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Doc. No.

: MTD-QSP-06
Trailers Division – Management Review Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06

1. Purpose
To review the company’s Quality Management System at planned intervals, to
ensure its continuing adequacy and effectiveness.

2. Scope
This procedure is applicable to all personnel who take part in the Management

3. Responsibility
3.1. General Manager chairs the Management Review Committee meetings.
3.2. Management Representative, prepares the agenda and minutes of the
review meetings, and follows up of the decisions taken in the meeting to
ensure their completion in the specified time frame.

4. Procedure

4.1. General
The company’s top management has established a Management Review
Committee to coordinate and control the activities of the quality system being
carried out by different organizational functions in the company and to
periodically review and evaluate the performance of the quality system.
Management Representative is responsible for planning and scheduling the
management meetings, Yearly meeting plan MTD-QPF-06-01 is submitted by
Management Representative to the General Manager during the first month of
the year for review and approval.

4.1. Frequency
The Management Review meetings are conducted every 4 months.
Unscheduled meetings may be called at any time on the discretion of the
Managing Director.

4.2. Attendance
The Management Review Committee meeting is chaired by the Chief executive
Officer and attended by the following members:
a) General Manager.
b) All Departments / Section Heads.
Managers who are unable to attend may send representatives in their place. The
absent managers will receive minutes of the meeting.

4.3. Inputs to Management Review Meetings

The agenda of the Management Review Committee meeting is prepared by the
Management Representative a week before the meeting and is distributed to all

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Doc. No.: MTD-QSP-06
Trailers Division – Management Review Rev.: 0 Date: 03-05-06

the members mentioned above. The inputs to management review meetings


a) Results of Internal and External Audit reports

b) Customer feedback.
c) Status of preventive and corrective actions.
d) Follow-up actions from earlier management reviews.
e) Changes that could affect the quality management system.
f) Recommendations for Improvements.

4.4. Output of the Management Review Meetings

The minutes of the Management Review MTD-QPF-06-01, is to be prepared by
Management Representative within (2–3 Days) after the meeting and then
distributed to the members. The minutes include decisions related to:

a) Improvement of quality management system and its processes.

b) Improvement of services.
c) Resource needs.

4.5. Follow up of the meeting

Management Representative is responsible for the follow up of the decisions
taken in the meeting to ensure that the decisions are implemented in the time
frame specified.

5. Records
Following records shall be maintained:

Name Code
1. Annual Management Meeting Programme MTD-QPF-06-01
2. Minutes of Meeting MTD-QPF-06-02

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