01 Importance of Startup Vibration Measurements On Turbomachinery CS3 revCP

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Sulzer Turbo Services

Importance of Startup Vibration Measurements on Turbomachinery

After installing new or repaired equipment, and a high pressure compressor the effect of the whirl can be imple-
obtaining baseline vibration measurements and an expander, high vibration was mented until such time as the unit
during startup and initial steady state seen after startup on the governor can be brought down and the bear-
operation can be invaluable in diagnosing end bearing of the steam turbine. ing modified or replaced with a differ-
abnormal machine behavior. Careful study Examination of the steady state data ent design to reduce or eliminate the
of vibration characteristics can reveal a at full load indicated the highest com- whirl.
range of problems as simple as scratched ponent of vibration was at a frequency
probe surfaces to more serious issues of of 50% of the running speed, as seen Operation Near Critical Speed
bearing oil whirl, operation near critical in Figure 1. This behavior is indica- Starting up a large steam turbine/
speeds, distortion due to piping strain, and tive of oil whirl in the bearing and if generator train is a risky process in
many others. left unchecked can lead to destruc- which the shaft heats and expands
tive vibration levels and failure of the quicker than the large casings and
Oil Whirl machine. Having identified the prob- generator coils. Great care is taken to
In the case of an air compression train con- lem, a temporary solution of adjusting dwell at certain speeds to heat soak
sisting of a steam turbine, a low pressure the oil supply temperature to reduce the unit, activate seals and engage
the magnetic field. During the star-
tup of a large turbine generator train
where the HP turbine had undergone
significant rotor and casing rework,
50% running speed
excessive vibration occurred while
ramping through speed ranges and
holding at dwell points that had pre-
viously not been an issue. Repair of
the high pressure (HP) turbine had
resulted in tighter bearing and seal-
ing clearances over the previously
worn condition. As seen in Figure 2,
the startup vibration data indicated
Fig. 1: Spectrum of governor end bearing on steam turbine.
that the critical speed of the HP tur-

Case Study Number 1 2009 1

of a different gas turbine / pipeline
compressor train, excessive velocity
was measured on the #1 bearing cas-
ing. Further examination revealed that
the velocity transducer was mounted
on an overhung bracket and the natu-
ral frequency of the bracket was very
Original heat soak range close to 2times the running speed of
critical speed the turbine. Relocation of the trans-
ducer to a solid surface on the cas-
ing resulted in a large reduction in
the measured vibration amplitude.
Similarly, scratches on a shaft prox-
Fig. 2: Bode plot o HP turbine coupling end bearing showing critical speeds.
imity probe surface can falsely indi-
bine had moved up into the heat soak pipeline compressor train after the cate high machine vibration, typically
speed range. Speed was also being installation of a regenerator. Physical showing high levels at 1time running
ramped too slowly to successfully run inspections and cold startup vibration speed and its harmonics. Such was
through a lower critical speed without data indicated completely acceptable the case on a high speed pinion com-
experiencing excessive vibration. A setup and performance, but as load pressor driven by a large bull gear.
simple increase of the ramp rate and and temperatures increased, exces- The unit was tripping on high vibration
shift in the dwell zone speed range sive vibration occurred. As indicated from the impeller end probes although
allowed the turbine generator to start by the highly elliptical, flat shape of the unit ran very quietly and no other
up smoothly and eventually come the orbit, the shaft is heavyly preload- indication of distress was present.
online and deliver power. ed in one direction. The preloaded Examination of vibration levels across
orbit combined with the fact that this the entire speed range revealed the
Piping Strain behavior was not present prior to unlikely result of nearly identical vibra-
Maintaining proper alignment of the installation of the regenerator led to a tion regardless of speed.
rotating components of each element conclusion that the high vibration was Subsequent teardown of the unit
in the machine train is critical, as well due to turbine casing distortion from revealed a series of scratches on
as ensuring the minimum amount of a complex series of piping from the the impeller end probe surface which
strain on the casing due to piping con- compressor to the regenerator and caused the excessive vibration read-
nections. Although many techniques from the regenerator to the combus- ings. Detection of faults within the
exist to ensure that cold setup condi- tion cans. measurement systems themselves
tions are within specification, existing can help prevent needless and expen-
pipe strain and the effects of expan- Misleading Readings sive repair or modification of other
sion at full load and temperature con- Finally, another source of high vibra- machine components.
ditions can be difficult to determine. tion readings is occasionally the
Figure 3 illustrates the shaft orbit installed vibration measurement Conclusion
of the #1 bearing of a gas turbine / equipment itself. During the startup The preceding examples illustrate a
small sample of the problems that can
be detected when monitoring vibra-
tion during startup. Vibration monitor-
ing not only aids in the diagnosis and
solution of machine problems, but
also provides excellent baseline docu-
mentation of those much sought-after
instances of uneventful, problem-free
Phil Mosher
Fig. 3: Shaft orbit plot of gas turbine bearing. Sulzer Turbo Services Houston USA

Case Study Number 1 2009 2

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