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1MRS752321-MUM OPOW6St _

Issued: 10/1998
Version: D/24.1.2002
Three-Phase Directional
Overpower Protection
Stage 1 (OPOW6St1)
Stage 2 (OPOW6St2)
Data subject to change without notice Stage 3 (OPOW6St3)
1. Introduction .............................................................................................. 2

1.1 Features.............................................................................................. 2
1.2 Application........................................................................................... 2
1.3 Input description.................................................................................. 3
1.4 Output description ............................................................................... 3

2. Description of Operation.......................................................................... 4
2.1 Configuration....................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Analogue input selection for configuration.................................. 4
2.2 Measuring mode ................................................................................. 5
2.3 Operation criteria................................................................................. 5
2.4 Delayed reset facility and drop-off time in DT Mode ............................ 6
2.5 Setting groups ..................................................................................... 7
2.6 Test mode ........................................................................................... 7
2.7 START, TRIP and CBFP outputs ........................................................ 7
2.8 Resetting............................................................................................. 8
3. Parameters and Events ............................................................................ 9
3.1 General ............................................................................................... 9
3.2 Setting values.................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Actual settings.......................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Setting group 1......................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Setting group 2......................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Control settings ........................................................................ 11
3.3 Measurement values ......................................................................... 12
3.3.1 Input data ................................................................................. 12
3.3.2 Output data .............................................................................. 12
3.3.3 Recorded data.......................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Events ...................................................................................... 15

4. Technical Data ........................................................................................ 16

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

1. Introduction

1.1 Features

• Directional overpower protection for generators

• Adjustable characteristic angle enables the active or reactive power based
• Definite-time (DT) operation
• Delayed trip output for the circuit-breaker failure protection (CBFP) function
• Calculation of power is based on the fundamental frequency of voltages and
• Three-phase active and reactive power measurement
• Use of positive-sequence components is also possible
• Wide setting ranges

1.2 Application

This document specifies the functions of the directional overpower function blocks
OPOW6St1, OPOW6St2 and OPOW6St3 used in products based on the RED 500
Platform. The three stages are identical in operation.



Substation Automation OPOW6St _

1.3 Input description

Name Type Description

BLOCK Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Blocking signal
GROUP Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Control input for switching between
the setting groups 1 and 2
RESET Reset signal (BOOL, pos. edge) Input signal for resetting the trip
signal and registers of OPOW6St_

1.4 Output description

Name Type Description

START Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Start signal
TRIP Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Trip signal
CBFP Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Delayed trip signal for circuit-
breaker failure protection (CBFP)

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

2. Description of Operation

2.1 Configuration

Phase currents can be measured by means of conventional current transformers or

Rogowski coils and voltages by means of conventional voltage transformers or
voltage dividers. The analogue inputs are configured in the Relay Configuration Tool
included in the CAP 505 Tool Box. A special dialogue box in the configuration tool is
also used for selecting the analogue input combination used for power measurement.

2.1.1 Analogue input selection for configuration

The analogue input combinations listed below are available in the dialogue box of the
configuration tool. When all the phase currents and phase voltages are known, P and
Q are calculated from positive-sequence components. The correct input combination
is selected via the configuration tool.

Input combination Comments

U1, U2, U3 and IL1, IL2, IL3 Positive sequence power
U12, U23, U0 and IL1, IL2, IL3 Positive sequence power
U23, U31, U0 and IL1, IL2, IL3 Positive sequence power
U12, U31, U0 and IL1, IL2, IL3 Positive sequence power
U12, U23 and IL1, IL3 Aron power; I0 is assumed to be 0
U23, U31 and IL1, IL2 Aron power; I0 is assumed to be 0
U12, U31 and IL2, IL3 Aron power; I0 is assumed to be 0
U1 and IL1 Phase currents and voltages are assumed to be
U2 and IL2 Phase currents and voltages are assumed to be
U3 and IL3 Phase currents and voltages are assumed to be
U12 and IL3 Phase currents and voltages are assumed to be
U23 and IL1 Phase currents and voltages are assumed to be
U31 and IL2 Phase currents and voltages are assumed to be

Substation Automation OPOW6St _

2.2 Measuring mode

The function block OPOW6St_ measures fundamental frequency currents and

voltages and calculates three-phase active and reactive power. The use of positive
sequence components is also possible, which makes the determination of power
insensitive to possible asymmetry in currents or voltages and corresponds to the real
load of the prime mover.

With the rated frequency of 50 Hz, the active and reactive power values are updated
twice each fundamental frequency cycle, i.e. every 10 ms.

Power direction can be changed via the control parameter “Power direction”.

2.3 Operation criteria

The directional overpower function block OPOW6St_ starts if the power reaches the
operating area. The direction is set with the parameter “Angle”. The setting parameter
“Power Setting” is the shortest distance between the origo and the operating line.









OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

2.4 Delayed reset facility and drop-off time in DT Mode

At reciprocating load conditions the power measuring element may pick up briefly
and periodically. The purpose of the delayed reset function is to ensure that the
function block operates within its predetermined operating time even in such power
swing conditions. Without the delayed reset function the DT timer would reset as
soon as the measuring element drops off.

When the DT timer has started, it goes on running normally even if the measuring
element drops off, provided the drop-off period is shorter than the set drop-off time. If
the drop-off period is longer than the set drop-off time, the DT timer will reset when
the drop-off time elapses (Figure 5).

In Figures 5 and 6 the input signal IN of the DT timer is TRUE when the measured
power is above the set start value and FALSE when the measured power is below the
set start value.




Drop-off time

Operate time

If the drop-off period is shorter than the set drop-off time and the DT timer has
elapsed during the drop-off period, the function block will trip once the measured
power exceeds the set start value again (Figure 6).




Drop-off time

Operate time


Substation Automation OPOW6St _

2.5 Setting groups

Two different groups of setting values, group 1 and group 2, are available for
OPOW6St_. Switching between the two groups can be done in the following three

1 Locally with the control parameter “Group selection”1) on the MMI

2 Over the communication bus by writing the parameter V51)
3 By means of the input signal GROUP when allowed via the parameter “Group
selection” (i.e. when V5 = 21)).
Group selection (V5): 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input

The control parameter “Active group” indicates the setting group valid at a given

2.6 Test mode

The digital outputs of the function block can be activated with separate control
parameters for each output either locally via the MMI or externally via the serial
communication. When an output is activated with the test parameter, an event
indicating the test is generated.

The protection functions operate normally while the outputs are tested.

2.7 START, TRIP and CBFP outputs

The output signal START is always pulse-shaped. The minimum pulse width of the
corresponding output signal is set with a separate parameter on the MMI or on serial
communication. If the start situation is longer than the set pulse width, the START
signal remains active until the start situation is over. The output signal TRIP may
have a non-latching or latching feature. When the latching mode has been selected,
the TRIP signal remains active until the output is reset even if the operation criteria
have reset.

The function block provides a delayed trip signal CBFP after the TRIP signal unless
the fault has disappeared during the set CBFP time delay. In circuit-breaker failure
protection, the CBFP output can be used to operate a circuit breaker in front of the
circuit breaker of the machine. The control parameter “Trip pulse” also sets the width
of the CBFP output signal.

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

2.8 Resetting

The TRIP output signal and the registers can be reset via the RESET input, or over the
serial bus or the local MMI.

The operation indicators, latched trip signal and recorded data can be reset as follows:

Operation Latched Recorded

indicators trip signal data
RESET input of the function block X X
Parameter F092V013 for OPOW6St1 X X
Parameter F093V013 for OPOW6St2 X X
Parameter F094V013 for OPOW6St3 X X
General parameter F001V011 X
General parameter F001V012 X X
General parameter F001V013 X X X
Push-button C X
Push-buttons C + E (2 s) X X
Push-buttons C + E (5 s) X X X
Resets the latched trip signal and recorded data of this particular function block.
Affects all function blocks.

Substation Automation OPOW6St _

3. Parameters and Events

3.1 General

• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for OPOW6St1 is 92, that for OPOW6St2 93
and that for OPOW6St3 94.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write

• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON

For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask
1” parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

3.2 Setting values

3.2.1 Actual settings

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data direction Explanation

Power setting S1 1.0...200.0 % Sn 100.0 R Start power

Angle S2 -90...90 Π0.0 R Power direction

Operate time S3 0.04...300.00 s 0.5 R Operate time

3.2.2 Setting group 1

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data direction Explanation

Power setting S41 1.0...200.0 % Sn 100.0 R/W Start power

Angle S42 -90...90 Π0 R/W Power direction

Operate time S43 0.04...300.00 s 0.5 R/W Operate time

3.2.3 Setting group 2

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data direction Explanation

Power setting S71 1.0...200.0 % Sn 100.0 R/W Start power

Angle S72 -90...90 Π0 R/W Power direction

Operate time S73 0.04...300.00 s 0.5 R/W Operate time

Substation Automation OPOW6St _

3.2.4 Control settings

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation

OPOW6St# V1 0 or 1 2) - 1 R/W OPOW6St_ in use or not in use

Drop-off time V2 0.00...60.00 s 1.00 R/W Resetting time of the operate time

Measuring mode V3 0...13 3) - 0 R Power measurement mode

Power direction V4 0 or 1 4) - 0 R/W Direction of power flow

Group selection V5 0...2 - 0 R/W Selection of the active setting group

Active group V6 0 or 1 6) - 0 R/M Active setting group

Start pulse V7 0...1000 ms 0 R/W Min pulse width of START signal

Trip signal V8 0 or 1 7) - 0 R/W Selection of latching feature for

TRIP output

Trip pulse V9 40...1000 ms 40 R/W Min pulse width of TRIP and CBFP

CBFP time V10 100...1000 ms 100 R/W Operate time of CBFP

Reset registers V13 1=Reset - 0 W Resetting of latched trip signal and


Test START V31 0 or 1 8) - - R/W Testing of START

Test TRIP V32 0 or 1 - - R/W Testing of TRIP

Test CBFP V33 0 or 1 8) - - R/W Testing of CBFP

Event mask 1 V101 0...1023 - 63 R/W Event mask 1 for event transmission
(E0 ... E9)

Event mask 2 V103 0...1023 - 63 R/W Event mask 2 for event transmission
(E0 ... E9)

Event mask 3 V105 0...1023 - 63 R/W Event mask 3 for event transmission
(E0 ... E9)

Event mask 4 V107 0...1023 - 63 R/W Event mask 4 for event transmission
(E0 ... E9)
Parameter # denotes the stage number of the function block (1, 2 or 3)
Status 0 = Not in use; 1 = In use
Measuring mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = U1,U2,U3 & I1,I2,I3; 2=U12,U23,U0 & I1,I2,I3
3 = U23,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 4 = U12,U31,U0 & I1,I2,I3; 5 = U12,U23 & I1,I2,I3;
6 = U23,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 7 = U12,U31 & I1,I2,I3; 8 = U1 & I1; 9 = U2 & I2;
10 = U3 & I3; 11 = U12 & I3; 12 = U23 & I1; 13 = U31 & I2
Power direction 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

3.3 Measurement values

3.3.1 Input data

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation

Active power P I1 -1000.0... % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated active power

Reactive powerQ I2 -1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated reactive power


Input BLOCK I3 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Signal for blocking the function

Input GROUP I4 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Signal for switching between the

groups 1 and 2

Input RESET I5 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Signal for resetting the output

signals and registers of
Input 0 = Not active; 1 = Active

3.3.2 Output data

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation

Output START O1 0 or 11) - 0 R/M Status of start signal

Output TRIP O2 0 or 11) - 0 R/M Status of trip signal

Output 0 = Not active; 1 = Active

3.3.3 Recorded data General

The information required for later fault analysis is recorded when the function block
starts or trips.

The data of three last operations (operation 1...3) are recorded and the values of the
most recent operation always replace the data of the oldest operation. The registers
are updated in the following order: Operation 1, Operation 2, Operation 3, Operation
1, Operation 2,...

Substation Automation OPOW6St _ Date and time

The time stamp indicates the rising edge of the START or TRIP signal. Duration

The duration of the start situation is recorded as a percentage of the set operate time. Active and reactive power

If the function block trips, the power values are updated at the moment of tripping i.e.
on the rising edge of the TRIP signal. If the function block starts but does not trip, the
power values captured one fundamental cycle (20 ms at rated frequency 50 Hz) after
the beginning of the start situation are recorded. Consequently, the active and reactive
power values P and Q always originate from the same moment and are recorded as
multiples of the rated power Sn. Status data

The status data of the input signal BLOCK (Active or Not active) and the “Active
group” parameter are recorded at the moment of triggering. The “Active group”
parameter indicates the setting group valid for the recorded data. Priority

The priority of the recording function is the following:

1 Tripping
2 Starting

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation Recorded data 1

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation

Date V201 YYYY-MM-DD - - R/M Recording date

Time V202 hh:mm:ss.mss - - R/M Recording time

Duration V203 0.0...100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation

Active power P V204 -1000.0...1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated active power

Reactive powerQ V205 -1000.0...1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated reactive power

BLOCK V206 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of BLOCK input

Active group V207 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
BLOCK 0 = Not active; 1 = Active
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2 Recorded data 2

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation

Date V301 YYYY-MM-DD - - R/M Recording date

Time V302 hh:mm:ss.mss - - R/M Recording time

Duration V303 0.0...100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation

Active power P V304 -1000.0...1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated active power

Reactive powerQ V305 -1000.0...1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated reactive power

BLOCK V306 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of BLOCK input

Active group V307 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
BLOCK 0 = Not active; 1 = Active
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2 Recorded data 3

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation

Date V401 YYYY-MM-DD - - R/M Recording date

Time V402 hh:mm:ss.mss - - R/M Recording time

Duration V403 0.0...100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation

Active power P V404 -1000.0...1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated active power

Reactive powerQ V405 -1000.0...1000.0 % Sn 0.00 R/M Calculated reactive power

BLOCK V406 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of BLOCK input

Active group V407 0 or 1 2) - 0 R/M Active setting group

BLOCK 0 = Not active; 1 = Active
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2

Substation Automation OPOW6St _

3.3.4 Events

Code Weighting Default Event reason Event state

coefficient mask
E0 1 1 START signal from S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Reset

E1 2 1 START signal from S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Activated

E2 4 1 TRIP signal from S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Reset

E3 8 1 TRIP signal from S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Activated

E4 16 1 CBFP signal from S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Reset

E5 32 1 CBFP signal from S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Activated

E6 64 0 BLOCK signal of S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Reset

E7 128 0 BLOCK signal of S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Activated

E8 256 0 Test mode of S> stage 1, 2 or 3 Off

E9 512 0 Test mode of S> stage 1, 2 or 3 On

OPOW6St _ Substation Automation

4. Technical Data

Operation accuracies ± 1.0 % of set value or ± 0.01 x rated value

Start time Injected power > 2.0 x Power setting:

f/fn = 0.95...1.05 internal time < 32 ms

total time < 40 ms

Reset time 70...1030 ms (depends on the minimum pulse width set for the TRIP

Reset ratio Typ. 0.98 (range 0.8...0.98)

Retardation time Total retardation time when the measured power drops
below the value set for the “Power setting” parameter 2) < 45 ms

Operate time accuracy Depends on the frequency of the current and voltage measured:

f/ fn = 0.95...1.05: ± 2% of set value or ± 20 ms2)

Configuration data Task execution interval (Relay Configuration Tool): 10 ms

at the rated frequency fn = 50 Hz
Includes the delay of the signal relay
Includes the delay of the heavy-duty output relay

Technical revision history

Technical revision Change
C -

D -


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