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1. Determine the drawing force required to produce a 20-percent reduction in area from a 10mm
diameter steel wire if the flow stress is given by  = 13000.3 MPa. The die angle is 12 and the
coefft. of friction is 0.09.
a) If the wire is moving through the die at 3m/sec, determine the power required.
b) What is the maximum possible reduction under these conditions?

(15.1 kN, 45.3 kW, 51%)

2. A steel wire is drawn from 12.7mm to a final diameter of 10.2mm at a speed of 90m/min using
a conical die. The die angle is 12 and the coefficient of friction at the die-workpiece interface is
0.1. The mean flow stress of the material is 297.5 MPa
a) Determine the force and power required for this wire drawing operation.
b) What is the maximum possible reduction in the above case?
c) If the above drawing operation is carried out by using two dies in series, determine the diameter
and the draw speed of the wire at the exit of the first die. The reduction in area achieved is
equal in both the dies and all other conditions remain same.

( 17 kN, 25.5 kW, 50.5%, 11.38mm, 72m/min)

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