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5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

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Beam to Girder End Plate Shear Connection Code=AISC 360-16 LRFD

Result Summary geometries & weld limitations = PASS limit states max ratio = 0.42 PASS

Geometry Restriction Check - End Plate to Girder PASS

Min Bolt Edge Distance - End Plate to Girder

Bolt diameter db = = 19.1 [mm]

Min edge distance allowed L e-min = = 25.4 [mm] AISC 15 th Table J3.4
Min edge distance in End Plate to
Le = = 34.9 [mm]
≥ L e-min OK

Min Bolt Spacing - End Plate to Girder

Bolt diameter db = = 19.1 [mm]

Min bolt spacing allowed L s-min = 2.667 d b = 50.8 [mm] AISC 15 th J3.3
Min Bolt spacing in End Plate to
Ls = = 76.2 [mm]
≥ L s-min OK

Weld Limitation Check - Beam Web to End Plate PASS

Min Fillet Weld Size

Thinner part joined thickness t= = 9.5 [mm]

Min fillet weld size allowed w min = = 4.8 [mm] AISC 15 th Table J2.4

Fillet weld size provided w= = 8.0 [mm]

≥ w min OK

Min Fillet Weld Length

Fillet weld size provided w= = 8.0 [mm]

Min fillet weld length allowed L min = 4 x w = 32.0 [mm] AISC 15 th J2.2b

Min fillet weld length L= = 222.2 [mm]

≥ L min OK

Beam Web - Shear Yielding ratio = 222.4 / 1088.8 = 0.20 PASS

Plate Shear Yielding Check

Plate size width b p = 241.2 [mm] thickness t p = 18.2 [mm]

Plate yield strength F y = 413.7 [MPa]

Plate gross area in shear A gv = b p t p = 4386 [mm 2]

Shear force required Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Plate shear yielding strength R n = 0.6 F y A gv = 1088.8 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-3

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 1.00 AISC 15 th Eq J4-3

φ Rn = = 1088.8 [kN]

ratio = 0.20 > Vu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

Beam Web - Shear Rupture ratio = 222.4 / 1088.8 = 0.20 PASS

Plate Shear Rupture Check

Plate size width b p = 241.2 [mm] thickness t p = 18.2 [mm]

Plate tensile strength F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Plate net area in shear A nv = b p t p = 4386 [mm 2]

Shear force in demand Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Plate shear rupture strength R n = 0.6 F u A nv = 1451.7 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-4

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th Eq J4-4

φ Rn = = 1088.8 [kN]

ratio = 0.20 > Vu OK

Beam Web - Tensile Yielding ratio = 111.2 / 1504.5 = 0.07 PASS

End Plate Direct Connect Length Calc

Beam web-end plate connect length L= = 222.2 [mm]

Beam web thickness tw = = 18.2 [mm]

Gross area subject to tension Ag = L tw = 4041 [mm 2]

Gross area subject to tension Ag = = 4041 [mm ]

Steel yield strength Fy = = 413.7 [MPa]

Tensile force required Pu = = 111.2 [kN]

Tensile yielding strength Rn = Fy Ag = 1671.7 [kN] AISC 15 Eq D2-1
Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.90 AISC 15 D2 (a)
φ Rn = = 1504.5 [kN] AISC 15 Eq D2-1

ratio = 0.07 > Pu OK

Beam Web - Tensile Rupture ratio = 111.2 / 1551.3 = 0.07 PASS

End Plate Direct Connect Length Calc

Beam web-end plate weld length L= = 222.2 [mm]

Beam web-end plate fillet weld size w= = 8.0 [mm]

Beam web-end plate connect length Lw = L - 2 w = 206.2 [mm]

Plate Tensile Rupture Check

Plate size width b p = 206.2 [mm] thickness t p = 18.2 [mm]

Plate tensile strength F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Plate net area in tension A nt = b p t p = 3750 [mm 2]

Tensile force in demand Pu = = 111.2 [kN]

Plate tensile rupture strength R n = F u A nt = 2068.4 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-2

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th Eq J4-2

φ Rn = = 1551.3 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-2

ratio = 0.07 > Pu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

Coped Beam - Flexural Rupture ratio = 222.4 / 659.0 = 0.34 PASS

Beam section & cope side sect = C15X50 cope side = double cope

Beam top flange cope depth d c = 31.8 [mm] length L c = 101.2 [mm]

Beam bottom flange cope depth d c = 108.0 [mm] length L c = 101.2 [mm]

Beam section elastic modulus S net = = 1.8E5 [mm 3]

Beam section tensile strength Fu = = 551.6 [MPa]

Distance from face of cope to the
e= = 110.7 [mm] AISC 15 th Page 9-6
point of inflection of beam

Beam end shear force Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Beam end shear resistance R n = F u S net / e = 878.7 [kN] AISC 15 Eq 9-4
Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 Eq 9-4

φ Rn = = 659.0 [kN]

ratio = 0.34 > Vu OK

Coped Beam - Local Web Buckling ratio = 222.4 / 889.7 = 0.25 PASS

Beam section & cope side sect = C15X50 cope side = double cope

Beam sect C15X50 d = 381.0 [mm] b f = 94.5 [mm]

t w = 18.2 [mm] t f = 16.5 [mm]

Beam top flange cope depth d ct = 31.8 [mm] length c t = 101.2 [mm]

Beam bottom flange cope depth d cb = 108.0 [mm] length c b = 101.2 [mm]

Distance from face of cope to face

e= = 110.7 [mm] AISC 15 th Page 9-7
of supporting member

Beam sect C15X50 d = 381.0 [mm] t w = 18.2 [mm]

Beam yield strength F y = 413.7 [MPa] E = 2.0E5 [MPa]

Coped beam sect elastic/plastic

S net = 1.8E5 [mm 3] Z net = 2.6E5 [mm 3]
Plastic bending moment M p = F y Z net = 109.4 [kN-m]

Flexural yield moment M y = F y S net = 72.9 [kN-m]

LTB unsupport length Lb = ct = 101.2 [mm]

Lb d
LTB modification factor C b = [3+ln( )] (1- ct) ≥ 1.84 = 1.84 AISC 15 th Eq 9-15
d d

Reduced beam depth h 0 = d - d ct - d cb = 241.2 [mm]

d = h0 = 241.2 [mm]

L b d / t 2w = 73.8 AISC 15 th F11.2

0.08 E / F y = 38.7

1.9 E / F y = 918

when 0.08E/F y < L b d/t 2w ≤ 1.9E/F y =918 AISC 15 th F11.2 (b)

Lb d F
Flexural strength at coped section M n = C b [1.52-0.274( 2 ) y ]M y≤M p = 109.4 [kN-m] AISC 15 th Eq F11-2
tw E

Beam end shear force Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Beam end shear resistance Rn = Mn / e = 988.5 [kN] AISC 15 Eq 9-5

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.90

φ Rn = = 889.7 [kN]

ratio = 0.25 > Vu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

End Plate - Shear Yield ratio = 111.2 / 523.9 = 0.21 PASS

Plate Shear Yielding Check

Plate size width b p = 222.2 [mm] thickness t p = 9.5 [mm]

Plate yield strength F y = 413.7 [MPa]

Plate gross area in shear A gv = b p t p = 2111 [mm 2]

Shear force required Vu = = 111.2 [kN]

Plate shear yielding strength R n = 0.6 F y A gv = 523.9 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-3

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 1.00 AISC 15 th Eq J4-3

φ Rn = = 523.9 [kN]

ratio = 0.21 > Vu OK

End Plate - Shear Rupture ratio = 111.2 / 366.7 = 0.30 PASS

Plate Shear Rupture Check

Bolt hole diameter bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt hole dia d h = 22.2 [mm] AISC 15 B4.3b

Number of bolt n=3

Plate size width b p = 222.2 [mm] thickness t p = 9.5 [mm]

Plate tensile strength F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Plate net area in shear A nv = ( b p - n d h ) t p = 1477 [mm ]

Shear force required Vu = = 111.2 [kN]

Plate shear rupture strength R n = 0.6 F u A nv = 488.9 [kN] AISC 15 Eq J4-4
Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 Eq J4-4

φ Rn = = 366.7 [kN]

ratio = 0.30 > Vu OK

End Plate - Block Shear - Center Strip ratio = 222.4 / 933.2 = 0.24 PASS

Plate Block Shear - Center Strip

Bolt hole diameter bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt hole dia d h = 22.2 [mm] AISC 15 th B4.3b

Plate thickness t p = 9.5 [mm]

Plate strength F y = 413.7 [MPa] F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Bolt no in ver & hor dir nv = 2 nh = 3

Bolt spacing in ver & hor dir s v = 101.6 [mm] s h = 76.2 [mm]

Bolt edge dist in ver & hor dir e v = 34.9 [mm] e h = 34.9 [mm]

Gross area subject to shear A gv = [ (n h - 1) s h + e h ] t p x 2 = 3559 [mm 2]

Net area subject to shear A nv = A gv - [(n h - 1)+ 0.5] d h t p x2 = 2503 [mm 2]

Net area subject to tension

when sheared out by center strip A nt = ( n v - 1) ( s v - d h ) t p = 754 [mm 2]

Block shear strength required Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Uniform tension stress factor U bs = 1.00 AISC 15 th Fig C-J4.2

Bolt shear resistance provided R n = min (0.6F u A nv , 0.6F y A gv ) + = 1244.2 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-5
U bs F u A nt
Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th Eq J4-5

φ Rn = = 933.2 [kN]

ratio = 0.24 > Vu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

End Plate - Block Shear - 2-Side Strip ratio = 222.4 / 808.2 = 0.28 PASS

Plate Block Shear - 2 Side Strips

Bolt hole diameter bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt hole dia d h = 22.2 [mm] AISC 15 th B4.3b

Plate thickness t p = 9.5 [mm]

Plate strength F y = 413.7 [MPa] F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Bolt no in ver & hor dir nv = 2 nh = 3

Bolt spacing in ver & hor dir s v = 101.6 [mm] s h = 76.2 [mm]

Bolt edge dist in ver & hor dir e v = 34.9 [mm] e h = 34.9 [mm]

Gross area subject to shear A gv = [ (n h - 1) s h + e h ] t p x 2 = 3559 [mm ]
Net area subject to shear A nv = A gv - [(n h - 1)+ 0.5] d h t p x2 = 2503 [mm ]

Net area subject to tension

when sheared out by 2 side strips A nt = ( e v - 0.5 d h ) t p x 2 = 452 [mm ]

Block shear strength required Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Uniform tension stress factor U bs = 1.00 AISC 15 th Fig C-J4.2

Bolt shear resistance provided R n = min (0.6F u A nv , 0.6F y A gv ) + = 1077.6 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J4-5
U bs F u A nt
Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th Eq J4-5

φ Rn = = 808.2 [kN]

ratio = 0.28 > Vu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

End Plate - Bolt Bearing on End Plate ratio = 222.4 / 573.0 = 0.39 PASS

Single Bolt Shear Strength

Bolt shear stress bolt grade = A325-N F nv = 446.8 [MPa] AISC 15 th Table J3.2

bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt area A b = 285 [mm 2]

Single bolt shear strength R n-bolt = F nv A b = 127.3 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J3-1

Bolt Bearing/TearOut Strength on Plate

Bolt hole diameter bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt hole dia d h = 20.6 [mm] AISC 15 Table J3.3

Bolt spacing & edge distance spacing L s = 76.2 [mm] edge distance L e = 34.9 [mm]

Plate tensile strength F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Plate thickness t = 9.5 [mm]

Interior Bolt

Bolt hole edge clear distance Lc = Ls - dh = 55.6 [mm]

Bolt tear out/bearing strength R n-t&b-in = 1.5 L c t F u ≤ 3.0 d b t F u AISC 15 th Eq J3-6b

= 436.7 ≤ 299.5 = 299.5 [kN]

Bolt strength at interior R n-in = min ( R n-t&b-in , R n-bolt ) = 127.3 [kN]

Edge Bolt

Bolt hole edge clear distance Lc = Le - dh / 2 = 24.6 [mm]

Bolt tear out/bearing strength R n-t&b-ed = 1.5 L c t F u ≤ 3.0 d b t F u AISC 15 th Eq J3-6b

= 193.2 ≤ 299.5 = 193.2 [kN]

Bolt strength at edge R n-ed = min ( R n-t&b-ed , R n-bolt ) = 127.3 [kN]

Number of bolt interior n in = 4 edge n ed = 2

Bolt bearing strength for all bolts R n = n in R n-in + n ed R n-ed = 764.1 [kN]

Required shear strength Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Bolt resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th J3.10

φ Rn = = 573.0 [kN]

ratio = 0.39 > Vu OK

End Plate / Girder - Bolt Shear ratio = 222.4 / 573.0 = 0.39 PASS
Bolt A325-N dia d b = 19.1 [mm] A b = 285 [mm ]

Bolt shear stress grade = A325-N F nv = 446.8 [MPa] AISC 15 th Table J3.2

Number of bolt carried shear n s = 6.0 shear plane m = 1

Bolt group eccentricity coefficient C ec = = 1.000

Required shear strength Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Bolt shear strength R n = F nv A b n s m C ec = 764.1 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J3-1

Bolt resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th Eq J3-1

φ Rn = = 573.0 [kN]

ratio = 0.39 > Vu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

End Plate / Girder - Bolt Bearing on Girder ratio = 222.4 / 573.0 = 0.39 PASS

Single Bolt Shear Strength

Bolt shear stress bolt grade = A325-N F nv = 446.8 [MPa] AISC 15 th Table J3.2

bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt area A b = 285 [mm 2]

Single bolt shear strength R n-bolt = F nv A b = 127.3 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J3-1

Bolt Bearing/TearOut Strength on Plate

Bolt hole diameter bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt hole dia d h = 20.6 [mm] AISC 15 Table J3.3

Bolt spacing spacing L s = 76.2 [mm]

Plate tensile strength F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Plate thickness t = 7.5 [mm]

Interior Bolt

Bolt hole edge clear distance Lc = Ls - dh = 55.6 [mm]

Bolt tear out/bearing strength R n-t&b-in = 1.5 L c t F u ≤ 3.0 d b t m F u AISC 15 th Eq J3-6b

= 344.5 ≤ 236.2 = 236.2 [kN]

Bolt strength at interior R n-in = min ( R n-t&b-in , R n-bolt ) = 127.3 [kN]

Number of bolt interior n in = 6

Bolt bearing strength for all bolts R n = n in R n-in = 764.1 [kN]

Required shear strength Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Bolt resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th J3.10

φ Rn = = 573.0 [kN]

ratio = 0.39 > Vu OK

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

Bolt Tensile Prying Action on End Plate ratio = 18.5 / 44.4 = 0.42 PASS

Bolt group forces shear V = 222.4 [kN] axial P = -111.2 [kN]

Single Bolt Tensile Capacity Without Considering Prying

Bolt grade A325-N dia d b = 19.1 [mm] area A b = 285 [mm 2]

Nominal tensile/shear stress F nt = 744.7 [MPa] F nv = 446.8 [MPa] AISC 15 th Table J3.2

Bolt group shear force shear V = 222.4 [kN] no of bolt n = 6

Shear stress required f rv = V / ( n A b ) = 130.0 [MPa]

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th J3.7

F nt
Modified nominal tensile stress F' nt = 1.3 F nt - f rv ≤ F nt = 679.0 [MPa] AISC 15 th Eq J3-3a
φ F nv
Bolt norminal tensile strength r n = F' nt A b = 193.5 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq J3-1

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th J3.6

Single bolt tensile capacity φ rn = = 145.2 [kN]

Single Bolt Tensile Capacity After Considering Prying

End plate width w = 171.4 [mm] bolt gage g = 101.6 [mm]

web t w = 18.2 [mm]

Dist from bolt center to plate edge a = 0.5 (w - g) = 34.9 [mm]

a' = a + 0.5 d b ≤ (1.25 b + 0.5 d b ) = 44.4 [mm] AISC 15 th Eq 9-23

Bolt hole diameter bolt dia d b = 19.1 [mm] bolt hole dia d h = 20.7 [mm] AISC 15 B4.3b

Dist from bolt center to face of web b = 0.5(g - t w ) = 41.7 [mm]

b' = b - 0.5 d b = 32.2 [mm] AISC 15 th Eq 9-18

Bolt pitch spacing s v = 76.2 [mm]

Bolt tributary length p = sv p ≤ 2b and p ≤ s v = 74.1 [mm] AISC 15 th Page 9-12

ρ = b' / a' = 0.724 AISC 15 th Eq 9-22

δ = 1 - dh / p = 0.721 AISC 15 th Eq 9-20

Tensile capacity per bolt before
B = from calc shown in above section = 145.2 [kN]
considering prying
Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.90 AISC 15 th Page 9-12

End plate thickness t = 9.5 [mm] tensile F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Plate thickness req'd to develop bolt 4 B b' 0.5 th

tc = ( ) = 22.6 [mm] AISC 15 Eq 9-26a
tensile capacity without prying φ p Fu
1 tc 2
α' = [( ) -1] = 3.723 AISC 15 th Eq 9-28
δ (1 + ρ ) t
t 2
when α' > 1 Q=( ) (1 + δ ) = 0.306 AISC 15 th Eq 9-27

Bolt tensile force per bolt in demand T = from calc shown below = 18.5 [kN]

Tensile strength per bolt after

φ rn = B x Q = 44.4 [kN] AISC 15 th Eq 9-27
considering prying
ratio = 0.42 >T OK

Calculate Max Single Bolt Tensile Load

Bolt group force axial P = 111.2 [kN]

Bolt number Bolt Row n h = 2 Bolt Col n v = 3

Bolt tensile force per bolt T = P / ( nv nh ) = 18.5 [kN]

5/16/2020 CivilBay Engineering XXX Design Project Shear Connection Shear-1

Beam Web Weld Strength ratio = 1.12 / 2.91 = 0.38 PASS

Beam-column interface forces from user input

Axial force axial P = -111.2 [kN] in tension

Shear forces shear V y = 222.4 [kN] shear V z = 0.0 [kN]

Shear force resultant V = ( V 2y + V 2z ) 0.5 = 222.4 [kN]

Tensile force on weld line Pu = = -111.2 [kN]

Shear force on weld line Vu = = 222.4 [kN]

Beam section C15X50 d b = 381.0 [mm] k b = 36.5 [mm]

b fb = 94.5 [mm] k 1b = 19.1 [mm]

Ver weld length on beam web L = db - 2 kb = 222.2 [mm]

Beam flange fillet weld size w= = 8.0 [mm]

Combined Weld Stress

Weld stress from axial tensile force fa = Pu / L = -0.50 [kN/mm]

Weld stress from shear force fv = Vu / L = 1.00 [kN/mm]

Weld stress combined - max f max = ( f 2a + f 2v ) = 1.12 [kN/mm] AISC 15 th Eq 8-11

Weld stress load angle θ = tan -1 ( ) = 26.6 [°]

Fillet Weld Strength Calc

Fillet weld leg size w = 8.0 [mm] load angle θ = 26.6 [°]

Electrode strength F EXX = 551.6 [MPa] strength coeff C 1 = 1.03 AISC 15 th Table 8-3

Number of weld line n=2 for double fillet

Load angle coefficient C 2 = ( 1 + 0.5 sin 1.5 θ ) = 1.15 AISC 15 th Page 8-9

Fillet weld shear strength R n-w = 0.6 (C 1 x 70 ksi) 0.707 w n C 2 = 3.88 [kN/mm] AISC 15 th Eq 8-1

Base metal - beam web thickness t = 18.2 [mm] tensile F u = 551.6 [MPa]

Base metal - beam web is in shear, shear rupture as per AISC 15 th Eq J4-4 is checked AISC 15 th J2.4

Base metal shear rupture R n-b = 0.6 F u t = 6.02 [kN/mm] AISC 15 th Eq J4-4

Double fillet linear shear strength R n = min ( R n-w , R n-b ) = 3.88 [kN/mm] AISC 15 th Eq 9-2

Resistance factor-LRFD φ = 0.75 AISC 15 th Eq 8-1

φ Rn = = 2.91 [kN/mm]

ratio = 0.38 > f max OK


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