34. Kind words are worth much and cost little
35. Knowledge is power
36. Lazy people take the most pains
37. An old bird is not to be caught with chaff
38. Appetite comes with eating
39. As a man lives so shall be die.
40. As you make your bed so you must lie on it.
41. As you saw, so you shall reap/ you reap what you saw
42. Ask much to get little
43. Barking dogs seldom bite
44. Be just before you are generous
45. Beggars must not be choosers / a beggar has no choice
46. Better late than never
47. Better a lone than in ill company
48. Better be happy than wise

33 English Grammer
49. Birds of a feather, flock together.
50. Blood is thicker than water
51. Bullies are generally cowards
52. Call a spade a spade
53. Catch who catch can
54. Charity begins at home
55. Cheapest is dearest.
56. Children are what you make them.
57. Christmas comes but once a year.
58. Courtesy costs nothing.
59. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
60. Dead men tell no tails.
61. Delays are dangerous.
62. Diligence is a great teacher
63. Do as I say, not as I do.
64. Do not cut off your nose to spite your face.
65. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.
66. Do not count your chicks before they hatch.
67. Early to bed and early to raise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
68. Easier said than done.
69. Eat to live, but do not live to eat.
70. Employment, brings enjoyment.
71. Empty vessels make the most noise.
72. Enough is better than too much.
73. Every dog has its day.
74. Every cloud has a silver lining.
75. Every man for himself and God for us all.
76. Every man must carry his own cross.
77. Everyone can find fault; few can do better.
78. Everyman has his weakness.
79. Everyone thinks his own burden the heaviest.
80. Everything comes to those who wait.
81. Exchange is no robbery.
82. Experience teaches. / Experience is the best teacher.
83. Extremes are dangerous.
84. Facts are stubborn things.
85. Failure teaches success.
86. Familiarity breeds contempt.
87. Fine feathers make fine birds
88. Fire is good servant but a bad master.
89. First came first serve.
90. Fore warned is forearmed.
91. Fools build houses and wise men buy them.
92. Give him an inch and he will take a mile.
93. Give and spend and God will send.
94. Give the devil his due.
95. God helps those who help themselves.
96. Good beginnings make good endings.
97. Good to begin well, better to end well.
98. Great minds think alike.
99. Great profits, great risks.
100. Great talkers are little doers.
101. Great talkers are great liars.
102. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
103. He who knows most speaks least.
104. He laughs best that laughs last.
105. Honesty is the best policy.
106. Hunger is the best source.
107. If the cap fits, wear it.

34 English Grammer
108. If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
109. If you can’t make man think as you do, make him do as you think.
110. If you wish for peace prepare for war.
111. It is good horse that never stumbles, and a good wife that never grumbles.
112. It is an ill wind that blows no body good.
113. It is easier to get money than to keep it.
114. It is easier to demolish than to build.
115. It is no use crying over spoilt milk.
116. It never rains but it pours.
117. It takes two to make a quarrel.
118. Learning makes the wise wiser but the foolish foolisher.
119. Lend only what you can afford to lose.
120. Let bygones be bygones.
121. Let sleeping dogs lie.
122. Liars should have good memory.
123. Look before you leap.
124. Let the pot not call the kettle black.
125. Lost time is never gained.
126. Nearest is dearest.
127. Necessity hath no law
128. Necessity is the mother of invention.
129. Never cross the bridge until you come to it.
130. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
131. No gain without pain.
132. No man without enemies.
133. No news is good news.
134. Nothing succeeds like success.
135. One fool makes many.
136. One good turn deserves another.
137. One today is worth two tomorrows.
138. Out of sight, out of mind.
139. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
140. Out of a frying pan into the fire.
141. Practice makes perfect.
142. Prevention is better than cure.
143. Pride goes before a fall.
144. Procrastination is a thief of time.
145. Rome was not built in one day.
146. Seeing is believing.
147. Set a thief to catch a thief.
148. Slow and steady wins the race.
149. Soft words break no bones.
150. Sooner said than done.
151. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
152. Still water runs deep.
153. Speaking without thinking is like shouting without aim.
154. Strike while the iron is still hot.
155. Those who make best use of their time have none to spare.
156. Time and tide wait for no man.
157. Time flies.
158. Time cures more than a doctor.
159. Time is the best counsel.
160. Tit for fat is a fair game.
161. To scare the bird is not the best way of catching it.
162. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
163. To forget wrong is the best revenge.
164. To know the disease is half of the cure.
165. Too many cooks spoil the broth (soup).
166. Train a tree, when it is young.

35 English Grammer
167. True love never runs smoothly.
168. Two heads are better than one.
169. Two is company, three is crowd.
170. Union is strength.
171. United we stand, divided we fall.
172. Wash your dirty linen at home.


1. As ancient as the sun or the stars
2. As angry as a wasp
3. As far apart as the poles
4. As artificial as clockwork
5. As bad as the itch
6. As bare as a stone
7. As beautiful as the sunset or as the rainbow
8. As big as an elephant or as a whale
9. As black as ebony or charcoal or coal
10. As blank as an empty bottle
11. As blind as a bat or as ignorance
12. As blue as indigo
13. As blunt as a hammer or as the back of a knife
14. As bold as a lion
15. As boundless as the ocean
16. As brainless as a chimpanzee
17. As brave as Achilles
18. As brief as time or as a dream
19. As bright as a new penny
20. As brilliant as a mirror or as stars
21. As brittle as glass
22. As brown as a berry or as a born
23. As calm as a summer sea or a death
24. As careless as the wind
25. As cautious as a fox
26. As certain as the rising of the morning sun or as Christmas
27. As cheap as dirt or as lies
28. As cheeky as a young cock
29. As cheerful as the bird
30. As cheerless as the grave
31. As clean as a Dutch oven or as a new pin
32. As clever as paint
33. As clear a day light
34. As clumsy as a bear
35. As cold as a dog’s nose
36. As comfortable as coin
37. As common as poverty
38. As confident as justice
39. As constant as the sun
40. As consoling as night
41. As convincing as the multiplication table
42. As cool as a cucumber
43. As costly as an election
44. As countless as the stars or as hair
45. As cowardly as wild duck
46. As cruel as death
47. As cunning as a fox
48. As dangerous as a machine gun
49. As carious as a fish

36 English Grammer
50. As dark as midnight
51. As dead as wood
52. As deaf as beetle
53. As deep as hell or as the sea
54. As delicious as forbidden fruit or as a dream
55. As difficult as a Greek puzzle or as a beginning.
56. As dirty as a hog
57. As distance as the horizon
58. As decile as a lamb
59. As drunk as or as fish or as a beggar
60. As dry as dust or as bone
61. As dump as a mouse
62. As eager as a bridegroom
63. As easy as lying
64. As elastic as a caterpillar
65. A empty as space
66. As expensive as glory
67. As faint as the hum or distant bees
68. As faithful as the dog or as the sun
69. As false as dice
70. As familiar as an oath or as a popular song
71. As fair as the truth
72. As fast as light
73. As fat as sheep’s tail or as a distillery pig
74. As fierce as wolves
75. As firm as faith
76. As flat as a pancake.
77. As foolish as a calf
78. As free as thought or as a fly
79. As fresh as a sea breeze or as a rose
80. As friendless as an alarm clock
81. As friendly as a puppy
82. As fruitful as Egypt
83. As full as an egg
84. As generous as a dream or as a lord
85. As gentle as sleep or as falling drew
86. As glad as a fly
87. As gloomy as night
88. As glorious as the sun
89. As good as gold
90. As great as a lord
91. As greedy as a hog or as a cormorant
92. As green as grass
93. As hairless as an egg
94. As handsome as a paint
95. As happy as a child
96. As hard as steel
97. As harsh as truth
98. As hateful as death or as hell
99. As healthy as a May morning
100. As heavy as lead
101. As high as heaven or as stars
102. As hollow as a drum
103. As honest as a mirror
104. As hopeful as break of day
105. As hot as hell or as fire
106. As humble as a worm
107. As hungry as a wolf or as the grave
108. As ignorant as a child

37 English Grammer
109. As impatient as a lover
110. As inconsistent as the moon or as the weaves
111. As industrious as an aunt
112. As inevitable as death
113. As inflexible as a granite
114. As innocent as a lamb
115. As invisible as the air
116. As jealous as a cat
117. As jolly as a shoe brush
118. As joyful as a fly
119. As joyous as the laughter of a child
120. As keen as a razor
121. As kind as a consent
122. As lazy as a toad or as a lobster
123. As lean as a skeleton
124. As level as a pond
125. As liberal as the sun
126. As lifeless as a grave
127. As light as feather
128. As little as a squirrel
129. As lively as a cricket
130. As loud as thunder
131. As lovely as Venus
132. As loyal as a dove
133. As mad as a hatter
134. As malicious as Satan
135. As mean as a miser
136. As merry as a spring
137. As mobile as humanity
138. As modest as a dove or as primrose
139. As motionless as a corpse
140. As mysterious as an echo
141. As naked as night
142. As natural as life
143. As neat as a nail or as ninepins
144. As nervous as a mouse
145. As a new as day
146. As nice as ninepence
147. As noiseless as a shadow
148. As obedient as a puppet
149. As old as creation
150. As opaque as the sky
151. As open as a smile
152. As opposite as the poles
153. As patient as the hours or as job
154. As peaceful as sleep
155. As persistent as a mosquito
156. As playful as a rabbit or kittens
157. As pleasant as heath
158. As plentiful as blackberries
159. As poor as a church mouse
160. As populous as an anthill
161. As powerful as death or as a lion
162. As powerless as an infant
163. As pretty as a picture or as paint
164. As progressive as time
165. As proud as a peacock
166. As punctual as springtime
167. As quarrelsome as the weasel

38 English Grammer
168. As quick as a flash or as thought
169. As quiet as lamb
170. As rapid as lightening
171. As rare as blue rose or as comet
172. As rebellious as the sea
173. As red as a cherry or blood
174. As regular as a sunrise
175. As remotes as a dream
176. As remote as a dream
177. As rich as Croesus or creole
178. As rotten as dirt
179. As round as O
180. As rough as a storm
181. As rude as a bear
182. As sad as night or as doom
183. As safe as a tortoise under its shell
184. As secrete as thoughts
185. As selfish as a fax
186. As senseless as stones
187. As sensitive as a flower
188. As shameful as a sin
189. As shameless as a nude statue
190. As shapeless as an old shoe
191. As sharp as a razor
192. As short as any dream
193. As shy as the squirrel
194. As sick as dog
195. As silent as a thought
196. As simple as a b c or as a child
197. As sincere as sunlight
198. As sleepless as owls
199. As slippery as ice or a serpent
200. As slow as a snail
201. As small as atoms
202. As smart as paint
203. As smooth as ice
204. As sober as judge
205. As soft as wool or velvet or as fur or as silk
206. As solid as bricks
207. As sour as lime
208. As spacious as the element
209. As stale as old beer
210. As stealthy as a cat
211. As still as a statue
212. As strange as a vision
213. As strong as Hercules or as Samson
214. As stupid as a sloth or as a post
215. As sudden as sap or as lightening
216. As superstitious as sailors
217. As sure as sunrise or death
218. As suspicious as a cat
219. As sweet as sugars
220. As swift as an arrow or as lightening or as a flash
221. As tall as a steeple
222. As tidy as a candy shop
223. As tight as a drum head or as teeth
224. As timid as a mouse
225. As tired as tombstones
226. As tough as leather or as nails

39 English Grammer
227. As transparent as a glass
228. As tricky as an ape
229. As troublesome as monkey
230. As true as the gospel
231. As truthful as a knight of old
232. As ugly as a scare crew or as sin or as bear
233. As uncertain as the weather
234. As unchangeable as the past
235. As unclean as a sin
236. As uncontrollable as the wave
237. As uncompromising as justice
238. As unreal as a dream
239. As unsteady as the ocean
240. As unstable as the wind
241. As unusual as a sailor on a horse back
242. As useful as a cow
243. As vague as a shadow
244. As vigilant as the stars
245. As violent as steam
246. As warm as wool
247. As wasteful as a hen
248. As weak as water
249. As wet as fish
250. As white as snow or as ivory or as lily
251. As wide as hope
252. As wise as Solomon
253. As yellow as Sulphur
254. As young as morn or as dawn
255. As zigzag as lightening

A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun in a sentence. Pronoun helps to avoid repeat ions in sentences.
Kato did everything, Kato’s parents asked, Kato to do.
Kato did everything his parents asked him to do.

Types Of Pronouns
✓ Personal Pronouns
✓ Demonstrative pronouns
✓ Relative pronouns

Personal Pronoun
A personal pronoun is a pronoun that refers to either one of the three persons of speech.
First person (person speaking), second person (person spoken to) or third person (person spoken about).
Persons of speech
Singular Plural
I We
Me Us
My Our
Mine Ours

Person spoken to (2nd person)

Singular Plural
You You
Your Your
Yours Yours
Person spoken about (3rd person)

40 English Grammer
Singular Plural
She They
He They
Her Their
His Their
It They
Him Them
Her Them

Cases Of Personal Pronouns

Nominative Cases (Subjective Case)
These are pronouns that are used to replace subjects (subjective Nouns) in sentences. They show the doer of the action.
Singular Plural
He They
She They
I We
It They
You You

Example sentences
1. Nalumansi planned to stage a show.
She planned to stage a show.
2. You and your sister know that we are friend.
You know that we are friends.
3. Him and I can play dot.
We can play dot.
4. Jack and Silvester spoke to the guest.
They spoke to the guest.
Replace the subject in the following sentences with nominative case pronouns
1. The cow and its calf grazed together in the bush.
2. Nantaba walked alone late at night.
3. Juliet and I were not present for the function.
4. Rodger cleaned his bed and slept off.
5. When James started writing, the dog started barking.
6. James, Jill and you were asked to join the debate.
7. The cupboard broke into pieces when it fall down.

The Objective Case

These are used to replace objects (objective nouns) in sentences. They show the receiver of the action.
Singular Plural
Him Them
Her Them
Me Us
It Them
You You
Examples sentences
1. Fran’s behaviour ashamed our family.
Fran’s behaviour ashamed us.
2. Lavis saw Doreen at the dance.
Lavis saw her ate the dance.
3. The trainer suspended her and them from the game.
The trainer suspended them from the games.
4. We saw a monkey at the zoo.
We saw it at the zoo.

41 English Grammer
Replace the following sentences with objective case pronouns
1. Rita drove the car and had an accident.
2. The teacher slapped the pupil for making noise.
3. The pupils cleaned the class before going home.
4. Julian helped her sister of finishing their homework.
5. The builder showed me and my father how to lay foundation of the houses.
6. The farmer down the cow that destroyed crops.

Adjective Case
These are pronoun that are used as objectives i.e. They describe a noun by telling its owner.

Singular Plural
My Our
His Their
Her Them
Its Their
Your Their
You Your

Since they show the owner of something at same point, they can also be taken as possessive case and we can use
possessive pronouns to replace them.

Applying adjective pronouns

Example sentences
Gilbert took Gilbert’s book for marking.
Gilbert took his book for marking.
Nsubuga carried his and her bag to school.
Nsubuga carried their bag to school.

Possessive Case
These pronouns are used to show possession / ownership or belonging.

Singular Plural
Mine Our
His Their
Hers Their
Its Them
You Your
Example sentences
1. This is my bag.
This bag is mine.
2. That was your mistake.
That mistake was yours.
3. The tool box belonged to him.
The tool box was his.
4. The dress belongs to her.
The dress is hers.
Re-write the following sentences using possessive pronoun.
1. This is my dictionary.
2. That is its tail.
3. She will be your student.

42 English Grammer
4. That was our furniture mat.
5. This is their house.
6. That was his box.
7. These were her lessons.
Example sentences
1. My friend lost his dad last week.
A friend of mine lost his dad last week.
2. They all gathered in his car.
They all gathered in a car of his.
3. A car of theirs got an accident.
His car got an accident.
Re-write the following sentences using possessive case pronouns.

Emphatic Case
Emphatic case pronouns are used to strengthen what is being said.
They are formed by adding ‘self’ or ‘selves’ of the adjective pronouns.
Singular adjective case Emphatic case
My Myself
Your Yourself
Her Herself
His(him) Himself
It Itself
One Oneself

Plural adjective case Emphatic case

Their Themselves
Our Ourselves
You Yourselves

Example sentences
1. He, himself hunt the dog.
2. You, yourself said he was a thief.
3. I myself went to the zoo.
4. John drew the picture by himself
More examples
1. Nsubuga did the work without.
Nsubuga did the work by himself.
2. Nasanga clapped the hands without any one’s help.
Nasanga clapped the hands by herself.

Re-write ending with an emphatic case pronoun

1. Jane and Joseph have done the work without anybody helping them.
2. My father went to the market and bought meat, no body helped him.
3. The cat climbed up the ditch without help.
4. One had to carry out the experiment without others.
5. We are going to carry the luggage if you don’t come and help us.
6. She took her problem to their parents herself. (begin: One….)
7. He will eat this bone by himself today. (Begin: It….)
8. I am lucky to take my book to the English teacher myself. (Begin: You….)
9. You worked very hard with your determination to pass yourself. (begin: One….)

Reflexive Case
Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that tell us that the doer of the action is at the same time the receiver of that action.

These are exactly the same as the Emphatic and only differ in use.

43 English Grammer
Singular Plural
Myself Ourselves
Yourself Yourself
Herself Themselves
Himself Themselves
Itself Themselves
Oneself Themselves
Example sentences
Sharon slapped herself out of fear.
One must love oneself before other.
Candidates must strengthen themselves to work hard.

Provide a suitable reflective pronoun to complete the sentences

1. She looked at _____________________in the mirror.
2. The funny boy laughed at _____________________When he fall.
3. One should take care of _____________________well.
4. Abron helped _____________________With a cup of tea.
5. Burnt _____________________as I was playing with fire.
6. The calf hurt _____________________while jumping over the pence.
7. The carpenter made _____________________a chair.
8. A lunch I served _____________________with fish.
9. When the patron came, we all covered _____________________
10. Every man for_____________________

Summary Of Personal Pronouns

Subject Objective Adjective Possessive Emphatic Reflexive
I Me My Mine Myself Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself Yourself
She Her Her Hers Herself Herself
He Him His His Himself Himself
It It Its Its Itself Itself
One One One’s One’s Oneself Oneself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves Ourselves
You You Your Yours Yourselves Yourselves
They Them Their Their Themselves Themselves

Demonstrative Pronouns
These are pronoun that direct attention to a specific person, place or things.
Demonstrative pronouns that refer to nearby objects.
Singular Plural
This These
Demonstrative pronouns that refer to distant objects.
Singular Plural
That Those

Relative Pronouns
These are pronouns which are used in clauses that are closely related in most cases, these pronouns are used as joining
words, these include: - who

These pronouns being subordinate clauses and relate them to another idea of the same sentence
Examples of ordinary use of these pronouns
1. John is the one who took your pen yesterday.
2. That is the tree which felt over the house last week.

44 English Grammer
3. The girl whom you thought could get a first grade is pregnant.
4. The dog which the madman was chasing was killed.
5. The house that the painter painted last week is spoilt.
6. That is the pupil whose book has been stolen.
7. Those are the desks whose stands broke off during our play.

Subjective Use Of Relative Nouns

This is when a relative pronoun is used to replace subject of a relative clause.
In the subjective use ‘-who-’ and ‘–which-’ are used to relate relative clauses by replacing the subject of the relative
1. The man was taken to the hospital. The man was seriously injured.
2. The rabbit had run fast. The rabbit was later trapped.
3. The boy has come to our school. He was invited to the state house.
4. The dog chased the robbers. It was killed by the gang.
5. That is the man. He stole our money.
6. Those are the cows. They destroyed my garden.

Use the subjective use of writing pronouns to join the relative clause
1. The house girl was taken away. The house girl was a fool.
2. The money was stolen. The money was in the desk locker.
3. The sweepers will re-sweep today. The sweepers swept yesterday.
4. Fauzia was running down the river. Fauzia was killed by a sharp stone.
5. The lazy boy will do all the punishment alone. The lazy boy is rude.
6. The lady was carrying a beautiful bag. The lady was ugly.
7. The mat was not very strong. The mat was made of banana leaves.
8. The beggar is poor. The beggar was dressed in rags.
9. The book has a poor cover. The book has good material.
10. The pupil was ashamed. The pupil was slapped by the teacher.

Objective Use Of Relative Pronouns

This is when relative pronouns are used to replace objects of relative clauses.
In the objective use ‘-whom-’ and ‘-which-‘ are used to relate relative clauses by replacing the object of the relative
1. Mr. Mugabi is coming. I admire him so much.
2. I talked to Wadda. He is a nice person.
3. I went with boy to the market. He has been killed by a car.
4. The cow lost its hoof. Savio bought the cow from the market.
5. The tree had good timber. The carpenter cut it.
6. The soldier was badly hurt. The children saw him.

Use the objective use of relative pronouns to join these relative clauses
1. The hen was eaten by a wild cat. The owner was looking for it.
2. The woman was hanged alive. The police found her stealing.
3. The forest ranger approved the tree for timber. The tree will be cut down.
4. The passers-by found the children playing the road. The children will be punished by the headmaster.
5. The fish was already stale. My father bought it along the road.
6. The teacher constructed the sentence. The sentence was correct.
7. The house was already weak. The thieves broken into it.
8. The buffalo latter killed all of them. The hunters were chasing it.
9. The pupils had done corrections. The teacher did not beat them.
10. The boy failed primary six. Sserwanga laughed at him.

Choose the objective use and the subjective use of pronouns and join the following relative clauses
1. The hospital was a long way. The patient went to it.
2. The lady was really beautiful. The men fought for her at the party.
3. The leopard was shot dead. The leopard was crossing the road.

45 English Grammer
4. The guard was harassed by the thieves. The guard drinks a lot of beer.
5. The house was near the main road. The robbers robbed it.
6. The dirty girls did not go to school. We met her there.
7. The stone had to cut off any nose. The stone was thrown at me.
8. The twins were all born alive. The twins were born last evening.
9. The text book is misplace. The teacher lent it to me yesterday.
10. The house boy stole all our property. Our mother employed him last year.

More About The Relative Clauses Under Subjective And Objective Use.
Types Of Relative Use
1. Defining Relative Clause
2. Non-defining Relative Clause

Defining Relative Clause

A defining relative clause is a clause required to define of qualify the main clause when the subject of the main clause is
not clear
Qualities of Defining relative Clauses
• The subjects of the main clauses are not clear
• Both clauses are short
• No commas are needed when joining the two clauses of the sentence
Example sentences
A dog was run down. A dog crossing the road.
Main clause relative clause

Shown above ‘the Dog’ as a subject in the main clause is not clear so one can ask ‘which dag?’ so the defining relative
clause ‘A dog was crossing the road.’ is introduced to define it.
Note that when joining the two clauses, the relative clause introduced by the relative pronoun comes immediately
before the subject of the main clause and the predicate of the main clause is always the last part of the final answer.
Examples sentence
The children were playing in mud the children are sick
Relative clause main clause

Join the following using Defining Relative Clauses

1. A rat is a funny animal. A rat lives with people.
2. The desks were damaged. The pupils pulled them yesterday.
3. My cousin is a candidate already. I beat him by age.
4. His niece is a brave girl. His niece conducted a hymn in church.
5. The road is very muddy. They took it to town.
6. The snake was a cobra. The witch was playing without it.
7. The thieves were finally killed. Thieves were trying to break in.
8. The drunkard was dragged to her home. We saw her drink himself away.

Non-Defining Relative Clauses

These are relative clauses that don’t define the subject but simply give more information about it.
Qualities of Non-Defining Relative clauses
• The subject of the main clause is clear.
• The clauses are long and independent.
• When the two clauses are joined, they take commas.
Example sentences
Basemera was elected Gild president. Basemera showed good leadership at the university.
Basemera, who showed good leadership at the university, was elected gild.
Join the following using Non Defining Relative Clause
1. The boy was punished after along straggle. The boy deceived his father.
2. The dress was beautifully made out of silk. The lady was wearing it on Christmas day.
3. Mukene was crossing the road along the bridge. Mukene is the shortest man in Lubaga Division.
4. My uncle has just arrived from Nigeria. The Nigerian consulate gave him a lot of prizes for performing well.
5. The edible rat has been trapped in the net. The hunters had been trying to catch it several times.
6. My shoes are already worn out. My aunt brought them from Spain five years ago.

46 English Grammer
Position Of The Preposition Under Subjective Use Of Relative Pronouns
Example sentence
The place was a high hill. The army advanced to it.
The man was riding a bicycle. The army man was aiming his gun a thin

1. The plan was to travel only at night. The passengers agreed to it.
2. The story was not very interesting. The pupils laughed heartily at it.
3. The child was about seven years. The policemen were moving with her.
4. The tree grew down the valley. The fruits belonged to it.
5. The scout camp had very clean water. We were camping in it.
6. The army man was a wrong doer. The citizens complained about him.
7. The thief was arrested by the passer-by. The defiance forces were looking for him.
8. The job was that of a bar attendant. My sister was chosen for it.
9. The officer bought Robert a pancake. Robert delivered the message to him.
10. The river ran fast and deep. My younger brother was drowned in it.
11. The place was strong and well- defended. The soldiers were firing at it
12. The town was full of armed robbers. Josephine ran from it.
13. The two girls did not like physical education. Tom used to sit between them.
14. The dove quickly flew into the air. The boy was aiming his catapult at it.
15. The theatre did not excite the audience. Kintu was accustomed to it.
16. The tree was full of red ants. The children hid under it.

Possessive Use Of Relative Pronouns

This is when Relative pronouns are used to replace possessive cases of relative clauses.
In the possessive use’’-whose’’ is used to relate Relative clauses by replacing the possessive case of the relative clause.

Example sentences
The girl was punished. Her dress was torn at the back.
Ruth and I are crying. Our ball was taken by James.

Join the relative clauses with ‘’-whose’’

1. The man was lost. His bag was stolen from him.
2. The lady was hardworking. Her dressing was the blue apron.
3. The tree suddenly broke down. Its branches had dried.
4. The man was a wizard. His house was burnt.
5. Baagala is a helpful person. Baagala’s behavior is good.
6. The dog was suffering from rabies. Its tail was cut off.
7. The candidate did not win elections. Her qualifications were unsatisfying.
8. The elephant was very dangerous. Its calf had been killed by a pride of lions.
9. Auma is a courageous man. Auma’s courage made him fight a lion.
10. There is the pilot. His aeroplane caught fire last month.
11. There was a man. His arm was broken.
12. Over there is a woman. Her bag is torn.
13. Behaisa is a proud man. Bahaisa’s house is made of mud.
14. Muggaga is the richest man at our village. Mugagga’s car got stuck in mud and nobody could help him.
15. Kanyankole comes from Ankole. Kanyankole’s cows were looted during the war.
16. That is the mad woman. Her leg was shot at.
17. This is the thief. His arms should be tied at the back.
18. Acero is a constructive woman. Her already made stools fetch her a lot of money.
19. The headmaster got a promotion to a D.E.O. His school got a hundred first grades.
20. The learners always pass their studies successfully. Their concentration is always in books.


A verb is a doing word.
A verb is also known as a word of action.

47 English Grammer
Examples of verbs
Eat stand run teach etc.
Dance play sing
Jump sound sit

Since a verb expresses the aspect of time for a given action, each verb has tenses.
A tense is the change of a verb according to time.

Types Of Verbs
Main verbs (principle verbs)
Helping verbs (Auxiliary verbs)
Transitive verbs
Intransitive verbs
Main verb. (Principal verbs)

A main verb is the verb which really stands for the action in the sentence e.g. sleep, eat, slap, sing etc.
These verbs change tense from infinitive (present simple tense) to continuous(progressive) tense to Past simple tense to
participle(perfect) tense.
N.B The tense of the sentence or the time when the action took place is not expressed by these main verbs but rather
by the helping verbs.

Regular Verbs
Regular verbs are main verbs which take ‘’ed,’’ ‘’-d’’ as they change from infinitive to past simple and perfect.
Below are some of the common regular verbs.
Examples of verbs that take ‘’-ed’’ and ‘’-d’’
Present simple (infinitive) progressive Past simple Past perfect
Dance Dancing Danced Danced
Look Looking Looked Looked
Open Opening Opened Opened
Walk Walking Walked Walked
Talk Talking Talked Talked
Vote Voting Voted Voted
Jump Jumping Jumped Jumped
Pick Picking Picked Picked
Park Parking Parked Parked
Care Caring Cared Cared
Behave Behaving Behaved Behaved
Arrive Arriving Arrived Arrived
Use Using Used Used
Advise Advising Advised Advised
Allow Allowing Allowed Allowed
Live Living Lived Lived
Share Sharing Shared Shared
Hope Hoping Hoped Hoped
Bark Barking Barked Barked
Move Moving Moved Moved
Miss Missing Missed Missed
Note Noting Noted Noted
Prove Proving Prove Prove
Pave Paving Paved Paved
Pair Pairing Paired Paired
Piece Piecing Pieced Pieced
Roast Roast Roasted Roasted
Remove Removing Removed Removed
Announce Announcing Announced Announced
Annoy Annoying Annoyed Annoyed
Agree Agreeing Agreed Agreed

48 English Grammer
Answer Answering Answered Answered
Sort Sorting Sorted Sorted
Smear Smearing Smeared Smeared
Sound Sounding Sounded Sounded
Tune Tuning Tuned Tuned
Tease Teasing Teased Teased
Toss Tossing Tossed Tossed
Joke Joking Joked Joked
Except Excepting Excepted Excepted
Mourn Mourning Mourned Mourned
Bake Baking Baked Baked
Book Booking Booked Booked
Admit Admitting Admitted Admitted
Surprise Surprising Surprised Surprised
Maize Amazing Amazed Amazed
Acquire Acquiring Acquired Acquired
Require Requiring Required Required
Stop Stopping Stopped Stopped
Admit Admitting Admitted Admitted
Fit Fitting Fitted Fitted
Mop Mopping Mopped Mopped
Clap Clapping Clapped Clapped
Slap Slapping Slapped Slapped
Refer Referring Referred Referred
Prefer Preferring Preferred Preferred
Transfer Transferring Transferred Transferred
Skip Skipping Skipped Skipped
Permit Permitting Permitted Permitted
Submit Submitting Submit ted Submit ted
Hope Hopping Hopped Hopped
Shop Shopping Shopped Shopped
Map Mapping Mapped Mapped
Transmit Transmitting Transmitted Transmitted
Drop Dropping Dropped Dropped

Verbs that ends with ‘’-y’’ change the ‘’-y’’ to ‘’-I’’ before adding ‘’-ed’’
Present simple (infinitive) progressive Past simple Past perfect
Cry Crying Cried Cried
Fry Frying Fried Fried
Fly Flying Flied Flied
Carry Carrying Carried Carried
Burry Burying Buried Buried
Copy Copying Copied Copied
Marry Marrying Married Married
Purify Purifying Purified Purified
Classify Classifying Classified Classified
Deny Denying Denied Denied
Rely Relying Relied Relied
Spy Spying Spied Spied
Clarify Clarifying Clarified Clarified
Modify Modifying Modified Modified

Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are verbs that do not have a specific way of changing in past and past participle tense
Examples of irregular verbs
Present simple (infinitive) progressive Past simple Past perfect
Eat Eating Ate Eaten

49 English Grammer
Draw Drawing Drew Drawn
Lay Laying Laid Laid
Lead Leading Led Led
Lose Losing Lost Lost
Light Lighting Lit Lit
Pay Paying Paid Paid
Say Saying Said Said
Run Running Run Run
Sell Selling Sold Sold
Send Sending Sent Sent
Shake Shaking Shook Shaken
Show Show Showed Shown
Shoot Shooting Shot Shot
Sleep Sleeping Slept Slept
Stand Standing Stood Stood
Steal Stealing Stole Stolen
Weave Weaving Wove Woven
Speak Speaking Spoke Spoke
Wear Wearing Wore Worn
Bear Bearing Bore Bora
Tear Tearing Tore Torn
Swear Swearing Swore Sworn
Break Breaking Broke Broken
Keep Keeping Kept Kept
Weep Weeping Wept Wept
Feel Feeling Felt Felt
Creep Creeping Crept Crept
Kneel Kneeling Knelt Knelt
Sweep Sweeping Swept Swept
Speed Speeding Sped Sped
Bleed Bleeding Bled Bled
Feed Feeding Fled Fled
Throw Throwing Threw Thrown
Win Wining Won Won
Withdraw Withdrawing Withdrew Withdrawn
Write Writing Wrote Written
Drive Driving Drove Driven
Teach Teaching Taught Taught
Catch Catching Caught Caught
Fight Fighting Fought Fought
Find Finding Found Found
Seek Seeking Sought Sought
Think Thinking Thought Thought
Bind Binding Bound Bound
Wind Winding Wound Wound
Bring Bringing Brought Brought
Buy Buying Bought Bought
Blow Blowing Blew Blown
Choose Choosing Chose Chosen
Fly Flying Flew Flown
Know Knowing Knew Known
Slay Slaying Slew Slain
Forgive Forgiving Forgave Forgiven
Rewind Rewinding Rewound Rewound
Saw Sawing Sawed Sawn
Present Presenting Past Past
Sew Sewing Sewed Sewn

50 English Grammer
Sow Sowing Sowed Sown
Shine Shining Shone Shone
Strive Striving Strove Strove
Spit Spiting Spat Spat
Swell Swelling Swelled Swollen
Flee Fleeing Fled Fled
Lie (deceive) Lying(deceive) Laid (deceive) Laid (deceive)
Lay (eggs) Laying (eggs) Laid (eggs) Laid (eggs)
Hang (things) Hanging(things) Hung (things) Hung (things)
Hang (people) Hanging (people) Hanged (people) Hanged (people)
Mow Mowing Mowed Mown
Dye Dying Dyed Dyed
Ring Ringing Rang Rung
Sing Singing Sang Sang
Spring Springing Sprang Sprung
Drink Drinking Drank Drunk
Sink Sinking Sank Sunk
Run Running Ran Run
Swim Swimming Swam Swum

Some verbs take’’-u-‘’ in both past and pas participle

Present simple (infinitive) progressive Past simple Past perfect
Dig Digging Dug Dug
Strike Striking Struck Struck
Stick Sticking Stuck Stuck
Sting Stinging Stung Stung
Hang(things) Hanging(things) Hung (thins) Hung things)
Flying Flying Flung Flung
Swing Swinging Swung Swung
Wring Wringing Wrung Wrung
Cling Clinging Clung Clung
Stick Sticking Stuck Stuck

Verbs that don’t change at all

Present simple (infinitive) progressive Past simple Past perfect
Put Putting Put Put
Cast Casting Cast Cast
Cost Costing Cost Cost
Broad cast Broad casting Broad cast Broad cast
Telecast Telecasting Telecast Telecast
Shut Shutting Shut Shut
Cut Cutting Cut Cut
Hurt Hurting Hurt Hurt
Hit Hitting Hit Hit
Beat Beating Beat Beat
Spread Spreading Spread Spread
Spit Spiting Spit Spit
Wed Wedding Wed Wed
Set Setting Set Set
Knit Knitting Knit Knit
Quit Quitting Quit Quit
Upset Upsetting Upset Upset
Shed Shedding Shed Shed
Thrust Thrusting Thrust Thrust
Bet Betting Bet Bet
Let Letting Let Let
Burst Bursting Burst Burst

51 English Grammer
Bend Bending Bend Bend
Build Building Built Built
hold holding held held
Deal Dealing Dealt dealt
Do Doing Did Done
Dream Dreaming Dreamt Dreamt
Dwell Dwelling Dwelt Dwelt
Freeze Freezing Froze Frozen
Give Giving Gave Given
Go Going Went Gone
Grind Grinding Grind Grind
Hear Hearing Heard Heard
Grow Growing Grew Grown
Leave Leaving Left Left
Lend Lending Lent Lent
Make Making Made Made
Mean Meaning Meant Meant
Ride Riding Rode Rode
See Seeing Sow Seen
Sit Sitting Sat Sat
Smell Smelling Smelt Smelt
Spell Spelling Spelt Spelt
Take Taking Tooke Taken
Wake Waking Woke Woken
Throw Throwing Threw Thrown

Helping verbs (Auxiliary verbs)

They are necessary for the grammatical structure of the sentence i.e. They help to format the tense of the sentence but
they have no meaning on their own so we usually use them with main verbs.

Below are some of the commonly used helping verbs

Is are
Am are
Was were
Has have

Present Aspect Of Time

Present Simple Tense

This is commonly used for actions that are habitually done.

52 English Grammer
We go to school every day.
I always go to the market.
She eats food daily.

Helping Verbs Used

No helping verbs are used under the present simple tense. so, for that reason, the sense of time in this tense is modeled
by the structure of the main verb.

Tense of Verb
Present tense (infinitive verbs) are used in this tense although the structure of the verb changes depending on whether
the main noun is singular or plural.
Singular Nouns plural like infinitive verbs
Plural Nouns singular like infinitive verbs

Example sentences
Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
She speaks very well. We speak very well.
Mojo plays with puppies. Mojo and Joan play with puppies.
He goes to the market. They go to the market.
The boy brings food. The girls bring food.

Adverbs of time used

every day
every month
every year
rarely etc.

Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete these sentences
1. Our class teacher _____________________good English. (to speak)
2. John _____________________the newspaper daily. (to read)
3. They always _____________________their home work at going time. (did)
4. My mother _____________________children that _____________________the truth. (like, tell)
5. He usually _____________________coffee during break time. (drunk)
6. Joseph always _____________________with the left hand. (writing)
7. A baby _____________________whenever its hungry. (to cried)
8. Lazy students never _____________________hard. (to be working)
9. It often _____________________in the winter season. (rain)
10. He generally _____________________well. (to sing)
11. River Nile _____________________from Uganda to the Red sea. (flew)
12. Rose and Nick _____________________their work in time. (finishes)

Use of present simple tense

1. To show repeated actions of the present.
Example sentences
He visits his family every weekend.

2. To show facts.
Example sentences
The River Nile flows to the North.
53 English Grammer
3. To show abilities in the present.
Example sentences
He plays a guitar very well.
Birds sing sweetly.
Teachers speak good English.

4. To give instructions advice and orders.

Example sentences
Eat food.
Speak English.
Read the Bible and Quran.

Formation of the affirmative and the negative sentences in the present simple tense
Example sentences
1. He goes to school every day.
He does not go to school every day.
2. They eat from cups.
They do not eat from cups.
3. Shallot speaks good English.
Shallot does not speak good English.
4. Cows drink from ponds.
Cows do not drink from ponds.

Re-write these sentences as negative
1. He speaks confidently.
2. She draws accurate angles.
3. Tom and Aaron do homework very late.
4. The children keep their books in the desk locker.
5. Get a new book.
6. Joseph and Mary study at Trinity Family School.
7. Jennet studies hair styling and golden braids.
8. The police men know the leader of the gang.
9. Opio and Aponyo study together in Nakasero.
10. The head teacher drives a whiter car.

Interrogate sentences in present simple tense

1. She prays to the lord.
Does she pray to the lord?
2. We don’t like the night.
Don’t we like the night?
3. Kings don’t lead.
Don’t kings don’t lead?
4. It rains heavily every day.
Does it rain heavily every day?
Yes, it rains heavily every day.

Change the following sentences in interrogative

1. She greets people every morning.
2. Boys grow beards.
3. They don’t have much money to spend.
4. They grow millet in the wild.
5. She studies in Makerere University.
6. They don’t visit us regularly.
7. We inform them about their mistakes.
8. The leopard doesn’t scorch its prey.
9. I often go there to visit.
10. She doesn’t speak unique at all.

54 English Grammer
11. Power doesn’t go off during daytime.
12. Children don’t sing to the angles before they cry.

Re-write the following sentences as present simple tense

1. She had gone to Alexandria city.
2. Our school will meet Mr. Olusegun.
3. She did not make any sound as she moved.
4. The candidates chased the stars to their P.L.E.
5. She went to work very early.
6. She will have bought a new car.
7. The stubborn girl washed her stockings during class time.
8. The children are keeping their books in the lockers.
9. My sister put the cup on the table and helped herself with a cup of tea.
10. They swam their warmth away at noon.

Formatting of question tags

An affirmative sentence takes a negative question tags but yet a negative sentence requires question tag
1. Kings don’t lead, do they?
2. She prays to the, doesn’t she?
3. We play in the night, don’t we?
4. He doesn’t go to the church, does he?
5. I live there, don’t I?
6. Janet does not like school, does she?
7. Clair is beautiful, isn’t she?
8. Sserwanga is strong, isn’t he?
9. Cats are hunters, aren’t they?
10. Cats are not hunters, are they?
11. Sserwanga is not strong, is he?
12. Stop talking, will you?
13. Let’s go and play, shall we?
14. Write to me, will you?
15. Let me sing for you, shall you?

Apply a suitable question tag to each of the following sentences

1. That boy runs fast,
2. You don’t like sugar,
3. I am not slow,
4. You can do that for him
5. Cathy is very fat,
6. Let’s pretend we are not here,
7. Close the door,
8. Let him have a look,
9. One can’t be perfect,
10. He lies on his back in pain,
11. Salongo and Nalongo drink themselves away,
12. Najjemba doesn’t like shouting,

Active and passive voice in present simple tense

In the present simple tense, since no helping verbs are used specifically, we introduce the use of the helping verbs from
the present continuous tense ‘is’ and ‘are’.
In the active voice the sentence begins with the subjects (the doers of the action) then main verb) and ends with an
object (the receiver)
In passive voice the sentence starts with the object.
Objective pronoun s in sentences are changed to subjective form in passive voice although they remain the objects in
those sentences.

Example sentences
1. I eat food from the school kitchen.

55 English Grammer
2. She speaks English.
3. We play football.
Note: When changing to passive voice vague subjects are not to be repeated.
E.g. We
Some people/ someone/ everyone/ people etc.
No one
Some boys
Some girls etc.

More example sentences.

1. Someone eats my food.
2. Mbwa slaps Mpuuta in day light.
3. People speak English all over the world.
4. Who plays with the puppy?
5. Who builds the roads in Uganda?
6. Do you eat food?
7. Does she speak English well?
1. The secretary prepares the papers every morning.
2. The police arrests Alex every week.
3. They build houses in January.
4. This book changes our life.
5. A friend of ours repairs the roof.
6. Most Rwandans speak French.
7. We speak English here.
8. Who communicates to the visitors in this company?
9. Does she take the car for washing?
10. Which pen writes the letter swiftly?
11. Someone deals with you.
12. Who bathes the little learners?
13. Karim does not take sugar.
14. Does Radio Uganda often broadcast sports during lunch time?
15. The team wins a game every time Rahim is the referee.
16. Who punishes late comers in your class?
17. Who askes you for your pen?
18. The coach suspends the captain in the final match.
19. Does your father take you to school?
20. Which dog bites you as you go to school?
21. Does the land lady ask for rent before the month ends?
22. Somebody peeps through the window as we sleep.

Re-write the following sentences in passive voice

1. The girls wear Kkaki shirts.
2. You dig the pit latrine first.
3. Radio Uganda often broad casts lunch time news.
4. That team wins a much whenever Bob is a referee.
5. Who punishes the stubborn boys at your school?
6. Why does she clean the black board?
7. Who slaps those little boys?
8. Musa does not drink milk.
9. Someone steals our food in the dark.
10. They never com their hair.
11. Nobody likes tom.
12. Which class has sensitises the youth of Uganda?
13. Which tree crumbles our house to the ground?
14. Who speaks to the quite boy?

56 English Grammer
15. Does Mary carry the text books?
16. People watch T.V all over Kampala.
17. I never see the shooting star (begin never)
18. Who abuses our good friends?
19. Someone sweeps the office in the morning.
20. Mr. Ingoma writes several books.

Re- write the following sentences in active voice

1. The goats are taken by Musa to graze
2. By whom are your clothes ironed today?
3. By which company were your clothes made?
4. Is the seating room swept by the maid?
5. Lunch time meals are often prepared by the maid
6. Sonko was stubbed by a dagger.
Re-write the following sentences in passive voice
1. Namanya never takes her books for marking.
2. The pupil does her work hurriedly.
3. The army strongly guards the commander in chief on his vacations.
4. Who takes care of Jeremy at home?
5. Zalwango widely spreads the mat on the floor.
6. Which car takes you to school for remedial classes.
7. Does your father fly back home for holidays?
8. Savio runs after the rabbits.
9. Every morning she waits her father till down.
10. The doctor attends to sick people kindly.
11. Serious pupils reach school early enough.
12. Where does she keep the books?
13. Which car runs via your home at dusk?
14. Who takes Malique during holiday times?
15. Doesn’t she sweep the compound in the morning?

Active and passive voice in the present continuous tense

Present Progressive(Continuous) Tense

Is a tense that is used when speaking of actions done in the present and continue going on for some time.
Example sentences
1. We are going to school now.
2. She is eating food from a cup
3. She is buying greens from the market
Helping verbs used
It ‘’is’’ and ‘’are’’ are used as helping verbs for this tense ‘’is’’ is used in a sentence where the principle noun is singular
Example sentences
Nantongo is singing in church.
He is playing with a doll.

‘’are’’ is used when the principle noun is plural.

Example sentences
Nantongo and Nalunkuma are singing in church.
We are playing with a doll.

Tense of verb
The verbs used under present progressive tense are in progressive form (continuous verbs).
E.g. singing
Sitting etc.

Some verbs that are simply taking place in mind cannot be seen happening so they cannot be taken continuous e.g.
57 English Grammer
verbs of sense e.g. see
recognise etc.
Verbs of motion e.g. – think
Dislike etc.

Verbs of thinking e.g. think

Mind etc.

Verbs of possession e.g. own


Example sentences
Singular Plural
She is speaking very well. We are speaking very well.
Moja is playing with puppies. Moja and John are playing with puppies.
He is going to the market. They are going to the market.
The boy is bringing food. The girls are bringing food.

Adverbs of time used


Use the given words in brackets to complete the sentences in present Progressive (continuous) tense
1. Judith is _____________________the letter to her aunt. (write)
2. Pupils _____________________for P.L.E very carefully. (prepare)
3. The girl is _____________________the envelope. (to stamp)
4. She is _____________________after losing her letter? (to weep)
5. I am _____________________Okello’s letter now. (reply)
6. The teacher is _____________________for his letter. (ask)
7. Lugejja _____________________the stamps now. (to buy)
8. They are _____________________their letters from the teacher. (receive)
9. Peter and Paul are _____________________letters from the post office. (to take)
10. Junior and Jeremy _____________________sitting at the front table. (to be)
11. Frémy _____________________driving his car to the washing bay. (to be)

Use the words in brackets to complete the following sentences in present Progressive(continuous) tense
1. I _____________________not going to school today. (to be)
2. They _____________________very fast now. (to run)
3. Moses is _____________________to me, (toile)
4. Why are you _____________________your friend. (hit)
5. The oxen _____________________grazing in the shade. (to be)

58 English Grammer
6. She _____________________at letter now, (write)
7. Alice _____________________with her friends at the peach, (play)
8. The farmer _____________________cassava from the garden. (pick)
9. The old woman _____________________her crops carefully. (to weed)
10. The venders _____________________good vegetables. (not to sell)
11. The head teacher _____________________the school at the assembly. (address)
12. The snake _____________________hind the cupboard. (hide)
13. The dog _____________________at the thieves. (to bark)
14. My mother _____________________supper now. (prepare)
15. The old man _____________________on his mat in pain. (toile)
Negative and interrogative sentences in present continuous tense
Example sentences
1. Sselwadda is learning English.
2. Olin and Octavia are riding themselves away in a wheelbarrow.
Change the following sentences into negative form
1. She is hearing a voice from the dark room.
2. The dogs are barking at him.
3. We are eating some oranges.
4. The shop keepers are selling some sugar.
5. We are dancing now.
6. John is slashing grass from the compound.
7. David is making a toy from fiber.
8. The girls are washing clothes.
9. Mary is eating mangoes.
10. I am mopping the house.

Changing sentences into interrogatives sentences (question form)

Example sentences
1. I am mopping the house.
Am I mopping the house?
Yes, I am mopping the house.
2. We are not Ugandans.
Aren’t we Ugandan?
No, we are not Ugandans.
Change the following sentences into interrogative
1. The baker is eating an apple.
2. I am not receiving my science book.
3. They are learning English.
4. James is not climbing up the pole.
5. Jack is blowing the whistle.
6. They are all not buying a pen.
7. The lady is not feeding the baby.
8. We are looking at the bird.
9. He is playing with a phone.
10. My mother is preparing tea.

Re- write the following sentences in present continuous tense

1. I wrote letters to my friends.
2. John hit the ball hard.
3. I began to like the English language.
4. We will run for his life.
5. Mary ate her lunch moments ago.
6. He walked home alone in the night.
7. The fish swam across the river.
8. We had a good time in his presence.
9. The teacher told the pupils to write properly.
10. The thieves gave the police a hard time to catch.

59 English Grammer
Supply a suitable question tag to the statements.
1. She is sewing her dress,
2. I am singing a nice song
3. We are spending a lot of money
4. Moses is taking pencils out of the shelf
5. It is raining now
6. The man is cutting the tree
7. He is not helping her
8. I am not playing with children
9. The dog is eating bones
10. They are not reading from my book
11. Penning is carrying a basket
12. The girls are not plucking flowers
13. The head teacher is meeting the scouts
14. She is not holding a stick
15. Alice is not cleaning the room
Active and passive voice in the present Progressive(continuous) tense
1. Stella is eating food.
2. Joseph is writing a letter to his brother.
3. Who is taking her to school?
4. Is she play the games.?
Change the following sentences into passive voice
1. The joint choirs are singing a beautiful song.
2. Is she breaking the glasses?
3. The cat is drinking milk from the cow’s udder.
4. The boys are putting ink in their pens.
5. Who is cutting the trees.?
6. Which milk man is selling stale milk.?
7. Okello is taking pencils from my desk.
8. The teachers are attending a work shop.
9. Is the farmer harvesting millet.?
10. Who is preparing the leaves party.?
11. The class monitor is collecting our books.
12. Someone is making pots out of dry sand.
13. Mukasa is kneading mud for his house.
14. Which spring is watering your garden?
15. Otim is riding a new bicycle.
16. Harriet is wearing a new dress.
17. We are taking books to the teacher.
18. Is Bbale reading a newspaper.?
19. Who is sweeping the school compound?
20. She is teaching the English language carefully under inspection.

Change the following sentences to active voice

1. A whistle is being blown by Ali.
2. Our house is being painted by the builders.
3. We are being taught by the teacher now.
4. The baby is being fed by the Nanny.
5. The mats are being woven by the girls.
6. Tables are being made by a pupil in our class.
7. Pupils are being transported by a drunkard bus.
8. By whom are the hospital chairs being made.?
9. By which class teacher is the class room being swept.?
10. The guest of honour is being served by the host.

60 English Grammer
Present Perfect Tense
The present perfect tense is the tense used to show that activity has been completed in the immediate past.

Example sentences
1. The candidate has taken his time to revise.
2. The roommates have settled their issues.

Helping verbs used

1. ‘Has’ is a helping verb used under the present perfect tense if the main noun is singular.
2. ‘Have’ is a helping verb used under the present perfect tense if the main noun is plural.

Tense of the main verb

The main verb in the perfect tense must always be past participle.

Adverbs of time used

This year
This week
A while ago
A moment ago
A few moments back etc.

Example sentences
1. He has already announced his candidacy.
2. I have just seen him write to his dad.
3. We have not ridden in new car yet.
4. She has never gone to the zoo.
5. John has joined our school this week.
6. He has had a lot of ideas to give about the pressing issue.

Complete the following sentences in the present perfect tense using the words in brackets
1. Waka _____________________an interesting novel a while ago. (buy)
2. Kiwanuka _____________________his work from school. (to do)
3. My parents _____________________to the coast. (go)
4. We _____________________enough water to use. (have)
5. Kalungi _____________________hard this term. (work)
6. I _____________________here since 1960. (live)
7. Someone _____________________my car from the road. (steal)
8. Nobody _____________________the top of the world. (to see)
9. Sally _____________________had an accident a few moments ago. (to bee)
10. My brother _____________________to town. (to go)

Re-write the following sentences in present perfect tense

1. You wore beautiful dress.
2. I break the glasses.
3. It begins to rain.
4. You slash your compound.
5. I kneel on my bed and plead to him.
6. Birds fly high in the sky.
7. MC Donald teaches science in a primary school.
8. The water will be flowing by your house.
9. You lie to the teacher.
10. The prisoner had been escaping from prison.

61 English Grammer
11. John tears his books.
12. They have a lot of property to will.
13. Your dog bit me
14. It costs a lot of money.
15. The maid hid the key under the mat.
16. The river freezes in winter.
17. They drink tea at break time.
18. He paid his electricity bills before he died.

Writing sentences in negative form to present perfect tense

Example sentences.
He has paid his electricity bills.

Re-write the following sentences as negative

1. Mwanje has sown seeds in the garden.
2. Brenda has said her prayers.
3. We have seen the teacher just now.
4. We have ever gone to London.
5. Waka has bitten his friend’s hand.
6. The stubborn boys have torn your book.
7. The house girl has hung clothes on the wire.
8. The animals have hard the thunder.
9. The head teacher has taken our sweaters.
10. The baby has cried for several hours.

Expressing sentences in interrogative form

Example sentence
1. The sun has fallen.
Has the sun fallen?
Yes, the sun has fallen.

2. The radios have not stopped working.

Haven’t the radios stopped working?
No, the radios have not stopped working.

Re-write the following sentences in interrogative form
1. The police have shot the thief dead.
2. They have hidden something under the carpet.
3. The mango has not fallen from the tree.
4. The teacher has become very angry.
5. Kingo has not written a good composition.
6. Our teacher hasn’t taught us a lot of English.
7. The hen has laid a golden egg.
8. Lumonde has eaten all the source.
9. The house fly has dirtied our food.
10. Alex has repaired the broken table.

Applying question tags in the present perfect tense.

Example sentences
1. The sun has fallen, hasn’t it?
2. The radios have not stopped working, have they?

Complete the following sentences by supplying a suitable question tag

1. He has hidden your book,
2. The head master has forgiven you,
3. My parents have not gone abroad,
4. My shirt has been torn,
5. His friends have not gone today,

62 English Grammer
6. Jemba has not done the home work,
7. He has built a house,
8. He has not lost his way,
9. You have not carried your set with you,
10. Alex has repaired the broken table,

The use of --------just---------

Example sentences
1.The lazy boy has turned my book a while ago.
2.The paw of the cat has scratched me a while ago.

Re-write the following sentences using ---------just------

1. My niece gave birth to a baby girl a while a while ago.
2. Andy’s father –in-law lost his wife recently.
3. Yoro’s cousin completed p.7 a few weeks ago.
4. Lule’s brother- in –law had a meeting a while ago.
5. Rose wedded this week.
6. The stationer sold many books three minutes ago.
7. My nephew wrote a letter to my niece a short while ago.
8. My family meeting ended two hours ago.

Active and passive voice in the Present perfect tense.

Example sentences
1. The driver has taken the car out for a drive.
2. They have constructed a new house near the northern swamp.
3. Who has stollen from the church basket?
4. Who has taken you for a walk?
5. Has Mwanje sown seeds in the garden?

Re-write the following sentences in passive voice.
1. The police have shot the police dead.
2. Magoola has torn my shirt as he was fighting.
3. Mpiima has fought with Mbabali for a piece of posho.
4. Who has bought you a new hand writing book?
5. Has she spoken to the officer in charge?
6. Which dog has bitten off your finger?
7. Luke’s sister has driven the car carelessly.
8. Have you done all the work in time?
9. The chief has given the orphans free food and clothing.
10. How has the cobbler mended the shoes?

Present Perfect Progressive (Continous) Tense

This tense is used to express things that have been continuous. But ended just a moment ago.

Example sentences
1. The monk has been singing to the lord.
2. The girls have been washing their clothes.

Helping verbs used

Has and have are the helping verbs used in the present perfect continuous tense depending on whether the main
subject is singular or plural respectively to make the tense perfect and been is introduced to any of them to make it
Note: In this tense, the sole duty of been is to make it continuous so it serves no duty of helping verbs at all.

Tense of the main verb

The main verb in any continuous tense must be a progressive (continuous) verb.

63 English Grammer
Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences in present perfect continuous tense.
1. She _____________________that basket since morning. (to carry)
2. The teacher _____________________us for P.L.E props. (brief)
3. He _____________________around town looking for you. (to ride)
4. Lwanga _____________________doing his work. (to be)
5. My parents have _____________________going to the cost since my child hood. (to be)
6. We _____________________enough water to use till she finished it. (have)
7. They _____________________interesting novels for us to read. (to bring)
8. I _____________________here since 1960. (live)
9. She _____________________hard for this term’s end of term exams. (to work)
10. They _____________________to town since they came. (to go)

Forming negative sentences in the present perfect continuous tense.

1. Judith has been playing with the puppy.
2. The boys have been running around the peach.
Re-write the following sentences in negative form
1. They have been dancing since morning.
2. She has been laying there for three hours.
3. They have been learning English since yesterday.
4. Tom has been riding around the lorry.
5. It has been raining for two hours.
6. AIDS has been killing people since 1980.
7. Christians have been praying since morning.
8. He has been boxing his brother.
9. The baby has been suffering from Malaria.
10. She has been crying since she sat there.

Forming interrogative sentences in the present perfect continuous tense

Example sentences
1. Judith has been playing with the puppy.
Has Judith been playing with the puppy?
Yes, Judith has been playing with the puppy.
2. The boys have been running around the peach.
Have the boys been running around the peach?
Yes, the boys have been running around the peach.
3. Jessica has not been revising her books.
Hasn’t Jessica been revising her books?
No, Jessica has not been revising her books.

Re-write the following sentences in interrogative form

1. They have been dancing since morning.
2. She has been lying there for three hours.
3. They have not been learning English since yesterday.
4. Tom has not been riding around the lorry.
5. It has not been raining for two hours.
6. AIDS has been killing people since 1980.
7. Christians have been praying since morning.
8. He has not been boxing his brother.
9. The baby has been suffering from Malaria.
10. She has been crying since she sat there.

Forming question tags in the present perfect continuous tense.

Example sentences
1. The boys have been running around the peach,
2. Jessica has not been revising her books,
3. Judith has been playing with the puppy,

64 English Grammer
Complete the following sentence by supplying a suitable question tag
1. The police have been beating the thieves to death,
2. He has been seeking his book whole day,
3. Shamirah has been beating the cat at home,
4. We have not been eating one mango since morning,
5. They have been kneeling on the mat for prayers,
6. The hen has not been laying a golden egg,
7. Nakasolya has not been raising her legs in joy,
8. The pupils have been learning primary level for ten years now,
9. The politician has been abusing the candidates,
10. The chair person has not been delaying the meeting,

Re- write following sentences in the present perfect continuous tense

1. The dog chases some goats along the side of the hill.
2. As the aeroplane flew in the sky, the car had been stationary in the parking lot.
3. The sun will have been raising when we go for the lesson.
4. The strangers saw a snake on the other side of the escarpment.
5. Our mother gave us some new shoes.
6. He finds some body there every day.
7. He will ask you of the way to the hospital.
8. The driver sees something in front of him.
9. The scouts were sure that there was someone in the camp.
10. The treasure might be somewhere near the bank.
11. The red hair monkey flies around in the trees in the forest.
Active and passive voice in the present perfect continuous tense
Example sentences
1. John has been playing football
2. She has been eating food.
3. Have they been washing clothes?
4. Has Joan been consuming pork?

Re-write the fallowing sentences in passive voice
1. The secretary has been preparing papers since morning.
2. The police have been arresting robbers for two hours.
3. Rich people have been building houses in January.
4. The artist has been painting a portrait of me.
5. Most Ugandans have preparing trips to Dubai.
6. We have been speaking English here.
7. Who has been welcoming the guests in this company?
8. Has he been taking the baby for immunization?
9. Some one has been dealing with the pressing issues.
10. Which teacher has been teaching letter writing?

Re-write the following sentences in active voice.

1. By whom have been the boarding members been being bathed?
2. Tea has not been being taken by Karim.
3. Angume has been being helped by Aguti with homework.
4. Nabuuma’s dress has not been being washed by her.
5. The jewellery has been being stolen by Kasawuli.
6. The shop has been being broken into by the thieves.

Extra activity about the present aspect of time

Fill in the blank space with a correct form of the words in bracket
1. She doesn’t ____________________ to strangers. (talk)
2. She is ___________________ her dress now. (to wash)
3. Have they _______________ their books for marking? (took)
4. The shirt that is being ___________________ by the teacher is white. (to wear)
5. We have not been ____________________ inside the house. (bathed)

65 English Grammer
6. Having ___________________ her car for washing, she remained home. (took)
7. We are __________________ our books now. (covered)
8. They _________________ playing with a rabid dog a while ago. (to be)
9. Ssuuna ___________________ just gone out for a break. (to be)
10. The books have been being _____________________ by Jingo. (to steal)
11. Are we not ____________________ for the paper? (to come)
12. The playful girls have _______________________ the teacher’s papers. (disorganizing)

Re-write the following sentences as instructed

1. Some pupils are playing with the ball. (Re-write and begin: The ball……….)
2. Tom has kicked the ball up in the sky. Re-write beginning: The ball………)
3. Birds of prey eat only fresh meat. (Re-write beginning: Only fresh………….)
4. A dog has bitten Nsamba’s left leg off. (Re-write beginning: Nsamba’s left leg……………)
5. Who heads this school? (re-write ending: ……headed?)
6. Have our books been taken by Mpiima for marking? (Re-write beginning: Has Mpiima……………)
7. Who has been addressing the assembly? (Re-write beginning: By whom…………….)
8. Which officer helps the children to cross the busy road?
9. Nsamba kicks Konde in the morning as they come. (Re-write beginning: Konde……………..)
10. Ssafina has played football to the national level. (Re-write using: …………….by Ssafina……………..)
11. My uncle has been constructing a new plaza in town. (Re-write beginning: A new……………)
12. The playful boys have been constructed by the teacher for breaking the desk. (Re-write beginning: The

Past Aspect of Time

Past Simple Tense
This refers to the events which are related to the past.

Example sentences
Tom fought with Nankya last night.
We wrote on water.
She took all the books for herself.

Helping verb used

Mainly, No helping verbs are used so the nature of tense is made by the main verb and the other duties of the helping
verbs are done by adaptive helping verb ‘do’.

Tense of the main verb

The main verb in the past simple tense appears in the past simple tense form.

Adverbs of time used.

Last… (night, weeks, month, year, Sunday etc.)
Every… (month, week, day, year, etc.)
(hours, years months, an hour, a year etc.) ago

Example sentences
1. I spoke to him in the lobby yesterday.
2. He took all his clothes for laundry a week ago.
3. The teacher slapped the lazy boy in anger last Monday.

Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences in past simple tense
1. He _____________________His shirt last Sunday. (to tear)
2. They _____________________the red colours only. (choose)
3. The pedestrians _____________________along the high street. (driven)
4. The coat _____________________ten thousand shillings. (cast)
5. He suddenly _____________________after hearing the noise. (wake up)

66 English Grammer
6. The reporter _____________________sad news over the television. (telecast)
7. They all _____________________up to greet the visitor. (to stand)
8. She _____________________her belt in air. (swing)
9. The teacher _____________________those who do not complete the work. (beat)
10. The wrong doers _____________________not to do it again. (swear)
11. We _____________________the rope tightly. (hold)
12. The poor man _____________________for medicine from nurse. (to beg)

Usage of past simple tense

Used mainly to show that an action happened in the past.
They blew out the candles last night.
He looked at himself in the mirror.

It is also used to show that an action took place habitually but in the past.
She took her sister to school every morning.

Negative and interrogative sentences in past simple tense

Example sentences
They blew out the candles last night.
He looked at himself in the mirror.

1. He ate posho last week.
2. John stole Mary’s book.
3. I did not see anybody in leaving room.
4. Joan hurt her finger as she was joining the plinks.
5. Columbus discovered America more than four hundred years ago.
6. We all saw the shooting star.
7. The bitch moved with its puppies.
8. The guest of honour reached the venue late.
9. He lost my book as he played with Joan.
10. The king’s son passed away in a car accident.

Form interrogative sentences

1. Jumma went to the market yesterday.
2. Solomon came early today.
3. I put my did not money anywhere in the house.
4. Jane hurt finger as she was joining plunks.
5. Columbus discovered America four hundred years ago.
6. We all saw the shouting star.
7. The bitch moved with its puppies.
8. The guest of hour reached the venue late.
9. She did not speak to the old man politely.
10. Safina did not buy any sugar for the juice.

Re- write the following sentences in past simple tense

1. Mutoni is preparing some mud for his house.
2. She was teaching English.
3. The priest preaches to the congregation.
4. The pupils will sing the national Anthem.
5. We are bathing.
6. She lies to the teacher.
7. The new girl will have done her interview.
8. Otim has ridden a bicycle to home.
9. The trader is selling soda.
10. Tom had torn my shirt.

67 English Grammer
11. The old woman will not weave a mat.
12. Junju does not bathe.
13. She drives a lorry.

Example sentences
1. They wrote letters yesterday,
2. I did not go to the party last evening,
Supply a suitable question tag to the following sentence
1. They hardly visited us,
2. The dog dirtied my uniform
3. Mr. Mulwana did not give a good speech
4. The matron spoke very good English
5. Irene got aggregate four in P.L.E
6. We didn’t know their parents
7. She knelt down and greeted us
8. Humming birds flew back wards
9. A mechanic repaired my car
10. The woman served us with salads


Example sentence
1. Kato played football yesterday.
2. They wrote letters last Monday.

Re-write the following sentences in passive voice
1. Who stole money from the church basket?
2. The maid spoke good English.
3. Did john steal Mary’s book?
4. Some body saw Lucius in the leaving room.
5. We knew their parents by face.
6. The guest of honour gave an over welcoming speech at the valedictory day.
7. The vice president gave the best runner a big prize.
8. How did victor carry the sack of beans?
9. Did praise take you for shopping?
10. Lutwama acted the role of a blind boy in the play.

Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense

This is a tense that is used when referring that happened and continued on for some time out ended before the current
time of speaking.

Example sentences
1. The bird was feeding its nestling in the morning.
2. The men were going to work.
3. I was watching an interesting movie last night.

Helping verbs used

Was – used with singular nouns including ‘I’.
Were- Used together with plural nouns.

Tense of main verb

Just like any other continuous type of tense, the verb is always in progressive tense.

Adverbs of time
No adverbs of time can be given special for this tense but most of the past tense adverbs of time can be used
depending on the message being covered by the speaker.

68 English Grammer
Example sentences
1. The conductor was leading the church choir last Sunday.
2. The young man was poor a year ago.
3. The birds were singing beautifully this morning.

Use the words in the brackets to complete the following sentences in the past continuous tense.
1. Dorothy and Walakila _____________________pictures in the wall. (stick)
2. The prime minister _____________________a Kaunda suit during Christmas (wear)
3. He was _____________________on the bed yesterday. (lie)
4. We _____________________a place in senior one at Gayaza High School last year. (seek)
5. A mosquito _____________________a thief last night. (bite)
6. The goats _____________________around the court yard yesterday. (graze)
7. The student _____________________in a pool of water. (swim)
8. The bees _____________________everybody they came across. (sting)
9. The passengers _____________________to complain about the delay of the bus. (to begin)
10. The child _____________________his toy behind the table. (hide)

Negative and interrogative sentences in the past continuous tense

Example sentences
1. They were splitting fire wood.
They were not splitting fire wood.
Were they splitting fire wood?
Rewrite the following sentences in negative form in the past continuous tense
1. I was reading a book when the teacher came.
2. The sun was shining when we went out.
3. He was lying on the bed.
4. They were working all day yesterday.
5. The doctor was operating on a patient.
6. My father was organizing his documents.
7. The taxi was moving slowly.
8. The dentist was examining the boy’s tooth.
9. John was cleaning the kennel carefully.
10. He was playing football with a team.

Write question forms for the following sentences

1. The taxi conductor was crying out for people.
2. The children were not shouting when their father came back.
3. She was not talking to the stranger.
4. The English teacher taught all day yesterday.
5. My father was not paying school fees for us.
6. Ssenkomago was planning his wedding.
7. The school children were crossing the road carefully.
8. Mother was not preparing any food for lunch.
9. Rwabushana was not buying clothes before we came in.
10. The headteacher was addressing the assembly.


Example sentences
1. He was playing football with a team.
2. Ssegawa was taking Ritah’s book for marking yesterday.
3. The teacher was writing on the black board.

Re-write the following sentences in the passive voice
1. Alex and Fahad were dancing Ndombolo yesterday.
2. People were speaking Arabic all over the world in the 19th century.
3. John was cleaning the chalk board in class today.

69 English Grammer
4. The baby was drinking milk from dirty cup.
5. A pilot was flying an old aeroplane.
6. The rat was eating ground nuts.
7. The children were swimming in dirty water.
8. We were playing football from a muddy peach last evening.
9. Namusoke was singing the national anthem at the National Women’s celebration day.
10. Some body was cracking glass in the leaving room this morning.

Supply a suitable question tag to the following sentences

1. We were finishing the work
2. She was treating her brother wrongly
3. They were not eating any thing
4. He was coming very early today
5. The boy was not suffering from Malaria
6. The children were not eating at the table
7. AIDA was killing Ugandans since 1956
8. She was not lying on the table since morning
9. The sun was shining brightly today
10. I was washing my clothes on the weekend,

Past Perfect Tense

It is commonly used when speaking of actions that happen one after another happens both in the past.

Helping verbs used

Had is the helping verb used in the past perfect tense for both singular and plural nouns.

Tense of the main verb

Just like any other perfect tense, the past perfect uses a perfect tense verb.

Adverbs of time used

Since the past perfect tense is used to speak of actions that happen after another happens, no helping verbs are
usually applied but if needed, one can use adverbs of time from the present participle or marry by to time e.g. by
Monday, 8:00am, by noon, by yesterday.

Example sentences
1. The dog had bitten the young boy
2. We had taken our shoes for mending.

Use the given verbs correctly in the past perfect tense
1. The bird _____________________into the nest already. (fly)
2. The beer _____________________down the straw by the time I sipped it. (flow)
3. He _____________________for Masaka already. (leave)
4. They _____________________the match by six o’clock. (win)
5. The _____________________the baby by the time mother came. (sting)
6. The bell _____________________when we entered the class. (ring)
7. The test had _____________________by the time I entered. (begin)
8. The greens _____________________by the time my mother cooked them. (shrink)
9. We had _____________________a large time before you came. (seek)
10. The patient _____________________the medicine before she took it. (shake)

Forming negative and interrogative sentences in the past perfect tense

Example sentences
1. Mary had gone to church.
Mary had not gone to church.
Had Mary gone to church?
Rewrite the following as negative sentences.
1. The plumber had installed pipes in the new estate.
2. The lazy boy had climbed the papaya tree with ease.
70 English Grammer
3. Henry had come to school bare footed.
4. Musa had been kind to the peasant.
5. The Musician had played the violin carefully.
6. The polite boy had greeted all the guests.
7. Peter had given a very good answer to the teacher.
8. Some Ugandans had gone to support the cranes in Comoros.
9. Jacob had woken up early to watch the match.
10. The teacher had been too annoyed to talk.

Write question forms of the following sentences

1. The wild cat had eaten the hen.
2. The poacher had killed the lion.
3. The house boy had not stolen all our property.
4. Sempagala had lent me his new science book.
5. The conductor had not collected fare from the passengers.
6. A buffalo had late killed all the rangers.
7. The lazy girl had not gone to school that day.
8. The twins had not gone for baptism.
9. A stone had hit locus leg.
10. The oldest girl had not passed P.L.E.
Example sentences
1. Salongo had fetched water from the well nearby days before.
2. Jessica had eaten all the food in the house that day.
Re-write following sentences in passive voice
1. The venders had raised the prices of goods.
2. We had just bought some meat from the butchers.
3. Someone had just killed the gate keeper.
4. Nobody had done it yet.
5. The teacher had not marked our exercise books.
6. The house maid had beaten my child savagely.
7. The police had shot the notorious thief dead.
8. I had picked a rotten mango.
9. He had stolen our bicycle.
10. Some girls eaten some apple from the orchard

Supply a suitable question tag to the following sentences
1. He had hidden your book
2. He had married a beautiful wife
3. The head master had forgiven you
4. My parents had not gone abroad
5. My shirt had been torn,
6. His friends had not done the home work
7. Jemba had not done the home work
8. He had built a Villa
9. You had not carried your set with you
10. He had not lost his way

Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense

Helping verbs used

Had been

Tense of the main verb

Like in any other continuous tense, the main verb is in progressive (continuous) tense.

71 English Grammer
Adverbs of time used
The same approach to adverbs of time used in the Past Perfect tense applies here.

Example sentences
1. I had been harvesting fruits from the orchard.
2. She had been sleeping by the time you arrived.
3. We had been repairing the broken desks by the time the carpenter came.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets in the past perfect continuous tense.
1. They _____________________fire wood for the party. (split)
2. The orphan _____________________claiming the property of the deceased. (to be)
3. The boy _____________________the bicycle by yesterday. (clean)
4. The sun _____________________shinning by a half past eight in the morning. (to be)
5. The teacher _____________________the exercise on the black board. (to write)
6. The machine _____________________the clothes by the time we reached the factory. (spin)
7. We _____________________eggs. (lay)
8. It _____________________its leg by the time it was killed. (raise)
9. The greens _____________________by the time mother cooked them. (shrink)
10. The class captain___________________________ homework books when the lunch time bell went off. (collected)

Formation of the interrogative and negative sentences in the past perfect continuous tense.
Example sentences
1. I had been sleeping.
2. She had been walking the dogs.

Re-write the following sentences as negative.
1. The pupils had been learning English lessons.
2. The police men had been beating the thieves to death.
3. He had been seeking his books the whole night.
4. Nakatumba had been raising her legs instead of hands.
5. Jemimah had been beating cats at home.
6. Salongo had been taking his portrait to the studio.
7. We had been eating a mango from the old man’s tree.
8. Net ballers had been playing net ball that Sunday.
9. The bible teacher had been teaching us the word of God.
10. The sun had been shining brightly that day.

Write question forms for the following responses

1. Christians had been kneeling down for prayers.
2. She had been lying there for an hour.
3. John had been riding his bicycle to school.
4. The cobbler had not been mending our shoes.
5. The rat had not been eating from the granary.
6. They had been playing football with the sick boy.
7. The hens had been laying eggs in the basket.
8. The blind man had not been cutting a tree.
9. The children had been swimming in dirty water.
10. The sun had been shinning earlier than usual.

Active and the passive voice in the past perfect continuous tense
Example sentence
1. Juliet had been dropping the pot down.
2. The dogs had been chasing the goats.

Change the following to passive voice
1. Prosscovia had been clapping her hands.

72 English Grammer
2. The baby had been taking some milk then.
3. Daphine had been singing a sweet song.
4. The musician had been winding his video tape.
5. She had been beginning a journey to the Western.
6. He had been drawing pictures of frogs.
7. Birari had been tying goats on the tree.
8. The young children had been making kites.
9. The gate keeper had been keeping the keys greedily.
10. The bees had been stinging the robbers.

Question tags
Example sentences
1. The wine had been being drunk by the pirates,
2. Tom had been riding his faulty bicycle,

Supply a suitable tag to the following sentences
1. The duck had been flying into the air
2. Ritah had not been staining the glass window
3. Suzan had been lamenting for the spoilt milk
4. Joseph had been starting at the beautiful woman
5. The traders had been raising the prices of soda
6. The carpenter had not been sawing timber form the forest
7. The lazy pupil had not been doing work
8. The teacher had been beating us for the wrong deed
9. The drivers had not been braking the cars
10. That liar had been lying to us for every story

The Future Aspect of Time

Future Simple Tense
As any other future tense, the future simple tense is separated into two parts i.e.
Future simple present
- Future simple past
- Future simple present

Future Simple Tense Present

Helping verbs used
Will – used with all kinds of nouns and pronouns of the second and the third person (you, he, she, it, they and other nouns).
Shall- Used with only pronouns in the first person (I, we).

Study the table below

Person Singular Plural

1st 1 We
2nd You You
3rd He, she, it They

Tense of the main verb

The main verb in the future tense is in infinitive form (present tense)

Adverbs of time used

next…… (week, day Month, hour)
The coming……… (week, day Month, hour)
The following………, the following week, The following day

Example sentences
1. I will fly to Dubai the coming year.

73 English Grammer
2. We shall take chariot to the country house.

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the words in the brackets in the future simple tense.
1. I will _____________________at the farm tomorrow. (work)
2. The man _____________________until our parents come back. (wait)
3. They _____________________the exercise next Monday. (complete)
4. We _____________________the examination room next week. (arrange)
5. She _____________________the late comers into class. (allow)
6. She _____________________birth to a baby boy next month. (to give)
7. That child _____________________you if you are not careful. (deceived)
8. Nobert and Herbert _____________________the mountain together next Monday. (climb)
9. William and George _____________________us at the concert tomorrow. (present)
10. It _____________________him at night since he hasn’t killed it. (bite)

Future Simple Tense Past

Helping verbs used
The future tense past expresses what was expected to happen in the future but never did because of a given reason.

Helping verbs used

This is the use of the past form of will and shall which is would and should respectively.
Although would and should are in the past, they don’t mean that they portray a past tense but rather portray a
suggestive future.

Tense of the main verb

Just like any future simple tense, the main verb in the future tense past is infinitive form (present tense)

Examples sentences
1. I should come tomorrow.
In the above sentences, I am suggesting that it would be good for me to come tomorrow but for some reason,
it is impossible.

Use would or should to complete the sentences in the future simple tense
1. Patricia _____________________sing the song for the whole class today. (sing)
2. He _____________________the classroom tomorrow. (sweep)
3. Our parents _____________________school fees for us in order to have a bright future. (pay)
4. We _____________________it a way for it is hard. (throw)
5. The horse____________________________ everybody since there is no other means. (carry)
6. The visitor ____________________________ rice as matoke is over. (eat)
7. I ____________________________ the recommendation for you next week. (to write)
8. He ____________________________ the fluids to cure quickly. (drink)
9. She____________________________ the hair brightly to attract men. (comb)
10. The baby____________________________ porridge as substitute for milk. (eat)

Negative and interrogative sentences in the future simple tense

Example sentences
1. I will write to the head minister.
I will not write to the head minister.
Will I write to the head minister?
2. We should come to school in time.
We should not come to school in time.
Should we come to school in time?
3. They would board a taxi.
They would not board a taxi.
Would they board a taxi?

Rewrite the following sentences in negative form
1. Mwanje will sow seeds in the garden.
74 English Grammer
2. Brenda would say her prayers.
3. We should see the teacher instantly.
4. Wako would bite his friend’s hand.
5. The stubborn boys will tear you book.
6. The house girl will hung clothes on the wire.
7. The animals would hear the thunder.
8. The head teacher should take our sweaters to the seamstress for mending.
9. James will take his T.V for repair.
10. We shall mourn for their death.

Rewrite the following sentences in interrogative form in the future simple tense
1. The police will shoot at the thief.
2. They should hide everything under the bed.
3. The mangoes will fall from the tree.
4. The teacher would become very angry with you.
5. Kingo would not write good composition.
6. Our teacher will not teach us all the English.
7. The hen will lay many eggs this time.
8. Lumonde will eat all the sauce.
9. The house fly will dirty your food.
10. I shall not go to visit the moon.

Active and passive voice sentences in the future simple tense.

Example sentences
1. Ssempala will take Ssemuju out for a shopping holiday.
2. The city planner would make a general meeting about the construction of new buildings in town this year.
3. A mother would wish the brightest of future for her child even before birth

Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice
1. Who will lead us in prayer tonight?
2. The duck will fly into the air next week.
3. Ritah would break this glass today.
4. Suzan should forget the cup of milk she left on the table.
5. Will Joseph stare at the teacher in class?
6. The traders will not raise the prices of soda.
7. The carpenter should be sawing timber only from the forest.
8. Should the lazy pupil lose her pen every Monday?
9. Would the lorry driver break the lorries at a hill?
10. The teacher will beat us for wrong deed.

Question tags
Supply a suitable question tag to complete the following sentences
1. The patient will not accept the medicine
2. The potter would mix his sand with clay
3. Pupils should learn English more
4. Dogs will not be confined at night
5. The indecent girls will not kneel to greet
6. He would be seeking his books every time
7. Jamirah shall not beat us in speech,
8. Matooke will not like to eat Binyebwa
9. The police men will mistreat the rioters
10. Dogs should not bark at guests at home

The Future Progressive (Continuous) Tense

The Future Progressive (Continuous) Present

Helping verbs

75 English Grammer
Will be and shall be used together with the same persons as explained before.

Tense of the main verb

Just like any other continuous tense, the main verb is always progressive (continuous).

Adverbs of time used

Any adverb in the future tense can be used here.

Complete these sentences using the correct forms of the words in the brackets in the future continuous present.
1. It _____________________heavily tomorrow. (rain)
2. That priest _____________________the mass in the cathedral next Sunday. (offer)
3. My father _____________________up very early in the morning. (wake)
4. The referee _____________________the whistle at the end of the match. (blow)
5. Everybody _____________________a vote for the constituent Assembly on March 28 th 1994. (cast)
6. The carpenter _____________________down trees for timber the next season. (cut)
7. We _____________________the jerrycan with water at 4:00pm. (fill)
8. I _____________________to London by aeroplane next week. (fly)
9. The hens _____________________eggs at mid-day. (lay)
10. He will be _____________________the trip on Thursday next week. (begin)

Future Continuous Past

Helping verbs
Would be and should be used to make the same meaning as explained before.

Tense of the verb

Just like any other continuous tense, the verb is progressive (continuous).

Complete the following sentences in the future continuous past using the words given in brackets.
1. You _____________________the pine apples, the owners are there coming. (cut)
2. The culprit _____________________ready for the punishment, the can has been brought. (get)
3. The dancers _____________________practice since they are going to dance throughout the night. (making)
4. The candidates _____________________the examination room as the examiners bring papers. (arrange)
5. You _____________________your school bag, the car is about to park. (carry)
6. She _____________________her shoes, we are about to go. (polish)
7. Dorothy and Patricia and I _____________________the T.V as supper gets ready. (watch)
8. They _____________________the gospel as Jesus Christ comes back. (spread)
9. We _____________________of what to say before we reach there. (think)
10. Dan, Polly and Mike _____________________the sand on to the lorry because they are about to bring cement.

Negative and interrogative sentences in the future continuous tense

Example sentence
1. We shall eat at the table.
We shall not eat at the table.
Shall we be eating at the table?

Rewrite the following sentences in negative and interrogative form in the future continuous tense
1. We shall be hearing the English teacher.
2. The dogs would be barking at him.
3. We should be eating mangoes by now.
4. The shop keepers will be selling things in the market.
5. We shall be dancing the.
6. John would cut the grass.
7. David would be making a toy.
8. The girls will be washing clothes.
9. Mary will be eating mangoes.
76 English Grammer
10. The racers will be driving cars quickly.

Write question forms for the following responses

1. We shall be learning the new vocabulary.
2. The dogs would be biting his leg off.
3. We should not be eating from dirty plates.
4. The general manager will be checking the quality of the goods.
5. We should not be doing this in class.
6. Joseph would be taking his complaints to the teacher on duty.
7. David will be washing his school uniforms.
8. The boys will be competing in football.
9. Mary will be eating un-washed apples.
10. The racers will not be riding cars quickly tomorrow.

Active and passive voice in the future continuous tense

Example sentences
1. A man should not be selling milk
2. The boys should be putting ink in their pens

Change the following to passive voice
1. Ladies should be singing beautiful songs
2. Will she be breaking the glass windows?
3. The cat would not be drinking the baby’s milk.
4. Which boys shall be raising the flag?
5. Who will be cutting the infected tree?
6. Okello will be taking pencils from the desk locker.
7. Teachers should not be attending workshops at the city hall.
8. The farmer will be harvesting millet next week.
9. We shall be winding our holidays next week but one.
10. The class monitor would not be collecting our exercise books.

Question tags
Supply a suitable question tags to the statements
1. She will be sewing her drees.
2. We shall be singing at the speech day ceremony.
3. We would be spending a lot of money on food.
4. Musa should not be taking pencils out of the shelf.
5. It will be raining very soon.
6. The lumber jack will be cutting the aged tree.
7. She would not be helping her if she was not sick.
8. She will not be eating food until he comes
9. The dog will not be barking until it is unleashed.
10. They will not be nodding.

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense Present

Helping verbs used

Will have and shall have used in ways as explained before.

Tense of the verb

Just like any other perfect tense, the future perfect uses a main verb in perfect tense.

Example sentences
1. I shall have understood the tenses by the end of this topic.
2. By 7:00am we shall have finished this lesson.

77 English Grammer
Fill in the blank spaces with the most suitable word in the future perfect tense Present
1. We _____________________ by the time the teacher comes. (to learn)
2. The boarders _____________________ by the time the power goes off. (sleeping)
3. The troupe _____________________ from morning till evening fall. (train)
4. I _____________________ in the morning before you arrive. (slashing)
5. I _____________________ your names before you tell me. (to know)
6. She will _____________________ cold when it stops raining. (to feel)
7. Damba _____________________ the post until they choose someone new. (hold)
8. Kimuli _____________________ in the garden before it rains. (dig)
9. The boy _____________________ the knife in the banana plant. (to stick)
10. The askari _____________________ the gate before you come. (shut)
11. He _____________________for a first grade by the end of this year. (strive)
12. Primary one pupils _____________________how to write by the time they come to p.2. (learn)
13. I _____________________the lorry up to Mbale by the time he leaves Kampala. (drive)
14. By the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will have _____________________the class room. (enter)
15. By November fifteenth this year, we _____________________P.LE. (complete)
16. Those children _____________________for six complete hours by 2:00pm today. (swim).
17. By tomorrow she _____________________five baskets. (weave)
18. By the end of the next year, you _____________________house of your own. (build)
19. The _____________________hard by morning. (pray)
20. This bee _____________________one hundred people by the time it dies. (sting)

Future Perfect Past

Helping verbs used
Would have and should have use in the same way as explained before.

Tense of the main verb

Like any other perfect tense, the main verb in the future perfect tense is always in perfect tense.

Fill in the blank spaces with the most suitable word in the future perfect tense Past
1. I _____________________ you a pen if I had two. (to give)
2. The teacher _____________________ about her reaction. (speak)
3. The matron _____________________ you up if she had up in time. (wake up)
4. Mpiima _____________________ with us but he is not going. (drove)
5. Patrick _____________________ all the water if he had a cup. (drink)
6. Kagga would _____________________ with you. (to play)
7. I _____________________ the mango. (cutting)
8. Kindo _____________________ all his books in the bag. (put)
9. The potter _____________________ a bigger flower pot. (making)
10. The playful boys _____________________ the glass window. (broke)
11. He _____________________for a first grade by the end of this year. (strive)
12. Primary one pupils _____________________how to write by the time they come to p.2. (learn)
13. I _____________________the lorry up to Mbale by the time he leaves Kampala. (drive)
14. By the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will have _____________________the class room. (enter)
15. By November fifteenth this year, we _____________________P.LE. (complete)
16. Those children _____________________for six complete hours by 2:00pm today. (swim).
17. By tomorrow she _____________________five baskets. (weave)
18. By the end of the next year, you _____________________house of your own. (build)
19. The _____________________hard by morning. (pray)
20. This bee _____________________one hundred people by the time it dies. (sting)

Negative and Interrogative sentences in the future perfect tense

Example sentences
James would have bought us a new reading book.
The teacher will have punished the late comers.

78 English Grammer
Rewrite the following sentences in negative form.
1. The captain would have led us into trouble.
2. She would have lost all his books.
3. Safina will have run away from home.
4. The dairy man would have shaken the ghee well.
5. The plane would have flown by the time you come.
6. Our teacher would not have wound up by the time we go.
7. The lazy boy would have sought for his book.
8. The racer would have speed away.
9. The girls will have swept the class.
10. Ssentongo would have wedded his wife.
11. John would have stolen her food.
12. She would have scored at least 50% in the English paper.
13. Ssembalirwa would have married Nalunga.
14. I would have died of this fatal Covid 19.
15. The aeroplane would have landed on water if the pilot had been an expert.
16. Nakagaba will have eaten food today.
17. Patricia will have finished her home work today.
18. Patience would have fetched water yesterday.
19. She will have gone to school to day.
20. Sylvia should have mopped the house today.

Re-write the following sentences in interrogative form.

1. The suspect would have sworn to tell the truth.
2. Namubiru will not have dreamt about you.
3. The sniffer dog wouldn’t have smelt him.
4. My mother will not have born another son.
5. I shall not have run away from the truth.
6. We shall have sought for the new boy’s book.
7. The referee will not have blown the whistle.
8. The lazy team should not have won the game.
9. The teacher will not have dealt with the troublesome boy.
10. We should have sold all the fruits.
11. They should have tided their house.
12. We would not have worked without our parents on Tuesday.
13. The cow should have fed its calf.
14. The teacher should not have punished the late comers
15. They will not have planned to abort their pregnancies by mid-June.
16. The careless mother should have protected her child.
17. Today’s children would have been very ignorant.
18. Mother will not have given us food by this time tomorrow.
19. James should have cleaned the compound before the arrival of the guests.
20. Parents wouldn’t have helped their children with homework.

Active and passive voice in the future perfect tense

Example sentences
1. Mbalire will have harvest all the millet by the next wet season.
2. Somebody would have bought the car from the auction store.
3. Will the cobra have bitten the baby’s neck?
4. Which conductor should have collected our fare?
5. Who should have taken the infants back home from school?

Re-write the following sentences as passive.
1. The rude woman would have been arrested for gagging her child.
2. Someone would have taken my pen if I had left it on the flor
3. Who would have stopped my bleeding if I had got a wound.?
4. Which school should have educated the orphans.?

79 English Grammer
5. Won’t Sarah have taken books from the library.?
6. The driver wouldn’t have spoken to the rude woman calmly.
7. Shan’t my mother have taken us for a tour in Busia.?
8. Tom will have told him.
9. The rain water would have taken it a way.
10. John would have eaten mangoes from the orchard.

Question tags
Supply a suitable question tag to the following sentences.
1. The suspect would have sworn to tell the truth
2. Namubiru will not have dreamt about you
3. The sniffer dog wouldn’t have smelt him
4. The president would not have gone for the meeting.
5. Kaliisa will have started the ceremony.
6. Someone will have left money in the house
7. Tom will not have told me a nice tale
8. We shall have bled after the shots
9. The guest won’t have seen the first play
10. The bandits would not have any resistance
11. We shall have played football till nightfall
12. The sun shall not have shown by the end of disk
13. The birds should have entertained us
14. The old books would not have been enough for this topic
15. The candidates shall have passed this subject

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Helping verbs used
Will have been
Shall have been

Would have been

Should have been

Tense of the main verb

Just like any other continuous tense, the main verb her must be present continuous.

Example sentences
1. The captain will have been manning the ship.
2. The scouts would have been matching around the compound.
3. The artist shall have been painting the portrait.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets in the future perfect continuous tense present.
1. The camera man _______________________ the photos. (cropped)
2. Luka _______________________ at the horizon of the sun. (look)
3. We _______________________our books in our bags. (pack)
4. I _______________________ my uniform to the seamstress. (take)
5. Sarah _______________________ removing her bag from the dirty water. (to be)
6. We _______________________ our shoes on getting ready for class. (to put)
7. The saloon man _______________________ the people’s hair. (trim off)
8. The garden _______________________ tilling his garden. (to be)
9. The mourners _______________________ for the deceased. (cried)
10. Mwanje will have _______________________ seeds for the next planting season. (to save)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets in the future perfect continuous tense past.
1. The camera man _______________________ the photos. (cropped)
2. Luka _______________________ at the horizon of the sun. (look)
80 English Grammer
3. We _______________________our books in our bags. (pack)
4. I _______________________ my uniform to the seamstress. (take)
5. Sarah _______________________ removing her bag from the dirty water. (to be)
6. We _______________________ our shoes on getting ready for class. (to put)
7. The saloon man _______________________ the people’s hair. (trim off)
8. The garden _______________________ tilling his garden. (to be)
9. The mourners _______________________ for the deceased. (cried)
10. Mwanje will have _______________________ seeds for the next planting season. (to save)

Formation of negative and interrogative sentences in the future perfect continuous tense.
Example sentences
1. The baby should have been crying for its doll.
The baby should not have been crying for its doll.
Should the baby have been crying for its doll?

Re-write the following sentences in negative form
1. Kingo should have been writing a new letter.
2. The hen will have been laying yellow eggs.
3. The teacher will have been marking the books.
4. You would have been hiding under the bed.
5. Our teacher will have been teaching us.
6. Nva will have been eating all the food.
7. The police would have been fighting the armed robbers.
8. The polite girls will have been greeting the guests.
9. We shall have been going out already.
10. I should have been buying a car by now.
11. The police will have been beating the rioters.
12. The seamstress would have been hemming my old shirt.
13. The ranger will have been feeding the elephant calves.
14. John will have been hammering the plunks.
15. Vincent would have been enjoying beers by the beginning of the party.
16. The old would have been bleeding if you had touched it.
17. Her brother will have been catching glow worms.
18. Josephat Kasoma should have been asking for a discount from the attendant.
19. We would have been attending the assembly.
20. A dog should have been eating grass.

Interrogative form
Rewrite the following sentences in interrogative form
1. Mwanje will not have been saving seeds for the next season.
2. Brenda would have been saying her prayers.
3. We should have been seeing the teacher.
4. Wako wouldn’t have been attacking the sick dog.
5. The stubborn boys will have been tearing books.
6. The house girl would have been hanging the washed clothes.
7. The animals will have been hearing the thunder.
8. The head teacher wouldn’t have been taking our sweaters.
9. We should have been taking this Television set for repair.
10. I shall not have been mourning for him.
11. We shall have been taking tea.
12. I shall have been praying to the creator.
13. We shall have been touring Trinidad and Tobago.
14. Okaya should not have been answering the rhetorical question.
15. Zakayo should not have been advertising for Harris industries.
16. People should have been flying if they had wings.
17. Nassimbwa would have been joining elementary school if she had passed P.L.E.
18. It would have been interesting if we all went for the tour.

81 English Grammer
19. The mountain would have been crumbling down.
20. Salongo would not have been feeling cold if it had not rained.

Active and passive voice in the future perfect continuous tense.

Example sentences
1. Namusoke will have been singing the national Anthem at the school assembly.
2. Someone would have been building a new villa in our neighborhood.
Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice
1. Some body will have been sleeping in my bed.
2. Nobody would have been using your pen since you left.
3. Salongo would have been producing babies if he were a woman.
4. People should have been seeing the lion.
5. Who would have been contesting for the highest prefectural post.?
6. Would Nassanga have been tearing papers from your book.?
7. The boys will have been sweeping the room.
8. Which team would have been playing football.?
9. Jane should have been writing a letter to her aunt.
10. The florist will have been arranging the flowers.

Supply a suitable question tag to the following sentences.

1. The stubborn boys will have been tearing books.
2. The house girl would have been hanging the washed clothes.
3. The animals will have been hearing the thunder.
4. The head teacher wouldn’t have been taking our sweaters.
5. We should have been taking this Television set for repair.
6. We shall have been taking tea
7. I shall have been praying to the creator
8. We shall have been touring Trinidad and Tobago
9. Okaya should not have been answering the rhetorical
10. Zakayo should not have been advertising for Harris industries
11. People should have been flaying if they had wings
12. Nassimbwa would have been joining elementary school if she had passed P.L.E
13. It would have been interesting if we all went for the tour.
14. The mountain would have been crumbling down
15. Salongo would not have been feeling cold if it had not rained

More about negative and interrogative sentences

The use of ‘some and any’
Note that ‘any’ is only used in interrogative and negative sentences and when it comes to affirmative sentences,
‘some’ is used.
Example sentences.
The boy took some books from my desk.
The boy didn’t take any books from my desk.
Did the boy take any books from my desk?

He smears some batter on the bread.

Re-write using ‘any’.
1. The dog chases some goats along the side of the hill.
2. The strangers saw some smoke on the other side of the escarpment
3. Our mother gave us some new shoes yesterday.
4. He finds somebody there everyday.
5. He will ask somebody the way to the hospital.
6. The driver can see something in front of him.
7. There is some food on the table.
8. The Scouts were sure there was someone in the camp.

82 English Grammer
9. The treasure might be somewhere near this bank.
10. There are some blue cups in the cupboard.
11. The snake saw some fish on the bank of the river.
12. You can see someone in the tree.
13. There was something new about that issue.
14. Her brother left some money somewhere in this house.
15. They need to look for somebody somewhere for some keys.

Re-write using ‘some’.
1. Was there anyone searching for this book?
2. Is anybody waiting for me outside?
3. Did you see anyone in front of the church?
4. Does he put the duster anywhere in this cupboard?
5. Must there be anything in this house?
6. There wasn't anybody to tell the stranger where to go.
7. They didn't smoke any cigar.
8. She won't get it anywhere in the garden.
9. Have I forgotten anything of high value?
10. Had he seen anybody climbing over the fence?
11. They didn't find any maggots anywhere.
12. Was anyone waiting at the taxi-park?
13. I won't drop anything anywhere in the sea.
14. Need he see anyone for any help?
15. Can you give them anything to do anywhere?

The use of ‘much and many’ , ‘a lot of and a great deal of’
As ‘any’, many and much are used in negative and interrogative sentences. Many is used with countable nouns while
much is used with uncountable nouns.

Example sentences
1. There isn’t any sugar in the tea.
There isn’t much sugar in the tea.
2. There weren’t any boys in the fields.
There weren’t many boys in the fields.
3. Were there any boys in the fields?
Were there many boys in the fields?

Re-write the following sentences using ‘Much or many’

1. There weren't any cows in that town.
2. You wouldn't like any more food, would you?
3. They didn't pick any money from the bank.
4. Did John find any rats in the bush?
5. There wasn't any water in that bucket.
6. Did they visit any kiosks?
7. Johnson didn't see any smiles on the faces of the visitors.
8. The builders didn't bring back any sand.
9. There weren't any hens there.
10. Were there any hippos near the lake?

As ‘some’, ‘a lot of and a great deal of’ are used in affirmative sentences.
You will see that ‘many, changes to ‘a lot of’ and ‘much’ changes to ‘a great deal of’. However, ‘a lot of’ can be used
to replace both ‘much and many’
Example sentences
The pupils haven’t made many mistakes today.
The pupils haven’t a lot of mistakes today.

The porters couldn’t heap much sand.

The porters couldn’t heap a great deal of sand. / The porters couldn’t heap a lot of sand.
83 English Grammer
Are you bringing much money to buy this car?
You are bringing a great deal of money to buy this car. / You are bringing a lot of of money to buy this car.
They might not carry many logs of timber.
They might carry a lot of logs of timber.

Re-write the sentences using ‘a lot of and a great deal of’
1. The teacher hasn't got many cobras in his store.
2. There hadn't been many Sodas to take.
3. He doesn't have much juice.
4. The children didn't take much tea.
5. Did the child take much food?
6. There weren't many oranges wasted.
7. Have the prisoners collected much soil?
8. Will they get many marks in that test?
9. The silly people don't have much wisdom.
10. The millipedes may not possess many legs.

‘a lot of’ and ‘a great deal of’ are similar to ‘some’ since they are all used in only affirmative sentences.
Example sentences
The goat looked at some green grass.
The nurses have received some dresses for duty.
The young ones have taken some salt for the food.
The boy has swallowed some pancakes at ago.

Re-write the sentences using ‘a lot of and a great deal of’
1. The girls took some pens from the teacher's table.
2. They have found some butter on the bread.
3. The leopard will chase some sheep along this path.
4. The strangers have seen some smoke in front of them.
5. Their uncle gave them some second hand clothes.
6. He saw somebody there.
7. The stranded girl asked someone the way to school.
8. The bus conductor saw somebody in front of the bus.
9. There is something on the desk.
10. The scoutmaster was sure there was someone in the scout camp.

The use of ‘far and long’

‘Far’ and ‘long’ are used in negative and affirmative sentences only.
Note that ‘far’ is used when talking about distance while ‘long’ is only used when talking about time.
Example sentences
He didn’t take long dismantling his house.
The lions have not taken long catching the prey.
Is it far from here to Nairobi?
Has it been long to reach here?
Fill in the gaps with ‘far’ or ‘long’
1. 1. The children may not spend ____________________ doing this exam."
2. 2. The journey did not take ____________________ to cover up.
3. 3. It isn't____________________ to walk up to the theatre.
4. 4. Will the distance take ____________________ to complete?
5. 5. Was it. ____________________ from Masaka to Mbale?
6. 6. The thieves couldn't spend____________________ slaughtering the goat.
7. 7. The lost people didn't go ____________________ before they were killed by bandits.
8. 8. Will he be ____________________ doing that?
9. 10. You are not ____________________ from the main point.
10. Does it take ____________________ to write the word ‘congratulations’?
84 English Grammer
‘far’ and ‘long’ in affirmative sentences
When far and long are used in affirmative sentences they change i.e. ‘far’ becomes ‘a long way’ and ‘long’ becomes
‘a long time’
Example sentences
1. Did the gardener take long to till the garden?
The gardener took a long time to till the garden.
2. The slaves haven’t spent long slashing the compound.
The slaves have spent a long time slashing the compound.
3. We hadn’t gone very far before we discovered what we wanted.
We had gone a long way before we discovered what we wanted.
4. Is it far from Kabujogera to Ibanda?
It is a long way from Kabujogera to Ibanda.
Change the following sentences from negative or interrogative to affirmative.
1. My home is not far from school.
2. Kabale is not far away from here,
3. It doesn't take long to catch you.
4. Does it take long from Kitgum to Lira?
5. It is not far from Mbarara to Lyantonde.
6. Shall I be long eating this Avocado?
7. Is it far from Mbale to Soroti?
8. The match didn't last long.
9. Will the pilot stay long in the bar?
10. You aren't far from the cause of the disease.
11. Can that shop be far from the trading centre?
12. Did the class take long to finish the exercise?
13. The thief hadn't gone far before he met the police.
14. Will you be away for long?
15. I shan't spend long doing these fifteen numbers.

Make negative and interrogative sentences for the following.

1. Is our house far from yours?
2. I am a long way from my home.
3. It takes a long time to write out these sentences.
4. You spend a long time reading your lesson books.
5. It's a long way from Pakwach to Gulu.
6. The railway station is a long way from the market.
Change negative to affirmative or vice versa
1. The Chairman found a lot of dirt on his chair.
2. The patients walked for a long time before they reached the hospital
3. The chicks spent a long time with their mother.
4. The children met somebody on their way to church.
5. That baby has put something in his ear.
6. They left their bags somewhere in the bus.
7. The strayed woman saw someone who accompanied her to the hotel.
8. The sister has taken some flowers to the church.
9. The priests may conduct some masses in various churches.
10. The students stole a lot of books from the library.
Change the following to affirmative sentences
1. He says it isn't anywhere in his file.
2. Can't I do anything to help this patient?
3. It isn't far from his house to his office.
4. The school doesn't have much money to rent this house.
5. The speaker didn't receive as many people as he expected.
6. The candidates haven't written any correct answer.
7. Not many boys did better than girls in this test.
8. Shall we be long on the way?
9. Was there anybody in the dressing room?
10. Did you find any urine under her bed?

85 English Grammer
The Use of When, While and As -----------
N.B: If you begin a sentence with any of the above structures insert a comma to separate the two clauses.
When the above structures are used;
- To show that two activities took place in the past one after the other.
- When Christine was slicing onions, she cut herself.
- While --------------------------
- As ------------------------------
But if when, while and as appear in the middle of a sentence, we don’t use a comma.
These conjunction can be used with both short action verbs (ate, fell, slapped etc.) and long action verbs(eating,
falling, slapped etc.)
Example sentences.
1. The girls were signing. The boys were drumming and clapping
When the girls were singing, the boys were drumming and clapping
The girls were singing as the boys were drumming and clapping
2. The teacher slapped Matovu. He was opening his mouth
While Matovu was opening his mouth, the teacher slapped him
The teacher slapped Matovu as he was opening his mouth.
3. I was going to school. I met my aunt.
4. The head teacher was addressing us. The sick girl fell down.
5. Joan is conversing. Rita is sweeping.

Join the following sentences with when/ while/ as.
1. Mpaka was climbing a mango tree. He saw a snake.
2. Jolly was chewing a sweet. She bit her tongue.
3. They were carrying heavy luggage. They fell down.
4. The policeman was chasing a thief. The policeman was killed.
5. The thief was holding a stolen radio. He was shot at.
6. Nalukwago was jumping upwards. The tree hit her head.
7. The teacher was opening the book. He remembered the page.
8. They were looking at their dead mother. They burst into tears.
9. Angella was moving at night. A night dancer caught her.
10. I was passing by. I heard her voice.
11. Muhindo was singing a song. Bwambale was kicking a football.
12. Rose is dancing around. Peter is playing a guitar.
13. The teacher is teaching, Kazooba is playing with a toy car.
14. My father is driving a car. I am riding a motor cycle.
15. My mother was mending my dress. My brother was tearing it.

Re-write the following sentences as instructed

1. The referee blew the whistle. The match was going on (Begin: While……………….)
2. The teacher was teaching. Ssekamanya was playing with a doll. (Use: ……………………as……………….….)
3. The farmers were sowing seeds. It rained heavily. (Begin: When……………….….)
4. Ssemuju poured mud all over the ground. Namuju was cleaning the house. (Use:……..while….)
5. It was raining. The sun shone. (Begin: As……………..)
6. The pupils were writing an exam. The teacher was supervising them. (Begin: While………………..)
7. The doctor was operating on the patient. The patient died: (Begin As……………….)
8. The dentist was examining the boy’s tooth. The boy vomited all over his face. (Use:
9. Julius broke his leg. He was playing football. (Begin When……………..…….)
10. I was watching a football match as my sister was doing her homework (Begin: When…………..)
11. As the train was moving, a boy jumped off. (Use:………………..while………………….…)
12. The teacher arrived in class. The pupils were sleeping. (Begin when….)

The Use of By the Time…

1. We shall finish this work before the teacher comes back.
By the time teacher comes, we shall have finished this work.

86 English Grammer
We shall have finished this work by the time the teacher comes back.
2. Bullets fired after Letisha had finished her food.
By the time bullets fired, Letisha had finished her food.
Letisha had finished her food by the time bullets fired.
3. We shall finish our P.L.E before this year ends.
By the end of this year, we shall have finished our P.L.E.
We shall have finished our P.L.E by the end of this year.
4. Bumaali will get his money before night fall.
Rewrite the following sentences instructed in the brackets.
1. My young brother will go to primary two when I have completed P.7. (Begin: By the time…………..)
2. Peter will go away before Jane comes. (Begin by the time……………..)
3. We shall finish writing our P.L.E in the first week of November. (Begin: By the first week of December…………….)
4. I answered all the questions before I went to bed. (Use: -----by the time………….)
5. She was elected guild president before her aunt came back from London. (Use: -------by the time…)
6. Salome witnessed three thunder storms before down. (Begin: By down……………)
7. The function will end at four o’clock. (Begin: By five o’clock……………..)
8. Acheng will reach Tororo before sunset. (Begin: By sunset…………….)
9. Musuja roofed his new house first then he went to Kisumu. (Begin: By the time)
10. The veterinary doctor reached the farm late, the goats had already died. (Use: ………….by the time……..)

A participle is a subordinate clause which begins with a continuous of a verb or a past perfect
There are three types of particles
1. Present participles
2. Past participle
3. Perfect participles

Present participles
This is when the clause begins with the continuous of the main verb.

Study the sentences below

Coming closer, the lion snatched the calf from its mother.
Wearing a mini skirt, the lady ashamed the whole clan.

Past participles
This is when the clause begins with a past perfect of the main verb.

Study these sentences below

Deceived by his friends, the boy lost his finger into the dog’s mouth.
Spoken by most people in the world, English liked by most sensible people in Uganda.

Perfect participles
This is when the sentence begins with helping verb having and the main verb appears in past participle.

Study the sentences below

Having remembered her name, Musa wrote her a letter.
Having thrown the first punch, the fearful boy ran to his mother.

Making meaning of particles in sentences.

Example sentences
(a) Richard first ate food and ran to school

Subordinate clause main clause

a. Eating food Richard ran to school

Subordinate clause main clause

87 English Grammer
b. Having eaten food, Richard ran to school

Sentence a means Richard was eating as he was walking.

Sentence b means Richard first finished eating the went to school. Both of the above sentences can be at any point
correct answers for the question but according to the meaning of the sentence, Sentence b is the most correct.
She was dancing very wildly when a man knocked with a bottle.
a. Dancing very wildly, a man knocked her with a bottle.
b. Having dance very wildly, she was knocked with a bottle by a man.
Sentence a means as she was dancing, the man knocked her.
Sentence b means that she first finished dancing then the man knocked her.
According to the meaning of the question, answer a is correct.
Points to note
When the two clauses share the same subject, it is mentioned once at the beginning of the main clause.
If there is no main verb in the subordinate clause, ’being ‘’ is introduced to give that advantage.
Example sentences
Magezi is clever and passed P.L.E highly.
Being clever, Magezi passed P.L.E highly.
He was not serious, he failed P.L.E seriously.
Not being serious, he failed P.L.E seriously.

Sentences beginning with different subjects can be written as participles as seen below.
1. The bee stung the boys, Ssentema laughed in joy.
The bee stinging the boys, Ssentema laughed in joy.
2. The weather was good, the farmer continued to saw seeds.
The weather being good, the farmer continued to saw seeds.

Rewrite these sentences using participles of the underlined word.

1. The girl spoke English well and was elected prefect.
2. The diva walked carelessly and was knocked down by a speeding trailer.
3. Rose drives very carefully, she is sensible.
4. I decided to go swimming. It was very hot.
5. The pupils performed well in the test and the teacher gave them prizes.
6. The woman split fire wood. The woman cut herself.

Rewrite as instructed in brackets

1. It is a real shame for a candidate to steal in class. (Rewrite Ending: ……………….a candidate.)
2. It is stupidity to mention such. (Rewrite ending………………...stupidity.)
3. Agatalikonfufu is interesting to watch. (Begin: Watching………….…)
4. Professor Mandu wrote his speech. He took it to Mr. Luwombo for approval. (Begin: Having………………….)
5. He read through the end of term circular. He found several mistakes. (Rewrite and begin: Reading…………)
6. Fortune was peeling matooke when she cut her finger. (Begin: Peeling………….)
7. Mululu ate leftovers. Mululu felt stomach ache. (Begin: Having………………)
8. It is interesting to teach children who are well brought up. (Begin: Children……………..……..)
9. The old woman was not given food. She died of hunger. (Begin: As a result………………………)
10. He was elected dormitory captain. He was very pleased. (Rewrite using: ……………....made……………….…..)
11. Children need love and care from their mothers. (Begin: What…………….……..)
12. It is not easy to live with people who want to eat all the time. (Begin: To live…………………….….)


Prepositions are words used with nouns to show relationship to other words in a sentence.
Study the use of the following prepositions. To, at and from
‘’to’’ indicates a movement taken to reach a point, place, a person or thing.
Example sentences
1. This road leads to Masaka.
2. Send this letter to Jackie.

88 English Grammer
3. She slapped him to teach him public character.

‘’at’ indicates no movement in relation to point or place.

Example sentences
1. I ask you to meet at the pent house.
2. Sit at the table with elders.

‘’from’’ indicates movement the opposite of approaching.

Example sentences
1. The train comes from Kampala to Masaka.
2. Go away from here to there.

Fill the given space with to at or from.
1. Our mother buys food _____________________the market.
2. I don’t like to move _____________________night.
3. My watch reads ten minutes _____________________four o’clock.
4. Don’t laugh _____________________lame people and never shout _____________________them.
5. Kamuli is long way _____________________here.
6. She is coming _____________________fetching water.
7. The active boy is sitting _____________________his desk, writing a letter _____________________his father.
8. One should always knock _____________________the door before entering.
9. The traders can get foreign currency _____________________any bank.
10. The rivers flow _____________________the highlands _____________________the lakes.
11. It is very interesting learning _____________________the best.
12. It is not good eating _____________________a cup.
13. Why do you talk _____________________strangers?

On, off, into, outside, inside, out of

‘on’ indicates movement approaching a surface or rest when an object has reached a surface and is supported by
that surface.

Example sentences
1. Put your books on the teacher’s table.
2. There are shops on both sides of Luwumu street.

‘’off’’ indicates movement to the opposite of approaching

Example sentences
1. Keep off the grass of our compound.
2. My car is taking off.

‘’in’’ indicates a movement entering a space of something.

Example sentences
1. Staying in class for the rest of the day.
2. Put that book in the cupboard.

‘’into’’ emphasizes the idea of movement entering a space

Example sentences
1. Come to the house and dress properly.
2. He divided the whole into five pieces.
3. He divided into the water.

‘’outside’’ mean not in.

‘’inside’’ means not outside.
Example sentences
1. There are many rats inside our house.
2. We always play outside the classroom.

‘’out of’’ indicates a movement the opposite of entering

89 English Grammer
Example sentences
1. Take the plates out of the cupboard.
2. She come out of the pit by herself.

Fill in the gaps with on, off, in, , into, outside, inside and out of.
1. The teacher has forty pupils _____________________his class.
2. Cut another slice _____________________the loaf.
3. Their shop was _____________________fire yesterday.
4. The voters stood _____________________a long line.
5. The hen carried the snake _____________________its beak.
6. Keep the domestic animals _____________________the road.
7. Don’t let the dog come _____________________the house.
8. My parents have rings _____________________their fingers.
9. My mother has no occupation _____________________her office work.
10. The players kicked the ball _____________________the field.
11. You can easily dive _____________________the swimming pool but you can’t jump _____________________it so
12. She has taken her books _____________________her bag.

Up down, of, with, against, between, among, since, for, till(until)

‘’up’’ indicates movement up wards.
1. The tourist climbed up the hill.
2. We shall climb up the lory.

‘’down’’ indicate movement down wards.

1. The tourists went down the hill.

‘’of’’ indicates relationship of a general kind.

1. The heat of the sun is useful to people.
2. A quarter of an hour has passed.

‘’with’’ indicates movement in the same direction as something else.

1. Come with your friend at the party.
2. The dog went with the hunter to find prey.

‘’against’’ indicates movement in the opposite direction so that the two forces meet in opposition.
Example sentences
1. The backbenchers are leaning against the wall.
2. We are going to play net ball against that school.

‘’between’’ is generally used for two things while among is used for a number either more than two or when not sure of
how many.
1. Divide this orange between you two.
2. She shared the mango among her four brothers

‘’since’’ is used when a starting point of time is given while for is used when duration or period orlength of time is given.
1. The refugees have lived in Uganda since 1962
2. The refugees have lived in Uganda for thirty sixty years
‘’until (till)’’ mean up to the time when.
1. I shall not go until (till) you give me my money
2. The shop keeper will not give you the shoes until (till) you pay.
3. Until four o’clock, I shall not live this class.

90 English Grammer
Fill the gaps with up, down, of, with, against, between, among, since, for, till and until.
1. Musa had drawn a line _____________________a sheet of paper.
2. The thief was standing just _____________________me.
3. The railway line run _____________________the coast.
4. The Jinja road goes _____________________a deep forest.
5. The river flows _____________________a small village.
6. The rebels went _____________________a wide plane.
7. There are trees all _____________________the river bank.
8. The thief entered the house _____________________the window.
9. The driver took the taxi _____________________the traffic signals.
10. The most comfortable seat is the one _____________________the window.

Fill the gaps with up, down, of, with, against, between, among, since, for, till until.
1. The teacher waits _____________________all children are silent before they begin lessons.
2. The rivers flows _____________________its banks.
3. The visitor is leaning _____________________the glass door.
4. The guest will stay here _____________________about four hours.
5. Our bed is all made _____________________metal.
6. Cover _____________________the juice to keep it fresh.
7. Look at that lady _____________________an angry look in her face.
8. The house girl fell _____________________the stairs and broke her arm.
9. The children in this house often found quarrelling _____________________themselves.
10. I shall not see you _____________________Sunday.
11. Mulungi hasn’t been inside the new house _____________________he finished it.

By, past, beside, along, across, through

‘’by’’ indicates a movement passing near a person, a place or thing.
It can also mean a movement at the side of a person or thing.
It can also show an agent by which something is done.
Example sentences
1. We always pass by your shop on our way to school
2. Wandera sits by the side of Anguti.
3. The balloon flew into the air by wind.

‘’past’’ means passing by and going further than the thing referred to.
Example sentences
As she walked past me, she stopped and laughed.
Nabeta ran past the ending line.

‘beside’ means on the near side of something.

Example sentences
1. I shall sit beside Jannat.
2. Our house is beside yours.

‘’along’’ indicates a movement following a straight line or path.

Example sentences
1. The police men are matching along the road.
2. The cloth was cut along this line.

‘’across’’ indicates a movement from one side of a line or surface to the other.
Example sentences
1. The tree fell across the railway line.
2. The clever boy run across the road.
‘’through’’ indicates a movement into and then out of a space.
Example sentences
1. The railway line goes through a short tunnel at Entebbe.
2. The indiscipline boy went through the window.

91 English Grammer
Fill the gaps with by, past, beside, along, across and through
1. Musa had drawn a line _____________________a sheet of paper.
2. The thief was standing just _____________________me.
3. The railway line run _____________________the coast.
4. The Jinja road goes _____________________a deep forest.
5. The river flows _____________________a small village.
6. The rebels went _____________________a wide plane.
7. There are trees all _____________________the river bank.
8. The thief entered the house _____________________the window.
9. The driver took the taxi _____________________the traffic signals.
10. The most comfortable seat is the one _____________________the window.

Note the following words which take particular prepositions

Accuse of.
accustomed to
Afraid of
Aim at
Angry with (person)
at (thing
Arrive at (small place)
In (big place)
at (a certain time)
Ashamed of
Believe in
Benefit by or from
Boast of
Care of
Complain of
Composed of
Independent of
Conform to
Congratulate on / upon
Consist of
Depend on
Deprive of
Die of
Different from
Doubt of or about
Dressed in
Fall in
Full of
Good at
Guard against
Guilty of
Insist on
Interested in
Jealous of
Look at
Married to
Pleased with
Prefer to
Related to
Repent of
Satisfied with
Similar to
Succeed in
Superior to

92 English Grammer
Sure of
Charged with
Care of
Preside at or over
Popular with
Pass by
Opposite to
Leave for
Rejoice at or in
Exception to
Disappointed in
Comply with surprised at
Suspected of
Translate into
Warn of
Found of
Absorbed in
Write with or in
Instead of
Prevent from
Think of
Take by
Tie to
Pray for
Get rid of
Divide into
Anxious about
Spend on

Note these prepositions

1. Cure
One cures of the sickness
No cure for the sickness
2. Die
Die of illness / hunger
Die from wounds / over work
Die by violence /sword
Die in battle / poverty
Die for a cause / country
3. Good
Good at football / English etc.
Good in class
4. Sit
Sit at a desk / table
Sit on a chair / a bench
5. Write
Write in ink / pencil / chalk
Write with a pen / a pencil / chalk
MK Precise page 169 – 179

If sentences are conditional sentences because they express a condition to be fulfilled for a certain result to happen
Study the sentences below.
Your father giving you fees you are going to school

Condition Result

93 English Grammer
If Clause Main Clause

If your father gives you fees, you will go to school

1. My eating dirty food. My getting sick

If I eat dirty food, I will get sick

Using ‘’if’’ in the middle of the sentences

Example sentences
1. If your father gives you school fees, you will go to school.
You will go to school if your father gives you school fees.
2. If l eat dirty food, I shall fall sick.
I shall fall sick if I eat dirty food.
Kinds of If’s
There are three kinds of if sentences I.e.
if 1
If 2

If sentences are identified in two ways

✓ According to the tenses used
✓ According the chances of the action of the verb to happen

If 1
If 1 takes present simple tense in the if clause and future simple present tense in the main clause.
In if 1 sentences, the chances of the action of the verb happening are there and possible if the condition is fulfilled.

1. He is lame so he can’t play football.
If he is lame, he won’t play football.
2. Nankya will go to senior one when she passes P.L.E.
If Nankya passes P.L.E, she will go to senior one.
Form if 1 sentences from the following clauses.
1. Kato is understanding the topic because he is clever.
2. I have a lot of money so I will buy a bicycle.
3. Josephine will not give him her letter without finding him there.
4. I will leave for Bunyoro when my father arrives tomorrow.
5. That man will complain because he will find dirt on his shirt.
6. When she goes to school now, she will reach there late.
7. The teacher will punish you as long as you reach school late.
8. You will get drunk because you are taking Uganda Waragi.
9. She will join senior one when she passes primary seven.
10. Cathy can see everything because she does not have blind eyes.

See everything.
Filling in gaps with correct tense.
Study the tense below
If Komuhendo buys a skirt, she will become smart.
If Komuhendo is buying a skirt, she will become smart.
If Komuhendo has bought a skirt, she will become smart.
If Komuhendo has been buying a skirt, she will become smart.

Examples of fill in questions.

1. If Kamusumba sells his old car, he will buy a new one. (to buy)
2. If you are not serious, you won’t pass exams. (to pass)
3. If the baby cries for food, I will give it milk. (cry)
94 English Grammer
Fill in the blank space with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. If you get a first grade, your father _____________________for you a new bag. (to buy)
2. The dog will eat the bone if _____________________It. (to get)
3. I _____________________happy if I learn how to ride. (to be)
4. The children _____________________If they get time to play. (swing)
5. If our father _____________________now, we shall be in a lot of trouble. (remember)
6. We _____________________A wheel barrow if we are refusing to study hard. (to push)
7. If that girl has been behaving like that, she _____________________From school. (expel)
8. They _____________________this exercise if they have got time. (finish)
9. If I receive your latter _____________________it tomorrow. (deliver)
10. If you come early, you _____________________with no problem. (to pass)

If 2
If 2 takes past simple tense in the if clause or past continuous tense in the if clause and future simple past in the main
Study the sentences below
Past simple future simple past

1. If my father got money, he would buy a car.

Past continuous future simple past

2. If my father was getting money, he would buy a car.

Future simple past past simple

3. My father would buy a car if he got money.

Future simple past past continuous

4. My father would buy a car if he was getting money.

Complete the following sentences using words given in brackets in IF2
1. She would tell you the story if she was _____________________you. (see)
2. We would be very surprised if she was _____________________a dog on the head. (carry)
3. I would buy a bicycle if I _____________________money. (to have)
4. Kabako _____________________a goal if he was well trained. (score)
5. You _____________________if you told the LC Chairman the truth. (arrest)
6. She would be free of AIDS if she _____________________play sex. (do)
7. He would fly and reach God if he _____________________wings. (have)
8. He wouldn’t get an accident if he was _____________________along the side path. (walk)
9. They _____________________the exercise if they didn’t understand. (repeat)
10. Naginda _____________________sing well if she hadn’t flu. (can)

Using IF2 by chances

We use if2 when the action of the verb is impossible i.e. There is no chance of action happening.
Example sentences
1. My brother being a teacher. His teaching well.
If my brother was a teacher, he would teach well.
2. My brother being a lion his eating everybody.
If my brother were a lion, he would eat everybody.
3. Dorothy having four legs, her walking like a cow
If Dorothy had four legs, she would walk like a cow.

Form IF2 sentences from the following clauses
1. Isabirye having two heads, his being able to see both in front and behind.
95 English Grammer
2. Aguti being my father. My wearing suits.
3. All the water drying up tomorrow. All living things dyeing at once.
4. My being a putting Uganda at peace.
5. Ssembalirwa being a candidate, his getting a distinction in math.
6. Mondo being a snake, his biting all women.
7. I am not the sun so I cannot light even at night.
8. I cannot play with young children because I am fully grown now.
9. His being a camel, he not living in the desert.
10. She forgets all that she learns instantly because her head is so loose.

If 3
If3 takes the past perfect tense in the if clause and future perfect past in the main clause

Study the sentences below

1. If my father had got money, he would have bought a car.
2. If Gwasa had come early, he _____________________the bus. (catch)
3. If she _____________________she would not have done it. (know)
4. Peter would have bought a car if he _____________________enough money. (have)

Use the correct tenses to write if3 sentences.

1. Solomon would have survived if he _____________________in the bush. (hide)
2. They _____________________very many first grades if they had been serious with studies. (have)
3. The cobbler would have got a lot of money if _____________________the shoes properly.(mend)
4. The key _____________________if you had put it on a key holder.(lose)
5. The teacher would have beaten you if you _____________________the number correct.(get)
6. You _____________________parents by now if they had been careless with their lives. (has)
7. That boy wouldn’t have broken his legs if he _____________________in that tree. (swing)
8. I would have built a very nice house if I _____________________enough money. (have)
9. We _____________________the lake if we had known there was a crocodile.(swimming)
10. He wouldn’t have been arrested if he _____________________some common sense.(has)

If 3 is used if the chances of the action to happen were once there but now over and now it can’t happen because it’s
late for it.
1. My brother being a teacher, his teaching well.
If my brother had been a teacher, he would have taught well.

Use chances to write if 3 sentences.

1. My passing to the next class. My parents making me a party.
2. Kasoma seeing him yesterday. His telling him the whole story.
3. Our singing will. Our receiving prizes from the guest of honour.
4. Their seeking the kingdom of God. Their getting it.
5. Joseph’s not tearing the shirt. His not being punished.
6. Komugisha’s reading the book well. Her being promoted.
7. The lesson beginning before eight. Our not attending it.
8. This book not being spoilt. Their using it next year.
9. Your not asking for permission. Your not attending the party.
10. The bees stinging me. My not going back to fetch water.

Using chances to determine if sentences.

A sentence is in if 1 if the chances of the action happening are still there.
My father promised to buy for me a pair of trousers so that I can be smart.
If my father buys…
A sentence is in if 2 if the chances of the action happening are impossible or made impossible.
Example sentences
He wants to stop running when he becomes a River Nile. (Impossible chances)
If he became River…
96 English Grammer
If he were River Nile… (Here were emphasizes the impossibility)
My father can’t buy me a pair of trousers so that I can be smart. (Chances made Impossible)
A sentence is in if 3 if the chances of the action happening were there but now over.

Example sentences
I wanted to buy a radio but they have closed the shops.
If they hadn’t closed the shops, I should have bought a radio.
Note these past forms can be used in the main clause of if 2 and if 3.
Helping Verb Past Forms
may Might
can Could
shall Should
will would
Rewrite the following sentences as if clauses.
1. Tom came late so he missed the lesson.
2. My brother wants to become rich and build a bank in Kampala.
3. Don’t move at night, thieves can kill you.
4. He failed to work very hard last year and he did not get a first grade.
5. Kabutuka wanted to be a green lion and eat all people on earth.
6. Acero wants to speak good English and become a perfect.
7. That man helped you and you reached where you were going.
8. I don’t have a book to do this home work now.
9. Let us hope to get a first grade and join Buddo S.S.S.
10. The police didn’t know about my trouble to help me.
11. Kalungi would like to hear from you and write to you a letter.
12. I want to buy this book so that I can challenge you in English.
13. I want to become your father and pay your school feels.
14. Iman wanted to have time and visit you in the holidays but he didn’t.
15. Kagwa wanted to hear from his father and ask him for the money of the tour but he couldn’t.

Formation of conditional sentences without the if

This is when we use had to show condition. This is main an if 3 nature sentence and it takes all the tense and idea of if 3
Example sentences
If she had been here in time, she would have joined us.
Dad would have reached work in time if he had woken up early.
If she speaks to me rudely, I will show her my true colours.
If we took our books for marking, the teacher wouldn’t punish us.
Rewrite the following sentences using had.
1. If Tom speaks audibly, Jimmy will respond to him.
2. We would have got the correct pronunciation if we had used a dictionary.
3. If you had not disobeyed the prefect, he wouldn’t have punished you.
4. The electrician wouldn’t repair our electricity if we had not called him.
5. Penina wouldn’t have disrespected her father if she was grown well.
6. We will watch the telecast live if we get a television set in time
7. If wishes were horses, beggars might ride.
8. If the president addresses the nation, the country men will not strike.
9. My friend would be released if the O.C called here in time.
10. Teachers teach well if they are paid in time.

The relationship between if and unless

Unless can replace if in a sentence. Unless is a negative word therefore when you want to replace it with if then if goes
with a negative word not i.e. unless means if not

Replacing if with unless

97 English Grammer
When one is to replace if with unless, the main idea is to make a negative sentence affirmative and an affirmative
sentence negative but doing this always only happens to any one of the two clauses of the if sentences.
Here two rules are looked at to make it simple: -
If the main clause alone is negative or when both clauses are affirmative, the main clause is affected.
Example sentences
1. If Kyobe comes early, he will not miss the lesson
Unless Kyobe comes early, he will miss the lesson.
2. If we ate all that food, we shall be satisfied.
Unless we ate all that food. We shall not be satisfied.

When the if clause alone is negative or when both clauses are negative, we affect the if clause.
Example sentences
1. If he does not come today, you will fellow up.
Unless he comes today, you will follow up.
2. If you don’t yell at the dog, it won’t chase you.
Unless you yell at the dog, it won’t chase you.
More examples
If I jump the barbed wires, they will hook me.
If I played with fire, it should burn me.
They would have told us the story if they had gone with you.
Had she seen the snake, she would have shouted her lungs out.

Rewrite the following sentences using unless.
1. If the snake had lain in my bed, I wouldn’t have slept.
2. The medicine would kill her if she took over doze.
3. If Okello doesn’t hurry, he will not discover the trick behind the game.
4. She would have studied up to Makerere if she had not been pregnant in S.4.
5. If I were a cow, l would not eat grass.
6. They will see many aeroplanes if they reach Entebbe airport.
7. The lesson wouldn’t have begun if the teacher hadn’t been in class.
8. I would dance with you if you were smart.
9. If one struggles for richness, one would get it.
10. The window wouldn’t have knocked your head if you moved carefully.
11. If the pupil comes early, he will not be punished.
12. If the cocks didn’t crow, they wouldn’t wake up.
13. She would have danced for us if she had performed well in P.L.E.
14. We shall not have food for at least six months if it doesn’t rain.
15. He would eat us all if he were a lion.
16. If Nandyose doesn’t take the money, I shall spend if off.
Replacing Unless with If.
In doing this, you create a negative in the if clause and if there is a negative in the main clause, you leave it there.

1. Unless you work very hard, you will not pass to P.7.
2. Unless Suzan performed better, she wouldn’t please her parents.
3. Unless Walakila had been sick, she would have participated in athletics.
4. I should not starve unless I don’t work.
5. They would have come to class early, unless they had slept late.

Rewrite the following sentences using If.
1. Unless I am a sinner, I shall go to heaven.
2. The choir will not sing well unless they are given some soft drinks.
3. Unless the pedestrians were scared, they would walk along the road carefully.
4. The aeroplane would have landed well unless the pilot had been a learner.
5. He couldn’t walk naked unless he was mad.
6. Cats don’t die quickly unless they are sick.
7. Unless the register is efficient, we shall be sacked out of the office.

98 English Grammer
8. Unless Sheila had run fast, she wouldn’t have won the race.
9. We should go with you to Entebbe unless you were bare-footed.
10. Unless she had had a misfortune, she would have studied up to Makerere.



Opposites of Adjectives
Learn the opposite of ‘’rough’’
Rough – smooth (surface)
Calm (behavioural)

Adjective Opposite
Ugly Beautiful
Easy Difficult
Soft Hard
Simple Complex
Wet Dry
Hot Cold
Warm Cool
Front Back
Dead Alive
Busy Idle
Sweet Sour
Bright Dull
True False
Near Far
Quick Slow
Coarse Fine
Proud Humble
Inside Outside
Loud Soft
Kind Cruel
Upper Lower
Better Worse
Slander Stout
Robust Delicate / feeble
Clever Stupid
First Last
Fast Slow
Fat Thin
Thick Thin
Many Few
Stale Fresh
Weak Strong
Open Shut / closed
This That
These Those
Morning Evening
Day Night
Giant Dwarf
Profit / gain Loss
Happy Unhappy
Public Private
Lazy Hardworking

99 English Grammer
Raw Ripe /cooked
Spacious Limited
Limited Unlimited
Common Rare
Familiar Strange
Absent Present
Right Wrong
Top Bottom
Cheap Expensive
Wide Narrow
Deep Shallow
Clean Dirty
Empty Full
High Law
Active Passive
Inner Outer
Old Young / new
Generous Mean/ selfish
Brave Coward
Former Later
Good Bad
Big Small
Wise Foolish
Smart Shabby
Early Late
Light Darkness
All None
Straight Crooked
Black White
Summer Winter
Wild Tame
Right Left
Acute Obtuse
Natural Artificial
Cloudy Clear
Vacant Occupied
Permanent Temporary
Foreign Native
Level Steep
Dynamic Static
Hostile Friendly
Eager Reluctant
Compulsory Voluntary
Diligent Indecent
Minimum Maximum
Emigrant Immigrant
Transparent Translucent
Pedestrian Passenger
Guilty Innocent
Illegal Legal / lawful
Lawful Unlawful
Lovely Repulsive
Singular Plural
Stationary Moving
Sober Intoxicated
Genuine Counterfeit
Numerous Sparse
Majority Minority
Graceful Ungraceful
Rigid Flexible
Prosperous Indigent
Regular Irregular
Obligatory Voluntary

100 English Grammer

Consent Dissent
Regular Periodical
Polite Rude / impolite
Interior Exterior
Superior Inferior
Barren Fruitful
Rural Urban
Sparse Populated
Amateur Professional
Compulsory Optional
Real Imaginary
Indigenous Exotic

Opposites Of Verbs
Learn the opposite of appear
Appear – disappear (go slowly)
Fade (go slowly)
Vanish (go suddenly)
Verb Opposite
Begin End / cease
Love Hate
Find Lose
Rise Fall / sink
Start Finish
Bless Curse
Live Die
Rejoice Mourn
Attack Defend
Separate Join /unite
Praise Blame
Remember Forget
Help Hinder
Win Lose
Buy Sell
Give Take
Hit Miss
Weep Laugh
Lend Borrow
Lead Follow
Arrive Depart
Collect Disperse
Appoint Dismiss
Accept Reject / refuse
Ascend Descend
Hide Show / expose
Agree Disagree
Expand Contract
Go Come
Condemn Exonerate
Increase Decrease
Confine Release
Include Exclude
Force / compel Persuade
Attract Distract
Smile Flown
Think Guess
Asleep Awake
Inhale Exhale
Approach Leave
Pardon Punish
Assemble Dismantle
Employ Dismiss
Accelerate Retard

101 English Grammer

Survive Succumb
Advance Retreat / retire
Multiply Divide
Teach Learn
Work Rest
Agree Contradict
Exit Enter

Opposite Of Nouns
Noun Opposite
Question Answer
Joy Sorrow
Friend Enemy
Peace War
Harmony Discord
Day Night
Health Sickness/ disease
Earth Sea
Mountain Plain
Knowledge Ignorance
Hope Despair
Victory Defeat
Freedom Captivity
Saint Sinner
Optimist Pessimist
Majority Minority
Hell Heaven
Reward Punishment
Excess Shortage
Predecessor Successor
Pleasure Pain
Monotony Variety
Caution Recklessness
Life Death
Entrance Exit
Noise Silence
Success Failure
Blessing Disaster
Everywhere Nowhere
Youth Aged
Profit/gain Loss
Land Water
Hill Valley
Master Servant
Dawn Dust
Truth Error
Poverty Riches
Danger Safety
Wisdom Folly
Height Depth
Debtor Creditor
Liberty Slavery
Ancestor Progeny
Surplus Deficit
Confusion Orderliness
Poison Antidote
Premature Overdue
Exact Inaccurate
Precept Example
Bride Bridegroom
Bridesmaid Best man
Monogamy Polygamy

102 English Grammer

Opposite Of Adverbs
Adverbs Opposite
Often Seldom
Ever Never
Before After

Some Words Form Their Opposites By Adding A Prefix Or A Suffix. Words that form opposites by adding ‘’un-‘’
Word Opposite
Able Unable
Countable Uncountable
Kind Unkind
Happy Unhappy
Lucky Unlucky
Comfortable Uncomfortable
Fortunate Unfortunate
Tidy Untidy
Ready Unready
Reliable Unreliable
Fair Unfair
Specific Unspecific
Wanted Unwanted
Graceful Ungraceful
Fair Unfair
Grateful Ungrateful
Occupied Unoccupied
Tie Untie
Popular Unpopular
Healthy Unhealthy
Clear Unclear
Known Unknown
Pleasant Unpleasant
Particular Unparticular
Certain Uncertain
Lovely Unlovely
Usual Unusual
Successful Unsuccessful
Conscious Unconscious
Common Uncommon
Just Unjust
Fasten Unfasten

Words that form opposites by adding prefix ‘’dis-‘’

Word Opposite
Like Dislike
Agree Disagree
Connect Disconnect
Advantages Disadvantages
Honest Dishonest
Obey Disobey
Appear Disappear
Encourage Discourage
Obedient Disobedient
Comfort Discomfort
Regard Disregard

Words that form opposite by adding prefix ‘’mis-‘’

Word Opposite
Use Misuse
Quote Misquote
Interpret Misinterpret
Lead Mislead
Behave Misbehave

103 English Grammer

Fortune Misfortune
Lay Mislay
Treat Mistreat
Trust Mistrust
Judge Misjudge
Fire Misfire
Handle Handle
Place Misplace
Calculate Miscalculate
Inform Misinform
Direct Misdirect
Manage Mismanage
Giving Misgiving
Guide Guide
Chance Mischance
Locate Misallocate

Words that form opposite by adding prefix ‘’in-‘’

Word Opposite
Efficiency Inefficiency
Correct Incorrect
Capable Incapable
Sincere Insincere
Sane Insane
Complete Incomplete
Accurate Inaccurate
Secure Insecure

Words that form opposite by adding prefix ‘’im-‘’

Word Opposite
Patient Impatient
Movable Immovable
Polite Impolite
Penetrable Impenetrable
Mature Immature

Words that form opposite by adding prefix ‘’il-‘’

Word Opposite
Literate Illiterate
Liberal Illiberal
Legible Illegible
Logical Illogical
Legitimate Illegitimate
Licit Illicit

Words that form opposite by changing suffix ‘-ful’ to ‘-less’

Word Opposite
Useful Useless
Helpful Helpless
Painful Painless
Hopeful Hopeless
Merciful Merciless
Cheerful Cheerless
Careful Careless



104 English Grammer

Learners will give occupations of different people
Oculist – one who attends to eye diseases
Optician – tests eye sight and sells spectacles
Ref: Junior English revised pp 144 – 148
Peak Revision English p. 26


Study the alphabetical order
A b c d e f g h I j k

L m n o p q r s t u v

V w x y x

1. Orange, lemon, mango, apple
2. Council, counsel, counsel, count
3. Cape, cage, cash, case
4. Tonic, too, tooth, to
5. Ring, ride, riddle, compel
6. Quick, cope, cook, qaute
Arrange the following words in alphabetical order
1. Fox, dog, duck, elephant, angle
2. Tone, wine, turn, win
3. Rice, rhyme, ribbon, ribet
4. Tool, toll, tolerate, too
5. Card, chard, car, coach
6. Forty, fourthly, four, fortieth
7. Marriage, musical, buber, baked
8. Park, paper, parcel, papet
9. Rise, rays, raise, ray
10. Moth, month, mountain, mouse
11. Work, wound, word, weapon
12. Quiz, quorum, quotation, quinine
13. Shallow, shade, shaddy, sad
14. Row, rise, rays, raised
15. Weevils, weed, weep, weave
16. Soap, soar, sack, sock, soak
17. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
18. Date, dad, daughter, dazzle
19. Near, nil, kneel, nest, kape
20. Bely, bedding, begin, begging

An adjective is a word that explains, qualifies, talks about, gives more meaning to or describes a noun.
Adjectives commonly precede (come before) nouns.
E.g. Small tree
Fifty goats
Some children
Two eggs
That desk
Her dress
Red shoes
Little food

105 English Grammer

Beautiful woman
Their classroom etc.

Kinds of Adjectives
Demonstrative Pronoun Adjectives
These are adjectives that describe a noun by diverting attention to a noun i.e. These
Example sentences
a. That man is sick.
b. Those boys are playing.
c. This book is red.
d. These bags are dirty.
e. I hate such people.

Personal Pronoun Adjective

These are personal pronouns that are used as adjective to describe a noun by telling its owner.
E.g. His
Example sentences
a. Our teacher took his book.
b. The man stole her dress.
c. Bring your mistakes to the board to be rectified.
d. One should carry one’s cross.

Quantity Adjectives
These adjectives that describe a noun by showing how many or how much it is.
E.g. –one
A lot of
Enough etc.
Example sentences
a. I have five fingers.
b. She took plenty of food at lunch.
c. A lot of people in Kampala eat once a day.
d. Several people were died of corona virus in 2020.

Quality Adjectives
These are adjectives that describe the goodness or badness of a noun e.g. Good

106 English Grammer

Ugly etc.
Example sentences
a. It was an interesting.
b. Education is a good thing.
c. Muro is a strong man.

Colour Adjectives
These are adjectives that describe a noun by telling its colour
E.g. Red
Light skinned
Dark skinned etc.
Example sentence
a. My sister drinks from a red mug.
b. Our teacher is wearing black shoes.
c. I prefer green things.

Formatting of Adjectives
Adjectives can be formed from nouns, verbs or from other adjectives. Most of these words form adjectives by adding

Adjectives Formed from Other Words

Word Adjective
Absence Absent
Absorb Absorbent
Abuse Abusive
Accept Acceptable
Angel Angelic
Admire Admirable
Advantage Advantageous
Adventure Adventurous
Affirm Affirmative
Anger Angry
Attract Attractive
Art Artful
Art Artistic
Attend Attentive
Authority Authoritative
Beauty Beautiful
Benefit Beneficial
Bible Biblical
Boy Boyish
Breadth Broad
Caution Cautious
Center Central
Circle Circular
Collect Collective
Comfort Comfortable
Compete Competitive
Courage Courageous
Create Creative
Crime Criminal
Cruelty Cruel

107 English Grammer

Danger Dangerous
Decide Decisive
Decorate Decorative
Death Death
Dirt Dirty
Energy Energetic
Equator Equatorial
Essence Essential
Extend Extensive
Fame Famous
Fault Faulty
Fashion Fashionable
Father Fatherly
Favour Favourable
Fish Fishy
Fool Foolish
Fortunate Fortunate
Freedom Free
Friend Friendly
Fight Frightful
Fury Furious
Giant Gigantic
Glory Glorious
Grief Grievous
Girl Girlish
Habit Habitual
Help Helpful
Hero Heroic
Honour Honourable
Horror Horrible
Humor Humorous
Honest Honesty
Hunger Hungry
Imagine Imaginary
Industry Industrious
Joy Joyful
Joy Joyous
Law Lawful
Luxury Luxurious
Machine Mechanical
Magnet Magnetic
Man Manly
Mercy Merciful
Metal Metallic
Mischief Mischievous
Mother Motherly
Mountain Mountainous
Mourn Mournful
Music Musical
Mystery Mysterious
Nation National
Neglect Neglected
Noise Noisy
Obey Obedient
Occasion Occasional
Ocean Oceanic
Office Official
Option Optional
Palace Palatial
Parent Parental
People Popular
People Populous
Person Personal
Pity Pitiful
Plenty Plentiful

108 English Grammer

Poet Poetic
Poison Poisonous
Pride Proud
Punish Punitive
Quarrel Quarrelsome
Reason Reasonable
Safety Safe
Select Selective
Skill Skillful
Snake Snaky
Spirit Spiritual
Spirit Spirituous
Storm Stormy
Study Studious
Talk Talkative
Terror Terrible
Tire Tire some
Truth True
Variety Valuable
Volcano Volcanic
Volunteer Voluntary
Wood Wooden
Wool Woolen
Year Yearly
Zeal Zealous

Proper Adjectives (Origin)

These adjectives are Geographical names identifying the names given to people and things from instinctive places

Country / continent Adjective
Afghanistan Afghan
Africa African
Asia Asian
Australia Australian
America American
Brazil Brazilian
Britain British/ Briton
Canada Canadian
China Chinese
Congo Congolese
Denmark Donnish
Egypt Egyptian
England English
Europe European
Finland Finish
France French
Germany German
Ghana Ghanaian
India Indian
Iraq Iraqi
Ireland Irish
Israel Israeli
Italy Italian
Japan Japanese
Kenya Kenyan
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz
Mexico Mexican
Niger Nigerian
Nigeria Nigerian
Poland Polish
South Africa South African
Rwanda Rwandan
Scotland Scottish

109 English Grammer

Sudan Sudanese
Spain Spanish
Togo Togolese
Uganda Ugandan
Tanzania Tanzanian
Thailand Thai
Burundi Burundian
Somalia Somali
Holland Dutch

Comparison of Adjectives
Degrees of Adjectives
The degrees are classes in which compare things or people that bare the same adjectives according to how many they
are in number.
There are three degrees of comparison: -

Positive Degree
Used when talking about one item i.e. When there is nothing to be compared with.

Comparative Degree
Used when talking about two objects that bare the same adjective.

Superlative Degree
Used when talking about more than twosubjects that bare the same adjective.

According to these degrees, the types of Adjectives that can be compared under them are quality, colour, and partly
quality adjectives.
You will realize that demonstrative and personal pronoun Adjectives cannot be classified in ways of degrees

Regular Comparison
Adjectives that take ‘-er’, ‘-r’, or ‘more’ and ‘-est’ ‘-st’ or ‘-most’ in their comparative and superlative degrees

Below are some of the common examples under regular comparison

Positive Comparative Superlative
Big Bigger Biggest
Rough Rougher Roughest
Ugly Uglier Ugliest
Tall Taller Tallest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Thick Thicker Thickest
High Higher Highest
Young Younger Youngest
Long Longer Longest
Fat Fatter Fattest
Strong Stronger Strongest
Fast Faster Fastest
New Newer Newest
Clean Cleaner Cleanest
Sweet Sweeter Sweetest
Few Fewer Fewest
Heavy Heavy Heaviest
Hard Harder Hardest
Clear Clearer Clearest
Light Lighter Lightest
Bright Brighter Brightest
Broad Broader Broadest
Poor Poorer Poorest
Rich Richer Richest
Glad Gladder Gladdest

110 English Grammer

Hot Hotter Hottest
Cheap Cheaper Cheap
Soft Softer Softest
Cold Colder Coldest
Worm Wormer Warmest
Wet Wetter Wettest
Smooth Smoother Smoothest
Quick Quicker Quickest
Slow Slower Slowest
Busy Busier Busiest
Near Nearer Nearest
Proud Prouder Proudest
Easy Easier Easiest
Loud Louder Loudest
Dear Dearer Dearest
Dirty Dirtier Dirtiest
Kind Kinder Kindest
Old Older Oldest
Weak Weaker Weakest
Early Earlier Earliest
Happy Happier Happiest
Lazy Lazier Laziest
Sleep Sleeper Sleepiest
Common Commoner Commonest
Merry Merrier Merriest
Pretty Prettier Prettiest
Healthy Healthier Healthiest
Clever Cleverer Cleverest
Dull Duller Dullest
Small Smaller Smallest
Green Greener Greenest
Sad Sadder Saddest
Fine Finer Finest
Safe Safer Safest
Wide Wider Widest
Rude Rude Rudest
Large Larger Largest
Pure Purer Purest
Simple Simpler Simplest
Brave Braver Bravest
Wise Wiser Wisest
White Whiter Whitest
Red Redder Reddest
Black Blacker Blackest
Brown Browner Brownest
Blue Bluer Bluest

Adjectives that take ‘’more-‘’ and ‘’most-‘’

Positive Comparative Superlative
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Careful More careful Most careful
Comfortable More comfortable Most comfortable
Ignorant More ignorant Most ignorant
Wonderful More wonderful Most wonderful
Handsome More handsome Most handsome
Famous More famous Most famous
Delicate More delicate Most delicate
Important More important Most important
Interesting More interesting Most interesting
Studious More studious Most studious
Dangerous More dangerous Most dangerous
Difficult More difficult Most difficult
Noble More noble Most noble

111 English Grammer

Irregular Comparison of Adjectives
Positive Comparative Superlative
Bad Worse l Worst
Good Better Best
Far Further Farthest
Father Furthest
Ill Worse Worst
Well Better Best
Little Less Least
Many More Most
Much More Most
Late Later Latest
Latter Last
Old Older Oldest
Elder Eldest

Old elder eldest (for people related)

Older oldest (for people not related and other things)

Far farther furthest (for distance)

Further furthest (for time)

Application of Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives in Sentences

Application of The Positive Degree of Comparison of Adjectives
In positive degree’’ we use as…………….as’’ to illustrate the equality of the nouns being compared.

Example Sentences
1. Rashid is patient Rashidah is also patient.
2. John is near to the school. Joseph is also near to the school.
3. My mother is two metres tall. My father is two metres tall.
4. Nsubuga is 50kg. Nsamba is 50kg too.

Join the following sentences under the positive degree of comparison
1. A teacher is important to the country. A doctor is important to a country.
2. Napoleon is famous. Mwanga is famous as well.
3. Both the brown chair and the black chair are comfortable.
4. The LC5 Chairman, as well as the LC1 Chairman, is brave.
5. Jinja Road and Masaka road are comfortable.
6. A cow is 100kg in weight. A bush – back is also 100kg in weight.
7. Number one is easy. Number two is easy.
8. Eucalyptus tree is 50 metres in height. Mvule tree is also 50 metres in height.
9. Thomas and Mary are the same in strength.
10. Snow, as well as, chalk is also white in colour.

Sometimes ‘………as…………….’ it is used to illustrate non equality or difference in nouns being compared.
Example Sentences
1. Lusiba is clever. Kadogo is not clever.
Kadogo is not as clever as Lusiba.
Kadogo is not so clever as Lusiba.

Join the following sentences using the positive degree of Adjectives
1. The cat is not fast. The hare is fast.
2. My aunt is fatter than my uncle.
3. The elders are busy in books. The children are busier in books.
4. Those boys are funny. These boys are very funny.
5. The cats are wise. The dogs are wiser.

112 English Grammer

6. Exercises are important. Exams are useless.
7. The glasses are delicate. Saucepans are not as delicate.
8. The house compound isn’t large. The playground is large.

Application of Comparative Degree of Adjectives in Sentences.

The comparative degree is used when comparing two things or two sides or two parties which are different.
1. Rose beets Mary in size.
Rose is fatter than Mary.
Of the two, Rose and Mary, Rose is the fatter.
2. Suntoss is not as stubborn as Scovia.
Scovia is more stubborn than Suntoss.
Of the two, Scovia and Suntoss, Scovia is the more stubborn.
3. A leopard is strong. A lion is stronger.
A lion is stronger than a leopard.

Use the comparative degree to join the sentences
1. Easter is good but Christmas is better.
2. I am hard working. Nankinga is very hard working.
3. Math is easy. English is not so easy.
4. John is 5 years old but Tom is 9 years old.
5. A papaya tree is 1 metre tall but a mango tree is 2 metres.
6. This novel is not popular as that one.
7. My sister is 49kg in weight but my cousin sister is 55kg in weight.
8. Rose is thin. Janet is not thin.
9. Tumusiime is lazy. His brother is lazier.

Application of Superlative Degree in Sentences

Superlative degree is used when noun being compared are more than two
1. There are three girls and none of them is older than Jamirah.
Jamirah is the eldest of the three girls.
Of the three girls, Jamirah is the eldest.
2. Naigaga is a very short girl no one is shorter than her in Uganda.
Naigaga is the shortest girl in Uganda.

Use the superlative degree to join the following sentences.
1. James is very playful, none of the five is better than him.
2. All of the pupils in p.7 are wise but none of them is wiser than Nakayiza.
3. Our sisters are old but Akello beats them in age.
4. No speaker spoke further than head teacher.
5. John is very strong, no pupil in our class beats him.
6. There are three boys, but none of them is taller than Nsanji.
7. Saudah and Scovia are not as tall as Ramona.
8. Our class is very big. No other class in this school can compare.

Fill in with the correct forms of words in brackets to complete the sentences
1. Of the twins, Kato is the _____________________old)
2. Of the triplets, Kiza is the _____________________handsome)
3. Mary is as _____________________Jannat. (to be pretty)
4. The exercise is _____________________than the farmer. (easy)
5. I am _____________________Of the children in class. (ignorant)
6. The soldier crowed _____________________than you. (far)
7. This woman is the _____________________of all the women in our village. (old)
8. This topic is _____________________than the previous one. (to be good)
9. The children ate _____________________food. (little)

113 English Grammer

10. The patient said that he would need _____________________help to recover. (far)
11. Kato is the _____________________person among others. (health)
12. Of the two white things, snow is the _____________________white)
13. He is _____________________than Josephat. (brown)

Double Comparison
The use the-------the---------
Here one uses two clauses of adjectives to describe a result of an after reaction using the comparative degree.
1.He worked for long hours. He earned money.
2. When you grow old and old, you become tall.
3. One becomes strong when one is health.
4. If you take many subjects. You will have to study for many hours.

Use: The ------the ----to rewrite the following sentences.

1.If you go high, it becomes cool.
2. If it is done soon, it will be better.
3.He got rich when he worked hard.
4.As Nakabugo became clean. She became beautiful.
5.However much Victoria worked, she never become rich.
6.If it rains much. We can’t hear his word.
7.When the sun shines, it becomes hot.
8.Rwanga weighs 100kg. He has many chances of getting sick.
9.Aman becomes weak as he becomes old.

Order of Adjectives
Since adjectives are words used to describe nouns, one can use more than one adjective speaking of all qualities of a
given noun in a sentence.
In this case one might fail to organize these adjectives in order to make a correct sentence so a specific order is given
to assist as seen below.

Number Opinion Physical Shape Height Age Color Origin Material Use
The Beautiful Big Circular Tall Ancient Black Uganda Wooden Walking

Many Smart Small Rectangular Short Young Red Kenya Golden Sports

Several Ugly Large Round High Modern Blue Dutch Diamond Eating

A lot Pretty Medium Long legged Long Old Light skinned Irish Silver Washing

An, a Intelligent Huge High hilled New Pale Tanzania Sticky Drawing

Handsome Fat Square White Somalia Paper Cooking

Polite Triangular Yellowish Rwanda Polyethene Playing

Oval Reddish

Colourful Dark-skinned

1. Nsubuga bought an oven. It was for cooking .it was greyish. It was small. It was from England. It was made of
metal. It was beautiful.
2. Latisha is a short girl. She is light-skinned. She is intelligent. She is young and beautiful.

1. I bought a shirt. It was long- sleeved. It was red. It was soft. It was made from Korea. It was old.
2. Kasoma killed a bird. The bird was black. The bird was long- tailed. The bird was beautiful. The bird was young.

114 English Grammer

3. My father took a man. The man was brown. The man was from India. The man was handsome. The man was
4. The butcher slaughtered a sheep. The sheep was ugly. The sheep was fat. The sheep was soft bodied. The
sheep was ugly. The sheep was from Korea. The sheep was maroon.
5. A police man arrested a thief. The thief was black. The thief was from Africa. The thief was old. The thief was
slender. The thief was stupid.
6. My sister received a dress. The dress was made of silk. The dress as made from China. The dress was purple. The
dress was new. The dress was large. The dress was nice .
7. My sister received a large purple china silk dress.
8. He was given a shirt. It was red. It was cotton. It was made from India. It was new .it was big.
9. He was given a big new red china cotton skirt.
10. I saw a girl. She was red. She was from Belgium. She was ugly. She was young.
11. I saw an ugly young Belgium girl
12. The monkey jumped down the mountain. It was purple. The monkey was clever. The monkey was long tailed.
The monkey was young.
13. The monkey jumped down the mountains was long tailed young purple.
14. The tree is large. It is green. It is wonderful. It is from Amazon. It was cut down.

More about the degrees of the adjectives

The use of opposite to compare
1.My mother is taller than my father. (Re-write using ----shorter----)
2. Your house is not as big as ours. (Re-write using ----small------)
3.Nakato is fat but not as Babirye. (Re-write using ----thinner-----)

Re-write the following sentences as instructed in brackets

1.My uncle is richer than my dad. (Re-write using ----poorer---)
2.The moon is not as bright as the sun. (Re-write using: ----dull----)
3.Kintu was weaker than Walumbe. (Re-write using: ----strong---)
4.A sac of stones is heavier than a sack of feathers. (Re-write using:…………..light --)
5.A plate is more useful than a cup. (Re-write using: ----less---)
6.A cow is cheaper than a goat. (Re-write using ……… not as expensive----)
7.A Set ruler is not as long as a metre rule. (Begin: A metre rule-----)
8.The shirt is wetter than the trouser. (Use: ……………….not as dry-----)
9.Mutton is more expensive than beef. (Begin: Beef……..)
1o. Katusiime is not as strong as Rosset. (Begin: Rosset……..)

Homonyms are words that are similar in form of sound but having different meanings.
There are two types of homonyms: -

These are words with the same pronunciation but different spellings and meaning.

Hard- something which is not soft.

Had- past tense of have and has.
Heard- past tense of verb ‘hear’.
Herd- a group of cattle.

Hole- an inlet or outlet through a surface of something.

Hall- a building where certain entertainment or eating takes place. E.g. Dining hall
Whole- not in bits or pieces but as a complete thing e.g. Whole mango, a whole sugarcane.
All - everything e.g. Take all the things. Take all the children in P.4.

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Rush – move quickly at a speed.
Rash –tiny red or black spots on the body skin.

Principle- guiding rule on how to do things in our daily life e.g. It’s not my principle to comb my hair first.
Principal- the head of a school, college or technical school. E.g. Our school principal is very kind / most important or
E.g. Teaching is her principal source of income.

Stationary-something which is still or not moving.

Stationery- these are things like books, papers, rulers, pens etc.

Roll-moving by turning over and over E.g. The ball is rolling on the ground.
Role –this is a duty e.g. The role of a parent is to look after the children.

Luck –a chance
Lack –missing or needing something.

Rare –seldom or not easily seen uncommon.

Rear – to look after by feeding.

Bare –naked or not covered with bare footed (naked feet) bare ground (not covered with anything.)
Bear – to have something e.g. She bears jiggers.
Bear - to produce e.g. My sister bore a baby girl yesterday.

Pest- animal or insect which destroys crops.

Paste- a very thick fluid or a liquid. A liquid which can’t pour e.g. Colgate paste

Council - a committee in administration of the government or elsewhere.

Counsel- to advise some body to change behavior or attitude.

Steal –taking something with a permission.

Steel- a metal made from iron and carbon.
Still- not changing or not moving.

Air-a mixture of gases.

Heir-a person who succeeds a relative after death.
Hair-e.g. his hair is very black.

Peace – period of time without war.

Piece –a small bit of something.

Break- to dismantle or separate something into pieces.

Brake-to stop something from moving.

Ream-500 sheets of paper.

Rim –the metallic part of a wheel on which the tyre of a vehicle is fixed.

Diary –a book where someone writes daily events.

Dairy – a place where milk and milk products are processed and sold.


Born –the past perfect of bear i.e. to reproduce.

Bone – the hard tissue or substances that make the skeleton of bodies.

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Got- the past tense of get.
Goat –the domestic animal.

Sin –something done against God’s commandments.

Seen- the past perfect of ‘see’.
Scene –a place where something happens, usually something bad like an accident or a crime.

Get –to receive something.

Gate-an entrance of a fence.

Saw-a tool used for cutting wood or sometimes metal.

Sew- making or repairing clothes using a needle and threads.
Sow- planting seeds in a garden / a female sheep.

There-that place e.g. there is my book.

Their-they own it e.g. this is their bag of canes.

Pale –having a skin that is very light in colour.

Pail –a bucket but is made of metallic materials.
Pile –to heap things together.

Compliment –to tell someone that you like or admire something they have done or what they are or they are. E.g. I am
complimenting you upon your beauty.
Complement – something that adds new qualities in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive.

Sit-this is a verb of the action ‘sitting’.

Seat –this is a known to mean where one can sit.

Leather- material made out of animal skin.

Lather- white staff made out of soap and water.

Park –a place where wild animals are kept e.g. national park.
Pack –to put your things together in a suitcase or a box ready to be taken.

Root –this a part of a plant that holds it firmly in soil.

Route-this a way.

Flew- the past tense of ‘’fly’’

Flu – influenza in the nose.
Flue – a passage or chimney for gases, smoke or flames.

Where-which place e.g. where is my book?

Wear-to put on e.g. cloth, perfume etc.
Were- past tense of are (helping verb)

Bleed – this is the act of losing blood from the body (bleed – bled – bled)
Breed – this is an act of feeding or rearing animals (breed –bred –bred)

Site – a place where something is going to be constructed e.g. house, a playground.

Sight –ability to see.

117 English Grammer

An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
Once, slowly, yesterday etc.

Types of Adverbs
(i) Adverbs of manner – tell us how something happens to happened.
They sing beautifully.
(ii) Adverbs of time – tell us when something happens or happened
He came yesterday
(iii) Adverbs of place – tell us where something takes place or took place e.g. My aunt lives in Kenya.
(iv) Adverbs of frequency – tell us how often something happens or happened.
He seldom comes here
Often seldom
(v) Adverbs of degree – tell us to what extent something is or was
She is very tired
quiet, too, indeed, so, almost, much, only
(vi) Adverbs of quality/number tell us how much, many something is or was, once, twice, thrice
(vii) Adverbs of questioning
(viii) Adverbs of affirmation and negation
Yes, certainly, surely, no , not
Ref: MK Precise Pg 50 – 4
First Aid English – pg 74

(i) Adverbs of manner are most formed from adjectives by adding ly.
Adjective adverb
Wise wisely
Foolish foolishly
Slow slowly
Beautiful beautifully
(ii) When the adjective ends in y proceeded by a consonant, change y into i and add ly
Adjective adverb
Happy happily
(iii) When an adjective end in ‘le’ simply change ‘e’ into ‘y’
Single singly

118 English Grammer

True - truly
Public - publicly

Evaluation Exercise
Junior English Revised pp 59 – 61
MK Revised Pp 57 – 8
Read and write standard 8 p.16 Exercise 11.

Comparison of Adverbs
(i) Adverbs like adjectives have three degrees of comparison. i.e positive, comparative and superlative. If any
adverb is one syllable, the comparative is formed by adding ‘er’ and the superlative by ‘est’
Fast faster fastest
Hard harder hardest
Soon sooner soonest
Clean cleaner cleanest
(ii) If an adverb ends in ‘ly’ add ‘more’ to form the comparative and ‘most’ to form the superlative.
Clearly more clearly most clearly
(iii) Irregular adverbs
Positive comparative superlative
Badly worse worst
Well better best
Late later last (time)
Far farther farthest
Ill worse worst
Evaluation activity
Pupils will complete the activity correctly
Ref: First Aid English page 75

Order of Adverbs
When there are two or more adverbs (a verb and its object) the normal order is, (MPT)
i) Adverb of manner
ii) Adverb of place
iii) Adverb of time
She sang well at the party last Friday.
If there are more adverbs of time or place in a sentence, it’s usual to put more exact expressions before the more
general ones.
- He was born at 6 0’clock on a cold December morning in 2008.
- She lives at Nateete, Rubaga division in Kampala district.

A conjunction is a joining word.
A word that joins sentences, phrases or other words.


When ‘too’ is goes with the preposition ‘to’, it carries a negative idea or meaning so it usually can’t be put in the same
sentence with ‘not’.

Using: ……………too……………. With similar subjects.

Example sentences
The man is fat. The man can’t pass through the main entrance.

119 English Grammer

Dorah is very dull. She can’t do that test.

Using: ……………too……………. With different subjects.

Example sentences
The desk is very heavy. John can’t lift it alone.
The goal post was very high. The goal keeper couldn’t reach it without trying.

Re-write the following sentences using …………..too………………
1. The mountain is very steep. We can’t climb it without safety clothes.
2. The pupil was very happy. The pupil could not address the assembly.
3. The porridge was very hot. It could not be eaten.
4. The thief is very strong. The officer can’t arrest him alone.
5. The antelope was very fast. The hunter could not get it before throwing a spear.
6. The charcoal was very wet. It could not cook the food in time.
7. The girl was very weak. She could not throw the piece of posho far enough to reach me.
8. The police woman was strict. The driver did not bribe her.
9. The cobbler was very slow. He could not finish the shoes in time.
10. The punishment was very tough. Kizito could not manage it.

Separating sentences joined by ‘too’.

Here the idea is removing the joining word. One should be keen to keep the tense of the sentences as they do so and
to replace the too with very.

Example sentences
She is too stupid to realize the trick.
They were too hungry to finish the work in time.
The food was too raw for the children to eat.

Re-write the following sentences as two separate sentences
1. She is too soft to refuse an offer of a sweet.
2. The head prefect was too wise for the pupils to fool around.
3. The injection was too painful for me to withstand.
4. The house girl was too lazy to be given any payments.
5. The jack fruit was too big for Jackson to finish alone.
6. Jack was too quiet to be punished by the teacher.
7. The lake was too rough for the fisher men to fish by its waters.
8. The orange was too bitter to be chewed.
9. The light was too bright to read from.
10. The parcels are too heavy for Maate to carry.

The use of-----------enough -----------

Enough is usually used with preposition ‘to’ to mean sufficient.

Note: Adjectives of quality e.g. very, too, a lot, etc. mean that something is in big quantities or even more than sufficient
so they can’t be used together with enough because at some point they mean the same.

The use of enough with clauses with the same subject.

Using enough in affirmative states
Example sentences
The sun is very hot today. It can dry the woolen blanket.
The baby is very grown. It can take a cupful of porridge by itself.

Re-write the following sentences using …………. enough…………
1. Suzan is now old. She can get married to Mugaga.
2. David was so strong that he killed Goliath.
3. God was so kind that he sent his only son to die for our sins.
120 English Grammer
4. The room was very big. It accommodated all of the people in quarantine.
5. Angela was holy. She went to church for night prayer.
6. Mukasa was very honest. He apologised to the teacher.
7. Kanakulya is very old. He can go to town alone.
8. The king is very happy. He can talk to his subjects.

Using enough in negative states

My father is very poor. He can’t afford to buy two meals a day.
Amos is not strong. He can’t fight two boys alone.
A lion is too greedy to leave without eating the antelope.
The rain was very heavy. It could not leave that old house standing.

Re-write the following sentences using ………. Enough………
1. Serenity is not very strong. She can’t carry that jerrycan of water alone.
2. Enoch was very week. He did not touch the ceiling.
3. The thief was too week to fight the mob that captured him.
4. Doreen’s brain is not good. It can’t remember the whole activity.
5. This new car is too small to carry Mr. Mbuga’s family at once.
6. The soda is very cold. The baby can’t suck it out.
7. Kavuma is very old. He can’t see things from that far distance.
8. The chef was too shabby to was her hand before serving the guests.

Using enough in with clauses with different subjects.

1. The attacking dog was very fierce. Suzan could not walk by it alone.
2. The costume is very big. The fat girl can fit in it.
3. The moon is very bright today. We can sort the rice properly.
4. The room is too dirty for us to dine in it.

Re-write the following sentences using ………. Enough………

1. Seroma is very old. Her mother can’t escort her to school.
2. The sun is very bright today. All these clothes can dry up under it in time.
3. Waman is very rich. Wamala cannot pay for her food.
4. The sky is very clear. We can see the stars.
5. Nampijja is very beautiful. Kamoga can pay 10 million for her dowry price.
6. Naume sings well. The choir can recruit her for the upcoming performance.
7. Sarah is too dull for the head teacher to pick as the class captain.
8. Jack is not very young. His mother can let him go to school alone.
9. The bolus is very heavy. Weak Letisha can’t lift it to strike at her enemy.
10. The motorcycle is very fast. You can’t reach before it if you take the same route.

Re-write the following sentences using ………. Enough………

1. The computer was careful. It printed this book well.
2. Alice performed very well. The head teacher gave her a prize.
3. She was brave she killed the lion by herself.
4. The weather was worm. We could not go with coats.
5. The patient is very ill. She needs a doctor.
6. Suzan is very young. She cannot go to school alone.
7. Are you tall? Can you touch the roof without stretch?
8. The river was quite low. They managed to walk across it
9. Was that girl wise? Didn’t she contract AIDs?
10. Kafupi is very short. He cannot reach the mangoes.
11. Jamir is strong. He can lift the box.
12. He was very wise. He went to bed before his father came.
13. Okot is very young. He cannot marry this year.
14. The food is very little. Suzan can eat it alone.

121 English Grammer

The use of ……………so ……………..that ………………
Example sentences
The girl was clever. The girl passed PLE.
The man was very blind. The man could not see the snake.
Join using ……so…………
1. The lady was very careful. The lady scored a goal.
2. The child was dishonest. His father didn’t trust him with his school fees.
3. The lady is rude. Everybody fears her.
4. There was little food. L got a quarter of a plate.
5. The woman was selfish. She was hated by everybody in the village.
6. Saul is very extravagant with his money. Everybody begs from him.
7. The thief was bitten cruelly. He lost his eye.
8. The test was well done. My classmates got above 80%.
9. He is very careless. He does not care about his books.
10. The casualty was seriously injured. A responsible man took her to Mulago Hospital.

The use of ……………such --------that ……………..

Example sentences
1. Julius is courageous. He moved at night alone.
Julius is such a courageous boy/ man that he moved at night alone.
Julius is such courageous a boy/ a man that he moved at night alone.

2. The umbrella is very old. I shall not use it.

It is such an old umbrella that I shall not use it.
It is such old an umbrella that I shall not use it.
The umbrella is such an old one that I shall not use it.

3. Masaka and Jinja Roads are very busy roads. The drivers cannot drive along them at a high speed.
Masaka and Jinja roads are such busy roads that the drivers cannot drive along them at a high speed.
4. The children were very anxious. They opened their mother’s bag.
The children were such anxious ones that they opened their mother’s bag.

Join using ……such…………

1. He is a lousy pupil. He doesn’t finish work in time.
2. My grandmother is very unhappy. She stays in doors full time.
3. Rabbits are wild. They fear to live near people.
4. She is illiterate. She cannot write or read.
5. The president is very intelligent. He will afford to rule the country.
6. Women are very essential. Men respect them.
7. Lions are fierce. People fear them.
8. The girl was selfish. She was hated by everybody in the class.
9. He was old. He could not go to a kindergarten.
10. It was a very odd hour. We could not go out then.

Changing from so that to such that.

Example sentences
Charles was so kind that everyone liked him.
The sand was so heavy that no one could carry it.

Re-write these sentences using ……….such……
1. Suzan was so hardworking that she never seemed to stop working.
2. I was so busy that I never had time to think.
3. The salt was so sour that the food was not eaten.
4. The watch is so old that it won’t fetch any money for us.
5. It was so uncomfortable that nobody sat in it.
6. My sister slept for so long that my mother forgot about her.
7. The leader was s cruel that everybody feared him.

122 English Grammer

8. The sheep are so humble that anyone can graze them.
9. Tomatoes are so sweet. We eat them every day.
10. Water is so useful that we drink it every day for our health.
Changing from ‘too’ and ‘enough’ to ‘so…… that’ and ‘such ………. that’.
Example sentences.
He was too quick to be caught.
Dakitari was strong enough to carry 10 kg of sugar.
Ssebuuma was not wise enough to pass PLE.
Re-write the sentences using ‘so…… that’ and ‘such ………. that’.
1. He is too sensible a person to do that.
2. She is foolish enough to be asking silly questions.
3. Dembe is not old enough to go to school.
4. That girl was too weak to fight him.
5. The mountain was too high for them to climb.
6. The table was not narrow enough for him to get through the door way swiftly.
7. Kibaya is clever enough to do these numbers easily.
8. He is too brave to fear you.
9. Her father was merciful enough to excuse her.
10. The teacher was too lenient to punish us.

Writing as separate sentences.

Example sentences
The panga was too blunt to cut down the tree.
The knife was sharp enough for us to use while peeling.
The floor was so smooth that everybody fell down.
The market was such a busy one that I didn’t buy what I wanted.

Re-write as two separate sentences.

1. He was too ill to speak clearly.
2. The bucket was too full for the baby to carry.
3. The engine is too old to work properly.
4. The boy is too bad-tempered for anyone to like.
5. The baby was too hungry for Rose to keep.
6. Jackob was happy enough to sing in his birth.
7. My mother was wise enough to go at once.
8. The elections were free enough for everybody to participate.
9. The wound was deep enough to need stitching.
10. The minister is generous enough for the disabled to go there for help.
11. He started so late that he did not catch the train.
12. The doctor examined the patient so carelessly that he made her feel uncomfortable.
13. The lady was so beautiful that every man loved her.
14. I am so rich that thieves come and steal my property.
15. The boda-boda man is so popular that everybody knows his name.
16. He is such a strange boy that nobody knows him.
17. The mango is such sweet a fruit that girls always want to have a bite.
18. The town schools are such expensive ones that parents are running away from them.
19. Fish is such nutritious food that I wish I ate it every day.
20. Today has such good an evening that we shall go for football.


The use of ‘because/ since/ so/as

Example sentences
Sanyu is clever. Sanyu passed PLE.
The girl was poor. She had one dress.

123 English Grammer

Re-write using because / since / and / so / as
1. Beringi is beautiful. She won the beauty contest.
2. Paul ran his fastest. Paul was the first in the race.
3. Onyait was brave. Onyait killed the lion.
4. Waiswa knows English very well. He can speak it for a long time.
5. Our teacher explains well during the lesson. He is understood by everybody class.
6. The glutton eats too much food. She gets satisfied.
7. Kataremwa was chanceful. He got the first prize in the premier lottery.
8. She is quiet. She doesn’t disturb neighbours.
9. David was a good ruler. David ruled for a long time.
10. The portrait of the president was good. It sold off quickly.

The use of ‘so that/ such that/ so as/ in order’

Let us not confuse ‘so that/ such that’ with ‘so ……. That/ such ……. that’ because they are far different in both ways of
use and purpose when used.

‘so that/ such that/ so as/ in order’ when used in sentence all show the aim of doing something and they can all be
used at the beginning and in the middle.

Example sentences
The teacher slapped me. Wanted me to pay attention.
My mother fetches water. She can cook food.
The poor woman picked food from garbage. She didn’t want her children to starve.

Join the following sentences using ‘so that/ such that/ so as/ in order’
1. The teacher punished Namata. Namata should not spoil other children.
2. I read my books very hard. I want to pass to the next class.
3. The child lied to her father. The child didn’t want to receive hot ones.
4. The scouts went to the independence celebrations. They would help to discipline people.
5. A cow has a tail. It can chase away flies easily.
6. They worked very hard. They wanted to finish early.
7. My mother came early. She wanted to prepare supper.
8. The head teacher sent the school fees defaulters home. He wanted them to bring school fees.
9. The class monitor goes to school very early. He tidies the classroom before class begins.
10. They had to work very hard. They passed the exams.
Separating sentences with conjunctions ‘so that/ such that/ so as/ in order’
Example sentences.
I studied very hard so that I can go to the university.
Thief ran fast such that he could not be caught.
Well-behaved girls avoid sex so as not to be pregnant before marriage.

Re-write the following as two separate sentences
1. We went to Jinja so that we could see the water falls.
2. I tied up the boat such that it should not drift way.
3. Most pupils in P.7 arrive early so as to complete their homework.
4. I don’t play sex so that I don’t catch AIDs.
5. The children make exercises in P.E so as to keep physically fit.
6. My neighbour writes carefully such that she does not spoil her work.
7. Musana works very hard so as not to miss studies.
8. We eat food such that we don’t die.
9. People wear shoes so as not to get germs through their feet.
10. We tie a tourniquet near the wound so that we stop heavy bleeding.


124 English Grammer

The use of ‘either……….or’
‘either …………or’ is used with affirmative (positive) sentences.
When the clauses to be joined start with different subjects, then ‘either’ will be at the beginning of the sentence.
Example sentences
Peter will bring my books. James will bring my books.
I shall drink pepsi cola. My younger brother will drink a pepsi cola.

When the clauses to be joined start with the same subjects, then ‘either’ will be at in the middle of the sentence.
Example sentences
Janet eats fish every day. Jane eats fish every day.
He kicked me. He slapped me.
She took us to pray at the church. She took us to fast at the church.
Safinah is playful. Safinah is hardworking.

Join using either…………or……..
1. You can hand in your book today. You can hand in your book tomorrow.
2. Moses is allowed to come in. Simon is allowed to come in.
3. Our teacher will go to Britain. Our head teacher will go to Britain.
4. Rosette enjoys reading novels. Rosette enjoys reading magazines.
5. Men celebrated when H.E Kaguta Museveni won the elections. Women celebrated when H.E Kaguta Museveni
won the elections
6. I shall scratch the Jada Rotary. I shall Premier Rotary.
7. The aeroplane has fallen in the ocean. The helicopter has fallen in the ocean.
8. The girls will sing well at the concert. The boys will sing well at the concert.
9. I dreamt getting free money last night. I dreamt getting free cows last night.
10. A dog is dangerous. A cat is dangerous.

Using ‘either’ and ‘or’ alone.

Example sentences.
Using …………or……………
1. Janet eats fish every day. Janet eats meat every day.
Janet eats fish or meat every day.
2. He kicked me. He slapped me.
He kicked me or slapped me.
3. Peter will bring my books. James will bring my books.
Peter or James will bring my books.
4. My younger brother will drink a pepsi cola. I shall drink pepsi cola.
My young brother and I shall drink Pepsi cola.

Using …………either……………
Our teacher can write using both hands.
Our teacher can write using either hand.

Use ‘or’ or ‘either’ to re-write the following sentences.
1. My father will buy a Benz car. My father will buy a Toyota car.
2. Kijambu intends to become a lawyer. Kyeyo intend to become a lawyer.
3. The patient took overdose and died. The patient didn’t take any medicine and died.
4. The dentist finished his work early. The barber finished his work early.
5. The football captain plays with both legs.
6. The blind can’t see with both eyes.
7. Your father can slap you on both chicks.
8. The builder can carry the sand using both lorries.

The use of ‘neither………. Nor’

‘neither …………nor’ is used with negative sentences.
When the clauses to be joined start with different subjects, then ‘neither’ will be at the beginning of the sentence.
125 English Grammer
Example sentences
Peter won’t bring my books. James won’t bring my books.
I shall not drink pepsi cola. My younger brother will not drink a pepsi cola.

When the clauses to be joined start with the same subjects, then ‘neither’ will be at in the middle of the sentence.
Example sentences
Janet does not eat fish every day. Jane does not eat fish every day.
He didn’t kick me. He didn’t slap me.
My teacher cannot smoke. My teacher cannot drink beer. (My teacher can neither smoke nor can he drink beer.)
Join using neither…………nor……....
1. The master-on-duty won’t punish the latecomers. The headteacher won’t punish the latecomers.
2. I shall not escape from school today. Nathan will not escape from school today.
3. He doesn’t know how to calculate Mathematics. She does not know how to calculate Mathematics.
4. Nkurunziza didn’t tell the whole story. Mbonaigaba didn’t tell the whole story.
5. Flu is not a deadly disease. Cough is not a deadly disease.
6. This desk can’t break. This form can’t break.
7. My classmates are not quiet. Your classmates are not quiet.
8. You must not smoke. She must not smoke.
9. Nyakairu has not done domestic chores. Nyakana has not done domestic chores.
10. The library was not swept. The classroom was not swept.

More about the use of ‘neither………. nor’

Example sentences
My mother is not sick. My father is not sick.
Cats are not harmless animals. Dogs are not harmless animals.
Katumba doesn’t enjoy football. Ssembatya doesn’t enjoy football.

Join using neither…………nor……....

1. Robina can’t wash utensils clean. Her brother can’t wash utensils clean.
2. Walumbe did not return to Gulu. Kayikuzi did not return either.
3. My dress is not new. Pauline’s dress is not new either.
4. Both Ruth and Goretti are not stubborn.
5. The tiger is not tame. The lion is not tame.
6. The goats and the cows have not grazed.
7. Both the hosts and the guests are not organized.
8. The footballers are not ready. The netballers are not ready.
9. Kaisa has not learnt how to cook. Kaisa has not learnt how to saw.
10. Noeline and Shallot don’t dodge homework.
11. The prisoners and the thieves don’t sleep well.
12. These children have not eaten posho. These children have not eaten matooke.
13. The man did not take the money. The man did not take the merchandise.
14. The ladies won’t carry poor bags. The ladies won’t eat poorly either.
15. We must not tell lies to our parents. We must not tell lies to our teachers.
Using ‘neither’ or ‘nor’ alone.
Example sentences.
1. Maseruka is not short. Mate is not short.
Maseruka is not short and neither is Mate.
2. Kapucu has not been tall. Kambele has not been tall.
Kapucu has not been tall and nor has been Kambele.
Kapucu has not been tall and neither has been Kambele.
3. Janet does not eat meat every day. Janet does not eat fish every day.
Janet does not eat meat every day and neither does she eat fish.
Janet does not eat meat every day and nor does she eat fish.
4. He didn’t kick me. He didn’t slap me.
He didn’t kick me and nor did he slap me.
He didn’t kick me and neither did he slap me.
Use ‘or’ or ‘either’ to re-write the following sentences.
126 English Grammer
1. The plates were not well washed. The cups were not well washed.
2. I didn’t reach school late. My sister didn’t reach school late.
3. The shabby man hasn’t bought shoes. The shabby man hasn’t bought stockings.
4. My father will never smoke. I will never smoke.
5. My aunt may not pray this Sunday. My uncle may not pray this Sunday.
6. The baby will not defecate on the bed. The bay will not urinate on the bed.
7. We have not eaten anything. We have not drunk anything.
8. Kayihura cannot misbehave. Kembabazi cannot misbehave.
9. Radio Uganda ought not to broadcast nuisance. Radio Sanyu ought not to broadcast nuisance.
10. They don’t enjoy wall dance. They don’t enjoy twist dance.

Separating into two clauses.

Example sentences.
Neither my cousin nor I kicked the food into the food.
Irene has neither miscarried nor has she aborted.
He might not attend the party and neither might I.

Re-writer the following sentences into two separate clauses.

1. Neither this dictionary nor that one can give us the word we want.
2. That rat will neither die f rat poison nor that rat trap.
3. Neither you nor I should play about with the teacher.
4. It will not rain today and nor will it shine.
5. The church is neither full nor empty.
6. The children went neither to study nor to stay at home.
7. Harriet hadn’t completed reading the book and neither had Hope.
8. My grandmother can neither read nor write.
9. Neither the police man nor the dogs have chased the thief.
10. Your parents will never forgive you and nor will God.

The use of ‘’and so’’ and ‘’and neither’’

Example sentences
1. Jemba has lost his book. Juko has lost his book.
Jemba has lost his book and so has Juko.
2. Dogs don’t eat grass. Lions don’t eat grass.
Dogs don’t eat grass and neither do lions.
3. The teacher has spoken to me. The teacher has spoken to Ritah.
The teacher has spoken to me and so has she to Ritah.
4. Kamya was not arrested. Kamya was not taken to Luzira.
Kamya was not arrested and neither was he taken to Luzira.
Rewrite the following sentences using ‘and neither’ and ‘and so’.
1. The baker is kind. The baker is friendly
2. Nakato cannot swim. Babirye cannot swim
3. Dido does not like stealing. Dido does not like fighting
4. Both a television and a radio are good sources of information.
5. Sam did not dig the flower bed. Eva did not dig the flower bed.
6. A buffalo does not run very fast. A rhino does not run very fast.
7. Mukasa will collect the books. Sempa will collect the books.
8. Mugisha did not eat supper. Matovu did not eat supper.
9. Ritah does not know how to swim. Patricia also does not know how to swim.
10. Briteny has ever gone to America. Lucky has also ever gone to America.
11. Nkambwe was advised to sit down. Nkambwe was advised to go out.
12. Sharon will not go there. Shamirah will not go there.
13. The teacher did not punish Joan. The teacher did not punish Juliet.
14. He doesn’t understand Swahili. He doesn’t understand French.

Fill the gaps correctly with inversion.

1. There hasn't been any success ............................... there been any failure.
2. The goats haven't entered the house .......... the hens.
127 English Grammer
3. Sulaiman didn't buy bacon ................................. Kamiyati. (buy bacon.)
4. The buses were early today .......................the taxis.
5. Bobs kicked the ball wonderfully ........................ Kasoma.
6. The rat can jump over the fence ............................. the frog.
7. You must get all the questions ....................... your friend.
8. The sun wo11 't rise tomorrow ....................... the moon.
9. Hot loaf bakery produces high quality bread ........................ Britannia bakery.
10. D. J doesn't like this kind of music ......................... Caka Caka.

MK Precise page 126 – 127 page 131 – 136


(Direct and Indirect)

In speeches we consider the approach used by an individual to report.
There are two types of reporting,
1. Direct reporting, this is when one uses the original words of the speaker to report
2. Indirect reporting. This is when one rephrases the original words of the speaker to report.

Direct Reporting. (Direct Speech)

A direct speech is made up of two parts:
1. Speech tag
2. Quoted actual words. These always star with a capital letters and are always in quotation marks.
3. Study the sentences below
Speech tag actual words

1.Juma said, ‘’I am learning English now’’.

2. ‘’Don’t eat from a dirty plate,’’ said the cook.
3. Mubiru asked, ‘why did you put a question mark?’

Indirect Reporting (Indirect Speech / Reported Speech)

This is made up of three parts,
1. Speech tag
2. Conjunction (joining word)
3. Reported words rephrased
Study the sentences below

Speech tag conjunction reported words rephrased

He said that he was learning English then.

Punctuation of direct speeches

Changing from Direct to Indirect Speech

When changing from direct to indirect, three kinds of sentences are reported i.e. statement, questions and commands
Formal changes made when changing from direct to indirect.
Direct Indirect
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Ago Before
Today That day
Tomorrow The following day
Yesterday The day before
Last… Previous
Come Go
Bring Take
I He /she
My His /her
We Him /her

128 English Grammer

Mine His/hers
You Me/us
Us Them
Next The following

Reporting Statements in The Present

Reporting in the present tense appears in two different ways defined by the tenses used by the speech tag i.e.
✓ Present simple speech tags
✓ Past simple speech tag
Example sentences
1. Sarah says, ‘we learn English.’
Sarah says that they learn English.
2. The strong boy brags, ‘No one can fight me.’
The strong boy brags that no one can fight him.
3. I say, ‘English is easy to us.’
He says that English is easy to them.
4. I say, ‘I drink water every day.’
She says that she drinks water every day.
5. The gate- keeper complains, ‘the cat jumps over my heads every day.’
The gate-keeper complains that cat jumps over his head every day.
6. Jane said, ‘I take these books home every Friday.’
Jane said that she took those books home every Friday.
7. ‘I speak to you about coming late for classes,’ warned the teacher.
The teacher warned that she spoke to me about going late for classes.
8. I said, ‘I drink water every morning.’
He said that he drunk water every morning.
9. ‘The cat jumps over my head every day’’ the gate keeper complained.
The gate keeper complained that the cat jumped over his head every day.
10. The headmistress said, ‘He goes home every Sunday.’
The headmistress said that he went home every Sunday.

Change these direct statements to indirect statements.
1. The man said, ‘These wasps sting us every day.’
2. We said, ‘We sing this song every Sunday.’
3. They said, ‘we walk to school on foot every Monday.’
4. The head boy said, ‘I attend these assemblies every time.’
5. The small girl says, ‘I cry every time.’
6. She says, ‘I bring this pen every Tuesday.’
7. He said, ‘I bring these colours during art lessons.’
8. The speaker said, ‘We use English in public address.’
9. The girls say, ‘We dress well every Monday’
10. He said, ‘He takes that bag to school every Thursday.’
11. We said, ‘We sing this song every Sunday.’
12. They said, ‘We walk to school on foot every Monday.’

Example sentences
1. He said, ‘I am drinking water now.’
He said that he was drinking water then.
2. Jane noted, ‘I am taking these books home now.’
Jane noted that she was taking these books home then.
3. He said, ‘We are bringing this mat here.’
He said that they were taking this that mat there.
4. He says, ‘I am eating meat now.’
He says that he is eating meat now.
5. The patients say, ‘We are coming for treatment.’
The patients say that they are going for treatment.

129 English Grammer

Change from Direct to Indirect
1. The head teacher said, ‘I am going to Masaka now.’
2. The class monitor said, ‘We are collecting these books after this lesson.’
3. The house boy says, ‘You are paying me here and now.’
4. The actor and the actress said, ‘We are bringing this play here.’
5. They say, ‘We are taking this car now.’
6. She said, ‘Joan is sleeping in the class room to day.’
7. The hunter said, ‘I am hunting wild animals here.’
8. They said, ‘We are coming to the playground this hour.’
9. My neighbour whispered, ‘we are going to get all these numbers today’
10. The Diva confirmed, ‘She is studying very hard to get a first grade.’

Example sentences
1. Jane said, ‘I have brought these books already.’
Jane said that she had taken those books already.
2. The teacher said, ‘I have spoken to you about your dressing.’
The teacher said that he had spoken to me about my dressing.
3. He says, ‘I have drunk this water already.’
He says that he has drunk that water already.
Change the following from direct to indirect
1. They said, ‘We have spoilt this desk from here today.’
2. Birungi says, ‘She has lost her name in front of all these people.’
3. The player said, ‘We have lost this game already.’
4. The observer said, ‘You have bitten that boy’s arm for nothing.’
5. We say, ‘We have brought our books to this teacher already.’
6. She said, ‘I have gone mad this afternoon.’
7. The designer said, ‘She has designed it in a wrong way.’
8. His sister says, ‘Nabweteme has recovered this money from the bush.’
9. The girl said, ‘This dog has bitten this baby today.’
10. The priest says, ‘I have received this baby today.’

Replacing Statements in The Past

Example sentences
1. She said, ‘I bought it here yesterday.’
She said that she had bought it here the day before.
2. She said, ‘The hen laid this egg las night.’
She said that the hen had laid that egg the previous night.
3. She said, ‘I was bringing it here yesterday.’
She said that she had been taking it there the previous day
4. He said, ‘The hen was lying under this tree.’
He said that the hen had been lying under that tree.
5. Solome confirmed, ‘I had never seen a shooting star before today.’
Solome confirmed that he had never seen a shooting star before that day.

Change the following from direct to indirect reporting

1. Patricia said, ‘She sang a song well yesterday.’
2. He said, ‘They were sweeping here in this room last week.’
3. The man defended himself, ‘I was bringing this play here in time.’
4. I remained, ‘I slept for a long-time last Sunday.’
5. The head teacher said, ‘I was coming from Maaka last week.’
6. The dancers said, ‘We lay on our beds late last night.’
7. She reported, ‘Joan was sleeping in one of the class rooms last night.’
8. They remained, ‘We swore not to steal anymore.’
9. He addressed, ‘My brother passed P.L.E last year.’
10. The clever girl said, ‘I was studying very hard to get a degree last year.’

Reporting Statements in The Future Tense

130 English Grammer

Example sentences
1. The dancer said, ‘I shall dance this this music a lone tomorrow.’
The dancer said that she would dance that music alone the following day.
2. He said, ‘She will be doing her exams next year.’
He said that she would be doing her exams the following year.
3. They said, ‘We shall have come here by tomorrow.’
They said that they would have gone there by the following day.

Change from direct to indirect.
1. They said, ‘We shall have finished this lesson by tomorrow.’
2. I said, ‘She will tell you this story to day.’
3. The boys said, ‘This will take us five minutes only.’
4. He said, ‘Jannat will be lying here tomorrow.’
5. The policeman said, ‘We shall not tolerate any wrong deeds.’
6. The chair master said, ‘I shall have been learning how to conduct you by the end of this year.’
7. Rose, Sarah and I said, ‘We shall bring this luggage to your home tomorrow.’
8. She said, ‘He will be taking those goats for grazing today.’
9. ‘They will have started clapping hands for us by the time we enter,’ the leader said.
10. ‘I shall go alone to the shop tomorrow, ‘said the small boy

Reporting Questions and Question Forms.

Example sentences
1. He asked, ‘Is there anybody in the house now?’
He asked whether there was any body in the house then
He wanted to know if there was any body in the house then.
2. Finah asked Tom, ’Were they going to the hospital this morning?’
Finah asked Tom whether they had been going to the hospital that morning
Finah wanted to know from Tom if they had been going to the hospital that morning.
3. She asked, ’Did you do this work from here?’
She wanted to know whether I had done that work from there.
4. They asked the teacher, ‘Must we come with our parents today?’
They asked the teacher whether they had to go with their parents that day.
They wanted to know from the teacher whether they had to go with their parents that day.

1. My father asked my mother,’’ Is there any food to day?’’
2. She asked, ‘Was he ready yesterday?’
3. His uncle asked me, ‘Will you come here tomorrow to collect this book?’
4. The teacher asked, ‘May you come here now?’
5. He asked her, ‘Did Mary bring this bag here today?’
6. Mother inquired from James, ‘Will she be taken there tomorrow?’
7. The parent asked, ‘Does lucky drink much beer from this bar every day?’
8. The class monitor wondered, ’Shall we understand this topic today?’
9. She asked, ‘Must Joseph bring this blanket here tomorrow?’
10. The captain asked, ‘Can you fix this goal post before the game?’
11. She inquired, ‘Has she bought these eggs now?’
12. He asked, ‘Did we keep this child here for long?’
13. The parents asked, ‘Does lucky drink much beer from this bar every day?’

Changing from direct to indirect
1. The head teacher asked, ‘Where is the teacher today?’
2. The man asked, ‘Why are you coming here?’’
3. She asked, ‘When has juice spoilt these mangoes?’
4. The woman inquired, ‘When did you come her?’
5. They asked, ‘Whose clothes are those?’
6. The leader asked, ’What has he done now?’
7. He asked, ’Who can eat this stale food?’
131 English Grammer
8. My friend asked, ‘Why shall we take long doing this simple job?’
9. Ochan inquired, ‘Which of these jobs did you prefer last year?’
10. ‘Whom has she slapped in the face?’ she wondered.
11. ‘How have you arrived at this answer?’ asked the teacher.
12. ‘Why did you copy from this paper in the exam?’ the examiner inquired.
13. The head teacher asked, ‘What was your name yesterday?’
14. He asked, ‘Why are you late today?’
15. She asked, ‘When must I bring this baby here?’

Reporting Commands and Requests

Example sentences
1. She said, ‘Forget it today.’
She told him to forget it that day.
She asked him to forget it that day.
2. I said, ‘Do it at once, Ibra.’
I told Ibra to do it at once.
3. The teacher warned, ‘Don’t come late again.’
The teacher warned him not to go late again
4. He said, ‘Don’t bring Josh with us today.’
He told her not to take Josh with them that day.
5. John said, ‘Help me with your book.’
John asked her to help him with her book.

Change from direct to indirect reporting
1. My father said, ‘Run quickly to school.’
2. Nasseje told Claire, ‘Bring those tomatoes here quickly.’
3. They noted, ‘Don’t bring your stupidity here, Justin.’
4. The commander said, ‘Did your own grave.’
5. She said, ‘Go and bring your parent now.’
6. ‘Don’t be silly any more,’ Nayiga warned me.
7. The children said, ‘Don’t beat us, teacher’’.
8. ‘Anent, don’t dance with him,’ said Kagame.
9. He said, ‘Be careful with those eggs today.’
10. ‘Examine me very closely, ’The patient told the doctor.


Something necessary is something you can’t do without or something important.
e.g. food, water, education etc.

something that is obligatory is something someone has to do.

e.g. believing in God, going to church etc.

Expressing necessity
Words used to express necessity and obligation.
Affirmative form Negative form
Present past Present past
must Had to/was or were to Mustn’t Didn’t have to/wasn’t to
need Need have Needn’t Didn’t need to/needn’t have
should Should have Shouldn’t Shouldn’t have
Ought to Oughtn’t to

The use of must

Expressing must in past form

132 English Grammer

The past form of ‘must’ is ‘had to’.
Example sentences.
I must go to church this Sunday.
I had to go to church that Sunday.
Bolingo must sleep here now.
Bolingo had to sleep there then.

Change the following to past form.
1. We must respect our teacher and parents because they love us.
2. The latecomers must ask questions whenever they don't understand.
3. The drivers must drive carefully to avoid accidents.
4. The pupils must always be punctual otherwise the teacher will punish them.
5. People must eat food of a balanced diet, they cannot fall sick.
Change the following to past form.
1. Kabalasi had to graze goats every day.
2. Nambi had to run away yesterday, otherwise she could be burnt.
3. They had to calculate the Mathematics number quickly as there was little time left.
4. The nurse had to give me under doze because she had little medicine.
5. The police man had to order the deadly driver out of the taxi last week for he would drive off.

The use of ‘doesn’t/didn’t need to’ and ‘Needn’t’

Example sentences
Present form.
1. It is not necessary for them to accompany me.
2. It is not necessary for the teacher to punish us.
3. It is raining but it is not necessary.
4. There is no need for her to sing.
5. You must not eat this stale food.
6. Kapere should not run to school.
Past form
1. They accompanied me but it was not necessary.
2. It was not necessary for the teacher to punish us.
3. You went but you shouldn’t have.
4. The head teacher suspended John but there was no need.

Re-write the following sentences using ‘doesn’t/didn’t need to’ and ‘needn’t’
1. There was no need for him to go away.
2. It is not necessary for me to revise French.
3. We went back for lunch but we shouldn’t have.
4. It is not necessary for us to walk to town.
5. They were in a hurry but it was not necessary.
6. There was no need for the thief to be buttered.
7. It is not necessary for me to revise French.
8. It is no necessary for them to wait for me.
9. Drivers knock pedestrians but they shouldn’t.
10. We must not dodge Mathematics lessons.
11. There is no need for Tom to visit you during class time.
12. It is not necessary for the teacher to choose a fool for the debate.
Using necessary
Example sentences
I didn’t need to take poison.
Banyanga needn’t stone the teacher.
We needn’t have dodged the mathematics lesson.
Fiona doesn’t need to go to school at that age.

Re-write the sentences using necessary.
133 English Grammer
1. Fiona needn’t have refused to go to school.
2. We don’t need to dance till morning.
3. Dorothy needn’t draw lines without a ruler.
4. Girls needn’t climb trees.
5. A cat doesn’t need to live with people.
6. You needn’t have written a friendly letter tome.
7. One needn’t chase two birds and expect to get any.
8. The candidates needn’t have relaxed at the end of time.
9. We needn’t go for an English lesson without a dictionary.
10. You didn’t need to lose my pen.

The use of Ought to

Example sentences
You should respect your elders.
We should not reach school late.
Should I cross it out?
Although it is break time, we should stay in class.

Replace ‘should’ with ‘ought’ and vice versa
1. Andrew should be the first in our class.
2. They should send the broken desks.
3. You should stop shouting at people.
4. Salima should say her prayers every day.
5. We should organise our work.
6. She should cross the road after looking at the traffic flow.
7. The shop keep shouldn’t shout at people.
8. You should not look a fool during debates.
9. Tom should not disrespect women.
10. Ssentema shouldn’t eat during the lesson.
11. They ought to be ready by two o’clock.
12. I ought not to stay home today.
13. Ought you to organize your work before the arrival of the teacher.
14. They ought to go swimming next week.
15. He ought not to go to bed after bathing.
16. You ought to attend the mathematics lesson.
17. School children ought to reach school early.
18. Drivers ought to be careful at the zebra crossing.

Modal verbs
- Should have to, shouldn’t - Ability, capable of
- Ought to, have got to, oughtn’t - Necessary – necessity
- Must, must not - Had better
- Needn’t, didn’t need to

Ref: Junior English Composition and Grammar p. 97 – 94

Revision English by Ronald Forest pp 47 – 49
MK Precise pp 153 – 162
Living English structure for schools pp 22 – 35
English Grammar in Use pp 52
Topical revision (pamphlet on previous lesson notes)

A clause is a group of words that include a subject and a verb and forms a sentence or part of the sentence.

Clauses of Time
Introduction to clauses of time

134 English Grammer

The use of after, before and when
‘’after’’ and before’’ are use as conjunctions to marry meaning of two clauses that happen one after another.
‘’after’’ is married to a clause which talks about the action that happens first of the two clauses.
‘’before’’ is married to a clause that happens last of the two clauses.
Example sentences
1. Magezi finished his work. He went to bed.
After Magezi had finished his work, he went to bed.
Magezi went to bed after he had finished his work.
2. The lazy boy ate his food. He went to play.
Before the lazy boy went to play, he ate his food.
The lazy boy ate his food before he went to play.
1. Mondo completed the exercise. He went for break.
2. She bought the matooke. She cooked it.
3. The candidates did the mistake. She robbed if off.
4. The pupils understood the explanations. They did the work easily.
5. She was ashamed. She remembered to comb the hair
6. I heard the violence. I reported to police
7. He beat her. She accused him to the master on duty.
8. When Matovu got AIDS, he regretted.
9. The lesson ended when the time keeper rang the belt.
10. When they passed the examination, they went out to celebrate.
Application of participles on the use of before and after
Example sentences
1. Magezi finished his work. He went to bed
After finishing his work, Magezi went to bed
Magezi went to bed after finishing his work
2. The lazy boy ate his food. He went to play
Before going to play, the lazy boy ate his food
The lazy boy ate his food before going to play
Join these clauses using before and after.
1. Robert crossed the road. He was knocked by a bicycle.
2. He ate raw potatoes. His mother punished him
3. My aunt dug the garden. She forgot the hoe in the garden.
4. Magezi quarrelled alone. Nantumbwe laughed at her.
5. Saul clapped hands. His hand was cut off.
Rewrite as instructed in the brackets
1. Namusoke first went to school then she met her husband. (use…………….after…………….)
2. Before the child stole the money, he prayed to God. (Use ……………..after……………..).
3. After the choir sang a good song, the guidance gave them a round of applause. (begin
4. When the time keeper rang the bell, the pupils ran and left the teacher alone in class. (Use
5. Having joined the sentences correctly, the wise boy took his book to the teacher for marking. (Begin:
Uses of other conjunctions to marry clauses of time

The use of moment, immediately, just as, as soon as,

All the above are used when marrying clauses of time make the same exact meanings and can be used both at
the beginning and in the middle.
Example sentences
1. The playful boy saw his mother. He ran to bed.
The moment the play full boy saw his mother, he ran to bed.
The playful boy ran to bed the moment he saw his mother.
2. Conductor collected the fare when the taxi set off.
Just the taxi set off, conductor collected fare.
Conductor collected fare just as the taxi set off.
3. Before the carpenter smoothened the desks, he joined the plunks.

135 English Grammer

Immediately the carpenter joined the plunks, he smoothed the desks.
The carpenter smoothened the desks immediately he joined the plunks.
4. The term ended, all the children went up country.
As soon the term ended, all the children went up country.
All the children we up country as soon as the term ended.
Rewrite the following sentences as instructed in the brackets.
1. The accident occurred; the first aider arrived at the scene. (use…………….as soon as……………..)
2. The school choir sung the Buganda Anthem immediately the Kabaka arrived (Begin: The
3. Just as the bank opened, the thieves broke in and stole all money there was. (Begin….as soon as…………)
4. I paid all the money as soon as the waitress took my order. (rewrite as two separate sentences.)
5. The shop keeper recorded down the debtor’s name, the debtor took the items on credit. (use ……….just
6. Kahero entered the church and it started raining immediately (Begin. As soon as……………..)
7. Everybody stood up when the PGB walked in. (Begin Just as……………)
8. The dog barked because it heard the footsteps from a far. (Begin: Immediately…………..)
9. As soon as Macho ser off, it began to rain. (Use… the moment…………)
10. Juliet screamed; she saw as snake. (Use……just as……)

The use of no sooner, scarcely, hardly, barely and shortly as adverbs.

No sooner
Example sentences
1. The playful boy saw his mother when he ran to be
Scarcely had the playful boy seen his mother when he ran to bed.
2. Conductor collected fare when the taxi set off.
No sooner had the taxi set off than conductor collected the fare.
3. Before the carpenter smoothened the desks, he joined the plunks.
Hardly had the carpenter joined the plunks when he smoothened the desks.
4. The term ended; all the children went up country
Shortly had the term ended when all the children went up country.
Rewrite the following as instructed in the brackets
1. A car knocked him immediately he arrived in town. (Begin: hardly…….)
2. Scarcely had the dust settled down when another accident took place. (Rewrite using: …..hardly)
3. As soon as the visitors arrived, the children stood up. (Begin: No sooner….)
4. Immediately the guest of honour arrived, they sang the national anthem. (rewrite and begin: Shortly…)
5. As soon as the actor appeared on stage, everybody clapped. (Rewrite Beginning: shortly….)
6. As sooner as the student went out. It started raining. (Rewrite beginning: No sooner did….)
7. The plane flew high in the air, it caught fire. (Begin No sooner…)
8. Hardly had the traffic officer come when another accident took place. (Begin: shortly…………..)
9. We had just completed the last number when the bell rang for a break. (Begin: barely……)
10. Immediately we put the dough in the oven, the electricity went off. (Rewrite beginning: Scarcely….)
11. Everybody stood up as soon as the president arrived. (Begin: No sooner did……)
12. The man ran away as soon as he saw the lion. (Begin: No sooner…..)
13. The man ran away as soon as he saw the lion. (Begin. No sooner….)

The use of hardly, scarcely and barely as adjectives.

When using scarcely or barely and hardly as adjectives, they are usually followed by any and are used to mean
very little or nothing at all.
Example sentences
1. There will not success at all if you don’t put your heart to it.
There will barely be any success at all if you don’t put your heart to it.
2. There was very little salt in the food.
There was hardly any salt in the food.

136 English Grammer

3. The pupil has no book in his bag.
4. She could not see the sun fall.
5. There wasn’t enough water in the pot for me to use.
Rewrite the following sentences as instructed in the brackets.
1. There was no sugar in the bowl. (use:…..hardly..)
2. My brother has no money for films today.(use:….scarcely….)
3. I could not get any English newspaper. (use: ….barely….)
4. You can’t find any dirt in my work. (use:……hardly…….)
5. We shall not take any luggage. (use:……scarcely……)
6. Robert won’t get payment for that lousy work. (use:….barely…)
7. There wasn’t a lot of rumours. (use:….hardly….)
8. There will be no lunch today. (use:….scarcely…..)
9. Musoke did not get any guest at his party. (use:….barely)
10. They would not take calculators in the examination room. (use:….hardly…)

The use of inversion and inversion reverses

Inversion means inverting the position of the subject and the helping verb in the sentences
Example sentences
1. Hardly had the dust settles down when another accident took place.
The dust had hardly settled down when another accident took place.
2. No sooner had the man seen a lion than he ran away.
The man had no sooner seen a lion than he ran away.
3. Scarcely had we put the dough in the oven when the electricity went off.
We had scarcely put the dough in the oven when the electricity went off.
Make inversions and inversion reverses from the following sentences
1. He has scarcely ever travelled by a sailing boat.
2. The sailors were hardly taking any most to the landing.
3. No sooner had the headteacher entered the class than the pupils stood up.
4. I had scarcely finished the work when the class monitor snatched the book from me.
5. Barely had it rained when the farmers planted their crops.
6. The choir had hardly sung when the priest declared the mass ended.
7. The hen had no sooner laid an egg than the eagle took it.
8. Hardly had Solome opened his phone when the thief grabbled it from him.
9. Hardly had the young girl sited out in rain when run water took her away.
10. The train had hardly approached when the lorry crushed into it.

Make inversions of the following sentences

1. There is hardly any sugar in the bowl
2. There will hardly be any success.
3. There may scarcely be any food
4. People hardly go to heaven alive
5. Musoke hardly got any present at his wedding

Use the inversions with ‘hardly’ and scarcely with each of the following.
1. There is no sugar in the sugar bowl.
2. My brother has no money for films today.
3. I couldn't get any English newspaper.
4. You can't find any dirt in my work.
5. We shall not take any luggage.
6. Robert won't get any payment for that lousy work.
7. There were hardly any rumours about retrenchment of teachers.
8. There will scarcely be any lunch today.
9. Musoke hardly got any present for performing well.
10. They scarcely go with any calculators in the examination rooms.
Make inversion of the following sentences using the underlined.
1. I have never heard such a funny story.
2. They hope to succeed only with your help.

137 English Grammer

3. If Kagame were here now, he would answer all these questions.
4. Maradona played so well that he was chosen the champion of the team.
5. If she had met him before they might have been friends.
6. The pupils did not once doubt the intelligence of their teacher.
7. He made so much noise that the teacher ordered him to leave the classroom.
8. She came first in her class only by working hard.
9. He has never been a very good runner.
10. The scout not only obeys his teachers but he also helps other pupils.
11. If it should be necessary, I will lend you more money.
12. Malco ran so fast that nobody could catch him.
13. Books will in no case be issued without the Headmaster's permission.
14. The Safari had hardly begun when his car broke down.
15. And it will not be wise to disregard his advice.
16. (Begin with "Nor" in place of "And”

The use of since and for to express time

The use of ‘Since’
Since is commonly used when one wants to express when an action started.
And here present or past perfect tenses are used depending on whether the action is still going on or
has stopped.
Example sentences
My father came at school at 8:00am. It is now 12:00noon and he is still here.
It was yesterday when the mad man stared touching that wall.
Harry started listening to the radio in the morning. He has just stopped.
At 8:00am the parents started waiting for the heat teacher. The have left.
It has rained from morning till now.

Re-write the following sentences using since.
1. My uncle came here last year. He is still here now.
2. The examination that started at noon ended at 3:00pm
3. I am always the first in class. I started in primary one.
4. They are watching a movie. They started at midnight.
5. The patient that came to the hospital on Wednesday has just left.
6. Konye lives in Sudan. He went there in 1987.
7. We ate posho till last week. We started at the beginning of the term.
8. Janet taught in this school from 2003. She has only left.
9. It has rained from morning.
10. It started raining at midday. It is still raining.
The use of ‘For’.
For is commonly used when one wants to speak of how long an action of the verb has been going on.
In doing this, Since can also still be used as shown below.
And here present or past perfect tenses are used depending on whether the action is still going on or
has stopped.
Example sentences
My father came here four hours ago. He is still here.
It was a w week agon my father started telling us bed time stories.
It started shinning at 3:00pm. It is now 7:00am, it is still shinning.
Tom started revising nine hours ago. He has now stopped.
Kamenya started learning at KIU in 2008. He finished in 2013.

Rewrite the following sentences using for.
1. We stared eating posho and beans three months ago. We are still eating them.

138 English Grammer

2. My uncle came here and it is now two years, he is still here.
3. Tomusange started learning primary three from 2016 to 2019.
4. A lady came here at 8:00pm. She left at 11:00pm.
5. Isabirye stared teaching us from 1991 to 1997.
6. Mondo stared writing well 12 months ago. He still does.
7. The patient was admitted at Case Clinic on a Wednesday. It is now four weeks.
8. When Ssebuuma started eating. He took an hour to finish.
9. The pastor started at 7:00am. It is 10:00 and he is still praying.
10. It was nine years ago when I joined this school.

The use of ‘ago’

Ago can also be used to express duration.
Example sentence
The parents have been waiting for the head teacher for 2 hours.
It has been two days since Harry started listening to the radio.
Nakandi has been tutoring Fiona for two weeks.
It has been two days since that cheater started running restlessly.

Re-write using ‘ago’
1. The teacher has been marking books for an hour.
2. That bank has been lending money to its customers for two years.
3. It has been four months since Peter expanded his company.
4. The tutor had been tutoring the learners for several hours.
5. It has been two years since the rich man started thing about the plan for a new house.
6. It has been 2000 years since God revealed the truth of salvation to Man.
7. That police post had been punishing law breakers for ten years.
8. The lawyer has been defending innocent people for a year now.

- not only ---------but also - both -------and

The use of ‘Not only’

This is used to join sentences with the actions performed by the same person or qualities possessed by
the same person.

Example sentences
Musa is a shopkeeper. Musa is a farmer.
Jane dances well. Jane sings well.
John went to school. John went to the market.
He is a doctor. He is a teacher.
He abused me. He slapped me.

Re-write the following sentences using ‘not only’

1. He dug the garden. He planted the seeds.
2. Egypt is dry and dusty.
3. Beckham is a prominent business man. Beckham is a prominent footballer.
4. Besigye was both a kind and polite politician.
5. The robbers stole his money. They killed him.
6. The goat is sick. It has a broken leg.
7. He ate beef. He ate chicken.
8. He spoke with both kindness and understanding.

139 English Grammer

(Ref: MK Precise pp 126 – 129)

Expression of Contrast
Contrast means one thing is different from the other.

Using ‘but’ and ‘although’ to express contrast.

Adjective and Adverbial contrast.
Example sentences.
The man is strong. The woman is weak.
The lake is calm. The river is rough.
My father walks gently. My uncle walks sluggishly.

Join using ‘but and although’
1. The sack of coffee is heavy. The sack of cotton is light.
2. The girl is old. The boy is young.
3. The exercise is easy. The exam is hard.
4. Your mother is fat. Your father is thin.
5. Nimusiima did the activity carefully. Sunday did the exercise carelessly.
6. The stubborn boy was punished mercifully. The well-behaved girl was punished mercilessly.
7. Nalukwago handed in the work early. Ssentongo handed in the work late.
8. P.6 children speak English well. P.7 pupils speak English poorly.
Total contrast.
Usually here the second clause is an expression of surprise or disappointment of what one expected whether
beginning with the conjunction or having it in the middle.
Example sentences
Kyeyune ran his fasted. He lost the race.
The beggar was poor. He was dressed smartly.
Sanyu is clever. Sanyu failed PLE.

Join using ‘but and although’
1. The school was full of pupils. Masaaba felt lonely.
2. The sky was cloudless. The weather was cold.
3. The candidate failed PLE. The candidate worked very hard.
4. My father had never driven a car before. He drove home safely.
5. Ojok couldn’t push his desk. Ojok was strong.
6. Every worker seemed busy on the new house. Not much work was done.
7. Gulu looked familiar to Nyakojo. He had never been to the place before.
8. The journalist had travelled a long way. She was not tired.
9. Nakayenga speaks English poorly. She read very many books about the language.
10. It was nearly mid-night. The candidates were wide awake.
Join using ‘but and although’
1. The girl was poor. The girl had five dresses.
2. The boy reads very hard. The boy is ever last in exams.
3. Kalibala is very intelligent. He is ever shabby at school.
4. Nassali is a polite girl. The teacher beats her severely.
5. Naluyima is not kind. Naluyima is very clever.
6. It was raining. The children continued to play.
7. The woman was afraid of the snake. She didn’t show it.
8. Musa directed me very well. I did not see the factory.
9. Lukia had a broken arm. She wrote very well in the examination.
10. Musitwa is quiet. He reads loudly in class.

Contrast with ‘in spite of’ and ‘despite’

140 English Grammer

These two conjunctions can be used in place of ‘although' and ‘but’. They can appear both at the beginning
and in the middle.

It’s important to note that ‘in spite’ goes with preposition ‘of’ but despite doesn’t as we are going to see.

To make contrast with these, we use three specific ways to deliver.

i.e. following continuous tense
the fact that
an abstract noun
Followed by progressive tense
Example sentences
If the action of the verb is still going on, we change it to progressive.
1. Ruth knows English very well but she can’t speak it for long.
In spite of knowing English very well, ruth can’t speak it for long.
Despite knowing English very well, Ruth can’t speak it for long.
If the action of the verb stopped, we use having and a verb in a perfect tense.
2. Ruth knew English very well although she couldn’t speak it well.
3. Our teacher had explained well during the lesson although he wasn’t understood.
If there is no verb in the sentence, being is used whether the action of the verb is still going on or stopped.
4. Our teacher explains very well during the lesson. Our teacher is not understood.
5. The beggar is poor. The beggar is honest.
6. Odong is lame but he plays football well.
7. The boy was clever but he didn’t pass PLE.
8. The car was small but it carried all the passengers.
When replacing ‘but’ or ‘although’ with ‘in spite or despite’ it’s not just a matter of simply replacing, the order
sometimes changes.

Re-write the following sentences using In spite…….. and Despite……
1. Angela is a beautiful lady but she didn't marry a rich man.
2. The glutton eats too much but he doesn't get satisfied.
3. Lucky Dube danced the whole night although he didn't get tired.
4. Kataremwa was very chanceful but he missed the first prize.
5. Hillary drives slowly although he makes accidents every day.
6. The letter was posted early but it arrived late.
7. My grandfather is quite old but he is still agile.
8. Soboya works very hard although he doesn't get all the numbers correct.
9. I am a coward but I moved at night alone.
10. The teacher taught the lesson although he came late.
11. She is quiet but she disturbs neighbours.
12. Niezeyarernye begins the work early but he finishes late.
13. Asekenyi forgot the school bag on the compound but she found it there the next day.
14. The ocean was calm although it killed all the people in the boat.
15. My father's car is old but it is reliable.

Using the conjunctions in the middle

Example sentences
If the action of the verb is still going on, we change it to progressive.
1. Ruth knows English very well but she can’t speak it for long.
If the action of the verb stopped, we use having and a verb in a perfect tense.
2. Ruth knew English very well although she couldn’t speak it well.
3. Our teacher had explained well during the lesson although he wasn’t understood.
If there is no verb in the sentence, being is used whether the action of the verb is still going on or stopped.
4. Our teacher explains very well during the lesson. Our teacher is not understood.
5. The beggar is poor. The beggar is honest.
6. Odong is lame but he plays football well.
7. The boy was clever but he didn’t pass PLE.
8. The car was small but it carried all the passengers.

Re-write the following sentences using ………in spite…….. and …………despite……

141 English Grammer
1. Angela is a beautiful lady but she didn't marry a rich man.
2. The glutton eats too much but he doesn't get satisfied.
3. Lucky Dube danced the whole night although he didn't get tired.
4. Kataremwa was very chanceful but he missed the first prize.
5. Hillary drives slowly although he makes accidents every day.
6. The letter was posted early but it arrived late.
7. My grandfather is quite old but he is still agile.
8. Soboya works very hard although he doesn't get all the numbers correct.
9. I am a coward but I moved at night alone.
10. The teacher taught the lesson although he came late.
11. She is quiet but she disturbs neighbours.
12. Niezeyarernye begins the work early but he finishes late.
13. Asekenyi forgot the school bag on the compound but she found it there the next day.
14. The ocean was calm although it killed all the people in the boat.
15. My father's car is old but it is reliable.

Followed by an abstract noun.

Here one can choose to either put a pronoun in the clause that has the conjunction or use the noun itself if given.
Example sentences.
1. Gerald is poor. Gerald is honest.
2. The medical workers threatened to strike. They didn’t get more pay.

Re-write the following sentences using In spite…….. and Despite……
1. Mrs. Oryem is beautiful. She didn't pass the beauty contests.
2. Napoleon was famous. He didn't rule for long.
3. Nanziri chose the red dress. She took the blue one.
4. Hassan loses a lot of money. His business is still booming high.
5. Okalor is proud. He is always the last in a hundred-metre race.
6. Oriongot is clever. He is going to fail this exercise.
7. Lwanyaaga succeeded in passing the exams. He couldn't join any secondary school.
8. The teacher did not manage to transform Henry into a good citizen. The teacher advised him.
9. Natumaini is a courageous woman. She failed to bear a child alone.
10. Serwanga often promises to get 80% in tests. He doesn't.

Followed by an abstract noun.

Here one can choose to either put a pronoun in the clause that has the conjunction or use the noun itself if given.
Example sentences.
1. Gerald is poor. Gerald is honest.
2. The medical workers threatened to strike. They didn’t get more pay.

Re-write the following sentences using ………in spite…….. and …………despite……
1. Mrs. Oryem is beautiful. She didn't pass the beauty contests.
2. Napoleon was famous. He didn't rule for long.
3. Nanziri chose the red dress. She took the blue one.
4. Hassan loses a lot of money. His business is still booming high.
5. Okalor is proud. He is always the last in a hundred-metre race.
6. Oriongot is clever. He is going to fail this exercise.
7. Lwanyaaga succeeded in passing the exams. He couldn't join any secondary school.
8. The teacher did not manage to transform Henry into a good citizen. The teacher advised him.
9. Natumaini is a courageous woman. She failed to bear a child alone.
10. Serwanga often promises to get 80% in tests. He doesn't.
Followed by the fact that.
Example sentences
1. Ruth knows English very well but she can’t speak it for long.
2. Ruth knew English very well although she couldn’t speak it well.
3. Our teacher had explained well during the lesson although he wasn’t understood.
4. Our teacher explains very well during the lesson. Our teacher is not understood.
5. Odong is lame but he plays football well.
142 English Grammer
Re-write the following sentences using ………in spite…….. and …………despite……
1. The sun is distant but it affects the earth.
2. The creature was ugly but it interested the pupils
3. The children sung a song. They were not congratulated.
4. Dorothy swims very well. Dorothy doesn’t please the observers.
5. Electricity is useful although it is not used by everyone in Uganda.
6. Hillary drives slowly although he makes accidents every day.
7. The letter was posted early but it arrived late.
8. My grandfather is quite old but he is still agile.
9. Soboya works very hard although he doesn't get all the numbers correct.
10. I am a coward but I moved at night alone.
11. Niezeyarernye begins the work early but he finishes late.
12. Asekenyi forgot the school bag on the compound but she found it there the next day.
Re-write the following sentences using In spite…….. and Despite……
1. The sun is distant but it affects the earth.
2. The creature was ugly but it interested the pupils
3. The children sung a song. They were not congratulated.
4. Dorothy swims very well. Dorothy doesn’t please the observers.
5. Electricity is useful although it is not used by everyone in Uganda.
6. Hillary drives slowly although he makes accidents every day.
7. The letter was posted early but it arrived late.
8. My grandfather is quite old but he is still agile.
9. Soboya works very hard although he doesn't get all the numbers correct.
10. I am a coward but I moved at night alone.
11. Niezeyarernye begins the work early but he finishes late.
12. Asekenyi forgot the school bag on the compound but she found it there the next day.

Using In spite…….. and Despite…… when the clauses have different subjects
Here, both clauses must keep their subjects.
Example sentences
1. The teacher taught a good lesson. The pupils did not understand.
2. The pupils did not clean the classroom yet the teacher simply used it.

Re-write the following sentences using In spite…….. and Despite……
1. The children slept well. Their parents were restless.
2. The chairman spoke at length. The members refused his plan without delay.
3. The hosts chapped hands. The visitors were not happy because of wet seats.
4. The motorist was innocent. The policewoman arrested him.
5. The money was on the road. The disciplined child could not pick it.
6. The boy is guilty. The master-on-duty hasn't punished him.
7. Magino finishes the exercise first. The mistress doesn't mark his book because of dirt.
8. Our mother buys rice every day. We don't like it.
9. The clinic has enough medicine. The patients don't visit it.
10. Kapere's father paid school fees Kapere didn't study that term.
11. John was a lazy boy. He got a first grade.
12. Wolayo is very tall and fat. He can run very fast.

Separating clauses joined by ‘although’ or ‘but’

Here one simply removes the conjunction.
Example sentences
1. My sister is sick but she is still working.
2. The snake ran over me although it didn’t bite me.
3. Although I don’t talk, I know what goes on.
4. The stubborn boy was playing about but the cobra did not bite him.
5. Although the stranger ran to the police. It didn’t save her.

Re-write the following as separate clauses.
1. Although we were early for school, we went playing on the way.
143 English Grammer
2. The textbooks are not enough for the whole class but we shall use them.
3. Our minerals in Uganda are valuable although they are not insured against theft.
4. Our former Member of Parliament was eloquent but he failed to win 1996 votes
5. The games masters argued for hours although they reached no conclusion.
6. Though their parents were poor, they were happy.
7. The engineer was highly qualified but the manager did not employ him.
8. Akello is very clever though her parents cannot afford to pay school fees.
9. Although Okalebo is very strong, he doesn't want to work.
10. His Excellency Museveni Kaguta won the 9 April 1996 elections with 74 26 though the opponents were not

Separating clauses joined by ‘In spite…….. and Despite……’

Separating clauses with these clauses one needs to identify the clauses carefully and give them subjects and one
must be careful to identify the tense.
Example sentences
1. In spite of climbing the tree, the monkey doesn’t reach the fruits.
2. The girl can write despite being lame.
3. The teacher continued teaching despite the children shouting.
4. In spite of my mother working tirelessly, my father doesn’t appreciate her work.

Re-write the following as separate clauses.

1. In spite of having toiled so much, the wheelbarrow pusher was not paid.
2. The passengers came despite the train having left early.
3. Despite the honey being sweet, the bees are very dangerous.
4. The snake runs very fast in spite of having no legs.
5. In spite of being brave, the commander was shot-dead first.
6. Despite Ssesanga thinking very hard, he does not get the answer quickly.
7. In spite of the chairman having spoken at length, the members rejected his plan without delay.
8. The musician enjoyed playing the music despite the audience being bored.
9. The harvest was very excellent in spite of the fact that the seeds were not the best quality.
10. Despite the fact that the traffic is noisy, it does not disturb the pupils in class.

Contrast with ‘Never the less’

1. The beggar is poor. The beggar is honest.
The beggar is poor; nevertheless, he is honest.
2. I danced all day. I was not tired.
I danced all day; nevertheless, I was not tired.

Join the following contrasts using ‘Nevertheless’
1. Nanziri is beautiful. She passed men unnoticed.
2. The weather today is fine. It is unreliable.
3. The play was well acted. It was not a success.
4. The minister introduced many changes. She was not popular.
5. The rainfall is irregular It is adequate.
6. Our elder sisters sing badly. They entertain us.
7. The photograph of my parents is 50 years old. It is unfaded.
8. The lame are the minority in parliament. The lame got a lot of publicity.
9. Juliet left home early this morning. She was late for school.
10. Lira is full of people. I felt lonely there.

Contrast with ‘on one hand and on the other hand’

Example sentences
1. Munaku works badly. Magaiga works well.
Munaku, on one hand, works badly; Magaiga, on the other hand, works well.
Munaku works badly; Magaiga, on the other hand, works well.
2. Jemba comes early. Kiwanuka comes late.
Jemba, on one hand, comes early; Kiwanuka, on the other hand, comes late.
Jemba comes early; Kiwanuka, on the other hand, comes late.

144 English Grammer

Join the following contrasts using ‘on the other hand’
1. Air travel is last. Sea travel is restful.
2. slept well yesterday. My parents were restless.
3. The speaker talked for a long time. The audience rejected his ideas at once.
4. The driver complained violently. The policeman kept calm.
5. The girls came into silence. The boys continued o talk.
6. The potato leaves were not the best. The harvest was good.
7. The choir enjoyed singing. The listeners were bored.
8. The condition for climbing were dangerous Their equipment was superb.
9. The prices were high. The profits were low.
10. The women work hard. The men are lazy.

Contrast with ‘However and other hand’

‘However’ is used in the same way as ‘on the other hand’. There, one can simply replace one with the other.
Example sentences
1. Munaku works badly. Magaiga works well.
Munaku works badly; Magaiga, on the other hand, works well.
Munaku works badly; Magaiga, however, works well.
2. Jemba comes early. Kiwanuka comes late.
Jemba comes early; Kiwanuka, on the other hand, comes late.
Jemba comes early; Kiwanuka, however, comes late.

Join the following contrasts using ‘however’
1. Air travel is last. Sea travel is restful.
2. slept well yesterday. My parents were restless.
3. The speaker talked for a long time. The audience rejected his ideas at once.
4. The driver complained violently. The policeman kept calm.
5. The girls came into silence. The boys continued o talk.
6. The potato leaves were not the best. The harvest was good.
7. The choir enjoyed singing. The listeners were bored.
8. The condition for climbing were dangerous Their equipment was superb.
9. The prices were high. The profits were low.
10. The women work hard. The men are lazy.


Fill in the blank spaces with a suitable word

1. Moreen lent one thousand shillings _____________________Mercy.
2. _____________________a difficult puzzle this is!
3. He speaks French fluently because he comes from_____________________
4. The man _____________________daughter has been admitted is sad.
5. Morella bought a newspaper _____________________he did not read it.

Use the correct form of the works in brackets to complete the sentences
1. Komugisha is a _____________________farmer. (Knowledge)
2. They have _____________________all the news. (to edit)
3. The head teacher _____________________talked to the disobedient children. (anger)
4. He told _____________________to sweep the house before mopping. (they)
5. The lost passenger forgot _____________________the seat belt. (tight)
6. Our teacher is happily _____________________to an engineer. (marry)
7. I think Stella was the _____________________of all the participants. (tall).
8. Some _____________________in our town sell yoghurt. (dairy)
9. _____________________about the elections was made yesterday. (communicate)
10. Who was the _____________________in your class? (twelve)

Re-write the sentences as instructed

145 English Grammer

1. The conductor may ask for the fare before we set off. (Re-write using………….likely………………..)
2. Moses is very obedient. No boy in our class is better than him. (Use…… is the…………..)
3. We don’t always attend classes on Saturday. (Use……… rarely…..)
4. That manager was born in Tanzania. (Use………………… is a…………….)
5. Marion did not make the call because he did not have enough airtime. (Begin: Since…….)
6. The chairs would be bought if the carpenter displayed them. (Begin: Had…………….)
7. Hardly had the referee blown the whistle when we started the match. (Use ……as soon as……)
8. The drivers must not overtake in a corner. (Use…………. ought………….)
9. I Like sausages but I like samosa’s more. (Use……interested…………)
10. Linda has a computer Linda has a phone. (Use…………... either……………..)
11. You will arrive at night………? (Supply suitable question tag)
12. Mulungi is very polite. She cannot shout at you. (Use…………….. that…..)
13. None of the pupils has come early (Begin: All…………...)
14. The weather is too hot for the boys to play football. (Re-write as two separate sentences)

Fill the blank spaces with suitable word

1. How _____________________is a kilogram of sugar?
2. Both the singers _____________________the drum player were smartly dressed.
3. The knife is used _____________________peeling.
4. _____________________is the weather like today?
5. One should be careful _____________________crossing a busy road.

Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences
1. Most festivals are celebrated in the _____________________month of the year. (twelve)
2. Okello’s _____________________in P.L.E surprised everyone.(to fail)
3. Sand paper is used for _____________________wood. (smooth)
4. His wife is a very _____________________woman. (beauty)
5. The Kabaka’s _____________________attracted may people. (wed)
6. Plants make _____________________own food. (they)
7. She _____________________down and greeted the visitors. (kneel)
8. The _____________________away they moved the narrow road becomes. (far)
9. Are the _____________________true insects? (fly)
10. The sun _____________________brightly yesterday. (shine)

Use each of the given words in sentences to show that you know the difference of the meanings
1. Saw …………………………………………………………………..
2. Sew…………………………………………………………………..

Rewrite the sentences giving one word for the underlined group of words.
1. The king’s son passed away last night.
2. The woman who served us at that restaurant was very polite.
3. He lost my book with meaning and spellings of words.

Re-write the following sentences as instructed in the brackets

1. If I work hard this term, I will be promoted to the next class. (Re-write using: -----would have………..)
2. The guest reached the cinema hall in the morning. (Rewrite using: ………..arrive…………)
3. The vice president gave the best runner a big prize. (Rewrite beginning: A big prize……………….)
4. Her mother- in – law was sick. Her mother in-law didn’t attend the wedding. (Join as one
5. All the farmers didn’t take their animals for vaccination. (Rewrite beginning: None……….)
6. Keeping the village well clean is very important. (Rewrite beginning: It is………….)
7. Women in Buganda usually weave mats. (Re-write and begin: Mats…………)
8. ‘We shall go on a tour in Kenya next term,’ said the pupils. (Rewrite beginning: The pupils said that………..)
9. The dog died yesterday. The dog bit my cow last week. (Rewrite using: ……………which ………….)
10. I am very eager to see my mother next week. (Rewrite using:…………...looking forward…………..…)
11. Lutwama acted the role of the blind boy in the play. (Supply a suitable question)
12. Abu started school in 1994. He is still in school. (Rewrite using: …………..since………………)
13. Why hasn’t Linda written a reply to my latter yet? (Rewrite beginning: I don’t know………….)
14. When the mechanic gets money today, he will buy spanners. (Rewrite beginning: If…………....)
15. The tree was very big. He couldn’t cut it. (Rewrite using:……….so……………..)
146 English Grammer
16. In order to conserve the environment, we planted some trees. (Rewrite as two separate sentences)
17. The woman reported the case to the police. Her daughter was raped. (Rewrite
18. Irene organized a party. It was big. It was colourful. (Join without using who or and)
19. Both my sister and cousin know how to weave brackets. (Rewrite using:…………….and so…………..)
20. That dog is lame but it can run very fast. (Rewrite beginning: Although…………….)

Use the correct form of the given words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. My children __________________________ newspapers every day. (read)
2. Dickson is the _______________________ of the twins. (thin)
3. Jona’s ________________________ were very good. (suggest)
4. Having ________________________ her letter, Mary put it in an envelope. (writing)
5. The teacher often enters the class room ________________________ (quiet)
6. King Solomon was famous because of his _______________________ (wise)
7. The mad man ate the food ____________________________ (hungry)

Fill in the blank space with the most suitable word or group of words.
8. The team which will play ___________________________ than the other will get a trophy.
9. The chairman _______________________ over the meeting yesterday.
10. Musisi is ________________________ to be our head boy next year.
11. The teacher said that my answer was __________________________ of all those given.
12. By the time we finished examinations, we ________________________ a three-hour work.

Write in full
13. Won’t
14. AIDS
15. I’d
16. Via
17. Feb

Re-arrange the given words to form a correct sentence.

18. To truth he the had speak.
19. Morning he here come will tomorrow?
20. Let the go him head teacher.

Give one word for the underlined group of words

21. The teacher asked him to do the work with a lot of care.
22. The executive director is meeting the people who will sell goods on the street.

Give the plural form of the following words.

23. Piece of chalk
24. Truck driver
25. Rally

Fill in the questions with opposite form of the words in brackets.

26. The plane __________________________ at 9:00 am yesterday. (depart)
27. The _____________________________ was smartly dressed at the theatre. (actor)
28. Mercy ____________________________ to hand in her homework. (forget)

Arrange the given words in alphabetical order.

29. President, perfect, plane, prefect
30. Stool, story, spoon, salon

Re-write the following sentences as instructed in the brackets without changing the meaning
31. My father met an old woman. The old woman’s dress was stolen. (Join as one sentence using:
32. Someone is going to repair the Ntungamo – Rukungiri Road. (Re-write and begin: The Ntungamo – Rukungiri

147 English Grammer

33. He is a strong man. He can pull a car alone. (Re-write as one sentence using: ………………… such…….. that
34. If he does not write well, he will not pass this test. (Re-write beginning: Unless …………………………..)
35. I paid all the school fees for my children. The head teacher sent them back home. (Join using: In
36. These people are very many. They cannot all sit in this room. (Re-write using: …………… so …………………….)
37. The box was not too heavy. The box was not made of steal. (re-write using: ……………….. neither………… nor
38. Kambwe lays his bed first then he sleeps. (Re-write using: ……………….after………………..)
39. The ladies are cooking. They need some tea. They want to scare off the morning cold. (Begin: In
40. Kayihura is a very rich man but he is humble. (Re-write beginning: Despite……………………)
41. If Kenzo disturbs our teacher of English, he will be punished seriously. (Begin: Should………………….)
42. The bank manager entered the motel. The clients went out immediately. (Begin: The bank manager had
43. The head teacher asked questions were not easy. (Re-write ending: ……………………questions.)
44. Mandera was a hero. Kabalega was also a hero. Begin: As well as…………………)
45. There wasn’t any beggar in the village. (re-write as an affirmative sentence)
46. I borrowed a book from Peter. (Begin: Peter……………….)
47. All candidates were careful. (Re-write beginning: None ……………………..)
48. Leticia is very weak. She cannot lift her handbag. (Re-write using: ……………….. enough…………………)
49. When the D.E.O arrived, the pupils stood up and immediately clapped. (Begin: As soon as ………………………..)
50. Commander said “I am writing a story now.” (Begin: The commander informed that……………

148 English Grammer

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