Jaiser Samuel Ministries - Revival Message 3

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Revival Message 3: Exalting The Mighty Word of God

Psalms 138:2 says: The LORD GOD has exalted His eternal WORD above all things including
His terrible and awesome Name! This is mind boggling; the God of heaven exalts His WORD
even above Himself! The WORD of God is the Book we call The Bible, all the 66 books from
Genesis to Revelation are God inspired writings showing His law, statutes, ways and dealings
with humanity. This book is the very mind and heart of God. Our God the FATHER can't do
anything outside His WORD. Our LORD JESUS CHRIST for all eternity was known as the
Eternal WORD until He chose to put on human fresh forever to be 100% God yet 100% Man for
our redemption and salvation. The Holy Spirit also can't and will not do anything outside the
parameters of The Written WORD of God.

In Genesis it is recorded that in the presence of chaos, The SPIRIT of God hovered over all the
messy waters but He did nothing until The WORD of God was released. He then became active
and performed the WORD; the result was the perfect creation! Forget the theories of
philosophers like Darwin with mere humanistic fallen minds. Oh the wisdom of man is utter
foolishness in the eyes of God. Hebrews11:3 says we understand that everything God made He
framed it by His Holy WORD. The first creation, including man, was created in the same way.
Even after the fall of man into sin and depravity, the WORD came, entered a womb of a virgin
and was birthed into the world. The WORD lived among us and at the age of 33 died on the
cross for our sins. He rose again back to life on the third day and ascended back to His former
abode. The Holy Spirit was then sent to us to perform the bidding of this Mighty Word.

The greatest of all God's creation is the "new creation" when The Word by the power of the
Spirit of God enters into the hearts and souls of men, changing them into sons of God - born of
the incorruptible Word which lives and abides forever. So brethren if you are born again, you are
born of the Word of God, you carry the nature and character of God. The Bible is the source of
all wisdom, law, civilisation, creativity, morality and justice. It's not surprising that this book and
Christianity civilised the western world. But then they threw the Book out of their schools and
public places. The swearing over it in their courts and on inaugurations is ridiculous as they don't
even know what's written there in much less obeying it! This has turned the west into mere
savages (of course not all, there is still God's faithful ones over there). Homosexuality, abortions,
child trafficking, sex enslaving of young girls, pervasions of all sorts openly portrayed in their
movies. We hear of nasty cities like Las Vegas probably worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. They
have turned the Lord's day into a day for sports and entertainment and carnal amusements. These
that in the past evangelised the whole world and called themselves Christian nations, have they
not turned into savages? Why? They have kicked out the Book! Oh Lord have mercy. Personally
am not as concerned about the Bible in public places as I am on whether it is in the homes of
professing believers. If we don't read it in our homes why should we complain when they kick it
out of schools?

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

Now to you personally, how important is the Word of God to you? When was the last time you
read through your Bible cover to cover? Is the Book alive to you? Are you living according to
this Book? If not then forget it, your Christianity is a fallen one! Oh this fake generation that
focuses on traditions of men other than the Written word of God! God will only treat you in the
exact proportion of how you treat His Word (1 Samuel 15:26). The amount of The Word you put
in your heart will determine the amount of God in your life - His holiness, purity, character, love,
the fruit of the spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, domain and authority, victory over sin diseases and
devils and so on. All these are determined by the fullness of the Word of God in our souls. The
Holy Spirit cannot work fully in your life until the Word of God is established in your life.

The Bible must be our law, constitution, practice, lifestyle and culture. Anything contrary to the
Word I must hate and trash no matter who else advocates for it. This book must be the
foundation of my life, the philosophy of my entire life - marriage, parenthood, my dealings in
career and business; my entire Christian life must be anchored on the WORD of God. This Book
must be our final authority, the only fear of my life. Oh I must reverence this Book, highly praise
it and esteem it above all literature.

There are two basic things to do with the Bible: Believe it and Behave it! I join Kenneth E.
Hagin that great American preacher of the yesteryear in saying "The Bible is God speaking to
me, I am what it says I am, I have what it says I have, I can do what it says I can do, I am a
believer of The Word and am not a doubter." The WORD is my present, my future, my direction,
the song in my heart, my delight, it's laws are sweet to my heart, it's warnings my fear, it's
promises my nourishment. Hallelujah! So I must believe and act/live it.

Oh this book saved my soul from hell, transformed my life, healed me of diseases, delivered me
from depressive and suicidal thoughts, put life peace and joy in my heart. I don't think there is
anyone happier than me in the whole world. Glory to God! I wouldn't trade my walk with God
with anyone on this planet. Am living in the ever increasing fullness of the blessing and presence
of God. This all because of my commitment to The WORD of God.

Someone may ask, how can I study my Bible? Well I believe there is no rigid rules, just come to
the Holy Spirit to be taught in a personal way. But I will give my simple suggestions of how I
study my Bible.

1. Read through The Bible cover to cover from Genesis to Revelation just to familiarise
yourself with the book. You can't believe and behave what you don't know! If you are a
beginner start with the New Testament to know more about JESUS CHRIST our Lord,

2. He is the Chief theme of the Book. Search out different topics and themes in the Bible
like: Love, Holiness, Obedience, Hell, Heaven, Judgment, the fear of The LORD,
Blessing and so on. Get all Scriptures on the topic chosen from Genesis to Revelation,
write them in a book and read them over and over again to get a broad view of the topic.

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

3. Personalise Scriptures on different promises of God, turn them into confessions and
prayers. You must know that "confession is possession." Romans 10 shows the operation
of the Christian faith - you believe first in your heart but that faith has to be expressed in
speech. You can't have what you don't say! You must speak the WORD loudly out of
your mouth so your ears can hear you over and over again. For faith cometh by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God. I always say that this verse shows double emphasis on
hearing in a present continuous tense, but not hearing a preacher or some other super
Christian but rather your own mouth proclaiming The Living Word of God.

4. The last one is meditation. Our shallow artificially fast generation has lost the ancient art
of meditation and contemplation. This is not the Eastern world yoga and fallen practices
which is basically yielding your soul to devils. But it's rather a quiet concentration of
yourself and by the help of the Spirit of God, you carefully ponder upon a portion of
Scriptures, muttering it slowly beneath your breath, giving emphasis upon each word,
allowing yourself to be taught and illuminated by the Spirit of God, bringing to your soul
the meaning of such a passage and the experiential reality of it to your soul. This brings a
burning with your heart and a joy unspeakable. You have to find time and space for this
without distractions. You enter into the stories of the Bible as an active participant like in
a movie, you feel what they felt, laugh with them, repent with them, doing anything you
are reading with your mind and heart. This is a lost art I pray we rediscover. You cannot
go deeper in God with our present superficial and surface world focusing more on our 5
senses neglecting the unseen world - the spiritual world. We need to go back to the
practice of the ancient Christian mystics who knew and cultivated the interior life.

In summary, I challenge you to put the word of God as number one in your life. Read it over and
over again, not as an academic book but as your heart's nourishment. You don't have to
memorise Scriptures, only focus on obeying, doing and living the Word. May the Bible come
alive to us. May God raise Bible teachers in our day, may family Bible studies start in our
homes, may we honour this book; exalting it above all things, studying it, living it without any

We will all be judged by God on how we have treated His Word. He has given us His Word what
have we done with it?

We must read it, study it, confess it, sing it, write it, preach it and above do and live it. How
people in the past suffered, were tortured, martyred, while labouring to give us this book in an
ordinarily common language. Are we honouring their sacrifice and blood? We have it in all sorts
of forms: hardcopy (my only recommendation), on phones, computers, but are we reading it?
Are we utilising the privileges we have? There are believers in some countries in our modern
times that have no access to the Bible. Are we faithful with our freedom?
Oh Lord burn within us again with the hunger for your Word, teach us how to live your Word.
May we be without sleep until we have studied your word, may this book be more real to us than
food for man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that precedes from the mouth of
God. Amen.

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

I bless you Holy WORD of God, I exalt you above money sweet Word of God. The Lord said to
me once in prayer: "If you exalt my Word the way I exalt it, my Word will exalt you too." Oh
how this Mighty Word has indeed exalted me in my personal life and ministry. You are my law
Living Word, my wisdom and everything Mighty Word, Great Word, Eternal WORD,
Incorruptible Word, All powerful Word, Unfailing Word, Life giving Word, Creator Word,
Glorious Word. Nothing compares to you oh Lord Jesus forever and ever Amen. We are the
people of the Book Christians, may then this be our Testimony that we are doers of The Word of
God. Amen.

Yours in CHRIST

Paul Jaiser Samuel

He must increase but I Must decrease...John 3:30

Email: jaisersamuelministries17@gmail.com | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

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