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‫جامعة بنها‬

‫كلية الطب البيطري‬

.Meninges of the horse brain and spinal cord :‫عنوان البحث‬
:‫اسم الطالب‬
Mohammed Ismail Abdul Samad Ismail Hegazy
Anatomy :‫المادة‬
2254 :‫رقم الجلوس‬ :‫البريد التعليمي‬
01277952085 :‫رقم التلفون‬


 Concerning meninges
 Some terms for meninges
 Development of the cranial meninges
 Development of the spinal meninges

Term"meninges" is taken from the word "membrane". Meninges are the

connective tissue membranes that line the cranial nerve and vertebral canal,
and surround the central nervous system (central  systema nervosum and
brain). It consists of 3 layers, from with into outside they are: a) Pia mater
a) Arachnoid mater
b) Dura mater  because the pia mater is that the nearest  to the
structures of the central  systema nervosum, as for the Arachnoid
mater and Dura mater are considered far from the central  systema
nervosum. (1)


 Meninges : It consists of 3 layers (Pia / Arachnoid / Dura mater)

The meninges: shield the neural structure and brain, and are almost present

with the blood vessels to and from the tissues of the central systema
nervosum, and direct the cerebrospinal fluid.  Round the surfaces of the
neural structure and brain.

 Some terms for meninges

meninges Deep to superficial: Pia mater, Arachnoid mater, Dura mater

Dura mater of Layers: endosteal and membrane layers

the brain Folds / reflections: falx cerebri, falx cerebelli, fold cerebelli,
diaphragma sellae
Dura mater of It is AN extension of the membrane layer from the meninges 
the neural and continues all the  thanks to S2.
Arachnoid Adding to the  meninx area and underlined by the space contains
mater of brain arachnoid trabeculae
Arachnoid It is a replica of arachnoid mater within the the brain, apart from
mater of  neural the arachnoid trabeculae that type the posterior median septum.
Pia mater Well connected with brain and neural structure..
It seems laterally to make the Sunni ligaments

The meninges conjointly these blood vessels and  conjointly contain the
cerebrospinal fluid, within its subarachnoid space. These ar the structures
that cause infectious disease

meningitis, which can become inflammation - if severe - inflammation of

the brain.
In addition, Dura could be a dense fibrous and springless membrane and is
alleged to encompass 2 layers. The pia mater could be a skinny, tube-shaped
structure membrane closely to the brain and neural structure. The arachnoid
and pia mater are thought of the leptomeninges.
The distance between arachnoid and a pia mater is the subarachnoid space
which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. (3)

 Development of the cranial meninges
There ar several  theories concerning the craniate origin of the  3 categories
of meninges,  in addition as doable variations between species. The foremost
safe term is mesenchymal in origin, however this mesoderm may
additionally dissent within the same species many various levels of the
central systema nervosum. Recent studies conjointly recommend that instead
of acting as a passive connective tissue "neural container" throughout
development, the meninges may additionally act and regulate cranial skull
and neural development. The last amendment understanding result from
characteristic the liquid body substance vessels among the Dura, that
develops in AN unknown amount when birth.(5)

 Development of the spinal meninges

At the start of the fourth week embryonic development,
the mesoderm be encircled by exoderm, to make a membrane known as

Primordial membrane, the outer layer of this film is thick to type the Dura.
The inner layer, the pia-arachnoid that consists of the pia mater and
arachnoid mater (leptomeninges), comes from neural crest cells.

On the neural structure, the spinal Dura or theca could be a prolongation
of the inner layer of the dura mater of the posterior cranial fosse. It goes
down then continues below the neural structure termination level, and
provides adequate protection for the neural structure by
permitting less area than the neural structure level to gather the cerebrospinal
throughout an incident like a "lumbar puncture


The meninges are a complex connective tissue surrounding the central

nervous system he 3 layers from the central nervous outward are: pia
mater, arachnoid mater, and the Dura mater. All three layers form initially
from the meninx primitive, a meningeal mesenchyme. The pia mater and
the arachnoid can together be called leptomeninx, and Dura mater the


1.  Yamashima, Tetsumori; Sakuda, Kazushige; Tohma, Yasuo; Yamashita, Junkoh;

Oda, Hiroshi; Irikura, Daisuke; Eguchi, Naomi; Beuckmann, Carsten T.; Kanaoka,
Yoshihide; Urade, Yoshihiro; Hayaishi, Osamu (1 April 1997).  "Prostaglandin D
Synthase (β-Trace) in Human Arachnoid and Meningioma Cells: Roles as a Cell
Marker or in Cerebrospinal Fluid Absorption, Tumorigenesis, and Calcification
Process".  Journal of Neuroscience. pp.  2376–2382.  doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.17-07-
02376.1997. Retrieved  10 October  2017.
2. Author: Benjamin Aghoghovwia • Reviewer: Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD • Last
reviewed: April 30, 2020 
3.  Kardong, Kenneth V. (1995).  Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Funuction,
Evolution. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. p.  539.  ISBN  0-697-21991-7.

5. Salvi G. Meninges histogenesis and structure (L'istogenesi E La Struttura Delle
Meningi). (1898) Thèse de Paris
6. . Rai R, Iwanaga J, Shokouhi G, Oskouian RJ & Tubbs RS. (2018). The Tentorium
Cerebelli: A Comprehensive Review Including Its Anatomy, Embryology, and
Surgical Techniques. Cureus , 10, e3079. PMID: 30305987 DOI.

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