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EE 553 High Voltage Engineering (spring 2020)

Assignment # 1
Total Marks 50 Due date Feb 10, 2020

Question: 1 Marks (8)

Briefly explain different types of over voltages that impinge on the high voltage power network
during its service life.

Question: 2 Marks (16)

Power of 2000MW is to be transmitted from a coal fired power plant located at site A over 500
km distance to site B. Using ac 220KV, 500KV and 765KV alternatives suggest the number of
circuits required in each case.

(i) Also calculate total power loss per kilometer using average line parameters tabulated below
assuming the line operation under stability limit of δ=30o
(ii) ) Discuss the impacts of these results comparing different alternatives to transmit power to
this load center.

System Voltage
220 500 765
R (ohms/km) 0.085 0.036 0.013
XL (ohms/km) 0.580 0.320 0.270

Question: 3 Marks (8)

A HVDC multiplier has six stages (n=6) with C = 0.12µF/stage, supply voltage=10kVrms, f = 50Hz.
When the load current is 5mA, find:

1) Ripple voltage
2) Ripple factor
3) Voltage drop
4) Average output

Question: 4 Mark(18)
Briefly describe the following:

1) Merits and demerits of AC & DC high voltage transmission lines.

2) How does high voltage Electrostatic Precipitator works.
3) Merits of high voltage Electrospinning .

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