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1MRS 752319-MUM OE1_

Issued: 3/2000
Version: B/12.2.2002
Overexcitation Protection
Low-Set Stage (OE1Low)
Data subject to change without notice High-Set Stage (OE1High)

1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 2

1.1 Features.............................................................................................. 2
1.2 Application........................................................................................... 2
1.3 Input description.................................................................................. 3
1.4 Output description ............................................................................... 3

2 Description of Operation.......................................................................... 4
2.1 Configuration....................................................................................... 4
2.2 Measuring mode ................................................................................. 4
2.3 Operation criteria................................................................................. 5
2.4 Delayed reset facility and drop-off time in DT mode ............................ 7
2.5 IDMT type operation............................................................................ 8
2.6 Setting groups ................................................................................... 14
2.7 Test mode ......................................................................................... 15
2.8 START, TRIP and CBFP outputs ...................................................... 15
2.9 Resetting........................................................................................... 15
3 Parameters and Events .......................................................................... 16
3.1 General ............................................................................................. 16
3.2 Setting values.................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Actual settings.......................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Setting group 1......................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Setting group 2......................................................................... 18
3.2.4 Control settings ........................................................................ 19
3.3 Measurement values ......................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Input data ................................................................................. 19
3.3.2 Output data .............................................................................. 20
3.3.3 Recorded data.......................................................................... 20

4 Technical Data ........................................................................................ 23

OE1 _ Substation Automation

1 Introduction

1.1 Features
• Single-phase overexcitation (Volts/Hertz) protection for generators and
• Phase-to-phase or phase-to-earth voltage
• Definite-time (DT) operation and two inverse-time characteristics
• Maximum and minimum time settings in inverse-time modes
• Voltage and its frequency can be measured with a conventional voltage
transformer or a voltage divider
• Delayed trip output for the circuit-breaker failure protection (CBFP) function

1.2 Application

This document specifies the functions of the overexcitation function blocks OE1Low
and OE1High used in products based on the RED 500 Platform. The function blocks
are identical in operation.

The overexcitation protection function blocks OE1Low and OE1High are used to
protect generators and power transformers against the excessive flux density and
saturation of the magnetic core. The saturation leads to a stray flux which may cause
eddy currents and severe overheating in nonlaminated parts of a generator or a
transformer. Note that the terms (over)excitation level or U/f ratio are commonly used
to denote the flux density.

U/f> U/f>>



Substation Automation OE1_

1.3 Input description

Name Type Description
U Analogue signal (SINT) Input for measuring voltage and frequency
BLOCK Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Blocking signal
GROUP Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Control signal for switching between setting
group 1 and setting group 2. When GROUP
is TRUE, group 2 is active.
RESET Digital signal (BOOL, pos. edge) Input signal for resetting the trip signal and
registers of the function block

1.4 Output description

Name Type Description
START Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Start signal
TRIP Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Trip signal
CBFP Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Delayed trip signal for circuit-breaker
failure protection (CBFP)
ERR Digital signal (BOOL, active high) Signal for indicating a configuration error

OE1 _ Substation Automation

2 Description of Operation

2.1 Configuration

Phase-to-phase or phase-to-earth voltage can be measured via conventional voltage

transformers or voltage dividers; note, however, that a voltage divider cannot be
directly connected between two phases. The measuring devices and signal types for
analogue channels are selected and configured in a special dialogue box of the Relay
Configuration Tool. Digital inputs are configured in the same programming
environment (the number of selectable analogue inputs, digital inputs and digital
outputs depends on the hardware used).

When the analogue channels and digital inputs have been selected and configured in
the dialogue box, the inputs and outputs of the function block can be configured on a
graphic worksheet of the configuration tool. The voltage is connected to the input U
of the function block. This voltage can be any of the available phase-to-phase or
phase-to-earth voltages. Digital inputs are connected to the boolean inputs of the
function block, and the outputs of the function block are connected to the output
signals in the same way. The function block automatically detects the signal type of
the connected analogue input. The operation of the function block is prevented if the
signal type is not correct, i.e. if the input is something else than a phase-to-phase or
phase-to-earth voltage.

The frequency protection must be selected for the voltage input via the special
measurements dialogue box in the configuration tool. For further information, please
refer to “Technical Reference Manual, Part 3, Configuration Guideline”,
1MRS750745-MUM. If the frequency protection is not selected, the ERR output of
the function block will be activated and a channel supervision error for the voltage
channel will be sent.

The excecution interval of the program the function block OE1Low and OE1High is
instantiated within, must be 10 ms at 50 Hz. Otherwise, the ERR output of the
function block will be activated and an error event E11 is sent.

Voltage should be taken from the generator or power inlet side of the transformer.
Only if there is a tap-changer on this side of the transformer, the voltage connected to
this protection function should be taken from the other side.

2.2 Measuring mode

The operation of the function blocks OE1Low and OE1High is based on calculating
the U/f (Volts/Hertz) ratio of the voltage input because the flux density in the
magnetic core is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the
frequency. The function block uses a special algorithm which is based on the
integrated value of the voltage signal. This algorithm enables a wide frequency range
and high insensitivity to harmonics at the same time.

Substation Automation OE1_

2.3 Operation criteria

The protection function block calculates the relative U/f ratio proportional to the
excitation level of the generator/transformer and compares this value to the setting
value. The function block picks up when the excitation exceeds the setting value and
trips when the set operate time has elapsed.

The calculated U/f ratio is scaled so that the value is 1.00 when the voltage and the
frequency are at nominal level. However, the user can define the highest allowed
continuous voltage (in p.u.) by setting the parameter “U max cont.” to change the
basis of the voltage. The measured voltage is then compared to this new base value to
obtain the excitation level. The same can be expressed as follows:

0 = =
8 Q 8 max FRQW 8 Q 8 max FRQW I P

0 = the excitation level (“U/f ratio”)
8m = measured voltage
Im = measured frequency
8n = nominal voltage
In = nominal frequency
8max cont = settable voltage base for excitation level

Nominal values of the generator:
Un = 11 kV
fn = 50 Hz
“U max cont.” = 1.00
Let’s assume that the voltage of the generator terminal is 11.77 kV and the frequency
of the system is 49.98 Hz. The excitation level M of the generator is now

11.77 kV ⋅ 50 Hz
M= = 1.07
11 kV ⋅1.00 ⋅ 49.98 Hz

OE1 _ Substation Automation

The situation and the data is equal to the example 1. The manufacturer of the
generator allows the continuous operation 105 % of the rated voltage at the rated load
and this value is wanted to be used as the base for overexcitation. Note that usually
the U/f characteristics are specified so that the ratio is 1.00 at the rated voltage and the
rated frequency and therefore the value 1.00 for “U max cont.” is recommended.

“U max cont.” = 1.05
The calculated excitation level M of the generator is therefore:

11.77 kV ⋅ 50 Hz
M= = 1.02
11 kV ⋅1.05 ⋅ 49.98 Hz

Note also that the scaling factors for the analogue channels have an influence on the
values seen by the protection function blocks. In this example, it is assumed that the
scaling factor for the voltage channel is equal to 1.00. For further information, please
refer to “Technical Reference Manual, Part 1, General”, 1MRS750915-MUM.

The function block can be configured to operate in a definite-time or in an inverse-

time operation mode. The definite-time operation is characterised by three values:
“U/f Start DT”, “Operate time” and “Drop-off time”. These values determine the
pick-up value of overexcitation, the time delay of the operation (see the figure below)
and the time-based limit for drop-off, respectively (see subsection “Delayed reset
facility and drop-off time in DT mode”). The inverse-time operation mode is
explained in the subsection “IDMT type operation”.

U/f start DT


Operate time


The function block is equipped with a BLOCK input, activation of which will force
the TRIP and CBFP outputs in FALSE state. Note that the START output is not
influenced by the BLOCK input. Blocking will also prevent the definite-time counter
and the inverse-time integrator from increasing, while decreasing during drop-off is
still carried out normally. U/f ratio is calculated as normally even if the function block
is blocked.

Substation Automation OE1_

The function block starts to measure the U/f ratio when the peak value of the voltage
exceeds the low limit (20% of the nominal voltage when phase-to-phase voltage is
used, 35% when phase-to-earth voltage is used). The operation of the function block
is prevented until this limit is exceeded.

2.4 Delayed reset facility and drop-off time in DT mode

Oscillation of the U/f ratio around a value specified by “U/f Start DT” would cause
the START signal to alternate between TRUE and FALSE. This would ultimately
prevent a long lasting non-stabile fault situation from being detected if the function
block were reset every time the U/f ratio drops below a specified limit. The delayed
reset facility is used to prevent this.

When the DT timer has started, it goes on running as normally even if the U/f ratio
drops below a specified limit (U/f Start DT-hysteresis), provided the drop-off period
is shorter than the set drop-off time. If the drop-off period is longer than the set drop-
off time, the DT timer will reset when the drop-off time elapses (Figure 4).

In Figure 4 and Figure 5 the input signal IN of the DT timer is TRUE when the
relative U/f ratio is above the set start value, and FALSE when the U/f ratio is below
the set start value.




Drop-off time

Operate time


OE1 _ Substation Automation

If the drop-off period is shorter than the set drop-off time and the DT timer time has
elapsed during the drop-off period, the function block will trip once the current
exceeds the set value again (Figure 5).




Drop-off time

Operate time


The pick-up and drop-off sequence may occur several times before the TRIP is
activated. Note that the drop-off timer is reset every time the IN signal becomes

2.5 IDMT type operation

Inverse-time operation is used when the operate time is wanted to depend on the level
of overexcitation. The higher the level of overexcitation, the higher the risk of
damage. Therefore, shorter operate times at high overexcitation levels might be

There are two types of curves available. They are named “Curve #1” and “Curve #2”.
These curves approximate the shapes of the curves presented in the standard “IEEE
C37.91-1985” but the setting parameters of the curves also enable different forms to
be obeyed. The curves can be classified as inverse definite minimum time (IDMT)
curves since both of them include a setting which allows the minimum time limit to be

There are common setting parameters for the curves. Note that even though the same
parameters are used, the operate time of the function block is totally changed when
the operation mode is switched between these curves.

The definite-time (DT) operation is always present in both inverse-time modes. This
enables composite curves with one stage. Two stages can be used to fit the curve even
better to the characteristic of the protected device. In general, an IDMT curve
determines the operate times at a low level of overexcitation and a DT curve sets the
limit at a high level of overexcitation. If, however, the DT operation in IDMT mode is
not desired, it is possible to eliminate it by setting the “Operate time” and/or “U/f start
DT” above the selected IDMT curve.

Substation Automation OE1_

The parameter “U/f start IDMT” determines the U/f ratio which is needed before the
function picks up in the inverse-time mode. The parameter “U max cont.” influences
the calculated U/f ratio as mentioned in the subsection “Operation criteria”. The
parameter “k” is used to set the sharpness of the IDMT curve and the parameter
“Constant delay” is used to set a constant time delay parameter. The parameter
“Maximum time” is used to limit the operate time to a reasonable level at low degrees
of overexcitation, and the parameter “Cooling time” models the thermal properties of
a transformer.

When the inverse-time operation is selected, the function block trips whenever the
built-in inverse-time integrator or the definite-time counter exceeds the limits. Note,
however, that in the inverse-time operation mode the definite-time counter is reset
whenever the U/f ratio drops below the limit specified by “U/f start DT”. This means
that the drop-off time facility described above will not be utilised in the IDMT mode.
The hysteresis of the DT mode is not used either, so the DT operation will reset
exactly when the U/f ratio falls below the “U/f start DT” value. Therefore, it is
essential that the “U/f start DT” setting is always bigger than the “U/f start IDMT”
setting in the IDMT mode; otherwise the function block will operate at the “U/f start
DT” setting with no hysteresis.

To prevent infinite start situations, the “Maximum time” setting is used to ensure a
trip after the set time if the overexcitation level remains slightly above the setting “U/f
Start IDMT”.

The built-in inverse-time integrator is decreased when the U/f ratio drops below a
value defined by “U/f Start IDMT” including hysteresis. This mimics the cooling
process of the transformer or the generator. Rate of decrease is linear and it is
determined by the setting parameter “Cooling time”. This setting is equal to the time
required for the device to fully recover from the overheating caused by overexcitation
(see Figure 6 and Figure 7).

100 %



Moment Cooling time = Tc

of Start of Trip



OE1 _ Substation Automation


100 %

40 %

1. 2.

Moment 40 % Tc
of Start

Moment Cooling time = Tc
of Drop-off



Note that the U/f ratio during the cooling process has no influence as long as it stays
below the “U/f Start IDMT” setting. Note also that the cooling process is included in
the IDMT mode only; the parameter “Cooling time” is not used in the DT mode.

The inverse time curve “Curve #1” complies with the following equation:

W = &G +
(0 − 1)2
where &G is the setting parameter “Constant delay”Nis the setting parameter “k” and
0 is the excitation level as stated in the chapter “Operation criteria”.

Some plots of “Curve #1” at different values of “k” are presented in Figure 8.

Substation Automation OE1_

Operation characteristics, "Curve #1"



Operate time, s
60 k

20 100
10 50
1.0 1

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
Excitation level, M


The operation mode is “Curve #1”. Settings are as follows:
• U/f start DT = 1.6
• U/f start IDMT = 1.1
• U max cont. = 1.00
• Operate time = 0.5 s
• k =5
• Maximum time = 3600 s ( = 60 min = 1 h )
• Constant delay = 0.8 s
• Cooling time = 100 s

OE1 _ Substation Automation

Operating curve of OE1 , "Curve #1"



Operate time, s




1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
Excitation level, M


If the overexcitation level stayed at 1.25, a trip would occur after 15.20 s. At the
overexcitation level of 1.42 the time to trip would be 5.90 seconds. These operating
points can also be found in Figure 9. Note that in this case the setting “Maximum
time” = 3600 s doesn’t limit the maximum operate time because the operate time at
“U/f start IDMT” = 1.1 is approximately 75 s.

The inverse time curve “Curve #2” complies with the following equation:

113.5+ 2 .5 −100 0
W=H 3.04

whereNis the setting parameter “k” and 0 is the excitation level as stated in the
chapter “Operation criteria”. The setting parameter “Constant delay” is used as a
minimum time limit for “Curve #2”, i.e. operate times shorter than “Constant delay”
are not allowed.

Some plots of “Curve #2” at different values of “k” are presented in Figure 10.

Substation Automation OE1_

Operation characteristics, "Curve #2"



Operate time, s 600




1 2 4 7 11 16 k
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Excitation level, M


The operation mode is “Curve #2”. Settings are as follows:
• U/f start DT = 1.5
• U/f start IDMT = 1.1
• U max cont. = 1.00
• Operate time = 0.5 s
• k =8
• Maximum time = 600 s ( = 10 min )
• Constant delay = 1.0 s ( = minimum time )
• Cooling time = 200 s

OE1 _ Substation Automation

Operating curve of OE1 , "Curve #2"


Operate time, s





1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Excitation level, M


A trip would occur after 22.76 s if the overexcitation level remained at 1.24. At the
overexcitation level of 1.38, the equation would give 0.23 s but now the “Constant
delay” setting limits the minimum operate time to 1.0 s. Note also that the setting
“Maximum time” would limit the operate time to 600 s, if the overexcitation level
stayed between 1.1 and 1.14.

In general, however, the overexcitation level seldom remains constant and for that
reason exact operate times in any inverse-time mode are difficult to predict.

2.6 Setting groups

Two different groups of setting values, group 1 and group 2, are available for the
function block. Switching between the two groups can be done in following three
1) Locally via the control parameter “Group selection”1) of the MMI
2) Over the communication bus by writing the parameter V3 1)
3) By means of the input signal GROUP, when allowed via “Group selection”
(i.e. when V3 = 2 1)).
Group selection (V3): 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input

The control parameter “Active group” indicates the setting group valid at a given

Substation Automation OE1_

2.7 Test mode

The digital outputs of the function block can be activated with separate control
parameters for each output either locally via the MMI or externally via the serial
communication. When an output is activated with the test parameter, an event
indicating the test is generated.

The protection functions operate normally while the outputs are tested.

2.8 START, TRIP and CBFP outputs

The output signal START is always pulse-shaped. The minimum pulse width of the
corresponding output signal is set via a separate parameter on the MMI or through the
serial communication. If the START condition lasts longer than the set pulse width,
the START signal remains active until the START condition is over. The output
signal TRIP may have a non-latching or latching feature. When the latching mode has
been selected, the TRIP signal remains active until the output is reset, even though the
operation criteria have reset.

The function block provides a delayed trip signal CBFP after the TRIP signal unless
the fault has disappeared during the set CBFP time delay. In circuit-breaker failure
protection, the CBFP output can be used to operate a circuit breaker in front of the
circuit breaker of the machine. The control parameter “Trip pulse” also sets the width
of the CBFP output signal.

2.9 Resetting

The TRIP output signal and the recorded data can be reset via the RESET input, or
over the serial bus or the local MMI.

The operation indicators, latched trip signal and recorded data can be reset as follows:
Operation Latched trip Recorded
indicators signal data
RESET input of the function block x x
Parameter F068V013 for OE1Low x x
Parameter F069V013 for OE1High x x
General parameter F001V011 x
General parameter F001V012 x x
General parameter F001V013 x x x
Push-button C x
Push-buttons C + E (2 s) x x
Push-buttons C + E (5 s) x x x
Local reset: resets the latched trip signal or recorded data of the particular function block.
Affects all function blocks.

OE1 _ Substation Automation

3 Parameters and Events

3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for OE1Low is 68 and for OE1High 69.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:

Data direction Description

R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write

• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON

For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the relay
terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask 1”
parameter (FxxxV101).

In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events

Substation Automation OE1_

3.2 Setting values

3.2.1 Actual settings

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
U/f start DT S1 1.00...2.00 x U/f 1.40 R Proportional overexcitation that
has to be reached before definite-
time operation
U/f start IDMT S2 1.00...2.00 x U/f 1.10 R Proportional overexcitation that
has to be reached before inverse-
time operation
U max cont. S3 0.80...1.60 x Un 1.00 R Maximum continuous operating
value without damage
Operate time S4 0.10...600.00 s 0.50 R Required duration of
overexcitation condition before
TRIP in definite-time operation
k S5 0.1...100.0 - 3.0 R Operation curve in IDMT
operation, multiplier
Maximum time S6 500...10000 s 1000 R Maximum operate time in IDMT
mode regardless of inverse
Constant delay S7 0.1...120.0 s 0.8 R Operation curve in IDMT
operation, constant
Cooling time S8 5...10000 s 600 R Cooling time of the

3.2.2 Setting group 1

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
U/f start DT S41 1.00...2.00 x U/f 1.40 R/W Proportional overexcitation that
has to be reached before definite-
time operation
U/f start IDMT S42 1.00...2.00 x U/f 1.10 R/W Proportional overexcitation that
has to be reached before inverse-
time operation
U max cont. S43 0.80...1.60 x Un 1.00 R/W Maximum continuous operating
value without damage
Operate time S44 0.10...600.00 s 0.50 R/W Required duration of
overexcitation condition before
TRIP in definite-time operation
K S45 0.1...100.0 - 3.0 R/W Operation curve in IDMT
operation, multiplier
Maximum time S46 500...10000 s 1000 R/W Maximum operate time in IDMT
mode regardless of inverse
Constant delay S47 0.1...120.0 s 0.8 R/W Operation curve in IDMT
operation, constant
Cooling time S48 5...10000 s 600 R/W Cooling time of the

OE1 _ Substation Automation

3.2.3 Setting group 2

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
U/f start DT S71 1.00...2.00 x U/f 1.40 R/W Proportional overexcitation that
has to be reached before definite-
time operation
U/f start IDMT S72 1.00...2.00 x U/f 1.10 R/W Proportional overexcitation that
has to be reached before inverse-
time operation
U max cont. S73 0.80...1.60 x Un 1.00 R/W Maximum continuous operating
value without damage
Operate time S74 0.10...600.00 s 0.50 R/W Required duration of
overexcitation condition before
TRIP in definite-time operation
K S75 0.1...100.0 - 3.0 R/W Operation curve in IDMT
operation, multiplier
Maximum time S76 500...10000 s 1000 R/W Maximum operate time in IDMT
mode regardless of inverse
Constant delay S77 0.1...120.0 s 0.8 R/W Operation curve in IDMT
operation, constant
Cooling time S78 5...10000 s 600 R/W Cooling time of the

Substation Automation OE1_

3.2.4 Control settings

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Operation mode V1 0...3 1) - 1 R/W Selection of operation mode
Drop-off time V2 0.05...10.00 s 0.10 R/W Resetting time of the operate time
counter in DT mode
Group selection V3 0...2 2) - 0 R/W Selection of the active setting
Active group V4 0 or 1 3) - 0 R/M Active setting group
Start pulse V5 0...1000 ms 0 R/W Minimum pulse width of START
Trip signal V6 0 or 1 4) - 0 R/W Selection of latching for TRIP
Trip pulse V7 40...1000 ms 40 R/W Minimum pulse width of TRIP and
CBFP time V8 100...1000 ms 150 R/W Operate time of the delayed trip
Reset registers V13 1=Reset - 0 W Resetting of latched trip signal and
Test START V31 0 or 1 5) - - R/W Testing of START
Test TRIP V32 0 or 1 5) - - R/W Testing of TRIP
Test CBFP V33 0 or 1 - - R/W Testing of CBFP
Event mask 1 V101 0...3071 - 2111 R/W Event mask 1 for event
transmission (E0...E9 and E11)
Event mask 2 V103 0... 3071 - 2111 R/W Event mask 2 for event
transmission (E0... E9 and E11)
Event mask 3 V105 0... 3071 - 2111 R/W Event mask 3 for event
transmission (E0... E9 and E11)
Event mask 4 V107 0... 3071 - 2111 R/W Event mask 4 for event
transmission (E0... E9 and E11)
Operation mode 0=Not in use; 1=Definite-time; 2=Inv.curve #1; 3=Inv.curve #2
Group selection 0=Group 1; 1= Group 2; 2=GROUP input
Active group 0=Group 1; 1=Group 2
Trip signal 0=Non-latching; 1=Latching
Test 0=Do not activate; 1=Activate

3.3 Measurement values

3.3.1 Input data

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
U/f ratio I1 0.00...20.00 x U/f 0.00 R/M Calculated U/f ratio
Input BLOCK I2 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Signal for blocking the function
Input GROUP I3 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Signal for switching between
group 1 and 2
Input RESET I4 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Signal for resetting output signals
and registers of the function block
Input 0=Not active; 1=Active

OE1 _ Substation Automation

3.3.2 Output data

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Output START O1 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of START signal
Output TRIP O2 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Status of TRIP signal
Output ERR O3 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of ERR signal
Output 0=Not active; 1=Active

3.3.3 Recorded data General

The information required for later fault analysis is recorded when the function block
starts or trips.

The data of last three operations (operation 1...3) are recorded and the values of the
most recent operation always replace the data of the oldest operation. The registers
are updated in the following order: Operation 1, Operation 2, Operation 3, Operation
1, Operation 2,... Date and time

The time stamp indicates the rising edge of the START or TRIP signal. Duration

The duration of the START condition is recorded as a percentage of the set operate
time in the DT mode of operation. When the inverse-time operation mode is selected,
the function block estimates the presumable operate time and updates the duration
according to the momentary level of overexcitation. Hence, the duration indicates
how near (in percent) the tripping will be since the activation of START.

The duration can be 100% only if the function block has tripped. If, for example, the
“Drop-off time” setting causes the start situation to be active over the set operate time
but a new exceeding of the operate value does not occur during the set drop-off time,
the duration will be 99%. Overexcitation level

If the function block trips, the U/f ratio is updated at the moment of tripping i.e. on
the rising edge of the TRIP signal. If the function block starts but does not trip, the
U/f ratio captured one fundamental cycle (20 ms at rated frequency 50 Hz) after the
beginning of the start situation is recorded. Status data

The status data of BLOCK signal and the active setting group are recorded at the
moment of triggering.

Substation Automation OE1_ Priority

The priority of the recording function is as follows:

1. Tripping
2. Starting Recorded data 1

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Date V201 YYYY-MM-DD - - R/M Recording date
Time V202 hh:mm:ss.000 - - R/M Recording time
Duration V203 0.0...100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation
U/f ratio V204 0.00...20.00 x U/f 0.00 R/M U/f ratio at the moment of
BLOCK V205 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of BLOCK signal
Active group V206 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
Block signal 0=Not active; 1=Active
Active group 0=Group 1; 1=Group 2 Recorded data 2

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Date V301 YYYY-MM-DD - - R/M Recording date
Time V302 hh:mm:ss.000 - - R/M Recording time
Duration V303 0.0...100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation
U/f ratio V304 0.00...20.00 x U/f 0.00 R/M U/f ratio at the moment of
BLOCK V305 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of BLOCK signal
Active group V306 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
Block signal 0=Not active; 1=Active
Active group 0=Group 1; 1=Group 2

OE1 _ Substation Automation Recorded data 3

Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Date V401 YYYY-MM-DD - - R/M Recording date
Time V402 hh:mm:ss.000 - - R/M Recording time
Duration V403 0.0...100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation
U/f ratio V404 0.00...20.00 x U/f 0.00 R/M U/f ratio at the moment of
BLOCK V405 0 or 1 1) - 0 R/M Status of BLOCK signal
Active group V406 0 or 1 - 0 R/M Active setting group
Block signal 0=Not active; 1=Active
Active group 0=Group 1; 1=Group 2 Events
Code Weighting Default Event reason Event state
coefficient mask
E0 1 1 START signal from U/f> or U/f>> Reset
E1 2 1 START signal from U/f> or U/f>> Activated
E2 4 1 TRIP signal from U/f> or U/f >> Reset
E3 8 1 TRIP signal from U/f> or U/f>> Activated
E4 16 1 CBFP signal from U/f> or U/f>> Reset
E5 32 1 CBFP signal from U/f> or U/f>> Activated
E6 64 0 BLOCK signal from U/f> or U/f>> Reset
E7 128 0 BLOCK signal of U/f> or U/f>> Activated
E8 256 0 Test mode of the function block Off
E9 512 0 Test mode of the function block On
E10 0 0 - -
E11 2048 1 Configuration error signal from the Activated
function block

Substation Automation OE1_

4 Technical Data
Operation accuracies Depends on the frequency as follows:
20 < f < 40 Hz: ± 4% of set value
f ≥ 40 Hz: ± 2.5% of set value
Start time Injected U/f > 2.0 x Un/fn • internal time <90 ms
• total time 1) <100 ms
Reset time 100…1060 ms (depends on the set minimum pulse width for the TRIP
Reset ratio 20 < f < 40 Hz: typ. 0.99 (range 0.97...0.99)
f ≥ 40 Hz: typ 0.97 (range 0.95...0.98)
Retardation time Total retardation time when the measured U/f drops below the setting
value <105 ms 2)
Operate time accuracy in Over the frequency range 20...80 Hz:
definite-time mode ± 4% of set value or ±40 ms 2)
Operate time accuracy in ± 100 ms 2) or the accuracy appearing when the measured voltage
inverse-time modes varies ± 1.0%
Configuration data Task execution interval (Relay Configuration Tool):
10 ms, at the rated frequency fn = 50 Hz
Includes the delay of the signal relay
Includes the delay of the heavy-duty output relay

Technical revision history

Technical revision Change
D -


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