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Descriptive Disajikan teks descriptive, The Houses of the Toraja

text peserta didik dapat The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and D Reading √
menentukan topik teks central Sulawesi (Celebes) are known by the name of Toraja, which
(House dengan tepat has come to mean "those who live upstream" or "those who live in
Tana the mountains". Their name is in fact derived from the word Raja,
Toraja) which in Sanskrit means "king". The society is hierarchically
structured: the noblemen are called rengnge, the ordinary people to
makaka, and the slaves to kaunan; birth determines which rank a
person will occupy. 
The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan)
of the Toraja are the "buffalo horns", the roof design and the rich
decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status, courage,
strength and fighting spirit. 
Designed as a representation on the universe, the tongkonan is
constructed in three parts: the upper world (the roof), the world of
humans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the space
under the floor). The highly distinctive roors constructed by the
Toraja given rise to various ingenious interpretations. Certainly the
roof is something of deep significance for the Toraja, and even
today they build "modern" (in other words houses built with
cement) houses with such roofs.
What is the text about ?
A. The culture of Toraja
B. The ethnic groups of southwest and central Sulawesi
C. The distinctive features of traditional houses
D. The decription of a traditional houses of Toraja
Announce Disajikan teks reading ANNOUNCEMENT
ment Text peserta didik dapat C √
Tomorrow we will have a camping. Pay attention to the
menentukan topik teks following rules and regulations for the camping activities.
announcemnet dengan tepat 1. Assemble at this school yard on Friday at 6 a.m. and report
to the committee
2. Bring the camping kits needed.
3. Bring food and drinks as well as drugs/medicine.
4. Leave for camping spot at 6:30 a.m.
5. Behave well either during the trip or at the camping spot.
6. Make good cooperation with residents and the
7. Keep the environment clean and healthy.
What is the text about ?
A. The camping activities
B. The camping participants
C. The rules and regulations for camping activities
D. The schedule of camping activities

Announce Disajikan teks reading
ment text Tomorrow we will have a camping. Pay attention to the
peserta didik dapat
following rules and regulations for the camping activities.
menentukan rincian tersirat
1. Assemble at this school yard on Friday at 6 a.m. and report
teks announcemnet dengan
to the committee.
tepat A √
2. Bring the camping kits needed.
3. Bring food and drinks as well as drugs/medicine.
4. Leave for camping spot at 6:30 a.m.
5. Behave well either during the trip or at the camping spot.
6. Make good cooperation with residents and the
7. Keep the environment clean and healthy.
When will the camping partisipants leave for the campsite ?
a. in the morning d. at night
b. in the afternoon
c. in the evening
39. Announce Disajikan teks reading Reading
ment text Tomorrow we will have a camping. Pay attention to the
peserta didik dapat
following rules and regulations for the camping activities.
menentukan persamaan kata B √
1. Assemble at this school yard on Friday at 6 a.m. and report
dari teks announcemnet
to the committee.
dengan tepat
2. Bring the camping kits needed.
3. Bring food and drinks as well as drugs/medicine.
4. Leave for camping spot at 6:30 a.m.
5. Behave well either during the trip or at the camping spot.
6. Make good cooperation with residents and the
7. Keep the environment clean and healthy
“Assemble” at the school yard on Friday at 6 a.m.
The underlined word means .......
A. get
B. gather
C. shoot
D. separate

Disajikan teks reading Teacher. Missing. Mr.Saharuddin, age 45, failed to return to his
40. Notice text peserta didik dapat apartment on Saturday night. Mr. Saharuddin is 170 cm tall, weight
menentukan persamaan 50 kg and has short black hair. He was wearing a black jacket, jeans
kata dari teks notice dengan and running shoes when last seen. Anyone who saw him please D √
contact Nani at 6412787 or 0812456099.
What does the notice tell us about ?
A. The location of Mr. Saharuddin’s apartment
B. An introduction of a new teacher
C. Nani is his family
D. A missing person

Disajikan teks reading

41. Notice peserta didik dapat Teacher. Missing. Mr.Saharuddin, age 45, failed to return to
menentukan persamaan his apartment on Saturday night. M r. Saharuddin is 170 cm
kata dari teks notice dengan tall, weight 50 kg and has short black hair. He was wearing a
tepat black jacket, jeans and running shoes when last seen. Anyone C √
who saw him please contact Nani at 6412787 or

What did Mr. Saharuddin look like when last seen ?

A. He was a very young man
B. He lived in an apartment
C. He wear sport shoes
D. He locked very tired

Disajikan teks reading notice Teacher. Missing. Mr.Saharuddin, age 45, failed to return to
42. Notice peserta didik dapat his apartment on Saturday night. M r. Saharuddin is 170 cm
text menentukan informasi tall, weight 50 kg and has short black hair. He was wearing a
tersirat yang tidak sesuai black jacket, jeans and running shoes when last seen. Anyone B √
dengan teks dengan tepat who saw him please contact Nani at 6412787 or

Which statement is not true according to the text ?

A. Mr. Saharuddin is a teacher
B. Mr. Saharuddin is overweight
C. Mr. Saharuddin left his apartment
D. Mr. Saharuddin disappeared on Saturday night
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie known as B. J. Habibie was born on 25
43 Biography Disajikan teks reading June 1936. He was the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia Reading
Of BJ ( 1998-1999 ). Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to
biography Peserta didik Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father

Habibie dapat menentukan tema teks C
was an agriculturist from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was
dengan tepat a Javanese noblewomen from Yogyakarta. His parents met while studying
in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie’s father died.
In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick
leave. During this time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the
daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. The two married on 12 May 1962,
returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in
Aachen for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In May 1963
they had their first son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq
Kemal Habibie.
(Adapted from:

The passage mainly discusses about?

A. BJ. Habibie was born in Pare-Pare
B. BJ. Habibie married and got two children
C. The biography of BJ. Habibie
D. BJ. Habibie is the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia
Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can
44. Report Text Disajikan teks reading reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its weight about 1360 pounds.
Animal Report Peserta didik dapat Giraffe has a unique characteristic. They have a very long
menentukan jenis ( genre ) neck and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big D √
teks dengan tepat brown eyes and protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her
body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by
brown spots all over their body.
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for
long time because giraffes can rely on the water contained in D √
leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food.
They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their
tongue shaped like a knife help them to cut branches which are
very hard.
What kind of text above?
a. Daily news
b. Descriptive text
c. Narrative text
D. Report text
Disajikan teks reading Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can
45 Report Report Peserta didik dapat reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its weight about 1360 pounds.
menentukan topik teks Giraffe has a unique characteristic. They have a very long
dengan tepat neck and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big
brown eyes and protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her C √
body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by
brown spots all over their body.
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking
for long time because giraffes can rely on the water contained
in leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food.
They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their
tongue shaped like a knife help them to cut branches which are
very hard.

The text tells us about?

A wild animals
B. Animals that can survive without drinking for long time
C. The highest animal
D. The smallest animal

Disajikan teks reading Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as

Report Text Report Peserta didik dapat ornaments or as money.Gold is found in many
46.; menentukan informasi places, but in a small supply. It is often found on A √
tersirat teks dengan tepat the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy
substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom
of rivers. The gold is found together with sand
and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is
simple to search for this type of gold.
         It is not usually necessary to drill for gold,
but when a layer of gold is located deep below
the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a
hole into the ground. Engineers have developed
modern process for removing gold from rocks.
         Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes
melted and added to other substances for making
rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced
forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful.
Which of the followings is unavailable for the gold as a
precious things ?.
A. Gold has non original metal mixture
B. Gold is beautiful ornaments
C. Gold has high price
D. Gold has heavy substances

Disajikan teks reading   A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical

47. Report Report Peserta didik dapat bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together
text menentukan rujukan kata by gravity.
dengan tepat     There are many different physical forms and measurements D √
of galaxies. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and
elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately
100,000 light years in width and contains over 100 billion
     The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot
stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been
energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre.
     At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of
galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning
more and more about them everyday.

“Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is…”

(paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word in the sentence

refer to?

A.  The writer
B.  The readers
C.  The people of the world.
D.  The members of the galaxies.

Disajikan teks reading

48. Report Report Peserta didik dapat The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at
text menentukan informasi 151 Pattimura street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke A √
tersurat dengan tepat into the students’ room while they were going to a football
game. They never thought that while they were away, burglars
would break into their boarding house
When did the robbery happen?
A. Sunday morning
B. Sunday afternoon
C. Saturday morning
D. Saturday afternoon

49. Report Disajikan teks reading The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at
text Report Peserta didik dapat 151 Pattimura street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke
menentukan informasi into the students’ room while they were going to a football A √
umum/tersurat dengan tepat game. They never thought that while they were away, burglars
would break into their boarding house.
What is the purpose of this text ?
A. to retell events that occured
B. to retell untrue events
C. to retell the way of their living
D. to retell their experience

Dear Asra,
Disajikan teks reading I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Makassar.
50 Letter text tentang letter Peserta didik I just got back from Bantimurung, the wonderful waterfall I’ve
dapat menentukan gambaran ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel.
umum dari teks tersebut It’s not far from there. We are treated will here. It has many C √
dengan tepat excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around
“Taman National “after the children take a short nap.
Bantimurung area has been known as a commercial source of
butterflies. Collections of butterflies are sold along. I want to
buy some as souvenirs. Don’t worry, I’II also buy you the
most interesting one.


The text gives us information about …..

a. The wonderful Bantimurung ‘s view
b. The souvenirs to be bought
c. Dara’s last day in Makassar
d. A comfortable hotel near Bantimurung
Dear Asra,
Letter text Disajikan teks reading I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Makassar.
51 tentang letter Peserta didik I just got back from Bantimurung, the wonderful waterfall I’ve
dapat menentukan ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel.
gambaran umum dari teks It’s not far from there. We are treated will here. It has many
tersebut dengan tepat excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around A √
“Taman National “after the children take a short nap.
Bantimurung area has been known as a commercial source of
butterflies. Collections of butterflies are sold along. I want to
buy some as souvenirs. Don’t worry, I’II also buy you the
most interesting one.

...” the wonderful waterfall I’ve ever seen.
The underlined word has the same meaning with
a. Usual
b. Awesome
c. Poor
d. Hateful
e. Luxury
Withdrawal at an ATM
Letter text Disajikan teks reading First, use an instant debit card. To do this, you need to
52 tentang letter Peserta didik have your debt card set up with your bank to use it at an
dapat menentukan gambaran ATM. The
umum dari teks tersebut Second, Insert your card and your PIN. If you don’t
dengan tepat have one, call your bank before hand and request one. You
will not be able to withdraw money with a PIN.
The third, follow the on-screen instructions. I f you
have more than one account you want the money to come A √
from. Be sure to push the correct button. Then, specify how
much money you want to withdraw.
And the last, wait for the machine to process your
transaction, and then take your receipt, money, and card out
of the machine.
“ follow the on-screen instructions. “ The synonym of the
underlined word is ... .
A. directions
B. specifications
C. confirmations
D. arrangements

53 Disajikan teks reading Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a
News Item tentang News Item Peserta car, and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10:35 p.m. last night. The
didik dapat menentukan dead were all passenger of the car. The police believed the car
informasi tersurat dari teks had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck B √
tersebut dengan tepat coming from the opposite direction , the driver of the car might
not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the
car approaching.
                The police said the car should not have tried to pass the
bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan sultan. In addition,
the police reported that the car, a small Japanese  car, should not
have been carrying more than five people, if the passenger had
brought their identity cards, he police would have identified the
names of the victims easily.
W What was the cause of the collision ?
Th A. truck came from the opposite directions.
B. The car tried to overtake the bus.
C. The truck driver didn’t use his light.
D. The truck driver didn’t see the car.
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a
car, and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10:35 p.m. last night. The
54.. News Item Disajikan teks reading dead were all passenger of the car. The police believed the car
tentang News Item Peserta had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck
didik dapat menentukan coming from the opposite direction , the driver of the car might √
informasi tersirat dari teks not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the A.
tersebut dengan tepat car approaching.
                The police said the car should not have tried to pass the
bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan sultan. In addition,
the police reported that the car, a small Japanese  car, should not
have been carrying more than five people, if the passenger had
brought their identity cards, he police would have identified the
names of the victims easily.

“ i ”if the passenger had brought their identity cards , the police
would have been easy to identify the names of victims.” (the last
sentence ) the sentence above means........
.       A. The victims’ names were not know.
b.       B. The victims were easy to be identified.
c.       C. The passenger brought their identity cards.
d.       D. The police had no difficulty  in identifying the victims.

55. Disajikan teks reading Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a
News Item tentang News Item Peserta car, and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10:35 p.m. last night. The
didik dapat menentukan dead were all passenger of the car. The police believed the car
informasi tersurat dari teks had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck
tersebut dengan tepat coming from the opposite direction , the driver of the car might
not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the
car approaching.
                The police said the car should not have tried to pass the
bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan sultan. In addition,
the police reported that the car, a small Japanese  car, should not
A √
have been carrying more than five people, if the passenger had
brought their identity cards, he police would have identified the
names of the victims easily.
W Who said that accident was caused by the car?
a. A. The police.
B. .       B. The victims.
c.        C. The reporter.
d.       D.  The bus passengers


Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a
car, and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10:35 p.m. last night. The
56 News Item Disajikan teks reading dead were all passenger of the car. The police believed the car
tentang News Item Peserta had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck A √
didik dapat menentukan coming from the opposite direction , the driver of the car might
informasi tersirat dari teks not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the
tersebut dengan tepat car approaching.
                The police said the car should not have tried to pass the
bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan sultan. In addition,
the police reported that the car, a small Japanese  car, should not
have been carrying more than five people, if the passenger had
brought their identity cards, he police would have identified the
names of the victims easily.

“ i ”if the passenger had brought their identity cards , the police
would have been easy to identify the names of victims.” (the last
sentence ) the sentence above means......
he The text meanly reports that there was/were......
a.        A car accident.
b.       B. areless driver.
cd.       C. Victims of an accident.
.       D. The function of an identity card..

Disajikan sebuah teks True Friends

57. Narrative narrative tentang “True Once upon a time, there were two close friends who
Friends”, peserta didik dapat were walking through the forest together. They knew that
anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they
menentukan antonym dari promised each other that they would always be together in any
salah satu kata yang digaris case of danger.
bawahi yang terdapat dalam Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward
teks tersebut them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But
unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the
tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the
ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.
The bear came near the one who was lying on the A. √
ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because
the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that,
the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was
on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your
ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me
not to believe a false friend."

“ they saw a large bear getting closer toward them.”

(Paragraph 2).
The opposite meaning of the underlined word above is … .
A. go away
B. approach
C. nearest
D. come closer

58. Narrative Disajikan sebuah teks True Friends

Iska narrative tentang “True Once upon a time, there were two close friends who
were walking through the forest together. They knew that
ndar Friends”, peserta didik dapat anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they
menentukan ajaran moral promised each other that they would always be together in any C √
yang terdapat dalam teks case of danger.
tersebut. Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward
them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But
unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the
tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the
ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.
The bear came near the one who was lying on the
ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because
the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that,
the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was
on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your
ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me
not to believe a false friend."

The moral value of the text above?

A. Don’t blame your best friend.
B. Don’t angry with your friend.
C. A true friend in need is a friend indeed.
D. Make a friendship as much as you can.

59. Recount Disajikan sebuah teks Last weekend, I visited my pen pal’s house. Her name is Aris.
Kur recount . peserta didik dapat There were many activities . I did there. In the morning, Aris
ni and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very D √
menentukan pikiran utama
pada paragraph tertentu After breakfast, he took me to the garden was very big and
dengan tepat beautiful. There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were
many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent a long time feeding the
birds. I also took pictures with those beatiful birds.
After visiting the bird cage, Aris and I went to the flower
garden not far from his house. We took a rest and had lunch
under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colourful
flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It
was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Aris.
what is the last paragraph about?
A. Aris had butterflies as his pet.
D The writer’s friend is a good swimmer.
C. There are a lot of flowers in Aris’s house.
D. The writer had a good time with his friend.
60. Last weekend, I visited my pen pal’s house. Her name is
Kur Disajikan sebuah teks Aris. There were many activities . I did there. In the morning,
Aris and I had breakfast. We had traditional food. I liked it very
ni recount . peserta didik dapat
menentukan informasi rinci After breakfast, he took me to the garden was very big and
secara tersirat dalam teks beautiful. There is a big bird cage in the garden. There were
dengan tepat many kinds of birds in that cage. I spent a long time feeding the D √
birds. I also took pictures with those beatiful birds.
After visiting the bird cage, Aris and I went to the flower
garden not far from his house. We took a rest and had lunch
under a big tree and watch butterflies flying above colourful
flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard. It
was so fun. I really enjoyed my time with Aris.

From the text, we know that the writer ....

A. Had gone and visited many places during his holiday.
B. Lived in the same village with his pen pal, Aris.
C. Linked butterflies and swimming very much.
D. Spent his holiday at friend’s house.
Losari Beach, is a beautiful beach located in the western
61. Descriptive Disajikan sebuah teks part of Makassar, South Sulawesi. The beach has been an icon
deskriptif. Peserta didik dapat of Makassar for years and well-known for its beautiful sunset
menentukan pikiran utama scenery. Many people spend their afternoon and evening times
pada paragrap tertentu dalam enjoying the panorama when the reddish sun looks like to sink
teks dengan tepat to the sea.
Several years ago, Losari Beach was popular for its
culinary providing traditional and modern cuisines. The culinary
was located along the coast, approximately one-mile length of the table and
stalls selling various menus. For this reason, Losari Beach was also called D √
as “the world’s longest table”. But, previously, the government of
Makassar has moved and relocated it to the southern part of Losari Beach.
Located near the center of Makassar city, Losari Beach is easy to
access. It only take 10 minutes to drive from the harbor of Makassar and 30
minutes to drive from Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. Residents in Makassar
usually go to Losari Beach by car, motorcycle or on foot.
What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
A. Losari Beach is an icon of Makassar
B. Losari Beach is enjoyed by many people
C. Losari Beach is well-known for its sunset
D. Losari Beach is a beautiful Beach in Makassar
On On On Wednesday, approximately 2.000 street children and
orphans went to the Bugis Waterpark (BWP) amusement park
62. News Item Disajikan sebuah teks news at Bukit Baruga Antang Park without paying because the city
Nah item. Peserta didik dapat administration and business firms sponsored them.
diat menyimpulkan informasi This program was supported by South Sulawesi
rinci secara tersirat pada teks Governer, Syahrul Yasin Limpo. He also said that such C √
dengan tepat activities should be held once or twice a month to give a
chance for street children and orphans to relish their
He was convinced there were some of us who have not
yet visited BWP so he asked all the visitors to enjoy the
games and have fun. He claimed that the activities were held
to fulfill one of the basic rights of children (the right of

From the text above, we may conclude that ………

A. Recreation is not important for children
B. Dufan is the best destination in the world
C. Visiting Dufan for free is needed to fulfill the basic
rights of children
D. All children who visit Dufan will get free accomodation

On Wednesday, approximately 2.000 street children

and orphans went to the Bugis Waterpark (BWP) amusement
Disajikan Teks News Item.
63 News Item Peserta didik dapat park at Bukit Baruga Antang Park without paying because the
Nah text city administration and business firms sponsored them.
menentukan persamaan kata
diat This program was supported by South Sulawesi
dari teks diberikan secara
Governer, Syahrul Yasin Limpo. He also said that such
activities should be held once or twice a month to give a D √
chance for street children and orphans to relish their
He was convinced there were some of us who have not
yet visited BWP so he asked all the visitors to enjoy the
games and have fun. He claimed that the activities were held
to fulfill one of the basic rights of children (the right of

“The activity was held…” (paragraph 3)

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Guided
B. Served
C. Regulated
D. Conducted

We Can Help
To. All 12th Graders
Disajikan sebuah teks
64. Announce announcement, peserta didik
faisa ment We are approaching the end of our days at SMK Nusa Bangsa.
dapat menyimpulkan maksud
l Soon, we will leave the school we love very much. Let's leave
dari teks tersebut dnegan
something memorable for the school and for the students in
need. Do not ruin your uniforms by spraying them with paint.
Do not throw away your books. Donate your books and
uniforms to the seventh and eighth graders. You might never
know that your books and uniforms are badly needed by some
of them. Give the stuff to Mrs. Azisah at the staff office. The
school is going to distribute the stuff to the needy students. √
Come on pals, don't be foolish, let's do something useful. B

Ahmad Faqi
(Chief of Students Organization ) 

From the text we can conclude that the twelfth graders are
going to ....
A. Donate soon
B. Graduate soon
C. Waiting of graduation anouncement
D. Collecting their books and uniform

We Can Help
To. All 12th Graders
65 Announce Disajikan sebuah teks
faisa ment text We are approaching the end of our days at SMK Nusa Bangsa.
announcement, peserta didik
l Soon, we will leave the school we love very much. Let's leave
dapat menentukan rincian
something memorable for the school and for the students in
tersirat dari teks dengan
need. Do not ruin your uniforms by spraying them with paint.
Do not throw away your books. Donate your books and
uniforms to the seventh and eighth graders. You might never
know that your books and uniforms are badly needed by some
of them. Give the stuff to Mrs. Azisah at the staff office. The D √
school is going to distribute the stuff to the needy students.
Come on pals, don't be foolish, let's do something useful.

Ahmad Faqi
(Chief of Students Organization ) 

Why did Chief of Students Organization write the


A. To collect their books in the librray

B. To remember student’s SMK Nusa Bangsa
C. To inform students about their result of National
D. To persuade students to donate their stuff to the
Global Warming

66 Ekspositio Disajikan sebuah teks Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global
ocha n text reading . peserta didik dapat warming. There are several things that we can do. One of them is by
menentukan tujuan teks buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It
of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
eksposisi dengan tepat Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into
the market. It of course means, the amount of carbon dioxide

produced is less than the groceries from other region. Therefore, by C
buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon
dioxide produced
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are
healthier for us. Furthermore, fresh food or groceries means no
requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no electricity is
needed and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and

What is the purpose of the text?

A. The effects of Global warming

B. The importance of knowing global warming
C. The ways to minimize global warming
D. The ways to increase global warming

Global Warming
67 Exposition Disajikan sebuah teks
text Eksposisi. peserta didik dapat Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global
menentukan Lawan kata warming. There are several things that we can do. One of them is by
(antonym) dalam teks tersebu buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It
of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
dengan tepat D √
Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into
the market. It of course means, the amount of carbon dioxide
produced is less than the groceries from other region. Therefore, by
buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon
dioxide produced
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are
healthier for us. Furthermore, fresh food or groceries means no
requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no electricity is
needed and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and

What is the synonym the underlined? We are helping reduce the

amount of global warming , In ( paragarph 2 )

       A. Maximize C.Improve

       B. Decrease D. Increase       

Disajikan sebuah teks Students are often requird to study independently at

68. Ekspositio reading peserta didik dapat home. However, independent studying can be very tedious and
n Text menentukan informasi hard. Fourtunately, there are ways to make independent √
tersirat dalam teks eksposisi studying more fun and easier to do. B
tersebut dengan tepat First, you should invite one or two of your classmates
to study together. Then, the two or three of you can develop
mind maps of the cicepts, ideas, or materials,and use clear,
colorful pictures, drawings, and writings so thay your mind
maps areinteresting to look at and easy to understand. After
you’ve finished with your mind maps, you and your study
mates can take turns to present the mind maps to each other.
Finally, during or after the presentation, you can ask
questions and give feedbacks to each other. That way,
independent studying will never be boring again.

what could be the author’s intention in writing the text?

A. To explain about mind maps
B. To encourage students to study
C. To talk about the fun studying
D. To talk abour independent studying
70. Letter Disajikan sebuah teks
reading peserta didik dapat
menentukan informasi A √
tersirat dalam teks short
letter dengan tepat

From the letter, we know that ... 

A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project.

B. Dinda’s grandpa involves in the project.
C. Dinda hopes Ida to stay together in the hospital.
D. Dinda will meet Ida in the hospital

71. Procedure 1. Scratch the black area to find the number.

text Disajikan sebuah teks 2. Dial”999”, then Call or “OK” D √
reading peserta didik dapat 3. Press the “5” to get the change options
menentukan topik dari teks 4. Enter the 14 digits code.
5. The ammount of this voucher will be automatically
prosedure dengan tepat
added to your prepaid card.
6. To check the remaining credit , “999#”
7. Active time:60 days . Recharging time : 30 days.

What does the instruction tell us about?

A. Steps to reload a prepaid card
B. Steps to make an international call
C. Procedures to check the remaining credit
D. Instructions to active a prepaid card

1. Scratch the black area to find the number.

72. Disajikan sebuah teks 2. Dial”999”, then Call or “OK”
Procedure reading peserta didik dapat 3. Press the “5” to get the change options
text menentukan rincian tersurat 4. Enter the 14 digits code.
dari teks prosedure dengan 5. The ammount of this voucher will be automatically
tepat added to your prepaid card.
6. To check the remaining credit , “999#”
7. Active time:60 days . Recharging time : 30 days.

How do you can check a remaining credit?

a. By dialing “999”
b. By dialing “999#”
c. By scratching the black area on the card
d. By enter the code

Hotel receptionist
When huests arrive at a hotel or call to make bookings, the hotel
73. Instruction Disajikan sebuah teks receptionist is usually the first person they speak to. It is up to the
text reading peserta didik dapat receptionist to make guests feel welcome and to deal efficently with C √
enquiries. Their tasks are likely to include : allocating rooms to
menentukan informasi
guests, taking and passing on messages, putting together bills and
tersurat yang tidak terdapat taking payment, and handling foreign exchange, helping guests with
pada teks instruction dengan requests, e.g. asking housekeeping for extra bedding or storing
tepat valuables in the hotel safe.
In a large hotel, receptionist use a computer to handle
reservations, and may also use a telephone switchboard. They may
employ sales skills to encourage guests to upgrade to a better room
or eat in the restaurant, for example.
In larger hotels , there might be a small team of rceptionist,
each with specific duties. In a small hotel, they might do non-
reception tasks too-like serving drinks.
Receptionist desk in larger hotels often stay open all night, but
in smaller hotels nigh-time duties might be taken over by the porter.
Working hours can include days, nights, weekends, and public
holidays. Receptionist might work shifts. There are opportunities for
working part time or only in the holiday seasons
Which statment is NOT CORRECT based on the text?
A. Receptionists might work shifts
B. There are opportunities for hotel receptionist working
part time
C. In smaller hotels, there might be a small team of
D. Reception desks in larger hotels often stay open all

Hotel receptionist
When huests arrive at a hotel or call to make bookings, the hotel
Disajikan sebuah teks receptionist is usually the first person they speak to. It is up to the
reading peserta didik dapat receptionist to make guests feel welcome and to deal efficently with
enquiries. Their tasks are likely to include : allocating rooms to
menentukan informasi
guests, taking and passing on messages, putting together bills and
tersurat yang tidak terdapat taking payment, and handling foreign exchange, helping guests with
D √
pada teks instruction dengan requests, e.g. asking housekeeping for extra bedding or storing
tepat valuables in the hotel safe.
In a large hotel, receptionist use a computer to handle
reservations, and may also use a telephone switchboard. They may
employ sales skills to encourage guests to upgrade to a better room
or eat in the restaurant, for example.
In larger hotels , there might be a small team of rceptionist,
each with specific duties. In a small hotel, they might do non-
reception tasks too-like serving drinks.
Receptionist desk in larger hotels often stay open all night, but
in smaller hotels nigh-time duties might be taken over by the porter.
Working hours can include days, nights, weekends, and public
holidays. Receptionist might work shifts. There are opportunities for
working part time or only in the holiday seasons

The following are the main tasks of hotel receptionist, Except ...
A. Allocating rooms to guests
B. Taking and passing on messages
C. Putting together bills and taking payment, and handling
foreign exchange
D. Arranging guests’ scheduling
74. The Ant and the Dove
Disajikan sebuah teks One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After
Narrative narrative tentang peserta walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach
text didik dapat menentukan the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making
pesan moral yang terdapat her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water. A √
dalam teks tersebut dengan She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen
tepat her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off
a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water
near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf
and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.
Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was
throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this
Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on
the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the
dove flew away quickly from this net.

The moral value of the text above is :

A. One good turn deserves another.

B. The sooner the better.
C. Don”t believe the other easily.
D. I don”t believe you anymore
75. Advertise Disajikan sebuah teks Small computer software company is looking for an officer
ment text reading peserta didik dapat manager. College degree not required, but applicant must A
menentukan informasi have at least two years experience at a similar job. Call Mrs √
tersurat dalam teks Rahayu ( durector) at 08124344678
advertisement dengan tepat What is a requirement for this job ?
A. A college degree
B. Less than two years experience
C. Telephone skills
D. Two or more years experience
Disajikan sebuah teks The secret zoo
reading peserta didik dapat Hours of Operation:
76 menentukan informasi Mon – Thrus: 10:00 a.m – 05:00. p.m
Hasr tersurat dalam teks Sat – Sun :09:00 a.m – 06:00 p.m A √s
Opened on public holidays
a advertisement dengan tepat
Cloesd on Fridays
Closed in January 1, May 1

Free guided tours every hour on the hour while the zoo is
Who would need the information in the schedule…?
A. The zoo operation
B. The zoo veterinarian
C. The zoo tour guides
D. The zoo visitours.

Disajikan sebuah teks

Invitation reading peserta didik dapat C
text menentukan tujuan dalam
teks invitation dengan tepat
What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To address a complaint
B. To express satisfaction
C. To invite friends
D. To ask for fast delivery
77. Disajikan sebuah teks reading Somba Opu was built by The Sultan of G owa-IX named
Descriptive Peserta didik dapat Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna in 1525. In the
text menentukan unsur yang mid-16th century, "Somba Opu" is a trading center and port of
digunakan dalam the spices are visited by foreign traders from Asia and from
mendeskripsikan bangunan Europe. On June 24, 1669, "Somba Opu" is controlled by the C √
sejarah dengan tepat VOC and then destroyed until submerged by tidal waves. In
the 1980s, "Somba Opu" was rediscovered by several
scientists. In 1990, the building "Somba Opu" broken
reconstructed so that it looks more beautiful. Currently,
"Somba Opu" becomes a very interesting tourist attraction, is
as a historical museum.
"Somba Opu" built of clay and egg whites instead of
cement. In architecture , "Somba Opu" is rectangular, with a length
of about 2 km, 7 to 8 feet high, and the extent of about 1,500
hectares. The whole building "Somba Opu" is lined with walls thick
enough,. In the "Somba Opu", there are some traditional houses of
South Sulawesi (representing the Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Toraja
and Kajang), a cannon named "Great Baluwara" 9 meters long with
a weight of 9500 kg, and a museum containing objects historic
heritage objects of the Sultanate of Gowa. By visiting "Somba Opu"
. This place also provided services that can help who wanted to
know about everything related to" Somba Opu ".
How does Somba Opu design?
A. Somba Opu is rectangular, Long, and walls thick
B. Somba Opu is like Tower Trading center
C. Somba Opu has object historic heritage
D. Somba opu has traditional Makassar’s house


Disajikan sebuah teks prosedur It is compulsory to wear a seat belt whenever there is one
Procedure tentang instruksi di tempat available. That means that if there is an empty seat with a seat D √
text umum, peserta didik dapat
belt, a passenger must move to it and not sit in a seat without a
menentukan tujuan dari teks
seat belt. If there are no seat belts, it is safer for a passenger to
sit in the back.Make sure that you and your passengers have
your seat belts properly adjusted and fastened:
- Wear the lap part of the seat belt across your lap and
below your stomach
- Place the buckle at the side of your body
- Make sure the belt is not twisted
- Make the belt as firm as possible

What is the purposes of the text ?

A. To remind the passenger in the way
B. To persuade the passenger wear seat belt
C. To give information the importance of seatbelt
D. To explain how to use seat belt
It is compulsory to wear a seat belt whenever there is one
79 Procedure Disajikan sebuah teks prosedur available. That means that if there is an empty seat with a seat
text tentang instruksi di tempat A √
belt, a passenger must move to it and not sit in a seat without a
umum, peserta didik dapat
menentukan alasan dari teks
seat belt. If there are no seat belts, it is safer for a passenger to
procedure dengan tepat sit in the back.Make sure that you and your passengers have
your seat belts properly adjusted and fastened:
- Wear the lap part of the seat belt across your lap and
below your stomach
- Place the buckle at the side of your body
- Make sure the belt is not twisted
- Make the belt as firm as possible
Why do the people wear seat belts when they are driving ?
A. To help passengers and riders safety
B. To distinguish passengers and riders
C. To comply with traffic rules
D. To give passengers pleasure
80. Disajikan sebuah teks prosedur Insert a USB Flash Drive into the USB port in your
Peserta didik dapat computer, then to save a file from The Microsoft
Procedure menentukan langkah langkah Office application save the files to your computer, C √
text yang terdapat dalam teks Next click “save as” and choose the device you
dengan tepat want to save it to. After that Right and click on
your file , select the “sent on ..” option, Check on
your Removable drive. When finished click on
arrow and rectangle the icon with an or a small
flash drive with a check mark in the system tray to
eject your hardware. Remove the USB flash drive
from the USB port
What is the first Procedure according of the text ?
A. How to remove files from document
B. How to remove files from USB port
C. How to save files to a computer
D. How to save files to a flash drive

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