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Revival Message 5: Intimate Worship

Our God created us for His pleasure. We were made for worship; to forever be with Him in the
most intimate relationship. Our Christian life is supposed to be a love affair with our Great Three
in One Yahweh.

In the beginning our God said: "let us create man in Our image and likeness." We were created in
God's nature, part of the family of God. He used to come and fellowship with our first parents
Adam & Eve in the cool of the day. There was no fear in man but a reverent obedient love
relationship with God. When the terrible sin happened, man was kicked out of the Eden of God.
But Our God never stopped pursuing His man; for His Eternal Heart still yearns for intimacy
with man, to bring us back to His family.

The Lord Jesus Christ came on earth, put on human fresh, dwelt among us, on the cross carried
our sin and with His blood ransomed us. He was buried, He rose again back to life for our
justification. By faith in the Christ of God we are brought back into the family of God - the very
presence of God. Oh if we only know the possibilities of this amazing grace! Oh the wonders of
the merits of Christ, purchasing a sinner from death back into the very presence of God. Man
then back in his first estate before the fall or I should say in a better standing! For man as a new
creation is the very temple of God. God in His fullness by the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in
the hearts of men. This is grace, hallelujah!

I have been saved and part of the Church for many years. I have seen all kinds of Christians of
all denominations, preachers of all kinds, listened to sermons and read books of all kinds. But it
seems to me, as the body of Christ, we have a very limited comprehension of the plan of God for
man. I rarely hear of a sermon on worship, intimacy with God, fellowship with God, oneness
with God. We all seem to be satisfied with salvation, forgiveness of sins, the benefits of the
cross. We stop at miracles, spiritual gifts and a hope for heaven. A few of us go a little deeper to
find out God's will for us and we get at it religiously with a hope of a mansion and a crown after
death. All this is true, but is that all?

Did the Lord Jesus come to suffer and die on the cross just to give us forgiveness of sins, to give
us a way to get our needs met through prayer, to take us to heaven or give us a future in eternity?
Is salvation, forgiveness of sins, justification, grace, the whole of the gospel, the end of it all? For
a bit more mature Christians, is Christian ministry (preaching, singing in choir or any other thing
you do for God) the end of it all? Is there anything more in the gospel of Christ? Are you sure
you are fully experiencing all the plan of God for mankind? My answer NO! We have stopped
way before perfection and completeness in Christ. We have been satisfied with so little! The gifts
of the Spirit, the Ministry and all other graces of God including heaven and eternal rewards are
still so little to be sated with! If we stop on these we have not at all experienced the fullness of

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

So then what is the ultimate in our Christian faith? Like I stated at first, 'we were only created for
God's pleasure'.

I have personally come to this conclusion, that my goal is not God's gifts, not happiness, not
blessings, not heaven, not mansions or crowns, but Only God Himself! He is my eternal reward -
nothing else satisfies but Him. Until my heart gets Him in His fullness I utterly fall short of His
best. I have seen Christians stopping and camping on minors (His gifts) but who goes for the
Giver of the gifts Himself for His sake alone?!

Our only response to His love is worship. This is an unheard of experience! I will try, though
imperfectly, to speak to you about this most sacred experience of our faith.
Worship is our preoccupation with God - who He is and not what He can give you. Worship is us
emptying ourselves into our God, it is us entering into intimacy with our Creator God, being
consumed in His majesty and glory, losing sight of yourself, your needs and totally get lost in

We need to understand that the Christian life is a love affair with God. It's unlike other religions
of the world which focus on appeasing the wrath of their gods with self sacrificing labours or
buying acceptance from such gods by good works. But rather in our faith, our God does
everything - on His cross He paid for everything. Ours is to come by faith and experience the
finished work of Christ.

The Christian life can be compared to a natural human romance. The Lord starts courting you
like a man does a young girl, in the beginning there are gifts, dinners, surprises. But all these are
a means to an end, the man is looking for the girl's heart and love. Sooner or later, the girl must
accept the man for who he is and not the little 'baits'. They then form a bond legally culminating
into marriage, the marriage is consummated in the most sacred act of physical union and a life
time of love, commitment; together bearing the fruit of children. In the same way when Christ
comes to us He showers on us unceasing love knocking on our hearts, He bestows gifts like
forgiveness of sins, spiritual gifts, answers to prayers. But all these are 'baits' for the King is
desiring our hearts! Revelation 3:20 says: "behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear
my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and him with me."
Notice, that Scripture is not for sinners as it is usually perceived but King Jesus was speaking to
His church - you and me. He desires intimacy with you!

I really think most Christians don't have this concept in their Christian walk. We are called The
Bride of Christ! I think most Christians though saved, have never or will never consummate their
marriage with Christ! Lord have mercy on us! They have kept Him out of their hearts. They don't
know Him! They don't actually love Him even if they claim to! They know some facts about
Jesus in a biographical way, they love His grace and what He did for them and the future hope of
heaven! But they don't see Him as their Lover. This is why we were created that we may come
into an eternal bond with our Lord Jesus Christ, we must surrender our hearts wholly to Him and
give Him pleasure.

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

Song of Solomon is a very interesting allegory of the bond between Christ and His Bride - the
Church. Chapter 1:2 says "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for thy love is better
than wine" my interpretation of this verse: "Let King Jesus kiss me with the kisses of His mouth,
for His love is greater than heaven and earth"

How is your Christian life? Do you know God? Do you love Him? Are you in an intimate
relationship with Him? Is Jesus your Lover?

Oh that we may pursue intimacy with God! This is not a corporate work, though we worship God
in public as a congregation, but I believe intimacy with God can only be possible in our private
worship. In the secret inner chambers there must be only two lovers! I believe 95% of our
Christian life ought to be personal, you and God alone in the secret garden of love! Loving on
Him, pursuing Him, pleasing Him, singing songs of love to Him, spending time with Him,
playing and sporting with Him, crying and suffering with Him! This intimate worship cannot
even be practiced on a family prayer altar, not even with your physical partner. You must get
away from all people and be alone with God.

When was the last time you spent some quantity and quality time with God? When was the last
time you ministered unto Him alone and gave Him pleasure? When was the last time He shared
His concerns with you? Or your practice is to use God as your supermarket or a utility God who
only satisfies your needs but you don't have any concern for His well being? Do you know God
The Father? Have you ever felt His Tender Heart beat? Do you know He has needs that you only
can satisfy? Do you know The Lord Jesus Christ? Do you know He is always waiting for you in
the inner chamber to make love to you? Oh how have you neglected Him? The two shall become
one fresh, he that is joined with The Lord is one spirit with Him. When are you going to give
yourself to Him? He is right now knocking on the door of your heart, do you care enough to give
Him free access that He may have His way with you? You're shutting Him out with your worldly
pursuits or worse still your spiritual pursuits.

Do you know The Mighty Sweet Dove of God? Oh that Mighty Holy Wind, the Fire of God! Do
you know that The Spirit of God lives in you? Do you know that He is a person with affections
not a mere influence? Do you treat Him like some extra baggage you carry around? Have you
ever heard His awesome voice or you are busy pursuing miracles, prophetic abilities, visions,

Everything you do for God without first giving Him your heart is sin! Your giving, witnessing,
singing in choir, your religious prayers and such do not please Him at all! You can win a 100
souls to heaven every day of your life and still disappoint Him! He is foremost interested in your
heart, then out of the intense passion for Him must flow our ministry to Him. Two sisters,
Martha was busy serving but simple Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Jesus said 'one thing is needful -
fellowship with God' Mary chose right. Are you a Martha or Mary?

In Psalms 29:2 we are admonished to worship God in the beauty of Holiness. This we must do
by offering our lives to Him in obedience, living pure and holy lives, forsaking sin and the things

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

of this world, focusing on nothing else but The King of Glory, being lost in His Majesty!
If you can't spend a little time with God now, how do you think are going to handle all eternity in
heaven? That is if you even make it!

Jesus said the Father is looking for true worshipers in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). Many today
worship God in the fresh! Our so called worship music is an abomination to God! Our pulpits are
filled with jokers! They don't know God, jump around in the flesh with worldly clothing, funny
lights and some absurd smoke; just natural skill on machines and empty professional voices! All
those fake 'worship leaders' do they know God? I personally don't think so! If they are carnal,
living in sin, can't even spend 30 minutes in prayer alone with God, can they indeed lead us in
worship? Forget it! It's all carnal showmanship, we worship our talents and music but not God!
Lord have mercy on us!

I have been in Church for years but I don't think I have met a true worshiper of God ever in my
life! How rare are these that intimately worship God in spirit and truth! Oh My Father to date is
looking for such people. Do you think He can find you as a true worshiper in spirit and truth? In
your life, conduct, heart devotion to Him, in obedience to His Word and Will this is worshiping
God in truth and spirit.

Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 says we should sing unto God in spiritual songs, hymns and
Psalms, making melody in our hearts to the Lord. When are we going to join the worshipping
assembly in heaven? Singing to the Lord new songs. God is not interested in crammed songs,
reading songs in a hymn book or on a projector, no sir! We must sing to Him from our hearts not
heads. We must write to Him poems, Psalms of love. Oh that we join David, Moses and Miriam
of old that broke out to the Lord in new songs in high praises of God. We must join the ancient
hymn writers that had a heart for the King to produce ageless songs that has blessed The Lord for

I believe if your wife/husband treats you the way you treat God, you will be divorced already! I
believe our so called worship leaders should repent, step down until they first learn to worship
God alone in their personal lives! I believe worship is personal, we must give our God pleasure,
we have to spend time with Him. I usually take walks with God from the time I got born again as
a teenager to date, oh how these communions with God are sacred to me! He fuses into me and I
in Him! Oh Love Divine, desire of my soul, the song of my heart, Jesus is your Name, my
Eternal One, The Father of glory, how lovely You are! Oh sweet Dove of heaven, how beautiful
You are! My Three in One Yahweh!

We should worship laying face down blessing His Name for He lives forever!
We should lay our crowns - education, social status, wealth, gifts, talents, all at the feet of Jesus
in worship! We should be extravagant and expressive in our worship like David's wild dance,
Mary pouring a costly perfume and washing His feet with her hair. We can cry and groan out of
love to God. We can shout, jump, play before Him. Oh Church He is worthy of our praise!

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

Worship can be expressed in our holy living, obedience, giving service to God, but also in music,
dance and poetry. I believe the climax of worship is when we come in God's presence and we
become speechless, lost in His majesty, musing on His glory, this is speechless adoration. Be still
and know that IAM God! In such times The King Himself starts to sing back to you, to adore
you, to love on you! Oh Glory to God for His amazing grace! If you have never heard the Father,
His Son and His Spirit sing to you, then you have never tasted life! Oh taste and see that The
Lord is good!

I pray for a revival of worship in the Church of Christ, in family altars, but much more in our
individual lives. We have all kinds of meetings! I pray we have meetings like the one recorded in
Acts 13:1-2 when we come to gather not to do anything but to minister to our Great God.

May God raise true worship leaders in our day. May God raise teachers to elucidate to us this
sacred subject of worship. Amen.

Do not keep your King waiting, open for Him to enter and that He may have pleasure with you

Paul Jaiser Samuel

The Love Slave of The Lord Jesus Christ

He must increase but I Must decrease...John 3:30

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

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