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Revival Message 8: The Will of God for Your Life

I love praying in cities walking through buildings and bypassing masses of people on streets.
Looking into people's faces, am always heartbroken, humanity of all races, gender, ages,
religions, cultures, status quo, seems to be hopelessly lost and in despair, walking aimlessly as
lost sheep! You would think that only the poor are in this despair, that the rich have some solace
but alas in those long lines of cars in traffic jam, I still gaze through those sleek cars with elegant
men and women who you would think have it all, only to see the same malady on their faces if
not worse than the poor on the streets! Poor things can try all they can to satisfy that void within
their souls by money, sex, fame, pleasures, alcohol, drugs, entertainment, travels, further
education, joining some social clubs, the list is endless but all this is miserably futile.

I guarantee you someone may be the president, the great award winner or a celebrity on TV but
when all is said and done, on their beds I can strongly feel their wretched heart crying out: "I am
empty, is there anything more to life?" No wonder suicidal rates are high especially in the so
called developed world with all the liberty, human rights, prosperity, pervasions of all sorts and
amusements; yet all these have not satisfied the ever hungry hearts of men.

One could think religion can provide the remedy where science and arts, technology, philosophy
and all other schools of thought have all failed miserably. Great thinkers and intellectuals have
all died with one last phrase: "what is life all about?" The fatal rigorous religious practices of the
world where poor humanity has diligently poured in hours of worship has provided no cure to
this grand void in men's souls. Liberals, modernists, atheists, universalists have chosen to ignore
this 'cancer' yet they are dying gradually!

You could think that Christianity with its belief system in the One True God and The Bible at our
disposal is surely the solution but not automatically so am afraid to say! For how also many
professing Christians today are battling this same void of heart! As a preacher of the gospel of
Jesus Christ, I meet many people one on one; poor things! You look into their souls and all you
see is emptiness and vanity! Even preachers are empty, some even suicidal!

The greatest need of man then in our days is to find such a cure for this ageless dilemma! My
personal experience in this search of meaning to life has been an interesting one. From my first
reflections as a boy, in my quiet time or even in the middle of too much activity be it classroom,
sporting with my fellows, family time, deep in my heart I would wonder “what is life all about?
What am I here for?” Such distressing thoughts were too heavy on me for my little age that I
often contemplated suicide! For I said 'there is nothing to live for here on earth, all is vain and

How I cried as a 7year old to God to kill me other than living in this empty miserable world! But
as a teenager, I had an encounter with the True Living God, out of my despair, crying unto any
Creator out there who runs this universe to reveal Himself to me and His purpose for me here

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below. The Risen LORD JESUS CHRIST appeared to me in that experience that transformed my
life. He is alive Glory to God, Hallelujah! That night I was gloriously saved, filled with the Joy
of heaven, my misery and depression vanished. I was translated from the kingdom of darkness
into the Kingdom of God's beloved Son! I enjoyed a long season of pure heavenly bliss. But
gradually the novelty wore off.

Though I had now the reality of God in my life yet I still felt something was missing. I realised
two grand things that require our greatest quest in life, if we are ever to find rest in our souls:

Knowing God intimately through the Person of Jesus Christ the Son of God and finding one's
purpose in life to me is the only source of true satisfaction in life! Dear reader, are you born
again? Do you know God? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Is Christ living in you? Or you
are just playing around with religion? There is no peace unto the wicked says the Lord of hosts!
Who is the wicked one? It's a man that seeks not after God! I don't care if you’re already born
again or even a preacher, the day you stop pursuing God is the day you start dying! Do you know
your purpose in life? Do you know God's will for your life? Are you getting at it now? Or are
you excusing yourself in worldly pursuits? There is no life outside the will of God! If ye be
willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land.

The worst day so far in life has been the day I was graduating from the university, barely 21years
of age having spent over 17years in school, yet I didn't have any idea of what to do in life! The
thought of joining the status quo of pouncing on any available job opportunity and just earn a
living horrified me! When I saw thousands of my fellow colleagues, their seemingly happy
relatives! All for what, just a paper!? O my soul groaned within me on that day, "O Lord what is
my purpose in life, this education achievement is vain, show me your will for my life" even
while at the party organised for me against my will! I told people this is all I can give to normal
life, am going to seek God for His will and just do that, I will do nothing else in life- no career,
no business, no further studies could do for me but serving God. I set out to specifically find out
my call. Poor family members and pastors couldn't understand my madness but my motto in life
has always been : "I love all but fear none, I never live to please anyone not even myself but

So I defied all, forsook all, went through a search for who I am, and what am I here for in
specific terms. I could preach a little then but soon closed everything, broke and flushed my SIM
card, gave away my phone, kicked out family and friends and entered into the lone life with The
Bible as my major companion! Oh I prayed for hours daily with all I am, read the Bible, I got
Scriptures like, Ephesians 1: 15-23, Ephesians 3:14-21, Philippians 3:7-14, Colossians 1:9-12.
Prayed them over and over, spending most of the time praying in tongues and meditation, with
one thing on my heart and mind: "Lord you either reveal to me Your will for my life or send me
to hell, I wouldn't take no for an answer!" It took a while but finally the heavens opened unto me,
the dark veil fell off my soul, I could see clearly now, God in His Eternal Nature and Glory, the
purpose of all Creation, the place of man in the grand plan of God, the fall of man and its
consequences, the works of Christ and His redemption and restoration of all things to former

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glory, the place of the Church in the eternal plan of God, then specifically my individual place in
the eternal plan of God, my purpose on earth and through eternity and how to fulfill it, the part of
my Nation Uganda in the eternal plan of God and why I was born here, I saw my future, the
works I will do for the Glory of Christ, my Ministry and preaching career, my social political and
economic contribution to my generation, I saw my personal family life, I even saw my

Oh I can't explain the wonder of this experience, it felt like I was placed into the very heart of
God before creation, as though I sat within the Heavenly Boardroom to hear those awesome
words: "let us create man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over all
the creation" I was plugged into eternity! O nothing else mattered, I could never envy anyone, I
personally don't have icons or inspirational people (though I honour some especially those who
have gone before me), the most accomplished people in any field just bore me! Because I know
who I am, they all fall short of my identity and calling. From this experience I said bye bye
forever to emptiness and void of the soul! I had finally gotten the two most important things in
life; Knowing God and Knowing His Eternal will for my life.

How is your life? Are you dragging along in some empty pursuit of a career? You haven't started
living until your know God and His will and get at it while you are still young!
I will summarise for you a few lessons I gleaned in my intense search for the calling of God for
my life. If you consider them with an unprejudiced meek spirit you may greatly advance in
finding and following and fulfilling God's will for your life. The will of God for your life can be
categorised in the following ways:

1. Knowing God
Your first and foremost calling for all eternity is to know God in the most personal and
Intimate way. We are born sinners having descended from Adam the first man, and if nothing
is done about our state we are eternally doomed in hell. God will not judge you for being
born with sin but rather for not getting rid of it yet He has already provided the means of
grace in the Person of His Son JESUS CHRIST, in His virgin birth, cross, death, burial and
resurrection from the dead. Any sinner can approach God in repentance, depending on Christ
and receives pardon and new life. Sinner at once on your knees calling on the mercy of God
to save your soul! Then you must continue in your pursuit of intimacy with God. The
Christian life is an eternal relentless pursuit of God! Be filled with the Holy Spirit, press in
for entire sanctification and cleansing from all sin, to live a pure and holy life before God,
learn to pursue God in His Holy WORD- the Bible, reading and meditating in it, commune
with God in prayer and personal worship, fellowshipping with Him alone, practicing the
presence of God in all your daily routines.

We were created for His pleasure. In the beginning He used to come in the cool of the day to
fellowship with man. He still yearns for the same with you. Therefore your first calling is to
know God, intimacy with God, fellowship with God, oneness with God. I will come and
dwell with them, they shall be my people and I shall be their God. Behold The King is
knocking on your heart will you open for Him?

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2. Family Life
The second most important part of your calling is the family life. Few people appreciate the
importance of family in our rotten days, they put education, career, Ministry, Church or
business before family! What a curse, at best this is devilish! In the beginning God didn't
create a church, ministry, a republic, or any other social institutions. But He said, "it's not
good for man to be alone"(I usually tell girls that if it's not good for man to be alone then it's
worse for a woman to be alone!) So God made man a wife. For the two shall become one
flesh. The union of marriage is the greatest blessing on earth after intimacy with God!
Marriage is sacred and I condemn anything that affects the success of a home life however
spiritual it may look. I should say here that homosexuality is of the devil, is sin and
punishable by hell like other sins! I ask, are you paying a close attention to your marriage?
Do you love your husband/wife according to the scriptures? Your ministry or career
accomplishments will not avail anything on the day of judgement if you have failed in your
marriage? If divorced, there is grace to start afresh, forget the past all washed in the precious
Blood of the Lamb, now choose to live right this time and the grace of God will give you
victory! I believe we have neglected this institution of life in pursuit of education, money,
fame and power. We should repent and go back to our foundations. The nation is built by a
solid family base and marriages are the concrete of the family life. Now come to this derided
generation of young girls that are taken up with gender equality, always pursuing further
studies and careers only to wake up in their mid 30s lonely, almost suicidal! When you are
alone in your posh apartment, do those papers and titles provide any solace? Poor thing!
Drop your ego, get yourself a good Christian man (who may be of course below your
standards because of your aimless studies) start a family, bear children then pursue your

Again there is a terrible curse in our days of not wanting children in pretext 'there are a
burden'. And if gotten they are neglected in pursuit of vain fortunes. This is our greatest
responsibility to raise those God given children in the ways of God, saving their souls from
hell. I believe we have lost a generation of kids between 15-25 years of age. These kids have
been exposed to grave immortality while their parents are 'busy' outside of homes leaving
kids to TV and social media, and maids. Oh Good Lord have mercy!

Christian go back repent, take care of your family, your marriage, your children. You must
answer before God how you have managed your family affairs. So family is the second part
in your calling.

3. The Church
The third part of God's will for your life is the Church life. As believers we must appreciate
the importance of the Church of Christ for our individual lives, families, but also for our
nations. The Church in unity and power of the Spirit, is the greatest force on this planet. God
has put in the Church anointed men and women in all denominations of the Christian world.
As an individual and your family, you need to utilise these God sent and ordained ministers
in order for you to grow in God and fulfill His will for your life. Are you part of a local
assembly? Are you being discipled into a mature son of God? Are your pastors helping you

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to grow in your personal walk with God, your marriage life, your parenthood, your career
life? The Church should be a place of love where we meet to worship God together but also
to care for one another. Let your kids grow up in the church. Now do your responsibilities as
a member of the body of Christ; attend regularly, be involved in church activities, pay your
tithes and offerings faithfully, support your spiritual leaders, let your life entirely revolve
around the church. This again is God's will for your life.

4. Your specific Assignment

The fourth part of God's will for you is your specific unique assignment from God. Your only
contribution to your generation. This is the gift or a set of gifts God put in your soul before
you came on earth. He personally planned you with a unique personality, gave you every
talent you possess. He meticulously placed you into that family, with those parents (no
mistake even if you came out of wedlock or rape, all things work out for the good), in that
nation, in this generation of the 21st century AD, and not in 1600AD. He knows the why for
everything in your life and yours is to seek Him to know what you have to do for Him and
your fellow humanity. Until you find your rightful place in life your world will never have
meaning! You should live to give a contribution to society and not be a mere passive
consumer. We live by giving ourselves to others in selfless service. Some do this in ministry,
preaching like myself, others in secret intercession, politics and governance, music,
professions like medicine, law, agriculture, industry, trade and business, finance and
economics, etc. You just have to seek God and find something that suits the abilities God
endowed you with. Then get at it with all your might and strength, proving you’re a faithful
steward of God's grace. Never live just to earn a living. Oh what a sickening life. Live the big
life of helping and serving people. Never allow yourself to be taken into family pressure,
status quo, defy all and do your God given call. It's hard but it's worth it all. If what you are
doing is comfortable for you, and everyone is happy about you then you’re lost miserably,
drop it at once! Your true calling must cost you everything including family, friends. It must
make people mad at you, envy you, hate you, persecute you! This is purposeful living but
amidst all challenges every time you hit your bed with a deep sigh you say: "Bless you
LORD, life is worth it." If you can do it in your efforts then it's definitely not God's will, you
must do something that humanly speaking is impossible, then the Gracious Arms of
EMMANUEL carries you into success. This is glorious living. You will answer on the day of
judgement for your privileges of education, born in such a civilised age, born in a good
family, born with a complete healthy body, all your talents and gifts. Come on 'lazy bones'
make your life count for God and humanity. Never seek fortune, fame, prestige, influence but
only pursue to please God and serve others.

5. The State
The last part of God's will for your life is your community and Nation's affairs. Few
Christians appreciate that we live in this rotten world, we quote, "we are not of this world"
true but we forget that we are still natural beings living in the same world with the perishing
humanity. Whatever happens to our nations affects us, our families, churches. Our nations
are rotten morally, have injustices, poverty, wars, yet we are the salt and the light of the
world. What are we doing about it? Therefore we have a call from God to be part of our

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community and nation's affairs. Get involved in your nations social political issues, pay taxes
fully and faithfully without dodging any, honour natural leaders and monarchs, pray for
them, vote in time of democratic elections, never be easily sided with riotous men of change.
Always find out what the will of God is in the matter. If you have a call in politics go for it
with all your integrity of heart and Christian moral stamina. Who knows God might have
raised you in such a time as this to save your nation from hell. Where are the Daniels of old
that served in heathen empires yet remained saints of all ages! Christians must spearhead
morality and justice in our nations. We cannot keep quiet as we lose our nations to devils and
secularism. We will have to be judged also on how we participated or neglected our natural
obligations to our communities and nations.

In summary seek God find out His will for you in this life, follow my simple 5points highlighted
above. This is not dogma. It's rather my findings in my search for meaning in life. God can
reveal to you more. O that we all serve God and walk in His Eternal Will. My Jesus said "Lo I
come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do your will O God" Hebrews 10:7. He
said in another place: " My food is to do the will of my Father who sent." Is this your same drive
in life?

May our lives be summarized as of King of David of old; Acts 13:36- For David after he had
served his own generation by the will of God, he fell asleep and was laid unto his father's...

Yours in the Will of God

Paul Jaiser Samuel

He must increase but I Must decrease...John 3:30

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