Episode 1: "I Can'T Believe It'S Fake News!"

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1: Hi everybody! This Autumn..
3: And this is Spring…
1 & 2: And you’re listening to The Four Season’s Podcast!
1: I am so tireeed! (sarcastic)
2: But we’re not even starting yet.
1: I know right! Sorry not sorry to the media, but you guys are so exhausting lately! PULL
2: HAHAHAHAHAH I will agree. The internet world is crazy right now.
1: And, that is what we’re going to talk about this episode.
1: This is the first time I am seeing the media so chaotic and messy. You just can’t believe
anything you really see online.
2: Now on the past few months, the term fake news has been inescapable.
1: THEY ARE JUST EVERYWHEEEREEE!! You know, like you are excited and all you want is
just to read news, so you grab your phone and you’ll be bombarded with fake accounts. FAKE
2: Apology to those who are using earphones. But really it was not a term many people used 18
months ago, but it is now seen as one of the greatest threats to democracy, free debate and the
Western order. At first, it is used to describe websites with bogus stories that arise during the
American presidential election campaign.
1: Aside from being a favourite term of Donald Trump, it was also named 2017's word of the
year, raising tensions between nations, and may lead to regulation of social media. And yet,
nobody can agree on what it is, how much of a problem it is, and what to do about it.
2: Take a listen to "I Can't Believe it's Not News and learn to think critically, find out about who is
putting out fake news, listen as we talk to people who are in this fight too, learn the
repercussions of it, and for cripes sake – have a laugh with us.
2: Media is really a, powerful tool in influencing the mass. And, media these days uses modern
platforms like Facebook.
1: Twitter, yeah.
2: To spread articles, information and the trends.
1: And as we live in a generation filled with technology and these stuffs, social media is the
easiest access to people and if the news posted in the media is fake, it will eventually cause
2: For instance, the Rappler issue, even the students got involved, they were protesting to
defend press freedom
1: That is what I’m talking about, all ages are being affected
2: Yes, even the government,
1: Speaking of which, our President Rodrigo Duterte got recently involved in the Rappler issue
wherein special assistant to the president "Bong" go was said to intervened in the selection of
weapon system supplier for the Philippine navy's 15.7 billion worship program according to
Rappler's one article
2: That's quite huge money. And the involved people are very prominent. Rappler is very
unlucky because after the Sec or the Securities and Exchange Commission revokes their
registration and now they are facing another big problem which involves our president
1: You know, like what I’ve said earlier, media is very powerful because it can control the mass
so if anyone is writing news and spread it, make sure that every words and info are true
2: I agree because one time, there is this site that spread news that there are no classes on a
particular day, turns out to be fake, it’s really irritating
1: Yes, yes because as a student, you will assume and expect that there is really no classes but
there really is
2: And, and you will end up broken
1: Yes because even the news today are giving false hope
2: Whoa, does it mean something, like about your boyfriend's proposal???
1: Of course not. HAHAHAHA!
2: Moving on, have you heard about Donald Trump’s war on fake news?
1: Hell yes. The term 'fake news' has become his most oft-repeated mantra - and not only in the
campaign but since he entered the White House too.
2: Well, how did it start?
1: There has never been a president quite like Donald Trump. He’s a president with a different
message and a different way of getting his message across. What’s more, it doesn’t involve the
essentially liberal, mainstream media.
2: But Trump’s team knew they wouldn’t have a sympathetic media so he made a calculation:
he would try not only to sidetrack the mainstream media but he would, at every opportunity,
seek to discredit it.
1: Now, let's say from the outset that Trump does have a point. For years, the mainstream
media have essentially been liberal/progressive in their political bent. They tend to be dismissive
of the kind of politics and the kind of policies that Donald Trump represents.
2: So I believe, Trump is simply exploiting disillusionment with the traditional media that set in
long before he became president. Trump’s weapon of choice? Twitter.
1: Yeah, I saw that. He uses Twitter to rage, to vent his obsessions, to insult people, to hint at
policy announcements, foreign and domestic, that he may or may not follow through with.
2: Make no mistake; there is indeed method in the madness. (H1: That’s from Shakespeare’s
Hamlet, right?) Yeah, hahahaha. He and his team are clever in the way they use social media.
1: Yeah, Trump uses it to test an idea, to distract from an issue that is not playing well for him
and to set his own narrative for the news day ahead. Broadly speaking, it works.
2: Therefore, what Trump is actually doing using his Twitter feed to reach journalists who he
knows will relay the Trumpian thought for the day to their readers or viewers.
1: And the more inflammatory the thought, the greater the certainty it will dominate the day's
news agenda. So Trump is using the news media he so despises and the media is indulging a
president they have contempt for.
2: It's one thing to despise the press. There are so many reasons why Trump would want to do
that and that is because, it has become unmerciful in its criticism of him.
1: However, it is quite another thing to work actively to undermine it to the extent that it is no
longer believed.
2: Well hey; George W Bush was very understanding. He said: "I consider the media to be
indispensable to democracy. We need an independent media to hold power to account. Power
can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it's important for the media to call to account
people who abuse their power."
1: I believe, media is not supposed to be complimentary, but they are supposed to cast a critical
eye on folks who hold enormous power and make sure that they are accountable to the people
who sent them there.
2: You got that right, dude. All presidents lie at some time or another - I am sure of it - but
Trump is of a different order of mendacity. And it eats away at democracy.
1: Before wrapping this issue up, there is another point to make here: the 'fake news'
controversy may actually turn out to be a watershed moment for journalism - and in a good way.
2: In an era where truth is at a premium and not that easy to come by, it becomes inherently
more valuable. Trustworthy, authoritative, credible reporting will be more in demand than ever
1: This entire generation that is subscribing to get music, films and entertainment online could
well make the decision to pay for news they can trust. 'Fake news' may lead to more people
paying for the real news. I believe this could happen.
2: But the irony in all this is that, that would be an unintended consequence of an almost
unprecedented assault on the media by a president.
1: This has been Autumn.
2: And this has been Spring.
1 & 2: This has been Four Season’s Podcast.
*intro music*
H1: Hi y'all. This is Summer.
H2: And this girl that can make u fall in love, over & over again Autumn.
H 1 & 2: and you're listening to The Four Seasons Podcasts.
Hi er’body! Welcome to the 2nd episode of our podcast.
H2: Hi Summer. It's 2018.
H1: Hiiii! Yes its 2018. And the past year totally feels so short. But there's so much thing that
happened for that short span of time.
H2: Yes, you're right. And now we're having a new segment. The Things You Learn Before 20.
H1: I am so thrilled. Because last time we were restricted to news. But now for our second
episode. We are just going to have some fun. I was reading your tweets and tags on Instagram
and all. Well, many of them liked the first episode.
H2: It is amazing.
H1: You're all amazing. But many of you guys are suggesting a more personal talk and
something more conversational. That's why we created this segment for you.
H2: And since we're starting a journey on the digital platform, here with you guys. Let's talk
about the major transition the media is under going right now.
H1: Yas. We all can notice the fast leap the media is doing. Before, from traditional media now
totally into the new media.
H2: We have an interesting topic today. The media is so loud this 2018. From west to east for
H1: You're right. YouTube vlogs has been so timely. Korean wave is going around the globe. It's
wild. Netflix, iFlix, Tribe and all these platforms that totally outdates the traditional television.
H2: and we're going to talk about all of those for this episode.
H1: Let's start off with these YouTube vloggers nowadays. And it's not just about the usual
YouTube vloggers.
H2: Yes, cause those YouTube vloggers were already there since then. And there is nothing
new about them.
H1: So now let's talk about the new vloggers. Have you heard these Filipino celebrities that are
now conquering the digital world? From comedians, singers to veteran actors and actresses.
H2: Yes like Bianca Gonzales ,Sandara Park, Melissa Ricks, Sarah Lahbatti, Raymond
H1: And let us not miss out Moira Dela Torre, Alex Gonzaga, Michael V, Judy Ann Santos, and
the queen of all media, Kris Aquino.
H2: The netizens are so hyped with all these changes and how these celebrities showcase their
personal space. Summer, what do you think about these changes?
H1: And I think people like it. Not just because they're famous, but they are showing something
personal, and something that we don't usually see on television.
H2: Yeah, and I think that's what millenials like nowadays.
H1: You're right. We always like to see a part of celebrities that we look up to, their everyday
life, even how they brush their teeth, how they wash their hair. Their makeup routines and
basically just what they do throughout a usual day.
H2: I don't know why, but me as well as an audience, if I am going to chill, then click youtube, I
always go to the personal vlogs of these celebrities. I was so excited, I really like Kris Aquino's
home tour series of vlogs. Bag raids of Alex and her fam. And those types of vlogs. You know,
it's like a bit of their life.
H1: I watched those too. We are always intrigued about them. Because the thought of seeing
these celebs and people is exhilarating. And for the reason that, these are experienced and
professional celebrities. We can really look up and expect quality wise videos.
H2: True! That's a good point. They know what they do. And sometimes even if it's just a usual
chikahan, it's still interesting.
H1: Oo naman. Even if how old Kris Aquino. Pag narinig naten.. Ooohh! I am going to click.
H2: However because of the sudden change, the usual perception of the audience is that
palaos na tong mga to.
H1: Hahahaha truely! Even I myself. Im not gonna deny. I'm like suddenly these number of
celebs are here now creating their own space on the social media. But in reality that doesn't
necessarily imply na these people are going down the drain. In fact it sometimes increases their
number of supporters.
H2: exactly. You know, before I am not really a fan of Alex Gonzaga but since when I watched
her first vlog. I was really laughing. Yknow. I enjoyed it.
H1: And besides it's not that they are not compensated. These vloggers are actually well
compensated depending on their vlog's comments likes and views.
H2: Yeah, actually maybe one day. I'll also transfer as a vlogger.
H1: go for it! Hahahaha
H2: I will just really do that next time.
H1: let's do that. Let's fill our resumes as a YouTube vlogger. People you can earn thousands
and thousands by just vlogging at home. Hahahaha it's a win win situation. You do what you
like. You stay at home.
H2: You handle your time. You don't have a boss.
H1: And you get to communicate with the world. With less limitations.
H2: I agree.
H1: And enough of that. Let's now move on to the next topic which is also timely and loud. The
korean wave.
H2: Ohh no! Wherever you go. You'll always meet someone who's into the Korean wave.
Whether it's a Kpop fan or the Kdrama type of fan.
H1: And since it's a hot issue. We'll have a guest speaker with us to tackle this topic. We'll be
back after this break.
H1: We're here again with the admin of the popularized fan page, AnnyeongOppa.
G: Annyeonghaseyo! Jeoneun _______imnida.
H1 & H2: Aahh!!! Annyeonghaseyo! Ayan adopt na adopt natayo. Welcome to our segment.
G: Thank you for also having me.
H1: Yes, _________. we were talking about the Korean wave. And we think that you know
better than us.
H2: Can you share us where did this all start?
G:Honestly,I really don’t know exactly when and how these so called “Koreanwave” began. All I
can say is that Kdrama sand kpop songs are very popular even when I was child back then.
G: I mean hey who could forget “Boys over flowers”.
G: Lee Min Ho!

They’re just too good to be true.

G: …
H1: You’re totally right, it seems that over the years Korea has really established a solid
foundation when it comes to producing a high quality and well-thought of dramas across
Southeast Asia.
H2:t can you tell us what’s unique about Korean drama? I mean, what differentiates them from
the other dramas that we usually encounter? What is it that makes them stand-out?
G: That’s a really nice question. Well, I think the unique thing about Korean dramas is that each
one of them showcases some part of their culture. In kdramas, we get to see the history of
korea, how Koreans dress, eat, enjoy and even some of their traditions are introduced.
H1: Yeah. You know we visited Korea last April. We were strolling around Seoul, and literally
you can see these Korean casually wearing hanbok. Their traditional costume.
G: You see, the thing about kdramas is they try to share their culture and traditions instead of
imitating other stories. I think that’s what makes it special and captivating.
H1: Yes that really sets them apart from other dramas out there right?
H2: Definitely. Their culture is so amazing and I’m sure a lot of people want to go to Korea now
and experience it themselves.
G: I agree. Korea is such a wonderful place and I can’t wait for everyone to be able to go there.
Although I strongly advice that they prepare and make sure to take as many Korean phrases as
they can because basic language is very important. They're not that fluent in English.
H2: May I add. Infairness, to Filipinos. It's impressive how adoptive we are when it comes to
H1: HAHAHAHAHA we finally said something nice to the Filipinooooss!! WHOOO!!
H2: HAHAHAHAHA have you noticed that too? No, but just truthfully the traditional media of the
Filipinos. You know me girl. I like to be honest. I just think the message and stories of the media
is being repetitive and getting more cliché than ever.
H1: HAHAHAHAHAHA Cliché? Well I won't deny that. It is always those mistresses and family
affairs stories. Relationship conflict as usual. Our listeners I think agree with you naman.
H1: anyway. Thank you to our guest, Suzy. I hope you had a great time
G: I did. Thank you too for having me. It’s a pleasure to meet you guys.
H2: We’re also happy to have you here. Thank you again for joining us.
H1: Now it’s time to move on to our next topic but let’s have a short break first. Stay tuned and
we’ll be back after this song.
*music playing*
*ending music*
H1: We’re back and this is the last part of our episode. Time really flies when you’re having fun
H2: Yes, this episode is full-packed from the beginning so I just felt kinda sad that our shows
about to end. Anyway let’s recap first what we have discussed about in our segment for today.
H1: First, we talked about celebrities who now use the new media as their platform.
H2: We also talked with Ms. Suzy about the Korean fever and how it is different from the other
dramas we see in tv.
H1: And now we are going to talk about these numerous applications that we use to binge
watch and suffice our addictions for various tv series like Riverdale, Stranger Things as well as
what we just talked about Kdramas.
H2: Yes we are all victims of our next topic. It's about Netflix, iFlix, Tribe, you name them all. It's
those softwares and websites where we can watch international and local tv series. Summer,
what's interesting is that these famous websites.
H1: Let's include Youtube na rin.
H2: Yes, these famous websites can potentially outdates our traditional media particularly
H1: Yes. They both have similarities. They both offer dramas and series.
H2: also with these portals we can watch movies. We no longer need to go to cinemas then be
stuck in traffic plus you have to buy food. Which sometimes can be pricey.
H1: exactly. That's why there are people and market who choose to just stay at home and pay a
little amount of money.
H2: it's really advantageous with these sites compared to traditional ones like televisions, radio
or cinemas. With these you can also play the film over and over again.
H1: with the convenience of just being at home. Or when you're in the car. Or when your
outside. Basically anytime and anywhere. You can download it also. Meaning even if you don't
have internet. It's still available.
H2: Technology has progressed throughout the years and as a result new media was
introduced to the public.
H1: With that being said, I’m eager to know what will happen in the succeeding years because
maybe that time we wouldn’t be needing televisions or radios anymore. All the shows that we
want to watch are just one click away right?
H2: Yas, maybe in the next few years we wouldn’t need to buy television sets just to watch the
news and the movies we want to see
H1: This means that we won’t have problems with the video quality anymore because when we
watch the shows online we can choose the quality we want.
H2: yeah, we no longer have to rush home just to watch these shows.
H1: our episode today is really nice talaga. Cause actually our 1st and 2nd topic are interrelated
to the 3rd. Like because there are various celebrities who transfer na online. So it's also
possible that television will be outdated na. However, it won't happen now naman.
H2: How amazing it would be!
H2:. A world that is just one click away from each other.
H1; And that’s it for today folks we hope you had a great time listening to us
H2: Stay tuned for more upcoming episodes and If you like this episode don’t forget to hit
subscribe so that you will receive notifications when we upload a new content.
H1: Again thank you for listening and have a great day ahead
H1:This has been the hottest girl on earth, summer.
H2: And the girl that can make you fall in love over and over again, autumn.
H 1 & 2: Your seasons of the day.
*ending music*
H1: Hello and welcome to another episode of the Four Seasons Podcast. I'm Winter and for
today we will be with Snow Flake and we will be discussing some interesting topics about our
society. Hi how are you? Can you believe that this is actually our third episode?

H2: You're right! Actually, I can't explain how thankful I am to everyone especially to you guys
who never fail to listen to us!

H1:Yes you guys are really awesome. Thank you. And I know that you are all excited to know
more about today's episode so without further ado, Snow flake hit it!

H2: Today we are going to talk about the social media challenges that became popular in which
the crowd just can't resist to be a part of.

H1: Yes that's right. I am really excited for this ep because you know every year, the internet
sees a viral trend which brings us together and carry out these challenges

H2: Indeed, the mannequin challenge, planking challenge (H2: yes i think that's from around
2010/2011), the running man challenge

H1: yes all these dance craze challenges, FettyWap, Trumpets, the Budots, Harlem shake

H2: there's really a lot, but there's this one challenge which became popular globally for only just
a month because when you participate, you will not only get likes and shares, or be popular idol
or whatsoever. The proceeds will be a help to persons with ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
I got my tongue twisted on that part *laughs*

Familiar? The ALS ice bucket challenge?!

H1: Yes the ice bucket challenge. The origin of this challenge is really inspiring, you know
through social media, people around the world united to raise funds for people with ALS. It adds
up to the idea that when people come together, we can make the impossible happen

H2: Yes even the celebrities joined this challenge. Lebron James, bill gates, Mark Zuckerburg,

H1: lady gaga, Taylor swift, Selena, any many more. ALS association raised 115$ from 2014
ice bucket challenge.

2: that is a huge fund, and I think they used the money to find treatments and cure for ALS
through research, care services and public policy programs

1: I think that it is the most significant challenge out of all the challenges that went viral

H2: yes I agree, you know I just realized how fascinating social media is and how it influences
us. We can be connected anytime and anywhere.

H1: we can help each other and raise awareness. We can use social media as a tool in
improving our lives and find possible solutions.

H2: And now lets move on to the next part of our episode where Winter and I will share to you
our own experience when we participated to some social media challenges.
H1: But before that let us first listen to Justin Bieber's Cold water. This song is brought to you by
Mang Kune's Iron shoes, Jollibee's Ala King, and Coca Cola's pineapple juice.


H2: And we are back. Winter as we are now talking about challenges, if ever there's a point in
your life when you have to jump in cold water for someone would you do it?

H1: Thank you for that wonderful question, but whoever that someone may be I think it depends
on how much this person is important to me.

H2: I think you should jump in and start singing *let it go let it go*

H1: Kidding aside, earlier we talked about the social media challenges that went viral and how
some of these made a contribution in raising awareness

H2: That’s how beneficial social media is, so now let us proceed to the other challenges, can
you name some challenges that you've tried before?

H1: Oh yes! There is this challenge that has gone viral over the internet. The one from Korea.

H2: That’s the Samyang Challenge: The world’s spiciest instant noodles.

H1: If I’m not mistaken, it comes in five different flavors which have its own kick when you eat it.

H2: That’s right! The famous flavors or must I say a must try that’s making a buzz here and
there with all these social media influencers, bloggers, and even friends taking on the challenge
are the SAMYANG HOT Chicken Flavor and the SAMYANG HOT Chicken x2. I guess the latter
means the spiciness is a notch higher than the first.

H1: I’ve tried it before.

H2: Really??

H1: Let me say that I bought these because I saw a spicy hot noodle challenge on YouTube. I
really like spicy food so I thought at first that these weren’t super hot for me.

H2: Are you insane?! *laughs*

H1. I can handle spice, but these noodles caught me off guard. Its not the kind that will give you
an instant burn when you take the first bite. After a couple of mouthfuls of these noodles, my
whole mouth literally felt like it was on fire.

H2: Good for you though!

H1: It was such a struggle. I was regretting it the whole time. But knowing me, I’m going to come
back for more, probably tomorrow.

H2: So that's it for today folks! Hope you had a great time listening in today's episode.

H1: Don’t forget to stay tuned and watch out for the upcoming segments. We leave you with
these song entitled "leaves" by Ben and Ben Thank you and have a great day!

DELA TORRE, Allysa Jade
LAURETA, Julia Andrea
PALUSTRE, Louielyn

Ms. Alicia Dizon

January 29, 2018

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