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This DEED OF CANCELLATION made on this the day of 2003


herein after referred to as the the FIRST PART of the one part


hereinafter referred to as party of the SECOND PART of the second part;

The terms FIRST PART and SECOND PART shall mean and include
their heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns.

WHEREAS by the sale Deed dated registered as Document No. Of

on the file of the Sub Registrar, , it was witness that the FIRST PART through
the SECOND PART did for the consideration mentioned herein purported to grant,
convey, sell, transfer and assure the Schedule mentioned property unto the use of
the SECOND PART absolutely and for ever so as to enable the SECOND PART to
have, hold, own passes and enjoy the same peacefully and quietly without any
claim, demand, interruption by person or persons on behalf of or claiming under the
WHEREAS the said conveyance through contain inter alia of the
necessary covenant as or usual on the part of the FIRST PART in case of the sale
of the property of that nature namely the covenant as to the good title peaceful
possession, non-encumbrance further assure and indemnity, but nevertheless the
same couldn’t acted upon or otherwise gave effect to in as much as the FIRST
PART did not and further couldn’t deliver possession of the SCHEDULE
MENTIONED PROPERTY and the same was not possess by the SECOND PART
WHEREAS the FIRST PART has paid back the consideration with
interest mentioned in the sake deed dated which is acknowledged by the
SECOND PART herein and;
WHEREAS the SECOND PART has been kept out of possession of the
schedule mentioned property and;
WHEREAS in the event herein before stated the conveyance has been in
fructuous to all intend and purposes rather a mere paper transactions and so on no
effect nor of any use or benefit to the SECOND PART and;
WHEREAS in the circumstances the parties have mutually agreed and
decide to be relieved of the respective liabilities arising out of the sale deed
mentioned above by having the said conveyance cancelled against refund of the
consideration money and all other accounts between them having been settled and
adjusted and;
WHEREAS the SECOND PART has returned the said conveyance to
the FIRST PART and the FIRST PART has also refunded the consideration
money to the SECOND PART which the SECOND PART do hereby admit,
acknowledge and confirm.


For the consideration of the aforesaid the parties hereto do hereby mutually agreed
and declare that the said conveyance dated registered as Document No. on
the file of Sub Registrar’s office, shall be and as in fact been cancelled with
minimum effect (as if the same was never executed or brought into existence) and
as such the same was shall be of no force and effect and this deed of cancellation
further witnesseth parties hereto agreed and declare that in consequent of such
cancellation as hereunder made all right, title, interest and claim demand etc of the
SECOND PART in the schedule mentioned property and by virtue of the purported
sale deed dated which is hereby reassigned and reassured and shall be
deemed as completely divested, extinguished and discharged and reverted fully to
and vested in the FRST PART and all the parties are placed in the same position in
which they were before the sale.

This deed of cancellation further witnesses the parties hereby mutually agreed and
covenant to each other that neither of them have done, executed or perform any act
or deed or thing or suffered anything to the contrary whereby or reason or means
whereas Schedule mentioned property may in any way be affected or prejudiced in
title or estate or any of them be hindered or prevented from cancelling the sale


In witness whereof the PARTY OFHE FIRST PART and SECOND PART have
signed on the day, month and year first above written in the presence of





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