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Education Rules, 2059 (2002)

Publication in Nepal Gazette

2059.2.16 (30 May 2002)

Ame ndme nt:

1. Education (First Amendment) Rules, 2060.3.24

2060 (2003) (8 July 2003)

2. Education (Second Amendment) 2060.12.16

Rules, 2060 (2004) (29 March 2004)

3. Education (Third Amend ment) Rules, 2062.2.25

2062 (2005) (7 Au gust 2005)

4. Education (Fourth Amendment) 2066.5.17

Rules, 2066 (2009) (2 Sept.2009)

5. Education (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2067.8.20

2067 (2010) (6 Dec.2010)

In e xerc ise o f the power s con ferred b y Se ction 19 of the

Education Act, 2028 (1972), Gove rnment of Nepal has fra med the
followin g Rules.

Chapter -1

1. Short Title and Commencement : (1) These Rules ma y be
called as "Education Rules, 2059 (2002 A.D.)".

(2) There Rules shall come into force immediately.

2. Definition: Unless the subject or the context otherwise

requires in these Rules,- 1

(a) "Act " means the Education Act, 2028 (1972).

(b) "M inistry" me ans Go vern ment of Nepal, Min istr y of


(c) "Depart ment" means the Depart ment of Education.

(d) "Director General " means Director General of the


(e) "Directorate" mean s Re gional Education Directorate.

(f) "Director" mean s a Director of Re gional Directorate.

( g) "Super visor " me ans e mployee designated for

super vision of schools.

( g1) "School operated by community" means the
community school being operated havin g handed over
the mana ge ment pursuant to section 22A.of the Act.

( g2) “Communit y teacher” me ans a per manent teacher
appointed by Manage ment Committee in a school
mana ged by co mmunity under the posts approved by
Go vern ment of Nepal.

( g3)“Teacher s Selection Committee” means the Teachers
Selection Committee re ferred to in Rule 22F.

(h) "Mana ge ment Co mmittee " mean s the School

Mana ge ment Committee.

(i) "Exa mination " means primar y le vel exa mination,

lower secondary le vel exa mination and secondary
level e xa mination.

(j) "Exa mination Board" means lower secondary and

secondary le vel education examination Board.

(k) "Acade mic se ssion" means an annual period of

teaching and learnin g in school.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 2

(l) "Non-for mal Education" means the education to be

imparted under Rule 48.

(m) "Distance education" mean s the education given on

any subject through correspondence, audio-visual or
other communication media.

(n) "Ch ild De velopment Centre" mean s child de velopment

centre established as per Rule 67 for givin g physical,
mental or intellectual education to the children under
four year s o f a ge.

(o) “Educational Human Re sources De velopment
Council" me ans the Educational Human Resources
De velop ment Council under Rule 72.

(p) "Head ma ster" means the teacher appointed pursuant to

Rule 93.

(q) "Fa mily" means husband, wife, son, unmarr ied

daughter, or adopted son, unmarried dau ghter or
adopted son or daughter, mother, father or stepmother
livin g to gether with in a joint fa mily a teacher and
whom he/she himsel f/hersel f ha s to ma intain and
subsist and this term also includes his grand father,
grandmother incase o f a male teacher and mother-in
law and father-in law in case of a fe male teacher.

(r) "Teacher s Records Office " me ans School Teachers

Record Office a s re ferred to in Rule 126.

(s) "Fe e " mean s fee to be char ged by School fro m the
students pursuant to Rule 146.

(t) "Steer in g Co mmittee" means Village Education

De velop ment Fund Steerin g Co mmittee for med
pursuant to Section 12C. of the Act.

Amended by the First Amendment. 3


Provision Relating to Permissio n for

establishment of School

3. Applic ati on t o be File d for Pe rmi ssion to Establish

School: (1) Those willin g to establish a pr imar y, lower
secondary school or secondary school shall have to file an
application along with recommendation of the Villa ge
Education Committee or Municipality in a for mat as
provided in Schedule -1before the District Education Office

for per mission at least Three months before the
commence ment of new ac ademic session.

(2) Those willin g to open pre-primar y school shall

have to file an application in a for mat a s pro vided in
Schedule -2 before the concerned Village De velopment
Committee or Municipality for permission at least two
months before the commence ment of new acade mic session.

4. Inf rast ructures to be met for Est abl ishing a School:

In fra structures re ferred to in Schedule -3 shall be met for
establish ment of a school.

5. Permission to be granted t o Open School: (1) If an

application is submitted pursuant to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 3
for per mission to open a school, the District Education
Officer shall upon examination of all necessar y documents
enclosed with the application so submitted and if it is found
that all infra structures are met as re ferred to in Rule 4,

grant permission in a for mat a s pro vided in Schedule -4 at
least Thirty days be fore the commence ment of new
academic session for the primary and lower secondary school

Amended by the Third Amendment.

Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 4

and the application shall be forwarded to the Director
along with the opinion of District Education Committee at
least Two months before the commence ment of the Acade mic
session in the case of the secondary school.

(2) Prior to grantin g per mission as pursuant to Sub-

rule (1) or forwardin g application to the Director, District
Education Officer shall have to examine or cause to examine
to satisfy whether the necessary in fra structures accordin g to
Rule 4 have been completed or not for the proposed school.

(3) If an application pursuant to Sub-rule (1) is

received, for per mission to establish a ……………
secondary school, the Director shall exa mine all documents
enclosed with the application and if the in frastructures a s
per Rule 4 for the proposed school are found to have been
completed, permission to establish school shall be granted to
the applicant in a format as provided in Schedule -4 at least
Thirty days before the commence ment of new acade mic

(4) If an application see kin g per mission to establish

preprima ry school is received pursuant to Sub-rule (2) of
Rule 3, the concerned Village De velopment Committee or
the Municipality shall exa mine the proposed school building
and other necessary documents enclosed with the application
and if all the infra structures are found to have been
completed as referred to in Rule 4 for establish ment of such
school, permission shall be granted in a for mat a s pro vided
in Schedule -5 to the applicant at least 30 days before the
commence ment of new acade mic session.

6. Te rms and C onditi ons t o be Fulfi lled by the School:

Except as otherwise pro vided in the Act and in these Rules,

Amended by the First Amendment.

Deleted by the Fourth Amendment. 5

terms and conditions to be followed by a school shall be as


(a) The curriculum and course books appro ved by

Go vern ment of Nepal shall be imple mented,

(b) Additional course books or study material s shall not

be used without approval of Curriculum De velopment

(c) No readin g mater ial or book ha vin g an y content

underminin g nationality shall be taught or cause to be
taught in the School.

(d) Salary not less than the minimu m scale as prescr ibed
by Go vern ment of Nepal shall be paid to teachers,

(e) Timely in for mation of income and expenditure,

academic achie ve ments and pro gra mmes for ne xt
academic session of the school shall be given to the
guard ians ha vin g called their annual meeting,

(f) Books of inco mes and expenditures shall be kept

accordin g to Rule 170,

( g) Record of e vidence of in ve stment made by the school

shall be kept,

(h) No activity undermin in g national unity, sovere ignty

and religious tolerance in Nepal shall be allowed to
take place in the school,

(i) Pro vision of teachers ha vin g qualification as per

existin g law has to be made not reducing the number
as prescr ibed for the school,

(j) Extra curricular activitie s and other progra mme s shall

be conducted in the School, 6

(k) Nece ssar y pro visions shall be made for c reatin g

atmosphere of healthy and moral character building in
the school and hostel,

(l) Quality of foods and nutrient diets shall be

ma intained as prescr ibed by the Distr ict Education
Committee for students in Boardin g Schools,

(m) Boarding School shall, at the beginnin g pro vide

Boarding facilit y to at least 10 percent of the total
students of the school,

(n) Functions to be carried out as per directives issued by

the District Education Office.

(o) In fra structures refe rred to in Rule 4 shall be

ma intained as usual,

(p) Acade mic statist ics o f school shall be prepared in a

for mat pre scribed b y the M inistr y o f Education or
bodies thereunder and shall be sent to Distr ict
Education Office.

7. Approval t o be Granted to Establ ish School: (1)

Primar y, lower secondary and se condary schools which ha ve
obtained permission as per sub-rules (1) or (3) of Rule 5
shall apply in accordance with the for mat pro vided in
Schedule -6 to District Education Office r for approval.

(2) If application as re ferred to in Sub-rule (1) is

received, District Education Officer shall cause to conduct
an inquiry about the school through Supervisor or any other

(3) After the inquiry report pursuant to Sub-rule (2)

has been submitted, the Distr ict Education Officer shall
exa mine the documents received with the application and if
the school is found to have fulfilled the terms and conditions 7

as re ferred to in Rule 6, he/she shall, havin g obtained

approval fro m the Distr ict Education Committee, gr ant
approval in a for mat as pro vided in Schedule -7 in case of
primary school and lower secondary school and in case of
secondary school he/she shall have to submit the application
along with the opinion of District Education Committee to
the Directorate.

(4) While exa minin g documents sub mitted along

with the application pursuant to Sub-rule (3), if it se e ms that
the permitted school has ful filled the conditions according to
Rule 6, the Director shall grant approval to such School in a
for mat as re ferred to in Schedule-7.

(5) Pre-primar y school obtaining per mission pursuant

to Sub-rule (4) of Rule 5 shall file application for an
approval in the concerned Village De velopment Committee
or Municipality in a format as pro vided in Schedule -8.

(6) While e xa min in g the application received pursuant

to Sub-rule (5), if the school is found to have fulfilled the
conditions as re ferred to in Rule 6, the concerned Villa ge
De velop ment Committee or Municipality shall gr ant
approval to such school in a format as prescr ibed in
Schedule -9.

(7) The concerned Villa ge De velopment Committee or

Municipality shall forward in for mation to District Education
Office within Th irty days o f the per mission or approval
given to the pre-primar y school pursuant to these Rules.

8. Provi si on Arrangement Rel ating to Approval of school

Al re ady in Ope ration: (1) Any school being run as an
institutionalized schools at the time of commence ment of the
Act shall, within the prescribed time l imit, ha ve to file

Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 8

application along with company re gistration certificate if the

school is to be run as co mpany or the related statute if the
school is to be re gistered a s an Educational Trust to the
Dire ctorate in a for mat as pro vided in Schedule-10.

(2) If application pursuant to Sub-rule (1) is rece ived,

the Director General, shall upon examinin g the necessar y
documents enclosed with the application so received is found
reasonable, grant approval to the applicant to run the school
as co mpany or an educational trust in a format a s pro vided in

9. Provi si ons Relati ng to Approval for e stablishing

School with the Affili ation of Any F oreign
Educ ati onal Instituti on: (1) One willin g to establish
school pursuant to the proviso to Sub-rule (8) of Section 3 of
the Act shall have to submit application in the Ministry for
approval in a for mat a s prescr ibed by the Ministry.

(2) If any application pursuant to Sub-rule (1) is

received, the Ministry shall exa mine the documents enclosed
with the application and shall grant approval to the applicant
to establish school with the affiliation of foreign educational
institution, if the descr iption in the application is found to
be satisfa ctory.

Pro vided that, no approval shall be granted to establish

more than one school on the recommendation of one
diplomatic mission except in ca se of a gree ment with
Go vern ment of Nepal.

10. Deposit to be made: (1) While opening a school, the
followin g a mount shall be deposited as a security of the
operation of the school: -

Amended by the Third Amendment. 9

Inst itutionalize Community

d school school

(a) In Two hundred One hundred

case o f thousand rupees thousand
secondar rupees
y school

(b) In One hundred ………………
case o f fifty thousand .
lower rupees
y school

(c) In Fifty thousand

case o f rupees

(1a) For the purpose of Sub-rule (1), the school
operated with the objective o f Sub-section (7d) of sect ion 3
shall be deemed as community school.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), while opening school in the geo graphical area which
belongs to 'Cla ss A' for the purpose of Rule 80A. o f the
Civil Ser vice s Rules, 2050, only half of the amount referred
to in that Sub-rule shall be deposited.
10A. Security De posit to be Deposited i n the Fix Account:
(1) The amount deposited aga inst securit y under Rule 10

Deleted by the Fourth Amendment.

Inserted by the Fourth Amendment.
Inserted by the First Amendment. 10

shall be deposited in a fixed account in the name o f school

as spec ified by the Distr ict Education Office.

(2) The interest accrued from the amount deposited in

the bank under Sub-rule (1) ma y be expended for the school

(3) The operation of the account referred to in Sub-rule

(1) shall be jointly operated by the person spec ified by the
Mana ge ment Committee and the employee specified by the
District Education Officer.

11. Provisions Re lating to Educ ational T rust: (1) One

willin g to establish School as Educational trust shall draft a
statute of the trust and register at the concerned Directorate.

(2) Educational trusts ma y be re gistered in two for ms,

one as a private trust and the other as a public trust.

Pro vided that, no private trust (guthi ) may be

re gistered, for runnin g the school referr ed to in Sub-sect ion
(6) of Section 3 of the Act.
(2A) Notwithstanding anythin g contained in Sub-rule
(2), if an y person or or ganization has donated building or
land for operatin g it as a private trust, such school ma y be
operated as a private trust.

(3) The followin g matters shall be stated in the statute

relating to an educational trust:-

(a) Na me and address o f the school,

(b) Na me and address of the founder of

educational trust,

(c) Na me o f the trustees of the educational

trust, chief of the trustees, h is/her
appointment process and tenure of office,
Inserted by the Second Amendment. 11

(d) Functions, duties and powers of trustees,

and facilit ies to be provided to them,

(e) Desc ription of buildin g, land, income, debt

and other property of the Educational trust,

(f) Other necessar y matters.

(4) In public educational trust, the concerned school

Head master and a person appointed by the Ministr y and in
private educational trust the founder of the School or any
person appointed by the founder shall be ex-officio trustee
of the trust.

(5) In a public educational trust at least five per sons

and in private educational trust the number of per sons a s
intended by the founder shall be the trustees.

(6) In a public educational trust, at least one

go vern ment representative, one representative fro m local
body and one representative fro m guard ians shall be
included as me mbers.

(7) Gove rnment representative in the educational trust

as re ferred to in Sub-rule (6) shall be appointed as
prescribed by the District Education Office.

(8) The educational trust founded pursuant to this Rule

shall carryout functions according to these Rules and other
prevailin g laws.

12. Operation of Sc hool: Operation o f a school shall be as

provided for in the Act and these Rules.

12A. Bases for Amalgamati on of Sc hool s: While
amal ga matin g t wo or more schools in one school pursuant to
Section 15 of the Act, it may be done on the followin g
grounds: -

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 12

(a) Not havin g the in fra structures as re ferred to in


(b) Most of the classes lack su ffic ient number o f students

as re ferred to in Rule 77,

(c) The Mana ge ment Committees o f t wo or more schools

submit joint application to operate as one school.

13. Provi si on Relati ng to Additi on of Classe s i n School:
(1) If an y School wants to add additional class, application
shall be filed to Distr ict Education Officer at least Two
months before the commence ment of new acade mic session.

(2) If application is rece ived pursuant to Sub-rule (1)

District Education Officer shall ma ke necessar y inquiry
whether or not the prerequisites for addition of class ha ve
been fulfilled pursuant to Rule 4 and if the prerequisites are
found to be fulfilled, grant permission before the start o f
new academic session to add one upgraded class per year.

(3) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rules
(1) and (2), if an institutional school or school havin g the
objective o f wel fare to pro vide education in minimu m fee s,
operated before the commence ment to these Rules, de sire s to
add classes fro m Class One to Class Five or Class Six to
Class E ight at a time, it shall submit an application to the
District Education Officer.

(4) If an application is received pursuant to Sub-rule
(3), the District Education Officer shall ma ke necessar y
inquiry whether or not the infrastructure pursuant to Rule 4
have been ful filled to add class and if it is found that the
infr astructure ha ve been fulfilled, such application along

Amended by the Fourth Amendment.

Inserted by the Fifth Amendment. 13

with the recommendation of the Distr ict Education

Committee shall forwarded to the Directorate.

(5) If it is found appropriate while ma kin g an inquiry
along with the received application pursuant to Sub-rule (4),
the Directorate as per the recommendation of the District
Education Committee may pro vide per mission to add classe s
before the commence ment of educational session.

(6) The per mission to add class pursuant to Sub-rule
(5) to the institutional school operated before the
commence ment of these Rules ma y be pro vided for at a t ime

Chapter -3

Functio ns, Duties and Po wers of Director Gener al,

Director, District Educ ation Officer and
14. Functions, D uties and Powe rs of Di rect or Ge ne ral: In
addition to other matters, functions, duties and powers o f the
director general shall be as follows:-

(a) To give necessar y direct ion to the Directorate and

District Education Office to imple ment acade mic
plans and progra mme s,

(b) To ma intain co-ordination in works o f the Directors,

(c) To or ganize co mmittee, sub-committee or task force

as required for the implementation of educational
plans and progra mme s,

(d) To act, cause to act for teacher's ad ministration,

mana ge ment and educational development,

Inserted by the Fifth Amendment. 14

(e) To prepare school's educational progra mme s and to

implement or cause to imple ment the same,

(f) To imple ment or cause to imple ment the Rules and

policies o f the Ministr y,

( g) To monitor and evaluate, cause to monitor, evaluate

the educational plans and progra mmes conducted by
the Department and send reports to the Ministry or the
concerned body,

(h) To make nece ssary ar ran ge ments for implementation

of the pro gra mme s o f secondary education, basic or
primary education and child development centres,

(i) To super vise and e valuate perfor mance o f Directors

and District Education Officer s,

(j) To prepare objective ground and yardstick and to

implement or cau se to imple ment them in order to
ma ke financial a ffairs of the school transparent and

(k) To carry out other works as presc ribed by the


15. Functions, D uties and P owe rs of Di rect or: In addit ion

to other matters, the functions, duties and power s, o f
Dire ctor shall be:-

(a) To implement or cause to imple ment educational

plans and progra mme s,

(b) To super vise and cause to super vise schools,

(c) To co-ordinate the functioning of District Education


(d) To super vise and evaluate perfor mance of Distr ict

Education Office. 15

(e) To ma ke or cause to make provisions for providin g

trainin g to teachers for the promotion of quality
education as required,

(f) To check records of final exa minations held in

schools, question papers and answer sheets ha vin g
ordered them to be forward to the Office, keep
records whether the quality of education of the school
is better or not and give nece ssary dir ection to
District Education Officer in this re gard,

( g) To rectify the name, surna me and date of birth of the

students who have passed in Secondary le vel
Education as per the existin g la w,

(h) To issue pro visional and migr ation certificate to the

students who has passed Secondary Le vel Education,

(i) To send opinion to the Department and the Ministry

havin g carr ied out necessar y inquiry into the demand
for teacher 's post made by Distr ict Education

(j) To prepare auditors list and send it to Distr ict

Education Office for auditing in Primar y, lower
secondary and secondary schools and to monitor,
cause to monitor the same,

(k) To ma ke or cause to make pro visions for trainin gs

for non-for mal and special education, supervision
and monitoring,

(l) To make pro visions for co-ordination and inspection

of teachers train in g pro gra mme s,

(m) To inspect and co-ordinate go vern mental and non-

go vern mental educational projects,

Inserted by the First Amendment.

Amended by the Third Amendment. 16

(n) To monitor once in ever y three months whether or not

the works accordin g to the report of super visor ha ve
been carried out and send its reports to the
Department and the Ministry,

(o) To send progre ss r eport of works of the Directorate

and the Department once in ever y two months,

(p) To carryout works as dir ected or delegated by

Secondary Education Examination Board (Board of
School Leavin g Certificate Exa mination),

(q) To carr yout or cause to carryout functions as d irected

or delegated by the Commission,

(r) To carryout other works as pre scribed by the

Department and the Ministry.

16. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Di strict Educ ation

Officer: In additi on t o ot her matte rs t he functions, duties
and powers of Distr ict Education Officer shall be as

(a) To implement or cause to imple ment educational

progra mmes in district,

(b) To imple ment munic ipal level education plans havin g

endorsed by Municipal Council and district le vel
plans by District Education Committee as well as
District Council,

(c) To prepare records relatin g to schools, technical

schools and child development centres and to forward
to the Directorate, Depart ment and Ministry e very

(C1)To imple ment or cause to be imple mented food for
education progra mme, infor mal education pro gra mme

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 17

, and special education progra mme and to prepare and

send the report relating to it to the Directorate,
Department and Ministr y each year.

(C2)To adjust the teacher in other school mana ged by
community, whose post has been cancelled due to
decrease in number o f students,

(C3)To re gularly inspect and supervise whether or not the
schools mana ged by co mmunity ha ve been operated as
per the approved wor kin g plan and to submit report
thereof to the Directorate and Department.

(d) To ma ke pro visions for meetin gs, se minar s or tra inin g

of Headmaster s and Chairperson fro m time to time to
promote the quality of education,

(e) To conduct final exa mination of lower se condary

level education,

(f) To check re cords, question papers, and answer sheets

of the final exa minations of the schools havin g
ordered them to be submitted to it records by
e valuatin g whether or not quality of education has
increased in the school and keep its record and do
other necessary works for impro ve ment,

( g) To check whether or not schools are being run or not

in accordance with the Act and these Rules and to
take necessar y steps to increase quality of education,
to impro ve or to promote the standard of school or to
close the school based on the inspection report,

(h) To rectify a s per prevailin g la w the name, surname,

a ge of the students who have filled in registration
for m for Secondary Education Certific ate
Exa mination.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 18

(i) To appoint teachers in Schools fro m a mon g those

recommended by the Commission for appointment and

(j) To keep updated ser vice and other records of teachers

workin g in co mmunity school,

(k) To conduct the evaluation and forward the evaluation
report of the teachers whose promotion is to be done
by the Commission,

(l) To inspect or cause to inspect schools and child

develop ment centres,

(m) To fix Re source Centre by makin g group division of

community and institutionalized schools as prescr ibed
by the Ministry and to act or cause to act for
super vision of schools, teachers' trainin g and other
educational activit ies through the Resource Centre,

(n) To conduct or cause to conduct Secondary Education

Certific ate Exa mination in time in a re gulated and
disc iplined manner,

(o) To adjust the posts of teachers distributed to the

community schools at the beginnin g o f acade mic
session and send the description of the adjusted posts
of teachers to the Ministry,
(o1) To approve resignation of a permanent teacher of
Community School.

(p) To depute supervisor for in spectin g schools and make

an on the spot inspection to ascertain whether or not
the supervisor is in spectin g the school,

(q) To monitor whether the super vision or re source centre

is monitorin g the school or not,

Amended by the Third Amendment.
Inserted by the First Amendment. 19

(r) To monitor whether or not the amount sent to the

school from Villa ge Education De velopment Fund has
been properly utilized and send its report to the
Mana ge ment Committee,

(s) To inspect or cause to inspect whether or not the

approved curriculum and course books have been

(t) To send su ggestions to Curriculum De velopment

Centre for necessar y impro ve ment in the curriculum
and course book if needed and for makin g the supply /
distribution syste m o f free course books e ffective by
collecting opinion of Mana ge ment Committee and
teachers and to do or cause to do other necessary
works relatin g to this matter,

(u) To cause auditin g o f schools by the auditor referred to

in the list received fro m the Dire ctorate,

( v) To collect, analyze and publish annual educational

statistics o f the district,

(w) To send pro gre ss report of educational plan to the

Dire ctorate and Department once in ever y Two

(x) To cause to approve the salary report of the teachers

of commun ity school,

(y) To monitor or cause to monitor the annual educational

progra mmes o f schools re gularly and to act or cause
to act accordingl y,

(z) To take action on the inspection-report submitted by

school supervisor and to forward its details to the
Dire ctorate to the ever y Two months, 20

(aa) To carr y out or cause to carry out the acts as d irected

or delegated by the Commission,

(bb) To do or cause to do other works as assigned by

Ministry, Depart ment and Directorate.

17. Functions, D uties and P owe rs of Supe rvisor: In

addition to other matters the functions, duties and powers o f
super visor shall be as follows:

(a) To super vise and cause to super vise School at least

once in a month and in pursuance of such super vision
and monitorin g, to hold discussions with Head master
and Manage ment Committee and to note down or
cause to note down the discussed matters, about the
super vision and monitoring in the school inspection
re gister.

(b) To ha ve discu ssions with Head master, Par ents,

Teachers Association and teachers a s to whether or
not any school is bein g run re gularly in accordance
with the Act and these Rules, whether such school has
physical fac ilities and re sources and teachin g sta ff are
suffic ient or not, whether the ava ilable mean s ha ve
been properly utilized in maximu m or not and whether
the teaching-learnin g activit ie s ha ve been run
accordin g to the fixed standard, and if it is not found
so, to instruct to make impro ve ment,

(c) To for ward school supervision report ever y month to

Villa ge Education Committee or Municipality and
District Education Officer,

(d) To keep contact, ha ve nece ssar y consultation and hold

interactions with Mana ge ment Committee and local
people contributing to education development for the
develop ment of school, 21

(e) To call meetin gs o f teachers includin g Head master

fro m time to time for the purpose of e vol vin g model
teaching and do necessar y works to sol ve problems in
this wa y,

(f) To conduct performance e valuation of teacher s and

keep its record,

( g) To or ganize se minar s o f Head master s and Chairperson

of School Mana ge ment Committee for promotion of
educational standard of school,

(h) To conduct or cause to conduct exa minations

accordin g to direction of the Board of Exa mination,

(i) To inspect or cau se to inspect whether or not

educational and financial records of schools are
accurately ma intained,

(j) To collect and analyse education related data of one 's

own jurisdiction and forward to the Distr ict Education

(k) To recommend teachers for trainin g,

(l) To check whether or not meetin gs of Mana ge ment

Committee have been held on a regular basis and if
found not held, to give direction to Headmaster for
calling me etin gs,

(m) To give necessary dire ctions to Headmaster and

Mana ge ment Committee about operation of school,

(n) To sub mit report to Villa ge Education committee and

District Education Offic e in e ver y month upon
monitorin g the perfor mance o f the resource person,

(o) To ver ify records o f lea ve s o f school teachers and

workin g sta ffs at the end of acade mic se ssion and
cause to keep its record in the school, 22

(p) To make surprise chec k or inspection whether or not

the records of attendance of teachers is e xact, and to
mar k absence in the re gister in the ca se o f absent
teachers and to give in for mation thereof to the
Mana ge ment Committee of the concerned school,
Villa ge Education Committee and District Education

(p1) To re gularly in struct and monitor infor mal education,
special education and food for education pro gra mme
bein g operated within ones own jurisdiction and
submit report thereof to the District Education Offic e,

(q) To carryout or cause to carry out other works as

prescribed by District Education Offic er.

Chapter - 4

Functio ns, Duties and Po wers of the Distr ict

Education Committee and Procedures Relating to

18. Functions, duties and powe rs of Dist rict Educ ation

Committee: In addition to as provided in the Act, other
functions, duties and powers of District Education
Committee shall be as follows:-

(a) To for mulate educational progra mmes o f school in

accordance with appro ved educational plan and cause
to implement them,

(b) To cause to imple ment educational progra mme

through Mana ge ment Co mmittee to ma intain healthy
educational environment and promote quality of
education in the district,

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 23

(c) To make nece ssary a rran ge ment relatin g to

implementation of non-formal education progra mme
accordin g to the approved policy and direction of
Go vern ment of Nepal,

(d) To pro vide financial a ssistance to school and to make

recommendation to the concerned body for such

(e) To for mulate necessar y pro gra mmes for the wel fare of
teachers and students,

(f) To ma ke necessar y pro visions for security o f property

of the school and for the prosperity of school,

( g) To or ganize district le vel se minar s, con ventions or

exhibition relatin g to education,

(h) To co-operate in the educational progra mmes

conducted for the development of school,

(i) To carryout or cause to carryout functions as may be

necessar y a s per audit report given by the auditor
about the auditing o f books of ac counts,

(j) To make e fforts towards ma kin g the school

financially sel f-rel iant,

(k) To give appro val to close the school,

(l) To give direction to Villa ge Education Committee and

Mana ge ment Co mmittee to conduct school by
preparin g acade mic calendar,

(m) To find financial source for conducting district s le vel

sports, scout and cultural progra mme s and their
develop ment and to spend the received amount. 24

19. Procedure s Relati ng to Meeting of District Educ ation

Committee: (1) Normally, meetin g o f Distr ict Education
Committee shall be held once a month.

(2) Meeting o f District Education Committee shall be

called at the direction of the Chairperson of the Co mmittee
by the me mber-se cretary o f the Committee.

(3) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), if one third o f the me mbers o f District Education
Committee request in wr itin g, the me mber secr etary shall
call meetin g at anytime.

(4) The a genda to be discussed in the District

Education Committee meetin g shall be provided to
committee me mber s by the me mber- secr etary normally three
days prior to the meetin g-day.

(5) If more than Fifty o f the e xistin g me mber s o f

District Education Committee are present, it shall be deemed
to have const ituted the quorum for the me etin g o f the
District Education Committee.

(6) The Chairper son of the co mmittee shall preside

over the meetin g o f Distr ict Education Committee and in
his/her absence any me mber selected by the me mber s
amon gst themsel ves shall preside o ver the meet in g.

(7) Opinion of the majority me mber s shall prevail in

the meetin g and in case of tie of votes, the person presidin g
over the meetin g shall give cast in g vote.

(8) Other proceedings relatin g to meetin gs of District

Education Committee shall be as per the procedures
prescribed by the committee itself.

(9) The me mber s o f the co mmittee shall be entitled to

the meetin g allowance fro m the Distr ict Education fund as 25

prescribed by the Min istr y for takin g part in the meetin g o f

District Education Committee.

20. District Education Committee may be dissolved:

Go vern ment of Nepal ma y dissol ve District Education
Committee in the following c ircu mstances:-

(a) If any a ct is co mmitted aga inst intere st of school,

(b) If an y power pro vided by the Act or these Rules is

misu sed, or

(c) If anythin g is committed in contra vention o f the Act

or these Rules.

Pro vided that, the District Education Committee shall

not be deprived of the opportunity to provide clarification
before dissol vin g the committee.

Chapter - 5

Functio ns, Duties and Po wers of the Village

Education Committee and Procedures Relating to

21. Functions, D uties and Powe rs of the Vi llage Educ ation

Committee: Functions, duties and powers of the Villa ge
Education Committee shall be as follows:

(a) To encoura ge children to acquire education at least up

to the primar y le vel,

(b) To prepare and update record of children both

admitted in school and not admitted and other persons
on the basis o f a ge, ca ste and sex,

(c) To keep updated the record of the educational plan of

school and to send sugge stions to the concerned body
upon monitorin g such plan, 26

(d) To help Manage ment Committee in identifyin g local

mean s and resources and in their mobilization, and to
distribute a vailable resources to the schools,

(e) To prepare record of the fa milie s livin g below the

poverty line and ma ke nece ssary pro visions to in vol ve
the children of such fa milie s in education,

(f) To co-ordinate in the functioning Mana ge ment

Committee, and to give necessar y su ggest ions and
render assistance to Head Master, teacher and
Mana ge ment Committee upon supervisin g and
monitorin g the schools for qualitative de velopment of

( g) To conduct public-awarene ss oriented progra mmes,

trainin gs, se minars and wor kshops for the promotion
of quality education in the schools,

(h) To request Mana ge ment Committee for release of

funds ha vin g studied physical condition of schools,

(i) To create healthy atmosphere in the school,

(j) To prepare Village Education progra mme s and to

implement them upon approval fro m the Villa ge

(k) To ma intain the record of educated human resource

within the concerned villa ge area,

(l) To ma ke provisions of re ward to the teachers on the

basis of their workin g e fficienc y,

(m) To collect necessar y mean s and resource s for the

school and mobilize them,

(n) To ma ke reco mmendation for establishin g a school

upon considerin g the necessity o f the school based on
the school mappin g, 27

(o) To cause to develop and conduct inter-school sports

related activitie s and extra curriculum activitie s and
ma ke pro visions of re wards for such activit ies.

22. Procedure s Rel ating to Meetings of Vi llage Educ ation

Committee: (1) Meetin g o f Villa ge Education Committee
shall be held at least once every three months.

(2) Meetin g o f Village Education Committee shall be

called by the member secretar y under the direction of the
Chairperson of the committee.

(3) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), if one third of Villa ge Education Committee me mber s
request in writin g for callin g meetin g, the me mber- secretar y
shall have to call meetin g of Villa ge Education Committee at
any time.

(4) The a genda of discussion in the meetin g o f Villa ge

Education Committee shall be provided to the committee
me mber s normally three days before the meet in g.

(5) Presence o f Fift y percent of the e xistin g me mber s

shall constitute the quorum for holding the meetin g o f
Villa ge Education Committee.

(6) Chairperson of Villa ge Education Committee shall

preside o ver the meet in g of the committee, and in his/her
absence, the me mber s o f the Villa ge Education Committee
present in the meetin g shall select one of the me mbers to
preside o ver the Committee's meetin g.

(7) Majority opinion of the Village Education

Committee shall pre va il in the meet in g and in case o f a tie,
the person presidin g o ver the meetin g ma y e xerc ise the
castin g vote. 28

(8) Other procedures relating to the meetin g o f Villa ge

Education Committee shall be as prescribed by the
Committee itsel f.

Chapter 5 A

Provisions Relating to M anage ment of Schools

to be manage d by Co mmunity

22A. Applic ati on to be submitted to take manage ment of

communit y sc hool: (1) An y local body, Mana ge ment
Committee or or gan ization willin g to take mana ge ment o f
any school shall submit application along with the followin g
documents in the for mat of S chedule – 11a. to the District
Education Office o f it is a Villa ge De velopment Committee,
Municipality, M ana ge ment Co mmittee or Or ganiz ation and
to the Directorate if it is a District De velopment Committee.

(a) Two year wor kin g plan relatin g to

community school mana ge ment,

(b) In ca se of M ana ge ment Committee, the

decision of the Manage ment Committee to
the take school for mana ge ment,

(c) In case o f a local body or organiz ation, the

consent of the concerned local body or
Mana ge ment Co mmittee alon g with
decision made thereof.

(2) Upon receipt of an application pursuant to Sub-rule

(1), the Distr ict Education Officer or the Director ma y
conduct or cause to conduct the field inspection by any
Officer as required re gardin g wherea s or not to hand over
the mana ge ment necessary.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 29

(3) In case it is found appropriate to hand over

mana ge ment of a co mmunity school, while scrutinizin g into
the application received at the Distr ict Education Offic e
pursuant to Sub-rule (1) along with documents and the
report of the field inspection conducted pursuant to Sub-rule
(2), the District Education Officer h im/hersel f ma y hand
over the mana ge ment of a co mmunity school in case o f a
primary school and along with forward the documents of
his/her opinion to the Director in the ca se of a lowe r
secondary and a secondary school.

(4) If the Director dee ms fit to hand over the

mana ge ment of a Co mmunity School while scrutiniz in g the
documents along with the application received pursuant to
Sub-rules (1) and (3), he/she my hand over the mana ge ment
of the Community School.

(5) While handing o ver mana ge ment of a Co mmunity

School under Sub-rule (3) or (4), the District Education
Officer or the Director shall enter into an agree ment with
the local body, Mana ge ment Committee or or ganization
takin g char ge of the Mana ge ment.

(6) Notwithstandin g any thin g contained in this Rule,

the Ministry may pre scribe other conditions with re gard to
handing o ver o f Mana ge ment of a school to an organization.

(7) The District Education Officer or the Director shall

send to the Department or Teachers Record Office the
infor mat ion of hand over o f Mana ge ment a Communit y
School pursuant to Sub-rule (3) or (4) for record purpose.

22B. Amount entitle d to be recei ved by community school:

Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Rule 164, a school
operated by community shall be entitled to received the
followin g a mount fro m the Go vern ment of Nepal. 30

(a) Lump su m grant a mount for salary, allowances and

annual grade incre ment for the teachers in the posts of
teacher approved by Go vern ment of Nepal;

Pro vided that while givin g grant in such a

manner, if the number o f students is decre ased and
number of post s of teachers is decrea sed
consequently, the grant a mount shall be made
a vailable accordin gly.

(b) Ten percent amount for the purpose of addin g a mount

to the provident fund on behalf of the school for
teachers appointed permanently in a post approved b y
Go vern ment of Nepal;

(c) One hundred thousand rupees for once as an incentive

while handin g o ver Mana ge ment o f a Co mmunity
School pursuant to Rule 22A.

22C. Functions, Duties and P owe rs of the M anagement

Committee of school Managed by communit y: In
addition to the Functions, Duties and Po wers re fer red to in
the Act, the functions, duties and powers of the Manage ment
Committee of a school mana ged by community shall be as
follows: -

(a) To appoint Head Master and community teachers,

(b) To appoint other teacher and staff bear in g the co sts

fro m the school resources,

(c) To determine re muneration, allowance and other

benefits to the teachers and employees appointed
pursuant to clause (b).

(d) To enter in to agree ment with go vern mental and non-

go vern mental organ ization or persons for the sake of
interest of the school. 31

Pro vided that, a prior approval of Go vern ment of

Nepal shall be obtained while enterin g into agree ment
with fore ign or gan ization or associations or

(e) To for mulate necessar y plan for development of school

and to imple ment it,

(f) To carry out or cause to be carried out of functions,

duties and powers other then those referred to in
Clauses ( f), ( g) and (h) of Rule 25.

22D. Functions, D uties and P owe rs of the l oc al Body or

organi zati on t aking sc hool ope rated by c ommunit y:
The functions, duties and powers o f the local body or
organ ization takin g mana ge ment o f the school operated by
community shall be as follows:-

(a) To ma ke a vailable financial assistance to the

Mana ge ment Committee in order to develop and
operate physic al infr astructures of school.

(b) To inspect and monitor school from t ime to time and to

give nece ssar y dire ctions or su gge stions to the
Mana ge ment Co mmittee for sol vin g problems and
weakne sses, if any, wh ile inspectin g in such a

(c) To approve posts o f teacher and sta ff a s ma y be

necessar y on the recommendation of Mana ge ment
Committee other than the community teachers;

(d) To adjust posts of teacher in the schools in which

mana ge ment has been taken on the basis of nu mber of
students in regard to the primary le vel and number of
the students and subjects in other levels; 32

(e) To prepare and implement periodic educational

progra mmes;

(f) To appoint expert as required to refor m the schools;

( g) To follow or cause to be followed the directives or

su ggestions given by the Min istr y, Depart ment,
Dire ctorate or District Education Office.

22E. Provi si ons Rel ating to Appointme nt of C ommunit y

Teac he r: (1) In ca se post of an y commun ity teacher falls
vacant in a school mana ged by co mmunity, the Mana ge ment
Committee shall ad vertise ha vin g fixed a time limit o f at
least 30 days and havin g stated the number of post va cant,
the required min imum qualific ation, the place of submittin g
application and the last date for it and the date and place of
exa mination in order to fulfill such va cant post through an
open competition and notice as to such appointment shall be
affixed in notice board of the concerned school, local body
and District Education Office so that people may know about
it. If the Distr ict Education Office has published any
newspaper or bulletin, Manage ment Committee shall publish
adve rtise ment in such newspaper or bulletin as well.

(2) While ful fillin g the post pursuant to Sub-rule (1),

if the posts o f second and first cla sse s o f the primary, lower
secondary and secondary levels are vacant, they shall be
fulfilled as if they are the posts belongin g to third class.

(3) Only the followin g persons shall be eligible to be a

candidate for the ad vertise ment published pursuant to Sub-
rule (1):-

(a) A person ha vin g met the qualificat ion

pursuant to the Act and Teachers S er vice s
Commission Rules, 2057. 33

(b) Per manent teachers of other Community


(4) In order to select the candidate as per the

adve rtise ment published pursuant to Sub-rule (1), the
exa minations shall be held as follows:-

(a) Written exa mination 100 marks

(b) Practical Exa mination 25 marks

(c) Inter vie w 25 marks

(5) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(4), the Teachers S election Committee may take practical
exa mination only if it dee ms necessar y ha vin g re gard to the
nature of the subject.

(6) The curriculum of the wr itten examination shall

be as determined by the Commission.

(7) Pass mar ks of the written and practical

exa minations shall be thirty-five and ten respectively.

(8) The candidates ha vin g secured highe st mar ks in

the written exa minations o f candidates and in practical
exa mination, if conducted, shall be selected for interview.

(9) Out of the Twenty-F ive mar ks for inter vie w, a

ma ximum o f ten marks at the rate of one marks for each
year for experience, ma ximu m of three marks for
educational qualification, i.e. three mar ks for the first, two
mar ks for se cond and one marks for the third division of the
required educational qualificat ion for entry into the ser vic e
and a maximu m of twel ve mar ks for inter vie w.

(10) The Teachers Selection Co mmittee shall

calculate the marks obtained by each candidate passin g in
the written and practical examination, if conducted, and
recommend the name of the candidate havin g secured 34

highest score in total marks o f all the examinations and

publish the result in the places refer red to in Sub-rule (1) of
Rule 22E. While ma kin g reco mmendation in such a manner,
name o f the candidates equal to ten percent of the vacant
posts or at least one candidate, which eve r is highe r, shall
be listed in the waitin g list as may be a vailable.

(11) The candidate havin g been reco mmended for

appointment pursuant to Sub-rule (10) shall collect the letter
of appointment within Thirt y days from the date of
publication or service o f notice for appointment, if one does
not collect the letter of appointment or does not attend the
school within Thirty days of gettin g the letter of
appointment or if the post falls vacant for death of such
candidate or for an y rea son what so e ver within one ye ar,
the Manage ment Committee may appoint the candidate on
the waitin g fro m the mer it list.

(12) While appointing candidate to the post of

community teacher, the Manage ment Committee shall
appoint subject to a probation period of One year.

Pro vided that, the probation period for a wo men teacher

shall be Six months.

(13) In case the performance of any teacher who is on

probation period pursuant to Sub-rule (12), the Manage ment
Committee ma y re mo ve such teacher fro m the post.

(14) In ca se the candidate recommended pursuant

Sub-rule is a per manent teacher of a co mmunity school,
his/her permanent ser vice per iod shall also be computed.

22F. Teac he rs Selecti on C ommittee : (1) There shall be formed

a Teacher s Selection Co mmittee in each school in order to
appoint communit y teacher and to promote the teacher so
appointed:- 35

(a) Chairperson or me mber o f Conve yor

the Manage ment Committee
as designated by it.

(b) The school inspector

looking a fter the school or
the Resources Per son
designated by the District
Education Officer

(c) Head Master of the – Member-

concerned school secretar y

(2) Notwithstandin g an ythin g contained in clause (c)

of Sub-rule (1), in case of reco mmendation for appointment
of Head Ma ster or promotion of a Teacher who has been
also workin g a s a Head Ma ster, the senior mo st teacher of a
school designated by M ana ge ment Co mmittee shall work a s
me mber- secretar y of the Tea chers Selection Committee.

(3) Secretariat of the Teachers Selection Committee

shall be located at the concerned school.

(4) The Teachers Selection Co mmittee shall

determine other procedures including the meetin g on it s

22G. Provi si ons Relati ng Promotion : (1) For the purpose of

promotion of teachers in each of school to be operated by
community, the classes for promotion shall be fixed as

Total Third Second First

Number o f Class Class Class
Posts 36

4 3 1 -

5 4 1 -

6 5 1 -

7 5 2 -

8 6 2 -

9 6 3 -

10 6 3 1

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), in case District De velopment Committee has taken
mana ge ment of all the schools within the district, the
classification of posts of promotion ma y be made pursuant
to Rule 89 and in case Villa ge De velopment Committee or
Municipality has taken mana ge ment of more than one
schools within their respective areas, the classific ation of
posts of promotion may be made on the basis o f total
number of posts in such schools.

(3) Prior to takin g actions r elatin g to teacher

promotion, the Manage ment Committee shall cause to be
determined the number of post of promotion along with
classe s by the District Education Officer.

(4) In the classes deter mined pursuant to Sub-rule

(3), the teachers appointed in the posts approved by
Go vern ment of Nepal and ha vin g met the followin g
qualific ations may stand as candidates: -

(a) Ha vin g continuously ser ved per manent for

se ven yea rs in the lower post from the post
one has to be promoted, 37

(b) Ha vin g acquired trainin g a s prescr ibed by

the Ministry for the level or class to which
one is goin g to be promoted,

(c) Ha vin g obtained teaching licen se fro m the

Commission for the le vel or class to which
one is goin g to be promoted.

(d) Not be imposed departmental punishment

for a period of last five year s.

(5) The teacher ha vin g met the qualification re ferred

to in Sub-rule (4) ma y sub mit application along with
necessar y documents.

(6) If an application is re ceived pursuant to Sub-rule

(5), the Manage ment Committee shall forward the
documents along with the application to the Teachers
Selection Committee.

(7) The Teachers Selection Committee shall, while

recommendin g teacher for promotion, recommend on the
basis of work per for mance. While e valuating wor k
perfor mance, a ma ximu m of 60 marks shall be calculated as

(a) Fifty mar ks for work per for mance

(b) Ten ma rks for inter view

(8) For work perfor mance, a minimu m o f 50 marks

shall be given for the last five year s at the rate o f 10 mar ks
each year.

(9) The Teachers Selection Co mmittee shall

recommend for promotion the teacher who secures at least
51 mar ks inclusive o f 45 mar ks for work per for mance and at
least six mar ks for inter vie w. 38

(10) The for mat o f the work per for mance e valuation
shall be as prescribed by the Ministry.

(11) The super vision and re viewer o f a teacher shall

be the Head Master and Chairperson of the Manage ment
Committee respect ivel y and super vision and re viewer o f the
Head Ma ster shall be the me mber o f the Mana ge ment
Committee designated by the Mana ge ment Co mmittee and
Chairperson of Mana ge ment Committee respectively.

Pro vided that, if a teacher and Head Ma ster belon gs to

the same class, super vision of such a teacher shall be
me mber of the Mana ge ment Committee and re vie wer shall be
Chairperson of the Mana ge ment Committee.

(12) Notwithstandin g an ythin g contained else where in

the Rule, the permanent teacher enga ged prior to takin g
mana ge ment of the school may also partic ipate in the
promotion to be taken by the Commission.

Pro vided that, the teacher once promoted under this

Rule may not be entitled to be a candidate again in the
promotion to be conducted by the Commission.

22H. Appointment or promoti on of c ommunit y Teac he r

may be i nval idate d: (1) Notwithstandin g anythin g
contained elsewhere in this chapter, in case it is found from
inquiry or fro m any other source that the followin g error s
have been co mmitted in appointing or promotin g a
community teacher, the concerned District Education Officer
ma y in validate such appointment or promotion and write to
the concerned Manage ment Committee to initiate action
a gain for appointment or promotion of teachers:-

(a) In ca se o f appointment or pro motion of

teacher without fulfillin g the process
mentioned in this chapter, 39

(b) In ca se o f appointment or pro motion of

teacher to a post which is not vacant,

(c) In ca se o f appointment or pro motion of

community teacher without matchin g
qualific ation and subject.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), after six months of the appointment or promotion o f
teachers, the District Education Officer shall not invalidate
such appointment or promotion.

22I. Remune rati on, F acil ities and Te rms and C onditions of
Service of Community Te ache rs: (1) Notwithstandin g
anything contained elsewhere in these Rules, a commun ity
teacher shall be entitled to the remuneration, allowances and
grade as pre scribed by the Mana ge ment Committee.

(2) With re gard to the remuneration, allowances and

grade which a community teacher is entitled to pursuant to
Sub-rule (1), Govern ment of Nepal ma y issue necessar y
directives to the Manage ment Committee.

(3) Except as provided in Sub-rule (1), other

provisions a s to fac ilit ies and terms and conditions of
ser vice o f communit y teacher shall be at par with other
teachers of the co mmunity schools subject to other Rules of
these Rules.

22J. School Ope rati on P rocedure s t o be i ntroduced : (1) The

local body, Manage ment Committee or organization shall
fra me school operation produderes for smooth operation of
the school Manage ment o f which ha s been ta ken by it, for
appointing or promotin g teachers and staff in such school
other than community teachers, for ma kin g a va ilable
ser vice s and benifit to the teachers or staff appointed or 40

promoted in such a manner and for imposin g depart mental

punishment to such teachers and staff.

(2) The school operation procedures fra med by District

De velop ment Committee pursuent to Sub-rule (1) shall come
into operation upon its approval by the Directorate and the
school operation procedures fra med by other local bodies,
Mana ge ment Committee or organization shall come into
operation upon its approval by the District Education Offic e.

Chapter -6

Procedure relating to selectio n of me mber of

Manageme nt Co mmittee, functio n duties and
po wers and procedures related to meeting

23. Provi si on Rel ating to Sele ction of Chai rpe rson and
membe r of t he Manageme nt C ommittee: (1) For the
purpose of selectin g Cha irperson and me mber s of the
mana ge ment committee of a commun ity school pursuant to
clause (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the
Act, the Head ma ster shall call a meetin g of parents within
thirty days from the date of co mmence ment of the acade mic
year ha vin g given at least a se ven days notice.

(2) The Headma ster shall ma ke public the name list of

the guardians three days be fore holding the meetin g o f
parents pursuant to Sub-rule (1).

(3) For the purpose of assist in g to guardian s in the

selection of Chairperson and members accordin g to Sub-rule
(1), the head master shall for m a three me mber select ion
assistin g co mmittee under his/her own convenership
in vol vin g super visor and one teacher of other school and the
guard ians shall select Chairperson and member s ha vin g
followed the procedure prescribed by the committee. 41

23A. Authorit y to Accept Resignati on: The resignat ion of the
me mber o f Mana ge ment Committee shall be accepted by the
Chairperson of the Committee and the resignation of the
Chairperson of the Mana ge ment Co mmittee shall be accepted
by the Manage ment Committee.

24. Not to be designated as Guardi an: School shall not

designate any other person as gu ardian exc ept the father,

mother elder brother, younger brother, elder sister, youn ger
sister, gr and father, grand mother of student or those who
are responsible to nourishin g, takin g care, supporting the
student and makin g arran ge ment for his/her schoolin g.

25. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Management

Committee of C ommunity Sc hool: (1) Except otherwise
provided in the Act, functions, duties and powers of
Mana ge ment Committee of a co mmunity school shall be as

(a) To conduct, look after, super vise and

mana ge the school,

(b) To collect necessary financial re source for

the school,

(c) To select teachers for trainin g,

(d) To cause the teacher who is a ssigned for

trainin g to enter into an agree ment
prescrib in g terms and conditions with
re gard to be in volved in ser vice of school
for at least three years upon completing
the training.

(e) To protect and promote the ser vice o f


Inserted by the First Amendment.

Amended by the First Amendment. 42

(f) To appoint teachers and other staff to be

paid fro m the school's re source and to pay
appointed teachers and other staff salar y
and allowance not less than the scale
prescribed by Go vern ment of Nepal for the
corresponding teacher s and other sta ff o f
the equal level,

( g) To wr ite to the District Education Office

for per manent fulfillment if post of an y
teacher under approved post of Go ve rnment
of Nepal falls vacant within fifteen days
fro m the date of such vacancy,

(h) To check attendance of teachers and other

staff o f school, to take necessa ry action
a gain st absent teachers and other staff or to
send report along with the committee's
opinion to Distr ict Education Office for
action as required.

(i) To mana ge necessary lo gistic s, material s

and educational materials for the promotion
of educational standard of school,

(j) To in vol ve school in different progra mme s

to be conducted by Go vern ment of Nepal,

(k) To for mulate code of conduct to be abided

by students and execute it,

(l) To keep updated record of teachers,

(m) To give e ve ry in for mation about income,

expenditure and educational achieve ment
of the school made in the last acade mic
year and ne w educational progra mmes for
the comin g acade mic session to the donors 43

and guard ians b y callin g their meetin g each


(n) To send in for mation to District Education

Office about departmental action taken
a gain st a teacher,

(n1)To recommend the name of three persons
before the District Education Officer fro m
the Auditor referred to in the list r eceived
fro m the Directorate in order to appoint the

(o) To make de mand with concerned body for

payment of the amount of scholarship
provided to student,

(p) To deduct the salary o f teacher who is

absent as recorded in the attendance
re gister by super visor at the time of
surprise chec k of the school,

(q) To establish secretariat of the Mana ge ment

Committee in the school building and keep
school's documents and records sa fe,

(r) To act accordin g to the direction given b y

District Education Office.

(2) Mana ge ment Committee ma y dele gate so me o f its

powers to the me mber secretary of the Mana ge ment
Committee as may be nece ssar y.

26. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Management

Committee of Instituti onali ze d schools : (1) Exc ept
otherwise pro vided in the Act, other functions, duties and

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 44

powers o f the Mana ge ment Co mmittee of an in stitutionalized

schools shall be as follows:-

(a) To conduct, look after, super vise and

mana ge the school in co-ordination with
trustees of educational trust of the school
or with the directors of the company,

(b) To protect and promote the ser vic e of the

teachers and other staff o f the school,

(c) To cause to appear students in

exa minations,

(d) To cause to in vol ve students in different

progra mmes conducted by Gove rnment o f

(e) To give e ve ry in for mation about income,

expenditure and educational achieve ment
of the school made in the last acade mic
year and ne w educational progra mmes for
the followin g year to the donors and
guard ians by callin g their meetin g each

(e1)To approve nu mber of post of school
teachers and to initiate process to fulfill
the vacancy per manently within six months
fro m appointment o f teachers te mporaril y
in the vacant post of teachers,

(f) To pro vide nece ssa ry facil itie s to the

appointed teachers and other workin g sta ff
of the school,

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 45

( g) To mana ge wel fare fund of teachers and

other staff of the school,

(h) To spend the a mount collected in the Fund

pursuant to clause ( g) only for the purpose
as re ferred to in the same clause,

(i) To take departmental action again st those

teacher and staff who does not work
accordin g to their responsibil ity and duties

(j) To cause to audit of the school by the

auditor appointed by Distr ict Education

(k) To fra me code of conduct to be obser ved

by students and implement it,

(l) To act accordin g to the direction issued by

District Education Office.

(2) The Mana ge ment Committee may, if it deems

necessar y, for m Tea cher-Guardian Association.

(3) The Mana ge ment Committee ma y dele gate so me o f

its power s to the me mber secretar y of Mana ge ment

27. Procedure Rel ating to Meeting of M anagement

Committee: (1) Meet in g o f Mana ge ment Co mmittee shall
be held at least once in ever y two months.

(2) Meetin g o f the Mana ge ment Co mmittee shall be

called by the member secretar y of the committee as directed
the Chairperson.

(3) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), if one third me mber s of the Mana ge ment Committee 46

request in writin g, the me mber secretary o f the Manage ment

Committee shall call the meetin g at anytime.

(4) The agenda to be discussed at the meetin g shall be

provided to the me mber s nor mally three da ys earlier o f the
meet in g by the me mber secretar y of the Manage ment

(5) More than Fifty percent of the existin g me mber s o f

the Manage ment Committee shall constitute the quorum for
the meetin g o f the Manage ment Committee.

(6) Chairperson of the Manage ment Committee shall

preside o ver the meet in g of the committee and in his/her
absence, any me mber selected fro m a mon gst the me mber s
present shall preside over the meetin g.

(7) Majorit y opinion in the meetin g o f the Mana ge ment

Committee shall be valid and in the case o f equal division o f
vote s, the person presidin g o ver the meet in g ma y e xerc ise
the castin g vote.

(8) Other procedures relatin g to meetin g of

Mana ge ment Committee shall be as determined by the
committee itsel f.

28. Circ umstance s causing to di ssol ve the Management

Committee: Mana ge ment Committee ma y be dissol ved in
the following c ircu mstances:-

(a) If school's property is e mbezzled,

(b) If school is academic en viron ment is disturbed,

(c) If any act a ga inst the policy o f Go ve rnment o f Nepal

is co mmitted, 47

(c1) In case the school operated by community does not
function as per the agree ment entered into pursuant to
Sub-rule (5) of Rule 22A,

(d) If the school could not be mana ged satisfactorily or

(e) If any direction issued by the concerned body or

authority is not followed.

29. Ineligibility t o be the Chai rpe rson and Membe r of the
Manageme nt C ommittee: The followin g Per sons shall not
be eligible to become the Cha irperson and the me mber o f the
Mana ge ment Committee :-

(a) Non-Nepalese C itizen,

Pro vided that, any person among the parents of

the school established with the agree ment of
Go vern ment of Nepal ma y become the Chairperson of
Mana ge ment Committee,

(b) Not attained the age o f Twenty five year s,

(c) Illiterate Person for the Chairperson of the Primary

School's Mana ge ment Co mmittee, person not
completed at least eight class for the Chairperson of
the Lower Secondary School Manage ment Committee
and person not completed at least S.L.C. or equivalent
exa mination for the Chairperson of the Higher
Secondary School's Mana ge ment Committee.

Pro vided that, if a person ha vin g such

educational qualification is not a va ilable for the
Chairperson of Lo wer Se condary School and Higher
Secondary School, a person havin g le ss educational
qualific ation ma y also become a Cha irperson.

Inserted by the Third Amendment.

Amended by the First Amendment. 48

(d) Who is a teacher or workin g sta ff for the post of

Chairperson in the concerned school,

(e) Convicted of an offence in vol vin g moral turpitude

fro m a court.

30. Provi si on Rel ating to Pare nt Teac he r Associ ati on: (1)
There shall be a Teacher-Guardian Assoc iation consistin g o f
all the teachers of a community school and guardian s as its
me mber s.

(2) The Mana ge ment Committee shall, upon calling a

meet in g o f the guard ian for m in ma ximu m an ele ven
me mber s teacher- guardian, Executive Co mmittee in which
shall comprise o f a Cha irperson, Head Ma ster, at lea st a
teacher and guardian.

(3) The tenure of o ffice o f the me mber s o f the

executive co mmittee for med pursuant to Sub-rule (2) shall
be Two year s.

(4) Meeting of the executive co mmittee for med

pursuant Sub-rule (2) shall be held at least once in ever y
three months and other procedures relatin g to meetin g of the
committee shall be as determined by the executive
committee itsel f.

(5) Functions, duties and powers of the executive

committee refer red to in Sub-rule (2) shall be as follows:-

(a) To carry out necessary functions for

ma intainin g quality of education in the

(b) To monitor whether or not the school has

fixed fee s accordin g to these Rules and

Amended by the First Amendment. 49

give necessar y su gge stion to the school in

this re gard,

(c) To ha ve an updated infor mation re gularly

on academic act ivitie s o f the school and to
have interaction on the same.

(6) The Mana ge ment Committee of an in stitutionalized

school shall, while for min g e xecutive co mmittee of Teacher
Guardian Assoc iation in accordance with these Rules, for m
the committee consist in g of not less than se ven me mber s.

Chapter -7

Provisions Relating to Curric ulum and Text Boo ks

31. Curricul um and text book to be i mple mented: School
shall imple ment the curriculum and textbooks approved by
the Govern ment of Nepal.

32. National Curriculum Development and Evaluation

Council: (1) For the for mulation of policy on Curr iculum

De velop ment and Evaluation, there shall be a Curriculum
De velop ment and Evaluation Council comprisin g o f the
followin g persons a s me mber s:-

(a) Education and Sports -Chairperson

Minister or Minister of State

(b) Member o f National Planning -Me mber

Commission, looking a fter
Education Sector

(c ) Secretary o f the Ministr y -Me mber

Amended by the First Amendment. 50

(d) Joint secretary of the -Me mber

Ministry (Education
Administration Division)

(e) Dire ctor General of the -Me mber


(e1) Executive Dire ctor, Centre
for De velopment of Member
Educational Human Resource

(f) Controller, Office of the -Me mber

Controller of Examinations

( g) Dire ctor, Curriculum -Me mber

De velop ment Centre,
Tribhu van Univer sit y

(h) Curriculum Chie f, Higher -Me mber

Secondary Education Board

(i) Curriculum Spec ialist, -Me mber

Central Department of
Education, TU

(j) Chie f, Curriculum -Me mber

De velop ment Centre, Nepal
Sanskr it Univer sit y

(k) One person fro m a mon gst the -Me mber

curriculum spec ialists
nominated by the Ministry

(l) Two persons fro m a mon gst -Me mber

the renowned academic ians

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 51

on school education
nominated by the Ministry

(m) Representative, Tea chers -Me mber

Union, central committee

(n) Dire ctor General, Curriculum -Me mber-

De velop ment Centre Secretary

(2) Three special ist s of the concerned subjects ma y be

in vited a s obser ver s to take part in the meetin g o f National
Curriculum De velopment and Evaluation Council.

(3) The tenure of the me mber s no minated as per Sub-

rule (1) shall be Four years.

(4) Functions of secretar iat of Nat ional Curriculum
De velop ment and Evaluation Council shall be carried out by
the Curriculum De velopment Centre.

(5) Procedure of meetin g o f National Curriculum
De velop ment and Evaluation Council shall be as determined
by the council itself.

33. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Nati onal
Curricul um De vel opme nt and Evaluati on C ouncil:

Functions, duties and powers of National Curriculum
De velop ment and Evaluation Council shall be follow:-

(a) To for mulate policies relatin g to design in g curriculum

and text books to be implemented in the school,

(b) To for m subject co mmittees or sub-committees as

required for designin g curriculum,

(c) To submit curriculum and text books to the

Go vern ment of Nepal for its appro val,

Amended by the First Amendment. 52

(d) To approve policy and procedure of curriculum

impro ve ment,

(e) To for mulate policy on course book writin g, appro val

and use,

(f) To formulate wor kin g policy on re muneration for

course book writin g and distr ibution,

( g) To for m co mmittees in each De velopment Re gion

under the Chairpersonship of Director and in the
Chairpersonship o f the District Education Officer in
each District for the purpose of collecting su gge stion
relating to curriculum and to prescr ibe functions,
duties and powers of the committee,

(h) To approve lists o f additional reading materials and
readin g books,
(h1) To ma ke reco mmendation for necessar y re view to
Go vern ment of Nepal a fter e valuatin g the approved
curriculum and books,

(h2)To make reco mmendation to Government of Nepal for
approval to conduct teaching of additional subjects
without makin g any difference in the total credit
hours of the curriculum approved by Go vern ment of
Nepal in ca se o f schools operated by any particular
nature of or ganizat ions subject to the National
Education Policy,

(h3) To for mulate policy on approval for multi text books
and to submit to Government of Nepal,

(h4) To delegate it s functions, duties and process to the
Curriculum De velopment Centre as may be necessar y,

Inserted by the First Amendment.

Amended by the First Amendment.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 53

(i) To carry out other necessary functions for the

develop ment of curriculum and promotion of its

34. To P re pare Course B ook: The Curriculum De velopment

Centre shall prepare the copy of a textbook to be taught in

35. Approval to be Obtai ned for Te aching Additi onal

Readi ng and Te aching Mate ri al s and Te xtbooks: (1) If
any school wants to use additional teaching material s or
books, application shall be filed in the concerned District
Education Office for approval.

(2) Upon makin g inquiry into the application received

pursuant to Sub-rule (1), if it se e ms reasonable to gr ant
approval to the applicant school for teaching additional
readin g mater ial or teachin g books and if the additional
readin g mater ials and books so demanded are found to have
been included in the book list the approved by Curr iculum
De velop ment Centre, the District Education Officer shall
grant approval to use such additional reading materials or
readin g books.

(3) Approval for the optional subject to be taught in

the school shall have to be taken fro m District Education

36. Supe rvisi on and Monit oring: (1) It shall be the duty of
the Director and Distr ict Education Officer to monitor and
super vise whether any school has implemented the
curriculum and text books and other supplementary
education materials a s approved by Go vern ment of Nepal.

(2) The Director and Distr ict Education Officer shall,

upon makin g inquiry on whether or not the approved 54

curriculum and course books are a va ilable in the concerned

district one month before the commence ment of acade mic
session, give in for mation to the Ministry and related body or

37. Punishment May be Imposed for not Impleme nting

Approved Curricul um and C ourse B ooks and f or
Causing to Purc hase Course Books: (1) If any school
does not imple ment approved curriculum and text books,
District Education Officer shall instruct the concerned
Head master to imple ment approved curriculum and text

(2) No school shall compel students to buy course

books fro m the school.

(3) If the Headmaster does not implement approved

curriculum or text books in the school in accordance with the
order given pursuant to Sub-rule (1), and compels students to
buy text books fro m the school, the District Education
Officer shall punish such Headma ster as re fe rred to in the

38. Recogniti on and Equivale ncy Dete rmination

Committee: (1) For the recognition and equivalency
fixat ion of the cert ificate or de gree obtained upon studyin g
and passin g equivalent secondary le vel exa mination fro m
fore ign educational or academic in stitution, there shall be a
Reco gnition and Equivalenc y Deter mination Co mmittee
comprisin g of the me mbers a s follows:-

(a) Joint Secretary, (Educational

Administration Division) the -Chairperson
Ministry 55

(b) Controller of Exa mination,

Office o f the Controller of - Member
Exa mination

(c) Representative, Tribhu van -Me mber


(d) Representative, Higher

Secondary Education Board -Me mber

(e) Dire ctor General, Curriculum -Me mber

De velop ment Centre Secretary

(2) Other functions, duties and powers of the

Committee referred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be as prescribed
by the Ministry and the procedure relating to its meet in g
shall be as specified by the committee itsel f.

(3) The Curriculum De velopment Centre shall carry

out the functions of secretar iat o f the co mmittee re ferred to
in Sub-rule (1).

Chapter - 8

Provisions Relating to O peration and

Control of Examinatio n

39. Operation and cont rol of P rimary Educ ation

Exami nati on: The concerned school shall itself operate and
control Primar y Education Examinations.

40. Operation and C ont rol of Lowe r Sec ondary Educ ation
Exami nati on: (1) District Education Officer in each district
shall for m a five- me mber Board of E xa mination includin g
representative o f teacher s under his/her own Chairpersonship
in order to operate and control the district wide e xa mination 56

to be taken at the end of the Lower Secondary Le vel


(2) The tenure of the nominated me mber s o f the Board

for med pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be three years.

(3) District Education Officer shall appoint any office

staff o f his/her own office to work as the secretary o f the
Board of Exa mination.

(4) The Board of Examination ma y in vite special ists o f

concerned subject to take part in the meetin g o f the Board o f
Exa mination.

(5) Procedures related to the meetin g o f the Board of

Exa mination shall be as determined by the Board itself.

41. Functions, Duties and P owe rs of Lowe r Sec ondary

Educ ati on Ce rtific ate Examination Board: (1)
Functions, duties, and powers of the Lower Secondary
Education Certificate Exa mination Board shall be as

(a) To for mulate policy relatin g to operation of

exa mination,

(b) To give per mission to the school which has

ma intained the minimu m standard of
education prescribed by the M inistry to
conduct exa mination of the school by itsel f
or to conduct in cluster wise for m,

(c) To specify e xa mination centre,

(d) To operate examination by dividin g school

in clusters,

(e) To cause to publish exa mination results and

to award certificates to passin g students, 57

(f) To fix e xa mination fees and re muneration

to the employees in vol ved in the works
relating to exa mination,

( g) To cause to take re-e xa mination, as to

required by cancelin g the already held
exa mination if there found any irregularit y
at any exa mination centre or to close such
exa mination centre,

(h) To take prompt necessar y decision if an y

obstruction takes place in operatin g
exa mination or publishin g re sults at the
scheduled time due to reasons of any
natural calamit y or any other causes,

(i) To do other works as pre scr ibed / assigned

by the Ministry, Depart ment and Office o f
the Director.

(2) Board of Exa mination ma y dele gate so me o f its

powers conferred to it pursuant to Sub-rule (1) to a sub-
committee or workin g group by for min g such group or
committee or any other offic ial as ma y be necessary.

42. Secondary Educati on Examinati on Board: (1) In order

to operate and control Secondary Education Examination,
there shall be a Secondary Education Examination Board
comprisin g of the me mbers a s follows:

(a) Secretary o f the Ministr y -


(b) Joint secretary of the -Me mber

Ministry (Education
Administration Division) 58

(c) Dire ctor General, the -Me mber


(d) One Director nominated -Me mber

amon g the directors by the

(e) Controller of Exa mination, -Me mber

Higher Secondary Education

(f) Dire ctor General, Curriculum -Me mber

De velop ment Centre

( g) Controller of Exa mination, -Me mber

Tribhu van Univer sit y

(h) One person nominated amon g -Me mber

academic ians by the Ministry

(i) Controller of Exa mination, -Me mber-

Office of the Examination, secretar y

(2) The tenure of the member s nominated pursuant to

Sub-rule (1) shall be of three years.

(3) The Board o f Exa mination ma y in vite spec ialist in

the concerned subject as an obser ver to take part in the
meet in g of the Board of Exa mination.

(4) Office o f the Controllers of Exa mination shall work

as sec retariat of the Board of Exa mination.

(5) Procedure relating to meetin g o f the Board of

Exa mination shall be as determined by the Board itself. 59

43. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of the Board of

Secondary Educati on Ce rtific ate Exami nati on: (1)
Functions, duties and powers of the Board of Secondary
Education Examination shall be as follows:-

(a) To for mulate policy relatin g to operation of

exa minations,

(b) To determine criter ia for fixin g

exa mination centre,

(c) To cause to operate examination,

(d) To fix fees for re gistration for e xa mination,

application form and for e xa mination,

(e) To fix re muneration and allowances for the

employee s in vol ved in works relatin g to
exa minations,

(f) To publish exa mination results and make

arran ge ment to award certificate to the
passin g students,

( g) To take nece ssar y a ctions a gain st teachers

and other staff violatin g the Rules relating
to the examinations,

(h) To cause to operate reexamination, if

necessar y, by cancelin g the already taken
exa mination if any irre gularity is found to
have been committed at any e xa mination
centre, or cancel such examination if any
irre gular ity is found at any e xa mination
centre, or close such exa mination centre,

(i) To take necessar y prompt decision in case

of any obstruction in operatin g e xa mination 60

or publishin g results in scheduled time due

to natural calamity or any other reason,

(j) To prescr ibe functions, duties and power s

of head e xa miner s, e xa miners and question

(k) To cause to dispose o f the answer sheets

adopting re gular proce ss a fter one ye ar o f
publication of the results.

(2) The Board of Examination referred to in Sub-rule

(1) ma y dele gate so me of it s power s, to sub-committee or
workin g group havin g for med such sub-co mmittee or
workin g group or to any official a s may be necessar y.

44. Functions, Duties and Powe rs of the Membe r-

Secret ary of the B oard of Exami nati on: Functions,
duties and powers of the Me mber-S ecretary o f Board o f
Exa mination shall be as follows:-

(a) To appoint question paper setters, head exa miners,

deputy head examiner s and other necessar y sta ff,

(b) To cause to conduct examination and examine answer

sheets in fair and re gular manner, and give nece ssary
direction to the concerned persons,

(c) To dele gate his/her own powers to any me mber o f the

Board of Exa mination as ma y be necessary,

(d) To act accordin g to direct ion of Board o f Exa mination

or the Chairperson of the Board in connection with
the conduct of exa minations.

45. Conduct of Secondary Educ ation Examination:

Functions relating to operation of Secondary Education
Certific ate Exa mination shall be carried out by the office o f 61

the Controller of Exa mination under the direction of the

Board of Exa mination.

46. Secondary Educati on Exami nati on C o-ordination

Committee: (1) In order to operate Secondary Education
Exa mination in fa ir and regular manner, there shall be a
Secondary Education Examination Co-ordination Committee
in each district co mprisin g o f the me mber s a s follow:-

(a) Chie f Distr ict Officer - Chairper son.

(b) Chie f of District Police Office - Me mber.

(c) District Education Officer - M e mber-


(2) Functions, duties and powers of the committee

for med pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be as follows:-

(a) To fix e xa mination centre,

(b) To appoint superintendent and other

necessar y e mployee s,

(c) To operate exa mination in the concerned

district in a fa ir and re gular manner,

(d) To carry out or cause to carry out other

functions as pre scr ibed by the Ministry and
Board of Exa minations.

47. Speci al Provisi ons may be made in the e xamination
for inc apacit ated pe rsons: (1) For blind, deaf, dumb,
incapacitated persons or mentally retarded persons,
provisions ma y be made to attempt the questions in
exa minations in a symbolic lan gua ge which he/she ma y

Amended by the Third Amendment. 62

(2) In c ase it see ms that the students referred to in

Sub-rule (1) could not attempt the questions within the
prescribed time limit, the superintendent may ma ke a va ilable
additional time of one hour and thirty minutes in ma ximu m.

Chapter -9

Provision Relating to No n-for mal Education

48. Non-formal Education May be Given : (1) Persons who ma y
not acquire education gettin g ad mission in school ma y be
given non-formal education in the manner as follows:-

(a) Basic adult literacy education,

(b) Post literacy education,

(c) Continuing education,

(d) Alternative Educational progra mme me,

(2) Curriculum and text books of non-for mal education

pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be as approved by National
Curriculum De velopment and Evaluation Council.

49. Basic Adult Lite racy Educ ation: (1) Generally, basic
adult literacy education shall be given to illiterate persons
fro m fifteen to forty five year s o f a ge.

(2) Generally, the time duration for conducting Ba sic

Adult Literacy Education classes shall be of six months.

50. Post Lite rac y Educati on: (1) Po st literacy education shall
be given to those who have co mpleted basic adult literacy

(2) Generally, the time duration for conducting classe s

of post literacy education shall be from three to six months.

Amended by the First Amendment. 63

51. Continuing Educ ation: (1) The person who has co mpleted
post literacy education shall be given Continuing Education.

(2) The time duration for conducting extended

education classes shall be as prescr ibed by the Ministry.

52. Alte rnati ve Educ ati onal P rog ramme: (1) Alternative
educational progra mme s may be conducted upon usin g the
text mater ials prepared on the basis o f the curriculum o f
schools for the children not studyin g in schools or drop out
students from the school.

(2) Schools ma y ad mit the children who name

completed the alternative educational progra mme in
appropriate classes based on their standard.

(3) The school willin g to conduct alternative

educational progra mme shall obtain permission fro m the
District Education Office.

53. Non-formal Educati on C ouncil: (1) In order to for mulate

policy relatin g to non-for mal education and to co-ordinate,
look after and mana ge it, there shall be a National Non-
for mal Education Council comprisin g o f the me mber s a s

(a) Minister or Min ister of -

State for Education and Chairperson

(b) Member of National -Me mber

Planning Co mmission,
(education sector)

(c) ………………….

Amended by the Third Amendment.

Deleted by the Fourth Amendment. 64

(d) Secretary, M inistry o f -Me mber


(e) Secretary, M inistry o f -Me mber


(f) Secretary, M inistry o f - Member

Local De velopment

( g) Secretary, M inistry o f -Me mber


(h) Secretary, Min istr y for -Me mber

Agr iculture and
Cooperative s

(i) Secretary, Min istr y for -Me mber

Women, Children and
Social Wel fare

(j) One person nominated by -Me mber

the Ministry fro m a mon gst
the Deans of Central
Department o f Education
of Univer sitie s

(k) Joint Secretary of the -Me mber

Ministry (Educational
Administration Division)

(l) Dire ctor General, - Member

Department of Education

(m) Member Secretar y, Social -Me mber

Welfare Council 65

(n) Chairperson, Federation of -Me mber

District De velopment

(o) Chairperson, Federation of -Me mber

Municipalitie s

(p) Chairperson, Federation of -Me mber

Villa ge De velopment
Committee -

(q) One person nominated by -Me mber

the Ministry fro m a mon gst
the Chairperson of national
and international non-
go vern mental
organ izations

(r) Representative, Tea chers -Me mber

Union, central committee

(s) Dire ctor, Non-for mal -Me mber-

Education Centre Secretary

(2) The tenure of the member s nominated pursuant to

Sub-rule (1) shall be of Three yea rs.

(3) Other functions, duties and powers of Non-for mal

Education Council shall be as prescribed by the Ministry.

(4) The Secr etariat o f Non-for mal Education Council

shall be located at the Non-formal Education Centre.

(5) Procedures relatin g to meet in gs o f Non-for mal

Education Council shall be as determined by the council
itsel f. 66

54. Dist rict N on-f ormal Educ ati on Committee: (1) In order
to look after, mana ge, co-ordinate and super vise Non-for mal
Education in the district le vel, there shall be a District Non-
for mal Education Committee compr isin g o f the me mbers a s

(a) President of Distr ict -Chairperson

De velop ment Committee

(b) Chie f Distr ict Officer -Me mber

(c) Secretary, Distr ict -Me mber

De velop ment Committee

(d) Chie f, Distr ict Public -Me mber

Health office

(e) Chie f, Wo men 's -Me mber

De velop ment Section

(f) One person nominated by -Me mber

District non-for mal
education committee from
amon gst the Chair men of
Villa ge De velopment
Committees or Chie f of
Municipalitie s

( g) One person nominated by -Me mber

District Education
Committee fro m a mon gst
the non-go vern mental
organ izations conducting
non-formal education
progra mmes in the district 67

(h) Pro gra mme o fficer, non- -Me mber

for mal education
progra mme, Distr ict
Education Office

(i) One person nominated by -Me mber

District Education Officer
fro m a mon gst it
Head master s

(j) Chairperson, Teacher 's -Me mber

Union, District Executive

(k) District Education Officer -Me mber-


(2) The tenure of the member s nominated accordin g to

Sub-rule (1) shall be of three years.

(3) District Non-for mal Education Committee ma y

for m villa ge le vel and ward level Non-for mal Education
Committees as ma y be necessar y.

(4) Other functions, duties and powers of the District

Non-for mal Education Committee shall be as spec ified by
the Non-formal Education Council.

(5) Procedures relatin g to meetin g of the district Non-

for mal Education Committee shall be as determined by the
committee itsel f.

55. Non-formal Educ ation May be C onducted: (1) If any

organ ization desire s to conduct non-formal education,
application along with recommendation of the concerned
Villa ge De velopment Committee or Municipality shall be 68

filed to the Distr ict Non- for mal Education Committee for

(2) If any application is filed pursuant to Sub-rule (1),

the Distr ict Non- formal Education Committee shall ma ke
necessar y inquiry and if it see ms to be appropriate to allow
conducting non-for mal education to the applicant, approval
shall be given along with necessary ter ms and conditions

(3) If any or ganization does not conduct non-formal

education according to the terms and conditions prescribed
pursuant to Sub-rule (2), Distr ict non-formal Education
Committee ma y re vo ke the approval given to such
organ ization at any time.


Provisions Relating to Distance Educ atio n

56. Distance Education may be provided : Distance Education
ma y be provided on the followin g subjects:-

(a) Teachin g education and teachers trainin g,

(a1) With re gard to school education,

(b) Other progra mmes relatin g to open


57. Distance Education Committee : (1) In order to for mulate

policy relatin g to distance education and for the co-
ordination, supervision and mana ge ment thereof, there shall
be a Distance Education Committee compr isin g o f the
me mber s as follows:-

(a) Secretary, the Ministr y of -

Education Chairperson

Inserted by Third Amendment. 69

(b) Joint Secretary of the -Me mber

Ministry (Education
Administration Division)

(c) Executive Director, Centre -Me mber
for De velopment of
Educational Human

(d) Joint Secretary, the -Me mber

Ministry of Infor mat ion
and Communicat ion

(e) Dire ctor General of the -Me mber


(f) Dire ctor General, -Me mber

Curriculum De velopment
Centre of the Ministry

( g) One person nominated by -Me mber

the Ministry from a mon gst
the distance education

(h) Representative, Teacher 's -Me mber

Union, Central Committee

(i) Dire ctor, Distance -Me mber-
Educational Division Secretary

(2) The tenure of the member s nominated pursuant to

Sub-rule (1) shall be of Three yea rs.

Amended by Third Amendment. 70

(3) Secretariat of Distance Education Committee shall

be located at Centre for De velopment of Educational
Human Resources.

(4) Procedures relating to meetin g of Distance

Education Committee shall be as specified by the committee
itsel f.

58. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Di stance Educ ation

Committee: Functions, duties and powers o f the Distance
Education Committee shall be as follows:-

(a) To for mulate policy relatin g to distance education,

(b) To design pro gra mme s relatin g to distance education

and to imple ment,

(c) To mana ge necessar y re sources and means for

distance education,

(d) To pro vide a ffil iation to distance education


(e) To ma ke pro vision for equivalence of distance


(f) To approve readin g mater ials of distance education on

the basis of appro ved curriculum,

( g) To super vise and e valuate distance education

providin g institutions,

(h) To ma ke provisions for study and research towards

providin g high er education through distance educate.

(i) To fix re muneration for e valuation of curriculum and

textbook writin g.

59. Distance Educ ati on may be c onducted: (1) If any social

organ ization desires to conduct Distance Education,

Amended by Third Amendment. 71

application shall be filed in the Distance Education Centre
through the Centre for De velopment of Educational Human
Resources for an approval.

(2) If application is submitted pursuant to Sub-rule (1),

Distance Education Committee shall ma ke necessar y inquiry
over the application and if it see ms appropriate to allow to
conduct distance education, approval may be granted havin g
prescribed necessar y terms and conditions.

(3) If any or ganization does not conduct distance

education abiding by the ter ms and conditions pursuant to
Sub-rule (2), Distance Education Committee may re vo ke
approval given to such organization at any time.

(4) In case any school wishe s to conduct distance
education, an approval shall be obtained fro m Distance
Education Committee.

Chapter -11

Provision Relating to Special Education

60. Speci al Educ ation may be provi ded: Special education
ma y be pro vided to blind, deaf, mentally retarded or
physically handicapped children.

61. Speci al Educ ation Council: (1) In order to for mulate

policy relatin g to special education and to mana ge it, there
shall be a Special Education Council comprisin g of the
me mber s as follows:-

(a) Minister or Min ister of -

State for Education and Chairperson

Inserted by Third Amendment. 72

(b) ………………….

(c) Member of National -Me mber

Planning Co mmission,
(education sector)

(d) Secretary, M inistry o f -Me mber


(e) Joint Secretary (Education -Me mber

Administration Division)
the Ministry

(f) Representative, Min istr y of - Member


( g) Representative, M inistry -Me mber

for Wo men, Children and
Social Wel fare

(h) Chie f of Ear, Nose, and

Throat Department, Bir

(i) Chairperson, National

Disabled Federation

(j) One person nominated by -Me mber

Ministry fro m a mon gst the
specialists on special

(k) One person nominated by -Me mber

Special Education Council
fro m a mon gst the teachers

Deleted by the Fourth Amendment. 73

in special education

(l) One person nominated by -Me mber

Special Education Council
fro m a mon g those disabled
who have made special
contribution to the
promotion of disables

(m) Dire ctor General -Me mber


(2) The tenure of the me mber s no minated, as per Sub-

rule (1) shall be Three of year s.

(3) Secretariat of Spec ial Education Council shall be

located in the Department.

(4) Procedures relating to meetin g of Special

Education Council shall be determined by the council itself.

62. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Speci al Educ ation

Counc il: Functions, duties and powers of Spec ial Education
Council shall be as follows:-

(a) To grant approval to conduct special education,

(b) To implement special education curriculum havin g

taken approval fro m the Curriculum De velopment

(c) To ma ke pro vision of financial resources for a ssistin g

Special Education Progra mmes,

(d) To determine procedures for e xa minations to be taken

on special education, 74

(e) To make or cause to ma ke pro visions for co-

ordination, mana ge ment, super vision, control and
inspection of spec ial education institutions and

(f) To prescr ibe certa in criter ia relatin g to financial grant

to be given to the communit y school to conduct
Special Education.

63. Speci al Educ ation May be C onducted: (1) If any

organ ization desires to conduct special education, an
application shall be filed in Special Education Council for

(2) If any application is filed pursuant to Sub-rule (1),

the Special Education Council shall make nece ssar y inquiry
on the application and if it is see ms rea sonable to give
approval to the applicant to conduct special education it ma y
grant approval upon prescribin g ter ms and conditions as ma y
be necessar y.

(3) If any or ganizat ion does not conduct special

education as per the terms and conditions prescribed
pursuant to Sub-rule (2), the Special Education Council ma y
re voke the approval granted to such organization at any time.

(4) The or ganization shall complete ( mana ge for)

necessar y in fra structures as prescr ibed by the Special
Education Council.

64. Appointment and Te rms and C onditions of Se rvice of

Teac he rs and Othe r Staff Working in Speci al
Educ ati on P rovi ding Instituti on: Pro visions of
appointment, and terms and conditions of ser vice and
fac ilitie s o f the teachers and other staff workin g in special
education institution shall be as prescr ibed in statute or
Rules of the sa me in stitution. 75

65. School May be Opened for P roviding Speci al

Educ ati on: (1) An or ganizat ion ma y, if it wants, open
schools for providin g special education.

(2) If an institution conducting special education with

financial gr ant fro m Go vern ment of Nepal at the time o f
commence ment of these Rules opens a community school
pursuant to Sub-rule (1), the Ministry ma y appro ve
necessar y teachers' quota for such school.

(3) If there is a teacher workin g a s a per manent teacher

in such an institution at the time of the commence ment of
these Rules, the Commission shall recommend to appoint the
sa me teacher in the vacant post as the vacant post already
approved pursuant to Sub-rule (2), subject to the age bar a s
per Rules and that there shall be no age bar to be appointed
in such vacant post.

(4) The Ministr y shall appoint the person

recommended by the Commission pursuant to Sub-rule (3) to
the post of teacher.

(5) Ser vice per iod of the teacher appointed in

accordance with Sub-rule (4) shall be counted from the date
of per manent appointment to the institution provid in g
special education as per Sub-rule (2).

66. Facilitie s to be given to the Instituti on P rovi ding

Speci al Educ ati on: Fac ilitie s as specified by Go vernment
of Nepal shall be granted to institutions providin g special

Chapter -12

Provision Relating to Establishme nt

of Child Developme nt Ce ntre 76

67. Provi si on rel ating to est abli shment of Chil d

Devel opme nt Cent re: (1) If an or ganization wants to
establish Child De velopment Centre, application shall be
filed to the concerned Village De velopment Co mmittee or

the concerned Municipality in a for mat as prescr ibed in
Schedule -2.

(2) If an application is filed pursuant to Sub-rule (1)

the Villa ge De velopment Committee or Municipality shall
ma ke nece ssary inquir y on it and if it is found reasonable to
grant approval to the applicant to establish a Child
De velop ment Centre, approval shall be granted along with

the necessar y ter ms and conditions in a for mat a s
prescribed in Schedule -5.

(3) If an Or gan ization is found to have not conducted

Child De velopment Centre in consistent with the terms and
conditions pursuant to Sub-rule (2), the concerned Villa ge
De velop ment Committee or Municipality ma y re vo ke the
approval granted to such centre at any time.

68. Inf rast ructure requi red for the Est abli shme nt of a
Child De velopme nt Centre: The followin g in fra structure
shall be required for the e stablish ment of a Ch ild
De velop ment Centre:-

(a) Ha vin g a wide, open, peaceful and safe buildin g.

(b) Ha vin g at least half a Ropani or one Kattha of land in

addition to the building.

(c) Ha vin g pro vision of Children Park.

(d) Ha vin g pro vision of clean and healthy drinkin g water

and toilet.

(e) Ha vin g at least two caretaker s.

Inserted by Third Amendment.

Inserted by Third Amendment. 77

69. Approved Curric ulum to be use d: Curriculum approved

by Curriculum De velopment Centre shall be used in a Ch ild
Development Centre.

70. Grant to be Give n: Go vern ment of Nepal ma y, on the basis

of the recommendation by District Education Officer, gr ant
aid to a Child Development Centre.

Chapter -13

Provisions Relating to Trainings and Instructions

71. Provi si ons for Trai nings and Inst ructions may be
made: In order to promote skill of the teachers and other
staff under the Ministry, the M inistry may ma ke pro visions
as follows:-

(a) To provide trainin gs,

(b) To give instruction,

(c) To conduct progra mme s relatin g to Educational
Human Resource De velopment.

72. Educ ati onal Human Resource De vel opme nt Council:
(1) There shall be a Educational Human Resource
De velop ment Council comprisin g o f the followin g me mber s
for enhancin g wor kin g e ffic ienc y of teachers, e mployee s
under the Ministr y and persons in vol ved in co mmunitie s
relating to education and for formulatin g polic ies and
mana gin g a ffair s relatin g to educational human resource
develop ment: -

(a) Minister or Minister of State, for -Chairperson

Education and Sports

(b) Secretary at the Ministr y -Member

Amended by the First Amendment. 78

(c) Vice -Chairper son, Highe r -Me mber

Secondary Educational Council

(d) Dean, Faculty of Education, -Me mber

Tribhu van Univer sit y

(e) Executive Director, Nepal -Me mber

Administrative Sta ff College

(f) Joint Secretar y at the M inistry as -Me mber

designated by the Ministry

( g) Joint Secretary of Nat ional -Me mber

Planning Co mmission related with
the work o f educational human

(h) Dire ctor General, Depart ment of -Me mber


(i) Dire ctor, Curriculum De velopment -Me mber


(j) …………………..

(k) Two persons no minated by the -Me mber

Ministry fro m a mon gst the experts
providin g trainin g to teacher and
employee s within the Ministry

(l) One Person nominated by the -Me mber

Ministry fro m a mon gst in-char ges
of the Trainin g centre relating to

Deleted by the Third Amendment. 79

(m) Two Per sons nominated by the -Me mber

Ministry fro m a mongst In-char ges
of Tra inin g centres relatin g to
Education in private sector

(n) Representative, Teachers Union -Me mber

(o) Executive Director, Educational -Me mber

Human Re source De velopment -Secretary

(2) The tenure of the nominated me mber under Sub-

rule (1) shall be of Three year s.

(3) Educational Human Resource De velopment Centre

shall carry out works of the Secretariat of the Educational
Human Resource De velopment Council.

(4) The procedures relating to meetin gs o f the

Educational Human Resource De velopment Council shall be
as determined by the Council itself.

73. Functions, D uties and P owe rs of the Educ ati onal
Human Re source Devel opment Council: Functions,
duties and powers of the Educational Human Resource
De velop ment Council shall be as follows:-

(a) To specify Educational Human Resources

De velop ment Policy relatin g to impro vin g o f workin g
skills of teachers, other employees of the Ministry
and persons in vol ved in co mmunity relatin g to

(b) To for mulate curriculum related to educational human

resource de velopment,

Amended by the First Amendment. 80

(c) To give re co gnition to and to determine equivalency

of trainin gs imparted by different or ganizations
relating to educational human resource de velopment,

(d) To for mulate and implement plans relating to

educational human resources,

(e) To coordinate with national and fore ign or ganizations

in providin g educational trainin gs relatin g to human
resource de velopment and instruction to carry out
necessar y work,

(f) To give approval to organizations conducting pre-

ser vice teacher trainin g pro gra mme s,

( g) To for m sub-committees for carryin g functions

relating to educational human resource de velopment.

74. Educational Human Resource Development Centre : (1)
There shall be an Educational Human Resource De velopment
Centre in order to carry out educational research works and
for enhancing workin g e fficienc y of the teachers, employees
of the Ministry and persons in vol ved in communit y relatin g
to education.

(2) The Educational Human Resource De velopment

Centre shall work a s the Secretar iat o f Educational Human
Resource De velopment Council.

(3) There shall be an Executive Director to work a s the

in-char ge of the Educational Human Re source De velopment
74A. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of the Executi ve
Direct or of Educ ational Human Re source
Devel opme nt Cent re: Functions, duties and powers o f the

Amended by the First Amendment.
Inserted by the First Amendment. 81

Executive Dir ector of Educational Human Resource

De velop ment Centre shall be as follows:-

(a) To instruct to prepare the agenda to be discussed in

the Educational Human Resource De velopment
Council and present it at Council's meetin g,

(b) To implement the decisions of Educational Human

Resources De velopment Council,

(c) To or cause to supervise, monitor, coordinate or

e valuate works carr ied out by Educational Human
Resources De velopment Centre,

(d) To conduct research work related to educational

trainin g,

(e) To keep updated the training infor mat ion syste m

related to educational human development,

(f) To conduct other works as an in-char ge of the

Educational Human Resources De velopment Centre,

( g) To conduct other works a s specified by the Ministry.

75. Not to Le ave Traini ngs or to work in the deputed

place: Teacher or any e mployee deputed in trainin g or
instruction progra mme shall not leave the trainin g or
instruction in between without completing it. After the
trainin g or instruction is completed the teacher or employee
shall work at the place where she/he has been workin g. If
any teacher or employee lea ve s trainin g in between without
completin g it or if he/she does not go to the designated place
or office a fter co mpletin g train in g, all the expense s incurred
on his/her training or in struction shall be recovered fro m
him/her and departmental action may also be taken.

Chapter -14 82

Extr a Curric ular Activities

76. Programme of Ext ra C urricul ar Activities t o be

conducted: (1) School shall conduct extra curricular
activitie s progra mme s in order to develop creative skills of
the students.

(2) Both the teachers and students shall take part in

extra activitie s pro gra mmes.

(3) While conducting e xtra curricular activitie s

progra mmes, the school shall carry out as follows:-

(a) To or ganize different progra mmes in school

in order to create sense o f nationalism and
increase intere st towards national culture
and arts amongst students through
entertaining act ivitie s such as practice o f
drama s, dance and folk mu sic and

(b) To re gularly conduct and practice different

kinds o f sports for physical de velopment of

(c) To encoura ge students to be invol ved in

progra mmes o f pro motin g the feel in g o f
social ser vice and awareness towards
environ ment protection and in the activitie s
such as cleanin g and sanitation of
educational institution and public places,
of protection and building of school,
garden, karesabari, plantation, literacy
campa ign etc.

(d) To encourage and ma ke students give

speech on the importance of national, 83

international, historical, social, rel igious

fe stivals and moralit y,

(e) To encourage students to open scout and

junior Red Cross c ircle etc.

(4) In connection with conducting extra curricular

activitie s progra mmes a s re ferred to in Sub-rule (1), the
school shall cause the students to take part in co mpetitions
as follows:-

(a) Paintin g and handicraft competit ion,

(b) Music co mpetition,

(c) Dancin g co mpetition,

(d) Dra ma co mpetition,

(e) Elocution competition

(f) Quiz contest,

( g) Spelling contest,

(h) Sports competition,

(i) Literar y act ivitie s, poem, essa y etc.


(j) Gardenin g skills competit ions,

(k) Other competitions,

(4A) The school shall in volve students in e xtra-
curricular activitie s on Friday a fter the study hours.
(4B) The Distr ict Education Officer shall regularly
conduct district level Birendra Shield Competition upon
in vol vin g the students.

(5) The school ma y for m co mmittee for conducting

extra-curricular activit ies a s ma y be necessa ry,

Inserted by the First Amendment. 84

(6) Rewards may be given to the school and student for

standing best in the competitions held pursuant to Sub-rule
(4) for their encourage ment.

Chapter -15

Number of Students, Admission and

Provisions for Upgrade

77. Numbe r of Student s: (1) Generally, in e ver y cla ss of a
community school in the Valley and Terai, Hilly and
Himalayan re gion, the numbers of students shall be fifty,
forty- five and forty re spectivel y.

(2) The number o f students in each class o f an
institutionalized school shall be twenty two in minimu m,
forty in ma ximum and thirty three on an avera ge.

(2A) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule
(1) and (2), the number o f students to be accommodated in
each class o f a school impartin g special education shall be as
prescribed by the Ministr y.

(3) In case there are more students than referred to in

Sub-rule (1), the school may open another section of that
class with the permission of the Mana ge ment Co mmittee o f
the school.

(4) The necessar y in fra structure to open sections of

any class shall be arran ged b y the Mana ge ment Co mmittee
and the school.

78. Provi si ons Rel ating t o Admissi on: (1) Students shall
produce his/her original certificate for admission in the
school as follows:-

Amended by the Third Amendment.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 85

(a) Class five pa ssed c ertificate for ad mission
in class S ix,

(b) Lower Se condary Education passed

Certific ate for ad mission in class Nine,

(c) Mark- sheet of annual exa mination and

transfer certificate issued by the school for
admission in other classes.

(2) A school shall not admit any student in the middle

of the acade mic se ssion or to the student who has brou ght
transfer certificate but not passed the annual examination
shall not be admitted in the class higher than he/she has been
studyin g.

(3) The student once admitted in one level need to re-

admit in the next class in the same school.

(4) Generally, the student shall come along with

his/her guardian wh ile visitin g the school fir st time for

(5) While ad mittin g students, the school shall ask the

name of the guardian and address, description of immo vable
property of the fa mily and est imate of inco me for pro vid in g
free education.

(6) Children who ha ve not completed the a ge o f five

year s shall not be admitted to one class and those who have
not completed fourteen years o f a ge shall not be permitted to
appear in the Secondary Education Examination.

79. Provi si on f or the Exami nati on of Self studying

Students: (1) District Education Office ma y make necessar y
provisions for admission of sel f studyin g students as

Amended by the First Amendment. 86

candidates for the annual examination to be conducted by a


(2) The person willin g to appear the exa mination

pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall fill up the for m of the school
as directed by the District Education Office upon depositin g
the fee as prescribed by the Offic e.

(3) Any person willin g to appear in the annual

exa mination pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall submit certificate
of passin g two cla ss lower than the class for which he/she
wants to appear in examination.

80. Provi si on Rel ating t o Transfe r C e rtificate: (1) In ca se

any student has to take transfer certificate, he/she shall
submit an application to the Headmaster along with a
recommendation of guardian statin g the real cause for
leavin g the school.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), no transfer certificate shall be issued to the student
studyin g in class 10.

Pro vided that, the transfer certificate may be issued

within two months of the commence ment of the acade mic
session with recommendation of the school to which the
student is to be transferred to and with the approval o f the
District Education Office in the followin g c ircu mstance s:-

(a) If the guardian of the student is an

employee and he/she has been transferred
during that time,

(b) If the girl student is to migrate to other

place due to matrimonial relationship, or

(c) If the guardian migrate s. 87

(3) If an application is filed pursuant to Sub-rule (1),

the Headma ster of the school shall issue transfer certificate
within se ven days free o f char ge in case of primar y le vel
student and upon levyin g fee a s spec ified in ca se o f student
of other levels.

(4) The concerned student may file a complaint at the

District Education Office if the Headma ster does not issue
the transfer c ertificate in time pursuant to Sub-rule (3), and
in case of such complaint the Distr ict Education Officer
ma y, if found appropriate upon conducting necessary inquiry
on such complaint, order the Head ma ster to issue the
certificate at earlie st conven ience.

(5) In case the original certificate is lost or destroyed,

the concerned student or his/her concerned guardian ma y file
an application stating the reasons in the concerned school to
get issued duplicate copy of the transfer ce rtificate and if it
see ms appropriate, the Headmaster ma y issue the requested
duplicate certificate to the applicant.

(6) If any school issues transfer certificate to any

student without teaching in the stated class, the Head ma ster
shall be liable for punish ment as per the exist in g Act and the
certificate so issued shall be inval idated.

(7) The student shall deposit the tuition fee along with
other dues up to the month in which he/she is seekin g the
transfer certificate in the sa me school. If the student
requests transfe r certificate in the month before the month
fallin g a lon g vacation (winter/summer vac ation), he/she
shall deposit the tuition fees, includin g other dues, of the
said vacation in the same school.

(8) While issuin g transfer certificate to the student

under these Rules, the school shall issue the certificate 88

havin g duly e xecuted a receipt by the student or his/her

guard ian.

81. Admissi on of Fai led Stude nts: If an y student fails the

secondary le vel e xa mination and he/she come s to join the
school, the school shall admit him/her in the class o f
secondary le vel which the student chooses.

82. Provi si ons Rel ating to P romotion of St udents Without

Taking Annual Examination: When any student, due to
serious illness or due to circumstances beyond his/her
control, cannot attend the annual examination and his/her
guard ian sub mit s application along with genuine proof and if
the Headmaster finds it rea sonable and record of the
concerned student shows him/her done well in other
exa minations, the Headmaster may up grade such student
havin g taken exa minations of the required ma jor subject.

Pro vided that,

(1) No student shall be upgraded after one month of

the beginnin g o f the new academic session.

(2) No student shall be upgraded to classe s six and


83. Other P rovi sions Rel ating to Upg rade to Cl ass: The
Head master ma y up grade very intelligent student to one
class high er than the regular one on the recommendation of
the teachers teaching in the sa me class.

Pro vided that, no student may be up graded to classe s

six and nine.

84. Ac ade mic Session, Ti me of Admi ssi on and Working

Days: (1) Academic se ssion of a school shall begin fro m the
1 s t Baishakh and run till the last of Chai tra. 89

(2) Generally, a school shall admit students within one

month of the commence ment of the academic se ssion.

(3) In case any student comes for ad mission a fter

expir y o f the period re ferred to in Sub-rule (2) and in ca se
the school finds the candidate suitable in the test and the
student seems to be capable for passin g annual examination,
the school may ad mit such a student within another one

(4) No student shall be admitted prior to

commence ment of an acade mic se ssion.

(5) The minimu m wor kin g days of a school in one

academic session shall be Two Hundred Fift y days.

(6) The teacher o f a Co mmunity School shall take at

least Twenty- Four periods of cla ss in a wee k.

85. School to be Cl osed: (1) A school shall remain closed on

the public holidays as declared by Go vern ment of Nepal.

(2) The school shall remain closed fro m the

Ghatasthapana of Badadashian till Purnima on Bada

(3) The Manage ment Committee of school may allow

five da ys addit ional holidays in one acade mic se ssion as
local holiday, in addition to the holidays re ferred to in Sub-
rule (2).

(4) If a school rema ins closed e xcept as pro vided to in

sub-Rules (1) and (2), departmental action shall be taken
a gain st the Headma ster. 90

Chapte r -16

Formation of Sc hool E duc ation Se rvice,

Level and Classific ation

86. Formation of School Educ ation Se rvice: School

Education Service shall be for med a mon gst the teachers
appointed to school.

87. Classific ation of School: (1) Schools are divided into the
followin g le vel s:-

(a) From class One to Five- primar y le vel,

(b) From cla ss Six to Eight - Lo wer secondary

level, and

(c) From class Nine to Ten - Secondary level.

(2) Primar y le vel and Lo wer secondary le vel pursuant

to Clauses (a) and (b) of Sub-rule (1) shall be deemed a s
basic le vel.

88. Classific ation of Teache rs: In order to develop teachers'

career, school teachers of ea ch le vel ha ve been divided in
three classes a s first, second and third classe s.

89. Numbe r of Te ache rs' P ost s and Di vi sion of the Cl ass

Teac he rs: On the basis of the followin g posts of the
Teachers pro vided for distr ict le vel for Co mmunity schools
by Go vern ment of Nepal classes o f the teachers shall be
determined as per the followin g ratio :-

No. of Total 3rd 2 n d class 1 s t class

post class

5 4 1 -

Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 91

10 8 2 -

15 12 3 -

20 16 4 -

25 20 5 -

30 24 6 -

35 28 7 -

40 32 8 -

45 36 9 -

50 40 9 1

90. Post not to be Deeme d Vac ant: If any teacher gets

promotion to the higher cla ss post, the post in which he/she
was workin g shall be i pso facto changed in to the class
he/she has been promoted. The post of his/her earlier class
shall not be deemed to be vacant e ven so promoted.

91. Post of Female teache r to be c re ated: (1) If there are up
to three posts of teacher s in a primar y school, there shall be
one post for a fe male teacher, if there are up to se ven posts,
there shall be at least two posts for fe male teachers and if
there are more than that posts there shall be at least three
posts for fe male teachers.

(2) If a post of teacher falls vacant for whatsoe ver

reasons in a school in which a male teacher has been ser vin g
before the co mmence ment o f this Rule, fe male candidate

Amended by the Third Amendment. 92

shall be appointed subject to the provision refer red to in

Sub-rule (1).

(3) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(2), if a post of teacher could not be fulfilled by a fe male
candidate, the concerned official may, with the approval o f
the Director, appoint a male candidate.

(4) In ca se an y one appoints teacher in violation of

Sub-rule (2), the District Education Officer shall in validate
such appointment and may take actions a ga inst the authority
or offic ial who make s such appointment as referred to in
these Rules.

92. Posts of Teachers' in a School: Posts o f teacher s in a

community school shall be as re fer red to in Schedule -12 on
the basis of posts appro ved by the Ministry.

Provided that, the posts of teachers o f the commun ity
school impartin g special education shall be as prescribed by
the Ministry.

Chapter -17

Appo intme nt of Headmaster and Teac hers and

Functio ns, Duties and Po wers

93. Provi si ons Relating to Appoi ntment of Headmaste r:

(1) There shall be a Headma ster in each school to function as
the administrative ch ie f of the school.

(2) Manage ment Committee shall recommend the

name s of at least two permanent teachers fro m a mon gst the
teachers workin g in the community school + at the same le vel
of school in which he/she is interested to be the Head ma ster
and who have secured at least 70 marks as per Schedule -13

Inserted by the Third Amendment.
Inserted by the First Amendment. 93

to District Education Offic er for appointment to the post of

Head master.

(3) District Education Officer shall appoint to the post

of Head ma ster to a teacher who has secured the high est
mar ks fro m a mon gst those r ecommended pursuant to Sub-
rule (2).

(4) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(3), if none of the teacher of the concerned school has
secured of marks 70, Distr ict Education Officer shall appoint
any other teacher working in other community schools
within the distr ict who has secured 70 mar ks, to the post of
Head master.

(4a) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rules
(2), (3) and (4), in ca se the post of Head ma ster alon g with
the post of a school operated by community falls vacant, the
Mana ge ment Committee shall publish advert ise ment pursuant
to Rule 22E. in order to fulfill the vacant post.

(4b) In response to the ad vertise ment published
pursuant to Sub-rule (4a), the permanent teachers of
community school workin g in the concerned le vel ma y
submit application pursuant to schedule 13A. alongwith the
proposal for development of the school.

(4c) Upon receipt of applications pursuant to Sub-rule
(4b), the Teachers Selection Committee shall for m an expert
group in order to evaluate the proposal for development of
the school which has been submitted pursuant to Sub-rule (2)
and recommend the candidate secur in g at least 70 mar ks also
on the basis o f the expert group for appointment to the post
of Head ma ster.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 94

(4d) In ca se none of the candidates could secure 70
mar ks pursuant to Sub-rule (4c) the Teachers Selection
Committee shall recommend for the appointment to the post
of Head ma ster has secured highest mar ks.

(4e) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule
(4a), in case any school does not have vacanc y of a post of
the teacher but only the post of Head ma ster is fallin g va cant,
the Teachers Selection Committee shall ma ke
recommendation for appointment to the post of Headma ster
fro m a mon gst the permanent teachers workin g in the sa me
school upon conducting competit ive e xa mination.

(4f) The Mana ge ment Committee subject to Sub-rules
(4c), (4d) and (4e) shall appoint to the post of Head master to
the candidate who has been recommended for appointment.

(5) If the school supervisor submits report statin g that

the Headma ster is not workin g satisfactorily or found to
have bad character, and Manage ment Committee also
recommend the sa me, District Education Officer ma y dismiss
such Head master fro m the post at any time.

Pro vided that, such Headma ster shall not be denied to

an opportunity to defend himsel f/hersel f before dismissal.

(5a) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule
(1), in ca se the functions o f the Head master o f a school
operated by the community is not satisfactory or his/her
conduct is bad or he/she has not carried out functions as
stated in the proposal for school develop ment which he/she
has submitted while gettin g appointment as a He adma ster,
the Manage ment Committee shall give an opportunity to
defend him/her self.

Inserted by the Third Amendment.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 95

(5b) In case one does not submit de fense pursuant to
Sub-rule (5a) or the defense so submitted is not satisfactory
such Head master ma y be relie ved from the post of
Head master at any time.

Pro vided that, the Headmaster relie ved from the post
of Head master for bein g fa iled to carry out the functions a s
per the proposal for school development submitted at the
time o f appointment a s a Head ma ster shall continue the post
of the teacher.

(6) The He adma ster shall be entitled to a monthly

allowance as follows:-

(a) Head master o f se condary school - Five

Hundred Rupees.

(b) Head master o f lower secondary school –

Three Hundred Rupees.

(c) Head master of primar y school - Two

Hundred Rupees.

94. Functions D uties and P owe rs of He admaste r: Functions

duties and powers of Head ma ster shall be as follows:-

(a) To maintain acade mic en viron ment, academic quality

and discipline,

(b) To create an environ ment of mutual co-operation

amon g teacher s and other workin g sta ff, students and
guard ians upon coordinating with the teachers and
other employees,

(c) To carryout necessar y functions for ma intainin g

disc ipline, good moral character, politeness etc. in the
school, 96

(d) To prepare progra mme s for running the classe s in the

school in consultation with the teachers, and
super vise whether or not the classes ha ve been run as
per the progra mme,

(e) To ma ke or cause to ma ke provision for sanitary,

extra curricular and other activities in the school,

(f) To operate and control the administrative functions of

the school,

( g) To admit students in school and cause to conduct

exa mination,

(h) To issue transfer and other certificate s to the


(i) To ke ep records o f sign ificant works and activitie s of

the school,

(j) To reco ver losses incurred to school property fro m the

salary if a teacher cause s such loss knowin gly or
negl igently,

(k) To take depart mental actions includin g d ismissal fro m

the ser vic e on the recommendation of the Mana ge ment
Committee, a ga inst an y teacher or e mployee
appointed in the school on its own resources who do
not perfor m their offic ial duties,

(l) To ma intain records o f the penalty given to the

teachers and other employees and to show such
records to Distr ict Education Officer and Super visor
when they want to see it,

(m) To submit reports relating conduct, behaviour and

work per for mance of teacher s and other employees to
District Education Office and Mana ge ment
Committee, 97

(n) To ma ke reco mmendation to Manage ment Committee

and District Education Office for reward and
punishment to teachers,

(o) To hold teachers meetin g at least once a month and

discuss on the school related matters and to ma intain
record thereof,

(p) To submit salary reports of the teachers and other

employee s appointed on the own resources of the
school to the Manage ment Committee for

(q) To restra in any misch ie vous activity in the premises

of school and hostel,

(r) To prepare annual progra mmes o f the school and to

implement it upon the approval o f the Mana ge ment

(s) To prepare monthly, half ye arly and annual

progra mmes relatin g to teaching and learning
activitie s in the school and to implement such
progra mmes,

(t) To send teachers to District Education Office for

trainin g with the approval of the Mana ge ment

(u) To expel any student fro m the school violatin g

disc ipline,

( v) To imple ment the curriculum and textbooks

prescribed by Go vern ment of Nepal in the school,

(w) To spend budget as per the direction and powers

entrusted to him/her by the Manage ment Committee
and to maintain or cause to ma intain the accounts of
income and expenditure, 98

(x) To conduct or cause to conduct periodical

exa minations to be held in school in a re gular, fair
and dignified manner,

(y) If more than fifteen percent of students fa il in any

subject taught by any teacher for a period of the three
consecutive year s or if any teacher commits any act
with ne gligence or a gain st disc ipline, to withhold the
grade of such teacher for a period of two year s,

(z) To take or cause to take classe s in the school daily as

prescribed by the Ministr y,

(aa) To send salary report of the teachers workin g in the

school under the posts approved by Go ve rnment of
Nepal to District Education Office for approval,

(bb) To prescr ibe functions and duties o f the teachers and

other employees workin g under him/her,

(cc) To abide or cause to abide by the directive s issued by

Mana ge ment Committee and the Distr ict Education

(dd) To send details and statistics relatin g to academic

progre ss of the school havin g it certified by the
Inspector in the format and within the time prescr ibed
by the Ministry;

(ee) To fill up the work perfor mance e valuation forms of

teachers appointed on the school's own resource s and
to submit them to the Manage ment Committee.

95. Appointment of Teac he r of C ommunit y School: (1)

District Education Office shall appoint the candidate
recommended for appointment by the Commission in the post
of a teacher within thirty days fro m the date of receipt of
such recommendation. The teacher so appointed shall attend 99

the concerned school within fifteen day fro m the date of

receipt of such appointment letter.

(2) The concerned candidate shall, prior to be

appointed pursuant to Sub-rule (1), submit his/her certificate
of acade mic qualification, Nepalese c itizen ship certificate
and health certificate in the for mat a s pro vided in Schedule-
14 to the Distr ict Education Officer.

(3) In the appointment letter to be issued pursuant to

Sub-rule (1), salary to be paid and other facilit ies, if any,
shall be referred clearly.

(4) Upon issuin g appointment letter pursuant to Sub-

rule (1), Distr ict Education Officer shall administer an oath
of office o f such teacher in for mat as pro vided in Schedule -
15, and keep his/her photo and other description in his/her
office and send one copy each to Teachers Record Office and
the concerned school.

(5) The teacher appointed pursuant Sub-rule (1) shall

fill in three copies of personal and job description for m
(sheet Roll) in the format as pro vided in Schedule -16 and
send to District Education Office within three months fro m
the date of receipt of appointment letter. The District
Education office shall send those for ms to Teachers Record
Office for ver ification.

(6) The Teacher s Record Office shall, ha vin g verified

the forms rece ived pursuant to Sub-rule (5) retain one copy
of such for ms in Record Office and sends one copy to each
the Distr ict Education Office and concerned school for
keepin g the m there.

96. Probation Period: (1) The teacher appointed pursuant to

Rule 95 shall undergo one year's probation period. 100

(2) If perfor mance o f a teacher subjected to such

probation period in accordance with Sub-rule (1) is not
found satisfactory, the appointin g authority may dismiss
such teacher from the ser vice.

97. Provi si on Re lati ng to Temporary Appoi ntment: (1)

Until any candidate has come with reco mmendation for
permanent appointment to any vacant post of go vernment
approved post, School Manage ment Committee ma y, on the
recommendation of the committee re ferred to in Sub-rule
(2), appoint temporary teacher for a per iod of six months in
ma ximum.
Provided that, the Manage ment Committee shall
appoint the teacher only after certification fro m the District
Education Office that such a post is vacant and such teacher
ma y be appointed only if subjects of higher secondary and
lower secondary match.

(2) In order to appoint teacher pursuant to Sub-rule

(1), the Manage ment Committee shall for m a three- me mber
committee under the Chairpersonship of the Chairperson of
the Manage ment Committee comprisin g o f the Head ma ster
and one local intellectual, and the committee shall, through
an open competition of the persons havin g qualificat ion to
be appointed to teacher as per the existin g Act, recommend
the person passed in such competit ive e xa mination for
appointment to the post of a teacher.

(3) The candidate takin g part in the competitive

exa mination pursuant to Sub-rule (2) shall submit certificate
of acade mic qualification, Nepalese c itizen ship certificate
and health certificate in the for mat a s pro vided in Schedule-

Inserted by the First Amendment. 101

(4) The school shall provide the informat ion of such
appointment of a teacher pursuant to Sub-rule (1) to the
District Education Officer.
(5) Notwithstanding anythin g contained in Sub-rule
(1), in case the permanent teacher is not replaced within six
months of appointing the temporar y teacher, the mana ge ment
committee ma y extend the time of the temporary teacher for
a period of six months each time. If the school extends the
time, such infor mation shall be forwarded to the District
Education Office.
(6) If a teacher is appointed not completing the
procedures as required pursuant to Sub-rule (2), the District
Education Officer shall declare such appointment invalid.

98. No Appointment or Transfer of T eacher if there is no

Vacant Post: (1) No person or teacher shall be appointed or
transfer red to the school where there is no vac ant post.

(2) In the school where there is no teacher of the

subject re ferred to in Schedule -12, any teacher of any other
subject shall not be appointed or transferr ed.

(3) If any person appoints or transfers any person or

teacher in de fiance of Sub-rule (1) or (2), the amount
expended as salary, allowance on such teacher shall be
reco vered fro m the authority that appointed or transferred

99. Provi si on Rel ating to Transfe r: (1) The teacher

interested to get transferred shall submit application in a
for mat as per Schedule-17to the District Education Office r.

(2) Generally, fe male and physically handicapped

teachers shall not be transfer red to any unsuitable place.

Inserted by the First Amendment. 102

(3) Teacher not ser vin g at lea st for F ive year s in ca se

of re mote area s declared by Go vern ment of Nepal and not
ser vin g at lea st se ven year s in one district in ca se o f other
areas shall not be transferred fro m one district to another.

Chapter -18

Salar y, Allo wances and Other Facilities

100. Sal ary and All owance s: (1) Teachers shall be entitled to
salary and allowances as spec ified by Go vern ment of Nepal
fro m the date of assu mption of his/her offic e.

(2) Except in case of su spension under these Rules, a

permanent teacher shall be entitled to one grade as
prescribed by Go vernment of Nepal upon completion of one
academic session.

101. Earned Pay to be recei ved: (1) A teacher shall, upon

completion of e ver y month, be entitled to salary and
allowances, if any.

(2) Teacher shall be entitled to salary and allowances

of the period he/she worked e ven if he/she is no longer in
ser vice for whatsoe ver rea son.

102. Provi si on relati ng to pay sc ale of the promoted

teache rs: A teacher promoted to the higher class shall get
initial pay scale of the promoted class.

Pro vided that, if the pay scale one is receivin g at

present is equal to or more than the pay scale of the
promoted class, his/her pay scale shall be prescribed as

(a) If the present pay scale is equal to the initial pay

scale of the promoted class, one grade shall be
added to his/her pay. 103

(b) If the initial pay scale o f the promoted class is

less than what he/she was receivin g, the pay scale
shall be increased to make it at par with what
he/she was receivin g and then one more grade of
the present class shall be added.

103. Provi dent Fund: (1) The school shall deduct ten percent of
amount from the monthly pay of the permanent teachers and
deposit it to the Provident Fund.

(2) Go vern ment of Nepal shall add cent-percent to the

amount deducted pursuant to Sub-rule (1).

104. Dashai n Al lowanc e to be P ai d: (1) Teacher s shall be

entitled to an amount equal to One month's salary per year a s
Dasha in Allowances.

(2) The retired teachers receivin g pension shall also be

entitled to One month's pension as Da shain e xpenses.

105. School to Bear the Expe nse of Sal ary and F acilitie s:
Notwithstandin g any thin g contained elsewhere in this
chapter, the institutional and community schools who have
appointed teachers from their own resources shall bear the
salary and fac ilitie s to be provided pursuant to this chapter
of such teachers by themsel ve s.

Chapter -19

Provision Relating to Leave and Deputatio n

106. Leave for t he Te ache rs: (1) The teachers shall be entitled
to receive the followin g type s of lea ves.

(a) Casual lea ve six da ys in a year.

(b) Festival lea ve s up to six days in a year.

(c) Sic k lea ve up to twelve days in a year. 104

(d) Maternity lea ves up to sixty days be fore or

after childbirth.

(e) Obsequie s lea ve up to fifteen days.

(f) Extraordinary lea ve s not exce edin g one

year at a time and three years durin g the
whole period of ser vice.

( g) Study leave up to three years at once or in

compart ment.

(2) Casual leave and fest ival lea ve may be taken for
e ven half a day. The se lea ve s shall not be accumulated.

(3) The teachers may ha ve the sick lea ve accu mulated

or carried forward to the next year. Te achers shall ha ve their
sic k lea ve cert ified by the super visor. If a teacher retire s
fro m the ser vice for any r eason, he/she shall receive the
money for his/her accu mulated lea ve in one in stallment on
the basis of h is/her monthly pay.

(4) If a teacher is seriously ill and his/her accumulated

leave is not sufficient for treatment, he/she may take
additional sic k lea ve o f up to Twel ve days in ad vance by
producing the med ical certificate in the course of h is/her
treatment fro m re gistered doctor. The sic k lea ve ta ken in
advance by the teacher shall be condoned in the case o f

(5) If an y teacher dies be fore re ceivin g the cash

amount for the accumulated sickness lea ve, such amount
shall be paid to his/her nominee or to his closest heir.

(6) The maternity lea ve shall be granted only for twice.

(7) Only the teacher who needs to perfor m obsequie s

rites shall be granted such a leave. Fe male teacher, whose 105

husband needs to perform obsequies r ites, shall also get the

leave for perfor min g obsequies r ites o f the deceased relative.

(8) Except in case o f fallin g sic k, a teacher not

completin g a per manent ser vice per iod of five years shall not
be entitled to extraordinary lea ve.

(9) Study leave may be gr anted to permanent teachers

completin g five years o f ser vice for higher studies.

(10) Teacher on casual leave, fe stival lea ve, sick lea ve,
obsequies lea ve, maternity lea ve and study leave shall be
entitled full salary.

(11) No teachers on e xtraordinary lea ve shall be

entitled to salary.

107. Aut horit y to Approve Le ave: (1) The School Manage ment
Committee shall approve the leave o f the Head master and the
Head master shall approve the leave o f other teachers.

Provided that, the Headmaster him/hersel f may re main

on casual leave or fe stival leave not exceedin g three days at
a time. If the Head master ha s to take more da ys as casual or
fe stival lea ve, he/she shall infor m the Chairper son of the
Mana ge ment Committee.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), only the District Education Officer ma y approve the
extraordinary lea ve and study lea ve o f the Head master on the
recommendation of the School Manage ment Committee.

108. Leave Wit hout Approval not t o be C ounted in Se rvice

Peri od: Days on which a teacher re ma ins absent at duty
without gettin g a lea ve appro ved shall not be counted in the
ser vice per iod.

109. Leave for Temporary Teac he rs: If a te mporary teacher

leaves his/her job without utilizin g the summer vacation or 106

the winter vac ation, he/she shall receive the a mount for the
leave ha vin g calculated ten months as an annual duration of
work for the time he/she wor ked.

110. Leave onl y a fac ilit y: Lea ve shall only be a fac ilit y and is
not a matter of right.

111. Deputati on and D ail y All owance s: (1) The teacher

deputed to attend any meetin g, con ference or a se minar shall
be on deputation for the period as re ferred to in the order of
the Directorate or the District Education Offic e.

(2) A teacher and Headma ster ma y go on deputation

for the work o f the school for a period of one wee k in
ma ximum with the approval of the Headma ster and the
chairperson of the Mana ge ment Committee respectively.

(3) The school issuin g tra vel order to the teacher to go

to other school in which he/she has been transferred shall
also give the daily allowance s and tra velin g allowance a s
specified by the Ministr y.

Pro vided that, teacher gettin g transferred on their own

shall not be entitled to the travel and daily allowances under
this sub-rule.

(4) The Depart ment ma y on the recommendation of the

union, approve the deputation of two of the teachers who are
the me mbers o f the central committee of the teachers union
for up to three years, for a period of one year at a time.

(5) In case an y school have more post of teacher in
proportion to the number o f students, such posts shall be
transfer red to the post of re ser ve pool of the District
Education Committee and such teachers ma y be deputed to
Deleted by the Third Amendment.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 107

any school which has in sufficient teachers in proportion to

the number of students.

112. Provi si ons of this Chapte r not to be applic able:

Notwithstandin g anythin g contained elsewhere in this
chapter, the provisions o f this chapter shall not be applicable
to the teachers of the in stitutional and communit y schools
who are to be paid from school's own re source.

Chapter -20

Pensio n, Gratuity, Medical Expenditures

and other Provisions

113. Pensi on: Teachers, appointed in the permanent posts

approved by Go vern ment of Nepal and completed a ser vice
period of at lea st twenty year s, shall be entitled to a monthly
pension at the followin g rate :-

Total ser vice period x last month's salar y = Total


(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), the minimu m a mount of pension shall not be less than

half and more than init ial pay scale o f the teacher o f the
sa me post in ser vice in ma ximu m o f the in itial pay scale of a
teacher enga ged in the sa me post.

114. Period of service to be Counted: With re gard to counting o f

ser vice period for the purpose o f pension, it shall be counted
as follows:-

(a) With re gard to teachers teaching since prior to the

introduction of the National Education Plan, 2028
(1972), if such teacher has been continuously workin g
receivin g appointment as a permanent teacher in any

Inserted by the Second Amendment. 108

approved school, his/her ser vice period shall be

counted fro m the date of per manent appointment e ven
he/she had entered before the introduction of the
National Education Syste m Plan, 2028 (1972).

(b) In case of teacher s ha vin g been permanently

appointed and havin g reentered into the School
Education Service a fter ha vin g d iscontinued the
ser vice period in betwe en, the period in which one
was en ga ged in such post of go vern ment teacher shall
also be counted into the ser vice per iod.

(c) In case of teachers ha vin g entered into the teaching

ser vice a fter the introduction of National Education
Plan, 2028 (1972), the continuous total ser vice period
since per manent appointment shall be counted.

(d) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in clauses (a), (b)

and (c), no period of extraordinary leave, unpaid
leave and leave or deputation without approval shall
be counted in the ser vice per iod.

(e) While calculatin g the period of per manent ser vice, the
period of brea k o f the ser vice, if any, shall be

(f) If the person once retired on pension is appointed to a
post of teacher, the earlier period of ser vice shall be
counted if he/she so desires.

114A. Proce dures Relati ng to counting of Se rvi ce Period:
(1) The teacher in ser vice who wants to ha ve h is/her per iod
of ser vice counted pursuant to Rule 114 shall, within one
year fro m the date of commence ment of these Rules and the

Amended by the Second Amendment.

Inserted by the Second Amendment. 109

teachers to ha ve appointed after the co mmence ment o f
these Rules shall, within Two year fro m gettin g the
appointment time, get their ser vice per iod counted from the
Teachers Records Office. After the said time limit, no such
ser vice per iod shall be counted.

(2) If any teacher retired fro m ser vice on gratuity

has been reappointed to the teachers ser vice and he/she
wants to have his/her ser vice period counted pursuant to
Sub-rule (1), his/her ser vice per iod shall be counted only if
he/she refunds the amount of gratuity which he/she has
received earlier.

(3) The teacher ha vin g his/she ser vice per iod counted
pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall, if he/she has ta ken study
leave, extraordinary lea ve, allowances for med ical expense s
and amount of in surance, submit particulars thereo f to the
Teachers R ecords Office.

114B. Service Pe riod Dete rmination Rec ommendation
Committee: (1) If there ar ise s any confusion with re gard to
counting ser vice period of a teacher in the circumstance
refe rred to in Clause (a) of Rule 114 there shall be a Service
Period Deter mination Reco mmendation Committee in order
to recommend to the Teachers Records Office ha vin g
determined such ser vice period :-

(a) District Education Office -Con vener

(b) Representative o f the District Education

Office - Me mber

(c) Head master o f the concerned school -


Amended by the Third Amendment. 110

(2) Meetings and other proceedings of the Co mmittee

refe rred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be as determined by the
Committee itsel f.

115. Famil y Pensi on: (1) If a teacher die s while in ser vic e or
before co mpletion of se ven year s o f gettin g pension, the
person nominated, if any, by the deceased teacher fro m
amon gst me mber s o f his fa mily shall be entitled to the
pension and if the person so no minated also d ies or if no one
is so nominated, the nearest heir of his/her fa mily shall be
entitled to the pension.

Pro vided that, such pension shall not be given for more
than se ven year s and if a teacher die s be fore se ven year s o f
the retirement with pension, no pension shall be made
a vailable to his/her fa mily a fter co mpletion of se ven years.

(2) If the widowed wife or widower husband of a

teacher is entitled to family pension pursuant to Sub-rule (1)
because her husband or his wife is dead before co mpletion of
se ven years a fter gettin g pension, he/she shall be entitled to
half of the amount of pension throughout his/her life a fter
completion of the said per iod and if he/she is not entitled to
such pension or after the date of death of such teacher upon
expir y of se ven year s of gettin g pension.

Pro vided that, a teacher who received pension under

this Rule shall not be entitled to receive double pension.

116. Life long Famil y Pensi on (Briti): If a teacher die s due to

accident or due to injuries susta ined because of the accident,
the widowed wife or widower husband of the deceased
teacher shall be entitled to fifty percent of the minimu m
amount of pension which such a teacher is entitled to
throughout the life. 111

117. Proceedi ngs Rel ating t o Pension: (1) After appointment,

the teacher shall submit three copie s o f the for m in a for mat
as pro vided in Schedule -18 to the school in which he/she is
workin g.

(2) If the teacher not submittin g the for m pursuant to

Sub-rule (1) is gettin g mandatory retire ment because of
his/her a ge, he/she shall submit the for m a s re fer red to in
Sub-rule (1) nine month earlier before his/her retire ment to
the school where he/she is en ga ged.

(3) If any teacher dies be fore fillin g in the for m

pursuant to Sub-rule (1) or (2), the person nominated fro m
amon gst the fa mil y me mbers and if such person also dies or
no person is nominated, the family me mber of the deceased
eligible to receive the pension shall, within three months
fro m the death of the teacher, submit the for m ha vin g filled
in as re ferred to in Sub-rule (1) to concerned school.

(4) The person fillin g in the form in accordance with

this Rule shall clearly state the district in which he/she
wants to rece ive the authority letter of pension or fa mily
pension (bi rti ).

(5) Upon receipt of for ms pursuant to Sub-rules (1),

(2) or (3), the chairperson of the School Manage ment
Committee shall forward the for m filled in by the
Head master and the Headma ster shall certify the forms filled
in by the teacher s and retain one copy o f the for m at the
school and forward other two copie s o f for ms to the
concerned District Education Office.

(6) Upon receipt of the forms pursuant to Sub-rule (5),

the Distr ict Education Office shall conduct necessar y inquiry
and certify the for ms received and retain one copy of the 112

for m it self and for ward another copy to the Teachers

Records Office.

(7) Upon receipt of the forms pursuant to Sub-rule (6),

the Teachers Records Office shall check and ver ify it with
records ma intained thereat and issue authority letter of
pension in the for mat re ferred to in schedule- 19 in the na me
of the retired teacher if it is the for m re ferred to in Sub-rule
(1) or (2) and the authority letter of fa mil y pension in the
name o f the claimant of the deceased teacher in the format a s
refe rred to in schedule- 20 if it is the form as re fe rred to in
Sub-rule (3).

118. Inc reme nt in Pension of Reti re d Te ache rs: The a mount

of pension of r etired teachers shall be increa sed at the rate
of two third of the a mount increased in the initial pay scale
of the teacher en ga ged in ser vice and belongin g to the
concerned class of the teacher so retired.

119. Grat uity: (1) If an y per manent teacher ha vin g co mpleted a

ser vice period of five year s or more but not being eligible to
get pension or ha vin g le ft the School Education Service by
gettin g approved resignat ion or havin g been dismissed fro m
the School Education Ser vic e ha vin g been rendered
disqualified for educational ser vice in the future, shall be
entitled to gratuity as follows:-

(a) For teachers ser vin g for a period of five to

ten years, half o f the salar y of the last
month for each year o f ser vice,

(b) For teachers ser vin g for a per iod more than
ten years to fifteen year s, the salary o f the
last one month for each year of ser vice,

(c) For teachers ser vin g for a per iod more than
fifteen years and not completing twenty 113

year s, the salary o f the last one and half

month for each year o f ser vice.

(2) If a teacher die s be fore r eceivin g gratuity and if

he/she has nominated a person amongst the members o f
his/her fa mil y, the person so nominated and, if the person
nominated also dies or if no person is nominated, the nearest
heir of his/her fa mily shall be entitled to the said gratuity.

120. Circ umstance s in whic h Pensi on or Gratuity not be

given: (1) A teacher shall not be entitled to pension or
gratuity in the followin g c ircu mstance s:-

(a) If appointed to a temporary post.

(b) If dismissed fro m se r vice ha vin g been

rendered disqualified for educational
ser vice in future.

(c) If it is pro ved that one has given fal se

infor mat ion about the academic
qualific ation, a ge, na me, surna me, father
and grand father's na me per manent address
or citizensh ip for the purpose of gettin g or
bein g continued into ser vic e.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), the amount received before provin g gu ilty shall not be

121. Pensi on or Gratuit y to be withhel d: If a teacher does not

hand over char ge as per these Rules, the pension or gratuity
he/she is entitled to shall be withheld.

121A. Pension and Sal ary N ot to Recei ve at the same Ti me:
If a person retired on pension as per these Rules is
reappointed permanently to post of teacher of a community

Inserted by the Second Amendment. 114

school, he/she shall not be entitled to pension during the

period in which he/she is en ga ged in the ser vice.

122. Medical Expense s: (1) Per manent teachers shall be entitled

to get medical expense s on the basis of their salary a mount
as follows:-

(a) Salary amount equal to twelve months for

Secondary school teachers,

(b) Salary a mount equal to ten months for

Lower Secondary school teachers,

(c) Salary a mount equal to twenty one months

for Pr imar y school teachers.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), Primary and Lower Secondary School teachers havin g
the initial pay scale equal to that of Secondary School
Teacher shall be given med ical expense equal to the exist in g
pay scale of the Secondary teacher, and the Primary School
teacher havin g the initial pay scale equal to that of the
Lower Secondary school teacher shall receive medical
expenses equal to that of the Lower Secondary teacher.

(3) If any teacher or any of his/her fa mily me mber s

falls sic k, medical expense not exceedin g the amount
refe rred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be provided as follows:-

(a) Amount spent for medical check-up by an

approved doctor and expenses for buyin g
med icine a s per prescription of the doctor.

(b) Expenditure incurred as per bills for

admittin g in health care institution and for
treatment. 115

(c) Expenditure incurred as per bills for all

kinds o f sur gical operations, e xcept plastic
sur ger y.

(4) While givin g medic al expenses to teachers havin g

less than Twenty year s o f ser vice, medical expenses shall be
provided in the ratio o f the number of ye ars se r ve by the m
rendered upon calculating total ser vice per iod as Twenty
year s.

(5) Teacher s lea vin g the ser vice in an y c ircu mstance

except havin g been dismissed fro m the ser vice be in g
rendered disqualified for educational ser vice in the future
shall be entitled to lump sum a mount of med ical expense s
which he/she is entitled to under these Rules if such a mount
is re main in g to be paid either after gettin g so me a mount or
not gettin g any a mount.

(6) Except in cases of treat ment carried out being

admitted in any medical institution or ha vin g gone abroad
under this Rule, while givin g a mount of medical e xpense s to
teachers once or fro m time to time in one fiscal year, the
period of twenty years shall be regarded as entire period of
the ser vice and only the amount of one year in proportion
thereof shall be given as medical expense s.

(7) The District Education Officer shall ma intain the

record of the medical e xpenses pro vided to the teachers as
per this Rule and copies of such record shall be for warded to
the concerned school and Teachers Records Office and to the
Dire ctorate.

(8) Teacher s request in g or rece ivin g medical e xpense s

havin g produced false content shall be taken departmental
actions. 116

123. Pensi on and Gratuit y of the Missi ng Teac he rs: (1) In

case a teacher ha s been missin g or d isappear in g for a per iod
of five year s and it is not known whether he/she is livin g or
dead, the amount of gr atuity or pension shall be given to
his/her fa mily.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), if the person who is entitled to pension disappears
before rec eivin g it, the full a mount of pension shall be
provided to his/her family for se ven ye ars. If he/she
disappears before se ven year s o f rec eivin g the pension, such
pension shall be given to his/her fa mil y me mber up to se ven
year s and thereafter half of the amount of pension shall be
given to the husband or wife of the concerned person
throughout life.

(3) If the missin g teacher reappears, the gratuity he/she

is entitled to, if not already paid, or the amount of pension
shall, from the date on which he/she claims, be given to

Pro vided that, no amount of gr atuity, pension or fa mily

pension already paid shall be claimed by the person so

124. Educ ati onal Allowances and Progeny Allowances: (1)

In ca se any teacher d ies a s a consequence of any cau se
refe rred to in Rule 116 or as a consequence of prolonged
illness because of the sa me, an annual educational allowance
shall be provided to two children in ma ximu m of such
teacher until the children attain the age of Eighteen year s.

(a) Nine hundred rupees to each child of the

Secondary level teacher, 117

(b) Se ven hundred rupees to each child of the

teacher of Lowe r Secondary and Primar y
school teachers.

(2) In addition to educational allowances re ferred to in

Sub-rule (1), progeny allowances shall be provided to two
children in maximu m o f the teacher died because of any
reason refe rred to in Rule 116 as per the following rate until
they attain the age of e ighteen year s.

Teacher Percenta ge of
initial salar y

(a) Secondary level 1 s t class 8

(b) Secondary level 2 n d and 10

3 r d classes

(c) Others 12

125. Al lowance s (briti) Recommendati on C ommittee: (1)

There shall be an Allowances Recommendation Committee
comprisin g of the followin g me mbers in order to make
recommendation of allowances to be entitled to the fa mil y or
children of a teacher who has died in the course of
perfor min g any act of the school.

(a) Chie f Distr ict Officer - Chairperson

(b) Chie f of Distr ict Police -Me mber


(c) Head master o f the concerned -Me mber


(d) Chie f of Distr ict Health - Member 118


(d1) One Representative o f - Member
District Teachers Union

(e) District Education Officer -Me mber-


(2) The committee re ferred to in Sub-rule (1) shall

determine whether the death of the teacher was in the course
of per for min g any wor k of the school and ma ke
recommendation on the allowances to the fa mil y or children
of such a teacher.

126. School Te ache rs Record Office: (1) There shall be a

School Teachers Records Office under the Ministry to ma ke
necessar y pro visions for pension, fa mily pension,
educational allowances, gratuity, insurance, medical
expenses and so on.

(2) Functions, duties and powers o f Te achers Records

Office shall be as follows:-

(a) To update the records of ser vices o f the


(b) To ma ke nece ssary arran ge ments

concerning pension and gratuity o f the

(c) To require necessar y in for mation fro m

concerned Directorate and District
Education Officer to prepare personal
details for pro vidin g pension, gratuity,

Inserted by the Second Amendment. 119

med ical expense s, and insurance a mount to

the teachers,

(d) To in for m the teacher concerned about

his/her date of retire ment six month in

(e) To approve or cau se to approve annual

salary report of the teachers,

(f) To operate pension fund,

( g) To release a mount of pension, gratuity,

insurance, medical e xpenses and other

(h) To do other works relating to pension and


(i) To perfor m works relatin g to counting the

period of ser vice o f the teachers,

(j) To abide by the directive s issued by the


(3) Other functions, duties and powers of Teacher s

Records Office shall be as prescr ibed by the Ministry.

127. Insurance Provisi on: Go vern ment of Nepal ma y cause to

adopt insurance of the permanent teachers. If any teacher is
not insured and dies while bein g in ser vic e, the amount of
insurance shall be provided in lump su m to the nominated
person and if no person is no minated, to the nearest claimant
of his/her fa mily:-

(a) Thirty thousand rupees for Secondary School teacher,

(b) Twenty thousand Rupees for Lower Secondary and

Primar y School teachers. 120

127A. Advisory Committee: (1) There shall be an Ad visor y
Committee comprisin g of the followin g me mber s for
necessar y help to Teacher 's Records Office in relation to
solvin g problems of teachers pension, fa mily pension,
educational allowances, progen y support, gratitude,
insurance or med ical treatment :-

(a) Joint Secretary o f the Min istr y as -Chairperson

specified by the Ministr y

(b) Office Chie f, Kaushi Tosakhana, -Me mber

(c) Representative, (Bud get and

Pro gra mme Sect ion) Ministr y of -Me mber

(d) Under Secretary (  School Education

Section) Ministr y -Me mber

(e) Under Secretary ( Le gal Sect ion)

-Me mber

(f) Representative, C ivil Ser vant

Record Keepin g Offic e -Me mber

( g) Office in-char ge, Teacher Record -Me mber-

Keepin g Office Secretary

(2) Teachers Records Office shall work as the

Secretariat of the Ad visory Co mmittee.

(3) The procedure relating to meetin gs o f the Ad visor y

Committee shall be as determined by the committee itsel f.

Inserted by the First Amendment.

Amended by the Third Amendment. 121

(4) The me mber o f the Ad visory Co mmittee shall be

entitled to meetin g allowance for attending the me etin g a s
approved by the Ministr y of F inance.

128. Speci al P rovi si ons Rel ating to Gratuit y and Pension:

(1) Notwithstanding anythin g contained elsewhere in this

Chapter, the teacher of fre sh appointment a fter the date
prescribed by Go ve rnment o f Nepal by publishin g a notice in
the Nepal Gazette shall not be entitled to gratuity or pension
under this Chapter. Go vern ment of Nepal ma y set up a fund
by publishin g a notice in the Nepal Ga zette to provide
gratuity or pension to such teachers.

(2) The teacher shall ha ve to deduct the amount as

prescribed through the notice to deposit it to the Fund set-up
as per Sub-rule (1) from his/her monthly salary.

(3) If the teacher appointed pursuant to Sub-rule (1)

leaves the ser vice be fore co mpleting pensionable period,
he/she shall be entitled to withdraw the amount deposited in
his/her name a s per Sub-rule (2).

Pro vided that, if a teacher has been dismissed fro m the

ser vice and Go vern ment of Nepal ha s deposited an y a mount
in his/her na me, such teacher shall not be entitled such

129. Provi si on of this Chapte r not to be Applic able:

Notwithstandin g anythin g contained elsewhere in this
Chapter, the provision of this Chapter shall not be applicable
to the teachers of institutional schools and also those
teachers appointed by Community school bearing the
expenses on its own resources. Such teachers shall receive
the facilitie s as per this Chapter from the school as
prescribed by the Manage ment Committee.

Amended by the Second Amendment. 122


Provisions Relating to Re tire ment

130. Voluntary Reti rement: The appointing o fficial ma y at any
time give per mission to retire to any teacher desirin g to
retire ment.

131. Mandatory Reti rement: (1) Any teacher attainin g the a ge

of Sixty yea rs shall be given retire ment from the ser vice o f
the school.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Rule, the age of a

teacher shall be counted as follows:

(a) The a ge a s to be calculated from the date of

birth or year re fer red to in his/her
educational certificates submitted at the
time o f appointment.

(b) If there is no such record, the date of birth

or year re ferred to by him/her at the time o f

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), a teacher ma y be given retire ment from ser vice in the
followin g c ircu mstance s:-

(a) If a teacher is unable to obtain permanent

teaching license within the time pre scribed
pursuant to Sub-section (5) of Section 11E.
of the Act.

(b) If a teacher whose teachin g subject is not

taught in the school and who does not
participation in tra inin g e ven he/she is
given opportunity for tra inin g in other
subjects or there is no situation to transfer 123

him/her to any school where his subject is

bein g taught.

(3) A teacher of a co mmunity school who does not

appear in school within fifteen days o f the date of
completion of extraordinary lea ve or study lea ve shall be
given retire ment from the ser vice.

(4) Post of a teacher of a community school fallen

vacant due to retirement of a teacher pursuant to Sub-rule
(2) clause (b) shall ipso facto be cancelled.

132. Speci al P rovision Rel ating to Reti reme nt: If the

Medical Board constituted by Go vern ment of Nepal
recommends that any teacher o f a co mmunity school is
unable to continue his/her ser vice due to physical ill-health,
the Ministry may grant retire ment with pension to such
teacher even if h is/her ser vice period is not completed for
pension by addin g upto Five ye ars more per iod to ma ke up
necessar y ser vice per iod for pension only if the addition of
Five year s ma y co ver required period for pension.


Code of Co nduct for Te achers and Students

133. Code s of c onduct to be f oll owed by Teac he r: (1)
Teachers shall abide by the following codes o f conduct:

(a) To carry out prescribed tasks at the place

where he/she is a ssigned

(b) To be present in school regularly in the

prescribed time and sign on attendance
re gister mentionin g time of co min g in and
go in g out, and shall not be absent in school
without gettin g prior per mission for lea ve, 124

(c) Not to influence or attempt to influence

any body politically with the intention of
fulfillin g ve sted interest in connection
his/her ser vice.

(d) Not to publish any article in his/her real or

nick na me or give an y infor mat ion,
statement or speech to communication
med ia like press or radio or television or
any other media jeopardiz in g the
harmonious relation between Gove rnment
of Nepal and the people and the relation of
Nepal with any foreign country,

(e) To re gard teachin g and study as his/her

ma in motto with the objective o f ma kin g
students good citizen,

(f) To encourage obedience, discipline, good

fa ith, co-operation, morality, sympathy,
patience and good conduct,

( g) Not to spread feelin gs of hatred a gain st any

langua ge, religion or a mon gst teacher s or

(h) Teacher wor kin g in a communit y school

shall not work out side the school where
he/she has been appointed without takin g
permission fro m Mana ge ment Committee
and District Education Officer,

(i) To work for br in gin g e motional unity in the

country havin g ra ised national spirit
through the medium of school or
educational institution, 125

(j) Not to hold demonstration, Gherao, strike,

lock-up, so as to underminin g the
so vere ignty and inte gr ity of Nepal or
disturbin g public peace and security,
fore ign relation, public decency or
resultin g in contempt of court, or causin g
obstruction to any go ve rnment authority or
officer in perfor min g his/her duties as
provided by law,

(2) The Headma ster and the Manage ment Committee

shall, in case o f teachers and He adma ster re spectively,
ma intain records whether or not the codes of conduct
refe rred to in sub-clause (1), are followed and shall send the
details to the concerned District Education Office if the
codes of conduct are not followed.

134. Code s of Conduct to be followed by Stude nts: Students

shall abide by the code of conduct as follows:

(a) To be obedient to and to respect teachers,

(b) To follow discipline both inside the school and

e ver ywhere outside,

(c) To be always e ffortful for promotion of nationalism,

langua ge and culture,

(d) To actively partic ipate in pro gra mme s or ganized by

the school,

(e) To behave in polite manner with all,

(f) To abide by other codes of conduct prescribed by the

Mana ge ment Committee, 126


Provisions Relating to Punishment

135. Punishment: If there are r easonable and adequate grounds,
the followin g departmental actions may be taken a ga inst a

(a) Censure,

(b) Withholding salary incre ment (grade) for a ma ximu m

period of Five year s,

(c) Withholding of pro motion for upto Two years,

(d) Remo vin g fro m ser vice not renderin g d isqualified for
educational service in future,

(e) Dismissin g fro m se r vice renderin g disqualified for

educational service in future.

136. Censure : Punishment of censure may be imposed if a teacher

does not follow timetable for comin g to school, takin g class
and goin g out.

137. Withholding of promotion for Two or withholding of a

maximum Five year salary increments (grade): Punishment
of withholding of promotion for upto Two years or withholding of a
maximum of Five years salary increments (grade) may be imposed
on a teacher, in any of the following circumstances:

(a) If co mmits in disc iplinary act,

(b) If does not follow school time table and

a gain,

(c) If violates codes o f conduct,

(d) If does not participate in trainin gs or
instruction as per deputation,

Inserted by the First Amendment. 127

(e) If the Head ma ster does not send the
selected teacher to participate in the
trainin gs or instruction progra mme.

138. Removal or Dismissal from Se rvice: (1) A teacher shall

be remo ved fro m the ser vice in cir cumstances r e ferred to in
clauses (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Sub-rule (5) of Rule 16E.

(2) A teacher ma y be dismissed fro m the ser vice

havin g been rendered disqualified for educational ser vice in
future in the following c ircu mstances:-

(a) If sentenced by a court in a criminal char ge

in vol vin g moral turpitude,

(b) If co mmits corruption.

139. Amount of Loss to School to be Rec ove red: If a teacher

commits any act knowin gl y or reckle ssl y which causes any
loss to the school, the amount of loss shall be recovered
fro m such teacher as a go vern ment due.

140. Procedure s Re lating t o P unishment: (1) The authority to

impose punishment shall, prior to passin g an order of
punishment, give an opportunity to the concerned teacher to
defend himself/hersel f. While givin g an opportunity to
defend, the charge a gainst him/her and punish ment shall be
clearly stated. In such a case, the concerned teacher shall
also submit his/her defense within the prescribed time.

(2) If the teacher does not submit his/her defen se

pursuant to Sub-rule (1) or if the de fense submitted is not
found to be satisfactory, the authority to impose punishment
shall require explanation aga in upon proposin g the
punishment. 128

141. To be Suspe nded: (1) If it is nece ssary to in ve stigate on

any matter before givin g an order of punishment to any
teacher, the authority to impose punish ment may suspend
such teacher and generally such suspension shall not exceed
three months.

(2) The teacher arrested on any cr iminal o ffence

in vol vin g moral turpitude and detained in custody shall be
deemed to have been i pso facto suspended during such
period of detention. The teacher suspended in such a way
shall not be entitled to salary and other allowances for the
time o f suspension.

(3) If a teacher is rein stated to his or her post or is no

longer in se r vice, su spension of such teacher shall be
deemed to have been ceased.

(4) If a teacher has been suspended pursuant to Sub-

rule (1) he or she shall be entitled to half of h is or her salar y
during the period of such suspension.

Pro vided that, if no char ge a gainst a teacher is pro ved

and the teacher is acquitted, he/she shall be entitled to half
of the salary ha vin g deducted another half of the salary if
he/she has got, and full salary if he/she has not got half
salary earl ier.

142. Punishment t o be Imposed: If the explanation submitted

by the teacher pursuant to Section 140 is not found to be
satisfactory, the authority to impose punish ment shall
impose punish ment on such a teacher upon stating rea sons

143. Aut horit y t o i mpose P uni shme nt: (1) The authority to
impose punish ment shall be as follows:- 129

(a) Head master to give order of admonition or

withholding two-salary incre ment ( grade)
to teachers and Manage ment Committee to
give order to withhold more salary
incre ment ( grade),

(b) District Education Officer to give

admonition or withholding salary incre ment
( grade) of Head ma ster,

(c) District Education Officer to give order to

withhold promotion,

(d) The concerned Director to remo ve or

dismiss fro m the ser vice.

(1a) Notwithstandin g an ythin g contained in clause s
(b), (c) or (d) of Sub-rule (1), the Manage ment Co mmittee
shall be the authority to punish the teachers and Head ma ster
of the school operated by community under those clauses.

(2) Headma ster or Manage ment Committee shall

infor m the District Education Officer in relation to the
punishment imposed as per clause (a) o f Sub-rule (1).

(3) Infor mat ion as to the punishment imposed by
Head master or Mana ge ment Committee pursuant to Sub-
section (1a) shall be furnished to the District Education
Officer and Teachers Re cord Office.

144. Procedure s and Provisi ons of this Chapte r not to be

Applic able: (1) No procedure or provision of this chapter
shall be applicable with re gard to imposin g punish ment on
the following teacher s:-

(a) No procedure of this chapter need to be

followed while takin g act ions a ga inst

Inserted by the Third Amendment.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 130

teachers temporaril y appointed to the posts

approved by Go vern ment of Nepal in the
community schools,

(b) No provision of this chapter shall be

applicable with re gard to the teachers
appointed to an institutional school or
teachers appointed by a community school
bearin g expenses on its own.

(2) With re gard to imposin g punishment to teachers

refe rred to in clause (b) of Sub-rule (1), the concerned
Mana ge ment Co mmittee may pro vide for necessar y


Classific atio n of Sc hools

145. Classific ation of Schools: (1) Schools shall be classified
in four cate gor ie s as follows on the basis a s re ferred to in

(a) "A" class school

(b) "B " cla ss school

(c) "C " cla ss school

(d) "D" class school

(2) The committee referred to in Rule 145A. shall
classify schools pursuant to Sub-rule (1).

(3) If any school belongin g to lower class a s per the

classification made pursuant to these Rules wants to be
re gistered in higher class upon fulfillin g necessar y
requirements, such school shall submit an application to the
District Education Officer.

Amended by the Third Amendment. 131

(4) If an application is submitted pursuant to Sub-rule

(3), the committee as re ferred to in Rule 145A. shall
conduct on-the-spot inspection of the school and if the
school is found to be reasonable to be registered in the
higher class, the committee shall include the school in the
higher class as requested.

(5) If any school which has been included in a higher

class at the time o f cla ssification made a s per these Rules is
not found to have fulfilled necessar y require ments for

inclusion in that class, the committee as re fe rred to in Rule
145A. shall include such school in the lower class on the
basis of the require ments fulfilled by the school.

Pro vided that, the concerned school shall not be

deprived of an opportunity to defend itself before be in g
included in lower class.

(6) A school not satisfied with the decision made in

connection with the classification pursuant to with this Rule
ma y, within Thirty Five days o f the decision, file a
complaint at the concerned Directorate and the decision
made by the Directorate shall be final in this re gard.

145A.Schools Cl assific ation and Fees Monit oring
Committee: (1) These shall be a Schools Clarification and
Fees Monitorin g Co mmittee in each district as follows in
order to classify schools, to give reco mmendation to the
Ministry with re gard to the fee s that ma y be le vied by
schools and to monitor weather or not the schools have
applied the determined fee s:-

(A) In case of co mmunity schools,-

(1) District Education Officer - Convener

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 132

(2) Member of District - Member

De velop ment Committee or a
local intellectual nominated
by Distr ict De velopment

(3) One teacher nominated fro m - Member

the Teachers Union

(4) One person nominated by the - Member

District Education Officer
fro m a mon gst Chairper son's
of the community schools

(5) Schools inspector designated - Member

by the Distr ict Education Secretary

(B) In case of the institutional Schools,-

(1) District Education Officer - Convener

(2) Chairperson or Member of - Member

Parents Or gan ization or in
absence of such an
organ izational, Two persons
nominated fro m the District
Education Office r fro m
amon gst parents

(3) One Representative o f the - Member

District De velopment

(4) One Representative o f the - Member

private Boardin g Schools 133

Or gan ization

(5) One Representative o f the -Me mber

National private Boardin g
Schools Or ganization

(6) One educationist nominated -Me mber

by Distr ict De velopment

(7) Officer lookin g a fter - Member

institutional schools at the Secretary
District Education Office

(2) The committee re ferred to in Sub-rule (1) ma y

in vite the Representative o f the organizat ions relatin g to
woman, dalit and indigenous peoples in its meetin g relatin g
to fees deter mination.

(3) The procedures relatin g to meetin g of the

committee referred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be as determined
by the committee itsel f.


Provision Relating to Fees

146. Fees and Deposit t o be charged by Schools: (1) Subject
to the provision of Rule 147, a school may impose the
followin g fee s and deposit fro m students: -

(a) Monthly tuition fee,

(b) Annual fee for sports, e xtra activitie s

laboratory, repair and maintenance, library

Amended by the Third Amendment. 134

and fir st a id not exceedin g the monthly

tuition fee of two months,

(b1) Enrolment fee not exceedin g the monthly
tuition fee of class to be enrolled for the
one time while enrolled at the fir st time,

(c) Miscellaneous fee

(1) Exa mination fe e

(2) Computer fee

(3) Migration certificate fee

(4) Special trainin g ( Judo, Martial arts,

swimmin g, sin gin g dancin g) fees

(5) Residence fee

(6) Transportation fee

(7) Meal fee

(2) Notwithstanding anythin g contained in clauses
(a), (b), (b1) and (c) of Sub-rule (1), no su ch a fee shal l be
levie d from t he st ude nt s st udyi ng at primary leve l and
lowe r se condary le vel of communit y schools and from
the st udents studying at se condary le vel s of communit y
schools as re fe rred t o i n Rule 152.

(3) Instit uti onal school may t ake de posi t amount

equal to the t uiti on fee for one mont h and such amount
shal l be re funde d imme di atel y if t he st ude nt le aves the

(4) A school shall not charge any fee for more t han
twe lve mont hs in one acade mi c ye ar.

Inserted by the Fourth Amendment

Amended by the Fourth Amendment 135

(5) A school may le vy t he fee re fe rred t o in Sub-

rule (1) to the st udent s util izing such faci litie s onl y for
the t ime duri ng whi ch such facil ities have bee n used.

147. Provi si ons Relati ng to fee: (1) Fees to be le vied to

students by a school shall be separate for schools conducted
as co mmunity school, institutional school or educational

(2) A school shall send through the committee
refe rred to in Rule 145A. to the min istr y the proposed fee
structure to be levied to students for the forth comin g fiscal
year on the basis of schedule - 22prior to two months of the
date of beginnin g o f the fiscal ye ar.

(3) If the proposed fe e structure is submitted pursuant

to Sub-rule (2), the Ministr y shall enquire whether or not the
proposed fee structure is prepared on the basis o f Schedule -
22, and if it is found otherwise, M inistry shall approve the
upper limit of the fe e structure with necessa ry a mend ments.

(4) Subject to the fees appro ved by the Ministr y in

accordance with Sub-rule (3), the school shall, in
consultation with executive co mmittee of the Parents
Teachers Association, fix the fee structure accordin g to the
decision of Mana ge ment Committee.

(5) ………………….

(6) Upon determination of fee s as per this Rule, school

shall forward the information thereof to District Education

148. To Spend for Rel ated purpose: School shall spend the
money for the purpose for which the fee is le vied fro m

Amended by the Third Amendment.

Deleted by the Third Amendment. 136

149. Fee to be Paid in Ti me: Student shall pay fee s to school in

due time as pre scribed by the school.

150. Fee detai ls t o be Di spl aye d i n N otice Board: Schools

shall, for the infor mation of parents and students, display the
fee structure, time l imit to pay fee s and processes thereof in
the notice board of the school.

150A.Cent ral Committee on Fees Management and
Monitori ng: (1) In order to formulate policy with re gard to
mana ge ment of fee s and scholarship of the institutional
schools, to impro ve in the acade mic standard of such schools
and to monitor the determined fee s and to give
recommendations and su ggest ions to the Ministry, there shall
be a Central Committee on Fees Mana ge ment and

(a) Dire ctor General - Convener

(b) Dire ctor at the Department - Member

to look after In stitutional

(c) Dire ctor at the Department - Member

who looks a fter Planning
and Monitoring Division

(d) One person nominated by - Member

the Department from
amon gst Director

(e) Under secretar y at school - Member

Education Section of the

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 137

(f) Under secretar y at Le gal - Member

Consultation Section of the

( g) Chairperson of -Me mber

representative of Parents
Associat ion, Nepal

(h) Chairperson of -Member

representative of National
Parents Association,

(i) One Representative o f the - Member

private Boardin g Schools
Or gan ization

(j) One Representative o f the -Me mber

National private Boardin g
Schools Or ganization

(k) One person nominated by - Member

the Department from
amon gst teachers of the
institutional schools
operated as a trust

(l) One person nominated by - Member

the Department from
amon gst District Education

(m) Two person nominated by - Member

the Department from
amon gst educationalist 138

(n) Deputy Director of the - Member

Department designated by Secretary
the Director General

(2) The tenure of o ffice of the me mber s no minated

pursuant to Sub-rule (1) shall be of Two years.

(3) The procedures of the meet in g o f the committees

refe rred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be as determined of the
committee itsel f.


Provisions Relating to Scho larship and Free

151. Provi si ons for Schol arship to be Made: (1) The school
shall make a vailable talency scholarship by exe mptin g cent
percent and fifty percent of fee re spectivel y to the talent
students holding fir st and second position in each class.

(2) Institutional schools shall make a va ilable

scholarship at least five percent of the total number of
students to students belongin g to poor, disabled, female,
suppressed and ethnic classes.

(3) Prior to pro vid in g scholarship pursuant to Sub-rule

(1), the school shall publish notice at the school for
submittin g application for such scholarship.

152. Free Educati on to be P rovi ded: (1) Co mmunity school

shall make provisions for pro vid in g free education to the
students livin g below the povert y line, ethnic and dali t
community students and female ( girl) students.

(2) For the purpose of providin g fre e education in

accordance with Sub-rule (1), the school shall publish notice 139

at the school for submittin g application for such free


Explanation: For the purpose of these Rules "students

livin g below the po verty l ine " mean s dali t students, ethnic
communitie s, wo men and others who have been
recommended by the Village Education Committee or the
concerned Ward Office o f Municipality statin g that such
students are as follows:-

(a) Since no me mber o f the fa mil y of the

student has a job, business, profe ssion or
mean s o f livelihood and unable to pay
school fees for lack of minimu m inco me
required for livin g.

(b) Ha vin g a rable land less than five, ten and

fifteen percent of the maximu m ce ilin g o f
land which one fa mily is entitled to own as
in the capacity of a landowner in Tarai and
Valley, Hilly area s and Himala yan area s
respectively under the Lands Act, 2021

(c) Ha vin g income fallin g into the below

poverty line as or below to it defined by
National Planning Co mmission.


Provisions Relating to School Emble m,

Naming and O ther Provisions

153. School' s Emblem: Emble m o f a school shall be a hexa gon.
If an y school wants to use separate emble m, such emble m
ma y be encrypted in the middle of the hexa gon. 140

154. Nami ng of School : (1) School may be named a fter name s

of renowned persons ha vin g outstanding contribution to the
society and the nation itself or historical persons, Gods and
Goddess, place of pil gr ima ge or natural heritage re flect in g
Nepalese identity.

(2) Person willin g to name any school to be newly

established after his/her name, the school ma y be named
after the name of such person if such person make s
contribution of the followin g a mount or building or land to
the school:-

(a) For secondary school, one million rupees

or building or land equivalent to this

(b) For lower secondary school, seven hundred

thousand rupees or building or land
equivalent to this amount,

(c) For a primar y school, five hundred

thousand rupees or building or land
equivalent to that amount.

(3) A person willin g to name any school already named

havin g a ssoc iated his/her name shall contribute the school
the amount or building or land pursuant to Sub-rule (2).

(4) If more than one me mber of the sa me or separate

fa mily donate cash a mount or building or land to a school
pursuant to Sub-rule (2), the school may be named a fter the
name s of such persons not exceedin g two na mes a s decided
by such contributors and names of other contributors may be
encrypted in the school in a conspicuous manner.

(5) Notwithstanding anythin g contained in Sub-rule (2)

or (3), the school already named after any person, monument
or any historical places or things shall not be changed or 141

renamed e ven if any person donated cash amount or building

or land as refe rred to in this Rule.

Pro vided that, if an y person ma ke s donation for

building or additional class roo m or library buildin g or
hostel, such room or building or hostel may be named a fter
the name of such donor.

(6) The M inistry shall name a school pursuant to this

Rule on the recommendation of the School Manage ment
Committee, the Villa ge De velopment Committee or the
Municipality and the District Education Committee.

155. National Ant hem t o be sung: Notional Anthem shall be

sun g at the beginnin g o f any function or ganized in the

156. Flag to be hoisted: Nat ional fla g shall be hoisted at the

opening of e ach celebration to be organized in the school.

157. Students Unif orm: School may pre scribe a unifor m to the
students from such cloth which is less e xpensive, simple and
reflectin g nationalism and suitable to the climate. No school
shall compel students to buy unifor m from the school itself.


Provisions for Protectio n of Sc hool's Property

158. Protection of Sc hool Prope rt y: (1) The main

responsibilit y of protection of a school's property shall lie
on the Manage ment Committee and Headma ster.

(2) In order to mana ge and protect the property

belongin g to a community school, there shall be a School
Property Protection Committee in the concerned district
consistin g of the followin g me mbers:- 142

(a) Chie f Distr ict Officer - Chairperson

(b) Chie f of the Land Re venue Office - Member

(c) A person nominated by District - Member

Education Officer fro m a mon gst
donors to the School

(d) One person nominated by District - Member

De velop ment Committee fro m
amon g the me mber s of the
District De velopment Committee

(e) District Education Officer -Me mber-


(3) The tenure of office of the me mber s nominated

pursuant to Sub-rule (2) shall be Two year s.

(3) Procedures relating to meetin g of the Co mmittee

pursuant to Sub-rule (2) shall be as determined by the
committee itsel f.

159. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of the School P rope rt y

Protection C ommittee: Function, duties and powers o f the
School Property Protection Committee shall be as follows:-

(a) To arran ge for re gistration of the unre gistered land

acquired in the name of the school,

(b) To give dir ection to Mana ge ment Co mmittee to make

utilization of the school property for the ma ximu m
benefit of the school,

(c) To ma ke provisions to collect the income from the

land registered in the name of the school, 143

(d) To make pro visions to reco ver the loss of school's

property from those causin g such loss,

(e) To restr ict fro m sellin g o f land or other property

re gistered in the name of school except for the
purpose of development of school,

(f) To co-operate District Education Officer and

Head master for protecting the lands of school.

160. Land in Name of Sc hool not t o be sol d or mortg aged:

No land re gistered in the name of school shall be sold or
mort ga ged.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), the land registered in the name of a school may be sold
or mort ga ged in the following c ircu mstances:-

(a) A co mmunity school ma y sell upto Twenty

Five percent of the school's land by wa y o f
auction for the purpose of de velopment of
physical in fra structure with the approval of
the Ministr y on the reco mmendation of the
Mana ge ment Committee and the committee
refe rred to in Rule 158;

(b) An inst itutional school may, ha vin g taken

approval of the company's directors or
trustees of educational trust and on the
recommendation of the School Manage ment
Committee mort ga ge the school's land in
any bank or financial co mpany or sell up to
Fifty percent of the land by wa y o f auction
for the purpose of repayin g any loan taken
fro m an y bank or financial company in the
name of the school, or for the purpose of 144

develop ment of physic al infr astructure of

the school.

(3) If more land than referred to in Sub-rule (2) needs

to be sold for the development of physical in fra structure of
the school, company or educational trust may sell ha vin g
taken approval of the Ministry on the recommendation of the
Mana ge ment Committee and directors of the company or the
trustees of the concerned educational trust.

161. No Exchange of Land of School : (1) Land re gistered in

the name of school shall not be exchanged.

(2) Notwithstanding anythin g contained in Sub-rule
(1), if an y Co mmunity School needs to exchan ge the land of
the school compound or play ground with other adjoinin g
land, recommendation of the Property Protection Committee,
the Manage ment Co mmittee and Distr ict Education Office
shall be obtained and if it is o f an institutional school, it
shall need the recommendation of Trustees or Company
Dire ctors, Mana ge ment Committee and Distr ict Education
Office and ma y e xchan ge the land with the approval o f the

162. Prope rty t o be K ept in the Name of School: (1) The

school being conducted as community school and as an
educational trust shall register the immo vable property of
the school in the name of school itself.

(2) Institutional schools being conducted as a company

shall re gister the school's immo vable property in the name o f
the company.

163. Rebate M ay be Granted: If it is pro ved that any loss is

incurred to property of a community school because of
natural disaster or situation beyond control such as drau ght

Amended by the First Amendment. 145

or degradation, a rebate up to five thousands rupees ma y be

granted by the Manage ment Committee on the
recommendation of Headmaster, up to ten-thousands by
District Education Offic er on the recommendation of
Mana ge ment Committee, upto Twenty thousands rupees by
Dire ctor, upto Twenty-F ive thousands rupees by secretar y o f
the Ministry. If more than this amount is to be rebated, the
Ministry ma y grant it ha vin g taken appro val of the M inistr y
of Finance.


Gr ants to be give n to Sc hools and O ther Provisions

164. Grants to be given to Sc hool s: (1) The M inistry shall

send lump sum aid a mount to be given to a community
school on behalf of Government of Nepal to the District
Education Fund.

(2) The District Education Committee shall, havin g

studied the budget rece ived fro m school as well, allocate
grants for schools on the following ba ses:-

(a) Number o f students in school,

(b) Number o f Te achers in school,

(c) Results of Exa mination of school,

(d) Financial condition of school.

(3) The amount allocated as per Sub-rule (1) shall be

distributed by District Education Officer.

165. To be spent for Rel ated Works : School shall spend the
amount received only for the purpose for which it is
released. 146

166. Amount to be managed f rom loc al Resource : (1) School

shall make pro visions of financial a mount for school
building, furniture and other materials fro m local resources.

(2) If the amount referred to in Sub-rule (1) is not

suffic ient for construction of school building, Go vern ment of
Nepal ma y grant necessary a mount to the community school
for encoura gin g local people's cooperation.

167. Grant May be Dec re ased : (1) If e xa mination results of the

last two years including that of the current year are found as
follows, the District Education Officer ma y decrease the
amount of grant allocated for a school at the rate as

(a) In ca se the passin g percenta ge at any le vel
is below ten percent, thirty percent of the
annual grant of the concerned level,

(b) In ca se the passin g percenta ge at any le vel
is below twenty percent, twenty percent of
the annual grant of the concerned level.

(2) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(1), in case of schools of remote areas, only half of this
amount shall be decreased.


School Budget, Inco me and Expe nditure Accounts

and O ther Provisions

168. Budget to be Pre pared : Head ma ster shall prepare budget

estimate s, get it appro ved by the Mana ge ment Co mmittee
and send one copy thereof to Distr ict Education Office
within the prescribed time each year.

Amended by the First Amendment. 147

169. Operation of Sc hool : (1) School shall spend the fund of

school according to the decision of the Mana ge ment

(2) School fund shall be operated with joint signatures

of Head ma ster and Chairperson of the Manage ment

Committee or me mber of the Mana ge ment Co mmittee
designated by such Committee.

(3) Notwithstandin g anythin g contained in Sub-rule

(2), funds of se condary school and lower secondary school
shall be operated with joint signatures o f Head ma ster and
accountant or any teacher workin g as accountant or

(4) Responsibil ity for keepin g accounts o f the school

fund shall lie on the Headmaster and the person working a s
an accountant.

(5) The a mount of school fund ma y be deposited to any

nearest bank by opening an account for operating the school

(6) All expenses o f the school shall be borne from the

amount collected in the school fund.

170. Acc ounts of Income and Expe nditure of School : (1) All
types of school shall maintain accounts of income and
expenditure in a for mat as pro vided in Schedule-23.

(2) Duty of ma intainin g accounts of income and

expenditure including bills, rec eipts and other necessar y
documents shall be of the authority authorized to make
expense fro m the fund of the school.

Amended by the Third Amendment. 148

(3) It shall be the responsibility o f the Head ma ster to

ma intain or cause to ma intain documents havin g the m
authenticated pursuant to Sub-rule (2).

(4) While maintainin g account of income and

expenditure pursuant to Sub-rule (1), details descr iption of
purchase and sale of goods and cash kind and liability of
school etc. shall be clearly stated so that the real condition
of the functionin g of the school may be se en.

(5) It shall be the responsibility o f the Head ma ster to

ma intain or cause to ma intain school's a ssets such as cash,
goods and other property sa fe fro m be in g haphazardly
expended, lost or wasted and to keep account or records of
such items.

(6) The He adma ster shall forward the report of inco me

and expenditure of the school to District Education Office
within the prescribed time either monthly or tri-monthly.

171. To c ause auditing : (1) Head master shall cause auditin g o f

accounts of inco me and expenditure of the school each year
by the auditor prescribed by District Education Office.

(2) The Headma ster shall provide books and accounts

of inco me and expenditure of the school to the auditor as and
when asked in connection with auditing and shall give clear
answer to the quarries raised b y the auditor to the

(3) Employee deputed by the Directorate or District

Education office may e xa mine books and accounts of income
and expenditure of the school at any time. Wh ile exa min in g
in such a way, it shall be the duty of Headmaster to show the
details required by the employee so deputed. 149

171A. Social Auditing of Acti vitie s of school : There shall be a
Social Auditin g Co mmittee as follows in order to evaluate
each year a s to weather act ivitie s o f co mmunitie s schools
have been conducted in accordance a with the Act and these

(a) Chairperson of the parents Teacher s - Chairperson

Associat ion

(b) Two per son includin g one women fro m - Member

amon gst the guardian s of the students
studyin g in the school designated by the
Parents Teacher s Assoc iation

(c) Chairperson of the ward in which the - Member

school located

(d) One intellectual designated by the - Member

Teachers P arents Assoc iation

(e) One school teacher designated by the -Me mber-

Head master Secretary

172. Report to be Submitted: Upon completion of a school's

auditing, the auditor shall prepare a report thereof ha vin g
stated the following matters and forward one copy each of it
to the Manage ment of Co mmittee, District Education
Committee and the Directorate :

(a) Whether or not the questions raised or remar ks made

were promptly re sponded to;

(b) Whether or not the accounts of income and

expenditure submitted wa s maintained as per rules,

Inserted by the First Amendment. 150

(c) Whether or not accounts of income and expenditure

are ma intained as per law,

(d) Whether or not the balance sheet is exactly prepared

as per the accounts of income and expenditure of the

(e) Whether or not transaction of the school is


(f) Other matters that the auditor deems necessar y to

include in the report.

173. Handove r takeove r : (1) Wh ile the teacher who was a

responsibilit y to ma intain records o f ca sh or kind of the
school leaves the school because of transfer or other reasons,
he/she shall handover to the school the cash or kind which
are under his/her responsibil ity normally within Fifteen

(2) If the teacher does not handover pursuant to Sub-

rule (1), the cash or kind shall be recovered or reimbursed
havin g withheld the salary he/she is entitled to.

174. Exe mpti on i n Regist rati on Fees : Go vern ment of Nepal

ma y grant partial exe mption in registration fees while
re gister in g deeds in the name o f the school which is be in g
operated in the for m o f company on the basis pre scr ibed by
the Ministry.

175. Exe mpti on and Fac ilities t o be P rovi ded to Sc hool :

Go vern ment of Nepal ma y e xe mpt custom duties in part or
full to the communit y school and the institutional school
operated as educational trust while they import educational
mater ials fro m foreign countries. 151


Operation of District Educ ation Fund

and O ther Provisions

176. Grants t o be Demanded : Distr ict Education Office shall
send demand o f grants a mount to be given to schools in the
forthcomin g financial year to the Ministry and Department
by the last day of the month of Magha (about Mid-February)
havin g prepared separate particulars for primar y, lower
secondary and secondary le vels as prescr ibed by the

177. Operation of Dist rict Educati on F und and Othe r

Provi si ons : (1) Distr ict Education Committee shall send the
grant a mount received from Go vern ment of Nepal to the
school fund quarterly.

(2) District Education Committee shall spend the

amount only for the work for which it has been released by
Go vern ment of Nepal.

(3) Except for a mount received from Go vernment of

Nepal as grant, other amount collected in the District
Education Fund may be spent as per the decision of District
Education Committee.

(4) District Education Fund shall be operated by joint

sign atures of District Education Officer and Ac count Officer
or accountant of the Distr ict Education Office.

(5) It shall be the duty of the District Education

Officer and employee en ga ged in the functions of a ccounts
to maintain updated accounts and cause auditin g o f the
amount collected at the District Education Fund. 152

178. Acc ounts of Income and Expenditure of Dist rict

Educ ati on Fund: (1) Account of Distr ict Education Fund
shall be maintained in a for mat as pre scr ibed by the law.

(2) District Education Office shall forward the

statement o f monthly expenses to the Department and Office
of the Controller of Funds and Accounts.

179. Departme ntal Action to be Taken : The officials

appointing more teacher s than posts o f teachers approved by
the Ministry, releasin g salar y to such teachers, demandin g
more a mount than required and the official releasin g such
amount shall be taken action as per law, and the amount so
released shall be recovered fro m the concerned offic ial.


Provisions Relating to Village Educ ation

Developme nt Fund

180. Amount to be Deposited to Vill age Educ ation

Devel opme nt Fund : (1) An institutional school shall,
within one month fro m the completion of each year, deposit
one and half percent of its gross annual income accrued in
the last academic year to Village Education De velopment

Explanation: For the purpose of this Rule, "Gro ss annual

income " means the income ac crued by the school havin g
collected as the fees fro m the students in a year other then
fee s (a mount) for transportation and foods.

(2) For the purpose of depositin g the a mount referred

to in Sub-rule (1), bank account shall be opened in any bank
located in District headquarters. 153

(3) District Education Officer shall transfer the fund

collected in the bank pursuant to Sub-rule (2) to Villa ge
Education Fund.

(4) The school shall, upon havin g deposited the amount

as per Sub-rule (1), immed iately send the evidence thereof to
the concerned District Education Office.

181. Functions, Dutie s and Powe rs of Management

Committee : Function, duties and powers of Mana ge ment
Committee shall be as follows:

(a) To provide financial assistance to schools which are

unable to develop physical infrastructure fro m local

(b) To carryout necessar y works to promote educational

quality in school,

(c) To refer to in writin g to the concerned body for takin g

action a gain st the school which has misused the
amount provided fro m the Villa ge Education
De velop ment Fund.

(d) To monitor or cause to monitor whether or not the

school paid the amount to be deposited to the Village
Education Development Fund, and to refer to in
writ in g to concerned body to take action aga inst the
school not payin g the amount,

(e) To collect necessary re sources for the de velopment of

villa ge education; and

(f) To submit report of the works car ried out by the

Committee to for Go vern ment of Nepal each year.

182. Auditing : The Villa ge Education Development Fund shall

be audited by the Department of the Auditor General. 154

183. Procedure s Rel ating to Meeting of Management

Committee : (1) Meetin g of M ana ge ment Committee shall be
held at least thrice in a year.

(2) The me mber secretar y of the Manage ment

Committee shall call the meetin g o f the Manage ment
Committee with approval of the Chairperson of the

(3) If more than fift y percent of the me mber s of the

Mana ge ment Co mmittee a re pre sent, it shall be deemed to
have const ituted the quorum for meetin g.

(4) Meetin g o f the Mana ge ment Co mmittee shall be

presided o ver by the Chairperson of the Committee, and in
his/her absence any me mber selected by me mber s fro m
amon gst themsel ves shall preside o ver the meet in g.

(5) Majorit y opinion in the meetin g o f the Mana ge ment

Committee shall be valid (decisive), and in the case of tie of
vote s, the person presidin g o ver the meet in g ma y e xerc ise
castin g vote.

(6) Me mber secretar y o f the Co mmittee shall keep the

decisions of the Mana ge ment Committee ha vin g the m

(7) Other procedures relating to me etin gs of the

Mana ge ment Committee shall be as determined by the
Committee itsel f.

(8) The Mana ge ment Committee me mbers ma y be

provided with meet in g allowance as prescr ibed by Ministr y
for takin g part in me etin gs.

184. Secret ari ats of the Management Committee : Sec retariat

of the Manage ment Committee shall be located in the
School. 155



185. Aut horit y P re sc ribed : For the purpose of the followin g

sections o f the Act, the authorities ha ve been pre scribed a s

(a) For the purpose of Sections 15 and 16B. of the Act,

the concerned Director in connection with secondary
and lower secondary school and District Education
officer in connection of other schools.

(b) For the purpose of clause (e) o f sub-sect ion (2) of

Section 17 of the Act, the concerned Director with
respect to secondary and lower secondary Schools;
and with respect to other schools and for the purpose

of Clauses (b) and (c) of the same Sub-section and
Sub-section (6) and (7) of Section 16D., the
concerned District Education Officer.

(c) For the purpose of Section 17A., Distr ict Education

185A. Provisi ons of Pri zes May be Made: In c ase any
community school causes to pass at least e ighty five perc ent
of students ha vin g caused to appear at least fifty students in
the Secondary School Passin g E xa mination, pro vision of
prizes ma y be made for such school and the best teacher of
that school.

186. Operation of Mobile Sc hool s : In ca se the Mana ge ment

Committee requests that any school cannot be operated in
difficult Himalayan r e gion because o f weather or similar
other reasons, Govern ment of Nepal ma y, on the

Amended by the First Amendment.
Inserted by the First Amendment. 156

recommendation of the concerned District Education Officer,

grant approval to operate mobile school for certain time at
any con venient place without causin g any additional
financial burden.

187. Provi si ons Relati ng to Teac he rs Union : (1) Teacher s

shall obtain recommendation fro m the M inistr y be fore
re gister in g statute of the Teachers Union as per the
prevailin g laws.

(2) Provisions relatin g to election of teachers union

shall be as stated in the statute of the Teachers Un ion.

188. Annual Det ail s to be submitted : School shall submit the

followin g detail s to the District Education Office within one
month of the completion of each academic year :

(a) Class wise details o f students,

(b) Class wise details o f students passed,

(c) Class wise details o f scholarship pro vided,

(d) Details o f total income and expenditure made by the


189. Formation of Ce rtific ate Inve stigati on Committee: (1)

The Min istr y ma y, if it dee ms necessar y to in ve stigate
academic certificate s and other testimonials o f teachers,
for m a Certificate In ve stigation Committee at district le vel
comprisin g of the me mbers a s follows:-

(a) Chie f Distr ict Officer -Chairperson

(b) District Attorney -Me mber

(c) District Education Officer -Me mber-Secretar y

(2) If any discrepancy is found in certificate o f
academic qualification including other certificate s, the

Amended by the First Amendment. 157

Certific ates In ve stigation Committee shall forward such

certificate s along with its opinion to the concerned body for
takin g action as per the preva ilin g law and furnish
infor mat ion thereof to the Ministry.

(3) The certificate In vestigation Committee ma y

enga ge any e mployee o f any o ffice in the district in its
works ha vin g obtained approval of the concerned office.

(4) District Education Office shall wor k a s the

secretariat of the Certificate In ve stigation Committee.

(5) Procedures of meetin gs of the Certificate

In ve stigation Committee meetin g shall be as specified by the
committee itsel f.

(6) Member s of the Certificate In vest igation

Committee shall be entitled to meetin g allowance for takin g
part in the meetings.

190. Building of C ommunit y School not t o be used : No

institutional school shall operate school havin g used the
building o f a communit y school.

190A. …………….

191. Powe rs may be deleg ated : The Ministry ma y dele gate

some o f its power s conferred b y these Rules to anybody or
authority as required.

192. Gui deline s may be F ormul ated : The Ministry ma y

for mulate guidelines subject to the Act and these Rules on
the following matters and imple ment it :

(a) Relating to operation of non-formal education,

(b) Relating to operation of distance education,

Inserted by the First Amendment and Repealed by the Third Amendment. 158

(c) Relating to operation of special education,

(d) Relating to operation of Secondary Education

Exa mination,

(e) Relating to other matters concerned with secondary


(f) Relating to publishin g re ference books and readin g

mater ials,

( g) Relating to protection and utilization of school


193. Procedure s of Financ ial Act and R ules t o be Foll owe d :

Notwithstandin g anythin g contained else where in these
Rules, the school shall, while doing anythin g related to the
financial liabilities on Go ve rnment of Nepal, follow the
process of pre vail in g financial Act and Rules of Government
of Nepal.

194. Alte r i n Schedule : The M inistr y ma y a mend or alter the

schedules by publishin g a notice in the Nepal Ga zette as ma y
be necessar y.

195. Repeal and Savi ng : (1) Education Rules, 2049 have been

(2) The act s done as per the Education Rules, 2049

shall be deemed to have been done under these Rules. 159

(Related to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 3)

Application for Permission to establish school


The District Education Officer,

District Education Office ...............

Subject: Permission for Establishing of school.


I hereby submit this application for permission to establish a school of

……….. Level from the academic session ..... upon stating the following

A. Of the proposed school :

1. Name:

2. Address ..... V.D.C./Municipality ..... Ward No. ..... Village/Street

Phone no. .......... Fax No. .........

3. Type of School:

1. Community 2. Institutional

a. Company b. Educational Trust:

4. Level for which permission is sought and Class to be operated:-

5. Level and Class sought to be operated in the future:

B. Physical Infrastructures for the Proposed School

1. Of the building: -

a) Number: b) Muddy/pucca/semi-pucca

c) Ownership Type Self/Rented/Public 160

2. Description of the rooms:

Numb Lengt Breadt Heig Conditio Conditio Utilit Remar

er of h h ht n of n of y ks
rooms doors Light
and and
window Electricit
s y

3. Number of Furniture 1) Desks 2) Benches 3) Tables 4) Drawers

5) Chairs 6) Others

4. Condition of playground and land: (in Ropani/Bigha)

5. Number of toilets 1) Used by boys (Gents) 2) Used by girls


6. Condition of drinking water

7. Condition of library and Number of books:

8. Laboratory: Materials:

9. Description of vehicles:

10. Description of teaching materials:

C. Number of students (proposed)



D. Number of Teachers (proposed)

E. Financial Description (proposed)

1. Fixed assets

2. Current assets

3. Annual income 161

4. Sources of income

All the aforementioned details are true and correct, if found false, I shall
be liable as per laws.

Of the





Documents to be enclosed:

1. Copy of the statute of the educational trust or the Memorandum and

Articles of Association of the company.

2. In case of rented land and building, contract paper of rent with the
owner/s for at least five years.

3. Educational map of the proposed school area.

4. Recommendations of the Village Education Committee or Municipality

concerned. 162

(Related to Sub-rule (2) of Rule 3 and Sub-rule (1) of Rule 67)

Application for Permission of establishing of Child Care Centre /Pre-

primary School / Class operation


........ Municipality/ ..... Village Development Committee

Subject: Permission for establishing of Child Care Centre

/Pre-primary School /Class operation

I, hereby, submit this application with a desire to establish a Child Care

Centre /Pre-primary School /Class operation as per the decision of Parents or
Community/ or School Management Committee of dated ................ from the
academic year ........ alongwith the following documents and details:-

A. Of the Proposed Child Care Centre /Pre-primary School /Class


1. Name:

2. Address: V.D.C./Municipality .....

Ward no. ....... Village/Street ........................

Phone No. ..........

3. Number of Student to be studied:

B. Of the taking Responsibility or Affiliation providing school:

1. Name:

2. Address:

3. Phone No.

C. Physical infrastructure of the propsed Child Care Centre /Pre-primary


1. Building:

Amended as per the Notice of 2061.7.2 of Nepal Gazettee. 163

i. Room:

ii. Muddy (Kachhi) /Pucca

iii. Built by what

iv. Rented/own/ public

2. Details of Furniture:





3. Playground Area:

i. Self

ii. Rent/ Public

iii. Other

4. Condition of Toilets:

i. Number

ii. Muddy (Kachhi) /Pucca

iii. Arrangement of water or not

5. Condition of Drinking Water:

i. By Carrying

ii. Received from Tab

iii. Enough or not

6. What are the Reading Materials




iv. 164

7. Financial Details

i. Immovable Assets

ii. Movable Assets

iii. Others

8. How the income source shall be managed:

9. Other details, if any:

All the aforementioned details are correct and true if found false, I shall
be liable as per laws.

Applicant :

Seal of the Institution Signature:




Enclosed Document:

1. Documentary Evidence and Details relating to Playground and Building.

2. Copy of the Institution Registration Certificate and Renewal as per law

and Audit Report.

3. Minute of the mutual assistance group if application is submitted on

behalf of mutual assistance group.

4. Recommendation of the concerned School if School is to be operated

with an affiliation of a School. 165

(Related to Rule 4)

Infrastructures for establishing a school

A. Normal height of classrooms must be Nine feet and safe from rain and

B. Class wise per student area shall be not less than 0.75 square meters in
case of pre-primary and primary schools and not less than 1 square
meter in case of lower secondary and secondary schools.

C. Classrooms shall be hygienically clean with good flow of air and light.

D. Provision of furniture according to the number of students in each


E. Provision of sufficient Clean Drinking water.

F. Provisions of separate toilets for boys and girls except for pre-primary
schools and One additional compartment for each additional Fifty

G. Provisions of library with the availability of curriculum, textbooks and

at the rate of Teacher Guidelines two books for each student.

H. Teaching materials like Blackboard, Map, Globe, and Mathematical

instruments as per requirement.

I. A spacious school compound in which all the students could stand at a


J. Provisions of sports materials and playground enough space for outdoor

activities for the Pre-primary School and at least a ground for playing
Volleyball for other school.

K. Provision of Science equipment as per curriculum.

L. Generally there shall be,  minimum Twenty Two, maximum Forty Four
and in average Thirty Three students in each section of an Institutional
School and following number of students in the Community School:-

Amended as per the Notice of 2061.7.2 of Nepal Gazettee. 166

Valley/Terai region - 50 Students

Hilly region - 45 Students

Himalayan region - 40 Students

M. Minimum number of teachers required for the Community School:

Secondary Level - 5 Teachers

Lower Secondary Level - 4 Teachers

Primary Level (class 1-3) - 3 Teachers

Primary Level (class 1-5) - 5 Teachers

Pre-primary Level - 2 Teachers

Provided that, the ratio of Class Teachers in the Institutional School

shall be 1:1.4.

N. Permanent source of income of the school

O. Provisions of first aid to be made in the school.

P. Boarders house for the boarding schools.

Q. School premises to be surrounded by compound wall.

R. House rent agreement of at least for Five years in case a school is to be

operated in a of rented building.

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 167

(Related to Sub-rule 1 & 3 of Rule 5)

Permission for operation of School




As per your application dated .......... for establishing a school, you are
permitted to establish and operate primary/lower secondary/secondary level
school up to class ......... from academic year ..... as your school fulfils the
infrastructures as per the Rule 4 of Education Rules, 2059.

Office Seal

Of the Officer Issuing the Permission:




Date: 168

(Related to Sub-rule (4) of Rule 5 and Sub-rule (2) of Rule 67)

Permission given for establishing of Child Care Centre

/Pre-primary School / Class operation

........ Municipality/ ..... Village Development Committee

As per an application submitted by you/school/institution for operating
child care centre /pre-primary school/class to this..........................
Municipality/Village Development Committee, this permission is granted as
per the decision of this Committee/ Office dated ....................... to establish and
operate the child care centre /pre-primary school/class from ..... as your school
fulfils the infrastructure as per the Education Rules, 2059 and Preliminary
Child Development Programme Operation Directives, 2061 and this is located
within the area of this Municipality/Village Development Committee.

Office Seal

Of the Officer Issuing the







District Education Office,

.................... District

.......................... School (If affiliation is granted)

Amended as per the Notice of 2061.7.2 of Nepal Gazettee. 169

(Related to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 7)

Application for the approval of school




Subject: About approval of school

I hereby apply for approval of this school, established pursuant to the

permission given by the decision of District Education Office,
............................/ Directorate .......... dated .......... by including the following

A. School

1. Name:

2. Address: ............. V.D.C./Municipality .......... Ward No. .....


Phone no. ............. Fax no. .............

3. Permitted Level and Date of Permission:

Pre-primary Date : ...............................

Primary Date : ..............................

Lower Secondary Date : ...............................

Secondary Date : ...............................

B. Physical Condition of School:

1. Building

1. Number 170

2. Muddy/pucca/Semi-pucca

3. Own/Rented/Public

2. Description of rooms:

3. Number of furniture:

1. Desks

2. Benches

3. Tables

4. Cupboards

5. Chairs

6. Others

4. Condition of Playground and Land (In Ropani/Bigha)

5. Number of Toilets: Male/Female

6. Condition of Drinking water

7. Condition of Library

8. Condition of Laboratory

9. Description of vehicles

10. Description of teaching materials

C. Number of students (Class wise)

D. Number of teachers:

E. Financial Condition:

1. Immovable Property

2. Movable Property

3. Annual Income

4. Sources of Income 171

All the aforementioned details are true and correct, if found false, I shall be
liable as per laws.

School Seal

Of the Applicant -




Date: 172

(Related to Sub-rules (3) and (4) of Rule 7)

Relating to approval of School


...................................... School


Upon taking action on the application submitted by that school on

…………………. with regard to approval of school, the approval has been
granted to provide education
from Class .............. to Class .............. as per the
terms and conditions referred to in Rule 6 of the Education Rules, 2059 are
found to have been followed.

Office Seal

Of the Officer Issuing the







Regional Education Directorate,


District Education Office,


Amended as per the Notice of 2061.7.2 of Nepal Gazettee. 173

(Related to Sub-rule(5) of Rule 7)

Application for approval of Pre-primary School


................ Municipality/ ........................ Village Development Committee


I, hereby, apply for the approval of pre-primary school established as per

the permission of this Village Development Committee/Municipality dated
................... having stated the following details:

A. School

1. Name:

2. Address: ............. V.D.C./Municipality .......... Ward No. .....


Phone no. ............. Fax no. .............

3. Type:

B. Condition of Physical infrastructure:

1. Building

1. Number

2. Muddy/Pucca/semi-Pucca

3. Own/Rented/Public

2. Number of rooms: 1. Class Rooms:

2. Office Rooms:

3. Library:

4. Other rooms:

3. Number of furniture: 1. Desks: 2. Benches: 3. Tables:

4. Cupboards: 174

5. Chairs: 6. Others:

4. Condition of Playground and Land (In Ropani/Bigha)

5. Condition of Toilets:

6. Condition of Drinking water

C. Number of Students

D. Number of Teachers:

E. Financial Description:

1. Immovable Property

2. Movable Property

3. Annual Income

4. Sources of Income

All aforementioned details are true and correct, if anything found to be

false, I shall be liable as per laws.

School Seal

Of the Applicant -




Date: 175

(Related to Sub-rule (6) of Rule 7)

Relating to approval of Pre-primary School




While taking actions upon the application submitted by that school on

…………………. with regard to approval of the school, the approval has been
granted as the terms and conditions referred to in Rule 6 of the Education
Regulation, 2059 are found to have been fulfilled.

Office Seal

Of the Officer Issuing the Permission:





Date: 176

(Related to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 8)

Application for the approval of school


The Director General

Department of Education


Through: District Education Officer,

District Education Office,


Subject: About approval of school.


As this school has been running as an institutionalized schools since

..................... B.S., now I wish to operate this school as
Company/Private/Educational Trust and I hereby apply for approval of the
same upon enclosing following details.

A. School

1. Name:

2. Address: ............. Village Development Committee /Municipality

.......... Ward No. ..... Village/Street............................. Phone no.
............. Fax no. .............

Email................................. Website................................

3. Level and Date of Permission /Approval Acquired:

Pre-primary Date : ...............................

Primary Date : ..............................

Lower Secondary Date : ............................... 177

Secondary Date : ...............................

4. Founder at the time of Permission /Approval Current


i. i.

ii. ii.

iii. iii.

iv. iv.

5. Number of Teachers............................ Number of Students


B. Financial Description:

1. Immovable Property

2. Movable Property

3. Annual Income

4. Sources of Income





All aforementioned details are true and correct. No property of the

School has been transferred or attempted to be transferred to a private property
against the prevailing Act and Rules. I shall be liable as per laws, If found to
be false.

Documents to be submitted

1. Documents of permission or approval relating to operation of school.

2. Memorandum of Association and Articles of association of the


3. The description of the assets used by the School and ownership: 178




4. Statute of the educational trust.

5. Details of class wise students and fee structure.

6. Details of Employee Teachers, appointment letter and Terms of


Founder School Seal Principal

Signature: Name:

Address: Address:

Date: Date:

(If more than One founder Insert the Name then Sign) 179

(Related to Sub-rule (2) of Rule 8)

Relating to approval of School


...................................... School


While takin g actions on your application dated .......... for

running the school under a Company/Public/Private Educational
Trust, this approval has been granted to operate the school under
the Company/Public/Private Educational Trust.

Office Seal

Of the Officer Gr antin g the

Approval :

Signature :

Na me :

Designat ion:

Date :

Amended by the Third Amendment. 180

(Related to Sub-rule (1) of Rule22A)

Application for Taking Management of a Community School


The District Education Office/ Re gional Education Directorate


Subject- Takin g Mana ge ment of a Co mmunity School

This application is hereby made along with the followin g

details for takin g mana ge ment and operation of the followin g
community school.

1. Na me o f the Community School

2. Address:

............. Village Development Committee /Municipality ..........

Ward No. ..... Villa ge/Street Phone no. .............

3. Approved Le vel of the School: Pr imar y/Lower


4. Physical Condition of the School:

(a) Number o f class rooms:

(b) Number o f Furniture :

(c) Number o f To ilets

(d) Number o f school buildings

(e) Structure of buildings: Muddy/se mi-concreted


(f) Other matters

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 181

5 Class wise Descr iption

Classe s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Girl s


6. Details o f Teachers

S. Na me Le vel of Qualific ation Type o f Appointment

No. of teaching (Per manent/Temporary/
Teacher Own source of the

7. Financial De scr iption:

a. Movable/Immo vable property

b. Annual income and its source

Documents enclosed :

1. Two ye ars workin g plan for mana ge ment of co mmunity


2. Copy of the certificate of the for mation of the

Mana ge ment Committee under the Education Act, 2028
and the Education Rules, 2059 182

3. Decision/Consent of the Manage ment Committee

4. Decision of the Local body/organization

Seal of Office

Applicant’s –

Signature :

Na me :

Date : 183

(Related to Rule 92)

Posts of Teachers in School

There shall be at least the following number of posts of teachers in a school.

A. Pre-primary School : at least One teacher in preprimary school.

B. Primary School: At least Two teachers upto Fifty students and Three
teachers above Fifty students.

C. Lower Secondary School :

1. Four teachers of lower secondary level in a Lower Secondary

Schools running from class 6 to class 8.

2. At least Seven teachers as stated below in the school running

from class 1 to 8.

(1) One teacher having passed proficiency certificate level or

equivalent with English as major subject.

(2) One teacher having passed proficiency certificate level or

equivalent with Major Science or Mathematics as major

(3) One teacher having passed proficiency certificate level or

equivalent with Nepali or Sanskrit as major subject.

(4) One teacher having passed proficiency certificate level or

for teaching Social Studies.

(5) Three teachers having passed School Leaving Certificate

or equivalent.

D. Secondary School :

1. Five Secondary level teachers in school running from class 9 to


Amended by the Third Amendment. 184

2. At least nine teachers as follows in schools running from class 6

to 10.

(1) One teacher having passed Bachelor's level with English

as major subject.

(2) One teacher having passed Bachelor's level with

Mathematics and science as major subjects.

(3) One teacher having passed Bachelor's level with Major


(4) One teacher having passed Bachelor's level for teaching

Social studies.

(5) One teacher having passed Bachelor's level in the related

subject to teach other optional subject.

(6) One teacher having passed proficiency certificate level or

equivalent with math emetics and science as major

(7) One teacher having passed proficiency certificate level

with Major English.

(8) Two teachers having passed proficiency certificate or

equivalent in other subjects.

3. There shall be at least 3 teachers of primary level as per the sub-

clause (2) of clause (C) in the schools running from class 1 to
class 10.


1. Unless and until appointment of at least one teacher in

each serial No. from 1 to 4 of sub-clause (2) of clause (C),
no teacher more than one in the same subject shall be

2. Unless and until appointment of at least one teacher in

each serial No. 1 to 7 of sub-clause (2) of clause (D) no 185

teacher more than one in the same subject shall be


3. Training required for appointment of teachers shall be

according to the existing Rules. 186

(Related to sub-rule (2) of Rule 93)

Grounds of Selection of Headmaster

Serial Grounds of Selection Marks


1. Acade mic 10
Qualific ation

2. Teachin g E xperience 15

3. Train in g 5

4. Work Per for mance 20


5. School reform 30
workin g plan

6. Leadersh ip capacity 15

Total: 100

Note :

1. While givin g mar ks for acade mic qualification, for minimu m

qualific ation to enter into the ser vice 10 mar ks for first
division, 8 marks for second division and 6 marks for third

2. While givin g mar ks for teachin g e xperience, 10 mar ks in

ma ximum at the rate o f 2 mar ks for each year of per manent
ser vice at the sa me le vel and a maximu m o f 5 mar ks for each
year o f ser vice below that level.

Amended by the Third Amendment. 187

3. While givin g mar ks for trainin g, five, three and two marks
shall be provided for the fir st, second and the third division
respectively. Second grade mar ks shall be provided for the
trainin g in which division is not stated. The teacher shall get
the marks for only one of the trainin gs he/she has acquired.

4. While givin g mar ks for e valuation of work per for mance,

a vera ge of the mar ks given for e valuation of wor k
perfor mance durin g last five years shall be counted.

5. While givin g mar ks for School Refor m Work Plan, 30, 20

and 10 marks shall be provided for excellent, good and
ordinary proposal respectivel y. In order to obtain marks for
School Reform Work Plan, the teacher shall prepare and
submit such a plan. Manage ment Committee ma y for m tea m
of experts for e valuatin g such School Reform Work Plan as
ma y be necessary.

6. While givin g marks for leadership capacity, 10 marks shall

be provided on the basis o f functioning and activitie s o f the
concerned candidate and the rema inin g five ma rks shall be
provided for bein g Assistant Head master or bein g class
Teacher to lead the class, incapacitated person and for bein g
in vol ved in extra activit ies at the rate of one mar k.

7. While recommendin g a teacher for Headmaster, the

Mana ge ment Committee shall also send the mar ks obtained
pursuant to Serial Nu mber (5) and (6). In the meet in g o f the
Mana ge ment Committee to recommend the name o f teacher
for Head ma ster, the Head ma ster or the teacher workin g in
that capacity shall not be allowed to attend. 188


(Related to sub-rule (4B) of Rule 93)

Proposal relating to School Development to be prepared by

Head Master

1. Analysis o f current situation of school

(a) Physical mana ge ment

(i) School Building

(ii) Furniture

(iii) Drin kin g Water

(iv) Land available for the school and the situation of

utilization of other property etc.

(b) School Environ ment sanitation

(c) Acade mic Aspects

(i) Situation of Access to schools for children of

that area

(ii) Situation of Teachin g and learnin g

(iii) Standard of Acade mic Achie ve ment

(iv) Situation of Educational Manage ment

(d) School Community Relationship

(i) Mana ge ment Committee

(ii) Teachers P arents Assoc iation

(iii) Conference of gu ardians

(iv) Situation of community act ivitie s

(e) Resources Mobilizat ion

(i) Sources made a va ilable from go vern ment

Inserted by the Third Amendment. 189

(ii) Sources made a va ilable from local bodies

(iii) Use and utilization of the recourse and mean s

made a vailable fro m co mmunity and other bodies

(f) Extra Curricular Activities

(i) Sports

(ii) House Division

(iii) Operation of quiz context, spelling, poe m,

drama, e ssa y and other competitive pro gra mme s

(iv) Children club, community activitie s such as

sanitation, parents awareness ra isin g pro gra mme
and so on

2.(a) Prioritization for sol vin g the problems which ha ve been

identified on the basis o f the analysis

(1) .............

(2) ..............

(3) ............

(b) Main strate gies to be followed for impro vin g the

condition of the school

(1) .............

(2) .............

(3) ..............

(c) Two years workin g plan for operation of the school. 190

(Related to Sub-rule (2) of Rule 95 and Sub-rule (3) of Rule 97)

Health Certificate

No communicable disease or any type of physical defect or internal

disease have been found while conducting medical check up of Mr.
...................................... , candidate for a teacher of Primary/Lower secondary/
Secondary level. In spite of having ................. disease, I certify that he/she is
capable to work in the above mentioned to post.

His/her age is ........ years according to him/her and his/her certificate.

His/her complexion, special mark and thumb impression are as given below.

1. Complexion

2. Special mark

3. Signature :

4. Thumb impression of Right hand

Office Seal

Of the Doctor:-




Nepal Medical Council

Registration No.


Date 191

(Relating to Sub-rule (4) of Rule 95)

Form of Oath of Office for an Employee

I do swear in the name of God/solemnly affirm that as in the capacity of a

teacher of School Education Service, I shall carry out the responsibilities
entrusted to me with honesty and to the best of my ability, knowledge and
conscience, and with loyalty to the nation and educational profession and
without fear, biases, prejudice, greed and favour and subject to the Act, these
Rules and prevailing Nepal law and I shall not disclose or indicate directly or
indirectly any confidential information to anyone other than the concerned
person in whatsoever situation while I am in service or not.

Signature of the teacher taking the Signature of the official administering

oath of Office: the oath of office:

Name: Name:

School: School:

Post : Post :

Office : Office :

Date Date 192

(Related to Sub-rule (5) of Rule 95)

Teachers' Individual and Service Description Form

The following details have to be mentioned

1. Name :
2. Level and grade (class) :

3. Permanent address :

a. Zone

b. District

c. V.D.C./Municipality

d. Ward No. Block No.

e. Village or Tole

4. Date of Birth (B.S.)

Year ................ Month ....................... Date ...............

5. Place of Birth : ............................... Zone ............... District ........


6. Date to attain the age of 60 years (B.S.) : ..............Year .............. Month

............ Date .......

7. Citizenship : ............................. Religion .................. Sex ....................

8. Special physical marks :

9. Person Willed

a. Name, surname

b. Address

c. Relation

10. Of the Father 193

a. Name, surname

b. Address

c. Occupation

d. Citizenship

11. Of the Grandfather

a. Name, surname

b. Address

12. If married, name of spouse:

Occupation of spouse:

Number of sons :

Number of daughters:

13. Description of previous service under Government of Nepal (if any)

Office Designation class Service Duration Cause/s Amount received

of after the
Leaving retirement

14. Description of service (complete and up to date description from the

beginning of the service to be clearly mentioned) 194

Name Designati Leve Date of Temporar Salar Allowan Remar

of on l Appoin y/Perman y ce ks
Schoo tment ent

15. Academic Qualifications :

Degree of Name of the Duration of Division Major Remar

examination academic study from ..... subject ks
completed institution to ..... B.S. s

16. Description of Training :

Name of Duration of Subject/s of Division Trainer Institute Remarks

Training Training Training

From To Name Place

17. Published Books or Research :

Name of Date of Language of Subject Remarks

the Book Publication the Book Matter 195


18. Description of Medals, Appreciation Letters or Cash Prize:

Description Date of Amount of From Signature of the Remarks

of Medals, Receiving of Cash Prize Where Certifying Officer
Appreciation Medals, Received
Letter or Appreciation
Cash Prize Letter or
Received Cash Prize

19. Departmental Punishment:

Type of Date of Order Appeal Signature of Remarks

Punishment of Punishment Certifying
Verdict Date

20. Statement of Leave:

Name of Teacher: Level: School:

Type of Leave Duration Total Duration 196

1. Study Leave From Years ……………

Year ...... Month .....

Date ....

To Months …………

Year ...... Month ..... Days …………..

Date ....

2. Extraordinary Leave From Years…………..

Year ...... Month .....

Date ....

To Months ……….

Year ...... Month ..... Days………..

Date ....

21. The aforementioned descriptions are true and correct, if found false, I
shall be liable as per laws.

Signature of the Teacher Concerned:


Thumb Impression

Right Left

22. The Headmaster certifying that the above descriptions are correct as per
the school record book.

Name of Headmaster : Signature: 197

School Address : Date:

School Seal:

23. District Education Officer verifying the description according to the

office record book.

Name of the District Education Officer:

District Education Office: Signature:

Office Seal: Date:

24. The record according to the above description has been maintained in
Teachers' Record Office and his/her identification number is

Name of the Chief of the Teachers' Records office:-

Office Seal



Record of transfer/promotion to be maintained after filling the

above form and have to mention in the following table. (Promotion held
for higher pay scale also to be mentioned)

Name Transfe Designatio Salar Allowanc Tota Remarks Signatur

of r n y e l transfer e of the
Schoo promotio officer
l n date making
and entry in
symbol to the book
be and Date
to 198

25. To be mentioned after the retirement; Date of


Duration of service Years ............... Months ............ Days ................

Salary (excluding allowance) for the last One month : Rs ......................

In words .........

Total gratuity to be received Rs. ....................... Amount to be

paid by Government of Nepal

Total pension amount to be received Rs. ....................... In words


Name of the chief of the Teachers' Record Office:

Signature :

Date :

Points to be taken into account while filling in the form:

1. Form shall be filled neatly without rewriting or erasing.

2. Full signature of the officer certifying the rewritten portion.

3. Each page of form to be certified by the officer with his/her signature.

4. Form filled in with incomplete description shall not be accepted. 199

(Related to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 99)

Application for Transfer


The District Education Officer

District Education Office,


Subject: About Transfer

I, hereby, submit this application for getting transferred to the following school
upon stating the following details:

Full name of teacher :

Permanent address :

Level and Grade :

Name and address of the school at present:

Name and address of the school desired to be transferred to :

Qualification and training :

Date of permanent appointment :

Duration of service in the district at present :

Cause for requesting for transfer :

Of the Applicant :-

Signature :

Name :

School :

Date :

Consent of the school for Transfer 200

This consent for transfer is given to Mr. ......................... , a teacher of

this school, according to the decision made by the school management
committee meeting held on ............

School Seal

Chairperson of the

management committee

Signature :

Name :

School :

Date :

Consent of the school going to be transferred to

This consent for transfer is given to Mr. ......................... , a teacher of

................... school to be transferred to this school according to the decision
made by the school management committee meeting held on ............

School Seal

Chairperson of the

management committee

Signature :

Name :

School :

Date : 201

Applicant Mr. ...................... has been transferred from ................. School of

................ District to ...................... school of .......................... District.

District Education Office Seal

District Education
Officer :

Signature :

Name :

Date : 202

(Related to Sub-rule (1) or (3) of Rule 117)

Requisition form for letter of pension authorization


Schools Teachers Records Office,


I hereby submit this application for getting the letter of Pension

Authorization having stated the following details pursuant to the Education
Rules, 2059 since Mr. …………………….. is going to be retired on
………….. or Mr. …………………………. has died on ………………

1. Name of the teacher/deceased teacher:-

2. Permanent address (District, Municipality/ Village Development

Committee with Ward Number):-

3. Name of the school of initial appointment, date of appointment, and


4. Name of the school at the time of retirement, level and class of the

5. Age of the teacher on the date of retirement Years Month


6. Duration of permanent service Year Month Day

7. Person willed after the death

1. Name :

2. Permanent address (District, Municipality/Village Development

Committee with Ward Number)

3. Relationship:

8. In case no person is willed, name of the closest family member. 203

1. Name :

2. Permanent address (District, Municipality/ Village Development

Committee with Ward Number)

3. Relation :

9. Father's Name :

10. Grandfather's Name :

Thumb Impression

Right Left
Signature :

Name :

Date :

The aforementioned description are true and correct, if found false, I shall be
liable as per laws.

Documents to be included:

1. Death certificate in case of deceased teacher.

2. The proof of being Claimant of the deceased teacher. 204

(Related to Sub-rule (7) of Rule 117)

Letter of Pension Authorization


(In the name of the teacher concerned)

1. Name of person acquiring the pension authorization

2. Permanent address (District, Municipality/ Village Development

Committee with Ward Number)

3. Name of the school at the time of retirement, level and class of the
teacher :

4. Date of retirement Year Month Day

5. Duration of permanent service Year Month Day

6. Tenure of Service :

7. Of the person willed after death :

1. Name :

2. Permanent address :

3. Special physical marks. :

4. Relationship :

8. Salary of the last one month : (in figure and words)

9. Signature of the person acquiring pension Authorization :

Thumb impression
Right Left 205

Office seal

The officer issuing letter of authorization:


Name :

Designation :

Office :

Date : 206

(Related to Sub-rule (7) of Rule 117)

Family Pension Authorization

(In the name of the person nominated)

1. Name of the deceased teacher:

2. Permanent address of the deceased teacher (District,

Municipality/V.D.C. with Ward No.)

3. Name of the school at the time of retirement, level and class of the

4. Date of retirement Year Month Day

5. Duration of permanent service Year Month Day

6. Tenure of service :

7. Of the person willed after the death :

1. Name :

2. Permanent address :

3. Special Physical marks :

4. Relationship :

8. Salary of the last one month : (in figure and words)

9. Signature of the person getting pension Authorization :

Thumb impression

Right Left 207

Office seal

Of the officer issuing letter of authorization:






Schedule 21-23 are remaining 208

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