Unit 6 Vectors

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Warm up!

■ Find the distance and slope from point A to point B.

– 1. A(3, –1), B(4, 4)
– 2. A(0, 6), B(–2, –3)

Vector Basics

■ Vector: a quantity that has both magnitude and direction

– Examples: force, displacement, velocity, acceleration
■ Graphically represented by a directed line segment
– Magnitude is the length of the segment PQ
■ ║v║ =
− + − (distance formula) v Q
1 1 2 2
Terminal Point
– Direction is from point P to point Q P (tip, head)
■ Vectors are represented by Initial Point
– Bold letters (v, u, i, j)
– PQ, v x

■ Scalar: a quantity that only has a magnitude,

not a direction
Vector Basics cont.

■ Vectors are equivalent if both directed line segments have exactly the same
magnitude and direction.
■ Standard position: when the initial point is the origin
■ Component Form of a vector Q
– PQ = <q1-p1, q2-p2> = <v1, v2> = v P
■ Unit vector: a vector with a magnitude of 1 and the same
direction as the given vector B

– Given v: the unit vector is ∥ ∥ A x


Vector Basics cont.

■ Standard Unit Vectors y

– Unit vector in the horizontal direction i=<1, 0>
– Unit vector in the vertical direction j=<0, 1>
■ Linear Combination of vectors
– Writing a vector as a combination of the 1 j=<0,1>
standard unit vectors and the horizontal
and vertical components. 1
– V = v1 i, v2 j

Example 1

■ Given: initial point P = (0, 8) and terminal point Q = (-4, -7)

■ Find the magnitude and write the vector in component form.
– ║v║ = 1 − 1 + 2 − 2
– ║v║ = −4 − 0 + −7 − 8 = 16 + 225
– ║v║ = 241 ≈ 15.524
– In component form, V = <v1, v2>
– v1 = q1-p1, =(-4-0) = -4
– v2 = q2-p2= (-7-8) = -15
– v = <-4, -15>

You Try!

■ Given: initial point P = (-2, 6) and terminal point Q = (4, -3)

Find the magnitude and write the vector in component form.

■ ∥ ∥= 3 13 ≈ 10.817 PQ = <6, -9>

Example: Equivalent Vectors

■ Given: initial point P = (0, 0) and terminal point Q = (3, 2) and initial point R=(1, 2)
and terminal point S=(4, 4)
■ Write the vectors in component form and verify if these vectors are equivalent
PQ1 = q1-p1 = 3-0 = 3 PQ2 = q2-p2= 2-0 = 2 PQ = <3, 2>
RS1 = s1-r1 = 4-1 = 3 RS2 = S2-R2= 4-2 = 2 RS = <3, 2>
║ PQ ║ = 1 − 1 + 2 − 2
║ PQ ║ = 3 + 2 = 9+4
║ PQ ║ = 13  
║ RS ║ = 13
What is the “slope” of PQ? 2
2 =
PQ and RS are equivalent!
What is the magnitude and direction (“slope”) of RS? 8
Example: Unit Vector

■ Unit vector: a vector with a magnitude of 1 and the same direction as the given vector
– Given v: the unit vector is ∥ ∥

■ Find a unit vector with the same direction as r = <2, -5>

– First determine the magnitude of r
– = 2 + −5 = 4 + 25 = 29
– Then divide r by its magnitude
–   ,  or ,

You Try!

■ Find a unit vector with the same direction as r = <3, 4>

■ ,

Standard Unit Vectors, Linear Combination

■ Standard Unit Vectors y

– Unit vector in the horizontal direction i=<1, 0>
– Unit vector in the vertical direction j=<0, 1>
■ Linear Combination of vectors
– Writing a vector as a combination of the 1 j=<0,1>
standard unit vectors and the horizontal
and vertical components. 1
– V = v1 i, v2 j

Example: Converting between forms

■ Write the vector <-4, -15> in linear combination form

– All you need to do is add the unit vectors
– -4i -15j

■ Write the vector 3i in component form

– All you need to do is take out the unit vectors
– <3, 0>

You Try!

■ Write the vector <0, 2> in linear combination form

– 2j

■ Write the vector -3i + 4j in component form

– <-3, 4>

Vector Operations

■ Vector Addition
– Let u = <u1, u2> and v = <v1, v2>
– The sum of u+v = <u1,+ v1, u2+v2>
■ Scalar Multiplication
– Let k=scalar multiple and u = <u1, u2>
– k times u = k u = <ku1, ku2>
■ Both operations can be done algebraically and graphically

Properties of Vector Operations

1. u+v = v+u (commutative property

2. (u+v)+w = u+(v+w) (associative property)
3. u+0 = u (additive identity)
4. u+(-u) = 0 (additive inverse)
5. c(du) = (cd)u (associative property)
6. (c+d)u = cu+du (distributive property)
7. c(u+v)= cu+cv (distributive property)
8. 1(u) = u (scalar identity)
9. ∥ ∥=

Example: Vector Operations (algebraically)

■ Given a=<2,0> c=2i+j b=-3j

■ Find: a+b, 2a-c, 3c+a-b, and ║ 3c+a-b ║
– a+b = <2+0, 0+(-3)> = <2, -3>
– 2a-c = 2(<2,0>) - <2,1>
 = <4,0>-<2,1>
 =<4-2, 0-1> = <2, -1>
– 3c+a-b = 3(2i+j) + 2i - (-3j)
 = 6i + 3j + 2i + 3j
 = 8i + 6j
– ║ 3c+a-b ║
 ║ 3c+a-b ║ = 8 + 6 = 64 + 36 = 100 = 10
Warm up! 5 minutes

■ Find a unit vector in the direction of

1) <0,3>
■ Write in linear combination form 1) <0, 1> or +j
2) a=<2,0> 2) a=2i
■ Write in component form 3) c=<2, 1>
4) b=<0,-3>
3) c=2i+j
4) b=-3j

Example: Vector Operations (graphically)


■ Scalar multiplication: magnifies the magnitude

■ c = 2i + j
■ 3c = 6i + 3j

Warm up!

■ Find the component form of the resultant vector. (algebraically)

1) If u=<20,-21> Find -3u
2) If u=<3,3> and v=<11,8> Find u + v
3) If f=<12,2> and v=<2,4> Find 4f – 6v

1) <-60, 63>
2) <14, 11>
3) <36, -16>

Direction of a Vector

■ Direction angle (θ) is an angle made by the vector with axis of reference
– Axis of reference: positive x-axis (unit circle)
– Positive angle is a counterclockwise rotation (unit circle)
■ = =

■ Leave your calculator in DEGREES θ

■ Be aware of the quadrant that contains the vector!

Example: Direction of a Vector
■ Given <3, 3> Find θ
– First Quadrant
– =

– ′=
– = ′ = 45°
■ Given v= 3i – 4j Find θ
– Fourth Quadrant
– =

– = = 53.130°
– = 360° − 53.130° = 306.870°

You Try!

■ Given <3, -7> Find θ

– Fourth Quadrant
– = = = 66.801°
– = 360° − 66.801° = 293.199°

Example: Finding Horizontal and
Vertical Components
■ Given ║v║ = 4 and θ = 60°
■ Find the horizontal and vertical components
– =∥ ∥ cos °
– = 4 cos 60° = 2.000
– =∥ ∥ sin °
– = 4 sin 60° = 3.464

You Try!

■ Given ║v║ = 7 and θ = 124°

■ Find the horizontal and vertical components
– =∥ ∥ cos θ = 7 cos 124° = −3.914
– =∥ ∥ sin θ = 7 sin 124° = 5.80 3


■ A wind has a westerly component of 5mph and a southerly component of 10mph.

■ Find the magnitude and direction of the wind.
– = −5 = −10
– ∥ ∥= + = 5 + 10 = 5 5 ≈ 11.180
– ′= = = 63.435°

■ Write a vector that models a 150lb force pulling at a 20º angle.

– ∥ ∥=150 θ=20°
– =∥ ∥ cos ° = 150 cos 20° = 140.954
– =∥ ∥ sin ° = 150 sin 20° = 51.30 3
– v=<140.954, 51.303> or 140.954i + 51.303j
You Try!

■ Find the component form of v given a magnitude and direction.

– ║v║ = 2 and θ = 60°
– v = <1, 1.732>

■ Find the magnitude and direction given a vector


– Magnitude = 3/2 θ=150˚

Example: Solving for a Resultant Vector

■ Find u + v if ║u║ = 72 and θ = 30° and ║v║ = 35 and θ = 110°

– u = <62.35, 36>

– v = <-11.97, 32.89>

– u + v = <50.38, 68.89>

– Write on the board a factor (force) that can affect the direction of travel for
objects like a boat, plane, drone, car, etc.
Example #2

■ There is an object at the origin being pulled by 150 lbs at a 20° angle and 100lbs at a 70°
angle. Find the resultant vector, direction, and magnitude.

– u = <140.39, 51.30>

– v = <34.20, 93.97>
– u + v = <175.15, 145.27> y


. x

You Try!

■ There is an object at the origin being pulled by 100 lbs at a 25° angle and
75lbs at a -15° angle. Find the resultant vector, direction, and magnitude.

– u = <90.63, 42.26>
– v = <72.44, -19.411>
– u + v = <163.07, 22.85>
– ∥ + ∥≈ 164.66
– = 7.98°

Example 3
■ If there is no wind, an airplane would be flying in the direction of 50° with an air speed of
300mph. However, there is a 35mph wind from the direction 120°. Find the course and
ground speed of the plane.

– u = <229.813, 192.836>

– v = <-30.311, 17.5>
– u + v = <199.502, 210.336> North


. East
– .
(measured from EAST)
■ But… air navigation bearings are measured in degrees clockwise from north
– or N43.486°E
Example 4
■ A boat travels 30mph due west. If there is a 7mph current at N30°W, find
the actual speed and direction of the boat.
– b = -30i N
– c is in Q2 and θ = 90°+30° = 120°

– c = -3.500i + 6.062j
– b + c = -33.500i + 6.062j

– (measured from EAST)
– or N 79.725°W (measured from NORTH)


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