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Medieval Art

Medieval is an adjective that is used to refers to the people places things and events of that
same period When roman country was broken before that it was brokren inti two pieces the
east and the west ( Constantine and bazantine) and after that it divided into various other
countries They have numerous , gods and goddesses to worship and they even worship animals
like horses, dogs etc. After middle ages one religion came that is Christian and all art was based
on this religion The middle ages followed the fall of roman empire in the 5th century and
merged into renaissance Medieval art duration was 5 to 15 century in which there was a
famous mosaic painting of jesus Christ. Mosaic is an art which is made by combining different
colors of stone or other material. The period after 15th century was renaissance art came and
this art was based on very realistic and logical aspects Early art subjects were initially restricted
to the production of Pietistic painting (religious art or Christian art) in the form of illuminated
manuscripts, mosaics and fresco paintings in churches. Interestingly, at the start of the
Medieval period, nearly all works of art were commissioned by religious authorities (for
churches/monasteries) or secular leaders (for public edification), and most were actually
created by monks. By the end of the period, the arts industry had broadened considerably from
its original monastic base: not only were most artists laymen, but a number of artworks were
commissioned by wealthy bourgeois patrons for personal enjoyment.

Middle ages:
The middle ages refers to the time period between the 5th and 15th century. Middle ages means
the art that is produced by various people and it didn’t relates to one nation. The period before
the renaissance art and after renaissance was modern art and you can say it is not merely
considered as an art period and it has further classification like late middle ages high middle
ages early middle ages

In medieval art there is not much creativity rather than all art depicts their religioin. They also
narrated stories from bibble and from other religious books
They mostly used multiple colors
Middle ages the period of European history from the fall of roman empire in the west 5th
century to the fall of Constantinople 1453 or more narrowly from 1100 to 1300 Middle ages
came into being between 1100 to 14 to 1500 century.
This period was characterized by a continuing focus on the spiritual world. Human figures and
other bits of trivia were documented in a minimal flat way, and only to show their relationship
to the ultimate reality God
Much more focus was given for instance, to the patterning and decorative nature of the piece
of art than to the realism of the depiction itself.
Early medieval artists also created and cultivated new artistic forms and techniques.
Metalworking, for instance, was one of their specialties
Art was portable (ex. jewelry, icons, altarpieces, coins, etc) Abstract designs and animal motifs
were favored
Revival of Roman ideas on education and the arts with the reign of Charlemagne who was a key
figure in Carolingian Europe
Round roman arches were used
From the 5th to 15th century the medieval period took place in this period medieval art which
can be divided into two parts

Romanesque which is all about gods of Christian art It includes icons of gods The Romanesque
appears first in western Europe and is characterized by having a rural style. Its name is due to
the fact that it is mostly based on early Christian in rome. By the mid-10th century, the Rome-
based Christian Church had begun to establish a network of Bishops and lesser clergy in most
areas of Western Europe. (See also: Ottonian Art.) As its wealth increased, the church turned to
monumental architecture, using a new design language known as Romanesque art, to promote
its divine message. Romanesque designers and architects erected hundreds of new churches
and monasteries across the Continent. Famous examples included: the Cathedral of Pisa with its
famous leaning bell tower, the Florence Baptistery,

Gothic includes luxurious arabian art For its part gothic originates in the cities and bears its
name due to its primitive character
Both contain strong influences of Christianity and manifested by various means such as
Goldsmiths, Sculptures ,painting ,mosaics , frescos and architecture The term "Gothic style"
refers to the style of European architecture, sculpture (and minor arts) which linked
medieval Romanesque art with the Early Renaissance. The period is divided into Early
Gothic (1150-1250), High Gothic (1250-1375), and International Gothic (1375-1450). Primarily a
public form of Christian art, it flourished initially in the Ile de France and surrounding region in
the period 1150-1250, and then spread throughout northern Europe.
Its main form of expression was architecture - exemplified by the great Gothic cathedrals

Middle ages can be divided into several time periods

middle ages can be divided into
Early middle ages and late middle ages in europe

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