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words are from our 5000 strong word list inside our Language Learning Application L-Lingo Chinese Mandarin.
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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

about Adverb guānyú

above Adverb zài shàngmiàn

accident Noun [ ] yìwài [chǎng]

across Adverb héngguò

act Noun [ ] xíngwéi [zhǒng]

add Verb jiā

address Noun [ ] dìzhǐ [gè]

adopt Verb shōuyǎng

aeroplane Noun [ ] fēijī [jià]

afraid Adjective hàipà de

after zài yǐhòu

afternoon Noun [ ] xiàwǔ [gè]

again Adverb / Preposition zài

against Preposition tóupiào

age Noun [ ] niánlíng [gè]

ago Adverb / Preposition yǐqián

air Noun [ , ] kōngqì [gǔ, lǚ]

airport Noun [ ] fēijī chǎng [gè]

alike Adjective xiāngxiàng

all Adjective suǒyǒu de

alligator Noun [ ] měi zhōu è [zhǐ]

almost Adverb / Preposition jīhū

along Adverb yánzhe

alphabet Noun [ ] zìmǔ biǎo [gè]

already Adverb / Preposition yǐjīng

also Adverb / Preposition yě

always Adverb / Preposition zǒng shì

and Conjunction hé

angel Noun [ ] tiānshǐ [gè]

animal Noun [ ] dòngwù [zhǐ]

another Adjective zài yī

answer Noun [ ] dá'àn [gè]

ant Noun [ ] mǎyǐ [zhǐ]

any Adjective shénme

anybody Pronoun rènhé rén

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anyone Pronoun rènhé rén

anything Pronoun rènhé

anyway Adverb / Preposition jǐnguǎn

anywhere Adverb / Preposition zài rènhé dìfāng

apple Noun [ ] píngguǒ [gè]

April Noun [ ] sì yuè [gè]

arm Noun [ ] shǒubì [tiáo]

army Noun [ ] jūnduì [zhī]

around Adjective wéirào

arrow Noun [ ] jiàn [zhī]

art Noun [ ] yìshù [mén]

artist Noun [ ] yìshùjiā [gè]

as Preposition hé yīyàng

as Adverb hé yīyàng

ask Verb wèn

at Preposition zài

August Noun [ ] bā yuè [gè]

aunt Noun , āyí, gūgū

autumn Noun [ ] qiūtiān [gè]

awful Adjective zāogāo de

baby Noun [ ] yīng'ér [gè]

back Adverb / Preposition huílái

backwards Adverb / Preposition xiàng hòu

bad Adjective chà de

bag Noun [ ] bāo [gè]

baggage Noun [ ] xínglǐ [jiàn]

bake Verb hōng kǎo

ball Noun [ ] qiú [gè]

balloon Noun [ ] qìqiú [gè]

banana Noun [ ] xiāngjiāo [gè]

band Noun [ ] yuèduì [zhī]

bank Noun [ ] yínháng [jiā]

barn Noun [ ] chù péng [gè]

basic Adjective jīchǔ de

basketball Noun [ ] lánqiú [gè]

bat Noun [ ] biānfú [zhǐ]

bath Noun [ ] mùyù [cì]

bathroom Noun [ ] wèishēngjiān [gè]

battery Noun [ ] diànchí [kuài]

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beach Noun [ ] hǎitān [piàn]

bear Noun [ ] xióng [zhǐ]

beautiful Adjective piàoliang de

beauty Noun [ ] měimào [gè]

because Conjunction yīnwèi

become Verb chéngwéi

bed Noun [ ] chuáng [zhāng]

bedroom Noun [ ] wòshì [jiān]

before zài zhīqián

begin Verb kāishǐ

beginner Noun [ ] chū xuézhě [gè]

beginning Noun [ ] kāishǐ [cì]

behind Adverb zài hòumiàn

believe Verb xìnyǎng

belong Verb shǔyú

below Adverb zài xiàmiàn

beside Preposition zài pángbiān

best Adjective zuì hǎo de

better Adjective gèng hǎo de

better Adverb / Preposition gèng hǎo de

between Adverb zài zhōngjiān

bicycle Noun [ ] zìxíngchē [liàng]

big Adjective dà de

bike Noun [ ] zìxíngchē [liàng]

biology Noun [ ] shēngwù [mén]

bird Noun [ ] niǎo [zhǐ]

birth Noun [ ] chūshēng [cì]

birthday Noun [ ] shēngrì [gè]

biscuit Noun [ ] bǐnggān [kuài]

bite Noun [ ] yǎo [cì]

bite Verb yǎo

black Noun [ ] hēisè [mǒ]

blow Verb guā fēng

blue Noun [ ] lán sè [gè]

blue Adjective lán sè de

board Noun [ ] hēibǎn [kuài]

boat Noun [ ] chuán [sōu]

body Noun [ ] shēntǐ [gè]

book Noun [ ] shū [běn]

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border Noun [ ] biānjìng [gè]

both Pronoun liǎng gè

bottle Noun [ ] píng [gè]

bottom Noun [ ] dǐbù [gè]

bow Noun [ ] jūgōng [gè]

box Noun [ ] xiāngzi [gè]

boy Noun [ ] nánhái [gè]

boyfriend Noun [ ] nányǒu [gè]

bread Noun [ , ] miànbāo [piàn, tiáo]

break Noun [ ] xiūxí [cì]

break Verb dǎpò

breakfast Noun [ ] zǎocān [dùn]

breast Noun [ ] rǔfáng [gè]

bridge Noun [ ] qiáoliáng [zuò]

bright Adjective míngliàng de

bring Verb dài

brother Noun ; [ ] xiōng dì [gè]

brown Adjective zōngsè de

brush Noun [ ] shuāzi [bǎ]

brush Verb shū

bug Noun [ ] xiǎo kūnchóng [zhǐ]

build Verb jiànzào

building Noun [ ] jiànzhú [chuáng]

burn Verb shāozhe

bus Noun [ ] gōnggòng qìchē [liàng]

business Noun [ ] shēngyì [gè]

busy Adjective máng dé

but Conjunction dànshì

butter Noun [ ] huángyóu [kuài]

butterfly Noun [ ] húdié [zhǐ]

buy Verb mǎi

buying Noun [ ] mǎi [cì]

by Conjunction zài pángbiān

bye zàijiàn

cabinet Noun [ ] chúcángguì [gè]

cafeteria Noun [ ] zìzhù cāntīng [gè]

cake Noun [ , [ dàngāo [kuài, gè [

calendar Noun [ ] rìlì [běn]

call Verb dǎ diànhuà

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can Noun guàn

can Verb néng

canoe Noun [ ] dú mùzhōu [tiáo]

canoe Verb huá dú mùzhōu

cap Noun [ ] màozi [dǐng]

capital Noun [ ] shǒudū [gè]

car Noun [ ] xiǎo jiàochē [liàng]

carrot Noun [ ] húluóbo [gēn]

carry Verb lā

cat Noun [ ] māo [zhǐ]

cattle Noun [ ] niú [tóu]

cause Noun [ ] yuányīn [gè]

CD Noun [ ] guāngpán [zhāng]

cell phone Noun [ ] shǒujī [bù]

centre Noun [ ] zhōngxīn [gè]

chair Noun [ ] yǐzi [bǎ]

chalk Noun [ ] fěnbǐ [zhī]

chat Verb liáotiān

cheese Noun [ ] zhīshì [piàn]

chick Noun [ ] xiǎo jī [zhǐ]

chicken Noun [ ] jī [zhǐ]

child Noun [ ] háizi [gè]

chin Noun [ ] xiàbā [gè]

chip Noun [ ] zhà shǔ tiáo [gēn]

chocolate Noun [ ] qiǎokèlì [kuài]

choose Verb tiāoxuǎn

Christmas Noun [ ] shèngdàn [gè]

church Noun [ , ] jiàotáng [zuò, gè]

circle Noun [ ] yuánquān [gè]

city Noun [ , ] chéngshì [gè, zuò]

clap Verb gǔzhǎng

clap Verb gǔzhǎng

class Noun [ ] kèchéng [mén]

clean Verb qīngjié

clean Adjective gānjìng de

clear Adjective qīngchè de

climb Verb pá

close Verb guān

close Adjective jìn de

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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

clothes Noun [ ] yīfú [jiàn]

club Noun [ ] jùlèbù [gè]

coat Noun [ ] shàng yī [jiàn]

coffee Noun [ ] kāfēi [bēi]

cold Adjective hánlěng de

colour Noun [ , ] yánsè [gè, zhǒng]

column Noun [ ] zhùzi [gēn]

come Verb lái

community Noun [ ] shèqū [gè]

company Noun [ ] gōngsī [jiā]

computer Noun [ ] diànnǎo [tái]

cook Noun [ ] chúshī [gè]

cook Verb zuò fàn

cool Adjective liángshuǎng de

copy Noun [ ] fùyìn jiàn [fèn]

copy Verb chāoxí

corner Noun [ ] guǎijiǎo [gè]

cost Noun [ ] chéngběn [gè]

cost Verb huāfèi

count Verb shù

country Noun [ ] guójiā [gè]

course Noun [ ] kèchéng [mén]

cowboy Noun [ ] niúzǎi [gè]

cross Noun [ ] shízìjià [gè]

cry Noun [ ] jiān jiào [shēng]

cry Verb kū

cup Noun bēi

cut Noun [ ] huà shāng [dào]

cut Verb qiè

dad Noun [ ] bàba [gè]

daddy Noun [ ] bàba [gè]

daily Adjective měitiān

dance Noun [ ] tiàowǔ [cì]

dance Verb tiàowǔ

dancing Noun [ ] wǔdǎo [zhī]

dark Adjective hēi'àn de

date Noun [ ] rìqí [gè]

daughter Noun [ ] nǚ'ér [gè]

day Noun tiān

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daylight Noun [ ] tiānliàng [cì]

December Noun [ ] shí'èr yuè [gè]

deep Adjective shēn de

deer Noun [ ] lù [zhǐ]

departure Noun [ ] chūfā [cì]

desk Noun [ ] shūzhuō [zhāng]

dictionary Noun [ ] zìdiǎn [běn]

die Verb qùshì

different Adjective bùtóng de

dinner Noun [ ] zhèngcān [dùn]

dish Noun [ ] cài [dào]

distance Noun [ ] jùlí [duàn]

do Verb zuò

doctor Noun [ ] yīshēng [gè]

dog Noun [ ] gǒu [zhǐ]

doll Noun [ ] yángwáwá [gè]

door Noun [ ] mén [shàn]

down Adverb xiàng xià

downstairs Adjective xià lóu

draw Verb huà

dream Noun [ ] mèng [gè]

dream Verb mèngxiǎng

dress Noun [ ] liányīqún [jiàn]

dress Verb chuān

drink Noun [ ] yǐnliào [bēi]

drink Verb hē

drive Noun [ ] kāichē [cì]

drive Verb jiàshǐ

drop Noun dī

drop Verb diào luò

dry Adjective nòng gàn

during Preposition zài qíjiān

DVD Noun [ ] shùzì guāngdié [zhāng]

e-mail Noun [ ] diànzǐ yóujiàn [fēng]

each Pronoun měi yīgè

ear Noun [ , ] ěrduǒ [gè, duì]

early Adjective tíqián

earth Noun [ ] de [kuài]

east Noun [ ] dōng miàn [gè]

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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

easy Adjective róngyì de

eat Verb chī

eight Number bā

eighth Adjective dì bā

eighty Number bā shí

either Pronoun liǎng zhě zhī yī

electric Adjective diàn de

electricity Noun [ ] diàn [fú]

elephant Noun [ ] dà xiàng [tóu]

elevator Noun [ ] diàntī [tái]

else Adjective qítā

email Noun [ ] yóujiàn [fēng]

email Verb fā yóujiàn

end Noun [ ] mòwěi [gè]

end Verb jiéshù

energy Noun [ ] néngyuán [zhǒng]

engine Noun [ ] yǐnqíng [gè]

enough Adjective zúgòu de

enter Verb jìnrù

even Adjective jíshǐ

evening Noun [ ] wǎnshàng [gè]

ever Adverb / Preposition céngjīng

every Pronoun měi

everyday Adjective rìcháng de

everyone Pronoun měi gèrén

everything Pronoun suǒyǒu de

everywhere Adverb / Preposition dàochù

except Conjunction chúle

excuse Noun [ ] jièkǒu [gè]

excuse Verb yuánliàng

exercise Noun [ ] duànliàn [cì]

exercise Verb duànliàn

eye Noun [ , ] yǎnjīng [shuāng, zhǐ]

face Noun [ ] miànkǒng [zhāng]

fact Noun [ ] shìshí [gè]

fall Verb shuāi dǎo

fall Verb xiàjiàng

family Noun [ ] jiātíng [gè]

far Adjective yuǎn de

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farm Noun [ ] nóngchǎng [gè]

farmer Noun [ ] nóngmín [gè]

farming Noun [ ] gēngzuò [cì]

fast Adverb / Preposition kuài dì

fast Adjective kuài de

fat Adjective pàng de

father Noun [ ] bàba [gè]

February Noun [ ] èr yuè [gè]

feed Verb wèi

feel Verb gǎnjué

feet Noun [ , ] jiǎo [zhǐ, shuāng]

fellow Noun [ ] xiǎohuǒzi [gè]

fence Noun [ ] wéilán [gè]

few jǐ gè

field Noun [ ] de [kuài]

fight Noun [ ] dǎjià [cì]

fight Verb zhàndòu

fill Verb jiā mǎn

finally Adverb / Preposition zhōngyú

find Verb zhǎodào

fine Adjective shēntǐ hǎo de

finger Noun [ ] shǒuzhǐ [gè]

finish Noun [ ] jiéwěi [gè]

finish Verb wánchéng

fire Noun [ ] huǒ [duī]

first Adjective dì yī

five Number wǔ

fix Verb xiūlǐ

flag Noun [ ] qízhì [miàn]

flat Adjective píngtǎn de

floor Noun [ ] lóu [céng]

fly Noun [ ] cāngyíng [zhǐ]

fly Verb fēi

follow Verb gēn

food Noun [ ] shíwù [fèn]

foot Noun [ ] jiǎo [zhǐ]

football Noun [ ] zúqiú [gè]

for Conjunction gěi

foreign Adjective wàiguó de

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forest Noun [ ] sēnlín [piàn]

forget Verb wàngjì

fork Noun [ ] chāzi [gè]

four Number sì

fourth Adjective dì sì

fox Noun [ ] húlí [zhǐ]

free Adjective miǎnfèi de

fresh Adjective xīnxiān de

Friday Noun [ ] xīngqíwǔ [gè]

friend Noun [ , ] péngyǒu [gè, wèi]

friendship Noun [ ] yǒuyì [fèn]

from Preposition láizì

full Adjective mǎn de

fun Adjective yǒuqù de

funny Adjective yǒuqù de

game Noun [ ] yùndòng [xiàng]

garden Noun [ , ] huāyuán [gè, zuò]

gas Noun [ ] tiānránqì [lìfāng mǐ]

gate Noun [ ] dàmén [shàn]

geography Noun [ ] dìlǐ [mén]

get Verb ná dào

girl Noun [ ] nǚhái [gè]

girlfriend Noun [ ] nǚ péngyǒu [gè]

give Verb sòng gěi

glad Adjective lèyì de

glass Noun [ ] bōlí bēi [gè]

go Verb qù

go for a run qù pǎobù

God Noun [ ] shàngdì [gè]

good Adjective hǎo de

goodbye zàijiàn

grandchild Noun ; [ ] sūnzi sūnnǚ [gè]

grandchildren Noun [ ] sūn zǐnǚ [gè]

grandfather Noun , [ ] zǔfù, wàizǔfù [gè]

grandmother Noun , [ ] zǔmǔ, wàizǔmǔ [gè]

grandparent Noun [ ] zǔfùmǔ [gè]

grandson Noun [ ] sūnzi [gè]

great Adjective dà de

green Noun [ ] lǜsè [gè]

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green Adjective lǜsè de

group Noun qún

grow Verb zhǎng

guess Verb cāi dào

gun Noun [ ] qiāng [bǎ]

guy Noun [ ] jiāhuo [gè]

hair Noun [ ] tóufǎ [tóu]

hand Noun [ , ] shǒu [zhǐ, shuāng]

hang Verb guà

happy Adjective kāixīn dì

hard Adjective yìng de

hat Noun [ ] màozi [dǐng]

have Verb yǒu

he Pronoun tā

head Noun [ ] tóu [gè]

head Verb lǐngdǎo

health Noun [ ] jiànkāng [gè]

hear Verb tīng dào

heart Noun [ ] xīnzàng [gè]

heavy Adjective chénzhòng de

hello nǐ hǎo

help Noun [ ] bāngzhù [gè]

help Verb bāngzhù

hen Noun [ ] mǔ jī [zhǐ]

her Adjective tā de

here Adverb / Preposition zài zhèlǐ

hi nǐ hǎo

hide Verb cáng

high Adjective gāo de

high Adjective gāo de

highway Noun [ , ] gāosù gōnglù [duàn, tiáo]

hill Noun [ ] shān [zuò]

himself Pronoun tā zìjǐ

his Adjective tā de
shòu huānyíng de rén huò shì [gè,
hit Noun [ , ] jiàn]
hit Verb dǎ

hold Verb ná

hole Noun [ ] dòng [gè]

holiday Noun [ , ] jiàqī [duàn, cì]

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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

home Adverb / Preposition huí jiā

homework Noun [ ] zuòyè [fèn]

hope Noun [ ] xīwàng [gè]

hope Verb xīwàng

horizontal Adjective shuǐpíng de

horn Noun [ ] lǎbā [gè]

horn Verb àn lǎbā

horse Noun [ ] mǎ [pǐ]

hospital Noun [ , ] yīyuàn [jiā, suǒ]

hot Adjective rè de

hotel Noun [ , ] lǚdiàn [jiān, jiā]

hour Noun [ ] xiǎoshí [gè]

house Noun [ ] fángzi [jiān]

human Noun [ ] rénlèi [gè]

hurt Verb shòushāng

husband Noun [ ] zhàngfū [gè]

I Pronoun wǒ

if Conjunction rúguǒ

ill Adjective shēngbìng de

important Adjective zhòngyào de

in Preposition zài

in Preposition zài

inside Adverb zài lǐmiàn

interesting Adjective yǒuyìsi de

Internet Noun hùliánwǎng

jam Noun [ ] dǔsè [cì]

January Noun [ ] yī yuè [gè]

job Noun [ ] gōngzuò [gè]

joke Noun [ ] xiàohuà [gè]

joke Verb kāiwánxiào

July Noun [ ] qī yuè [gè]

jump Noun [ ] tiào [cì]

jump Verb [ ] tiào [cì]

June Noun [ ] liù yuè [gè]

just Adjective zhèng

keep Verb bǎochí

key Noun [ , ] yàoshi [bǎ, chuàn]

key Adjective zhòngyào de

kick Verb tī

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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

kid Noun [ ] háizi [gè]

kind Adjective yǒuhǎo de

kitchen Noun [ ] chúfáng [gè]

kitten Noun [ ] xiǎo māo [zhǐ]

knife Noun [ ] dāozi [bǎ]

knock Noun [ ] qiāo mén shēng [shēng]

knock Verb qiāo

know Verb zhīdào

lady Noun [ ] nǚshì [wèi]

land Noun [ ] tǔdì [kuài]

land Verb zhuólù

language Noun [ ] yǔyán [mén]

large Adjective zuìdà de

last Adjective shàng yīgè de

last Adjective zuìhòu de

last Adverb / Preposition shàngyīcì

late Adjective chídào

later Adjective shāo hòu de

laugh Verb dà xiào

lay Verb fàng

learn Verb xué

leave Verb líkāi

left Noun [ ] zuǒbiān [gè]

left Adjective zuǒbiān de

lemon Noun [ ] níngméng [gè]

let Verb ràng

life Noun yīshēng

light Noun [ ] guāngxiàn [lǚ]

light Noun [ ] dēng [zhǎn]

light Adjective míngliàng de

like Verb xǐhuān

line Noun [ ] xiàn [tiáo]

lion Noun [ ] shīzi [tóu]

listen Verb tīng

little Adjective xiǎo de

live Adjective xiànchǎng

long Adjective zhǎng de

long Adverb / Preposition jiǔ de

long Adjective zhǎng de

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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

look Noun [ ] kàn [cì]

look Verb kàn

loose Adjective kuānsōng de

lorry Noun [ ] huòchē [liàng]

lost Adjective diūshī de

loud Adjective dàshēng de

love Noun [ ] ài [fèn]

love Verb ài

low Adjective dī de

low Adjective ǎi de

machine Noun [ ] jīqì [tái]

make Verb zuò

man Noun [ ] nánrén [gè]

many Pronoun hěnduō

March Noun [ ] sān yuè [gè]

March Noun [ ] sān yuè [gè]

mark Verb zuò biāojì

market Noun [ ] shìchǎng [gè]

married Adjective yǐ hūn de

match Noun [ , ] bǐsài [cì, chǎng]

matter Noun [ ] shìqíng [jiàn]

matter Verb zhòngyào

May Noun [ ] wǔ yuè [gè]

maybe Adverb / Preposition kěnéng

meet Verb jiàn

memory Noun [ ] jìyìlì [gè]

message Noun [ ] xìnxī [tiáo]

middle Adjective zhōngjiān de

might Verb kěnéng

military Adjective jūnduì de

million Number bǎi wàn

mind Verb jièyì

minute Noun fēnzhōng

Miss Noun [ , ] nǚshì [gè, wèi]

mistake Noun [ ] cuòwù [gè]

modern Adjective xiàndài de

Monday Noun [ ] xīngqí yī [gè]

money Noun [ ] qián [yuán]

monkey Noun [ ] hóuzi [zhǐ]

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month Noun [ ] yuè [gè]

moon Noun [ ] yuèliàng [gè]

more Adverb gèng duō

morning Noun [ ] zǎochén [gè]

mother Noun [ ] māmā [gè]

motor Noun [ ] mǎdá [gè]

motorcar Noun [ ] qìchē [liàng]

motorcycle Noun [ ] mótuōchē [liàng]

mouth Noun [ ] zuǐ [gè]

move Noun [ ] bù [gè]

move Verb qiánjìn

much Adjective duōshǎo

museum Noun [ ] bówùguǎn [zuò]

music Noun [ ] yīnyuè [duàn]

my Pronoun wǒ de

myself Pronoun wǒ zìjǐ

name Noun [ ] míngzì [gè]

nation Noun [ ] guójiā [gè]

national Adjective guójiā de

nature Noun [ ] zìrán [gè]

naughty Adjective táoqì de

near Adverb zài fùjìn

near Adjective zài fùjìn

nearly Adverb / Preposition jīhū

neat Adjective zhěngjié de

neck Noun [ ] bózi [gè]

need Noun [ ] xūyào [gè]

neighbour Noun [ , ] línjū [gè, wèi]

never Adverb / Preposition cónglái méiyǒu

new Adjective xīn de

news Noun [ ] xīnwén [zé]

newspaper Noun [ ] bàozhǐ [zhāng]

next Adjective xià yīgè de

nice Adjective hǎo de

night Noun [ ] yèwǎn [gè]

nine Number jiǔ

nineteen Number shí jiǔ

ninth Adjective dì jiǔ

no méiyǒu

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English Word Form Mandarin Mandarin Phonetic

no Adverb / Preposition bù

nobody Pronoun méi rén

noise Noun [ ] zàoyīn [zhǒng]

none Pronoun méiyǒu

north Noun [ ] běifāng [gè]

nose Noun [ ] bízi [gè]

not Adverb / Preposition bù

note Noun [ ] fúhào [gè]

note Noun [ ] zhǐbì [zhāng]

nothing Pronoun méiyǒu dōngxī

November Noun [ ] shíyī yuè [gè]

now Adverb / Preposition xiànzài

number Noun [ ] shùzì [gè]

nurse Noun [ ] hùshì [gè]

nurse Verb wèinǎi

o'clock Adverb / Preposition diǎn zhōng

ocean Noun [ ] hǎiyáng [piàn]

October Noun [ ] shí yuè [gè]

of Preposition zài

off Adjective luò

office Noun [ ] bàngōngshì [jiān]

often Adverb / Preposition jīngcháng

oil Noun [ ; ] yóu [tǒng shēng]

old Adjective lǎo de

on Adjective zài shàngmiàn

one Number yī

only Adjective zhǐ

onto Preposition dào shàngmiàn

open Verb dǎkāi

open Adjective chǎngkāi de

opposite zài duìmiàn

or Conjunction háishì

other Pronoun qítā de

our Pronoun wǒmen de

out Adverb zài wàimiàn

outdoor Adjective hùwài de

outside Adjective zàiwàimiàn

over Preposition yuèguò

overnight Adjective yīyè zhī jiān

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own Adjective zìjǐ de

page Noun yè

pair Noun shuāng

paper Noun [ ] zhǐzhāng [zhāng]

park Noun [ ] gōngyuán [gè]

park Verb tíngchē

part Noun [ ] bùfèn [gè]

partner Noun [ ] dādàng [gè]

party Noun [ ] jùhuì [cì]

pass Verb jīngguò

passenger Noun [ ] chéngkè [gè]

passport Noun [ ] hùzhào [běn]

past Adjective guòqù de

path Noun [ , ] dàolù [duàn, tiáo]

pay Noun [ ] gōngzī [fèn]

pay Verb fù qián

pen Noun [ ] gāngbǐ [zhī]

pencil Noun [ ] qiānbǐ [zhī]

people Noun [ ] rén [gè]

perhaps Adverb / Preposition yěxǔ

period Noun [ ] yīduàn shíjiān [gè]

person Noun [ ] rén [gè]

petrol Noun [ ; ] qìyóu [tǒng shēng]

phone Noun [ ] diànhuà [bù]

phone Verb dǎ diànhuà

picnic Noun [ ] yěcān [cì]

picture Noun [ ] zhàopiàn [zhāng]

picture Noun [ ] túhuà [fú]

piece Noun piàn

pile Noun duī

pin Noun [ ] dàtóuzhēn [gè]

pin Verb gùdìng

place Noun [ ] dìfāng [gè]

place Verb fàng

plane Noun [ ] fēijī [jià]

plant Noun [ , ] zhíwù [zhǒng, kē]

plant Verb zhǒng

plate Noun [ ] pánzi [gè]

play Noun [ ] xìjù [chū]

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play Verb wán

play Verb dǎ

please Adverb / Preposition qǐng

plenty Adverb / Preposition dàliàng

plus jiā

pocket Noun [ ] kǒudài [gè]

polar Adjective jídì de

pole Noun [ ] jí [gè]

police Noun [ ] jǐngchá [gè]

polite Adjective yǒu lǐmào de

political Adjective zhèngzhì de

pony Noun [ ] xiǎo mǎ [pǐ]

poor Adjective pínqióng de

popular Adjective shòu huānyíng de

possible Adjective kěnéng de

post Noun [ ] yóujiàn [fēng]

postman Noun [ ] yóudìyuán [gè]

pot Noun [ ] píngzi [gè]

power Noun [ ] lìliàng [gè]

pretty Adjective piàoliang de

prince Noun [ ] wángzǐ [gè]

princess Noun [ ] gōngzhǔ [gè]

print Noun [ ] xiàngpiàn [zhāng]

print Verb dǎyìn

prize Noun [ ] jiǎng [gè]

problem Noun [ ] wèntí [gè]

program Noun [ ] chéngxù [gè]

public Adjective gōnggòng de

pump Noun [ ] dǎ qìtǒng [gè]

pump Verb shūsòng

push Verb tuī

put Verb fàng

quarter Noun yīkè zhōng

question Noun [ ] wèntí [gè]

quick Adjective kuài de

quiet Adjective ānjìng de

quite Adverb / Preposition xiāngdāng

race Noun [ ] bǐsài [chǎng]

race Verb bǐsài

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radio Noun [ ] shōuyīnjī [tái]

rain Noun [ ] yǔ [chǎng]

rain Verb xià yǔ

reach Verb dàodá

read Verb dú

ready Adjective zhǔnbèi hǎo de

real Adjective zhēn de

recent Adjective zuìjìn de

red Adjective hóngsè de

regular Adjective dìngqí de

remember Verb jì zhù

remote Adjective yáoyuǎn de

report Noun [ ] bàogào [fèn]

report Verb bàodào

rest Noun [ ] xiūxí [cì]

rest Verb xiūxí

return Noun [ ] fǎnhuí [cì]

return Verb fǎnhuí

rich Adjective fùyù de

ride Noun [ , ] lǚchéng [cì, duàn]

ride Verb qí

right Noun [ ] yòu [gè]

right Adjective zhèngquè de

right Adverb / Preposition xiàng yòu

right Adjective qiàhǎo

river Noun [ ] hé [tiáo]

road Noun [ ] mǎlù [tiáo]

rock Noun [ , ] yánshí [kuài, zhǒng]

roll Verb gǔn

roof Noun [ ] wūdǐng [gè]

room Noun [ ] fángjiān [gè]

row Noun pái

row Verb huáchuán

run Verb pǎo

sad Adjective nánguò de

sail Noun [ ] fān [zhāng]

sail Verb chéng chuán hángxíng

salad Noun [ ] shālā [fèn]

same Adjective yīyàng

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Saturday Noun [ ] xīngqíliù [gè]

save Verb cún

say Verb shuō

school Noun [ ] xuéxiào [suǒ]

sea Noun [ ] hǎi [piàn]

seat Noun [ ] zuòwèi [gè]

second Adjective dì èr

second Adjective dì èr cì

see Verb kàn dào

sell Verb mài

send Verb fā

sentence Noun [ ] jùzi [gè]

September Noun [ ] jiǔ yuè [gè]

set Noun tào

seven Number qī

seventh Adjective dì qī

sharp Adjective fēnglì de

she Pronoun tā

ship Noun [ ] chuán [sōu]

ship Verb yùnsòng

shop Noun [ ] shāngdiàn [jiān]

shop Verb gòuwù

short Adjective duǎn de

show Noun [ ] biǎoyǎn [chǎng]

show Verb zhǎnshì

sick Adjective shēngbìng de

side Noun [ ] biān [gè]

sign Noun [ ] biāozhì [gè]

sign Verb qiānshǔ

since zìcóng

sing Verb chànggē

sink Noun [ ] shuǐchí [gè]

sister Noun [ ] jiěmèi [gè]

sit Verb zuò

six Number liù

sixth Adjective dì liù

sixty Number liù shí

size Noun [ ] chǐcùn [gè]

skating Noun [ ] liūbīng [cì]

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skin Noun [ ] pífū [céng]

sky Noun [ ] tiānkōng [piàn]

sleep Noun [ ] shuìmián [cì]

sleep Verb shuìjiào

slow Adjective màn de

small Adjective xiǎo de

smell Noun [ ] wèidào [zhǒng]

smell Verb wén qǐlái

smile Noun [ ] wéixiào [gè]

smile Verb wéixiào

snow Noun [ ] xuě [chǎng]

snow Verb xià xuě

so Conjunction suǒyǐ

social Adjective shèhuì de

soft Adjective ruǎn de

some Adjective yīxiē

somebody Pronoun yǒurén

something Pronoun yīxiē dōngxī

somewhere Adverb / Preposition mǒu gè dìfāng

son Noun [ ] érzi [gè]

soon Adverb / Preposition hěn kuài

sound Noun [ ] shēngyīn [zhǒng]

sound Verb tīng qǐlái

south Noun [ ] nánfāng [gè]

special Adjective tèshū de

speed Noun [ ] sùdù [gè]

spend Verb huā qián

spoon Noun [ ] sháozi [bǎ]

spot Noun [ ] chǎngsuǒ [gè]

spring Noun [ ] chūntiān [gè]

square Adjective zhèngfāngxíng de

squirrel Noun [ ] sōngshǔ [zhǐ]

stand Verb zhàn

star Noun [ ] xīngxīng [kē]

start Noun [ ] kāitóu [gè]

start Verb kāishǐ

station Noun [ ] huǒchē zhàn [gè]

stay Noun [ ] dòuliú [cì]

stay Verb dòuliú

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step Noun [ ] táijiē [gè]

stick Noun [ ] guǎizhàng [gēn]

stick Verb zhān

still Adjective hái

stone Noun [ ] shítou [kuài]

stop Verb tíng zhù

store Verb chúcún

story Noun [ ] gùshì [gè]

stove Noun [ ] lúzǐ [gè]

straight Adjective zhí de

strange Adjective qíguài de

stranger Noun [ , ] mòshēng rén [gè, wèi]

street Noun [ ] jiē [tiáo]

strong Adjective qiángzhuàng de

student Noun [ ] xuéshēng [gè]

study Noun [ ] shūfáng [jiān]

study Verb xuéxí

subway Noun [ ] dìtiě [liè]

such Adverb / Preposition rúcǐ

suit Noun [ ] xīzhuāng [jiàn]

summer Noun [ ] xiàtiān [gè]

sun Noun [ ] tàiyáng [gè]

Sunday Noun [ ] xīngqírì [gè]

sunny Adjective qínglǎng de

suppose Verb zhīchí

sure Adjective quèdìng de

surname Noun [ ] xìng [gè]

surprise Noun [ ] jīngxǐ [gè]

surprise Verb shǐ jīngxǐ

sweet Noun [ ] tiándiǎn [fèn]

sweet Adjective tián de

swim Verb yóuyǒng

table Noun [ ] zhuōzi [zhāng]

take Verb xiédài

talk Noun [ ] tǎolùn [cì]

talk Verb tán

tall Adjective gāo de

taste Noun [ ] wèidào [zhǒng]

taste Verb pǐncháng

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taxi Noun [ ] chūzū chē [liàng]

teach Verb jiào

teacher Noun [ ] lǎoshī [gè]

tear Noun [ ] lèishuǐ [dī]

telephone Noun [ ] diànhuà [bù]

tell Verb gàosù

ten Number shí

test Noun [ ] cèshì [cì]

test Verb cèshì

than Conjunction bǐ

that nàgè

their Pronoun tāmen de

then Adverb / Preposition ránhòu

there Adverb / Preposition zài nàlǐ

these Pronoun zhèxiē

they Pronoun tāmen

thick Adjective hòu de

thing Noun [ ] dōngxī [gè]

think Verb kǎolǜ

think Verb rènwéi

third Adjective dì sān

thirty Number sān shí

this Pronoun zhè

those nàxiē

though Conjunction jǐnguǎn

three Number sān

throw Verb pāo

thumb Noun [ ] mǔzhǐ [gè]

Thursday Noun [ ] xīngqísì [gè]

tie Noun [ ] lǐngdài [tiáo]

tie Verb xì

tight Adjective jǐn de

till zhídào

time Noun [ ] shíjiān [duàn]

time Verb cèdìng shíjiān

to Preposition dào

today Adverb / Preposition jīntiān

together Adverb / Preposition yīqǐ

tomorrow Adverb / Preposition míngtiān

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tonight Adverb / Preposition jīn wǎn

too Adverb / Preposition tài

tooth Noun [ ] yáchǐ [kē]

top Adjective zuìgāo de

touch Noun [ ] chùjué [gè]

touch Verb chùmō

tour Noun [ , ] lǚxíng [duàn, cì]

tour Verb cānguān

town Noun [ , ] xiǎo zhèn [gè, zuò]

track Noun [ , ] tiěguǐ [tiáo, duàn]

traffic Noun [ ] jiāotōng [duàn]

trail Noun [ ] xiǎojìng [tiáo]

trail Verb gēn zài hòumiàn

train Noun [ ] huǒchē [liè]

trap Noun [ ] bǔzhuō qì [gè]

trap Verb bǔzhuō

travel Noun [ , ] lǚxíng [duàn, cì]

travel Verb yóulǎn

tree Noun [ ] shù [kē]

trip Noun [ , ] lǚxíng [cì, duàn]

trouble Noun [ ] kùnnán [gè]

true Adjective zhēn de

try Verb shìtú

Tuesday Noun [ ] xīngqí'èr [gè]

tunnel Noun [ ] suìdào [tiáo]

turkey Noun [ ] huǒ jī [zhǐ]

turn Noun [ ] zhuǎnwān [gè]

turn Verb zhuǎnwān

TV Noun [ ] diànshì jī [gè]

twin Noun [ ] shuāngbāotāi [duì]

twin Noun [ ] shuāngbāotāi [duì]

two Number , èr, liǎng

uncle Noun ; ; shūshu bóbo

under Preposition zài xiàmiàn

up Adverb xiàngshàng

upon Preposition zài shàngmiàn

us Pronoun wǒmen

use Verb shǐyòng

usual Adjective xúncháng de

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very Adjective hěn

visit Noun [ ] cānguān [cì]

visit Verb bàifǎng

visitor Noun [ ] yóukè [gè]

wait Verb děng

wake Verb chǎo xǐng

walk Noun [ ] sànbù [cì]

walk Verb zǒu

wall Noun [ , ] qiáng [dǔ, miàn]

want Verb xiǎng yào

war Noun [ ] zhànzhēng [chǎng]

warm Adjective wēnnuǎn de

wash Verb xǐ

watch Verb kàn

water Noun [ ] shuǐ [dī]

wave Noun [ ] làng [gè]

wave Verb huīwǔ

way Noun [ , ] lù [duàn, tiáo]

we Pronoun wǒmen

wear Verb chuān

weather Noun [ ] tiānqì [gè]

Wednesday Noun [ ] xīngqísān [gè]

week Noun [ ] xīngqí [gè]

welcome Adjective huānyíng de

well Adjective hǎo de

west Noun [ ] xīfāng [gè]

wet Adjective cháoshī de

what Pronoun shénme

wheel Noun [ ] lúnzi [gè]

when Adverb shénme shíhòu

where nǎlǐ

which Pronoun nǎ yī

white Adjective báisè de

who Pronoun shuí

whole Adjective zhěnggè de

whose Pronoun shuí de

why wèishéme

wide Adjective kuān

wife Noun [ ] qīzi [gè]

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wild Adjective yěshēng de

will Noun [ ] yìzhì [gè]

win Noun [ ] huòshèng [cì]

win Verb yíng

window Noun [ ] chuānghù [shàn]

winter Noun [ ] dōngtiān [gè]

wish Noun [ ] yuànwàng [gè]

wish Verb xīwàng

with Preposition hé yīqǐ

without Adverb / Preposition bù dài

woman Noun [ ] nǚrén [gè]

wonderful Adjective měimiào de

word Noun [ ] dāncí [gè]

work Noun [ ] gōngzuò [gè]

work Verb gōngzuò

world Noun [ ] shìjiè [gè]

worry Noun [ ] dānxīn [fèn]

worry Verb dānxīn

write Verb xiě

write Adjective yòubiān de

wrong Adjective cuòwù de

year Noun [ ] nián [gè]

yellow Adjective huángsè de

yes Adverb / Preposition shì

yesterday Adverb / Preposition zuótiān

you Pronoun nǐ

young Adjective niánqīng de

zero Number líng

zoo Noun [ ] dòngwùyuán [gè]

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