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Trivelio User Guide

Trivelio is a web-based application developed for Freeport employees as a method for booking the flight ticket directly. It
is intended to be a Personal Productivity Tool, to help employee book air flight ticket easily.

This document provides the user guide to help user do the bookings in the Trivelio application using travel allowance &
travel benefit payment methods

Trivelio Bookings with Travel Allowance Payment Method.

1. Open trivelio mobile application.

2. Login (sign in) into the trivelio by inputting your employee id & password.

Field Name Description

Employee Id Input employee id
Password Input Password
Keep me signed Tick this if you want the trivelio to open automatically without re-inputting the id &
in password.
Sign in Click sign in to the application
Forgot password Click the “Forgot Password?” link to change the password in case you forget your
Sign Up Click the “Sign Up” link to register a new account

© 2017 Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold |- Trivelio 1

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold TRIVELIO USER GUIDE 2017

3. After signing in you will be directed to landing page. Click the flight button to go to the flight booking page.

4. Please enter the details needed in Step 1 and 2. In step 3, you can enter the employee you want to book for, and
tick them as passengers. (This feature is available for BU Admin and Travel Admin only)

Field Name Description

From Choose the departure airport
To Choose the destination airport
Purpose Choose the purpose of flight. For Cobus and Rotation, only the employee name is
Payment Method Travel Allowance -> For Staff employee


Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold TRIVELIO USER GUIDE 2017

Travel Benefit -> For Pratama employee

Travel Benefit -> For Travel Order payments
Trip Type One Way -> to book ticket for one way only
Return -> to book ticket for return flight
Departure Choose the departure date
Return Choose the return date
Baggage Choose the baggage capacity
Eligible This eligible passenger registered in the system
Search Flights Click to search the flight

5. After clicking “Search Flight”, you will be displayed available flights for the route and date you have chosen. Select
the flight you want by clicking “Choose Flight”

6. After choosing the desired flight, the next page is the booking detail. Please enter the contact details and check
the flight summary. If all is correct, then click “Book Flight”


Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold TRIVELIO USER GUIDE 2017


Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold TRIVELIO USER GUIDE 2017

Field Name Description

Contact Name Input the contact name
Contact mobile Input the mobile phone number in here
phone number
Contact mobile Input the mobile phone number overseas in here if any.
phone number
Contact email Input contact email address
Payment Method This based on the payment method chosen earlier. This field cannot be changed.
Travel Location Input travel location. This is mandatory
Identity number Input the passenger identity number (KTP /SIM)
Book Flight Click to book flight

7. After booking the flight, you will redirect into booking summary page. Note that the time limit and the Booking
Reference ID information is on the page. This booking reference id is used for settlement of travel allowance
in the LTMS.


Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold TRIVELIO USER GUIDE 2017

8. In addition, there will be email confirmation sent to the employee and the travel admin.

9. You can also see this booking summary in the “My Booking” menu & click the right arrow button to see the detail.

10. Please settle the payment in the LTMS first. Note the booking reference id. This reference id is required to do
the successful payment of the ticket.

3.1 Trivelio LTMS

Travel Allowance Settlement Guide.docx
LTMS Travel Allowance Guide :

11. After LTMS has been settled, booking status will become confirmed & you can view the ticket in “My Booking”


Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold TRIVELIO USER GUIDE 2017

12. You will also receive an email with ticket attached after the LTMS has been settled.


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