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1. INFORMATICA 7.1.1 2 - 17

2. COGNOS EP 7 SERIES 18 - 28


4. BUSINESS OBJECTS 6.1b 45 - 53


1. What is a Data Warehouse?

A Data Warehouse is a collection of data marts representing historical data from different
operational data source (OLTP). The data from these OLTP are structured and optimized for
querying and data analysis in a Data Warehouse.

2. What is a Data mart?

A Data Mart is a subset of a data warehouse that can provide data for reporting and
analysis on a section, unit or a department like Sales Dept, HR Dept, etc. The Data Mart are
sometimes also called as HPQS (Higher Performance Query Structure).

3. What is OLAP?
OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing. It uses database tables (Fact and
Dimension tables) to enable multidimensional viewing, analysis and querying of large amount of

4. What is OLTP?
OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing Except data warehouse databases the
other databases are OLTPs. These OLTP uses normalized schema structure. These OLTP
databases are designed for recording the daily operations and transactions of a business.

5. What are Dimensions?

Dimensions are categories by which summarized data can be viewed. For example a
profit Fact table can be viewed by a time dimension.

6. What are Confirmed Dimensions?

The Dimensions which are reusable and fixed in nature Example customer, time,
geography dimensions.

7. What are Fact Tables?

A Fact Table is a table that contains summarized numerical (facts) and historical data.
This Fact Table has a foreign key-primary key relation with a dimension table. The Fact Table
maintains the information in 3rd normal form.
A star schema is defined is defined as a logical database design in which there will be a
centrally located fact table which is surrounded by at least one or more dimension tables. This
design is best suited for Data Warehouse or Data Mart.

8. What are the types of Facts?

The types of Facts are as follows.
1. Additive Facts: A Fact which can be summed up for any of the dimension available in
the fact table.
2. Semi-Additive Facts: A Fact which can be summed up to a few dimensions and not
for all dimensions available in the fact table.
3. Non-Additive Fact: A Fact which cannot be summed up for any of the dimensions
available in the fact table.

9. What are the types of Fact Tables?

The types of Fact Tables are:
1. Cumulative Fact Table: This type of fact tables generally describes what was
happened over the period of time. They contain additive facts.
2. Snapshot Fact Table: This type of fact table deals with the particular period
of time. They contain non-additive and semi-additive facts.

10. What is Grain of Fact?
The Grain of Fact is defined as the level at which the fact information is stored in a fact
table. This is also called as Fact Granularity or Fact Event Level.
11. What is Factless Fact table?
The Fact Table which does not contains facts is called as Fact Table. Generally when we
need to combine two data marts, then one data mart will have a fact less fact table and other one
with common fact table.

12. What are Measures?

Measures are numeric data based on columns in a fact table.

13. What are Cubes?

Cubes are data processing units composed of fact tables and dimensions from the data
warehouse. They provided multidimensional analysis.

14. What are Virtual Cubes?

These are combination of one or more real cubes and require no disk space to store
them. They store only definition and not the data.

15. What is a Star schema design?

A Star schema is defined as a logical database design in which there will be a centrally
located fact table which is surrounded by at least one or more dimension tables. This design is
best suited for Data Warehouse or Data Mart.

16. What is Snow Flake schema Design?

In a Snow Flake design the dimension table (de-normalized table) will be further divided
into one or more dimensions (normalized tables) to organize the information in a better structural
format. To design snow flake we should first design star schema design.

17. What is Operational Data Store [ODS] ?

It is a collection of integrated databases designed to support operational monitoring.
Unlike the OLTP databases, the data in the ODS are integrated, subject oriented and enterprise
wide data.

18. What is Denormalization?

Denormalization means a table with multi duplicate key. The dimension table follows
Denormalization method with the technique of surrogate key.

19. What is Surrogate Key?

A Surrogate Key is a sequence generated key which is assigned to be a primary key in
the system (table).

20. What are the client components of Informatica 7.1.1?

Informatica 7.1.1 Client Components:
1. Informatica Designer
2. Informatica Work Flow Manager
3. Informatica Work Flow Monitor
4. Informatica Repository Manager
5. Informatica Repository Server Administration Console.

21. What are the server components of Informatica 7.1.1?

Informatica 7.1.1 Server Components:
1. Informatica Server
2. Informatica Repository Server.

22. What is Metadata?

Data about data is called as Metadata. The Metadata contains the definition of a data.

23. What is a Repository?

Repository is a centrally stored container which stores the metadata, which is used by the
Informatica Power center server and Power Center client tools. The Informatica stores Repository
in relational database format.

Informatica 7.1.1 Repository has 247 database objects

Informatica 6.1.1 Repository has 172 database objects
Informatica 5.1.1 Repository has 145 database objects
Informatica 4.1.1 Repository has 111 database objects

24. What is Data Acquisition Process?

The process of extracting the data from different source (operational databases) systems,
integrating the data and transforming the data into a homogenous format and loading into the
target warehouse database. Simple called as ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading). The
Data Acquisition process designs are called in different manners by different ETL vendors.
Informatica ----> Mapping
Data Stage ----> Job
Abinitio ----> Graph

25. What are the GUI based ETL tools?

The following are the GUI based ETL tools:
1. Informatica
2. DataStage
3. Data Junction
4. Oracle Warehouse Builder
5. Abinitio
6. Business Object Data Integrator
7. Cognos Decision Stream.

26. What are programmatic based ETL tools?

1. Pl/Sql
4. Tera Data Utilities
b. Fast Load
c. Multi Load
d. Fast Export
e. T (Trickle) Pump

27. What is a Transformation?

A transformation is a repository object that generates, modifies, or passes data.
Transformations in a mapping represent the operations the PowerCenter Server performs on the
data. Data passes into and out of transformations through ports that you link in a mapping or
mapplet. Transformations can be active or passive. An active transformation can change the
number of rows that pass through it. A passive transformation does not change the number of
rows that pass through it.

28. The following are details description of Transformations available in Informatica.

Transformation Type Description

Aggregator Active / Connected Performs aggregate calculations

Application Source Active / Connected Represents the rows that the Power
Qualifier Center Server reads from an application,
such as an ERP source, when it runs a
Custom Active or Passive / Calls a procedure in a shared library or
Connected DLL.
Expression Passive / Connected Calculates a value

External Procedure Active / Connected or Calls a procedure in a shared library or

Unconnected in the COM layer of windows.
Filter Active / Connected Filters data

Input Passive / Connected Defines mapplet input rows. Available in

the Mapplet Designer
Joiner Active / Connected Joins data from different databases of
flat file systems.
Lookup Passive / Connected or Looks up values
Normalizer Active / Connected Source qualifier for COBOL sources.
Can also use in the pipeline to normalize
data from relational or flat file sources.
Output Passive / Connected Defines mapplet output rows. Available
in the Mapplet Designer.
Rank Active / Connected Limits records to a top or bottom range.

Router Active / Connected Router data into multiple transformations

based on group conditions.
Sequence Generator Passive / Connected Generates primary keys.

Sorter Active / Connected Sorts data base4d on a sort key.

Source Qualifier Active / Connected Represents the rows that the

PowerCenter Server reads from a
relational or flat file source when it runs a
Stored Procedure Passive / Connected or Calls a stored procedure.
Transaction Control Active / Connected Defines commit and rollback
Union Active / Connected Merges data from different databases or
flat file systems.
Update Strategy Active / Connected Determines whether to insert, delete,
update, or reject rows.
XML Generator Active / Connected Reads data from one or more input ports
and outputs XML through a single output


XML Parser Active / Connected Reads XML from one input port and
outputs data to one or more output ports.
XML Source Qualifier Active / Connected Represents the rows that the
PowerCenter Server reads from an XML
source when it runs a session.

29. What are features of Informatica Repository Server?

Features of Informatica Repository Server.

1. Informatica client application and Informatica server access the repository

database tables through the Repository Server.
2. Informatica client connects to the repository server through the host name/ IP
address and its port number.
3. The Repository Server can manager multiple repository on different machines on the
4. For each repository database registered with the Repository Server it configures and
manages a Repository Agent process.
5. The Repository Agent is a multi-threaded process that performs the action needed to
retrieve, insert and updated metadata in the repository database tables.

30. How many types of Repositories are there?

There are three types of Repositories:
1. Standalone Repository
2. Global Repository
3. Local Repository

31. What are the types of metadata stored in Repository?

The following types of metadata are stored in Repository:
1. Database connections
2. Global objects
3. Mappings
4. Mapplets
5. Multi-dimensional metadata
6. Reusable Transformations
7. Sessions and Batches
8. Shortcuts
9. Source Definitions
10. Target definitions
11. Transformations

32. What are the types of locks in Repository?

There are two types of Locks in Repository:
1. Read Lock
2. Write Lock
3. Execute Lock
4. Fetch Lock
5. Save Lock

33. What are Repository objects which we can export?

We can export the following Repository objects:
1. Sources
2. Targets
3. Transformations

4. Mapplets
5. Mappings
6. Sessions

34. What is a Work Flow?

A Work Flow is a set of instructions on how to execute tasks such as sessions, emails
and shell commands. A WorkFlow is created from Workflow Manager.

35. What are actions which can be performed by pmcmd command?

We can perform the following actions with pmcmd:
1. Check whether the Informatica server is running
2. Start and stop sessions and batches
3. Recover sessions.
4. Stop the Informatica server.
pmcmd returns zero on success and non zero on failure

36. What is commit interval?

A commit interval is the interval at which the Informatica Server commits data to relational
targets during a session.
37. What is the use of Stored Procedure Transformation?
We use the Stored Procedure Transformation for populating and maintaining the

38. What is the use of partitioning the sessions?

The partitioning of session increases the session performance by reducing the time
period of reading the source data and loading the data into the target.

39. What is the uses of Lookup Transformation?

The Lookup Transformation is useful for:
1. Getting a related value form a table using a key column value
2. Update slowly changing dimension table
3. To check whether records already exists in the table.

40. What is Polling?

It displays the update information about the session in the monitor window. The monitor
window displays the status of each session when you poll the Informatica Server.

41. What is a Parameter File?

The parameter File is used to define the values of the parameters and variables used in a
session. It is a file created in a notepad and saved with .prm extension.

42. What is Metadata Reporter?

It is a web based application that enables you to run reports against the repository
metadata. With a metadata reporter you can access information about your repository without
having knowledge of SQL.

43. What is meant by Lookup Cache?

The Informatica server builts a cache in memory when it process the first row of a data in
a cached lookup transformation.

44. What is a Load Manager?

The Load Manager is a primary Informatica Server process. It performs the following
• Manages sessions and batch scheduling
• Locks the session and read the session properties
• Read the parameter file

• Expand the server and session variables and parameters.
• Verify permissions and privileges

45. What are the tasks performed by Sequence Generator Transformation?

1. Create keys
2. Replace missing values
3. Cycle through a sequential range of numbers.

46. What is the end value of the Sequence Generator?

The end value of the Sequence Generator is 2147483647.

47. What are variables supplied by the Transaction Control Transformation?


48. How to implement Update Strategy?

To implement Update Strategy Transformation the source and target table should have
primary keys to compare the records the records and to find out the latest changes happened.

49. What are constants of Update Strategy Transformation?

The constants of Update Strategy Transformation are:

1. DD_INSERT - 0
2. DD_UPDATE - 1
3. DD_DELETE - 2
4. DD_REJECT - 3
DD Stands For Data Driven

50 What are the benefits of Star Schema Design?

• Fewer tables
• Designed for analysis across time
• Simplify joins
• Less database space
• Supports drilling on reports

51 What is Data Scrubbing?

The Data Scrubbing is the process of cleaning up the junk in the legacy data and make it
accurate and useful. Simply, making good data out of bad data.

52. What are Bad Rows (Rejected Rows)?

The Informatica Server will dumped the bad or rejected rows which are sent out by the
transformation into a text file with tablename.bad extension.

53. The Normalizer Transformation is mainly used to extract and format the Cobol files.

54. We can apply “Distinct” clause only in Source Qualifier and Sorter Transformations.

55. What are types of Dimensional Modeling?

1. Conceptual Modeling
2. Physical Modeling
3. Logical Modeling

56. What is Forward Engineering?
Using the Erwin tool the data modeler will convert the .SQL script (logical structure of
tables) into a physical structure tables at the database level, this is called as Forward

57. What is common use of creating a Factless Fact Table?

The most common use of creating a Factless fact table is to capture date transaction

58. What are the different sources of Source systems of Data Warehouse?
2. Flat Files
3. XML Files
4. SAP R/3
5. PeopleSoft
7. Web Methods
8. Web Services
9. Seibel
10. Cobol Files
11. Legacy Systems.

59. You cannot use XML source qualifier in a mapplet and Joiner and Normalizer

60. What are the Session Partitions types?

1. Round-robin
2. Hash keys
3. Key range
4. Pass-through
5. Database partitioning

61. You cannot use Incremental Aggregation when the mapping includes an aggregator

62.While importing source definition the metadata that will be imported are:
1. Source Name
2. Database Location
3. Column Names
4. Data Types
5. Key Constraints

63. We can stop the Batch by two ways:

1. Server Manager
2. By pmcmd command

64. What is stop the Batch and types of Batches?

Grouping of sessions is known as Batch. There are two types of batches:

1. Sequential
2. Concurrent

65. What is a tracing level and types of Tracing level?

Tracing level represents the amount of information that Informatica server writes in a log file.
Types of Tracing levels are:

1. Normal
2. Verbose
3. Verbose lnit
4. Verbose Data

66. What is the default join that source qualifier provides?

Inner Join

67. Types of Slowly Changing Dimensions:

1. Type – 1 (Recent updates)
2. Type – 11 (Full historical information)
3. Type – 111 (Partial historical information)

68. What are Update Strategy’s target table options?

1. Update as Update: Updates each row flagged for update if it exists in the table.
2. Update as Insert: Inserts a new row for each update.
3. Update else Insert: Updates if row exists, else inserts.

69. What is a Data in a database this include the source of tables, the meaning of the keys
and the relationship between the tables.

70. In Conceptual Modeling and Logical modeling the tables are called as entities.

71. What does a Mapping document contains?

The Mapping document contains the following information :
1. Source Definition – from where the database has to be loaded
2. Target Definition – to where the database has to be loaded
3. Business Logic – what logic has to be implemented in staging area.

72. What does the Top Down Approach says?

The Top Down Approach is coined by Bill Immon. According to his approach he says
“First we need to implement the Enterprise data warehouse by extracting the data from individual
departments and from the Enterprise data warehouse develop subject oriented databases called
as “Data Marts”.

73. What does the Bottom Up Approach or Ralph Kimball Approach says?
The Bottom Down Approach is coined by Ralph Kimball. According to his approach he
says “First we need to develop subject oriented database called as “Data Marts” then integrate all
the Data Marts to develop the Enterprise data warehouse.

74. Who is the first person in the organization to start the Data Warehouse project?
The first person to start the Data Warehouse project in a organization is Business

75. What is a Dimension Modeling?

A Dimensional Modeling is a high level methodology used to implement the start schema
structure which is done by the Data Modeler.

76. What are the types of OLAPs ?

1. DOLAP: The OLAP tool which words with desktop databases are called as DOLAP.
Example: Cognos EP 7 Series and Business Objects, Micro strategy.
2. ROLAP: The OLAP which works with Relational databases are called as ROLAP.
Example: Business Object, Micro strategy, Cognos ReportNet and BRIO.

3. MOLAP: The OLAP which is responsible for creating multidimensional structures called
cubes are called as MOLAP. Example: Cognos ReportNet.
4. HOLAP: The OLAP which uses the combined features of ROLAP and MOLAP are called
as HOLAP. Example Cognos ReportNet.

77. What is the extension of Repository backup?

The extension of the Repository backup is .rep

78. Which join is not supported by Joiner Transformation?

The non-equi joins are not supported by joiner Transformation.

79. What is SQL Override?

Applying the joining condition in the source qualifier is called as sql override.

80.What is Rank Index?

When you create a Rank Transformation by default “Rank Index” port will be created, to
store the number of ranks specified.

81. What is Sort Key?

The column on which the sorting takes place in the Sorter Transformation is called as
“Sort Key” Column.

82. What is default group in Router Transformation?

In the Router Transformation the rejected rows are captured by default group and the
data will be passed to target table.

83. What is unconnected Transformation?

The transformation which does not involve in mapping data flow is called as Unconnected

84. What is Connected Transformation?

The Transformation which involve in mapping data flow is called as connected
transformation. By default all the transformation are connected transformation.

85. Which Transformation is responsible to maintain updates in warehouse database?

Update Strategy Transformation.

86. What are the caches contained by the Look up Transformation?

1. Static Lookup cache
2. Dynamic Lookup Cache
3. Persistent Lookup Cache
4. Data cache
5. Index cache

87. What are the Direct and Indirect methods in the Flat file extraction?
In the direct method the extract the flat file by using its own meta data. In indirect method
we extract all the flat files by using one flat file’s meta data.

88. What is the Maplet?

Mapplet is type of meta data object which contains set of reusable transformation logic
which can be reused in multiple mapping. A maplet contains one maplet input Transformation and
one maplet output Transformation.

89. What is the basic difference between reusable transformation and mapplet?
Maplets are set of reusable transformation logic and reusable transformations are
created by single transformation logic.

90. What is Target Load Planer?
The Target Load plan is the order in which we should load the target to implement the
Data Acquisition Process.

91. What is Constraint Based Load ordering?

The Constraint Based Load ordering specified the loading of the dimensions tables based
on the constraints designed in the dimension table. The Constraint Based Load order is used for
implementing snow-flake schema data loading.

92. How may Loading criteria?

There are three types of Loading criteria.
1. Paralle loading
2. Sequential
3. Control flow loading

93. What is File Watch Event?

The Event Wait activity of a session has event called as File Watch which will watch
wether the file is copied or not.

94. What is worklet?

The worklet is a group of sessions. To execute the worklet we have to create the

95. Why we use stored procedure transformation?

For populating and maintaining databases.

96. Why we use partitioning the session in Informatica?

Partitioning achieves the session performance by reducing the time period of reading the
source and loading the data into target.

97. Why we use lookup transformation?

Look up Transformations can access data from relational tables that are not sources in
mapping. With Lookup transformation, we can accomplish the following tasks.

98. Which transformation should we use to normalize the COBOL and relational sources?
When you drag the COBOL source into the Designer workspace, the normalized
transformation automatically appears, creating input and output ports for every column in the

99. Which tool you use to create and manage sessions and batches and to monitor and
stop the Informatica server?
Informatica server manager.

100. What are the types of data that passes between Informatica server and stored
There are three types of data
1. Input/output parameter
2. Return Values
3. Status code

101. What are the groups available in Router Transformation?

1. User defined group
2. Default group

102. What are join types in Joiner Transformation?

The joins supplied by the Joiner Transformation are:
1. Normal Join
2. Master Outer Join
3. Detail Outer Join
4. Full Outer Join

103. What are the designer tools available for creation of Transformations?
1. Mapping Designer
2. Transformation Developer
3. Mapplet Designer

104. What are the basic needs to join two sources in Source Qualifier?
The two source tables should have a primary key – foreign key relationship and the two
source tables should have matching data types.

105. What is a Status code?

Status code provides error handling facility during the session execution.

106. What is Data Driven?

The Data Driven is the instruction which is fed to Informatica Server whether to
insert/delete/update when using Update Strategy Transformation.

107. What are the tasks to be done to partition a session?

• Configure the session to partition the source data
• Install the Informatica on a machine with multiple CPU

108. In which circumstances the Informatica creates a reject file (bad file)?
When it encounters the DD_REJECT in Update strategy Transformation
Voilets database constraints file in the rows was truncated or overflowed.

109.In a sequential batch can you run the session if previous session fails?
Yes, by setting the option always runs the session.

110. How many ways your create ports?

Two ways:
1. Drag the prot from another transformation
2. Click the add button on the ports tab.

111. How can you stop the batch?

By using server manager or pmcmd.
112.How can you improve session performance in aggregator transformation?
Use sorted input.

113. Can you use the mapping parameters or variables created in one mapping into any
other reusable transformation?
Yes, because reusable transformation is not contained with any mapplet or mapping.

114. Can you use the mapping parameters or variables created in one mapping into
another mapping?
We can use mapping parameters or variables in any transformation of the same mapping
or mapplet in which you have created mapping parameters or variables.

115. Can you start a session inside a batch individually?

We can start our required session only in case of sequential batch in case of concurrent
batch. We can do like this.

116. Can you start batches with in a batch?
You cannot. If you wants to start batch that resides in a batch, create a new independent
batch and copy the necessary sessions into the new batch.

117. Can you generate reports in Informatica?

Yes. By using Metadata reporter we can generate reports in Informatica.

118. Can you copy the batches?


119. After dragging the ports of there sources(sql server, oracle, Infomix) to a single
source qualifier, can you map these three ports directly to target?
No, Unless and until you join those three ports I source qualifier you cannot map them

120. What are Target Types on the Server?

Target Types are File, Relational and ERP.

121.What is the aggregate transformations?

Aggregate transformation allows you to perform aggregate calculations, such as
averages and sums.

122. What are Target Options on the Servers?

Target Options for File Target type are FTP File, Loader and MQ There are no target
options for ERP target type.

123. How do you identify existing rows of data in the target table using lookup
Can identify existing rows of data using Unconnected transformation.

124. What is Code Page used for?

Code page is used to identify characters that might be I different languages. If your are
importing Japanese data into mapping, you must select the Japanese code page of source data.

125. What is a source qualifier?

It represents all data queried from the source.

126. Where should you place the flat file to import the flat file definition to the designer?
Place it in Local folder.

127. What are the settings that you use to configure the joiner transformation?
1. Master and detail source
2. Type of join
3. Condition of the join

128. What are the session parameters?

Session parameters are like mapping parameters; represent values you might want to
change between Sessions such as database connections or source files.

129. What are the methods for creating reusable transformations?

There are two methods:
1. Design it in the transformation developer.
2. Promote a standard transformation from mapping designer. After you ass a
transformation to the mapping, you can promote it to the status of reusable

130. What are the joiner caches?
When a Joiner transformation occurs in a session, the Informatica Server reads all the
records from the master source and builds index and data caches bases on the master rows.
After building the caches, the Joiner transformation reads records from the detail source and
performs joins.

131. What are different options uses to configure the sequential batches?
There are two options:
1. Run the session only if previous session completes successfully.
2. Always runs the session.

132. What are the data movement modes in Informatica?

Data movement modes determine how Informatica server handles the character data. You
chooses the data movement in the Informatica server configuration settings Two types of data
movement modes available in Informatica.
1. ASCII mode
2. Uni code mode

133. What is difference between stored procedure transformation and external procedure
Inner equi join.

134. What is difference between stored procedure will be compiled and external procedure
In case of stored procedure transformation procedure will be compiled and executed in a
relational data source. You needs data base connection to import the stored procedure in to
yours mapping. Where as in external procedure transformation procedure or function will be
executed out side of data source. That is you need to make it as a DLL to access in your
mapping. No need to have data base connection in case of external procedure transformation.

135. To achieve the session partition what are the necessary tasks you have to do?
1. Configure the session to partition source data.
2. Install the Informatica server on a machine with multiple CPU’S

136. Performance tuning in Informatica?

The goal of performance tuning is optimize session performance so sessions run during
the available load window for the Informatica server.

137.When can session fail?

The session fails when,
• Server cannot allocate enough system resources
• Session exceeds the maximum no. of sessions
• Server cannot obtain an execute lock for the session
• Server encounters database errors
• Network related errors

138. How many ways you can update a relational source definition?
There are ways you can update a relational source definition:
1. Edit the definition
2. reimport the definition

139. How many ways you can create a Reusable Transformation?

There are two ways to create a Reusable Transformation
1. By designing it in the transformation developer

2. By promoting the already existing Transformation to reusable from its properties.

140. What is a aggregator cache in aggregate transformation?

The aggregator transformation stores the data in the aggregator cache until it completes
aggregate calculations.

141. What is data cache and Index cache?

When you use aggregator transformation in your mapping then Informatica server
creates Data and Index cache in memory to process the transformation.

142. What is a Mapping Variable?

A Mapping Variable represents a value that can change throughout the session. The
Informatica server saves the value of mapping variable in repository in the send of the session
and uses it for the next session run.

143. In which scenario does the Update Strategy Transformation is best suited?
Within a session: When you configure a session, you can instruct the Informatica server
to either treat all records in same way (treat all as insert/treat all as update/treat all as update) or
use instructions coded into the session to flag records for different database operations.

Within a Mapping: Within a mapping, you use the update strategy transformation to flag
records for insert, update or reject.

144. What are the types of mappings in Getting Started Wizard?

1. Simple pass through mapping: loads a slowly growing fact or dimension table be inserting
new rows. Use this map to loading new data into it.
2. Slowly growing target: Loads a slowly growing fact or dimension table be inserting new
rows. Use this map to load new data without disturbing the existing data.

145. How can you recognize whether or not the data is added in the table in Type – II
1. By version number
2. By flag value
3. By effective date range

146. Why you use Repository connectivity?

When you edit or schedule the session each time, Informatica server directly
communicates the repository to check whether or not the session and users are valid.

147. What are the data movement modes in Informatica?

The data movement modes determines how Informatica server handles the character data.
There are two types of data movement modes:
1. ASCII mode
2. Uni code mode

148. Can you copy the session to a different folder or Repository?

Yes. By using the copy session wizard you can copy a session in a different folder or
Repository. But first you should copy the mapping of that session before you copy session.

149. What is the difference between partitioning of relational target and partitioning of file
If you partition a session with a relational target Informatica server creates multiple
connections to the target database to write target data concurrently. If you partition a session with
file target the Informatica server create one target file for each partition.

150. What are the Transformations that restrict the partition of sessions?

1. Advanced External Transformation
2. External Procedure Transformation
3. Aggregator Transformation
4. Joiner Transformation
5. Normalizer Transformation
6. XML Targets

151. What is a Power Center Repository?

The Power Center Repository allows you to share metadata across repositories to create
a data mart domain. In a data mart domain, you can create a single global repository to store
metadata used across an enterprise and a number of local repositories to share the global
metadata as needed.

Cognos EP7 Series
1. What is Alias Table?
An alternative name for a table generally used in self joins.

2. What is Associated Data Item?

A data item linked to the group data item. Associated data item suppress duplicate data
values but do not generate a control break. The Associated column displays only one data value
for the group with which it is associated.

3. What is Automatic Association?

The group association of a newly created summary. The location of the group where you
create the summary determines its automatic association.

4. What is a Bulk fetch?

Retrieval of more than one row of data from your database in a single fetch call is called
as Bulk fetch. This Bulk fetch can improve the processing time for large queries.

5. What is Cache Query?

A temporary cache on your personal computer that Impromptu uses to store report

6. What is a Prompt and types of Prompts?

It is a dialog box that asks the user to enter/select information when report is opened and
which it uses to filter so as to get the information that user wants. There are four types of Prompts
available in impromptu. They are:
Type – In Prompt
Catalog Pick List Prompt
File Pick List Prompt
Report Pick List Prompt

7. What is Cascading Prompt?

A prompt which takes the values from another prompt is called as Cascading prompt.
The Cascading prompt can be implemented with the concept of Report Pick List Prompt.

8. What is a Catalog Pick List Prompt?

A pick list prompt which is create from the columns of the tables which are existed in the
catalog. The data for the catalog pick list comes from the warehouse database.

9. What is Report Pick List Prompt?

A pick list which is created from the report is called as Report Pick List Prompt. The
Report pick list prompt picks the values from the report.

10. What is a File Pick List Prompt?

A pick list which is created from ASCII / text files is called as File Pick List prompt. This
prompt gets the values from a text file which is already being created.

11. What is a Catalog and what are the types of Catalogs?

Catalog is a file with .cat extension that contains all the information necessary for
impromptu to access and retrieve information from a relational database. A Catalog does not
store data but contains metadata information like what database to access, where the database is
stored, and how the tables in the catalog are joined. There are four types of Catalogs:
1. Personal Catalog
2. Secured Catalog
3. Shared Catalog

4. Distributed Catalog

12. What is a Personal Catalog?

A Personal Catalog is intended for the small business owner who wants to maintain a
data such as personal information, customer list etc. use Personal Catalog if you are the only
person using the catalog and you are using the Administrator version of Impromptu.

13. What is Secured Catalog?

A Secured Catalog is intended for users who do not need or want to create or edit their
own reports. The users cannot change this catalog in any way. The Secured catalog is useful for
users who are not familiar with Impromptu and just want to analyze the data in the pre defined

14. What is Shared Catalog?

A Shared Catalog is intended for a workgroup or company were several users need to
create and edit their own reports. The Shared Catalog is ideal in a LAN environment where the
catalog can be stored in a central and shared drive and accessed by all the users.

15. What is Distributed Catalog?

The Distributed Catalog is intended for a workgroup or company where several users
need to create and edit their own reports and change the catalog content and work offline with
Impromptu. The Distributed Catalog is ideal is the users wants to work with the Impromptu offline.

16. What is Drill Through?

Drill through is an action that enables Impromptu PowerPlay and Scenario users to view
transactions level details in an Impromptu report. You can setup a Drill Through for any cell in
Impromptu, any value in PowerPlay or any node in the Scenario’s tree view. You can navigate
through a set of associated reports.

17. What is a Dynamo?

The Dynamo formats the result of an SQL query against an ODBC data source. You can
use Dynamo to generate HTML controls that are placed on a page of a power prompt application.

18. What is a Fixed Association?

A group association entered into the definition of a summary data item. Unlike an
automatic association, the Fixed Association remains the same when you move it to a new

19. What is a Hot File?

A separate local data table that can be added to your catalog or used in the report as a
data source and as if it is a regular database table. A Hot File can be joined either with a
database table or with another Hot File itself.

20. What is a Macro?

A customized sequence of instructions (“macro commands”) that Cognos application can
carry out.

21. What is a Measure Object?

In PowerPlay the number by which you guage the performance.

22. What is a Power Cube?

A file that contains data that is structured to provide for fast retrieval and exploration of
data in PowerPlay.

23. What is a Reusable prompt and Non reusable Prompt?

The prompt that are create in the catalog are called as reusable Prompts and the
prompts that are created in the report environment are called as Non reusable prompts.

24. What are different data sources to generate the reports?

The different data source to generate the reports are:
1. Catalog
2. Snapshot
3. Hot File
4. Thumbnail

25. What is a Snapshot?

A permanent local copy of the report data which can be even manipulated later without
connecting to the original database. You cannot add a data item into the snapshot. Best suitable
when you are working in a disconnected network.

26. What is a Thumbnail?

A temporary data file with a restricted number of rows best suited for testing the report.
You can add a data item into the thumbnail. The Thumbnail will be deleted when you close the
entire application.

27. When “Loop – Exception” is occurred and how it is resolved?

Is two tables share a single lookup table then the “Loop – Exception” is occurred. To
resolve the Loop exception do one of the following actions:
1. Remove one or more join.
2. Create an Alias Table.
3. Remove that table form the catalog
4. Leave the join structure as it is.

28. When “Isolated Table – Exception” is occurred and how it is resolved?

If a table is not joined to other table then the “Isolated Table” exception occurs. To
resolve this do one of the following:
1. Add a join between two table groups to create a Spanning tree.
2. Leave the join structure as it is.

29. What are objects that exists in the catalog?

A catalog contains the following types of objects:
1. Filters
2. Expressions
3. Prompts
4. Attributes / Columns

30. What is a Sub Report?

A sub query that is associate with a main query. You can include several sub reports in
one main query. You can have more than one query on a page.

31. How can you test your Joins?

We can test the joins from the Test option in the Catalog’s Join dialog box. The result is
displayed either in a diagram format or as an expression.

32. In what ways User Classes can help you control access to data in the database?
1. Limit table access
2. Limit folder access and restrict select values
3. Filter values
4. Set Governor values

33. What are the privileges and restrictions you can apply in Governor tab page of
1. Set restrictions on queries for a user class
2. Grant or deny user privileges
3. Set limits for table retrieval or data retrieval.

34. How can you optimize the Catalog?

The catalog can be optimized by using the following options:
1. Database interaction
2. Client / Server balancing
3. Database functions
4. Table weighting and qualification
5. Governors
6. Hot Files.

35. What are the uses of Alias Table?

The uses of Alias Table are:
1. To resolve the Loops.
2. To create self joins with in a table.
3. To Provide alternate join structure.

36. Who is a Report Author?

An Impromptu user who creates complex reports and has in-depth knowledge of the
powerful features in Impromptu.

37. Who is a Report Creator?

An Impromptu user who creates basic reports using the report wizard or a template and
applies skills such as sorting, grouping, formatting and filtering.

38. What are the general formats of the data in Impromptu?

Data Format
Numbers With no symbols
Alphabets / Alphanumericals With an initial capital letter
Dates In MM/DD/YY format
Date – time In MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS am/pm format
Intervals In D.HH:SS.SSS format

39. What are the extensions of files in Impromptu

File Type Extension
Reports .IMR
Templates .IMT
Hotfiles .IMS
Catalogs .CAT
Macros .MAC
Cognos Query File .CQ
Impromptu Query Definition .IQD
Cognos Content Report .ICR
PowerPlay Files .DAT
Compiled Macros .MCX

40. What is a Cognos Script?

A script like visual basic used to write macros.

41. What is Impromptu?

Impromptu is a windows based powerful interactive query and reporting tool that lets you
query data and create sophisticated reports in a easy-to-use and sophisticated desktop interface.

42. What are the uses of Impromptu?

The following are some of the uses of Impromptu:
1. Access up-to-the-minute corporate information.
2. Create and distribute sophisticated, tailored reports.
3. Identify and highlight exceptional data.
4. Provides clear answers to real business questions.

43. What are Folders?

Folders are meaningful group of information. A Folder contains columns from one or
more tables and also contains calculations, conditions and prompts.

44. What is a ad hoc report?

An ad hoc report is a simple report or one-time report that is outside the set of standard
reports you may have available to you.

45. What is Grouping?

Grouping allows you to display hierarchical relationships within the data in the report.
When you group your data then first the data within a group is sorted in ascending order, second,
the duplicate values will be removed, finally a control break will be occurred with every change in
the data item of the grouped column.

46. What is a Filter?

A Filter is a set of criteria which you apply to a report to change its focus. They are based
on expressions that result in a true-false value.

47. What is a Expression Editor?

The Expression Editor is used to define or build a common filter expressions to a
complex filter expressions.

48. What are Predefined Conditions?

The Predefined conditions are those that are created by impromptu Administrator and
stored in the catalog. You can use the Predefined conditions for:
1. To create filter containing only the predefined conditions
2. To create a more complex filter expression by combining the predefined condition with
other conditions.

49. What is a Calculation?

A Calculation computes a new data based on existing data items. Calculations can
1. Report Columns
2. Catalog Columns
3. Summaries
4. Functions
5. Values
6. IF…THEN…ELSE Statements
7. Operators

50. What is a Conditional Statements?

The Conditional statements are often used in calculated columns to highlight general
categories of data. You use IF…THEN …ELSE constructs to create the Conditional Statements.
Most of the conditional statements will be processed locally.

51. What is a Summarized Data?

The Summarized Data includes the type of summary to perform on any data item. We
use Summarized data to see a roll-up view of the data and to perform exploratory analysis of the

52. What is Summary Association?

When you add a summary to a query, the Impromptu will have an automatic association
to that summary by default that is the summary which we have done will be associated with an
data item. There are two types of Summary Associations:
1. Position Dependent: A summary with an automatic association
changes value depending on its position in the report.
2. Position Independent: A summary with a fixed association has a value
that does not change when you move it form one place to another.

53. What is a Crosstab Report?

A Crosstab report summarize information in tabular format showing a value at the
intersection point of each row and column. In a Crosstab report we have Rows, Columns and

54. What is a Crosstab Dimension?

The Crosstab Dimensions are the qualitative values of a data item along the top of the
Crosstab report. For example if the “Country” data item is show in crosstab report then the
country names are the crosstab dimensions.

55. What are Functions?

Functions are commands that take one or more values, perform an operation and return
a result. Functions can be included in calculations to perform data manipulations that would
otherwise be impossible to do. The functions can use any of the following Impromptu’s only
supported data types:
1. numeric
2. character
3. data
4. data – time
5. time
6. interval

56. What are Frames?

Frames are the building blocks or containers used to design and create the report objects
like data, text, pictures and charts. There are six Frame types that you can insert into a report.
1. List Frame
2. Chart Frame
3. Text Frame
4. Picture Frame
5. Form Frame
6. OLE Object

57. What is Scope of Data?

The Scope of data will determine what data is displayed in a form frame. There are three
options available to set the scope of data. They are :
1. Single row of data
2. Data in the group
3. All Data

58. Can you use multiple database to create catalog?

Yes, in Cognos EP 7 there are two ways to access data from multiple database to create
a catalog
1. By Staging Database

2. By Hotfiles

59. What is Staging Database?

Combining two different database (say data marts) and integrating into a single database
to create a catalog.

60. What is System of Report?

The System of Report contains multiple queries and multiple report layouts. We use the
system of report to provide:
 To navigate from summary level information – details through Sub reports
 Report-to-Report drill through feature.

61. What are ideal circumstances to use Sub Reports and Drill Reports?

Report Type Best Used When

Sub Report When you want single or multiple queries in a
single report.
When you want detail and summary
information in the same report.
When you are advanced user.
Drill-Through Report When you want multiple queries in a report, or
a series of reports
When you want detail and summary
information in different reports.
When you a beginner or intermediate user.

62. When to use Limited Local Processing?

Use Limited Local Processing settings when:
 Most processing is done on the database server by creating multiple queries
 Local sorting is not allowed
 You cannot use summaries in headings
 Both database and local functions are available

63. When to use Flexible Processing?

Use Flexible Processing settings when:
 Impromptu determines where processing takes place
 Both built – in and database functions are available
 Full querying capability is available
 The entire result set can be sent to your computer.

64. How can you improve Data Access Time?

The Data Access time can be improved by accessing:
⇒ Local snapshot
⇒ Thumbnail
⇒ Cache

65. What are the Query options for performance?

The following are the options which you can set for a query for better performance:
→ Override all catalog governor settings
→ Automatically retrieve data
→ Include the missing table join values (outer joins)
→ Maximum number of characters to be retrieved for large text items commonly for BLOB
data type columns.

66. What is a Hotfile and what are the uses?
A Hotfile is a file sequential file (not indexed) that holds from a report and acts like a
separate local database table. The Hotfile must be accessed from a catalog. The Hotfile is saved
with .IMS extension. The following are the uses of Hotfile:
 To compare historical values
 To access subsets of large tables
 To speed up processing
 To access data from more than one database to create a catalog.

67. What are the external influences of reducing performances?

The following are the external influences on reducing the performances:
• Network issues
• Non-indexed tables
• Slow on another query tool
• Hardware / software limits.

68. Summary of Impromptu Objects

The following are some of the benefits for the Impromptu’s features (objects)
Feature Benefit

Sub-reports A report containing multiple queries, displaying information

more effectively and showing more information than a single
report can.
Unlinked Sub-reports Used to show summary information for the entire database,
rather than the current grouping

Linked Sub-reports Use data from one query to filter on another

Mark for Insertion Allows you to include the necessary columns in the query data
list and also prevent it form being visible in report

Drill through report Enable users to navigate through a set of associated reports.

Crosstab Report A compact report format for displaying summary information.

Pivot Drag-and-drop technique for quickly creating a crosstab report.

Build Crosstab Creates simple to complex crosstab for the sophisticated user.

Nested crosstab Summary information in tabular format where more than one
data item in the rows or columns is present.

Filters Creates simple to complex cross tabs for the sophisticated for
the sophisticated user.

Advanced Calculations Use a combination of report columns and other components to

create calculations.

Stored Procedures Uses code routines from the database to return a result set to
the list report.

69. What is Impromptu?

Impromptu is a business query and reporting tool that access data in the database
through the Impromptu user interface. Impromptu builds a view of the data in the business terms,
called the Information Catalog, that shields end users from the complexity of the database.

70. What are the Cognos EP7 Series Products?

The products of the Cognos EP7 series are:
1. Cognos Impromptu Administrator
2. Cognos Impromptu User
3. Scheduler
4. Cognos PowerPlay Transformer
5. Cognos PowerPlay Reports
6. Cognos Web Reports
7. Cognos Query
8. Cognos Architect
9. Cognos Access Manager
10. Cognos Macros
11. Cognos Configuration Manager

71 What is a Join?
A Join identifies the columns from one table that are used to link to another table.
A Join is commonly formed by a foreign key definition within the database.

72. What are the ways to connect to a database from Impromptu?

With Impromptu you can connect to the Database through:
1. A native driver (built within Impromptu)
2. A database vendor’s gateway

73. What you require to create a catalog?

To create a catalog we require:
1. A catalog name
2. A description (optional)
3. A catalog type
4. Database definition (driver)
5. Required tables.

74. What are the uses of Content Overview report?

1. As a hard copy backup
2. To verify contents of catalog
3. To log changes
4. As an analytical tool

75. What are Joins available in Impromptu?

The different types of joins available in Impromptu are:
1. Equi-joins
2. Non equi-joins
3. Outer joins
4. Self joins
5. Compound joins
6. Complex joins

76. What is a User-Defined Function (UDF)?
A User – Define Function is a custom function created outside of Impromptu. To provide
access to the UDFs
 Create the UDF and place it in the a library
 Tell Impromptu where to fine where to fine the library
 Add the function declaration to COGUDF.SQL
 Add the function name and a list of properties to IMPFUNCT.INI

77. How to access the database UDFs?

• Create a UDF in database.
• Add the function declaration to COGUDFXX.SQL (where XX is OR for Oracle, D2 fro
DB2 and so on)
• Add the function name and a list of parameters of XXFUNCT.INI (where XX is OR for
Oracle, D2 for DB2 and so on)

78. What are the .INI files created by Impromptu?

The following are the .INI files that are created by Impromptu:
4. UDF and database specific .INI

79. What is the job of Scheduler in Impromptu?

Scheduler works as part of the Cognos BI suite and coordinates the following takes:
1. Running reports in Impromptu
2. Creating PowerCubes in PowerPlay Transformer
3. Running macros in CognosScript
4. Executing DOS executable and batch files.

80. What is meant by Governors?

To apply privileges and restrictions for a user class. Governor settings are used to set
restrictions on queries by user class, such as:
1. Sorting on non-indexed columns
2. Outer joins
3. Suppress duplicates
4. Cross-product queries
5. Retrieval of large text items
6. Number of records
7. Number of tables
8. Query execution time

81. What is a User Class?

A defined group of users with the same data access needs, privileges and restrictions.

82. What is use of defining User Class?

• Easy access to data
• Control of access to data
• Performance
• Streamlined administration

83. Summary of Catalog Types

Catalog Run Reports Create/Edit Edit Folders User has own Meant for
Types Reports copy multiple users
Personal Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Secured Yes No No No Yes

Shared Yes Yes No No Yes
Distributed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cognos Report Net 1.1
1) What is Report Net?
Report Net is the web-based, dynamic, business intelligence reporting solution from

2) Components of Report Net:

i. Framework manager.
ii. Cognos connection
iii. Query Studio
iv. Report Studio

3) Cognos connection:
Use to access all corporate data available in ReportNet.

4) What is the default formats of reports?


5) What are the types of folders in Cognos connection?

Report can be organized by creating the folders.

Public Folders: Public Folders can be viewed by many users.

My Folders: Personal Folders that you can organize according to your preferences.

6) What are the uses of Query Studio?

1. Create ad hoc reports that can be viewed by others.
2. Customize ad hoc reports that have been saved.
3. Compare and analyze data.
The corporate data available to you is stored in a package that has been created by the
Report Net administrator and published to Cognos Connection.

7) What is a Package?
Package is interfacing between the data base and End user nothing but Business user.
Packages use corporate business rules to define and group the data to be used for
business reporting.

8) How can you create Ad hoc reports?

The administrator previously creates a package in Framework Manager and publish to a
location in the Cognos Connection portal to which you have access. With that we can use in our
ad hoc reports.

9) How can you view the data from existing report?

1. From the report viewer.
2. While editing of the report in Query Studio.

10) What is prompt?

The prompt is dynamic filter, which can extract the data from existing report.
The prompts are very faster and easier than repeatedly changing the filter.

11) How can you add the calculated data to a report?

1. Summarize existing detail values predefined summary functions (such as sum, avg)
2. Create new report items using data from existing report items.
3. Use model calculations provided in the package.

12) What is Frame Work Manager?

Frame work manager is an application that runs in Microsoft windows and provides a
model development environment. Frame work manager allows you to develop the Meta data
models called projects. Frame work manager provides Meta data model development
environment to develop the business packages as per the business requirements.
In frame work Manager, you have to interact with a project, with contains:

A. A model
B. Name spaces
C. Data sources
D. Parameter maps
E. Packages
F. Folder
G. Query subject
H. Query item
I. Relation ship

12) What are the types of Query Subjects?

1. Default data source query subjects
2. Model Query Subjects
3. Stored Query subjects.

13) What are the phases of the Cognos Report Net workflow?
Plan, Manage, Model, Author, Consume.

14) What are the advanced features of Report Net?

The Cognos Report Net has multilingual database accessibility.
The parameter maps are key value phase, which are used for working with local
Languages that the default value is ‘EN’

15) What is physical layer?

The Physical layer provides the physical query layer and is made up primarily of
data source and stored procedure query subjects. It acts as the foundation for the presentation

16) What is Presentation layer?

The Presentation layer makes it easier for report authors to find and understand their
data. The Presentation layer is made up primarily of model query subjects that you create.

17) Define function set:

A function set is a collection of vendor specific database.

The Expression editor lists the function sets for all available vendors. However, you can
restrict the function sets, so that it lists only the vendors that you want to use in your project.

18) What is a Model?

A model in Frame work manager is a business presentation of the structure of the data
from one or more databases.
A model is a set of related query subjects and other objects.

19) Explain about Data Source Query Subject?

Data Source query subjects contain SQL statements the directly reference data in a
single data source. Frame work manager automatically creates a data source query subject for
each table and view that you import into model.
Example When we import the product the table from Go sales sample database, Frame
work manager creates a query subject using the following statements.

“select * from [go sales].product”

20) How can you edit the data source query subject?

i. Apply or embed a filter

ii. Apply or embed a calculation
iii. Insert a Macro
iv. Insert a data source reference.
v. Change the SQL type.
vi. Change how SQL is generated.

These all are we can find it in “Edit definition window”.

21) What are the types of SQL?

SQL is the industry language for creating, updating and querying relational data base
management system. Types of SQL.
1. Cognos SQL
2. Native SQL
3. Pass-through SQL.

1 Cognos SQL:
By default Cognos Frame work manager uses Cognos SQL to create and edit Query

1. Can contain metadata from multiple data sources.
2. Have fewer database restrictions
3. Interact more effectively with Cognos applications.
You can not enter nonstandard SQL.

2 Native SQL:
Native SQL is the SQL, the data source uses, such as Oracle SQL, but you cannot uses
Native SQL in a query subject that references more than one data source in the project.

1. Performance is optimized across all related query subjects.
2. You can use SQL that is specific to your database.
1. You cannot use SQL that the data source does not support for sub queries.
2. The query subject may not work on different database type.

3 Pass-Through SQL:
Pass-Through SQL lets you use native SQL without any of the restrictions the data
source imposes on sub queries.

1. You can enter any SQL supported by the database.
1. There is no opportunity for Frame work manager to automatically optimize
performance. The SQL may not work on a different data source.

22) How can you restrict the tables retrieved by a query?

By setting governors we can restrict the tables. tables.

23) What is the security filter?

A security filter controls the data that is shown to report authors when they set up Their

24) Is there any impact if the package republish with frame work manager to Report Net
No, no reports are impacted, if republish the package.

25) Explain Stitch Queries?

In the event of cross fact table queries, ReportNet will send two separate Queries to the
data source, one for each fact table. It will retrieve two record sets, which will be merged locally
by stitching together the common dimensional records in each record set.

26) What are Query Processing Types?

There are two types of query processing.

1. Limited Local: The database server does as much of the SQL processing and
Execution as possible. However, some reports or report sections use local SQL
2. Database only: The database server does all the SQL processing and execution with
the exception of tasks not supported by the database. An error appears if any reports
of report sections require local SQL processing.

27) How can you create the query subject?

We can create the query subjects through models, data sources, and stored procedures.

28) What is parameter map?

The parameter maps are key value phase, which are used for working with local
Language that
The default value is ‘EN’.

29) What is a Macro?

To change the SQL syntax conditionally is called macro.

30) What are the types of filters?

In framework manager we can create two types of filters.
1. Model filters.
2. Query filters.
Filters: In the report studio we can find two types if filters.
1. Tabular filter
2. Summary filters

1. Tabular filters: Tabular filters are two types

A. Summary filters
B. Detailed filters
2. Grouped filters.

31) What is the use of Short cuts?

To organize the information that you use regularly is called short cuts.

32) What is the use to disable entries in Cognos connection?

We can disable the entries, which was created by you, to prevent other users from
accessing it. Disabling it. Disabling is useful when you want to perform maintance operations.
When you disable a folder, everything in the folders is disabled as well.

33) What is Query Studio?

Query Studio is the adhoc querying tool for ReportNet.

34) Which component will create a package?
The package will be created by the Report Net administrator and will publish to Cognos

35) What are the report items?

The items, which are added from the package to your report are called report items.

36) How it appears a project in Frame work manager?

A frame work manager project appears as a folder that contains a project file (.cpf) and
the specific XML files that define the project.

37) What is the difference between the Frame work manager model and the adhoc query
Frame Work Manager model Adhoc query authors
With in Frame Work Manager, modelers A report or adhoc query author interacts with a
interact with a development model, which run-time version of the Framework Manager
exists within the XML based project located on model. This model appears as the set of
the file system. published metadata on which reports and
queries are based.

38) When the default data source query subject is created?

During the initial metadata import operation, a default data source query subject is
created for each object you select (for example table) and creates the default relationships
between query subjects for you automatically.

39) What are phases the work flow process consists in Frame Work Manager?
The work flow process consists of the following phases:
• Design and create project
• Prepare Metadata
• Prepare the Business View
• Create and Manager Packages
• Set Security
• Publish
• Manage the Project

40) How you set the security Frame work manager?

To set the security you have to set as:
• Define access to packages.
• Create Security filters
• Define access to objects
• Define package administration access.

41) What is a Physical Layer?

The physical layer is a representation of the metadata as it appears in the data source.
Provides a foundation for the presentation layer. It is made up primarily of data source and stored
procedure query subjects.
It is created import only the smallest number of objects required and to create
calculations and filters that meet a wide range of business requirements.

42) What is Presentation Layer?

The Presentation Layer is a modeled business view of the metadata from the data
source, facilitates report authoring and it is made up primarily of model query subjects and

43) The types of query processing?
There are two types of query processing to choose from:
• Limited Local : The database server does as much of the SQL
processing and execution as possible.
• Database Only : The database server does all the SQL processing
and execution with the exception of tasks not supported by the

44) What are the Building Blocks in Frame work manager?

The Query subjects are called Building Blocks in Frame work Manager.

45) What is usage property? And what are different setting to set usage property?
 It identifies the intended use for the data represented by each query
 It determines the aggregation rules of query items and calculations.
The different Usage property settings are:
 Identifies
 Fact
 Attribute
 Unknown

46) Can you edit the metadata in Frame Work Manager?

Yes, We can edit the meta data in Frame work manager. And also we can translate the
metadata to a more convenient format, such as CSV or Unicode text.

47) What is parameter map and what it consists of?

Parameter maps are similar to data source look-up tables.
Each parameter map consists of two columns:
• Key (must be unique)
• Value (Used for substitution)

48) What is session parameter?

Session parameter is a variable, such as username, or a run Locale, that Frame work
manager associates with a session.

49) What is override value?

The override value is to test the results that value returns. The override value is valid only
while you have the model open, and is not saved when you save the model. If no override value
exists, Frame work manager uses the default value when it executes a query that contains a
session parameter.

50) Where you can use the prompts?

• The prompts where we can use:
• Parameter maps
• Session parameter
• Stored procedure arguments
• Expression, including filters, calculations and relationships.

51) What is the use of prompt value?

A prompt value can be used when user input is required for variables beyond the report
author’s control.
The syntax is :
?<prompt name>?

52) How can restrict the number of rows?

By setting the Governors, you can restrict the number of tables retrieved by a query as
well as restrict the number of rows returned. You can also set time limits for query execution, as
well as restrict character length on binary large objects (BLOBs).

53) What are security objects, Cognos namespace contains?

The Cognos namespace contains security objects, which are
• Per-defined group or roles
• User-defined groups or roles

54) What tasks do you perform to set the repository control?

To set up repository, perform the following tasks:
• Create the repository
• Set up the path to the repository
• Configure a connection to the repository
• Add the project to the repository
Once the repository connection has been established, you can modify or delete it through
the connection manager.

55) What tasks will be done after creating of segment?

You can create a segment so that you can:
• Organize a project according to organizational requirements, fro
example, human resources, sales, and finance, or according to business rules.
• Distribute responsibility for the modeling process amongst multiple
groups according to areas of expertise.
• Share and reuse project information to avoid duplication in a new

56) What is a link? What are the uses from links?

A link is a shortcut to an existing project, folder, or namespace.
The uses from links are:
• Organize work across large projects.
• Maintain consistency
• Reuse information

57) What is use from the Dimensional Information?

Dimensional information is used to associate attribute with levels to ensure proper
aggregation and avoid double counting or repeating values.
“A confirmed dimension has relationships to more than one fact table”

58) What are the ReportNet Administration Roles?

1. System Administrator: This is like super key, can access and modify any object in the
content store.
2. Directory Administrator: This can administer the contents of namespaces.
3. Report Administrator: This can administer the public content.
4. Server Administrator: Can administer services and dispatchers.

59) When a report cannot be viewed?

A report cannot be viewed at the time it is run when it:
1. It runs later
2. has multiple formats or languages
3. has a delivery method of save, print or email
4. is a burst report

60) How can you distribute the reports?

You can distribute reports to other users to share information with the.

You can distribute reports by:
1. Saving them where other users can access them
2. sending them to other users by email
3. printing them

61) What is the use from a Burst Report?

1. Use bursting to run a report once and divide the results for distribution to multiple
2. Each recipient will only view a subset of the data
3. Burst reports can be distributed by email, saved to a directory, or both.

62) What are the distribution lists contain?

The Distribution lists contain a collection of users, groups, roles, contacts, or other
distribution lists.
If a recipient is not part of the Cognos security system, you can create contact
information for this person, such as name and email address.

63) We can user cut and paste functionality to move a report or other entry to another
location in the portal.

64) How you remove an entry permanently?

Delete an entry if you want to permanently remove it from the portal.
An entry refers to another entry, such as a package or a report. As a result, it you
rename, delete, or move a referenced entry, the entries that refer to this original entry may no
longer run properly.

65) How can search for entries in Cognos connection?

Can fine types of entries by leaving the search string box empty and selecting a specific
entry type in the Advanced Search Criteria.
Note that the search functionality is not case – sensitive.

66) What is Report Studio?

The Report Studio is :
1. A web-based report authoring tool.
2. Provides many methods of formatting, presenting, and distributing your

67) What are the logical steps to build a report?

1. Determine Data to be Displayed
2. Choose Appropriate Report Type
3. Build report
4. Apply Filters or Create Prompts
5. Format Report

68) What are the types of Reports?

Report Studio uses three main report types:
1. List reports
2. Cross tab reports
3. Chart reports
• You can combine different report types on the same page
• You can use pre-define templates, or start with a blank report.
• Use Repeater to display objects multiple times on the same page.

69) What is a Repeater?

A Repeater is a table in which you can insert items, such as a table, that will be repeated.
This is useful for creating mailing labels.

70) What are the uses from list reports?

The List Reports uses are:
• Display data as a series of columns
• Are useful for presenting tabular list information.

71) What are the uses from Cross tab reports?

The Cross tab reports uses are:
1. Summarize data and display results in a two-dimensional grid
2. are useful for comparative analysis
Note: Cross tabs must include at least three query items.

72) What are the uses from Chart Reports?

The chart reports uses are:
1. Present data graphically
2. are useful for showing comparisons, relationship, and trends

73) How many ways to add an object or item?

Three methods to add an object or item to your report are:
1. double-click
2. right-click and inset
3. drag and drop

74) What are the types of data?

There are two types of data:
1. Summarized aggregated data
2. Detailed non-aggregated data.

75) What is aggregated data and types of aggregated data?

Aggregated data is grouped or summarized data. You can set the aggregation in the
Properties pane to:
• Total
• Maximum
• Aggregated
• Count
• Minimum
• Automatic
• Average
• Calculated
• None
Note: By default, Total is chosen unless it is changed in the model.

76) Can you list headers and footers in list report?

Yes, can add headers and footers in list report. But not to a cross tab report or chart

77) What is a measure?

A measure what data is being reported on, such as revenue, quantity, or profit margin.

78) What is a chart and types of chart?

Display data graphically using one or more of the available chart types. Charts are an
effective way of showing comparisons, relationships and trends. There are various chart types
available including.

The list of charts:
• Column
• Line
• Point
• Bar
• Pie
• Radar
• Pareto
• Area
• Combination

79) How to create a repeater report?

1. Create a new report using Repeater template, and an object such as a table, and
then populate the object with query items.
2. Create a list report and then from the Structure menu, click Convert List to Repeater.

80) What is the use to break a report into sections?

The use of create section is to show grouped information in separate report objects. This
makes information easier to locate, and lets you view data for one group of items at a time.

81) Can you convert list to Cross tab report?

Yes, To gain a different perspective on your data, you can convert a list report into a
cross tab report.
* If you want to change list tab to cross tab report you must have three or more than three

82) Can convert a list to a repeater?

Yes, we can convert a list to repeater. You can create a list to repeater. You can create a
repeater using the Repeater temple, or by converting a list into a repeater.
* Only a list report can be converted into a repeater. You cannot convert a cross tab or
chart into a repeater.

83) How can you create Reuse objects?

84) What is the reuse object? How can you create reuse object?
The object which is reusable in the same report or another report is called as reuse
Creation of reuse object:

1. Add a Layout component Reference object to any page of your report that references the
original object.
2. In the properties pane set ID, you must set ID.

85) What are the roles and responsibilities of prompts, parameters, parameter values?
Parameters : Parameters from the question you want to ask users.
Prompts : Prompt controls provide the user interface in which the questions are
Parameter values: Parameters values provide the answers to the questions.

86) How may ways are there to create prompt?

To create a prompt you can:
• Use the Build prompt page tool
• Build your own prompt and prompt page

• Create a prompt directly in a report page

87) What is the use from Customize prompts?

Customize prompts in order to help users select and submit their choices.

88) What is the Layout Calculation?

Layout calculation creates a calculation that contains run-time information, such as
current date, current time, and user name. It provides information about the report itself, not about
data found in the database.

89) To get the possible outcomes what types of variables you use?
The types of variables are:
• Boolean variable : If there are only two possible outcomes, where the
values will be Yes or No.
• String variable : If there is more than one outcome, based on string
values you will specify.
• Language Variable : Language variable when the values are different

90) To ensure professional results and make report designing easier, remember to:
• Set properties on the highest level item.
• Use padding and margins to create white space
• Avoid fixed size objects.

91) You can use the Schedule Management tool to:

◊ Change the properties of a job
◊ Modify a scheduled report
◊ View the run history of a report
◊ Run a scheduled entry once
◊ Delete a schedule

92) What is parameter?

Parameters are placeholders that require a value to determine what data to report on.

93) How do Organize Data in Cognos Connection?

To reorganize data content in Cognos Connection, you can cut, copy, and paste entries,
just as you can with files and folders in Windows Explorer.

94) Specify the Portal and Report Language?

1. Product Language : The language used by the portal interface.
2. Content Language : The language used to view or produce reports.

95) Identify the phases of the Cognos ReportNet workflow process?

1. Plan : Develop the application scope as part of a system development lifecycle.
2. Manage : Install the product, configure to meet reporting requirements, and
administer the environment
3. Model : Create Framework Manger projects
4. Author : Use Report Studio and Query Studio to create and save reports for
business community
5. Consume: End-users consume the required business reports.

96) How to Identify the Architecture?

To effectively administer the ReportNet server environment you should understand the
underlying architecture, including:
♦ UI and server components

♦ Communication protocols
♦ Third-party applications
♦ Load balancing

97) How do you secure the ReportNet Environment?

To implement security in the ReportNet environment, you should:
• Understand the ReportNet security model and develop a plan
• Identify and configure third-party authentication providers
• Lock down the environment
• Control access to functionality
• Assign access permissions to content.

98) What are the User Interface Components?

• Cognos Connection
• Report Studio
• Query studio
• Frame work manager
• Cognos configuration

99) What are the Features of the ReportNet Architecture?

Features of the ReportNet architecture include:
• Web administration
• A common dispatcher
• Scalable
• Supports and leverages leading Relational Database management System(RDBMS) for
content management.
• Multilingual
• Integrates with Web farms
• Platform independent
• Open and extensible

100) What are the tiers of the ReportNet Architecture?

The ReportNet architecture can be separated into three tiers:
• Web server
• Applications
• Data

101) What is the affinity?

Affinity is between request and server ensures that requests are routed to an appropriate
computer for execution.

102) Can you edit an existing report?

Yes, we edit the existing report by inserting additional report items, or you can focus on
specific data by removing unnecessary report items, or adding filters.

103) What is the use of schedule?

The schedule allows you to run a report at a later time or run it on a recurring basis (for
example, every Monday at 2pm).

104) How can you configure ReportNet to perform Bursting?

To burst report data, you have to configure:
 Specify burst repents from a data source
 Create the report and specify a burst key in Report Studio
 Set burst options in Report Studio

 Run the report with bursting enabled in Cognos Connection.
105) What is a burst key?
The Burst key is who the intended recipients are and by what method you intend to
distribute the reports in the ReportNet.

106) Determine what are the Burst Recipients?

You can distribute burst reports to :
• Users
• Groups
• Roles
• Email address and distribution lists.

107) What is CAMID?

CAMID is an internal path to users, groups, roles contacts or distribution lists. Using the
CAMID syntax, you can substitute a static user ID with a dynamically generated user ID when
creating your burst key.

108) What are the information do you need to create burst table?
To create a Burst table to map recipients or groups of recipients to specific data that they
are allowed to see.
 Unique Identifier
 List of Recipients
 Data item to Burst on

109) What is the impact of changes to row or columns of the burst table?
Burst reports that are affected by changes to the burst table may fail when they are run.

110) How can you set the burst options?

Ensure that the report contains the query item you intend to burst the report on and group
Set the following burst options:
1. Burst key : defines how the data should be filtered and divided
2. Burst recipient : determines who receives the subset of data

111) The consideration of Burst to Email Recipients?

To supply email addresses when you burst a report to email recipients, you can either:
1. reference the email address for each user that is stored in your authentication source
when bursting to directories
2. supply the email address in the report itself by creating a calculated filed
3. reference the appropriate burst table column

112) What is the use from page structure view?

1. Locating hard – to – objects in a report
2. quickly moving objects from one area of a page to another
3. Modifying object properties.

113) How can you add a layout to Report Specification?

The layout section of a report specification determines how the data is displayed on the
pages of the report.
A report requires at least one layout, but may have more. You can add multiple layouts to
accommodate different languages.
The layout section of the report specification consists of:
• Pages
• Layout Objects
114) What are the tool bar objects (explorers)?

The objects available in the toolbox are different depending on which explorer you have
Those are:
1. Page explorer tool box
2. Query explorer tool box
3. Query explorer tool box

115) Can you create a custom toolbox object?

Yes, To create a new toolbox object, you must add it to the Standard components.xml
file, and then reference it from the Toolbox.xml file.
You can add the object reference to one of the following sections of the Toolbox.xml file:
 Layout View
 QueryView_queryset
 QueryView_BIQuery
 QueryView_tabularModel
 QueryView_tabularSet

116) Can you create Custom Templates?

Yes, to create a new template, you must add it to the Template.xml file, and then
reference if from the AppComponents.xml file.

117) What is the Authentication?

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of users when they log on.
Authentication providers define users, groups, and roles used for authentication.
Note: User authentication in ReportNet is managed by third – party authentication

118) What is Authorization?

Authorization is the process of granting or denying users access to data, based on their
sign on identity.

119)What are the Groups and Roles?

Groups and roles represent collections of users that perform similar tasks.

120) What is the Cognos namespace? And what is contains?

The Cognos namespace is the ReportNet built-in namespace.
It contains Cognos objects:
Distribution lists

121) Can you delete Cognos namespace?

No, we can not delete Cognos namespace

122) What are the Built – in Entries?

Built – in entries are fundamental entries required to access and administer ReportNet,
and cannot be deleted.
The Built – in entries are:
• Anonymous
• All Authenticated Users
• Everyone
• System Administrators.

123) What are predefined Entries?
Predefined entries are logical roles provided as a convenience when setting up your
security infrastructure. They can be modified or deleted.
The Predefined Entries are:
• Consumers
• Query users
• Authors
• Reports Administrator
• Server Administrator
• Directory Administrator

124) What are Access Permissions?

The Access permissions are:
1. Read: View all the properties of an entry
2. Write : Modify any of the properties of an entry
3. Execute : Process an entry
4. Set Policy: Read and Modify the security settings for an entry
5. Traverse: View the child contents of a parent container entry

125) What is Deployment?

Deploy entries to move applications from one installation to another.
The deployment can include data sources and access permissions.

126) What are the entries can you deploy in content store?
You can deploy the entire content store, which includes all entries in the portal, such as:
 Public folders
 Packages and reports
 Data sources
 Distribution lists and contacts
 Printers
 Schedules
 The Cognos namespace
 Deployment specifications and history
 Configuration settings

127) What are the security items Cognos namespace contains?

The Cognos namespace contains security entries, which are:
• Built – in groups or roles
• Predefined group or roles
• User – defined groups or roles

128) What is the use of the Cognos namespace?

 Create groups and roles specific to a ReportNet application
 Repackage security data available for authentication providers
 Avoid cluttering authentication providers

129) Evaluate Policy Rules?

The basic rules that affect access permissions for each entry in ReportNet include those
⇒ Acquired policies
⇒ Traversing to view child entries
⇒ Group inheritance
⇒ Implicit deny
⇒ Explicit deny versus grant

⇒ Union of permissions
⇒ ownership

130) To tune the performance of the server environment as follows:

→ Group dispatchers
→ Set processing capacity
→ Set number of processes and connections
→ Maximize usage during peak periods
→ Set queue time limits in ReportNet

131) Examine Audit Logging Details and Categories?

The ReportNet operations are logged based on the following categories:
⇒ Audit
⇒ Audit administration
⇒ Audit run-time usage
⇒ Audit other.

Business Objects 6.1b
1) What is Web intelligence?
Webintelligence is a single tool for understanding and controlling the business tasks. It
enables you to access, analyze and share corporate data over internets and extranets for
RDBMS AND OLAP servers. To access Webintelligence we log into the INFOVIEW portal via
Internet Explorer.

2) What is Universe?
The special semantic layer that isolates you from the technical issues of the database is
called as Universe. The Universes are created by a Universe designer using Business Objects
Designer software.

3) Explain INFOVIEW Portal?

The INFOVIEW portal is organized into the following parts:
1. Toolbar
2. Page content

Toolbar :- The INFOVIEW Toolbar contains the following links to the following pages.
1. Home Page
2. My Infoview Page
3. Optional Page
4. Help Page
5. Logout Page

Page Content :- The Page Content contains the following options:

1. Corporate Documents
2. Search
3. Personal Documents
4. Inbox Documents
5. New Documents
6. Add a Document
7. Scheduled Documents
4) What are the documents you can access from Infoview?
INFOVIEW allows you to access the corporate documents from three storage areas like:
1. Corporate Documents
2. Personal Documents
3. Inbox Documents
5) What are the Document categories in INFOVIEW?
Categories are a way of organizing documents in INFOVIEW portal. A Category displays
only the documents that have been assigned to it. There are two kinds of Categories:

1. Corporate Category
2. Personal Category
6) What are the formats supported for Business Objects documents?
You can view Business Objects documents in the following formats:
2. PDF
3. Enhanced Document Format
4. Business Objects Format
7) What are the formats supported for Web intelligence documents?
You can view Web intelligence documents in the following formats:
2. HTML(Interactive)
3. PDF

8) Explain the query process in Webintelligence?
Using the Webintelligence Report Panel, you construct a business question that
represents the information you need. This question is sent in the form of a query to the Business
Object’s server where the data and send it back to the Webintelligence in the form of a Data
The contents of the Data Provider are then projected into a Webintelligence report in the
form of tables, crosstabs and charts etc.

9) What is object? What are the types of Objects in Universe?

Objects are elements in a Business Objects that correspond to a selection of data in the
database. There are three types of Objects exists in the Universe.
1. Dimension
2. Measure
3. Detail

10) What are the Report Panels exits in Webintelligence?

Webintelligence provides two types of Report Panels:
1. Java report Panel: Enables you to create sophisticated documents containing
multiple reports, tables and charts. You can create complex filters, custom formulas
and highly formatted documents in Java Report Panel.
2. HTML Report Panel: Enables you to create simple reports helped by wizard – like
style tabs. You can apply simple filters and standard calculations to a report in HTML
Report Panel.

11) What is Report Manager in Webintelligence?

The Report Manager is displayed to the left hand side of the Webintelligence Java Report
Panel. We use this Report Panel to:
 Manage all the objects and variables in the document (Data Tab).
 Change the type of blocks in the report (Templates Tab).
 Format the properties of the report and its contents. (Properties Tab)
 Navigate through the documents (Map Tab).
The Report Manager is made up of four tabs:
1. Data Tab
2. Templates Tab
3. Properties Tab
4. Map Tab

12) What is Query Filter? What are the advantages of Query Filter?
To restrict a query means you limit that amount of data that is retrieved from the data
source and returned to your Webintelligence reports. The Query Filters retrieve a sub-set of the
available data, based on the definition of the query filter. Restricting the query in this way ensures
that you retrieve only the data that interests you. Through query filter, you can minimize the
quantity of data returned by the report and thus reduces the time required to create and refresh
the document over the network. The query Filters are made up of three parts:
1. Object
2. Operand
3. Operator.

The following are the advantages of the Query Filters:

 You retrieve only the data you need to answer a specific business question.
 You hide data you don’t want specific users to see when they access the
 You minimize the quantity of data returned to the document to optimize

13) What are the types of Query Filters that you use in Webintelligence?
There are four types of Query Filter you use in Web intelligence:
1. Predefined Filters
2. Single and Multi – value Filters
3. Prompted Filters
4. Complex Filters

14) What are the types of tables available in web intelligence?

Web intelligence provides four different types of tables:
1. Vertical Table
2. Horizontal of Financial Table
3. Cross tab
4. Form

15) What are the basic chart types available in web intelligence?
Web intelligence provides the following basic types of Charts
1. Bar charts
2. Line charts
3. Area charts
4. Pie charts
5. Radar, Polar and Scatter Charts

16) What are the Reporting Tools available in the Report Panel Toolbar?
The following are the Reporting Tools available from the Report Panel Toolbar:
1. Breaks
2. Calculations
3. Sorts
4. Filters
5. Sections

17) What are Breaks?

Breaks allow you to break up data in tables and cross tabs into subgroups according to
the data and values you select. When you apply break, Webintelligence separates all the data for
each unique value of the selected variable. It inserts a blank row or column after each value
enabling you to insert subtotals for the subgroup of data.

18) What are Filters?

In Webintelligence there are two types of Filters:
1. Query Filters – to restrict data
2. Report Filters – to hide data
Types of Query Filters:
1. Predefined Filters
2. Single value Filters
3. Multi value Filters
4. Prompted Filters
5. Nested Filters

19) Explain the Report properties tabs in the Report Manager Panel?
The Report properties tabs are appeared vertically on the left side of the Report Manager
Panel. There are four sub tabs in the Report properties tab to change the default format of the
1. Report Properties
2. Report Format
3. Report Page Layout
4. Filters

20) Explain the Chart properties tabs in the Report Manager Panel?
The Chart properties tabs are appeared vertically on the left side of the Report Manager
Panel. There are five sub tabs in the Chart properties tab to change the default format of the
1. Chart Properties
2. Chart Format
3. Chart Page Layout
4. Sorts
5. Filters

21) Explain the Table properties tabs in the Report Manager Panel?
The Table properties tabs are appeared vertically on the left side of the Report Manager
Panel. There are six sub tabs in the Table properties tab to change the default format of the
1. Table Properties
2. Table Format
3. Table Page Layout
4. Breaks
5. Sorts
6. Filters

22) Explain the Section properties tabs in the Report Manager Panel?
The Section properties tabs are appeared vertically on the left side of the Report
Manager Panel. There are five sub tabs in the Section properties tab to change the default format
of the Section.
1. Section Properties
2. Section Format
3. Section Page Layout
4. Sorts
5. Filters

23) What is Scope of Analysis?

The Scope of Analysis for a query is extra data you can retrieve from the database to
give more details on the data returned by each of the objects in a query. This extra data does not
appear in the initial document results, but you can pull this data at any time into the report from
the data cube. In the Universe, the Scope of Analysis corresponds to the hierarchical levels below
the object selected for a query.

24) What is Drill in Webintelligence documents?

When we talk of drill mode in Webintelligence, we often refer to two activities that are
1. Setting up a Webintelligence or Business Object document so that you and other
users can analyze the reports in drill mode.
2. Viewing the document in drill mode, either in Webintelligence Report Panel or in Info
View and analyze the data at different levels of detail.

25) How many ways you can share Webintelligence and BusinessObject documents?
You can share Webintelligence and BusinessObject documents in three ways:
1. Send a document to another user or group of users
2. Schedule documents to be refreshed and sent automatically but using the Broadcast
3. Save documents as files on your computer in PDF and Excel format.

26) What are the advantages using BusinessObjects?

The advantages of using BusinessObjects are:

1. Users construct queries via objects named in their own business terminology using
drag and drop technology
2. User queries are sent directly to the target database without day to day intervention
from the MIS department.
3. Users can analyze and format the data locally.

27) What is the Universe development process?

The flowing are the phases involved in development of Universe:
1. Prepare
2. Analyze
3. Plan
4. Implement
5. Test
6. Deploy
7. Evolve
Note: Universe design should always be driven primarily by user requirements and not
the data source structure.

28) What are Parameters?

A Universe is built within a file that has a .unv extension. As part of the process of
creating the .unv file you have to set certain parameters. These parameters are the name of the
Universe to be contained within the file, a description of it and a connection to the target database
that the Universe provides a front end.

29) What are the tabs of Universe Parameter dialog box?

The sub tabs of the Universe parameter are:
1. Definition
2. Summary
3. Strategies
4. Controls
5. SQL
6. Links

30) Explain Joins in BusinessObjects?

A Join is a condition that restricts the result set of a multi-relational query. The
BusinessObject supports the following Joins:
1. Equi-join
2. Quter join
3. Theta Join
4. Self Join

31) What is Theta Join?

A Theta Join contains an expression that is based on something other than equality.

32) What is Cardinality?

Cardinality is the term used for expressing the relationship between tables based on
joins. Cardinality is used by BusinessObject to provide enough information to detect and resolve
loops. It can also be a useful aid to designer in understanding database structures.

33) What is a Dimension?

Dimensions are used to infer columns, constants, calculations or a concatenation therof
in the select clause of the select statement but not aggregates.

34) What is Measure?

Measures are used to provide dynamic statistical information in a BusinessObject query.
The value of the statistic is dependent on the dimension and detail objects in the query.

A Measure object is created by using aggregate functions like Sum, Count, Average,
Maximum and Minimum. Measure objects are very flexible because they are semantically
dynamic. When a BusinessObjects Query is made which includes a measure it automatically
infers a Group By clause in the select statement.

35) What is the SQL rule in Inference of the Group By clause?

If the Select clause line contains an aggregate, everything outside of that aggregate in
the clause must also appear in the Group By clause.

36) What are the elements to test the Dimension object?

The following are the elements to test the Dimension object:
1. Check objects exist
2. Check inferred SQL
3. Check query results
4. Repeat with other dimensions
5. Make a query with a minimum of two dimensions and a measure
6. Check projection with Slice & Dice

37) What is a Loop?

A Loop is caused by asset of joins which defines a closed path through a set of tables in
the structures.

38) What is the problem caused by Loop?

The joins in the structure are used to create the where clause in the inferred SQL of a
query. Their purpose is to restrict the data that is returned by the query. In a Loop, the joins will
apply more restrictions than the designer intended and the data returned will be incorrect.

39) How to resolve the Loops?

There are automatic routines built in the Designer module which can be used to identify
and resolve the Loops. They are:
1. Using Aliases
2. Using Contexts
Note: IT is very important that all cardinalities are set correctly for the loop detection and
resolution routines to work correctly.

40) How you resolve the Loop by using context?

Generally in normalized dimensions Aliases are not suitable resolve loops and in such
situation we use Context. A Context is a list of joins which identify a path through the structure.
Contexts are set to identify alternative routes in the universe structure. Contexts identify joins
which are compatible within the same Select statement.

41) What is a Shortcut Join?

A Shortcut Join is a join that links two tables together but bypasses intervening tables
that exist in the universe. This is used when designing universes where it is possible in certain
circumstances to make the inferred SQL more efficient.

42) What is a Self Join and how it is resolved?

A Self Join from one column of a table to another column of the same table. We can
resolve the Self Joins by inserting Aliases.

43) What is Chasm Trap and how to resolve it?

Chasm Trap is the problem that is inherent is SQL which is caused by the order in which
the elements of Select statement is processed. The Chasm Trap can occur when tow joins from
many to one converge on a single table. Unlike Loops, chasm Trap returns too many rows i.e.
when you have a many-one-many relationship for tables in the from clause the resulting logical

table will produce something similar to Cartesian product, this is the reason of the Chasm Trap
To resolve Chasm Trap we use
1. Alter SQL parameter for the Universe
2. Inserting Contexts
According to the first option, set SQL parameters option in Universe Parameter dialog box i.e. in
the Universe Parameter dialog box, select the SQL tab and there select the option called “Multiple
SQL statements for each measure”.
Note: Always use contexts to resolve Chasm Traps

44) What is Fan Traps and how to resolve it?

Fan Trap is the problem that is inherent in SQL which is caused by the order in which the
elements of Select statement is processed. The Fan Trap can occur when there is “one to many”
join to a table that fans out into another “one to many” join to another table. Unlike Loops, Fan
Trap returns too many rows i.e. when you have a one-to-many relationship for tables in the From
clause the resulting logical table will produce something similar to Cartesian product, this is the
reason of the Fan Trap effect.
To resolve Fan Trap we use
1. Alter SQL parameter for the Universe
2. Use combination of Context and Aliases.
Note: Always use combination of context and aliases to resolve Fan Traps

45) How many @ Functions are there?

The following the @ Functions available:
1. @Aggregate
2. @Prompt
3. @Script
4. @Variable
5. @Where

46) What is a List of Values?

List of Values is a list of the distinct values from the column to which the object refers. A
LOV is used on the operand side of a condition in the query panel of the user module.

47) When to use the List of Values?

There are three things that a universe designer should bear in mind when deciding
whether to associate a LOV to an object:
1. Because a LOV is based on a SELECT DISTINCT query which is fired at the target
DB, associating a LOV will have implications for the efficiency of BusinessObjects.
2. The only purpose for creating a LOV is to assist the end user in choosing an operand
value for a condition. If the LOV does not do this, there is no point in associating it
with the object.
3. Unless the LOV is based on a personal file and not a query, the list will only hold
values that exist within the database.

48) What is a Hierarchy?

A Hierarchy is an ordered series of related Dimensions objects, which are used for
multidimensional analysis. For example, a geographical hierarchy could group together
Dimension objects such as County, Region and City.

49) What is a Multidimensional Analysis?

Multidimensional analysis is a technique for manipulating data so that it can be viewed
from different perspective and at different levels of detail.

50) What is Aggregate Awareness?

Some databases have Summary tables which contain figures aggregated to a high level.
These are used to speed up queries which contain statistics. The Aggregate Awareness is the
BusinessObjects process by which these higher level aggregates are incorporated into a

51) What is the procedure of applying Aggregate Awareness?

The following are the procedure for applying Aggregate Awareness:
1. Insert the summary Table in the Universe structure, set joins and cardinality.
2. Set the contexts.
3. Redefine objects using @Aggregate Aware.
4. Define incompatible objects using Aggregate navigation.
Note: Step 1 and 2 are not required if the summary table does not contain foreign keys.

52) What is the procedure for distributing a universe in Work Group?

The procedures for distributing a universe in Work Group are as follows:
1. Make a copy of the universe file and place it on the file server.
2. Ensure an appropriate driver exists on the server and that the universe connection is
of shared type.
3. Set password protection if required.
4. Inform the users about the location of the .unv file containing the universe.

53) Explain the Repository of the BusinessObjects?

The Repository of the BusinessObjects is a database consists of:
1. Universe Domain – consists of 24 database tables used to store universes.
2. Document Domain – consists of database table used to store files including
BusinessObjects documents (.rep). List of Value files (.lov), etc.
3. Security Domain – consists of 25 database tables used to store BusinessObjects
users and their permissions.

54) Why should we link universes?

One possible reason for linking universes is where have a number of universes, each of
which contains the same core set of objects. By creating each universe as a separate entity you
are effectively coding the same objects several times over. By linking you could avoid this.

55) What is Business Intelligence?

It is a broad category of application programs and technologies by using which users can
gather, store and analyze the business information for multidimensional analysis. The Business
Intelligence is accomplished through:
1. OLAP Tools
2. Query and Reporting
3. Data Mining
4. Statistical Forecast Analysis.

56) What is Repository?

A Repository is a centrally storage place where the Meta Data definitions are being
stored for each report. Supervisor module is responsible for creating Repository with 50 database
objects (tables) with 3 basic domains, Security Domain – 25 tables, Universe Domain – 1 table
and Document Domain – 24 tables.

57) What are the User Profiles in BusinessObjects?

The following are the User Profiles in BusinessObjects:
1. General Supervisor
2. Supervisor
3. Designer
4. Supervisor – Designer
5. User (Normal user)

6. Versatile

58) What is a Bomain.Key?

a file that contains the address of the repository’s security domain. This file must be
distributed to all users who will access the BusinessObject repository to share universes and
documents. By default the Bomain.Key file will be placed in “BusinessObjects\LocData folder.

59) What is a Class?

A class is defined as a logical grouping of objects defined in the universe. Generally the
name of the class reflects the type of object it contains. A class in further sub divided into sub

60) What is a Object?

An object is the most refined component in the universe. It maps to the data or the
derivation of the data in the database. There are three types of objects we can create in
1. Dimension Object
2. Measure Object
3. Detail Object

61) What is a Prompt?

A Prompt is a dynamic filter which allows the end users to feed the condition at the run
time and displays the results on the report based on the values fed in the prompt. In
BusinessObject the prompt is created by using “@Prompt”.
@Prompt(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
Where p1 : name of the prompt
p2 : data type
p3 : LOV pointer
p4 : Mono or Multi
p5 : Free or constraint

62) What are Blocks?

In Webintelligence Blocks represents tables, charts, cross tabs and forms in which the
business information is displayed. A Report Manager manages the data to be represented in a
different formats called as Blocks and allows to set the properties of Blocks.


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