Erythema Ab Igne - DermNet NZ

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Erythema ab igne
Author: Vanessa Ngan, Sta Writer, 2003.

Erythema ab igne — codes and concepts open

What is erythema ab igne?

Erythema ab igne (EAI) is a skin reaction caused by chronic exposure to infrared radiation in the form of
heat. It was once a common condition seen in the elderly who stood or sat closely to open res or electric
space heaters. Although the introduction of central heating has reduced EAI of this type, it is still found in
individuals exposed to heat from other sources.

What are the signs and symptoms of erythema ab

igne and who is at risk?
Limited exposure to heat, insu cient to cause a direct burn, causes a mild and transient red rash
resembling lacework or a shing net. Prolonged and repeated exposure causes a marked redness and
colouring of the skin (hyper- or hypo-pigmentation). The skin and underlying tissue may start to thin
(atrophy) and rarely sores may develop. Some patients may complain of mild itchiness and a burning

Erythema ab igne

Erythema ab igne Erythema ab igne Erythema ab igne Erythema ab igne

Localised lesions seen today re ect the di erent sources of heat that people may be exposed to. Examples

Repeated application of hot water bottles or heat pads to treat chronic pain, e.g. chronic backache
Repeated exposure to car heaters or furniture with built-in heaters
Occupational hazard for silversmiths and jewellers (face exposed to heat), bakers and chefs (arms)
What treatments are available for erythema ab
The source of chronic heat exposure must be avoided. If the area is only mildly a ected with slight redness,
the condition will resolve by itself over several months. If the condition is severe and the skin pigmented
and atrophic, resolution is unlikely. In this case, there is a possibility that squamous cell carcinomas may
form. If there is a persistent sore that doesn't heal or a growing lump within the rash, a skin biopsy should
be performed to rule out the possibility of skin cancer. Abnormally pigmented skin may persist for years.
Treatment with topical tretinoin or laser may improve the appearance.

Related information

Book: Textbook of Dermatology. Ed Rook A, Wilkinson DS, Ebling FJB, Champion RH, Burton JL.
Fourth edition. Blackwell Scienti c Publications.

On DermNet NZ
Vascular skin lesions

Other websites
Erythema ab igne – Medscape Reference

Books about skin diseases

See the DermNet NZ bookstore.

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DermNet NZ does not provide an online consultation service. If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a
dermatologist for advice.

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