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Cultural Factors

Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior.

Marketers need to understand the role played by the buyer's culture,
subculture and social class

Culture is all about human products, and so culture embraces both
aspects: the immaterial aspects of society : language, thought, values,
and material aspects.  like home, clothes, facilities, .. .  Both aspects are
needed to make the product and that is part of the culture.

Cuture in Hanoi
Hanoi people know how to behave.  Nowadays, they care and ask about
each other.  They help each other enthusiastically, honestly..  They will
never forget to thank you for your support, and do not forget to apologize
for interrupting someone. 

Culture in Saigon
Saigon people most prominent is the active lifestyle, busy life. They rarely
calculate with friends, they are enthusiastic, work hard, full of dynamism
and vibrant.  They are easy to accept new things and do not discriminate
against others.  No discrimination on religion or belief, sex.

Subculture means a group culture, a group of people with a common
interest or a culture that makes them distinct from the community. 
However, these cultures and preferences do not go against and affect the
general culture of the whole society.
Groups, communities of each society build their own patterns of behavior,
views, and values.  Often they conform to the norms and values of
society.  When the set of values of the norms, the pattern of action of the
group differs from the general norms, but not in opposition to them, there
is a subculture in the social groups.

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