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Revival Message 9: The Fruit of The Spirit

As the Christian world, we tend to focus more on our own traditions, dogma, works and belief
systems than on The Word of God. Some denominations and churches love their practices,
traditions, church leaders more than they love our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ! Others major in the
gifts of Jesus like speaking in tongues, miracles, healings, more than The Lord Himself! We
basically focus on outside works at the expense of getting the very heart of God! Lord have
mercy on us!

The fruit of the spirit is one of the rare subjects in the church of Christ today. Because this is
almost neglected, few of us are developing and growing in the fruit of the spirit. This is fatal!
Again I personally believe that 95% of the professing Christians of all denominations,
Pentecostals inclusive, are not actually born again! We are miserably deceived and one of these
days we shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ only to hear those awful words: "Go away
from me ye workers of iniquity for I never knew you.” Oh how we shall say to The King; "But
we were part of a church, we preached, prophesied, sang in choirs, performed miracles, had
dreams and visions..." He will simply reply: "I never knew you!" How terrifying this is! Yet
most Christians today, unless they REPENT, will receive this dreadful verdict from The Lord

I ask you dear one, do you know God? Do you think God knows you? What really proves that
you’re truly born again? Gifts? Think again, the devil has most of the gifts we yearn for in
Christianity, but he is still a miserable reprobate! Am not against gifts, I have the Bible for my
constitution, I know the Bible's instruction to earnestly covet and pursue spiritual gifts, I know
and operate in gifts. I personally believe I have tasted, by the grace of God, most of the gifts of
the Spirit. But we must redefine our priorities in our faith, if we are not to suffer eternal loss!

I believe the fruit of the spirit is the only proof of genuine conversion, if my life doesn't bear the
fruit of the spirit yet I claim to be saved, then I should be concerned whether my experience with
the Risen Christ was authentic. The fruit of the spirit is the nature of God, the image of God, the
character of God, who God is. Now if I claim to be a son of God, then I must prove it by my
likeness with Him. We tend to arrogantly associate ourselves with His power, glory and authority
but are we like Him in nature and character? Our speech and conduct must be conformed to the
very image of God. To some there is a dramatic change in their inner and outer life upon
conversion but to most the change is gradual. Although the seed of God is deposited in our souls
on the very day we get born again, yet it is not automatic to live out; we must pursue and develop
our lives in the image of God.

John 15 is a very instructive teaching that our Lord Jesus Christ gave us on who we are and our
responsibility in Him. First John 15:8 says; herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit
so shall ye be my disciples. When I bear the fruit of the spirit, I glorify God, but also I qualify
myself as a true disciple of Christ. Again it's my bearing of fruit that validates my being a true

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follower of Jesus. Then if you are not bearing fruit you should ask yourself, am I really born
again? Am I then glorifying God or myself? In this chapter the Master describes Himself and His
Church as a vine tree. He is the Vine and we individually are the branches. Now each branch is
expected to bear fruit. He said if we are not bearing fruit, such a branch is cut off and thrown into
the fire (Hell). How many professing believers will be cast into hell for eternity unless we repent
and start being fruitful. Then He says that any branch that bears fruit is pruned, improved, that it
may bear more and much fruit. Meaning even some of us who have some progress in developing
the nature of God in our lives, we also have to pass through testing times of pruning, so that we
may grow more and more like God.

The only thing God requires of us is FRUIT. He will not receive our gifts and service If it is not
backed by some healthy fruit! Jesus said: "ye shall now them by their Fruit.” We are known in
heaven not by our works or spectacular display of the gifts of the spirit, but only by our growth
in the fruit of the spirit in our day to day life! It doesn't matter how many gifts we operate in, if
we are wanting in bearing fruit unto God, we are nothing in heaven! You see the gifts of the
Spirit show what God can do, but the fruit of the spirit show who God is! Judge yourself, what is
more honourable to major in?!

Our Christianity is upside down today! It seems we have changed that scripture as if to say: "ye
shall know them by their prophetic abilities, dreams and visions, big Ministries, miracles, much
outside Christian practices, long prayers, speaking in tongues..." Now again all these are
important and am not belittling them in any way, God forbid for me to do such a sin! But this is
the FINAL VERDICT, that am only known in heaven by my fruit and not gifts!
My Jesus said, He is the Vine and we are the branches. This is glorious. The day must come
when we awaken to who we are! We are one with CHRIST, He is in us and we are in Him. His
life is flowing within our souls.

The Christian life is simply the Divine Life of God within souls of men! His nature, character,
image is imparted into our spirits and souls the day we get born again. Oh we have an awesome
responsibility to develop and allow this life of God to flow through us. As a branch in Christ, I
don't have to strain to bear any fruit, my job is to abide in the Vine. He says: Abide in me and ye
shall bear much fruit. When I abide in Him, through meditating in His Word, spending time with
Him in prayer and private worship, my spirit, soul and body is drawn away from the natural
world into the spiritual world. Then my spirit receives energy and life from The Spirit of God
within me, as more of the life of Christ is released into my soul the automatic result is fruit in my
life. This is the secret of the successful Christian life, 'Christ in me the hope of glory.’ We don't
bear fruit by struggle but by surrender! We yield ourselves to Him. He is the one living and
working in us to the glory of The FATHER.

Defeated Christians are those that try to live the higher life in their vain efforts. This is
impossible! But the life of victory is when a soul releases itself into God, realising that now God
is in my soul, He is the greater one in me, then I give Him right of way to work in and through
me. Our part is to bear/hold and not to work. We are not the ones producing the fruit rather it's
God doing it in us. 'Not I but Christ' should be our motto if we are to progress in our spiritual

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

walk. It's Christ in the beginning of my salvation, it's Him in the middle (sustenance) of it, it will
be Him still in perfecting and completing my salvation at death. He is the Author and the
Finisher of my faith. Let's join Apostle Paul in declaring: "Am crucified with Christ, nevertheless
I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me, and the life which I live in the fresh I live by the faith of
the son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Oh Lord live in me so big that nothing
of self will ever be seen or heard forever. Amen.

Again the fruit of the spirit is the image, nature and character of God in the life of a believer. Is
your life - speech and conduct portraying the life, nature and character of Christ? If not then are
you sure you are a child of God?

When Moses asked God to show him His glory - who He really is! The Lord answered in Exodus
34:6, declaring His Name (who He is); The LORD, The LORD GOD, Merciful and Gracious,
Longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth. This is the very essence of who our God is.
For the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever! He has power and gifts but He is
essentially the fruit of the spirit. Now if you’re going to walk with God, you must learn to pursue
His heart. Are you like God in this way? Are you merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abounding in
goodness and truth? If not then you don't know God! You are in a mere dead religion.

Ephesians 5:9 says, for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth. Again the
fruit of the spirit is the nature of God, this is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit per se, it's rather the
fruit of the born again human spirit. The nature of God that the sweet Holy Spirit imparts within
your soul, and this must be developed and expressed out in our words and actions, conduct and
lifestyle, this is what I mean by bearing fruit unto God. The above Scripture says that this fruit is
expressed in righteousness, goodness and truth, the list is endless because it is basically speaking
about the whole nature of God. So my human spirit must bear the following: love, peace, joy,
holiness, purity, the fear of God, faithfulness, peace, truth, mercy, kindness, obedience, humility,
justice, honesty, gentleness, thankfulness, respect, honour, etc. All these are the attributes of God
and as His children, the FATHER is looking for these in our lives. This is the only gift we can
give to God. He is looking for His Son in us. Oh that we grow into the fullness of the stature of

The Christian life is not an intellectual religion, we can't claim to have the fruit of the spirit
intellectually only. Also the Christian faith is not a speech only. It must be expressed through our
intellectual faculties, through our speech but ultimately through our actions and lifestyle. Until
we practically demonstrate it in our daily lives and conduct, we are in a dead religion. So this life
of God must be lived out daily in our personal lives, in our marriages, homes, parenthood, our
workplaces, our local churches, toward strangers and neighbours. This is practical faith.
Now at conversion this life of God is deposited into our inner man. But it's our responsibility to
develop and grow it by the help of The HOLY SPIRIT. This we do by:

1. Reading, studying, meditating, confessing and doing of the written WORD of GOD. And
reading Christian literature, Church history, biographies of great saints of old, etc.

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2. Prayer and worship. We must spend both quantity and quality time with God in sacred
communions. The more we behold Him, the more we grow into His Glory day by day.
3. By daily deliberate practice. Our faith is defined by; Diligence, Commitment, and
Consistency. So we choose to walk like Christ daily. When we fail we repent and get at it
again in the power of the Risen Christ until perfection. The Christian life is a journey and
a long one at that and not a camp! We must keep walking, growing unto the fullness of
the Godhead.

I will end by listing the 9 fold fruit of the spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22-23 applying them to
our lives:

Is your life characterised by love? Are you walking in obedience to the Christian Law of
Love in your marriage, home, workplace and at church? 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8; love
suffers long, and is kind, envies not, love vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, does not
behave unbecomingly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, rejoices
not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things, love never fails. Does this describe your life? Do you bear in
your words, emotions, actions towards all people in your life this Love Fruit?

2. JOY
The scriptures command us to rejoice evermore. For the joy of The Lord us our strength.
We must chose to be joyous in our lives, let your homes be filled joy. Never allow
sorrows and cares of this life steal your God given joy in your soul. Are you bearing this
Joy Fruit?

The scriptures command us to let the peace of God guard our hearts. We should never
allow anything to steal away our peace, we should pursue peace with all people, never
living in animosity. Peace should reign in our homes, don't irritate and nag people. Are
you bearing this Peace fruit?

This is a great virtue. We are in a generation that wants everything instantly! But our
Christian life is a patient walk, notice it's not a 100 metre sprint! The promises of God are
for all believers but only the patient believer practically releases them! Don't allow
seemingly delayed promises distress you. When you’re passing through trials and tests
take them on with patience and longsuffering. The things of God take time because He
has your eternal good on his mind and not a mere temporal miracle! Are you bearing this
Longsuffering fruit?

Are you gentle in your conduct? We should develop a gentle attitude towards our
spouses, workmates and all people. These are the things that glorify God, never be rude

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

or forceful towards any, but treat all with tenderness. Are you bearing this fruit of

Does goodness come out of you toward people? For the LORD is good and His mercies
endure forever. We should imitate our God and be good to all especially our spouses and
home people. Are you bearing this Goodness fruit?

Ours is a faithful God. Jesus is called Faithful and Truth. We should develop faithfulness
in our lives. Are you faithful in your marriage? God forbid that a Christian cheats on their
spouse! Are you faithful in your Christian obligations like paying your tithes and
offerings? Are you faithful at work, in keeping time, managing resources entrusted to
you? We have an account to give over our stewardship. Are you bearing this Faithfulness

Matthew 11:29 says, “take my yoke upon you and learn of me for am meek and lowly in
heart and ye shall have rest in your souls.” It seems to me we have the most bragging
preachers and Christian camps of all time! Alas! Oh that we truly followed this Meek and
Lowly King of glory! Follow Christ in having a meek and lowly spirit towards all people
in your life. First be humble before God, He resists the proud but gives grace to the
lowly. Esteem others better than yourself in all things. Are you bearing this Meekness

This is very important in our days. We are so selfish and inward looking! But Christianity
is an outward looking faith first to Christ then to others, dying to self, loathing the self
life but esteeming Christ and others in our lives. We don't have to possess all things now!
We don't have to have it or do it in our way, we don't have to gratify our natural
appetites! Do you fast? Do you abstain from sexual passions? We are not beasts, you can
honour your wife if she is not okay in this area, you can't die restraining yourself!
Yielding to your passions is putting yourself first before God and others, this is demonic!
Are you bearing this self control fruit?

In summary The Lord Jesus is looking for fruit in your life. If He is to come to you as He came
to the fig tree will He not curse you too?

The only gift you can give to God is a transformed life into the image of His Son.
You will answer on that terrible day how you neglected Christian discipleship into the fullness of
the stature of Christ. I believe this is a possible reality now before we die. We can be like Christ
now in the fullness of perfection or we may never be for eternity! How can two walk together
unless they be in agreement? Is your life in agreement with the character and nature of God? We
can perfect this walk to the wonder of angels and devils!

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May the SPIRIT of GOD, by the power of His Holy WORD, transform us into the perfect Image
of God in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Yours labouring by God's grace to be conformed to the person of Christ.

Paul Jaiser Samuel

He must increase but I Must decrease...John 3:30

Email: | Tel: +256-706-498736 | Facebook: Jaiser Samuel Ministries

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